"I'm all in baby" was the last thing he had said to her before heading away from her house, he wondered how things had changed so quickly between them and yet it felt like this had been a long time coming. They'd known one another for years, been friends for most of that and in time she had become the single person he reached for first. She was the first one he wanted to talk to in the morning and the last person he wanted to wish goodnight. It was hard to imagine his life without her. 

Watching her rush off to her room he headed out the door and started walking the distance to Han's place, thankfully it wasn't too far. He didn't waste any time as he headed in, grabbed some clothes from the chest of drawers and piled them into his duffel bag before looking around and grabbing his blanket off the bed, he was used to traveling pretty light so it didn't take him long to gather up the essentials. He wasn't really sure what their next few days were going to look like but he felt optimistic, which wasn't something the young star was used to. He wondered if the feeling would last. 

He scrawled a quick note to Han not to expect him home for a few days and then headed out, grabbing his keys and getting into his car. Before long he was pulling up outside the house once again. He got out and checked the state of the car, making sure all the lights were working and none of the tires looked like they were on their last legs, he didn't want to risk breaking down in the middle of the trip.

Knowing the door was unlocked he headed inside just in time to see her coming down the stairs. She looked so much brighter and happier than she did the first time he saw her today and he felt his heart lurch in his chest in response "You look...shimmery" he commented a little bluntly, but the sentiment of what he was thinking was there.

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She was glad she could share her moments with him, things that make her happy. And the fact that he was comfortable with sharing with her the things that made *him* happy too. It felt like they had nothing to hide whatsoever. Was there pressure? Initially yes, but the more they go into this trip, the more the aurazin realized there needn't be one. Nothing changed, they just decided they liked each other more than what regular friends would and that's... completely fine.

"You really do like seeing different hairstyles on me don't you? You have a thing for my hair" She teased but nodded so she could confirm his assumptions. "I like to braid my hair, my mother used to do it for me but I made sure to learn so I could do it on my own after... marrying, you know?" Even though she was limited to do a lot of things back then, Astraea was pretty independent. "Like what we said... we are both very simple people, no?" And that makes everything so much easier.

His larger hand clasped into hers, it felt warm. Strangely comfortable too. It wasn't the first time she has touched his hand but not like this. She raised her eyebrow when he he dragged her "I wonder what it is you're planning now, starboy..." Whatever it is, she's ready for it. But as soon as she sensed the change in his aura and him biting his lip in disappointment, she leaned against him as she watched the fireworks shooting up, marveling at the sight, showing that she was still in awe "It's so beautiful..."

He bit his lip softly, maybe she was right and he really did “It’s not just your hair…I noticed when you tried that new lip tint…and that time when you decided to wear pants for a week just to try it out” he noticed all the little things she did because…she was important to him and he knew she was conscious of the way she looked. “So it was something you shared with your mother” he commented and smiled softly, well that made it even more special…he would have a new appreciation for it.

“Simple…but important none the less” just because they liked simple things and didn’t lead exaggerated lives didn’t mean they deserved any less than anyone else. It just meant the smaller things meant more. After he stopped, he looked down to their joined hands and bit his lip softly before turning his gaze to the sky, he chewed on his bottom lip slightly “It is” he mumbled softly as he turned to face her for a moment, her eyes looked sparkly where she marveled at the sky.

“I want a thousand more simple days like this” he murmured softly as he paused for a moment, his eyes slowly taking in every part of her face, he slowly lifted his hand to cup her face gently, giving her time to process his intent. He dropped his gaze to her lips and then her eyes as though to ask her for permission before he leaned in to close the small gap left between them.

She didn't expect him to list the things he noticed her doing, that actually made her blush because he saw... all of that? He noticed she was trying to look prettier? Honestly Astraea didn't think Sunmin would pay any mind to it. "You noticed all..." Wow. She nodded excitedly as she reminisced what she used to do with her mother "I was very close to her... we fight sometimes but I was her firstborn... her product of true love..." Of course it was lasting.

The sight of the fireworks made her marvel at the sky because the color combinations were the ones she never thought would actually look good next to each other but somehow Disneyland managed to make it work. Her eyes were sparkling the entire time while she watched the fireworks littering the sky with their bright colors.

When he cupped her face, she blinked a few times in confusion because she was watching the fireworks and was about to ask him what's wrong and why he's not averting his gaze to the sky but when he leaned in, she closed her eyes briefly before opening them, just in time for when their lips meet each. God he had softer lips than she imagined. She's really having her first kiss right now. When fireworks were going off in the background. Astraea wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him close, deepening the kiss and just letting her body do the rest.

He pressed his lips together for a moment wondering if it was strange for her to notice those things “Yeah…you looked especially pretty those days” he mumbled softly, not that she didn’t every day but…he noticed the days when she put in the extra effort. “Sounds like you were lucky to have her” the product of true love sounded like a fairytale “I hope that I can make you feel the way she did for him…” with time…maybe.

Maybe he was supposed to be looking at the fireworks, they were beautiful after all, but there was nothing more beautiful to him in that moment than her. Those big doe eyes, her expression of awe…the shift in the way she was now compared to before. She looked confused for a moment but then the realization set in and she met him halfway.

Her lips felt soft and he could taste a hint of strawberry from her chapstick, it was gentle for a moment, almost like the two of them were in disbelief but as her hands came to wrap around his neck, he slowly dropped his to her waist and pulled her in against him, the kiss saying so many unsaid things, as she deepened it, he parted his lips as and kissed her more passionately. The sound of the fireworks fading compared to the pounding of his heart in his chest.

When they finally parted there was a sparkle in his eyes too “Are you sure you’re new at this?” he commented in a soft voice. Because he swore he was already addicted

When he said she looked especially pretty in those days where she pulled extra effort to actually dress up, she giggled because that's what she wanted. For someone to notice she's putting in the effort to look pretty... for them. "I can look pretty for you..." She can be. Hell she probably even wanted to do it more. "It won't be far... but I hope I get to feel at least even half of what she felt when she fell in love with my father..." Her mother had a penchant for epic love stories but then again, her dad did die before she was even born.

She was staring at the fireworks, it made the sky a whole canvas to which she was very much focused on. To the point she didn't even notice he was actually staring at her more than the sky. Kissing him felt... crazy. It was probably everything she wanted and yet she felt overwhelmed.

The feeling of his lips pressed against her, his slightly chapped lips, the smell of his cologne. Everything. She didn't want to pull away at all but then he did and she actually whimpered in return "I am... why did you pull away...." She whined softly and pecked him softly more. "Why did you stop kissing me..."

“You do” he responded without hesitation when she said she could look pretty for him, he wouldn’t have noticed all those things if it wasn’t for the fast he thought she looked pretty. Especially when she wore pretty colors on her lips, he had to stop himself from staring at times. “You’ll have to tell me more about their story sometime…” he was curious about the people important to herm they clearly left marks on the aurazin that would last for eternity.

He could feel her desperation in her kiss, the way her fingers held him tight like she was scared her would let go if she loosened her grip for a moment. She met his lips with equal measure, matching the intensity of his own movements. For a first kiss, it shot straight to the top of the list for him, she felt gentle, even a little frail in his arms.

When he pulled away, he fluttered his eyes open slowly only to hear her whimper, without missing a beat she closed the gap between them again, he could see she was up on her tiptoes just to reach him, which made him smile against the pecks she placed on his lips “I wanted to see the look in your eyes..” he mumbled softly but returned her kiss nonetheless, bringing his hands to play with hair, just like he always imagined.

"I'm pretty..." She repeated to herself a few times and then smiled. "I've always wanted my boyfriend to think I'm pretty... I don't know about you but we both know I have somewhat of a self conscious image going on..." To hear her friend who turned into someone more tell her what she wanted to hear was... Nice. She felt acknowledged. "After all, who doesn't want to be called pretty by their boyfriend right?"

It was cute that he wanted to hear about her parents and how they came to be together. It was also a topic she was taken aback from because she did not expect that. "You want to hear the story of how my mom met my dad and thus had... me? Wow Sunmin, that's quite the intimate topic isn't it?" She teased. "But I'll tell you, when we have time you'll know, I promise." Telling him the story of her mother who had plenty of epic love stories with her father made her feel excited even though he technically passed before she was even born.

She blinked a few times when he pulled away "So... what did you see?" The kiss they shared was soft and equally passionate at the same time but the adrenaline rushing through her veins didn't seem to agree with that. Astraea didn't want to stop. She tugged on his bottom lip slightly as she pulled away with a smile "You... really make my day, Sunmin Park... truly." She grabbed his hand and they walked away "Any other plans for the night?"

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