Maybe it was the right call. Maybe it wasn't. At this point, Dae wasn't sure what's right and what's not anymore, which was saying a lot considering the male never really had a phase in his life where anything is unsure. That's the thing about him, he is always sure. It could be good or bad, but it is something he knows is sure to himself. Now? Not so much. 

He stared at the mirror in front of him and noticed how haggard he looks, he looks tired and sad. He remembered what Yeon said the night before, how he would leave everything and go with him. Of course, a man with that calibre wouldn't really have a problem dropping anything to do whatever he wanted. Yeonseok Lee is rich and well in his own, he has a whole business, a company under his name, a smile that would charm even the hardest rock. And that rock is him. He was fazed, he was shaken. It was why he had a whole luggage packed with his clothes and essentials. It's the reason why he's making sure he looks presentable. 

He sighed to himself and murmured "You can do this Daehyun, it's just a trip... how long could it be anyway? We'll eventually get bored and all of this will be over with... He wouldn't want a piece of heavy baggage like yourself, this is just him being nice... because that's who he is, Yeon is a nice guy..." He had reassured himself that the valkyr only wanted to do his part as a good friend. 

Dae closed all the lights at his place and dragged the luggage with him as he spared one last look at the living space. He had hoped that perhaps once all of this is over, he could come back to this comfort. Maybe he wouldn't die. By the time he went down from his unit, he noticed there was a car waiting right in front of the entrance. He had thought nothing about it if not for the striking blond who just came out, even after crying last night, Yeon looked exceptionally beautiful. Of course, he does. He's a valkyr but not everyone can be charming like him. "Why are you... here? I thought we'd meet at your place?"

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Yeon smiled softly “Well…you wouldn’t save anyone else on the plane would you?” he gave him a look as though to challenge him to disagree because he knew he wouldn’t be able to “So let me enjoy my moment of being special” he grinned slightly because it was a good feeling, Dae, the type of person to push off and freeze out everyone around him, had come around to someone completely new in the valkyr’s eyes.

Yeon shrugged slightly as though to say he wasn’t going to heed any warning that the niveis threw at him, he was going to keep going the same way he always had and he knew Dae would let him do so “You’re going to look so stylish that people are going to want to steal you from me even more” not that they stood a chance, the blond wasn’t the type to be bested by anyone and he was willing to fight as dirty as it took to win.

Yeon gave him a knowing look “Don’t pretend like you haven’t watched Frozen at least 3 times, I know you did” he gave him a knowing look “You can tell me as many times as you want that it was because you wanted to figure out if Elsa was a niveis, I think you just have a soft spot for the songs” he jested softly and smiled. It was fun, bickering with him like this, just like all those couples he’d observed over the years who seemed to comfortable in one another’s presence.

After boarding the plane, they headed up to their seats in business, Yeon had booked two next to one another so that he could keep Dae company throughout. He made himself comfortable, following his usual routine of setting up his screen into the optimal spot and adjusting the foot rest to the right place, almost like it was completely routine because honestly, for him it was. He looked up at Dae when he spoke “Only certain places…and only really in summer, we’ll be just fine” he commented and chuckled as he made himself comfortable in his seat “Well…shopping is a factor but…no one should go their entire life without seeing the city of love at night” he commented and bit his lip “It’s really beautiful”.

He was going to say something snarky about saving the rest of people on board the plane but bit his lip and realized he wasn’t wrong. “And why would I save anyone else? I’d be too busy trying to save my own ass… and yours to even notice anyone else.” It made perfect sense to the niveis that of course, he couldn’t multitask at such a crucial moment like that.

He quirked his eyebrow and chuckled when the valkyr pointed out how people will want to steal him even more when they see him “As stylish as I can get I hardly doubt people would take a look at me just because I changed the way I dress. Humans are fickle, Yeon… but they’re not that easy sometimes.” It surprises him how complex they can be. If it wasn’t because of said complexity, certain things would’ve been easier to the male. “Not that you would let them though wouldn’t you? See, you of all people, would fight tooth and nail to preserve what’s yours.” And that includes him.

The niveis let out a slight whine to protest against the valkyr’s assumption “I did not watch Frozen at least three times excuse you” Correction, it was five times. But what he doesn’t know won’t hurt him. “Hey I was really going to see if someone was a niveis on the team, who knows? Maybe the scriptwriter’s a niveis like me…” Okay fine, the songs stuck to him, especially when the niveis could find himself belting notes from Into the Unknown every week. “Elsa’s a badass…”

Upon boarding the plane, Dae quickly took his seat because he didn’t want to stand and balance himself longer than he needs to. He glanced over at Yeon when he said the city of love is beautiful “I love going to see the northern lights… I used to fly over to Rekjavik… just to see…”

Yeon just chuckled and smiled slightly to himself, it was a nice feeling, knowing that Dae would put him before anyone else. It was also high praise considering the niveis was quite likely to have left him in the dust before. They’d come a long way since the day they met and he didn’t regret a single part of it. The valkyr smirked and shrugged his shoulders “Well then you should let me decide what you wear for a week if you’re so confident” he jested confidently because Yeon was absolutely sure he could make Dae a people magnet “Or are you too worried I’ll be right” he teased as he started back at him with a challenging look.

“Oh best believe that they can look but no one is touching what’s mine” he responded somewhat posessively “I’m not beyond fighting dirty for it either, so don’t even think of making me jealous” he shot him a warning look that said he wouldn’t be impressed if he had to go to those lengths.Yeon shot him a look when he said he didn’t watch Frozen three times, but the smirk on the valkyr’s lips was playful, Dae was more in touch with the world than he wanted the world to believe honestly. “She is, no arguing with that” he responded and nodded in affirmation.

Yeon raised his brows when Dae mentioned the northern lights “You do huh…never been lucky enough to see them myself, tried a few times but you know how things are…they’re shy” he bit his lip and smiled, you could have all the power and money in the world but nature would still be nature and do whatever the hell it wanted. When the air hostess came by with a tray of drinks he took one of the champagne flutes and thanked her, nodding his head slightly.

It didn’t take long before everyone had boarded the plane and they were closing the cabin door, the mundane sound of the safety announcement video he’d heard at least 1000 times echoing throughout the plane. He took out his slippers from his bag and changed them for his shoes before leaning back in his seat “At least we got the comfiest seats in the house” he complimented as he nudged Dae’s hand a little.

A part of him still wondered if the holiday was a good idea but at this point, the niveis has resigned to the fact that nothing will change Yeon’s mind and he shouldn’t try. He raised his eyebrow in amusement when Yeon said he should let him dress him for a week “Okay valky, do that then. What do I have to lose right? I’m just not sure you can handle it, that’s all. After all, you need to undress me too. Like a doll.” He teased, if he was going to let him do that he may as well get the best experience out of it.

“No amount of clothes will make me a changed person that drastic, Yeon” he shook his head and chuckled, he didn’t know what the valkyr believed but it wasn’t this. “Oh I like your spunk” he exclaimed coyly, it was pretty praise worthy that Dae was considered to be attractive enough for Yeon to want. The other male’s standards are high, to suit his high maintenance. And Dae was not even half of that. Perhaps, Yeon found something in him that he wasn’t aware of.

The blond raised both his hands up in defense “I have no intention of doing that, believe me. I don’t think getting on your bad side throughout the vacation is… wise.” He very much would like to play the safe choice. “Besides… she slso has crazy hair… the animation was on point.” Elsa was regal yet gentle, which reminds him of someone else he knew. “Sometimes most things will just come out when you least expect them. Too much expectations can’t be healthy after all, nature is like that. Humans recreate them far more than they like.” The northern lights were a phenomenon that even the niveis gets in awe sometimes.

“I don’t know how you fly this damn thing so many times… they’re crazy” he mumbled and scanned the plane warily, he was worried that something might happen and for someone who could fly, it was ironic on his part. “Unless you’re a bird nothing should ge the right to fly this high… playing with nature I swear.” He took Yeon’s hand into his own and brushed his thumb against his knuckle gently “I still think flying’s a bad idea.”

Once the plane was taking off, the niveis closed his eyes and tightened the grip he had around the valkyr’s hand. Dae was holding onto Yeon and the seat tightly and didn’t peek until the sound of the seat belt is off.

The valkyr grinned triumphantly when Dae said he could choose his outfits for a week because that suddenly elevated his excitement for shopping in Paris, he was bored when it came to getting things for himself but he would enjoy getting to pick out a wardrobe for his travel companion very much “Oh but that’s the best part of it all” he purred softly “All mine to do whatever I want with” he teased in a seductive tone because the would never miss the opportunity to flirt with Dae.

“Well…you can tell me I’m wrong in a week when it has absolutely no impact right?” like he said, nothing to lose, but Yeon knew the world really well by now and he was absolutely confident he could spin Dae’s image around easily. He raised his brows when Dae complimented his attitude “Good, cause this is me always” he stated boldly, he would never be someone to change themselves for a relationship, but Dae had known that from the start, they complimented one another he thought.

Yeon nodded in agreement, he’d learned that slowly over time, that sometimes things were meant to be and sometimes they weren’t, you couldn’t control everything no matter how much you desired to. “Still…I feel like they could cut me a break and show up for me just once…” he pouted slightly, he would keep trying until it eventually worked out, he was patient with that.

Yeon laughed “Well they’re less exhausting than flying I can tell you that much even without having wings myself” he murmured softly as he placed the pillow behind his back and then squeezed Dae’s hand tightly in support. “You’ll be okay, I’m here the whole time” he assured him softly. The first half of the flight was pretty uneventful, the hostess brought around food, he talked with Dae as much as possible to keep his mind off any bumps, head leaned against the side of his little cabin and watching the niveis with a soft look.

He raised his eyebrow in amusement when the valkyr said it was the best part “Of course you’d think it would be the best part, can’t waste any opportunity to strip me down and be handsy all you want right?” He teased, he knows he was just as bad as the other male when it comes to that. Both of them thrive in the pleasure they deliver each other and the niveis would never deny that Yeon was one hell of a guy in every aspect.

“When you put it that way, people would get the wrong idea of us” but would they? There was nothing wrong about them, right? “Let me make you a promise then… you will get to see them… they’ll come out, I’m sure of it. I don’t know if you know this but nature loves me” he bragged and smirked “Northern Lights never fail to show up whenever I go to see them like I’m their long lost husband.”

The niveis has always found it easier to connect with the things in nature, he felt as one who was considered to be unnatural and an fluke in the system, it accepted him more than others ever did. He found solace in that. “Yeha but wings are cool… and even if it’s tiring it’s… still calming when you fly.” Daehyun always loved flying, even as a phoenix, he never stopped doing that. After becoming a niveis, there was a time he was afraid to spread his wings and do the same thing, fearing he wouldn’t get used to it and evidently fall from the sky.

When the food finally came around, he could finally get distracted from the tremor of the plane and indulge himself in the food, lifting his head to look at Yeon who was staring at him every once in a while “You’re staring… why? Do I have something on my face? No way I have sauce on it right…” Despite his appetite, Dae has never been one for a messy eater. He actually eats in a sophisticated manner, silent and swift.

When the hostess came again to offer them chocolates, he was quick to get them like a child who received presents during Christmas, “Maybe… a plane isn’t so bad… but it’s the first class isn’t it? Economy won’t get stuff like this I imagine… what else is interesting?”

The valkyr immediately arched his brow playfully and smirked “Exactly, I won’t ever miss my opportunity when it comes to you” Yeon had seen Dae slipping through his fingers once and he didn’t intend to allow that to repeat, he was going to seize every opportunity he had now while he could and no one would tell him otherwise. When Dae said they’d get the wrong idea about them the valkyr chuckled under his breath “Whatever way the world sees us, they would never get us” he pointed out boldly “So who cares what they end up assuming” what they shared couldn’t be defined or put into words easily.

He tilted his head and grinned “Well that’s a promise I’ll be holding you to, you’ll have to follow me around like my lucky charm until I get the chance to see them” he eyed him with an expression that said he was very serious about this. “Well…I don’t think I’ll ever know much about having wings” he commented and chuckled “Not all of us are born with them after all” but he could definitely understand the premise, if he had a way of just taking himself wherever he desired, he was sure he’d value it endlessly too.

Time seemed to pass relatively quickly on the flight, perhaps because he had a companion to talk to this time rather than whiling the hours by alone as he normally world. He enjoyed the meal the hostesses prepared along with a few glasses of wine, while he read some news on his tablet and did a puzzle or too. “Just…enjoying the view” he commented when Dae asked him why he was staring “I’m used to doing these things alone…it’s strange having someone with me” someone he wanted to look out for too.

Seeing Dae excitedly wait for the hostess to bring him chocolates Yeon couldn’t help but smile, thinking how it seemed like he could become accustomed to this life. “Well don’t you worry about needing to travel economy, I might not have my own private jet, but I have standards” he commented and chuckled “You know you can turn your seat into a whole bed too right?” he revealed with a smirk.

Flirting with each other seemed to be their regular routine everyday and even after the whole incident with the niveis recently, nothing changed between them. “If you say so…” he mumbled, was that right though? Would the world really never get to them? It got to him once, actually it got to him way more than once, it’s the whole reason why Daehyun Stormwind could no longer tolerate the world and wanted to end it all.

“I keep telling myself I don’t give a fuck but as you can see, I eventually do.” So what does that say about himself? “I’ll follow you don’t worry…” he reassured, if seeing the northern lights is what the valkyr wanted, how could the niveis refuse? He is traveling that far after all. It would be a shame if he went back home without ever actually witnessing the glory of what nature could do.

The plane ride was slowly starting to become tolerable to him, he wasn’t a big fan still but at least Dae wasn’t busy gripping on his seat as if another turbulence was waiting to occur every 5 minutes. He’s a bit more relaxed now. “Do you like having someone to do this with you? I imagine you prefer to be alone though… because… people are people.” Though he imagined Yeon could also feel a bit lonely. It’s not easy to do everything on your own every single time. If if was, then Dae would be happy alone.

“A what now?” He widened his eyes and stopped eating halfway to look at the blond incredulously “You’re kidding… no way it can do that. How can our seat turn to a whole bed… we’re in a cramped space, Yeon.” It didn’t stop him from looking for a button to push for that feature though. “How do we do that?” He was behaving like a child truly.

Yeon nodded, he knew it was easier said than done to keep the walls up and block out everything going on around you, it was hard not to feel snowed under by expectations and difficulties, sadness, it felt like it could swallow you sometimes “We all give a fuck eventually” he agreed, nodding his head “But I’m not interested in what other people have to say about this” he pointed his finger between the two of them in a gesture “This is ours, we get to call it whatever the fuck we want, just you and me” he was adamant about that much.

“I’ll look forward to it” he commented softly, seeing his beloved northern lights seemed possible somehow when Dae promised it to him like that and while he knew that the niveis couldn’t magically make nature bend to his will, something told him it would work out, what a strange feeling. Yeon looked up from his book when Dae spoke again “I…always travelled for business…it was different honestly” he commented and bit his lip “I like having you here to share the memories with…if I travelled the world alone…would it even feel real if I’m the only one who remembers it?” he seemed like he preferred to be alone but that wasn’t the truth, not really.

Yeon arched his brow and slowly grinned at Dae’s excitement at the prospect of having a nap in the sky “See, I knew you’d come around to the idea of first class before long” Dae had never really had the chance to experience the sort of service they would be getting during their vacation, the kind of service the valkyr was pretty accustomed to by now. He grinned and got up from his seat so he could help Dae convert his seat and before long the bed was ready for him “See…just like that” he commented and smiled.

Yeon has been here at this particular space a lot of times, whereas for the niveis, it was his first time in a plane much less in the first class seat. “I still can’t believe I let you convince me to go on a plane…” The good thing is that it won’t take long hours. Maybe if he slept for a while, he’d wake up with less than an hour left to land. That was his initial plan the moment he stepped his foot inside the plane.

He smiled when the valkyr said he liked having him to share his memories with “Me too…” he murmured softly. The niveis has always been so soft around the blond, it was as if Yeon ignited something else inside him that he never knew it existed. It was more than just regular attraction, that’s for sure.

Dae watched with curious eyes as Yeon helped him turn the seat into a makeshift bed before proceeding to lie on it. “This is so cool…” he was in awe like a child who received a present during Christmas morning. He purred in content and lied on his side as he faced the other male “Thanks… for this.” For everything, he thought. He closed his eyes and drifted away.

Sure enough, a few hours later when he woke up, it was exactly what he pictured, he rubbed his eyes slightly and lifted his head groggily as he looked at the time and the distance to their destination, not just less than hour away but roughly 30 minutes instead. “How long did I sleep… I completely forgot the time…” Perhaps Dae was simply too tired he forgot about everything else. “What do you want to do in Paris when we arrive?”

Yeon could hardly believe that either considering how negatively Dae spoke of flying on regular occasions “I guess you really would do anything for me” he teased softly, he was incredibly proud knowing that was the case. Daehyun Stormwind was one of the most stubborn people he knew so the fact he would soften even the slightest, was like the biggest achievement he could ask for.

He smiled when the valkyr said he liked having him to share his memories with “Me too…” he murmured softly. The niveis has always been so soft around the blond, it was as if Yeon ignited something else inside him that he never knew it existed. It was more than just regular attraction, that’s for sure.

An easygoing smile crossed his lips when Dae agreed he wanted someone to share memories with too. After setting up the bed for him, Yeon was glad to see Dae make himself comfortable, a sense of relief washing over him that he would be able to rest and feel somewhat comfortable on his first flight. Because this certainly wouldn’t be his last. “You’re welcome” he responded with a soft smile before curling up in his own seat and reading for a while before finally getting some rest too.

He woke up way before Dae, to the flight attendant bringing around food, to which he advised them not to wake his sleeping companion He was honestly impressed Dae managed to sleep so long uninterrupted and when he finally stirred it seemed it was only because the captain announced their descent into Paris. “A few hours, I did save you the tiny sandwich they were trying to wake you for” he commented before offering it out towards him.

He shifted in his seat and smiled “Head to the hotel, drop off our luggage and then spend the evening at a little cafe overlooking the city with a coffee” he commented and smiled wistfully, nothing too crazy for a flight day. “Any requests?” he questioned curiously.

He bit his lip and cleared his throat when Yeon pointed out that he would legitimately do everything and anything for him. He’s not wrong, the niveis might actually do everything for him but it’s another thing to point it out loudly. “I’m just doing it… because I think it could be something new to try…” which was a rather ironic reaction considering the niveis considered to end his life just the night before. He’s too stubborn to admit he’s doing it for him.

The smile he gave him however, did make Dae falter. His heart was thumping so hard against his chest he was so sure the valkyr were would be able to hear it from a mile away. If he could just stare at that smile everyday, he would die a happy man. When he woke up, he had to admit it felt so much different compared to waking up on his regular bed and it was saying a lot considering Dae had a water bed to himself. It was a very comfortable sleeping place, one that the niveis cherished very much.

He took the sandwich Yeon offered to him in a sense of urgency because his stomach was rumbling “Thanks… I’m famished actually… do you usually feel hungrier when you’re up in the air?” He wouldn’t know because it was his first time in a plane but he flew more than most people would experience. With his wings. Not in a tight compartment like this.

He finished the sandwich with ease and rubbed his stomach “Still hungry…” The idea of a coffee did make him smile gently because Daehyun Stormwind loves his coffee. “Coffee sounds nice but can we also get something to eat?” Airplane food wasn’t going to satisfy Dae even if he had eaten a whole meal. “No particular requests… but I do want to try the croissants and macarons if given the chance…” He leaned against his seat comfortably and turned to the side to face the valkyr “People say the French are rude… is that true?”

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