Dominic pounded down the sidewalk as he ran full force through the city streets. It wasn't enough that he was running faster than most normal people could, being Therian and all, but of course it had to be in the middle of human territory. It could really be a nuisance that humans were so kept in the dark when shit was going down. He turned around another city block and caught sight of his target that was knocking over a cafe table full of patrons. Dominic jumped over the fallen chairs and continued forward, not letting the man get away.

It all started with rumors of a pack of out of town Therians who were causing problems throughout Evermore. They had come to start trouble. The kind of illegal trouble that involved moving guns from one place to another. Dominic had discovered one of the safe houses they were keeping the stashes in was somewhere in one of the territories, though he hadn't discovered which one. Yet.

The man he was chasing was a Lycan. After a few drinks at a local bar, he was easily talking to Dominic since he wasn't able to hold his liquor or his secrets very well. If someone was drinking as heavily as he was during the middle of the day, Dominic knew he was going to be the one to talk. It meant he had a guilty conscious. And now here they were, running through the streets filled with thousands of humans. He pushed forward as people were screaming and trying to get out of the way of the chase. "Move! Move!! Out of the way!"

The runaway drunk was starting to lose energy. Alcohol would do that to you, whether you were a supernatural or not. Dominic just held his better. As he was catching up, the man ran into a group of people coming out the building, causing them all to fall to the ground. "Shit..." As he scrambled to his feet and started running again, Dom's eyes caught a familiar Guard who happened to be one of the people who'd taken the hit. "Sapphire! Are you okay?" he asked, keeping his sights on the Lycan. "I could use a hand if you're off work right now!" He began after the man again, hoping she might tag along. Two Ailward Guards was better than one.

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Sapphire sat in the car as she listened to the two brothers argue. Once Dom stopped talking, Sapphire's blue hues noticed the gun was close to her head. She knew that Eric would use her to make Dom do everything he told him to do. As the city soon turned into forest and the smooth road turned into gravel. Sapphire glanced at Dom as they pulled up to his cabin.As the three get out, Sapphire kept quiet as she followed Dom into the cabin with Eric behind them.  

As Eric spoke to Dom, Sapphire stood near the door as she watched the two brothers talk well mostly Eric did the most talking. The young phoenix didnt move as she didnt want to get shot but she was also the most durable out of the two since she was able to heal fast unless it was gold bullets. Her blue hues glanced over at Dom as she then looked at Eric as she took a step closer to him. "E-Eric, I know you dont know me but I just want to help you." She said in a calm and soothing voice, hoping he wouldnt attack her.

Eric rolled his eyes at her and waved the gun around. "You're right, I don't know you! The fact that you think you're helping me by getting me arrested is about all the fucking useless help I need, thanks."

"Hey! Lay off, Eric," Dominic yelled, taking a step forward.

His brother walked over to the couch and sat down, staring into the empty fireplace that hadn't been used in months now that the weather had warmed up. "You've signed my death warrant. The ship out of the harbor with the drugs was my meal ticket out of their little operations. It was my last run until you two showed up. I would've gotten out."

"You really think that?" Dominic's posture relaxed slightly seeing his brother calmly sitting down and putting the gun on the couch next to him. "You think they were just going to let you walk out knowing everything that you do about their set up? You aren't that naive and I know you aren't that stupid."

Eric looked over to him for a second before letting his disheartened gaze fall to the floor. He had a feeling his older sibling was holding on to a hope that was never going to play out in his favor. "It doesn't matter now, does it? I'm a dead man anyway."

Gunshots suddenly went off outside which made them all flinch. Dominic's gaze locked with his brother's knowing that they had been followed by some of his men. He walked over to the window and pushed the curtain aside slowly, seeing maybe half a dozen men waiting for him to respond. 

Dominic sighed and headed for the door. "Wait here." The therian stepped outside and saw a few of them were armed and immediately pointed their weapons at him. He closed the gap a little closer and glared at them. "He's not here, fellas."

"Bullshit. We saw you leaving with him," one of them answered. The man pointed the gun at him with a smirk. "Now, you let him go and we'll leave your property."

Dom tried to weigh the options and knew they were outnumbered, but that wasn't something he wasn't used to being a guard. He nodded towards the side of his house where he worked on his cars. "He took one of my trucks and already headed out. You just missed him. Now, kindly move the fuck along."

The man who had spoken to him sneered and shook his head. "And what's to say that I don't kill you here and now and go check your little shithole here myself?"

"Because I'm not alone. Why the hell else would I walk outside knowing you're all armed?" Dominic hoped his bluff would be enough. "You shoot me and I promise the person inside with my lovely rifle will start picking you off one by one. Therefore, I would suggest, as I said, you kindly move the fuck along."

He could see their leader was considering it and finally motioned for them to leave as Dom slowly backpeddled towards his home again. As he stepped inside, he saw Eric had moved towards the window with the gun raised and Sapphire standing behind him. "They'll never stop looking for me."

Dominic sighed and crossed his arms over his chest, leaning against the wall. "Better than them knowing you were in jail. They'd know where to find you." He reached up on the hooks in front of his door and pulled one of the sets off, tossing them to his brother. "Wait till night fall and then head out."

A look of confusion passed over Eric's face. "You're letting me leave?"

"Looks that way," Dom replied, casting his gaze from him to his partner. "Sapph, if you feel like you can't stay anymore because of my decision, I understand."

Sapphire didnt flinch at his voice as he yelled at her. She watched as Dom took a step forward to calm his brother. As the two brothers talked for a bit, Sapphire jumped alittle at the gunshot as she didnt expect that. Her blue eyes watched Dom as he went over to the window to look at all the men before watching him head out the door. Leaving Sapphire and Eric in the house, the phoenix looked over at Eric as she got closer to him not to harm him. She then turned her head to the door as Dom walked in, hearing the cars leaving his property. She looked at Eric as he spoke before looking at Dom, her eyes went wide for a moment as he tossed Eric the keys but they softened as she looked at him. 

"I am fine staying here." She said with a smile. "I can understand your decision because I would do it for my half brother if I needed to." Sapphire said with a smile as she looked at Eric. "You dont seem like a bad guy, I can see that you still care for people around you." Sapphire said as she lightly touched his arm. "I hope you can find happiness again." Sapphire said softly as she moved her hand from his arm and walked over to Dom, standing next to him.

Eric looked at Dominic to the keys in his hand before speaking lowly with a smirk. "You're an idiot."

"No, you're an idiot. I'm just the one who has to clean up your messes." He folded his arms over his chest and sighed heavily. He had always hoped his brother and him would be able to make things right again between them after everything that had happened after their mother died several years ago. That was when their worlds shattered and fell to pieces. It was clear to him that those hopes were just that and nothing more. They could never find what they once had; At least not now anyway. Family was supposed to be everything to them and now it felt they were little more than strangers. 

His brother walked over to the family picture he'd thrown and picked it up off the floor between the broken glass. His eyes glanced over it for a moment before Dominic saw him swallow hard and sigh. Eric brought the photo to him and looked sadly into his eyes. "Find Lani." Dominic's mouth parted slightly to say something, but he wasn't sure what. "She's the smart one. The one that went to school and did the right thing. I was mad because I knew I would never be able to go to college and you were mad because she left the farm and dad. We shouldn't be holding that against her." Dom took the picture from him and nodded shortly in response. 

Eric then crossed the cabin and pulled open the door, tossing the keys back to Dominic. "I'll find my way through the woods." He was never one to take hand outs and even to help him escape was still more of the same. Their gazes met for a moment that spoke many words silently between them before he nodded and then gave a small smile as an apology to Sapphire before closing the door. An all black wolf suddenly passed by his bay window and he watched his brother go off into the woods in his lycan form wondering when the next time would be that he would see him.

"I need a drink..."


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