Name: Abraham Maddox
Age: Looks - 35 Really - 40
Species: Instar Diviner - Dark
Family: N/A
Face Claim: Sebastian Stan

It was on the night of December 21st, the shortest day of the year when the most unthinkable crime occured; a crime which shook a community right to its core. A young couple, Odette and Charles Buchanan, excitedly welcomed a baby boy into the world; however, at the witching hour, that beautiful baby boy was cruelly snatched away from them by a gentleman who posed as the family doctor. It was on this day that the Buchanan family lost their whole world, their lives flipped upside down as the police were unable to find any leads on who could have done such a thing; this only meant the babe was taken by someone outside of their community which destroyed all hope that he may never be found and reunited with his adoring family. With as much help from their Diviner community, for the years that followed, they kept the baby in their thoughts and on every anniversary which passed, the town played tribute to the Buchanan family. Yet, despite the very need to move on, hope remained in Odette and Charles's heart and almost weekly they continued to cast location spells yet to no avail; however, little did they know, the baby was not very far but only in the next Diviner community over.

The crime which was committed was a crime of love and passion; Alexander Maddox couldn't bare to watch his wife, Catalina suffer another pregnancy loss and despite being a family of money, adoption never truly appealed - the process was lengthy and he knew the stress would only impact Catalina negatively. Especially if they were rejected, therefore, when he heard the news of a pregnancy in the next coven over; it seemed to be a no brainer to him, and it surprised him even more when Catalina agreed to the plan. That evening, Alexander could not describe the feeling which stirred within him as he watched the smile grow on Catalina's countenance when she rocked the baby boy in her arms; the baby boy was finally named - Abraham Maddox. The boy was beautiful, and much to their luck held some similarity in appearance to them - deep ocean blue eyes with a tuff of dark locks upon the top of his head; they knew people would talk, however, Catalina had not left the house in months; thus, it was very much possible that the child was biologically theirs. No one needed to know their secret, besides their own parents and close family members who they trusted dearly.

The Maddox family owned and ran a Medium service to those who had recently lost loved ones; Maddox Mediums started to become increasingly popular to the human community which shared their town and because of this, their reputation continued to grow - people would come from all over the world to the Maddox home to hope to speak to their loved one for some form of closure. Being Dark Diviners, to speak to the dead was near impossible therefore, they never really had any supernatural clientele which they didn’t mind - but what often surprised them was how other supernatural beings never grassed them out for publicity. Due to the family business, Abraham was always surrounded by dark artifacts, dark imagery and the concept of death which never frightened him; many parents would wish to hide their children from such things, yet Catalina and Alexander openly allowed Abraham to play with almost every object - after all, they hoped that one day, he too would be claimed by the darkness himself. Yet, they always knew, that there was a slight chance he could be claimed by Fae - considering one of his biological parents came from the light.

Throughout his childhood, and despite being the apple of his parents' eyes, Abraham often found himself in trouble, and due to the very outdated parenting style Alexander had - the young boy was often forced into physical labour around the house or unfortunately being locked away in the attic for hours on end; until he had learnt his lesson. By doing this, it caused some unhealthy coping and defense mechanisms in Abraham, but that was only noticeable when he reached the age of attending high school - for the most part, Abraham was a smart and well liked boy in previous schools; he was part of the popular crowd and had many friends and admirers. Yet, when he reached his final years, many began to think of him as a slight outcast - the school was shared with supernatural and humans alike, and once the humans found out about his family profession, they shunned him, and the non believers certainly pranked him on many occasions. Due to the treatment, Abraham began to smoke heavily and steal alcohol from his parents liquor cabinet and found himself staying out later and later.

This behaviour concerned Catalina and Alexander yet they put it down to his age; however, they were somewhat glad that he was beginning to lash out at society and his mistreatment as this meant that he was closing in on the darkness which they hoped would claim him on his eighteenth birthday in a few weeks. Throughout the trouble he encountered at school, there was one particular being which made him seem at ease, one that did not judge him for his affiliation with death and the supernatural world - Luciana Belrose. Luciana was the daughter of his Coven’s leader and had known her since they were children, yet they were never close; but that being said, it never stopped him from fantasizing about her, about them being together one day; yet he doubted such a thing could ever happen, he was sure their Coven leader would find her a better, more suitable suitor. One evening after school, Luciana decided to make a move on Abraham, after all, who didn’t like the bad boy? Her actions took him by surprise completely, but it was a dream come true so he couldn’t stop himself from accepting her advances.

From there on out, the two were inseparable - they would skip classes just to be together, and when they had to attend Coven meetings, they often disappeared into the darkness to enjoy each others company; The Maddox family did not mind, if anything, they approved of their child's choice of a partner - it would bring them great status if they remained together. However, The Belrose family thought otherwise - of course, they did hold high respect for The Maddox family, after all, they were great supporters and contributed to the Coven whenever they could; in fact, they couldn’t see the Coven without Catalina and Alexander, but nevertheless, they still wanted their beautiful daughter matched with someone better. Eventually, the night came and Abraham was waiting beneath the vast sky, waiting to see which side had claimed him and much to his and his family’s delight; the sky rumbled with thunder as dark and brooding clouds rolled above him - Luciana was also present and despite being claimed by Fae, she found him more desirable as ever. She was a firm believer that opposites attract. Whereas Catalina and Alexander cried in happiness, to them, it proved that Abraham was indeed their child.

To celebrate both children now reaching maturity and how they were now both claimed - The Belrose family invited Abraham to attend dinner with them; after all, it seemed there would be no separating Luciana from him. Christian Belrose, Luciana’s Father was at times, an incredibly corrupt and a vicious man - it was well known within the Coven that he was not the most innocent of leaders, but that was what made a leader; people must be afraid of them. Yet Abraham showed no fear for the man, and happily sat next to his daughter at dinner which left a bitter taste in Christian’s mouth; he had tried for many weeks to separate the two, to no avail, which left only one outcome - death. Christian would kill Abraham. He knew it would break Catalina’s heart, that the son she tried so hard for would die suddenly, but he knew The Maddox family were strong and did not fear death, but respected it, thus they would overcome this slight inconvenience. As the waiters brought in the glasses of wine, they subtly nodded to Christian as they placed each glass of red wine in front of those present.

Christian, eagerly stood and lifted his glass to make a speech about how proud he was of his daughter, and what a great leader she would be. “Cheers” He roared, and all individuals brought the glasses up to their lips to toast the heir of the coven; all the while Christian kept his gaze upon Abraham, waiting patiently for it to take effect, yet his plan had failed. Suddenly, Christian was watching Luciana choke up her own blood over the table, with Abraham soon by her side, trying with all his might to save her; but it was clear, Christian had poisoned his own daughter and watched her die at his very hands. The Father had to act suddenly, or else all eyes would be upon him, and soon enough he accused Abraham for killing his beloved daughter. The many guests and those who worked within the grand building did not doubt Christian one bit - for they knew he loved her with all his heart; therefore, within seconds, Abraham was handcuffed which automatically stopped him generating any Dark magic himself to set himself free.

Abraham was taken to the prison which was already overpopulated by men that Christian had set to fail and despite the many trials The Maddox family were granted, there was just no hope for their son; they would never win against a man like Christian. Abraham spent the rest of his years in prison for a murder he did not committ and despite his cries of innocence, he knew they would not be heard and if anything, would make him look weak in a prison full of brutes. Thus, he accepted that this was now fate - handcuffed for the rest of his life behind bars; throughout the years, the prison system toughened him up - he became ‘The popular’ kid once more, being the man that the other prisoners feared and followed. Despite not being able to use magic, he was able to kill in there if anyone dared to defy him - yet, in his nightmares, he found that he may not have been as different as Christian as he had hoped. That very thought alone brought goosebumps to appear upon his flesh - what would Luciana think of him now?

Everytime she appeared in his mind, he had to dismiss it just as quickly or else he would slip into the very darkness which consumed him daily - he would lose control of his darkness and would lose his sense of self. Yet, after many years of fighting from the outside, Catalina and Alexander finally won a battle set their boy free from the godforsaken prison which was his home; and despite visiting him frequently, they were always shocked by his appearance and how his personality and behaviour had changed so drastically. But nevertheless, they loved him dearly and were so glad to have him back at home with them. The moment he was freed, they knew that he had not lived the life of an Instar Diviner, he had never had the time to learn his magic and become the heir of their family business. Thus, for Abraham, it felt like being a child once again, learning the ropes of everything that he didn’t have much knowledge of or even passion for - yet, out of respect and the love of his parents, he continued down their path, just like many other Maddoxs’ before him.

Upon his 34th birthday, Abraham finally came to the conclusion that he needed to leave The Maddox home, and see the world around them; after all, he had only ever seen their small town and the four walls of a prison cell. Despite his decision breaking his parents’ hearts, they understood the need for freedom, and the need to explore; they too had their time before they wished to settle down. Thus, they let their son go in hope that he would find what he was looking for, but they did request one thing from him - that he kept in touch no matter what; this wasn’t for his safety from Christian, but because they had not forgotten the family which they took him from. Catalina and Alexander were still very aware that Abraham’s original family - Odette and Charles - were still holding onto hope, and continued to pay for investigators to find their son; and the very thought of losing Abraham to them, would be the very cause of their death.

Abraham ventured across the world and experienced many different cultures; yet to bring in money, he also promised to spread the word about Maddox Medium Services, and couldn’t help himself and dabble into it himself - conning the innocent to think their loved ones still walked this Earth. Eventually, Abraham found himself entering a City called Evermore, and was taken aback by the masses of supernatural creatures which resided here peacefully - in fact, he found it rather refreshing. It was within his first week in the city, that the comet struck Evermore, and the unimaginable happened - Dark and Light Diviners were now a lot closer to each other than ever before; with both being able to dabble into the other’s spells. Abraham, despite eager to learn more magic, the temptation for light was never the same after Luciana’s death, and thus, he remained learning and mastering his darker qualities of magic.

After reaching a final decision, Abraham ended up moving permanently to Evermore City and set up another Maddox shop for all things relating to the Spiritual Realm - such as books, tarot cards and readings; he would offer his services to speak to the dead, as well as hold other events for the paying and eager customers. But the questions remain - will Christian finally have his way in killing Abraham; after all, he still very much blamed Abraham for his daughter’s death and would Abraham ever be found by his biological parents?

| Self-controlled, Fearless, Adaptable, Disciplined |
| Cunning, Bizzare, Unsociable, Domineering

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