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After watching her parents die, Rosabelle was taken to the hide out of the biker group called The Nightshade Rebels. They weren't kind to her but did make sure she was bandaged and let her heal for a few weeks after she was kidnapped. Rosabelle wore a raggedy old shirt that one of the men gave her that stopped at her knees due to her small form. She was only 14 when the men would tell her to get them things like food or beers. Rosabelle even cleaned the hang out which was deep into the woods.
This continued for a few more years as the bikers would leave her for days at a time, sometimes locked in her closet like bedroom. Rosabelle heard the motorcycles pull up as she stood ready to be let out to clean or even cook for the 13 bikers. The leader, Levi opened her door and pulled her out roughly. "Ok girl get to work on food for the boys." He said with a rough voice. Rosabelle nodded as she started cooking at the small kitchen. While the men sat and laughed while she cooked, Rosabelle made sure she cooked the food for them but felt off. Being 16, Rosabelle could tell something was different about her but waved it off when she heard Levi yell about food. She quickly finished the food and gave the plates to each of the men before sitting down next to the closet.
Listening to the men chewing and them laugh at things made Rosabelle's ears ring which she winced in pain at the ringing as it kept going. Rosabelle continued to look down at her feet when she held back the tears from the ringing growing louder and louder while the men grew louder with their laughter. Before Rosabelle could look up, the door busted down by a rather large man. She quickly reacted by getting in the closet and hiding. The ringing grew louder as it drowned out the sounds of the men getting their buttons kicked by a small group of people.
Dominic sighed slightly and glanced to the door of the neighbor in question before looking back down to her. "He's a bit of a shut-in for now since he's only arrived a few weeks before you. He's been through some trauma too and is trying to adjust. Don't take it personally if you bump into him in the hallway and he seems standoffish or he doesn't come to introduce himself as he's already been notified you'll be moving in." The therian nodded towards the key again for her to open the door to what would be a new beginning to a different life.
Stepping inside, the apartment was furnished, but with mostly just the basics and not the small personal touches. It was staged looking like you would find when going to buy a new house, but still nice nonetheless, especially since it was converted from what the warehouse used to look like. He walked through the entryway and motioned to her bedroom and the bathroom across from it before heading further in and into the living room with an eat-in kitchen off to the side in the open concept space. Dominic pulled on the heavy drawn curtains to reveal the floor to high ceiling windows that looked out over the harbor and further into the busy city a few blocks over. Turning, he looked at the frail girl who looked like she could shatter at any second. "Another guard will be by in a bit to stock up the fridge and cabinets with food and to crash on the couch to stay with you the night." He was already getting antsy and rolled his shoulders, dreading the inevitable face to face he was going to have to have with Curtis's mother.
Dom's phone began vibrating in his pocket and he saw the familiar phone number of another guard, presumably the one that would be taking his place to be with Rosabelle for the night. He picked up and pushed open the balcony door to step outside and leaned against the railing. "Almost here?" The response was not one he was expecting. Turns out she wasn't going to be coming by for the night and was being called away for another emergency mission and he would be the one staying the night. Dominic nearly growled in the phone and didn't care to keep his voice down when he began to protest. Apparently it wasn't up for debate when rank was pulled at the mention of their leader. Cursing, he hung up, but not before making sure someone would be seeing Curtis's mother tonight.
The guard came back inside of the apartment and slammed the door so hard, the glass shuddered. A low growl rumbled from his chest before he sighed and looked to the other therian for a few quiet moments of composure before finally speaking. "You like pizza, Rosabelle?"
Rosabelle listened to him talk about her neighbor as they walked in. Her eyes looked around the room as she shivered alittle. All this was new and she knew that she needed to get used to all of this. From being kidnapped twice and being held as a slave, Rosabelle didnt know what to think anymore. Her eyes turned when she heard Dom open the curtains, as they explored the apartment. Her eyes widened at the bed as she gently touched it, feeling how soft it was, remembering when the last time she had a bed was. When she went back to the living room and looked up at the high ceilings as she seemed a bit overwhelmed by it all. Hearing him talk about another guard bring her food and stock her fridge, Rosabelle tilted her head. "Y-You wont stay?" She asked softly as she didnt know how she would feel round another guard.
Hearing the vibrating of his phone, Rosabelle looked at him as she then looked around the apartment again as she could hear the slight muffled voice of a woman on the other end of Dom's phone. She sat on the couch and giggled at how comfortable it was before flinching as she got back up as she remembered she wasn't with the men anymore. Rosabelle was allowed on the couch now. Her eyes looked back at the balcony as she then heard the angry in Dom's voice as he shouted into the phone. This made Rosabelle wince as she nearly coward at the end of the couch as she heard him walk in. The shudder of the glass door made her flinch, the growl that came from him made her coward more. Her eyes looked at him with slight fear as she remembered how the men would come in growling and cursing when something would go wrong. Her body tensed as she knew she was safe but the feeling of getting beaten was in the back of her mind. The mention of pizza made her tilt her head. "I-Im sorry but W-what is pizza?" She asked as most the bikers would ask for steak and alot of other meat dishes.
Dominic could see the tension coiling around the young woman. He probably wasn't helping with his anger likely rolling off him in a tangible wave of fury. He tried not to think about what those men might've done in their rage and how they took it out on Rosabelle.
He unclenched his fists and sighed at her response. This girl was beyond sheltered. The muscles of his shoulders relaxed and he forced himself to let the rest of his tightly wound emotions ebb. At least a bit. Being a therian wasn't exactly the easiest when it came to needing to stamp down on any wrath looking for release. Raking a hand through his dark hair, his eyes softening a bit as the aggravation simmered, Dominic smirked a bit. "Only one of the best things on this planet."
A few seconds later he had been on the phone to the nearby pizzeria. Since he wasn't paying either because he was definitely putting this on the ailwards' card, Dom decided on ordering a few pies with different toppings to see what she might like. He told Rosabelle to try and get a bit more acquainted with the apartment as he left to drive a few blocks into the city and pick up the order. She could likely use the alone time anyway to get more settled or as settled as someone could when their entire world had abruptly flipped upside down, shaken, and then set on fire.
Dominic pushed open the door to the apartment again twenty minutes later, balancing the pizza boxes in one hand while holding a bag full of soda and beer in another. "Rosabelle, it's me." He made sure to make himself known as not to scare the other therian. Walking over to the kitchen, he placed the haul down and began opening up the cabinets until he finally found the plates, handing her one. Though he didn't have much of an appetite given the events of the day and losing a friend, he tried to offer her an encouraging smile while lifting the lids of the boxes off one at a time.
Reaching into the bag, he popped the tab on one of the can of beers and took a long and grateful sip before leaning down on the counter and nodding his head towards the array of choices. "Well, go for it, girl. You get first dibs."
Rosabelle could tell anger rolled off his body when he walked in. She shivered in fear before watching his body relax and release his anger to make it a more calm environment for her. She had been surrounded by anger and had a fear for it. When he spoke about pizza being one of the best things on the planet. Watching him order pizzas seconds later, Rosabelle looked around her apartment before hearing him talk about going to get the pizzas, she nodded and smiled softly as he left. While he was gone, Rosabelle walked around her apartment, taking in each detail as she moved back to her couch and waited.
Hearing the door, Rosabelle was startled as she was nearly half asleep on the couch when Dominic came in. The smell of pizza filled her apartment, making her mouth water. Getting up and heading to the kitchen, Rosabelle looked at him when he grabbed plates down. She took the plate and noticed he didnt get one down for himself. With the encouragement when he opened the pizzas, Rosabelle looked wide eyed at all the pizza. Hearing him open a beer as he spoke, Rosabelle nodded and slowly started to grab a few pieces of different kinds of the pies. She was about to take a bite before she froze and looked to Dominic as to ask for permission to eat. It was something she had to do when she was with the bikers.
Taking another sip, he leaned his forearms down on the small island of the kitchen, now fully covered by the haul he'd brought in. Dominic could see her hesitation, but the curiosity of it all had made her eyes go round. He hid his smirk with a lower of his head before drinking again and watching as she carefully pulled a slice from each of the three boxes to arrange them on her plate. A giant pepperoni and sausage slice was the one he reached for first, dumping it onto the dish in front of him with far less care than Rose.
He reached for the crust and was just about to fold it when his gaze looked up again to see Rosabelle holding the slice rather awkwardly. She seemed like she was waiting for something. Dom nodded his head towards her encouragingly, but then quickly put his hand out to halt her. "Wait. Let's get some technique in that stance before you dive in." The grease from the pizza rolled off her slice and dripped onto her plate and the other slices. "Here." He stretched across the space to the counter and tore a piece of paper towel from the roll before turning back to her.
"First thing's first." He dabbed the oil on the slice she held and her other slices waiting to be devoured. "Me, I personally enjoy the grease because I'm a greasehead myself, but some people apparently don't like it for reasons I'll never understand. Seeing as your stomach probably hasn't had much exposure, let's take some of it off. I don't want to be the reason you get sick." He tossed the paper towel into the trash, taking up his slice again.
"Alright, now, fold the slice in half, starting at the crust, like this." He demonstrated for her to follow, a satisfying crunch resounding from the folding dough. "Then, keep hold of the slice there and use your other hand to hold the front of it up otherwise all the cheese will start to slide off and that would be a travesty." Dominic bit into the pizza and groaned. He could live off the stuff. Tilting his chin to coax her into trying, he waited for her with a soft smile. "You got this."
Seeing Dom place his pieces on his plate carelessly, Rosabelle looked at him as she didn’t really know how to hold a pizza or even how to eat it. She was about to take a bite when he gave her the okay, but stopped when he halted her. Her eyes looked to him as he spoke about a technique on how to eat the pizza. She tilted her head as she noticed the grease drip onto her other slice as she watched him move and grab a paper towel. Gently grabbing it as she listened to him as she watched him dab the oil off the slice she held and her others. While he explained about raking some of the oil off so it would make her stomach twist of the feeling of something new in her system and make her feel sick.
Watching him instruct her on how to eat the pizza, Rosabelle folded the slice in half and watched him when he showed her. Hearing the crunch of both their crust, Rosabelle looked at her slice as she listened to him talk about how it would be a travesty if the cheese slid of the pizza. Rosabelle watched him take a bite as she then noticed him coax her to try it. She nodded and took a bite of the pizza with the technique he showed her. Her eyes widened as she took the bite and started to chew.
“O-oh my god… its good.” She said softly as she took another bite hungrily as she nearly downed her first slice rather quickly, showing off how she hasn’t ate much when she was in the custody of the biker group. Rosabelle had downed her pepperoni slice rather quickly, so fast that Dominic didn’t even finish his first slice when she started on her second slice.
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