"Я не знаю, хочу ли я ударить его или поцеловать (I have no idea if I want to hit him or kiss him)" the ink staining the fresh parchment on her diary was as clear as the day. The whole journey back home has been quite peaceful if not awkward. Octavia was sitting next to her while Sebastian was sitting a few rows back. Thankfully, the journey to the citadel did not take as long as she thought it would. On a good note, Malva finally recovered her abilities, thanks to Sebastian. Bad news was that she was now reunited with her ex, someone she would very much prefer to leave in the past.

She did glance back to look at the male diviner a few times during their plane back but as soon as he caught her staring, she immediately went to look at the front as if nothing happened. Despite the modern age, Malva still kept her diary close to her and it was where she normally jots down words or sudden spells she comes up with, rather than staining her grimoire over something that was not yet resolute. But instead of jotting those down, she was busy writing down her thoughts instead. In her mother tongue. It was better than to write in English, knowing anyone could uncover it one day.

A few days into returning to Evermore, things were the same. It was too mundane. But she probably should not have wished it so because she has been having nightmares since. She could barely sleep. Tonight was one of those nights again. The Aspect of Magic woke up sweating, despite the cold breeze of the night flowing inside her room from the open door balcony. "Not again..." she muttered to herself and went down to go get herself a glass of water. The only saving grace was that Sebastian wasn't staying nearby, he wasn't staying at the Ailward Manor, he found his way into the city on his own.

"You don't need him" she keeps telling herself but a couple of minutes later, she found herself all dressed up and knocking on the door to his place. "Sebastian Daystar, I swear if you do not get out at this very instant, I will break your door." She was being insufferable considering it was literally 2 am in the morning but she couldn't wait.  

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