Name: Trois Nadine Moreaux
Age: 19 (looks) 43 (actual)
Blood Status: Turned
Family: None
Rank: Fledgling
FC: Carmella Rose

Empathy || Fiercely Protective || Boundless Love
Reckless || Stubborn to a fault || Single Minded

Born in November 1975 in Sheffield, England, Trois had a happy upbringing surrounded by a loving family. Her parents were powerful Instar Diviners who raised their children to be the same. Trois was a happy and precocious individual, vibrant and always willing to learn. She had a knack for magic that made her quite powerful, her family predicting she would be one of the most powerful in the world one day. However, things don’t always work out as people think, life always taking a turn that can change destinies.

Events leading up to the night of July 24th, 1994 are still displaced and blurry for Trois, the combined trama mixed with a spell gone awry shattered pieces of her memories. The spell had initially been cast to help her forget a bad relationship, allowing her to let go and move on. Unfortunately, her family was attacked by a band of vampires that very night, causing the spell to grow in strength and take on a life of its own. Instead of being killed along with the rest of her family, Trois was left writhing in agony as the transition took hold. The pain of turning didn’t mix well with the spell, creating a block between key aspects of her personality and the dark instincts of her vampire nature in a bad way. As a newborn vampire she rose feral, her thirst the only sensation she knew.

Now loose on the streets of England Trois went on a killing spree, driven only to satisfy her hunger and thirst by any means necessary. Across the span of a few weeks, she left a trail of bodies in her wake, nearly drowning herself in blood, though seemingly unaware of her actions. One night however she was set upon by a creature of far superior strength and skill, corner her in a barn far outside of town he was set on killing her, on ending her reign of terror until a blow to the head knocked down the wall the spell had created and woke her up from her bloodlust. In those moments her mind flooded with all the lives she had taken and the horrors she had caused, her newfound depth of feeling and empathy very nearly driving her insane.

The male vampire stepped in, introducing himself as Gideon, he decided to spare her life, teaching her how to control her new strengths and feed without killing. Once he was satisfied that she could survive on her own he left her, putting it in her hands to deal with the guilt that ate away at her very being. In his absence she became an avenging angel, taking it upon herself to protect the people of England from the shadows in an attempt to atone for all the blood she had shed. During her time there she honed her skills as a vampire, learning what she could of her new life through trial and error while destroying anything that threatened the fragile human lives under her protection.

In 2010, during Sheffield’s “big freeze” Trois decided she needed a change of scenery, after nearly a decade spent on the streets of the city it was time to move on. Relocating to Brooklyn, Massachusetts she started to set up a home for herself when she came across a rumor among the vampires. The King of her species had come out of hiding and was setting up shop in Evermore, Colorado. Unable to resist the call or temptation of finding out more about herself and possibly uncovering the person’s responsible for the deaths of her family and her turning, Trois picked up again and has just moved into the Eternal City. With a little spunk and a lot of work, she hopes to uncover the answers to her past so that she can move into her future with much more confidence.

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