Maybe it was the right call. Maybe it wasn't. At this point, Dae wasn't sure what's right and what's not anymore, which was saying a lot considering the male never really had a phase in his life where anything is unsure. That's the thing about him, he is always sure. It could be good or bad, but it is something he knows is sure to himself. Now? Not so much. 

He stared at the mirror in front of him and noticed how haggard he looks, he looks tired and sad. He remembered what Yeon said the night before, how he would leave everything and go with him. Of course, a man with that calibre wouldn't really have a problem dropping anything to do whatever he wanted. Yeonseok Lee is rich and well in his own, he has a whole business, a company under his name, a smile that would charm even the hardest rock. And that rock is him. He was fazed, he was shaken. It was why he had a whole luggage packed with his clothes and essentials. It's the reason why he's making sure he looks presentable. 

He sighed to himself and murmured "You can do this Daehyun, it's just a trip... how long could it be anyway? We'll eventually get bored and all of this will be over with... He wouldn't want a piece of heavy baggage like yourself, this is just him being nice... because that's who he is, Yeon is a nice guy..." He had reassured himself that the valkyr only wanted to do his part as a good friend. 

Dae closed all the lights at his place and dragged the luggage with him as he spared one last look at the living space. He had hoped that perhaps once all of this is over, he could come back to this comfort. Maybe he wouldn't die. By the time he went down from his unit, he noticed there was a car waiting right in front of the entrance. He had thought nothing about it if not for the striking blond who just came out, even after crying last night, Yeon looked exceptionally beautiful. Of course, he does. He's a valkyr but not everyone can be charming like him. "Why are you... here? I thought we'd meet at your place?"

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Yeon gave him a knowing smile but didn’t push the topic any further, it was enough for him that Dae had chosen to come with him, even if it was for a limited time, he was going to make the most of every second they had together. He was content which made the flight go by quickly, which he was grateful for because Yeon could be easily made antsy by a long flight where he wasn’t doing work to distract himself from the length of time.

Yeon shrugged slightly in response to his question “I think everyone gets bored when all you have to do is sleep or mindlessly browse the entertainment on the screen so food becomes a welcome break” he chuckled “Or maybe because you have to rely on someone to bring you food it makes you want it more…” either way he wasn’t wrong because Yeon often found himself eating far more food than he usually would on a flight day.

“Don’t you worry, there’s plenty of food waiting for us once we get into the city” he assured him and nodded his head “The cafes always have the best pastries…you haven’t really lived until you’ve tried a pastry from a real French bakery” he grinned playfully. He was honestly relieved to hear that Dae had some wishes for the trip and he wouldn’t just be dragging him from place to place.

He glanced over at the niveis and shrugged his shoulders slightly “They can be seen that way…but mostly it’s because they’re proud of their language and culture and they don’t like…obnoxious tourists” he offered a gentle smile as the flight attendants informed them they were coming in to land. His gaze drifting to the window to look at the city below them.

This vacation was far from his thoughts honestly, and the only reason why he came with the valkyr was because… he promised to give him the chance, so he should make good on his promise. To be fair, the niveis halfheartedly thought Yeon would forget about that night, but no, he showed up early in the morning with his luggage and designer clothes. Classic Yeonseok Lee.

“So it’s a good thing…” he murmured as his eyes glazed over the menu of what was being offered in flight. He has never tried them and he wasn’t sure if he wanted to but he is also hungry. Naturally, Dae wanted to munch on something. Dying on an empty stomach didn’t seem ideal but he didn’t think much on it previously.

“People say in flight food is not good, they’re on par with hospital food, is that right?” He raised his eyebrows in surprise when he said he would find a whole new world once he tried a pastry from a real French bakery “What’s the difference? I actually like the bread from Lecroix’s downtown…” He was an avid bread lover, who often got his fix from a specific bakery. “I’m not an obnoxious tourist… though to be fair, I’m bad at French.”

He’s a bounty hunter, he travels, but never on a whim or pleasure. He’s there to finish a job, that’s it. A quick sweep of in and out, nothing more, nothing less. “The last time I was in France was when I had to do a stakeout…” Again, not pleasure business. “And I ended up hanging the person against the top floor of the Eiffel Tower… so there’s that.” When the plane landed, Dae swore he heldnonto the handle firmly he was sure it would break if he asserted anymore strength than he already has. He had his eyes wide when it finally came to a halt “That’s… overwhelming…”

Yeon chuckled softly, it was interesting to see Dae’s reaction to things that felt so trivial to him, it reminded him that not everyone had the same experiences and what could feel so normal and uninteresting to him could be something so new for someone else “Well…perhaps that’s the case in economy but in first class…you know…you can even get caviar with your dinner if you want that” he wasn’t a fan personally but the option was always there.

“Well…everything is made from scratch for one…you know most bakeries are pretty guilty of freezing everything overnight to save costs…” he shook his head “Not where we’re going, I swear you’re going to be a changed man” and he was so excited to get to see his reaction, he realized…getting to share these things with someone he cared about, felt pretty damn special. “I can get by” he commented, analyzing his own skills in the language “But I’d be rude if people didn’t even try to respect my culture too” so he couldn’t blame the reaction.

Yeon widened his eyes “The stories you bring out from bounty hunting honestly sound like something out of a spy movie” he pointed out, shaking his head comically, Dae really didn’t even realize quite how out there his norm seemed, he supposed they really were far apart in their lives. As they came in to land, Yeon was watching Dae with a concerned gaze, practically feeling the anxiety radiating off him, he reached for his hand to hold it firmly “You’re okay…you did it” he assured him.

Before long the plane was beginning to deboard, he gathered his things from the overhead compartment to give Dae some time alone to process, as he had quickly learned the other male often needed. Before they knew it, they were heading through the airport and out into the streets of Paris.

He scrunched up his eyebrows when Yeon mentioned he could even get caviar in first class if that’s what he wished for. How was that possible? “People… eat caviar in… first class when they’re like 40,000 feet off the ground? How the hell do they feel reassured? Would it be worth it? What if the plane goes into turbulence and it all falls down?” To be fair, he didn’t think eating when they’re that high above ground was a plausible thought but eating something expensive when it could have a high chance of actually falling on the ground thus wasting their purchase, now that’s another level entirely. “Wait, have you eaten caviar in first class?” 

Interesting. Yeon was never one to actually talk without adding an action to it. He always means what he says and if the bakery is enough to make the Yeonseok Lee agree it suits his palate, then perhaps it was worth trying. He does love bread, after all. When talking about their French skills, he grinned sheepishly as he attempted to form a sentence with his limited use of said language “Puis-je avoir du pain, s'il vous plaît? (Can I have bread, please?) Yeah that’s… about it.” He would need to polish it up a bit but due to his nature of work, he never had to think much on it considering he works behind the scenes.

“It does sound like something out of a spy movie, yeah… but I assure you that to be doing that at a skyscraper makes your stomach churn worse. Most of the time the people are not conscious by the time I bring them that high, it’s crazy. I always have to slap them awake.” It was annoying in his case. 

The seat handle would have been ripped off if not for the valkyr holding him. It calmed him down slightly. His eyes lit up almost instantly when the plane was said to have landed. He stared from the window seat and bit his lip, they’re in Paris now. Might as well make the most of it, right? Before long, he was already scanning their surroundings as Yeon dragged him through the airport and called them their ride. 

“So… what’s up first in our agenda, Mr Fly-Me-Halfway-The-World-For-A-Trip?”

Yeon couldn’t help but chuckle when Dae started spiralling his anxious thoughts out loud “You do realize that you’re far more likely to die from…walking across the road or driving in the average car than in a plane right?” sure if the plane did go down it was a pretty horrific way to die, but the chances were pretty low “I’m not a big fan of caviar, I prefer to indulge on the champagne instead” he commented and shrugged slightly, Yeon was somewhat of a picky eater, mostly because eating was more for pleasure than sustenance for him, so he didn’t have the patience for things he didn’t enjoy.

Yeon grinned playfully when Dae brought out his limited french “Don’t worry, please and thank you are about enough to make it in most places” he reassured him and nodded slightly, the valkyr had been many places and majority would have English speakers in cities at least. Yeon shuddered a little at Dae’s descriptions of his work “Yeah…I don’t do heights…as you know” the first time they had met Yeon had thrown up after flying.

He never looked out the window when he flew on planes because it set his stomach on edge, it was why they had seats in the middle of the cabin rather than close to the edge, he’d always hated heights for as long as he could remember. After landing, they were the first off the plane, so they strolled straight up to immigration and before long they were heading outside.

He called for a taxi to pick them up, requesting to be taken to their hotel and leaning his head against the seat “Well…first we go drop off our things, we should make it just in time for sunset…how perfect” he commented softly. Of course he had picked one with a balcony…and a view…he was certain Dae would be a fan.

“You survived your first flight…I’m proud” he commented softly.

Dae narrowed his eyes at Yeon who then listed out the possibilities and probability of dying somewhere else before he dies from a plane malfunction. “I’m just saying, you never know what happens up here… you could hit a bird…” And maybe the bird would then fuck up the thrusters and the engine would fail and then they’d fall. “I’ve hit plenty of birds when I was flying up there… It hurts” Like a bitch. 

“Caviar is a rich food that doesn’t even… taste as good as the price it gives” He couldn’t understand how a sturgeon is worth that much. Yes, it was rare and hard to harvest their eggs but to Daehyun, a fish is a fish. He nodded to himself when Yeon mentioned limited French is enough “Right… I can do merci and si vous plait…”

He pulled a face but guffawed because he could distinctly recall the first time they met and Yeon had thrown up all over him, thus ruining his favorite leather jacket. Obviously, it got dry cleaned and the valkyr made up to him by getting him new ones. Plural. “Yeah… I remember that night.” 

His eyes scanned the surroundings around them as the taxi took off. It was beautiful, more beautiful than what he could remember. “I guess I never really paid enough attention to the beauty of things when I travel because work is work…” He doesn’t mix pleasure with them, aside from occasional sex. “First flight… will we be having more of those?” His eyes widened slightly when he saw the River Seine “Not gonna lie, I never realized how dirty it looks.” 

Yeon shrugged his shoulders “It’s fine to be worry about flights, anything can be dangerous…plus fear is irrational isn’t it” he reassured him, he would never judge Dae for what worried him considering the valkyr had an irrational fear of heights. “Caviar is an acquired taste for sure, people who like it, really like it…but honestly most people just eat it because it let’s them show off” the same could be said about designer goods and things like that, even if it was ugly people would buy it simply because it was expensive and made a statement of wealth.

Yeon noticed the look on Dae’s face as he reminisced the night they met, not his finest day moment he would admit but it had led to so many things he couldn’t bring himself to regret “It really was a shame about your jacket…” he mumbled softly remembering how he had immediately found him attractive wearing in it “It should be studied…how a simple leather jacket can elevate your look a thousand times” he purred playfully as he pulled on his color.

Yeon gazed outside of the window as they travelled through the city “I can understand that…” he commented softly “Always rushing from one place to another, chasing every opportunity…never…appreciating what’s right here…” he realized how much of his life had been spent that way, it seemed almost crazy considering how far he had come and how much he had gained…that he never stopped to enjoy the world.

Yeon gave an sheepish smile when Dae asked if there would be more flights “No doubt…we can’t stop our epic adventure at a single destination can we…” that would be a poor show and he wasn’t known for that. Before long they were pulling up to their hotel, clerks opening the door for them and immediately taking their bags without a work. Yeon waited as Dae made his way around to his side, heading inside together.

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