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The City had succumbed to absolute chaos over the last few months; which at first, to the Nephilim was absolutely, without a doubt, entertaining. There were many times that she found the city to be somewhat sleepy if she took away the drama which surrounded The Bradford siblings with their Father as well as the trouble that she often found Siobhan in. Those moments of down time were usually welcomed, but as of late, things in her own life seemed somewhat normal, thus, the chaos which erupted in the city was just what the doctor ordered. It gave the ex-assassin reason to get herself into fights, and get away with it if her Detective Sister questioned her once again why her knuckles were battered and bruised. Not only did this give her a form of entertainment, it also served her as a distraction; many would not believe that she had allowed herself to open up to a guy, yet she had - only for him to disappear from the face of the earth, like a few before him. So, it was so surprise, at least to her, that she needed to keep herself occupied so she could stop her thoughts from venturing to her terrible love life. However, there were only so many fights she could get into, without that getting boring; after all, she had spent most of her life in battle, or maybe, she was simply growing up.
Once Rissa had completed her good deed of the day - cleaning up the messes of the latest violent breakout, she couldn't think of any better reward than the local bar to drink herself into a state of oblivion which would consequently help her sleep at night. The Nephilim placed herself at the corner of the bar, and insisted that the barman kept an open tab for her considering it was still very early in the evening and she had nothing planned for the following day. With the beer in hand, she eagerly took a very needed swig which triggered a pleasurable sigh to bypass her lips. The barman began to make small talk with her, which under any normal circumstance, she would have hated yet for some peculiar reason, the chat was welcomed even if she had no interest in the conversation or the latest gossip of who went home with who from the bar last night. With that in mind, she playfully placed a series of bets with the man behind the bar on who would be next to leave with another; and it was safe to say that her name never made the list of potentials which pleased her despite many trying their luck over the last few years of her frequenting the bar.
The hours passed fairly quickly, in fact, they passed just as quickly as the beers in her hand did; in fact, she even surprised herself just how quickly she knocked back the alcohol - clearly something was bothering her and, as normal, she was not ready to face the problem head on. Avoidance was key. Clarissa began to slump on the stool, her spine arching as she rested her arms on the bar, and then her cheek on her forearms; the bar man insisted she should head home which consequently lead to her snapping a quick 'no' his direction - she was not ready to face her thoughts alone, not yet. Her lavender coloured eyes closed contently as she listened to the buzz around her; from the music, to people simply enjoying themselves but none of those were enough to completely catch her attention until one particular voice spoke above the music to order their next round. The Nephilim forwarded her brow before lifting her head - her gaze trying to adjust into focus at the male who stood a few stools down from her.
Wyatt Brookes? No way, it couldn't be - it definitely had to be her beer goggles playing tricks on her mind. Confused and rather baffled were the only words which could be used to describe her expression as she looked over at the male; yet the moment she found him catching her stare, she quickly and rather unsteadily composed herself to focus on the beer bottle in her hand. "You know it's rude to stare?" She slurred ever so slightly but loud enough for the male to hear her; it was him, it was definitely him and to not give him the satisfaction that she could remember him, she would play aloof and dumb to his being.
Stepping into the room had Wyatt in awe for more seconds than they had to spare. He couldn't help it. There were far more objects on countless shelves than he had anticipated and that was because the space was undoubtedly enchanted. It was much larger than it should've been given the size physically available and that was plainly obvious even without the lights being on. He supposed it shouldn't be surprising though, given that just because the man was human, didn't mean he didn't have supernatural friends. Especially when much of his dealings had to do with magical artifacts of that world. That and whatever experiments Donovan may have connections with when it came to the facility Abigail was running where Clarissa had been taken. The millionaire was more than a little bit of a mystery and Wyatt wondered what else he may be getting into given his status of power and money.
The diviner finally snapped to and turned to close the door behind them. Clarissa's inquiry on whether there was a spell to keep the door closed made him pause for a moment before telekinetically moving two of the heavy shelves to block anyone's chance of getting in. It in turn blocked their way out, but that could be a problem for future Wyatt to deal with. "How's that?" he grinned and swung the gun strap around to put the weapon on his back just as she turned the light on. He couldn't help but whimper slightly again at just how awesome the room was. "Right.. focus. Focus."
Wyatt clapped his hands together and began scanning the rows. His eyes moved over the various objects from all over the world, from centuries past. From what he could tell, it seemed everything was separated by date and region which could potentially make this much easier a hunt. "Japan... China... Russia..." he muttered to himself as he passed each section of the room in search of Africa, but he could hear Clarissa's words echoing off the walls in the vastness. "The real me? I would imagine there would be a lot of pain and then death." Wyatt's tone was completely matter of fact, but it was just because he was too focused on the task then. The cypher was all that mattered and as he turned the next corner to continue the search, he nearly bumped into Clarissa. He could see then how nervous she seemed to be. It was an emotion he was not used to seeing on the nephilim's face. She was always so collected and confident. Bringing her along was suddenly feeling like a very selfish move on his part after everything they'd just been through. What she'd lost in the process. He wasn't sure what to say just then to reassure her in the quiet as he held her gaze, but it was broken by the sound of his watch going off. The alarm that indicated they had five minutes until the spell wore off. Not that it mattered very much now.
Pressing the button on his watch to end the noise, he looked to Clarissa again and was about to say that everything would be okay. That they would somehow get out of this without any more scars, but just behind her was the start of the shelving to Africa where much of it dated back to ancient times. "Here," he breathed out, quickly moving to the artifacts. Weapons, statues, canopic jars, even mummies in their sarcophagi. It was separated by region and dates, moving from the Old Kingdom to New. He quickly skimmed through the many pieces that made up the collection of the New Kingdom and with it, objects that undoubtedly came from Akhenaten's reign. It only took moments for him to find a box that was entirely gold and on it, the symbol of the sun shining down over the pharaoh's head. However, it was not made by the king, instead it was that of his wife who seemed to be the one that left a message across it. "I really need to brush up on my ancient Egyptian," he murmured, letting his fingers glide over the hieroglyphics as he hurriedly tried to translate what he believed might be what they were looking for. Visually, he knew the scroll was a perfect match, but he couldn't be wrong. He had to make sure.
A loud bang suddenly echoed through the room and there was no doubt it was coming from behind the door he'd barricaded. "Looks like our time is running out." Wyatt turned to Clarissa then. "Go look for the Divine Chronicle or something that maybe mentions it, I've got this. I would guess early AD since that is the earliest I've heard of your species beginning to appear on Earth, well, recorded anyway. Somewhere in the Middle East. Being nephilim, maybe you'll even sense it when near because who knows the actual language it might be in." Another bang and he could hear the pieces falling off the shelves he'd used to bar the door with which made him internally die a little as they broke and shattered on the floor in the distance. "Go. I'll be there in a second and then we get the hell out of here."
Clarissa kept an eye on the man she had just knocked out as she had now stopped using her powers on him to keep him unconscious. Considering the strength of the fatal blow she did wonder if he would ever wake and if so, would there be any damage? Likely so. However, she wouldn’t be around long enough to ever find that out. She nodded at Wyatt and knew it was time for her to have a quick but thorough search for The Divine Chronicle. Clarissa took a steadying breath and muttered a string of words together in an attempt to sort herself out, she knew that the way she was behaving would absolutely get them caught or at least herself which would then lead Wyatt into a sticky situation.
Rissa essentially, metaphorically speaking, slapped herself across the face and allowed her body to visually shudder as she pulled herself together. This seemed to work as soon enough her spine lengthed, her shoulders broadened themselves out, and her chin rose to ooze the confidence she once had… Until recently. Considering how quickly her demeanor changed, one could argue that she was possessed, and in the world that they lived in, that would not be surprising. She nodded to Wyatt, undoubtedly putting all of her trust in him that he had it, with it being those who attempted to tear down the door between them and that he would join her when the timing was just right. “You better be right there” The words were laced with an authoritative tone, and if he even dared to leave it to the last second, she wouldn’t be afraid to give him a piece of her mind and wrath.
The Nephilim hurried through the aisles of artifacts with a steady grace, although she was not using any of her powers on anything in particular, she did continue to allow the magic to pump through her veins; and so, her eyes remained with a constant glow. Slender digits wiggled slightly, as if they were using the unseen currents in the air to guide her to the correct place; hoping that if the book was here, it would be giving off a vibe. Rissa tuned in so much so that the sound of the door being beaten and violated became background music which then consequently became silence. Slowly, but surely another sound became deafening and it caused Rissa to sharply turn her head to one side, and down an aisle which was consumed by darkness.
The lure of the hum came from the depths of the unwelcoming darkness, Clarissa exhaled. “Of course” She rolled her eyes and entered the darkness, allowing it to consume her completely. With the darkness removing her sight, Rissa extended her arms and dragged her fingertips along the shelves, collecting dust as she did so. If she chose to really think about it, it was probably a test to search without sight; for this item was to be found by the soul. It was incredibly unnerving for Rissa to move without sight; it was part of her training many, many moons ago but nevertheless, it was still incredibly unpleasant. Rissa pressed on, her focus solely on the shift in the air although she continued to shift back to the chaos to which she left Wyatt to fend for himself. “Wyatt! A second has passed.Time to move your ass” Of course, she hadn’t a clue as to whether they had entered and captured him but for now, and he would say it too, the book was the priority, not him. That would be an argument for another day, of course, but for now, if she wanted her wings back she would have to agree.
Without much thought, Rissa felt her fingers wrapped around a small and slim item. It was almost too hot to touch but the heat was nothing but pleasant to her skin. Without sight, she hadn’t the foggiest of what it could be, but it felt right. It felt as if it belonged to her. “Wyatt!” She shouted once more, the echo bouncing off the emptiness of the room, it gave her the impression the room was much bigger than they ever anticipated and it made her wonder just how far she had walked in this darkness; just how far away from Wyatt she was.
An extra level of darkness came into her blindness, it was darker than the air around it. She waited, braced for whatever may come her way until the familiar scent surrounded her - Wyatt. Although the air continued to shift, the atmosphere forever changing but certainly not for the better. “They’re here, aren’t they” Rissa clutched the baton shaped item in her hand and felt for Wyatt with the other. “This mizmaze, we’re within its clutches. I feel they have us perhaps just where they want us” She exhaled. "I have a funny feeling, these aisles around us shift and move to capture any thieves"
Wyatt's fingertips swiftly moved over the glyphs on the box as the banging was relentless. He tried to tune it out to concentrate and not let the impending confrontation distract him from why they were there in the first place. Being separated from Clarissa was already making his anxiety peak, so he took a steadying breath and cleared his throat. "Come on, Brookes," he mumbled to himself. Some of the translation was still unclear and damaged from the thousands of years that it was hidden from wherever Donovan had found it. Though, as expected, the one thing that was obvious to him was Akhenaten's wife putting a clear warning on the box that following the path that would lead to the treasure was cursed. "Naturally..."
A final commotion and Wyatt knew they had broken through. He gripped the box and moved further backward into the aisle as Clarissa's voice was not far off. He ran to where he assumed it came from, turning a corner and stopping abruptly. An unnatural darkness was consuming half the row and it was impossible to see to the end of it. "Clarissa!" The sound of pounding boots was not far away and he glanced over his shoulder, knowing the guards would be on them in moments. "Shit."
He jogged into the swallowing black and felt the air shift immediately. It had dropped in temperature and was eerily quiet, though he knew the men who were coming for them were right behind. Their voices and movements were completely gone now as if he stepped into another world. Wyatt could feel his skin prickling like there was electricity in the air. It was effecting his magic use. He didn't even dare try and light the surroundings with a simple spell. The nothingness was more terrifying than the people who were after them. At least then he could see what was coming. Not knowing what was there was ten times worse.
The sound of Clarissa's voice gave him some relief and he let out a breath he hadn't realized he was holding. "I'm not even sure where here is," he responded, reaching out for her. His fingers slid into hers. Wyatt had to agree. This was some kind of magical trap they were in. He'd seen and read about them before, but had never had the pleasure of experiencing a mizmaze himself. Even the magical kind. He really wanted to meet the diviner Donovan had in his employment. "They should've caught up to us by now." And it was true, but they were still alone. Or so it felt like.
The sound of metal moving and scraping echoed through the darkness and all around them, meaning the walls of the maze were shifting. Wyatt had no idea if it was leading them a certain way which would undoubtedly be an unpleasant end. He also wondered if Donovan was watching them from the outside, smiling at their current predicament. "Here," he said, handing the box off to her and pulling out his amulet from underneath his shirt, wrapping his fingers around it for a moment. The tethering it had to him tapped into his lifeforce and he used it to provide them with at least some lighting, though very minimal as the amulet glowed softly. The tradeoff for the light made him wince at the pain, his breathing becoming more shallow, but he ignored it as best as he could. He turned to face her and saw the person he recognized again. His hand came to Clarissa's face for a brief pause to their current situation. He gave her a tired smile before dropping his arm and attempting to get a better look at their surroundings in the labyrinth. "See anything?"
A huge amount of relief washed over her when Wyatt came into view and took ahold of her hand; they were reunited and in her eyes unstoppable. Although they were both powerful as individuals, together they could take on the world and thus, she was afraid but not enough to think that they wouldn’t get out of this alive. Rissa wrapped her fingers through his and took the box in her other hand, balancing the baton and the box with ease as she glanced at the small amount of light which came from his amulet. With a little bit of light, she saw his recognisable face. “I prefer this face” She joked as his hand came up to rest against her cheek. “Not yet. Come on” She retook his spare hand and closed her eyes; strangely believing doing so would help them in some way or another.
The sounds of the walls were off putting and the intense darkness around them could easily trigger the keen over-imagination. Rissa took some steadying breath to stop her imagination becoming too wild, however, it wouldn’t be too shocking to find that there were some creatures in this room to keep people away from things and to make sure that they didn’t get out alive. “He must know some powerful Diviners to be able to pull something like this out of the bag” She commented and glanced at Wyatt, raising a singular brow at his shallow breathing. “How much is the amulet taking from you?” She asked curiously, attempting to keep her mind calm and not overthink their situation.
There was some reassurance that the guards had yet to catch up with them, it meant that they didn’t know where they were and that they had not received any further training to tackle this challenge. “Not yet. But to have this darkness, I don’t think we can find it with our eyes” She commented. “It’s how I found the other item in my hand” Rissa spoke truthfully, and so with that bit of information, she closed her eyes once more and pulled them to a stop. Due to the fact that neither of them could hear the guards, Rissa felt comfortable enough to remain standing still for a moment; to allow the air to shift around them. She gently hushed Wyatt and her brows furrowed as her hearing strained passed the deafening sound of silence and the walls shifted.
Moments later, her ears twitched at a gentle sound. “This way” Rissa tugged on Wyatt’s arm and followed her gut; leading him down many, many alleyways. The closer they got, the louder the sound of trickling water got. With the gleam of light of his amulet, Rissa could see a draining system or sewage system just off the floor. “I think we could fit in that?” She questioned Wyatt, and she could see the apprehension on his face. “It could take us anywhere but at least it wont leave us trapped in this maze” Clarissa leaned down and removed her heels and began to kick at the bars which separated them.
Clarissa squeezed herself through the small gap in the wall and grimaced as her bare feet were submerged in water; she had no idea whether it was sewage or not. Not that Wyatt needed it, but she offered a hand out to him as he wiggled his way down through. Despite their situation, Rissa couldn’t help but laugh “We live such normal lives” She joked as they moseyed their way down the tunnels. They moved in darkness for a while before a light became noticeable at the end of the tunnel.
“Do you think we’re safe out there? His grounds are huge, we might not have even made it halfway down his garden” Rissa stared at what possibly could be their freedom or ultimately their demise.
"Don't worry about it," he replied to her inquiry on how the amulet was pulling his life energy. She didn't need the details of its cost right now. Wyatt's eyes searched their surroundings, but there was nothing but the backsides of the shelving that felt like prison walls. He knew if they didn't come up with something soon, Donovan would undoubtedly capture them. This magical trap wasn't going to give away any secrets from what he could tell and time was running out. However, hearing Clarissa's response made him pause and turn when she mentioned finding something else which she currently carried in her hand. He hadn't even noticed it in the dark and could barely make out the outline of it since the glow of his amulet was blocking it out in shadow still. Did she find the Chronicle? "You found it?!"
But he was hushed, which was fine with him. Current circumstances meant getting out was more important and his excitement that she'd found something so important on so many levels would have to be curbed for now. The walls began to shift again, but he could barely see the movements in the dark. However, a feeling told him that they were being stalked by something unseen in the blackness. Wyatt's head swiveled around on instinct, but of course he could see absolutely nothing. The want to pull Clarissa onward was overwhelming, but he stayed planted beside her, trusting whatever she was apparently onto. His legs felt like jelly when she finally pulled him along and continuing through the twisting maze.
Wyatt didn't know what was guiding her, but the sound of the water was suddenly a beacon to him. He scoffed and shook his head at her question, looking at the grating. "Agreed. It's a lot better than being in here." As Clarissa managed to open their current way out, that feeling like something was there in the dark was back again and two eyes appeared far back down the hallway they'd just come from. "Oh, hell no..." he muttered quietly. From its appearance, it seemed like whatever it was was at waist height, perhaps some kind of animal. He wasn't keen on finding out. The sound of splashing indicated Clarissa had gotten through and he shrugged off his tuxedo jacket, having more of a tight squeeze to get in given his broader shoulders. The eyes were moving closer until the walls shifted and it was all darkness again. Wyatt shimmied some more and felt the burn on his back from the metal scraping against his skin. With a final twisting of his shoulder, he was through the gap, just as the eyes became visible again and appeared to be rising in height much taller than him. Whatever it was, it wasn't going to fit in after them. "Yeah, totally normal," he replied, grabbing Clarissa's hand and being the one to tug her along this time to not give whatever that was the chance to catch up with them.
The further they went, the more Wyatt could feel his magic returning slowly. The water splashed up over them as they ran through the tunneling and he could also see the light. He wanted to believe it was safety, but she was right, the grounds were huge and he had no idea where they were in comparison. Once they reached the source of the light, Wyatt looked up to see that it was a thick glass opening above them, shining down to where they stood in the center of a chamber. Two of the walls were all closed off, a third seeming to be a heavy metal door with a hatch wheel that was airtight, and the fourth leading down the tunnel they'd just come from. He first ran to the rusted wheel and attempted to turn it, but it was pointless. There was clear water damage and from what he could tell, a water line that went to the top of the ceiling. Wyatt's mind worked. The source of the water and now this door.. the opening above them where the bright light was shining down into.. "It's the fountain," he scoffed, shaking his head with a smirk and looking to Clarissa. "The look-at-me-I'm-a-billionaire-who's-compensating fountain in the front of the manor." He had the feeling Donovan must've used this for a possible escape route should he ever need it.
Wyatt's eyes landed on a lever near the rusted door which showed just as much wear from neglect. He wondered when the last time anyone touched it. The chamber was hundreds of years old, so it had to have been just as old as the property. The diviner lowered himself and put his weight against it as it gave resistance. Suddenly, a loud clanging came from down the tunneling which meant something was coming for them. Wyatt kicked the lever and it swung with a high pitched creaking. The hatch above swung down and a rushing sea of water began to fill the room from above at the same moment a solid iron door began to lower in front of the opening leading back out of the tunnel. Whatever it was that was coming after them wouldn't be getting through now. It also meant they had no other way out.
He prepared for the inevitable swim they were going to be taking as the water lifted them off their feet, rising closer to the opening. Wyatt swam over to Clarissa and wrapped an arm around her waist, lining up with their way out. "Don't say I never took you anywhere exciting." Once able, the diviner pulled himself through the opening and reached down for Clarissa, grabbing her and lifting her out as she clutched to their newly acquired items. They stood soaking wet in the middle of the giant fifty foot round marble fountain with its towering statues. The water that would normally be tumbling from the mouths of the stone fish or basins of the naked women only dribbled now.
The valet that had welcomed them earlier in the night stood with his mouth gaping. Several of the guests who were mingling outside had similar expressions. Wyatt sloshed over to the young valet who hadn't moved yet and simply stared at them. His hands dug into his pants pockets which clung to him. "Honey, did I give you the ticket?" he called over his shoulder nonchalantly as if everything was perfectly normal happening around them. "Ah, here it is." He handed over the ticket which was nearly torn apart. Wyatt simply smiled at him. "We're kind of in a hurry, so if you could..."
"STOP!" A booming voice came from behind them and up on the stairs were some of the armed guards who came rushing down towards them. Thankfully they weren't shooting given the chance that they could actually hit some of the guests which would be bad for business on Donovan's part. He was suddenly glad for the million steps they had to come down which he thought stupid earlier.
"Time to go, darling." Wyatt hopped up on top of the tall side to the fountain and pulled Clarissa up and over. He snatched the ticket back from the valet who still stood dumbfounded while the pair ran across the grounds towards the cars.
The water which lapped against her ankles made Rissa want to shudder and shake off her underlying but very secret fear of open water; hell even swimming pools. Many didn’t know about her inability to swim, in fact, she could only think of one person in Evermore which knew about it after their last mission a few years ago - Dominic. She had yet to tell Wyatt that she couldn’t swim and thus, hoped wherever this water was taking them wasn’t to some lake because… How embarrassing. A Nephilim who can’t fly and a grown woman who can’t swim; what a shambles Clarissa Bradford was. And so, when Wyatt reassured her that they were simply under the water fountain in the man’s field of a garden, Clarissa let out a sigh of relief and wiped her brow with the back of her hand. “Thank fuck for that, honestly” Rissa was close to laughing hysterically as the tension within her muscles grew.
Yet, Rissa really shouldn’t have been surprised when Wyatt pressed his body weight against the lever; perhaps, even, she should’ve told him there and then that she couldn’t swim. Sadly, her pride just couldn’t allow those words to come out in that given moment; and so, when the gates opened and the water cascaded it, Rissa simply allowed her body to be taken with the current. Rissa wasn’t oblivious to the procedure of swimming, not in theory but the practice well..., she knew to kick with all her mite. After all, she couldn’t use her hands for the very sake of keeping their newly found belongings safe. Water began to enter her mouth to which she began to choke on. “W-Wyy” She sputtered but much to her belief, he had already wrapped his arm around her to ease their direction of travel and to exit the chamber together.
The gush of fresh air that hit her was just what she needed and her body naturally relaxed; her eyes remained closed as she faced upward to the sky. Clarissa was brought back to the present moment when Wyatt addressed her regarding the ticket. She eye’d the witnesses and gave them all a smile and a slight wave before the well known voice bellowed across the outside space. “Oh shit.” She almost laughed before the two of them jumped over the fountain and headed towards the cars.
Clarissa could hear the feet behind them giving chase and the distant orders from Donovan himself; of course he wouldn’t chase after them too. The Nephilim glanced over to her Husband of the evening and shot him a wide grin before laughing at their predicament. If she were to do something like this, she honestly couldn’t think of anyone better to do it with. His car finally came into view and the two pressed on, leaving dust behind them. Yet even when they got into the car, they couldn’t waste a single second. The car was soon in motion and as they drove up the lengthy drive, she could see the gates ahead closing. “I know this is your baby, but you gotta go through those metal gates.” Rissa commented, almost apprehensively as she glanced at Wyatt, seeing the dilemma written across his face. “I doubt this is the first or last time the car will go through some repair works.”
She rested her head back when Wyatt made his decision and drove through the narrowly closing gates; however, she soon looked down at the items in her lap. “We’re going to be wanted by Donovan and others; it won't be wise for us to remain so central to Evermore.” She sighed, thankful that Cerberus was being pupsat - she’d have to call the dog sitter and extend his stay. “I know somewhere we can stay until we figure things out. ” She emphasised the items in her lap. It annoyed her, she wanted nothing more than her bed and belongings but she had come across similar men to Donovan; and even then, it was only a matter of time. “Keep heading north up the highway, towards Grand Lake. It’s an old lake house of mine, a gift from The League back in the day.” A place where she never truly intended to visit again, it was a place of storage and purposefully forgotten memories.
Running in soaking wet clothing was not fun. Neither were the gunshots that started to ring out once they were clear of the other guests at the gala and further across the grounds. He heard one go whizzing passed his head before embedding into a tree and instinctually flinched, adrenaline pushing him forward as he glanced to Clarissa who didn't even seem hindered by the gown she wore flowing behind her. The beaming grin she shot to him made him instantly smile and laugh in turn. Wyatt would always admit to himself and anyone else who thought him crazy for some of the things he did, wondering why he got himself into situations like this, that the answer was quite simple; He enjoyed the rush of it all. Some of the highlights of his life were when he was in predicaments like this. dodging gunfire and screwing over assholes like Donovan. Knowing Clarissa was feeling the thrill of it too made him fall a little harder for her.
His shoes skidded across the loose gravel as he yanked open the door of the car and slid into the seat. Wyatt already had his foot down on the gas pedal, sending the vehicle into reverse before Clarissa had her door fully closed as rocks beneath the tires shot out in protest. The engine roared forward with each second he pushed the car on. It would've drowned out anything else if not for the automatic gunfire that rang out from behind them, the sound of a couple of bullets meeting the metal of the car. Wyatt groaned in response, keeping his eyes forward towards the gate.
A security guard stepped out of the booth where he was stationed at the entrance of the manor. He clutched a radio in one hand while shielding his eyes from the headlights with the other. Wyatt pushed onward as the man disappeared and undoubtedly hit the button which caused the gates to close. The diviner's jaw clenched because he knew what was coming next, but it would be like throwing his own body at the barred metal. He loved his car. Did he feel physical pain any time she was also hurt? ...Maybe.
A soft whine like a child not wanting to do what they were being told to came from his throat at Clarissa's urging. He knew he had to, but that didn't mean he was going to like it. As one hand gripped the wheel, his other shot forward, attempting to hold the gates from closing fully as his magic felt more stable again. They halted in their position, but impact was inevitable. Wyatt had every intention of pushing the gate outward as far as he could to lessen the collision until the guard stepped back out again with a gun drawn and directed at the passenger side. His focus went away from the gate and instead mentally forced the man crashing through the booth before he could get off a shot into the window.
Wyatt's head spun. He was pushing himself too hard, too soon. His vision blurred for a second before he gave his head a quick shake and blinked a few times to gain focus. Hands gripping the steering, he crashed through the gate causing the car to veer which he quickly corrected as they sped on. Wyatt glanced into the mirrors and didn't see anyone immediately behind them, but that didn't mean he was going to slow either. He wouldn't necessarily mind if the one that shot his car did happen upon them so he could do a bit of damaged in kind.
Clarissa's voice brought him back around again. His jaw relaxed a little as they finally met the entrance to the highway which was a small relief for now. He silently agreed with her. They wouldn't be able to go back to their respective homes now. Not until this was all handled. Hearing that the place she was offering for them to stay was from the League made Wyatt glance over to her for a moment before turning his attention back to the road. He didn't press anymore about what this place might've meant to her. Most likely the answer wouldn't satisfy any curiosity and being in the dark about it was fine with him. The don't ask, don't tell agreement he promised her still held despite everything. If Clarissa wanted to share, then he would listen.
After some time, he finally pulled up to the winding dark roads of Grand Lake. It was far darker than the rest of their journey as there was a scarce streetlight every now and again making him rely mostly on the headlights to lead the way. The space between the houses was ample enough that privacy would not be a problem and any odd noise would alert them to another's presence should someone actually find them here. He turned the car off and glanced to the dark cabin which seemed to be somewhere Clarissa did not come often given the dead leaves in the gutter and shutter that hung off its hinges. He'd see about fixing those things, but for now he was anxious to see how badly his car was looking.
The diviner walked around to the back first which he decided would be better to start with since there would be less carnage. Indeed, two bullet holes had landed through one tail light and the second into the trunk. He forced himself to the opposite end of the car which had significant damage to the front end making him cross his arms over his chest, one fist covering his mouth so he wouldn't let out some unbecoming whimper. Once Clarissa came to meet him, Wyatt briefly closed his eyes before dropping his stance and facing her. She held the two priceless artifacts that had been the cause of all their trouble, but he reached for the tops of her arms, gently pulling her towards him. His eyes met hers for a silent moment before leaning down. Wyatt softly kissed the nephilim, one of his hands slipping to the back of her neck where her hair was still damp and cool to the touch. Breaking away was very difficult, but he finally did, still keeping her close to him. "Are you alright?" he asked, a slight smirk forming. "Circumstances notwithstanding."
The journey down the winding roads leaving Evermore and then into the nothingness of the country roads gave Clarissa time to reflect on the days prior; from being reunited with Wyatt who had the ability to make her heart skip a beat, to being tortured in the warehouse for her wings. A lot had happened for them both to be here, and despite only wanting to change one thing, she enjoyed being here, with him and living life to the fullest even if that meant running away from flying bullets. Their journey was quiet, which allowed Rissa the time to doze off to catch up on sleep and allow her body to continue to repair itself as much as it could. The sleep was once again, welcomed with open arms, she must’ve entered a deep sleep as when she opened her eyes, the shell of her former home stood abandoned, haunted as the moonlight danced off it.
Clarissa rubbed her eyes and gave her body the slightest of shakes in an attempt to wake herself up; she even went as far as to slapping her cheek. When she watched Wyatt exit the car, she knew better than to follow him immediately; the damage the car suffered would surely be felt by him, and despite her believing she could bring him comfort for that, she was starting to understand emotions and when someone needed a bit of time. Clarissa Bradford has come far. However, for those moments, allowing Wyatt to feel the damage to his car, she simply sat there and watched the Cabin. There was no particular reason why she never returned after leaving for Evermore with Isaiah, but as Evermore and its citizens continued to bring out her humanity; the objects within the cabin would simply remind her of the cold hearted killer she once was. Not only that, it had further emotional memories linked to those four walls - the memory of finding out she had family, the one thing she had always dreamt of.
Soon enough, she exhaled and composed herself, and exited the car with the objects securely in her arms. As she did so, the moonlight reflecting from the left of the cabin and whilst there was a haunting essence of the Cabin, it was also tranquil. Before she could even begin to form a string of words, The Diviner had pulled her into him, and when their lips met, she once again forgot about the external world, their location and the trouble they had found themselves in. For all that mattered within that moment was the two of them. Clarissa exhaled with a smile teasing the corner of her lips as they reluctantly pulled away, she opened her eyes softly - at first, they glanced at his lips before working their way up to his green hues. She rolled her lips in thought. “Hm, forgetting the circumstances? I’m better than alright” She winked at him, before sliding her free hand down his arm to interlace their fingers. “Welcome to my old humble abode”
Clarissa attempted to be somewhat upbeat about being here and began to impersonate a tour guide. “To the left, you’ll see the lake in which this cabin is named after. To the right, you’ll find the woods; its lore is that its belly is so deep, you’ll never get out again” She spoke nonchalantly before gently tugging him towards the porch. Clarissa became silent, and the only sound bar their breathing was the creaks of the cabin as that too, breathed in the chilled air; she rested her head against his shoulder for a brief moment, savouring this time together? Delaying what memories she would find inside?
Soon enough, the Nephilim crouched down, and removed the spare key from beneath the doormat, and unlocked the door. The lights flickered before turning completely on and it was as if time had stood still. Rissa entered first, as she walked along the corridor, her fingertips brushed over the countertops and she cringed at the dust which had collected. She hummed to herself as she took in the abandoned home before turning to face Wyatt once more. “You’d probably find things here that would be of some use to you and perhaps The Archives” She smiled, hoping that her possessions from those days now had a greater purpose rather than pure greed.
Rissa found herself apprehensive as to what he was thinking about when she witnessed him having a gander at the two reception rooms; she certainly knew he would have questions about the cabin and why she hadn’t returned in so long but that could be a conversation over a coffee on the decking in the morning. She closed the space between them again and cupped his cheek; her thumb gently brushing against his jaw. “There should be some logs by the fire if you’d like to light that and I’ll bring us in a nightcap.” Clarissa leaned upward to rest her forehead against his before wandering the familiar route to the kitchen.
Wyatt moved with her as she tugged him along for the impromptu tour, his eyes following where she pointed out the vast woods around the area. He nodded at her words with belief given how dark it actually was around them. "Never get out again. Just going to store that awfulness away and not think about it again as we stay here for who knows how long," he teased, mouthing 'what-the-fuck' towards her at the thought of how that legend even came to be and was glad to not inquire further on the subject.
He chuckled as they paused on the porch for a moment, leaning his head to hers while staring out at the landscape around them. It would've been nice if this was some normal getaway for them instead of the real reason they were there in the first place. Maybe some day it could be. Maybe normal could be... normal. Given their past and present, it seemed like an absurd concept, but right then he would've taken any future with Clarissa. Being with her still felt right even with all the bullets that accompanied them along the way.
He watched as she finally made entry into the cabin. Wyatt's eyes scanned the space, still wondering what she might've used this place for. He noted some of the old looking books and artifacts sitting on some of the shelving, shaking his head with a slight smirk towards her. "Is that an invitation?" he replied, stepping closer to look at some of the items with curiosity while Clarissa moved closer to him in turn. He faced her as she touched him, resting his hand over hers gently. "Sounds good to me." He brought her hand to his lips to kiss softly before watching her walk away further into the cabin.
Glancing over, he saw the fireplace which had the remnants of ashes from a fire that had been set previously some time ago. After setting some logs down, he pulled the lighter he always kept with him from his pocket and rolled this thumb across it, bringing the blueish flame to life. His hand came up over the heat for a moment as he rolled his fingers slightly causing the flame to move from its home under his control and sending it to crash into the wood. The logs were ablaze within moments and the heat felt comforting against his face which instantly relaxed him given the events of the night.
Wyatt turned to look towards the door then from his crouched position. Ever the worrywart when it came to protection given who he was and what he may have procured from someone or somewhere, he knew he needed to get to work. The diviner had the feeling Clarissa likely kept weapons around the place which would always come in handy, but he wanted the added protection of magic. The diviner stood and moved towards the window where he glanced outside to the darkness with the hope that no one was looking back from the shadows. "Invisique," he casted, masking himself with the simple spell. Then he looked down towards the sill and lifted the small knife that was strapped down to his ankle. Drawing it across his palm, Wyatt drew the sigil on the wood to warn of anyone coming within fifty feet of the cabin. He continued the process at each cardinal wall.
Closing his eyes, he mumbled a short incantation three times before clapping his hands once together and then spreading his arms apart as if to push the sigils outward, moving the bounds farther like a security net. If anyone were to pass by, he would feel it. It was much the same magic he used at home and he felt better knowing the extra measure was being taken. They did have some powerful people in pursuit and having stolen some precious property off of them, Wyatt had to imagine they weren't going to take kind to it.
His head turned when he heard Clarissa coming back. He clipped the knife back in its home and smiled towards her, reaching for the glass she had promised. "What did you find?" he asked, bringing the glass towards his nose and smelling the sweet notes. "Whiskey?" He hummed in response . "Mmm. No, good whiskey." Taking a sip, he glanced to the darkened caramel liquid inside. "I hope there's a whole bottle of this still back there."
Time had stood still, the same floorboards creaked beneath her light footsteps, the same shadows bounced off their obstructing ornaments but more importantly, she knew exactly where everything was; despite the years which had passed. Which was probably a good thing, due to the hidden traps and weapons which loitered the place - she would have to share their locations with Wyatt to save him from getting impaled or beheaded. Although not many people knew of this location, to her knowledge, Clarissa did remain alert, and kept herself aware to ensure she didn’t miss anything which was out of place; this was one benefit of being a control and clean freak. The kitchen stood grand as she entered, with the island standing tall in the center, the light was warm as it gleamed down upon it; her lavender gaze floated around the space, eyeing each cupboard which held a variety of poisons. But none of them jumped out at her.
Rissa hummed to herself, and leant against the island for a moment as she took in her former home; and reflected on the conflicting emotions she had being here. There were reminders of her previous life, everywhere; but more importantly, these reminders whilst majority negative, reminded her just how far she had come from the monster which once roamed the cabin. Perhaps, just maybe, she was the monster that the locals whispered which lived in the belly of the woods. The monster which would not allow any trespasser to leave. The thought played on in her mind for a brief while longer before she laughed silently to herself with a shake of her head. “Of course it’s not me” She whispered to herself before moving to the cellar door which was conveniently hidden at the back of the pantry.
The Nephilim thumbled for the light switch before descending the stairs which moaned beneath her feet. The cellar itself was split into multiple rooms - the first being home to storing all necessities, from food and drink to clothes and wigs. From there, Rissa entered the armoury which stopped her dead in her tracks. She held a lot of love over many of the weapons she stored her, despite them all now collecting dust; the pads of her fingers brushed over the tops of them as she took herself over to her desk. Old papers loitered on top, her scribbled handwriting forming a story of her next but uncompleted mission; she gazed at the paper and swallowed back the pain that she would’ve inflicted on some poor family - yet, she guessed that pain would’ve happened some way or another without her.
With that, she reached over to the drawer of the desk and pulled out the bottle of Macmillan Red whisky. She blew upon the label and coughed at the dust which spat back at her; she supposed she was saving this for some form of celebratory win within The League, perhaps the well overdue promotion; but, nevertheless, this felt like a celebration despite being on the run. At least she was on the run with him.
Clarissa returned to the kitchen and opened the very expensive whisky; pouring away money into two glasses. She grinned to herself, knowing Wyatt would likely want to murder her himself for doing such a thing but after the loss of her wings, she needed this win. Upon entering the living space, she was glad to see the fire crackling away, She quirked a brow upward as Wyatt put away a dagger, but assumed nothing more of it - she had her own defences, he needed his; besides, she was pretty sure she could smell the magic in the air. “Hm, well. I’ll let you have a taste first.” She responded and offered him a glass - she watched with curiosity as he regarded the flavourings; before taking her own sip - she’ll need the courage.
“There is a whole bottle in the kitchen, but after a glass or three, we probably won’t get through it.” She swayed on the edge of caution as she brought about her next set of words. “The Macallan 70, part of the Red Collection” Clarissa grinned, almost like that of a devilish child into her glass. “Yes, yes! I know, that is one you keep and not open. But, I had saved it for a time whereby I was celebrating, or I was facing death. Both of which feel fitting right now” She shrugged and took another swig; maybe she could handle the whole bottle.
Wyatt gasped, fit for an overzealous showman when she revealed the origins of the whiskey, clutching his chest as if his heart may very well stop. He pulled back the glass again to look at the alcohol within and appreciated the lingering flavor still coating the inside of his mouth. This was absolutely not meant to drown away sorrows like memories of being shot while running across a mansion's expansive property or worse, having front end damage to one's car after a chase. Though a person could essentially do so. It would be sacrilegious. A crime punishable by floggings or some such, he liked to think. No, no, he would be drinking this slowly and respectfully.
"Oh, Mz. Bradford... you spoil me. I feel like I should be scolding you for opening this, but damn, I'm so very glad you did. It seems I'll have to drag you along for more dangerous outings if there's a reward like this at the end." He smirked to Clarissa then in his teasing as he glanced to the whiskey in mock contemplation. "I've mostly forgotten that I'm still wearing a damp tuxedo. This may even be better than finding the Chronicle and cypher. How can I ever go back to anything else after having this? Everything will now pale in comparison." The diviner winked to her before inclining his head towards the sofa as invitation.
He guided Clarissa to sit and placed his cup down on the table before disappearing for a few moments. On return, Wyatt carefully balanced the two items they'd successfully taken from the pompous millionaire as well as the whiskey. Possibly taking more precautions with the bottle of alcohol than the others. He sat them all down on the table and reached for the glass again to savor in its magnificence, the warming comfort of it and the fire making it hard to not let himself give in to the wants of his exhaustion. His brain would likely not let him sleep anyway. He was far too anxious to work on the new puzzles before him.
The anticipation was likely there in his eyes. Several years of research and traveling back and forth to Egypt was all finally becoming worth the tireless work. There were many times he wasn't sure he would ever get to this point with no way to track down the missing piece of the puzzle. He just so badly wanted to be the one to figure it out and definitely before someone like Donovan fucking Andrews did. That dick had no love for the history. All he wanted was more money and power.
He turned his body more to face Clarissa, his fingers finding their way to her free hand as it rested in her lap. "How'd you find it?" he asked, glancing over to the Chronicle. As much as he wanted to dive right into decoding the cypher, Wyatt also knew that the nephilim artifact was the most important object to their kind. He was just as excited to hear more about Clarissa's discovery and wanted to do everything he possibly could to aid in whatever she needed from it. "Did you feel it?"
The edges of her lips curled slightly at his theatrics of opening the rather exquisite whiskey; Wyatt had always had a way to ease something in her chest when she was feeling overwhelmed. It was a skill only he had, other than her twin brother Isaiah, but he was insane, chaotic and to distract her from intense feelings often resulted in something illegal; whereas Wyatt was calming, soothing and now that he was back in her life, she sure as hell was not going to let him go. She tried to ignore the sensation of emptiness of where her wings should lay, and the overindulging darkness which now smothered the outer edges of her mind waiting to remind her of the trauma she had lived through and having Wyatt softly guide her to the sofa gave her some respite.
Her head rolled back against the back of the sofa, her eyes closing momentarily due to the flashes of memories which would plague her for the rest of her life. Her lavender coated eyes flew open once more, perhaps sleep was not going to be for her; she’d have to find other ways to rest and whilst she was sure Wyatt would love some of the ways she planned to stay awake, she also knew the bastard would find a way to make sure she rested and recovered in both mind and body. She glanced sideways at him as he mused over their significant findings and she could see him itching to do further research, to dive back in even if it was driven by the need to figure it out before Donovan. She sat in silence for a moment, watching him in awe as he fussed over their win and their belongings, like a child on Christmas Day; Rissa smiled at the sight.
Rissa glanced at their intertwined hands before meeting his eyes. “There were whispers, many of them. I couldn’t decipher what they were saying but I followed, and when my fingers came into contact with it, it burned. Hot to touch, but fine enough for me to hold it. I think the heat was a protective barrier to stop the unwanted taking it.” Rissa responded. “The voices absolutely came from that” She inclined her head. “It could be pre recorded, it could be souls trapped or if it was possible of another realm being there outside of our own, a way to communicate with them.”
Take her wings.
Keep her alive to do so.
She deserves this and more.
This is going to hurt, darling.
Rissa reached for the bottle, not caring for the glass; she was going to drown out the memories one way or another. She took a rather big swig and felt Wyatt’s gaze fall upon her. Concern clung to his features and she shrugged; the traumatic memories were nothing in comparison to what they had to do now. If she was to get her wings back and help Wyatt with the cipher, she would ignore them until everything was fixed and they were where they were meant to be. Besides she was sure there were magical spells outside of sex and alcohol that could numb the flashbacks. ”You’ve got the cipher, what are we going to do with that?” She quizzed, topping up his glass.
Rissa inhaled and turned her body towards him, her fingers daintily tracing his jawline, her gaze soft. “Thank you. I mean it.” She swallowed. “Seeing me… there and removing my other wing, that is something no good soul should ever do, you don’t deserve the shittiness that will bring you. You don’t deserve the haunting memories it’ll plague you with. I may thank you but I’m also so so sorry. I shouldn’t have put you in that position.” I don’t deserve you. The last sentence got caught in her throat, but it was true, she didn’t deserve the life she had now been given and she certainly didn’t deserve the possibility of love; she was probably meant to be six feet under with her twin and Father. Rissa had come a long way from the heartless Nephilim she once was, but that part of her still recoiled at the words which she spoke.
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