Learning to look after yourself is something Kaelyn learnt from a young age. Never having anyone caring for her. Nobody that matters. Just her. At the orphanage where she grew up nobody really cared for her, just wanted her for her powers. For her mind. Always being the best thinker. One to come up with different plans and strategies on the spot. Quick on her feet. Making Kaelyn a natural when it came to learning how to be a con artist. Back then it started off as a way the orphanage did to get money. Training the children of how to pick pocket, steal a few valuables so they can then sell it off for money. Using them for their own advantage. Kaelyn not knowing the full extent of all before she turned 18 where it all came into light. Finding out what she is. It all making sense, why she always felt like an outcast all her life. Not being the same species as everyone else. To when first finding her powers the people at the orphanage started to ‘use’ her for her abilities so she could become an asset. Where in reality it was so Kaelyn could help them into bigger cons, for more money. Leaving there soon as she could, escape it. 

Kaelyn’s childhood and life was far from a fairy tale. Choosing to live a lonely life. As the years pass the Instar Diviner feels that she’s losing hope. Is this all her purpose is? To live a life alone. Stealing from the rich so she can then feed and fend for herself. Not having a stabile or normal income as everyone else. Moving ever so often to escape the prying eyes of those around her. Like many people of the supernatural does. A never ending cycle. It was one of the downfalls for being an immortal, wishing that she could have a normal human life. To age normally and one day die. Now Kaelyn was thinking what is the point of it all. It wasn’t so bad now. After meeting Riley, things started to change for the better. So Kaelyn’s not feeling so alone now. Company. It was a strange thing after spending many years alone. Refreshing. Even with all of Riley’s personality and habits so to speak, used to it by now. Her mind often wondered to what if could have been like if she agreed to talk to her cousin. To hear him through. Find out of her past, the reason why her parents abandoned her when she was just a baby. Maybe Kaelyn was afraid to admit that she was scared of abandonment. Thinking that she’d let him in and he’d then leave. Used to people leaving on her. Always feeling that she was never wanted.   

It was getting darker this time of the afternoon. Making it easier to go out an pickpocket a few people. Since they can’t see you coming along with it being rush hour. Everyone hurrying back to go home. It’s more harder to do it in broad daylight so she tried to do it at a time where it’s too dark to see. The Redhead had already had pick pocketed a few people going onto one of the lasts for the night. Enough money to pay for some days worth of food. As Kaelyn was reaching her hand into the males back pocket grasping the wallet to slip it out, for the person not to notice. She suddenly felt a strong grip grasping onto her list as she was brought to a halt too. Feeling a the male twisted her around so they could face one another. She took a large gulp as she looked into his eyes, full of shock knowing too well she'd been caught. Sensing the man was someone more than a normal mundane. “You have the right to remain silent and refuse to answer questions. Anything you say may be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to consult an attorney before speaking to the police and to have an attorney present during questioning now or in the future.” The words echoed from the male, the typical speech used when arresting people. Able to know what was ahead of her and happening now. She was being arrested, pick pocketed the wrong person.

What happened next all happened in a blur. The Instar Diviner knew too well not to act out or try to provoke. Offering her hands out to the police officer before he would force her hands behind her wrists. Hearing as he made some calls before being guided to his car, seeing as he was officer off duty. It weren’t too long till she was guided to the front desk before taken to a room so some documents could be done. Along with her fingerprints to be taken so it could be documented. Searched where they were able to find some cash she had stolen, along with some cards and her phone. Vaguely remembering before being forced to have a mugshot taken. Holding of a sign with her name, inmate number.  As it was getting later, it would mean everything would be moved till tomorrow. Leaving the Redhead to be locked inside a prison cell for the night. Taking her back to the nights in the orphanage in the small room, similar bars on the windows. Leaving her alone with only her thoughts keeping herself company. Blaming herself for how foolish she was. All these years having a clean streak and now she'd been caught. It was even too late to call anyone.

Her thoughts went to Riley, would she notice that she was gone. Would she come looking for her. Tracking her by her scent and all. Kaelyn weren’t too sure. All night she spent trying to think of what to say to the police officers. How could she explain what she does. Along with the documental details. Would they be able to see that they were forged. It weren’t till morning when one of the prison guards told her she was able to make a phone call. Kaelyn had no one to ring. The modern day was still strange for Riley. Whereas she had no other friends to call. A name came into her head. One she had been pondering whether or not it’ll be a good idea to contact. Would he answer her call or shut it down just like to before when she practically slammed the door into his face. The Redhead was guided to one of the phones, lined up behind people. Waiting to take her turn. Watching as the room full of strangers had their eyes on her. Thinking she didn’t belong here, looking out of place. It was true. She was out of place and hated it there. Not wanting to stay any longer than she has to.

When it came to her turn, Kaelyn started at the numbers on the phone. Was she ready to call the only family she had left. To grovel at his feet. In fear she would be locked up. Knowing already it can be a long sentence if all her crimes she’s committed throughout the years from stealing comes out. Taking a deep breath she pressed the numbers into the phone. Having memorised it before from the piece of paper he had given her when they last met. To when he tried to persuade him to talk to him. Kaelyn memorised the numbers, stuck in a constant battle whether to listen to him through. Now it was happening, not the way she’d expected it to be live. As people says there's no time like present. The wait was antagonising as she waited for an answer. For the call to be directed through. Hoping he hadn’t changed his number over the years.

It weren’t too long till she heard a confused hello through the other side of the line. Ready to face her fears. “Wyatt it's me Kaelyn. I’ve messed up and I really need your help. Please come to Evermore City Police station. I promise I’ll tell you more then I’ll hear you out” She pleaded, letting him hear the fear in her voice. Afraid to be stuck in there for any longer. Promising she’d make it all up if he helps to get her out of here. The anticipation of waiting was worst. Would he bail her out or leave her here, that was the big question.

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Wyatt was surprised the floor hadn't finally broken through after the pacing he'd done for so long. If he wasn't walking about, he was sitting on the couch, flipping through all his books in some hopes of finding answers. He wasn't sure why though. The diviner had spent weeks going over the same readings to no avail, but he was somehow hanging onto hope that this time it would be different. This time he would be able to find the thing that would help them with the insane situation they were currently in. His eyes moved from the pages to where his cousin lay on the bed as he could see her from the other room. Kaelyn remained as still as stone. She was their biggest clue, but lost in her own mind now with no way for him to communicate. He knew the spell that could transport his consciousness into her mind, but if something were to go wrong, there would be no one to pull him back out. The more time passed, the more he was willing to take the risk.

The small naps he took throughout this waiting period were hardly restful. He wasn't even sure how many cups of coffee he'd had at this point and when his eyes happened to land on the bar for the alternate option, he realized he'd already had close to the full bottle of whiskey. With another now cold mug of coffee in his hand and a book in the other, Wyatt sat back down in the chair near his bed where he watched the slow rise and fall of his cousin's chest again. His speckled jade hues moved sleepily to the grimoire he held which was opened to the page that had the spell which would transport him into Kaelyn's dreams if she were even dreaming at all. His anxiety was rising more and more from his inability to decide on if he should risk the trip into her mind. "Goddammit..." he cursed in frustration, glancing out of the window and into the woods. He silently made himself a deal that if she wasn't awake within the next few hours, he'd take the leap. 

He wasn't sure when it was that sleep had claimed him and was even more surprised that when his lids reluctantly opened, the coffee he kept in his lap hadn't spilled. Kae wasn't awake and remained the same as she was since falling against him when she slipped into unconsciousness. Wyatt sighed and freed himself of the things in his lap. He wasn't going to wait any longer. Any more time wasted was just leaving them in more unforeseen danger. 

Just as the diviner was about to get up and prepare everything needed for the spell, he saw Kaelyn finally stir. A breath of relief passed through his lips as the heavy weight he felt lifted and he sat back down. "Took you long enough," he joked, trying to survey how she was feeling. Nothing appeared to visibly be wrong, but the blood which escaped her nose again rose alarm bells in his head. "I sent Linus home. I don't think we'll be seeing him again. I gave him a protection charm as well, so whoever was trying to control him shouldn't be able to." Wyatt wasn't blind. He could see there was something his cousin wanted to say and as she finally began, he knew immediately how worried she was because of it. "What? Just tell me, Kae. What's going on?"

The Diviner knew all the risks like any other Diviner who are either light or dark. With one of the rules of magic that everything all comes at a price. That if one would try to go against the forces of nature there are consequences. The good and the bad. That Wyatt would know and understand. He was willing to do it but being the person who she was she stepped in. Both of the Brookes cousins were very experienced with their powers but each of them have different talents that the other was better than the other at. She believed that it would be the best at occlumency than Wyatt was seeing how in the past it had gone wrong for him. Not wanting for that to happen so she stood up. In the past decades back when she had first tried to learn the ways of occlumency she had struggled at first to say the least. With there being times when she would find herself lost trying to find her way of tapping into anyone person's mind. Then all of it would take it out of her and she'd find that she would sleep for hours, days or even weeks at a time. Back then she was by herself. Spending the better part of her life after she had escaped the orphanage by herself. Choosing to learn and train herself with magic that was before she met and reconnected with her only remaining biological relation she has left or so she knows off.  

When she finally woke up, she was left unsure of how long she had been in her slumber from over using her powers. Only hoping that it hadn’t been too long that it would only push her cousin over the edge. That she knew that he would try to go and pull her out. It was something she didn’t want to happen, it’s not worth both of them getting trapped. Lifting up her head she looked over to Wyatt seeing his face was full of worry that it probably has been the same for however long she’d been out. “You know me, I always like to make everything dramatic” She mused teasing softly even trying to hide how weakened and worn out she was feeling right now. At the mention of Linus she worried at first then heard that Wyatt had sent him home. “Was he okay? He didn’t turn into a zombie person?” That she’d be blaming only herself if something had gone wrong and caused bad effects to Linus. She always hated when innocent people ended up being caught in the crossfire caused by her magic. 

Kaelyn knew what was coming next that she wouldn't escape the questions for what she had seen whilst tapping into Linus’s mind to find answers. A part of her life that she had kept from wyatt. There were many things that one of the others kept from each other. That she knew that Wyatt knew some things of her conning life before they had met but not everything. “There’s some things that I never told you of my past. Things I had thought were long behind me, that were dead but I was wrong” She started to say looking over to her cousin showing that there was more to it. “When we first met it wasn’t because I was just going on a holiday or travelling. I was on the run from someone. Someone who was very dangerous. I had thought that he was human, that he’d be dead by now but it seems I was wrong” It was foolish of her thinking that she had gotten away so easily. “The person who is after me is someone who I was once engaged to but I escaped and ran away when I found out who he truly was and the type of crimes he committed. Me being me, I decided to get back at him one last time. So I went and cleared all his accounts, probably took millions of blood money but I didn’t keep any of it. I gave it all away to charity but now he’s back and wanting revenge for what I did…” Looking ashamed of her past and all that happened., tears were threatening to spill from her eyes sharing how scared she was from this man who was still alive haunting her “I brought it all upon myself, it’s all my fault that he’s here. It’s me he’s. He’s targeting those who I love to get at me so that he’d find me at my weakest and most vulnerable. He’s here to kill me so that he finally can seek his revenge” 

A fiance? Wyatt couldn't help but show his surprise at hearing there was a time in Kae's life in which she had truly thought of settling down and not just to make it a long drawn out con. He supposed he couldn't be shocked that it was to someone who was also into the crime life, even if she didn't realize it at the time. He wondered if deep down inside it was something his cousin was just drawn to subconsciously. It was probably a man who was well off and could provide Kaelyn anything she really wanted where having to fend for herself was no longer an issue. Conning people would only be for the fun of it. Even if he didn't necessarily agree with all her choices in deciding who it was she was stealing from, Wyatt certainly wasn't one to judge. It wasn't like he hadn't done his fair share of cons himself, but even so, knowing that she had a chance at being happy and it turned into this made him sad for her.

Wyatt reached for a tissue and handed it to her. The confidence that she always held seemed to be gone and it was almost like staring at a stranger. This ex of hers really terrified Kae and he wasn't going to allow this to continue. "Hey," he said softly to grab her attention as she seemed to be drifting off into her own worried mind. "I'm not afraid of him, okay? Try as he might to get to me and leave you alone and vulnerable, it's not going to happen." He reached for her hand and squeezed it in reassurance. "We're going to figure it out. We'll find him before he gets to us." Wyatt's mind drifted to the last threatening letter he received indicating that whatever it was this man was planning was supposed to come to fruition at last today. The diviner didn't know what that exactly meant or entailed, but he wasn't going to just sit here and accept it. 

"I'm proud of you." He wasn't sure if that was something Kae had ever really heard in her lifetime, seeing as those that were usually the ones to say it were the ones that brought you into this world; Ones who cared for you and watched you grow into the person you were comfortable being. She didn't and never had that foundation. "As far as you've come, and the challenges you've had to deal with, you've turned your life around Kae and I'm proud of you." Wyatt wasn't going to allow this man from her past to ruin what she'd finally achieved. "And way to go on stealing all his money and donating it," he said with a small grin to try and break the heaviness. 

"So, we at least know who it is coming for us now." An idea suddenly came to the front of his mind, though he wasn't sure if it would be too late. "Do you still have something of his? Something that belonged to him stashed at the Archives?" Not only was it a place of knowledge for the coven, but it was a place for safe keeping for those that needed to store some of their magical tools and other property. "Maybe we can put a tracer out on him and find where he is. I can call Malva too and see if she has any suggestions, but at least we'll be able to watch his movements if he hasn't found a way to block himself with magic yet."

Still even now there were things that they kept from one and another. She was sure that for Wyatt he was the same. Both of them have demons of their own and things that happened in their past that they tried their best to forget and to put behind them. Yet for her it wasn’t so simple. Someone who she thought was long dead was now very much alive and now was back to haunt and make her life misery. It seemed like she was losing her touch with how easily this had slipped past her. She was too distracted to see properly all what was going on. Not thinking the person who she had wronged the most hadn’t forgotten. Kaelyn waited to see what Wyatt’s reaction would be when she told him how she was once engaged. That she was right, how shocked he was. They get information about their love life a secret these days for the most part. She’d been with different men and women, labels never mattered to her. Things have changed a lot since she was engaged. That she’d grown as a person, trying to do good but demons of her past couldn’t let go. 

It was rare for her emotions to get the better of her. Right now was probably the first time she’d felt the most vulnerable, scared at that. Letting all her walls down. Near to having a breakdown in front of her cousin. She took the tissue from Wyatt, wiping away the tears that had fallen as she listened to him trying to comfort her. “I’m scared Wyatt. He was an evil person before and now there’s all the supernatural stuff on top” She admitted still in fear for what could happen. Kaelyn knew that she couldn’t risk anything happening to the people who she cares for and the reputation she’d spent so long building for herself here in the city and with the coven. “Maybe I deserve it… to repent for all the money and things I’ve done and done over the years” That she didn’t deserve to be happy for once. 

She was surprised by Wyatt how proud he was of her. It’s something she’s never heard anyone say to her. Never have anyone be supportive of her. “You are?” They’ve come a long way since when they first met me. “Even when knowing all the crimes I’ve committed over the years?” It was true she was no saint but conning was a part of her, something that makes her happy. “Thank you” She smiled softly as he went on saying how far shes come. Even if she was put into a wrong past she didn’t let her growing up define her. Wyatt was more than a cousin to her now, he was like a brother. “I don’t keep all of the money for myself, if not I’d swim in it” She laughed a little. Even if she’s able to have everything she wants there are some things she restricts herself. If not it might draw a little more attention to her if she was filthy rich. 

The unsolved mystery was no more. Now they knew who was after them. Herself had been all over the place, almost forgetting they had the upper hand. Able to use their magic to help. “Oh I think I kept one of his watches” Kaelyn tried to remember if she had kept anything, she had a habit of not getting off everything completely. “We can do that, it could work. Hopefully he doesn't have a diviner on his side” Luckily for them they had Malva, The Aspect of Magic on their side. The battle was not so lost. “You sure that Malva would help us?” Looking over to Wyatt, unsure if they should bother Malva with her problems. Knowing how busy of a person Malva was she didn’t want to be a bother to her. Too she didn’t want to admit she was out of her own depths, that she's a coven leader who needs help of her own. Normally it’s the other way around with people coming to her with troubles of their own wanting for help.

Hearing that Kae still had some of her past with her ex-fiance kept away at the Archives was promising. Wyatt wasn't sure how powerful this former lover of hers was, but he wasn't just an average diviner either. Studying endless amount of texts day in and day out was his life and his brain wanted to soak it in like the sponge of knowledge that it was any free moment he had. His part-time assistants would even joke that on a photoshoot, Wyatt would still be seen with his journal in hand any spare moment if a model needing prodding at by the stylists. Having Malva as his mentor only enhanced his will to be better. Letting her down again was something he could never do a second time and it forced him to always want to do better. He wasn't going to go down without a fight, especially when that fight involved the people he cared about. Kaelyn was his only family now and he'd lay his life down to save hers without hesitation. If it came to that decision, so be it. There were no regrets to be had. 

Standing up, Wyatt sighed in thought, but nodded nonetheless. "Malva will help if we need her. Threats to the coven leader can't be abided by and I'm sure she'll be happy to step in if we can't stop him. Seems like a coward to me since he hides behind the innocent people he tries to control to scare you from afar instead. I'm over these petty mind games." Wyatt was feeling a wave of confidence. Knowing who they were up against opened up a wealth of new spells to try and find him and he was already mentally flipping the pages of what he knew. Gathering up the items he'd had when he'd fallen asleep, the diviner stepped out of the room and started up the coffee machine again before grabbing a bottle of water and bringing it back to his cousin. "Here, take this. When you're feeling strong enough we'll head to the Archives the slow way. I don't want to risk using our teleporting in case we need to later for a quick escape and I'm not so sure your place isn't still being watched to get to our cars." 

He walked into the bathroom which was connected to his room and turned on the faucet, splashing the cold running water onto his face with the hopes he could make the fatigue melt away. Patting the towel over his wet skin did seem to help a bit and he thumbed through the different car services that could pick them up to get to the Archives. Wyatt had been so busy prepping in his head for what could be a final confrontation in only hours to come that he had to stop in his whirlwind and focus back on his cousin. "Are you even up to this?" He pocketed the phone before scheduling the pick up and sat at the end of the bed where she still was. "I'm sure this brings up a lot of painful memories. If you don't want to confront him with me, I wouldn't blame you, Kae. Maybe I could get a couple of the other coven members to help or Malva if she isn't busy."

Like many people she was one to keep some bits of her past with her but in this case she locked it up in the archives. It was where she put the dark part of her past kept away in safe hands. This was the same for this case. Not knowing that an expensive watch she swiped of her ex’s. Instead of pawning it off for some extra cash she chose to keep it. Maybe at first it was that she wanted the reminder, so she could remember all that happened. The good and the bad, now it was more of the bad these days. A part of her couldn’t feel that she was cursed. Payback for all the bad she’s done in the past now this all reminded her back to things she’s been wanting to forget to put it behind her. Both her and Wyatt knew that a watch was better than nothing, that there would be some sort of presence or connection that would help to get them at least something. Even if it would be a small lead. It was what the two of them were hoping for. 

The Diviner didn’t like to take help from others out of her and Wyatt so easily. Always being more of the lone wolf type of person. Before coming to the city she was someone who liked to do things all by herself. The majority of magic that she’s learnt was all from experimenting and from reading endless amounts of texts from different grimmoires that she’d gotten her hands on. With how she next exactly had a Diviner mentor of her own growing up. She knew that Malva was Wyatt’s mentor; she had helped him through something not long ago. “I don’t want to be a burden to her if she has too much in her place” She admitted feeling a little bit apprehensive about it all. That being a leader she feels that she shouldn’t be the one asking others for help. “He always had people who would do his work for him. In the past I never thought none of it until it was nearly too late. Then I quickly got myself out” He wasn’t a type of person who was part of a mafia but he could have been close to it. Using others to do his dirty work even if it meant brainwashing people.

Still she’d felt weak after passing out feeling that she could sleep for days even weeks. Always whenever she’d tap into someone elses mind she’d feel exhausted but not like this it was like on another level. She saw her cousin coming back in with the goods. “Coffee great, thanks” She grinned at the sight of the hot cup of coffee. Knowing she was in the need of it right now.  “Yeah that sounds best” It was foolish of them to use their teleporting they only had so many uses of it. They didn’t want to waste it. It would be stupid of them to use it as a shortcut of getting to and from places like others would do. 

Her and Wyatt knew that this wasn't going to be easy. “I want this. I want for this all to be over with. It won’t be over until he’s gone for good” The redhead sighed heavily wishing it for all to be over. Already they’ve wasted so long over this and they’ve only just started to get to the bottom of it all.

Wyatt nodded to his cousin. He could tell how tired she was from it all, but not just in the exasperated way. What happened to her only hours before was still taking its toll on her and he could see it. He wrapped his arm around her shoulders and pulled her against him in a comforting gesture before standing up with a sigh and looking down to her. "Then let's make sure he's gone for good. We get him out of your life no matter what." He understood her want to keep this between just them. Kaelyn was the leader of the coven currently and all of this drama was probably something she didn't want out in the open, aired out for all the other diviners to see. He could respect that decision, even if he would've felt a little better having back up, he wasn't going to back down from a fight either just because it was the unknown. The unknown was pretty much all he ever dealt with when he was off in the world on some search for some new magical artifact.

After the two had gotten themselves together as best they could, Wyatt led the way towards the car that awaited them. He turned around once to glance back at the house and felt the protection around the home still in place. All the warding was holding as it should and it was beyond the normal safeguard than most diviners to ensure nothing that he didn't want to was getting in or out. If they did have to come back here as an escape, Wyatt wanted to know they wouldn't be porting themselves back into some type of trap. Though, telling Kae to port to Fiji right now felt like more safety for her than what they were about to do, but he knew he couldn't tell her to run. They needed to deal with what was in front of them and fight not flee.

The ride to the Archives was mostly silent. He wasn't sure if it was because of what was ahead of them and all the thoughts going through their heads or just because there was a stranger driving them and speaking freely wasn't exactly an option. Regardless, as they pulled up to the conventional looking building that appeared a library from the outside, Wyatt did feel slightly relieved. It was nearing the end of the day and the parking lot was mostly empty of cars except for the few diviners who might be there, but it was like a fortress in there. A second home. Despite it's grandeur when you stepped inside, Wyatt knew all the ins and outs of the place should they need. 

Opening the doors, Wyatt led the way towards the back of the building which was more than a minute walk to go to, passing all the rows of books and artifacts in locked cases. He knew which of the many rooms belong to Kae, having been the one to get it setup for her in the Archives when she first moved to Evermore. He stopped at the door and waited for her to open the room up as it would only open for the one who it belonged to and no one else except the Keeper. "Shall we?"

It was clear that by now it was time for them to take charge. To make the first move before they figure out that they are onto them. Like anyone else in their position would be. Before now their enemies had the advantage on them but luckily her and Wyatt was able to figure it out. “It’s been a long time coming. I should have done it years back but I thought it was all behind me. But it wasn’t” Still she was blaming and putting herself down for all of this. It was her own problem now she’s dragging Wyatt and others into it. She didn’t like putting others lives at risk because of her. All of it was making her feel anxious. Only she knew what he was like that he was dangerous back then when she thought he was human. Let alone now and wasn’t as easy to get rid of than she thought to believe all these years. Maybe it was karma on her end. That by now something bad was bound to catch up to her. 

Kaelyn knew that had to do something soon. That they were wasting time just sitting about without coming up with an actual plan. In a more ideal world she would rest and regain back the strength that she’d lost. Performing dark magic had already taken a lot out of her but she didn’t want her to be the reason for losing any more time. Or to put themselves into any more troubles or risks than there are already. So she did what she always does. To put herself back together. Putting up the walls so on the outside she looks like her normal self. Not letting anyone or anything get to her. Before leaving Wyatt’s house she went to the bathroom where she kept a few of her things. Splashing cold water over face , waking and pulling herself together. The Diviner looked up at the mirror above the sink, looking at her reflection as she took a moment to reflect before pulling her red hair into a ponytail before applying her signature red lipstick. Now she was ready. 

She soon followed Wyatt to his car rather than taking her own. With how now they had to stick together. It was more dangerous now to go alone than like it was before. They couldn’t risk it either yet to use their teleporting, not knowing if they’d need to use it more later on. There was always something they had to think about. Having a plan B or escape plan was one of them if it would come to it. Hopefully not. The car journey to the archive building didn’t take too long, she tried her best not to fall asleep during it. Luckily she didn’t. When they arrived at the place, she let Wyatt take the lead. Knowing that he’d probably already started to figure out what they might exactly need to be looking for first. Wyatt was always better at strategizing and planning when it comes to something like this. He soon led them both to one of the rooms that belonged to her. It was him who was insisting that she kept all of her valuable items and those that could be dangerous if gotten in the wrong hands locked up. At first she wondered why he was so insistent about it but now she could understand why he was paranoid. “This is it” She nodded her head looking over to wyatt one last time knowing there was no going back again. 

Looking over to the door it unlocked moments later like it almost sensed that she was here for it. That she was. It was her own Room of Requirement almost. Taking a step forward she took the lead with how it was her room; she knew where it was all kept. “Let’s start looking, there’s quite a lot of stuff in here. I kept adding some of my con stuff in here since I’ve already used up my other storage lock ups. So there’s a bit of overflow” Unlike her home this place wasn’t that organised yet everything had a place. Just the big question was exactly there. Kaelyn could be picturing the look of horror on Wyatt’s face to her unorganized room. Knowing that this would be the opposite, knowing him. 

As Kaelyn opened the door to her room, he glanced behind him for a moment to make sure they weren't being followed. Wyatt didn't know how powerful her ex was, but to be able to control people in the way that he did was incredibly dark magic. It also required a capable diviner which clearly was the case. He wondered how his cousin hadn't picked up on what he truly was so long ago, but he of course didn't know the whole backstory of their relationship and now wasn't exactly the best time to nitpick it apart. Whatever magic he was in possession of was something they couldn't afford to turn their noses up at. Wyatt hadn't seen that kind of magic used in that way before, especially in the capacity at which it was being produced. Taking control of someone's mind and body didn't tend to last for a long period of time, but he was taking these people for extended rides. 

Wyatt's eyes glanced around at all the disfunction of the room. Clearly it was not the same as her home had been which caused him to suddenly have a thought that provoked a crooked smirk. While her house was immaculate, her rooms here were unorganized, but as his house was always a disaster, his rooms at the Archives were always in order; for the most part anyway. Looking around, he wondered how much of this was actually stolen from her marks and what was really 'hers'. Wyatt shook his head and began going through the boxes of her life, wondering the story behind many of the items he put aside in hopes of finding the watch. Thankfully, it didn't take very long.

"Here. I think I found it." He pulled the expensive watch from a case and held it up for confirmation. Wyatt could see immediately why she would be drawn to him due to his wealth. This wasn't something the average person could afford. The diviner looked away from his cousin and focused on the watch, reciting the Latin words needed to perform the reverse locator spell. He was hoping to get a glimpse of anything at all that might lead them to where their enemy was hiding, but there was nothing. Whatever cloaking her ex had performed, it was covering him completely. He closed his eyes in frustration for a few moments, feeling the weight of the disappointment. "Shit." Wyatt dropped the watch back into the box and looked to his cousin in dismay. Now what? He pulled his phone from his back pocket and figured it was time for backup. "I'm going to call Malva. I have some amulets in my storeroom that I'll grab so we can remain hidden from him without having to worry about constantly holding up a cloaking spell. I'll be right back."

Standing, Wyatt touched Kaelyn's shoulder in reassurance and went back out into the massive building. The walk to his belongings didn't take more than few minutes or so and he wouldn't have even remembered it because his brain was going a mile a minute trying to think of what they could do next. Thankfully, the Mesopotamian amulets were just where they should've been which he grabbed and hurried back to his cousin's side. He slid his finger over the screen of the phone and was just about to punch in Malva's name when his gaze caught someone moving into the Kaelyn's room. "Kae?" Wyatt's footsteps quickened until he went at a full run as his heart dropped into his stomach. "Kaelyn!" 

Now she only wishes that it would be all over with. That she and Wyatt could just go on about with their normal lives, not having to worry about there being people who were following them. For it all go back to how it was when the only thing they had to worry about was their actuall jobs and lives. Yet nothing was simple as that. There was no easy or get out of jail free card for the two of them. Like always. She felt bad for dragging Wyatt into her own problems but Kaelyn knew that he wouldn’t have it any other way. That was who he was, putting himself at risk to help others. In many ways she was the same now. Before becoming coven leader she was a lot more selfish.  Someone who just thought of themselves, no ties or nothing. Now it was all different. The leadership and all changed her as a person but for the better. Yet it didn’t seem that everyone thought with all the threats she was getting but now at least she knew who it was coming from now how to put a stop to it. 

The Diviner was glad that she had listened to Wyatt when he told her about getting her own vault at the archives for all of the stuff she’d collected over the years. It helped her to not have so much stuff hoarded at her place and other locked units she had scattered all around. It made her feel a lot happier about being all secure and in one place rather than being in all different places. Now it was coming in handy for a situation they were having just like now. Soon as the door opened of her own vault she looked and was waiting for the look on Wyatt’s face. The redhead knew it was going to be priceless. The organised mess was only saying how much of a pack rat she was. 

All of the mess was now making her think whether or not they would be able to find the watch within all of the boxes and belongings she had stored. “I just keep adding and adding to it” She admitted sheepishly. Already having expanded the vault to give her more room already for all of her stuff. “There’s some stuff I’ve found in pawn shops, some of it is fake then some of it is real” She was a regular at the pawn shops in the city. Even her and the owner were on a first name basis. It did help her when she was looking for something specific but it too said that she was there too often. Kaelyn followed Wyatt in search of the watch. The two of them were starting to go through different boxes but on opposite sides of the room to each other. 

Kaelyn had found herself looking for everything other than the watch. There was one thing that caught her eye. Something that had been locked away for good measures but the diviner couldn’t explain it but she felt almost like a pull towards it. That there were whispers in her head wanting her to go and get what was locked away. Kaelyn was too distracted by it; she hadn’t even heard or noticed that Wyatt had found the watch and went off to go and retrieve something from his own vault to unlock it. Moments later she had found the book was in her hands. It was an acciencent and dark grimmior that had been in her and Wyatt’s family for generations. Kaelyn could remember her and Malva keeping it locked up in her vault away from Wyatt so that he wouldn’t be ableb to get his hands on it. Remembering how the last time it was in their hands that it went badly. Yet she found herself holding the book in her hands, just like Wyatt had once before. The Diviner had remembered the spell that she heard Malva used to unlock the book yet the Aspect of Magic didn’t know that she was listening but she did. Kaelyn felt herself being drawn to the grimmiore that it was reaching out to her. The pull was too strong her to ignore, then moments later she used the spell that she heard Malva chant. Suddenly the book opened for her, as soon as it opened she could feel something in her start to change as the dark magic was starting to get hold of her just as it did to Wyatt. Feeling as she was frozen starting as the book was starting to take it’s hold on her.

Wyatt slid into the room in an attempt to stop his momentum as panic took over him. The adrenaline coursing through him suddenly waned as his eyes landed on his cousin and what she was holding. Her focus was zeroed in on the book she held and the world began to slow then when he realized what it was she was in possession of. The pull from the grimoire was immediate as the whispers from it tried to regain Wyatt's trust once again and he shook his head to be rid of it. Still, Wyatt lost all sense of everything else in that moment as he was struck in the back of his head and crumpled to a knee.

A second later someone punched him in the jaw making the world spin even more from the previous blow and sending him to his back. He tried to focus on Kaelyn as the cursed grimoire's magic pressed further into his mind in attempts to coerce him into using its power to fight back against their foe. A foe in which he still hadn't identified in all the chaos. Wyatt's hands came to his head while he tried to gain his wits back, but still his concern was only for his cousin then. He knew what that book could do and he knew Kaelyn did too. In all the dangerous situations he'd been in, nothing was as worse as what happened in his life when he found that grimoire. 

Malva had given him the path to fight back and so he did, using all the techniques and training to ignore the physical pain and pull the book was causing for not giving into it. "Kae, don't..." Wyatt's voice was weak, but Kaelyn did not flinch and he knew then it was too late just like it had been for him. Like the drug it was, it now had its hooks in her. The diviner came to his knees, but someone quickly wrapped him into a rear naked chokehold from behind, lifting him easily to his feet. Wyatt gripped onto the man's arm which felt like a tree trunk while the air he tried to breathe was being constricted. Even still, he put his hand outward and tried to pull the grimoire away from his cousin's hands telekinetically, but it was useless. Kaelyn's connection and focus to the book was solidified, even as a new figure walked into the room.

Wyatt tried everything to fight his way out of the hold from the giant of a man behind him, knowing this new figure that walked slowly towards Kaelyn was most likely her ex who was brazen enough to come into the Archives and carry out whatever plan he intended. He didn't want to admit it to himself, but perhaps the book would be the only way to get out of this situation as her former flame was anything but the standard diviner. Everything in him knew the fallout would be catastrophic, but perhaps this would be the road to save themselves. 

Kaelyn knows that she should know better. With how dangerous it was for the two of them stepping into the archives. It was a room which was filled full of magical enertries from the accient grimmories that have been passed down from each generation or collected over the years. To magical objects along with their own collection of cursed objects. It was no secret that both her and Wyatt were bad as each other when it came to collecting valuable and dangerous things.  Them being in here was like stepping into a lion's den, with one of them who would be going to take the bait. Kaeyln was soon going to regret suggesting or even stepping foot in this place with how unstable she already was. Before she knew it she had found her holding one of the most dangerous things there was in the room. Last time she was the person who had taken it away from her cousin but this time Wyatt was too late to save her. 

The Grimmiore was too powerful now she was the latest person to fall for it’s dark power. The Diviner had heard whispers to start off with when it first was pulling her towards it. As time was starting to pass the whispers turned into proper words. It was like the devil was talking to her and she was the one who was listening. It all was too late for her; the grimmiore has taken another person, another Brookes at that. Whilst this was all happening to her she’s lost focus of all that was happening around her. Kaelyn hadn’t even noticed that Wyatt was being attacked by someone who came out of nowhere. Another person who was to attack her cousin today. Even Wyatt couldn’t snap her out of the trance that she was in. Only meaning one thing. They were in deep trouble… 

It only took for Wyatt nearly dying to snap her out of the trance at last. The whole room was blurry when she came out of it, the whispers and the hold from the book was still there but she had to try to push past it. To her right she could see Wyatt in the Darth Vader choke hold. “Wyatt!” She gasped seeing cousin was in danger. “Get off my cousin!” Kaelyn exploded having had enough of Wyatt being used as a punching bag all day. This was the last straw. You wouldn’t want to mess with her now that was for sure. She lifted up her arm using her telekinesis powers Wyatt was soon freed from the choke hold. Easily able to save him when he wasn’t having much luck himself. Kaelyn could feel the power from the book was on her side. Unknown to her that it wasn’t Fae power. Looking up Kaelyn was faced with someone who she thought she would never see again in the flesh. “It’s you!” She spoke with no emotion giving one of her signature cold looks. Being face to face with the devil. 

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