The dhampir looked over to the clock on the desk, his eyes taking in the numbers that had barely moved since the last time he looked at it, 10.38pm. His head felt like a mess, a mix of emotions and thoughts he didn’t even know how to process but he supposed that’s what happened when you got bad news and were half a world away from being able to help. Jae had been trying to study, read, anything to take his mind off the fact that his mother was currently in hospital, just waiting for someone to call and tell him that he could breathe again. Instead all he found himself doing was staring at the clock, wondering how the hell he was even going to sleep, not knowing how serious it was or whether she was okay was eating up at him.

His attention was however taken by his phone buzzing, the dhampir was hopeful it was going to ring for a moment but when he unlocked it, it was just a text message saying they were still waiting for news but the doctors had informed them it was non life threatening. The male breathed a sigh of relief, though he still knew he wasn’t going to be able to sleep with his mind so full of worry. He climbed to his feet, running his hand through his hair and opening his door to look out into the corridor. It was suspiciously quiet in here for a Saturday evening which made Jae wonder where Harry and Tyler were. Heading into the living quarters he was surprised to find no one there, he must have completely missed them leaving.

The dhampir pondered for a moment what he could do to distract himself, something that didn’t require so much thought and effort, something easy. It was then that the face of the fallen star entered his mind, Jae wasn’t sure that was quite as simple as he first thought anymore but he did find that Hanseol always seemed to be able to take his mind off the world in general and he hadn’t seen him since their study session in the library. He remembered watching as the red haired star left the library, a bright and innocent smile gracing his lips and how Jae had been just about as screwed as the girls who burst into laughter around him. Before he could chicken out, Jae got to his feet and pulled his phone from his pocket. He knew Hanseol would be awake because for some reason celestials seemed to stay up til stupid hours at night.

He knew it was a little crazy but much like Hanseol had wanted to share his researching with Jae, Jae figured that if anyone could make him feel better about what was happening back home it was the celestial. Grabbing his bag he slid his phone into his pocket and then locked up the apartment and followed the familiar route out of the building. Once he was out onto the streets of Evermore he flagged down a taxi before climbing into the back and telling the male the address Hanseol had given him. As he looked out of the window of the car he took in the sights of the city at night, it was kinda beautiful, watching as the lights flashed past, serene even.

Before long he arrived in the west of the city, he’d never actually been to this part of the city before, for the most part is less crowded than the rest, wide spaces and lots of green areas, it was clear that it wasn’t as densely populated as the north of the city where Jae lived. He paid the driver before climbing out, regretting not putting a coat on before he left because it was very cold on this particular winter evening. He had to admit now that he was here he felt a little nervous but he’d made it this far and honestly he really did want to see Hanseol. Rolling his shoulders back he found the place on the address and slowly made his way up towards the door.

He started to think about whether it was too late to show up and what if the celestial had company or didn’t want to see him, Jae didn’t know why he had so many doubts, they just seemed to come out of nowhere. Still after taking a long breath he reached up and pressed on the doorbell of the place. He was shocked however when the motion resulted in loud barking of dogs inside the place. Jae’s eyes widened realizing they were probably going to wake up all the neighbors, a little panicked he looked around not really sure what to do until he heard the sound of someone on the other side of the door.

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It still surprises the celestial to see the dhampir showcasing his humility in front of him, even though he didn’t have to. He believed chivalry and humility makes up the best manners a person should have, and so far, Jae served to be one of the best examples of well-mannered and kind persona he’s had the chance of stumbling upon. It makes the dhampir look more endearing, if that was even possible. It was clear at this point, anyone could see that Hanseol was slowly hooked on the male, and it didn’t even take much to make of it. “Every great people starts at the bottom, Jae. I don’t need to quote Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison or anyone else, do I? It’s that evident truth to it. It took them time to rise to the level of fame they were in, but they were motivated to get there. You have inspiration and you have motivation; both of which are different in its own rights. Now, with me pushing you up to the pedestal that you deserved, you’ve gained not one but both of them.” The smile travelled up to his eyes as it curved into small crescent lines. Maybe he didn’t have many friends that were really good in his life, but he could start now. No- if he had Jae, he didn’t anyone else. At least to himself, he feels that way.

Smiling slightly, he lets of a heaved sigh before following with a soft snicker. “I wish that’s entitled to everything else. It’s not fair that it’s only applicable to my occupation but not my life.” He knew he’d agree with no negativity session for tonight but somehow, the fallen star couldn’t help but to feel sad on his lifestyle. Was this all that he could amount to? What if one day, while he was enjoying his day, he was taken away again? And this time, what if he had no chance to be thrown back into the world? What if he couldn’t escape their evil clutches and descend himself into the darkness he so much feared? There’s so much going around in his head as all the inferences and questions fed his paranoia as a whole.

But it does make him happy, seeing as if he didn’t have anything or anyone to keep staying where he was, he does now. He refused to run anymore. For his sake, and for his newfound friend’s sake-- the friend who found his way into his good graces quickly as the lightning itself. A friend that Hanseol was sure to cherish with every single fibre of his being. “Anyways, it’s not about me, so..” he sheepishly remarked as he scratched the back of his head awkwardly before catching the sight of the latter yawning a lot more frequently than usual, indicating his sleepy state was slowly taking over. Averting his gaze to Yeontan and Byul who’s also fell in the deep slumber, he yawned himself. From one hour turned to hours of conversation, and neither one of them noticed at all. The beauty of conversations, it was.

Hanseol enjoyed spending his time with Jae, and found him unique in so many ways that would be unexplainable. Especially to himself, given that Jae had sparked something foreign in him-- something that he’s never felt before, and in all honesty, he’d be lying if he said it didn’t scare him the slightest, because it did. But on the positive note, he wanted to make the most of it and slowly see where this is leading. Surely it should be something he would find himself liking since it came from Jae. The celestial found his free hand covering his mouth as he too yawned a few minutes later, shortly after seeing the dhampir half-lidded eyes. Leaning against the soft cushion of the couch, he shifted his position slightly to the left, facing Jae unconsciously before smiling softly as his eyes closed. “Just because it doesn’t sound okay coming from me, doesn’t make it foreign from me, Jae.” he slurred sleepily. It didn’t take him long to completely fall into the dreamland, but not before he uttered a few words.

“When I fall in love, I want it to be real too. So I could have more reasons to live..”


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