If it wasn't evident from all the shuffling and fixing of his clothes Leigh was doing in the mirror, he was nervous. How could he not be nervous when this was the first time he was going on a public date...well ever. He had been insistent he didn't want to go for a while, Leigh didn't do well with crowds and much preferred to stay at home but Irene had reminded him that many potential investors for the cafe were going to be at the party. In the end he had reluctantly agreed, how bad could it really be right? A bit of dancing...listening to people talk about themselves and maybe some food.

He was trying to convince himself it would be okay, fumbling over the invitation the other day when Eun had come over for a surprise visit, they had been more common lately. Their relationship felt like it was at the start of this crazy big journey Leigh didn't know yet and while Leigh knew things were complicated, more complicated than he wanted to admit. The kitsune was happy beyond belief. Of course Eun had noticed his nervous state and asked to see the invitation before insisting he was coming along with him. In one part Leigh was relieved he wouldn't have to face the party on his own but on the other, the therian was worried about showing the not so great parts of himself.

Like this one for example, Leigh could barely breathe because of the nerves he was feeling as he did up the buttons of his suit jacket and then headed out into the lounge. He smiled because Minha ran over to greet him and he laughed under his breath "I know I look like a penguin" he responded as he scratched under her chin and then behind her ears. When he heard the doorbell Leigh snapped out his daydreaming and headed over to the door, opening it without hesitation. It wasn't Eun he was nervous about seeing but Leigh did gasp as his eyes trailed over him "Wow..." he spoke softly and blushed a little "You look amazing...I mean you always look amazing...but...your hair" Leigh swore he had never felt so attacked by a forehead before in his life. Of course before he could reach for Eun, Minha was already pushing her way between them, vying for Eun's attention "I think she missed her cuddle buddy" he spoke softly. 

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He shrugged and cleared his throat as he attempted to make it seem more optimistic than it probably was "I mean... if we look at it from their perspective, it's not... a bad thing when you are financially stable and have more than enough to afford another wife... or two. Or three more. But yeah I can see why... it's yeah" He gave up trying to explain by the end because Eun too, was not a fan seeing as their first wife get sidelined by another mistress that the man was likely to divorce before the month ends. "Rich people are... weird, Leigh. I stopped trying to understand them a long time ago and just did my job without looking back" It helps when he closed himself and stood far from such a circle despite working closely with such people.

The elder Moon knew not to get himself involved when he does not need to. He chuckled softly when the kitsune pointed out how the man sounds horrible "All the bad people are... very cunning when they want to be. It surprises me how they can be more cunning than my kitsune..." He stroked his hair gently and brought his hand down to tilt Leigh's chin, softening his eyes as he looked into the other male's dark hues "Yeah, don't argue with me, I argue for a living and I never... lose, baby. I don't like losing... hate to break that streak now, right?" Eun emanates a certain dominant aura sometimes which comes with the whole work he has on the line.

"But just between us... I would let you win any day Leigh... you know that right?"

Money meant nothing to me if he couldn't fulfill his happiness and with his work and high-profiled clients, the dhampir has made plenty of them, more than enough to last them for a while to live a comfortable life. He just wanted a simple life with the man he loves. He was elated because he knew the day to meet Leigh's parents was coming very soon. When asked if he wanted to come back to Leigh's place, the dhampir hummed softly in affirmation as he clasped his hand around the kitsune's "No other place I'd rather be..." 

Leigh couldn’t help but laugh when Eun attempted to put a positive spin on what he was describing “It doesn’t matter how you look at it, it’s weird as hell” he scoffed and shook his head, he never really understood the obsession with money, it was a nice thing to have but if you lost sight of everything you were in search of it, what was the point? “Still it must be weird for you right, you have to do your best for people who might not deserve it” he pondered it, wondering if Eun always felt successful when he won a case if he knew the person was wrong deep down.

Leigh pouted slightly but the dhampir wasn’t wrong, he wasn’t really the best example of kitsune, he wasn’t very good at lying because he felt pressured inside to do the right thing, so even though he was immune to supernatural powers, anyone who knew him even a little well would be able to see through him easily. “It’s good that I have other…better charms…right” he mumbled softly as he stared back into the other male’s soft gaze. “Is that why you chose to be a lawyer?” he knew that his parents pushed him down the road but he was also sure that Eun had some sway in his own destiny.

He blushed softly when Eun confessed he would let him win though “I guess that makes me your weakness…huh” he whispered softly and smiled “But I want you to win…” honestly there was nothing more attractive than seeing his boyfriend all fired up over something. Naturally, the kitsune headed in the direction of his place, hand clasped firmly against the dhampir’s, it felt more natural than anything he had experienced before. Which is why he had no doubts in his mind about introducing his parents to him…this was his right choice. Finally.

“Rich people are weird” he shrugged, he learned to acceptnit and not try to understand it because it doesn’t really affect him. “Money is power and these people are greedy and bloodthirsty for power.” He was sure if money wasn’t used as an instrument to check whether a person is powerful or not, it wouldn’t matter and whatever currency you have wouldn’t be as big of a deal in today’s economy. “That’s what happens when you’re an attorney, Leigh… you often have to defend people you know don’t deserve it. It’s pretty exhausting and annoying…” But work is work after all.

When he pointed out how bad of a liar Leigh was, he chuckled because it’s obvious the kitsune was also quite flustered since that’s the truth to it. He ruffled his hair and pecked his cheek “Don’t worry you have better charms…” He wouldn’t worry too much about it. “I wanted to be a lawyer to help people… people in need. I want to be district attorney because I want to be able to deal with big cases. The cases people brush off because people in power would.”

He chuckled when Leigh told him he wanted him to win “You amaze me sometimes with your tendency to be cute without realizing, I guess that’s part of your many charms.” The idea of being introduced to Leigh’s parents after a while of dating makes him worried and nervous because just like most boyfriends, what if the family was not fond of him? What if they wouldn’t approve of him? What then? Eun was never one to give up but he wanted to be considered before having to fight for it.

It didn’t take a long time for them to finally get back to their now shared spot, he unlocked the door and closed it behind them before taking off his coat and going straight to the fridge to get a tub of ice cream out. “Let’s eat this a bit and watch a movie… but wash up first.”

Leigh frowned slightly when Eun said he had to defend people that don’t deserve it “How do you process that in your head…do you just have to go onto autopilot?” Eun wasn’t an emotionless husk like some of these big-shot lawyers were and he cared far more about the job itself than he did the paycheck. “Have you ever refused a case?” he was really curious about it all because it was a world he would never really have a foot in.

He blushed and bowed his head slightly when Eun said he had better charms “Well I must have managed to draw you in somehow right?” he mumbled it softly, honestly he still didn’t have an answer to that question he actually understood but the other male being here was proof he had something. “You have such a strong sense of justice” he complimented and smiled “You must be so proud when you can defend someone who otherwise might not have a single chance…” especially when up against lawyers who get paid insane money.

The moment they got inside, Minha ran up to Eun immediately, jumping up at his legs as though to demand he give her tribute. The kitsune watched with soft eyes as the other male headed across the room and took out ice cream so naturally. He took off his coat and shoes before following him inside. He made his way across the kitchen before taking out 2 spoons from the drawer and offering one to him. But first he reached to cup his cheek, pulling him closer and kissing him softly “Welcome home” he whispered softly as they parted.

When Leigh asked how he actually managed to do all those things without letting his morals affect him, the dhampir pursed his lips slightly and shrugged “Honestly? I have no idea how I just completely shut it off. It’s not autopilot… it’s more like a switch I have to go ahead and pull the lever from… easier said than done though, that’s what I can tell you.” It has never been easy to defend someone rotten from the justice system, especially when you are good enough to pull the strings from afar and make it go your way.

Eun’s a good lawyer, his clients are mostly high profiled after he finished his 2nd year. But it didn’t come without a cost. When asked if he ever refused a case, he shook his head “It doesn’t work like that… you cannot just say no.” After a while, he had grown numb to it. “If your firm says take it, then you bet your ass you will take it one way or another.” It doesn’t help that even in the legal world, everything is at risk of being competition as well.

“Lawyers are like artists… you either age well like fine wine or you age like spoilt milk. It’s a face paced industry… you need to be at your best all the time or else they will just move onto the next big thing.” Eun has been struggling to keep his position for a whole year and it gets easier, but at the same time, it also gets harder.

“You did more than just draw me in baby…” Leigh was magnetic, he is this ball of sunshine Eun realized he wanted but not necessarily needed. Which makes things even better. The desire to possess Leighton Kingsman has made the dhampir different. “I’m glad I can still uphold the justice system somewhat… but I will never label myself righteous… I can’t be a superhero after all.” So when he can physically help them, he also tries his best to make up what he lacked from fighting in the court.

He took the spoon from the kitsune and moaned softly in response to the cold creamy texture of the ice cream hitting his taste buds. “Home… what a nice word…” Eun believed they could build it into something more but a part of him was also nagging, his happiness might not last as long as he thought it would. He leaned his head against Leigh’s shoulder as they watched the television play a comedy show, with Minha nestled against the dhampir’s left side.

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