Pax Montgomery
Age: 22 (looks) | 96 (actual)
Family: None
Species: Turned Vampire
Rank: Fledgling
Faceclaim: Chloe Bennett

Sociable | Compassionate | Loyal | Unyielding
Erratic | Impetuous | Susceptible

1922 - Phyllis Montgomery was born that summer, August 14. Her parents, Iris and Benjamin, were young, only in their early twenties when Phyllis was born. Iris and Ben were unprepared, as they were rushed quickly into parenthood, naive and still growing out of their young adolescents when the child had arrived. They managed somehow, buying a small home on the outskirts of Chicago Illinois, Ben retrieving a job at a newspaper factory and Iris staying home with their little girl. As Phyllis grew up she witnessed the roaring 20's, and she was in love with the lot of it. The music, the dancing, the gowns and dresses, it all intrigued her young mind to no end. Blossoming, the child became brighter and brighter as each day passed.

1928- Phyllis was unusually intelligent for a six year old, reading at a level fit for an older child. Naturally she wanted to follow the older girls from school around, act the way they acted, follow their footsteps. Phyllis expressed so much interest in activities such as Ballet, the piano, and art classes. Iris and Ben eventually gave in, allowing the child to fufill her wishes. Over the years Phyllis continued to grow, dancing, reading, writing, painting. She was fully packed with creativity and a bright light that seemed to gleam right out of her heart. Little did she know her life would be changed so quickly within the years to come.

1936 - Soon became a dreadful year that Phyllis would never forget, Iris Montgomery had passed on at the age of 34 due to an unforgiving case of scarlet fever. The family hadn't enough money saved to bring Iris to the doctor, the last 2 months of her mother's life was torturous to watch. Phyllis and her father were distraught, not being able to do anything that could've helped the situation. The pair said their farewells to Iris, pushing Phyllis into a dark depression. The years passed by, slowly it seemed. Phyllis had strayed from the bright young girl, dancing, and singing, to a despondent young woman. Hardly sleeping, hardly eating, she never went out with any of her mates anymore. Phyllis spent her days locked in her home, reading books and avoiding contact with any outsiders. She had obtained a routine, school>home>school>home. Her Father had become her only source of communication, her only friend. Ben was just as bad, he almost never spoke, and when he did it was avoiding the topic of Iris at all costs. It was as if she never existed.

1940- Eighteen years and she should've been bright-eyed, she should've been excited to head off to college and begin her life as a young adult. She wasn't. Phyllis was at a loss, she managed to get through high school fine, but she was not looking forward to college studies. It meant she had to leave home, she had to leave only rope that tied her to her parents, to her memories. Everything was gone, everyone was gone. Ben took his own life a few years into Phyllis' high school education. He couldn't take the silence anymore, couldn't handle the longing for Iris, the loneliness seeping into his mind. Phyllis broke after finding her father in their cellar. She couldn't fathom what had happened, it sent her into a shock, and she had spent several months repairing herself. Now, this year she finally thought she was ready to go off and abroad. But, she wasn't excited. She was not bright-eyed. She was not ready. Phyllis knew she had to leave though, she knew if she did not she would be stuck in a rut for the rest of her life. With that thought in mind, the young woman took off.

Several months into her first year in college, A young man by the name of Bruce Beaufield came into Phyllis' life. At first, she was weary and taken back by the male. She didn't know exactly what to make of him or his demeanor. Bruce seemed mysterious, a certain darkness but not enough to take away the gleam of light in his eyes. His intentions seemed.. pure. He befriended Phyllis, learning of her past and expressing his sympathy. He fell in love with her slowly, but all at once. Phyllis regained her strength over her study period, she found peace in Bruce and his personality. She soon found herself feeling the light she once had as a child returning to her heart. Bruce gave Phyllis a nickname that stuck with her throughout the years, Pax. She never understood where exactly he derived the name from, but she loved the idea of it. The pair spent all their spare time together, venturing out into the city for dates , dancing the evening's away most nights.

1942- Pax Montgomery became Mrs. Pax Beaufield. Bruce and Pax had tied the knot under a willow tree in their favourite spot near the trails surrounding the college. This was also the year the pair graduated, bought their first home and settled down. Their home was small, and cottage like but it was home. That's all Pax had wanted in life was her sense of home back. The rope that had once tied her to her childhood home and her parents was extended now to make room for Bruce and their family to come. Pax maintained a small position as a nurse at the local city hospital, as Bruce worked as a bartender at small locally owned tavern. They seemed to have it all together, until Allan Avery came along.

1943- The year Pax's life changed once again, for the better that is. Bruce and Pax welcomed their brand new baby boy to the world, naming him Allan Avery Beaufield. The child had the same light gleam from him in such a way that resembled Pax. He was beautiful, blonde and blue eyed. Bruce and Pax felt confident that this was the start of something extraordinary.

1944- Darkness. No light, just dark. Her sense of touch, smell and hearing were fine.. if anything they were at an impeccable standard. She could not see anything though. This sent her heart racing. There was screaming, screams of fear. She could hear Allan crying at the top of his lungs, but she couldn't see where he was. She could hear Bruce attempting to calm the child, but failing. Suddenly Pax felt somebody grab her body, picking it up with ease. It was Bruce. She knew his touch. Pax wanted to scream but she couldn't, her voice was somehow lost in the moment. Eventually she faded out, to an even darker space. When Pax awoke she was in a hospital bed, her neck was extremely sore, her body felt like a half ton of bricks. Allan was strewn across her chest as he lay asleep, dried tears staining his cheeks. Turning her head slowly she noticed Bruce asleep in a chair at her bedside. He awoke quickly after Pax had managed to let a sigh of relief out. Bruce , gripping his love tightly and almost refusing to let go. He looked taken back, shaken and pale. His forehead had a few stray cuts but nothing too damaging. Pax questioned him naturally but he seemed reluctant to explain what had gone on in the days prior. Pax insisted, naturally. She became frustrated when he wouldn't explain himself. After consistent pushing, voice raising , and a nurse coming to place Allan in a separate room, Bruce finally broke his silence.

The news he gave to her sounded like something out of a film, a story if you will. Pax couldn't process the information as quick as she thought she'd be able to. She wasn't sure how to respond. Bruce was a Vampire. His father had been one, and his Grandfather as well. He had learned from a young age the tricks and wits of the trade, how to hide himself, how to seem completely ordinary.. After a few hours of sleep, Pax awoke once again. Bruce still at her bedside, not once had he left her. She smiled at the thought, quickly remembering the information he had let on earlier. How.., She wondered as she examined him. How was this man a creature. Bruce had earlier explained to her the story of his upbringing, the story of what he was.. and lastly the story of what had happened in the days leading up to this one. The world war was happening within these years, which meant nowhere was truly safe. Threats were opened on Chicago, and the city was flooded with military personnel, stampeding around, opening fire, taking the lives of innocent beings. Pax had been caught in gunfire after attempting to save a friend of hers from her college years, she was shot on the sight. Bruce had rushed to her with their child, unsure of options he had. He quickly did the only thing he could think of and bit into her neck, careful to be discreet with it.

The venom from his fangs seeped into her bloodstream, causing her to pass out. The extent of Pax's injuries caused her to die, but because of the venom in her system, she was saved. What Pax did not realize now was that she was not human. She was the furthest from it. Pax and Bruce spoke for hours on what this all meant. He gave her as much information as possible, filling her in on what was about to happen and what she could do to complete the transition. After what seemed like endless hours of pure pain and non stop screaming, Pax was ready, she wanted to complete the transition. Bruce brought to her a nurse, showing her the ropes on how to feed, how to control herself, carefully watching her to be sure she did not go overboard of course. After careful thought Pax made the hardest decision she had ever had to make, she decided that Allan could not be with her and Bruce any longer. The danger and risk factor was much too high for a one year old to be involved. The pair agreed upon placing Allan up for adoption, to parents who could take care of him to the fullest extent. Pax felt her heart shattered to bits when Allan was taken from her arms, but she and Bruce knew it was for the better. It would all be for the better.

1956 - life had been peaceful ever since the events of 1944. Although Pax's heart still longed for her son back, she knew he was happily living life with his new family. A strong family, with siblings and lots of love. He would grow up to be an extraordinary young man. She and Bruce knew this to be true. The pair packed up and moved to Georgia, to be closer to Bruce's family. They remained happy for a few years afterward. Eventually their relationship faded into nothing more than strangers it seemed. She felt as if she hardly knew this man anymore. Bruce and Pax went their separate ways, Pax venturing off to Colorado, Bruce to Washington. They kept in touch for a while, telephone calls and writing letters back and forth.

2001- It had been 45 years and Pax had seen the likes of Colorado for all its glory. Denver to Boulder, from Vail to Colorado springs, she had seen every inch. Spent a few months here and there, admiring watching the human life come and go. She had not heard from Bruce for quite some time, almost 4 whole years, which seemed to drag on like a rock through quicksand. Pax set off toward Washington, planning a surprise visit to an old friend. By the time Pax arrived to Seattle, tracking down Bruce's home address, she had become unwillingly nervous. A knock on the door sent what sounded like quite the large dog behind the front door into a fury of barking, followed by a woman telling it to quiet down. As the woman opened the door Pax examined her, taking in her presence before naturally, asking for Bruce. The next 15 minutes of explanation sent a hurling pit into Pax's stomach. The woman who had answered was Bruce's widowing wife, she hadn't asked Pax much about how she knew Bruce, not that she would have spilt the beans anyhow. The woman explained further, Bruce had tragically passed away in a house fire a few years prior, leaving herself and her daughter in shambles. Pax felt horrible , wishing she had only had the chance to say goodbye to the last string of her past.

2018- Years passed, flying by like they were nothing. Pax had heard from some old friends of a small city within Colorado, Evermore City. She hadn't thought much of it, or even really entertained the idea of moving from her residence in Colorado Springs. Although, she did feel the need to start fresh. January rolled in the new year, and it also rolled Pax straight into the heart of Evermore City. She kept to herself, obtaining a job at the city hospital, picking her nursing career back up. Naturally the way of doing things these days were much different than when she had started her career in the 40's, so she continues to struggle to keep with the rest of society some days. Slowly but surely her light is coming back, Pax still wonders about how things may have turned out if she hadn't lost everyone, but she knows she's much stronger now, it's for the better.

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