Game of Cat and mouse ( Open to Edward ,Sapphire , Lucien Venetus and Dom and any guard and aspect that wants to join

Edward stared out into the evening the nights came a lot quicker this time of year and to most hated it  but not to him   nighttime could be himself well at least he thought he could, but his mind still troubled him from earlier in the year he turned on his heel to look at his white wall which had pins and pictures attached including two pictures of the Crime scene investigator and the victim of course hand drawn as he could not take photos “where are you ?” he muttered to himself before looking at his grandfather clock it, it had been several hours since he had refreshment or at least been outside.

Leaving his Quarters   his mind went to when he had told Sapphire    even though the phoenix could defend herself he had worried he put her in danger making his way towards the kitchen where he began to make a fresh pot of coffee and something to eat while waiting for the water his mind sank back into the case he was working on even though hr had no thoughts on it Edward thought about how the Aurazin felt waking up here let alone making friends he felt the same when he first joined the guard he placed a steak sandwich and the mug onto a tray a before   pouring the hot water into the coffee infuser  grabbing the tray he began to make his way back to his room and thoughts he stopped looking out at the darkness of the night on the porch thinking it may help his thoughts pushing the glass door he headed to the table in the corner of the courtyard   sat in solitude to his thoughts 

Sapphires words echoed in her head“ you should go to an Aspect Ed if you feel it's him“   Edward closed hid eye as he recalled the evidence in his   like he would in his room , he wasn't certain he had requested a meeting with an Aspect, but he doubted himself that it is to do with Ivar why he had not met them, yet     he opened his eyes as he pored himself a drink as he listened to the familiar footsteps and guard around the  manor  hearing  foots steps from an angle he wasn't   expecting his gaze focused not the route    as he waited 

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Dom had been smoking out on the enormous property that the infamous manor sat on. From this angle it seemed like the estate continued on forever. It was peaceful back here, away from all the people inside who were filled with the tensions of the ongoing problem that was plaguing Evermore. Nothing but dead ends despite the numerous amount of people working it. Despite some of those people being some of the most powerful on the entire planet. Not discouraging at all. 

His cigarette burned slowly when he took a pull, watching as the smoke he blew from his nose swirled into the air until nothingness which had him glancing up at the twinkling stars instead. The anxiety that twisted at his gut mellowed if only for a little while. He needed the addiction so he wouldn't be reaching for another bottle instead. Sobriety and a mostly cleared head was the only way he would be of any help to anyone when called on. Though he wouldn't admit it to the others, he'd been drinking on the job. A lot of the jobs. It almost led to a life or death situation where the latter won out. He knew then he needed to get his shit together.

Pulling on the cigarette again, his head turned when he heard the sliding door open. Despite the shadows, he could see Edward coming from inside whom he hadn't talked to in quite some time given the amount of assignments the guards had all been given. Dominic flicked the ash and crossed the expansive lawn to where he sat. From the fellow guard's expression, he could tell he wasn't the only one who needed a break to clear his head from the commotions inside. "Hey, man," he greeted, sitting in the seat opposite Edward and putting his feet up on the table. "How's the pit of despair in there?"

Venetus opened   his eyes he wasn't met by  the ceiling  like he would normally but  now a white as he sat up he  was exactly where he was a few hours before at  his desk  raising his left hand to his face  he woke himself up and he rose out of the wooden chair as he looked around the darkness" you must of been gone a while Ven" he muttered to him self as he felt his way around the room wincing  as his knee hit the same bookshelf  like he  had done for the past few days before feeling the familiar  switch of the  light he flicked it revealing most of his room was covered in written paper  each of his siblings  had there own way  of dealing with things or finding answers  his was    mind maps  but often left partially finished as   some times   they were   gone like a flash " i need  coffee " he reached for the old brass handle  turning it  to leave his room.

Walking along the dimliy lit hallways of the manor Ven achknowledged any  guard that greeted him  Many of the guard were out on mission apart from a few personal guard   and the odd member not on mission   as he made his  to the stairs he knocked  on Coras door"  im getting a coffee would you like one?" he waited a few minutes there was  no reply as he waited a few minutes before making his way down  when something triggered  something  Sapphire  had said to him  thatd  Edward Starhawk was requesting a meeting  and  a few days later Edward asked himself but since then  Edward had not attended   the meeting  many thoughts came to his mind either it was a loose  end or   he felt it wasnt worth  his time but he was very concerned  that  Edward had not  said anything reguiarding the meeting  but   again he and most of his siblings had been preoccupied with the  matters at hand and the Aurazins arrival  

Walking into the kitchen Ven could see that some one had previously been in the kitchen as he made his way to the  coffee machine he moved to grab a cup  hearing  a voice  outside  recognising it  immediately as Dominic   once he his coffee was made  he waited for a few minutes to see who else was with Dominic but he  did not hear there voice  raising his hand to Acknowledging Dom as he walked back out of the kitchen" Sapphire" he stopped remembering that he had given her the night off to be with her girlfriend  a few  minutes later he  arrived back in his room  as  he walked back to his desk to  as he began to  re read the  note he had written before he fell asleep.



Sapphire did have the day off but sadly her girlfriend was busy delivering a set of twins and knew it would take a while so she had went for a walk before coming back to the Manor, with a few bags with some baked goods and also some chocolates. The familiar scent of smoke filled her nostrils as she walked into the Manor. Knowing who it was, she walked into the kitchen and noticed Dom, Edward and Venetus. "S-So whats going on here?" She asked as she looked at the boys and placed the bags on the table to put away the goodies she bought for the guards and aspects for snacks. 

The phoenix looked at the boys a few times as she put the croissants, cookies, bread, and other freshly baked goodies away along with the chocolate which she put in the fridge to keep it from melting. Once she was done, Sapphire looked at the boys and made some coffee for them as she knew a storm was heading towards Evermore. She sighed and sat down while the coffee brewed. She looked at Dom and down the line as she knew that Venetus would ask. "Before you say anything, I do have the night off but sadly Katrina is delivering twins so it will be a while before she gets done." She told Venetus

Edward relaxed as he saw Dominic arrive at the table" Hey "he   let out a sigh as he looked back at the house "quiet I have only seen Venetus when he leaves his room for refreshments,   the others I've not seen at all "he left out a little shrug     his mind wondered to ask Dom on the investigation, but his mind told him not to put his fellow guard in danger he took a breath   his nostrils could smell the tobacco in the air" I haven't smelt that brand in a decade or so "he lifted his drink to his lips taking a couple of gulps his ears picking up noise in the background "evening Sapphire "he placed his cup back on the table" how are you Dom? "

Edward watched as Sapphire join the table" we are the pit of despair assessors "he laughed as he looked to Sapphire not to mention anything about anything he told her he listened he felt a set of eyes watching him as he turned he saw the last person he wanted to see but as his parents taught him manners" Evening Venetus" he nodded politely      his mind was grateful he could not read minds   as he failed to meet with Venetus regarding his concerns of his last   assignment and that he had been given coordinates of a similar site" I'm surprised you don't bring the dogs over Sapphire Milo would love the company  "he clicked his fingers" which reminds me thank you for looking after Milo Dom".

"Better now," Dominic responded with a nod towards the cigarette that was finishing faster than he would've liked. He pulled on it deeply and closed his eyes, before blowing it out and away into the night sky as he saw a veteran of the Guard coming over that he hadn't seen in quite some time. He was suddenly feeling like a shit friend for not reaching out to her more since being so consumed with his own problems. Sapphire had been one of his first partners on quite a few missions when he made his way through the barrier some years ago. 

A smile worked its way over his face as she approached. "Well, look who it is." The therian got up from his seat and wrapped one of his large arms around her small frame since the cigarette was in the other hand, lifting Sapphire up off her feet into a strong hug. "How you doing, Missy?" After a moment, he placed her down and returned to his seat, putting his feet back up on the table. "I think we are all escaping the reality that awaits us inside," he answered her, nodding back towards the mansion as indication.


Lucien had this thumb and forefinger pressed tightly against the bridge of his nose, rubbing at the pain that was beginning to form in his head. The guilt and stress of the events in Evermore was beginning to take its toll on his now very human body which was something he was still trying to get used to. The aurazin took a deep breath in and closed his eyes for a moment to force himself to relax. He would be of zero use to anyone if he kept himself run thin the way he was doing as of late. 

Finally opening his eyes, he looked around the enormous space. He was currently in a sitting room filled to the brim with books wall to wall that was vacant of anyone else beside himself despite the many people that were always about the ailward manor. Being in a place like this with the abilities he had was not easy given the state of its occupants. Tension. Anxiety. Fear. It was something that gripped the many here and it was something Lucien had to try and keep in check without becoming overwhelmed himself.

His research was still bringing him nowhere closer to any answers he was in search of, so he forced himself to stand, straightening his overcoat and smoothing it down in habit. He could smell coffee being made in the kitchen and followed the welcoming scent. Expecting to find someone there, he noted it was another empty room for the moment until he saw the few gathered just outside where he decided to join them. Perhaps one of these guards had learned something new on their missions. 

"Good evening," he greeted with a nod of his head, hands clasped behind his back. "Any new updates on the front?"

Ven scanned the notes as he looked over his army of papers the  one he kept being drawn back to was the fall of Skye   sadness but also anger  engulfed his body as he slammed his hand on the desk. Hissing a little at the pain". To many lives were lost that day. It will not happen again" he muttered to himself  as he brought his coffee to his lips as he took a swig   before scanning the papers again. "what were you doing   before you arrived in Evermore Lucien  what were all your people doing " he thought to his self as he listened to the. Conversation they were right  the guards needed  ansewers as wel as the aspects " rising to his feet Venetus made his way to his door exciting quickly as  he thought where Lucien would be his  shoes echoing  along the floor  as  he made his was down the  hallway quickly  scanning any open doors he come across 

Arriving on the ground floor. He called  calmly " Lucien" he stepped into the sitting room " Lucien. Do you recall" he stopped mid sentence realising his friend  was not where he normally was this time of day   quietly making. His way around the rooms. Of the manor    he stopped  for a moment as he heard  language only Lucien would  use. Grabbing another coffee.  He thought it was time he heard. How things were with the guards   opening the door. He followed the same path that everyone  took to the tables " yes it would be good to hear  your missions debrief Dominic ,Sapphire and  Edward.   " He looked a little concerned "  and. I believe you wanted a chat Edward

Sapphire chuckled when the large Therian picked her up in a bear hug. "Im good Dom, how are you? Its been a while." She said as she smiled at him and hugged him back for a moment before he placed her back down. When she looked at the others, Sapphire listened to Lucien as he spoke. Sapphire looked at all the guards that where here along with Lucien and Venetus when he came into the room. "I have no new on the front...but I haven't got anything in a while since I have been gone out of the country for a while." She said as she poured herself a cup along with making cups for the others. The phoenix made everyone at the table a cup of coffee and brought a dish with creamer and everything else if they want something special in their coffee. She even got out the treats incase the men were a bit hungry.

The phoenix guard wasnt in the loop lately due to her spending time with her girlfriend and also working on her company as business was booming with all the new games she had developed recently. She watched the men talk as she sipped her coffee when she heard that she was here for a mission debrief.

Damien was just finishing up for the night at the ‘Pleasure House’ handing the job of being one behind the desk to the next employee next in. The Valkyr had been helping out his good friend Nadiya by looking after her business whilst she was gone. Making sure that everything was running as it should be with her absence knowing how much she cared for the place. It wasn’t everybodies cup of tea yet there were ones who were looking for a place like this. And here they come. Damien was used to manning the desk; it mostly consisted of him with his feet up on the desk scrolling through a book or his phone. Keeping tabs of people going in and out then throwing out the occasional person who couldn’t help themselves. He did this job working around his real job too. This was his way of getting away from being commander of all of them. By a point every guard or aspect at that would want to get out of the manor every once in a while. If not they might kill one and another. Which would not be good.

Now it was time to head back home to where his other job was. Luckily it was only a short drive between the two places so he was near in handy. Soon he was back in the manor, nodding his head to a few guards who walked past. Like most people soon as they got back in they headed to the kitchen. Find that food and coffee always helped to keep down his blood thirst which was impotant. As he was getting nearer to the kitchen he could hear voices that was soon finding that there was a guard getting together. “I hope there's still some coffee left” He laughed, joking yet serious at the same time as he walked inside. “A group gathering I see going on” Musing a little walking over to the others. Seeing Dominic and Sapphire and the others. Catching a wift of smoke knowing it was coming from Dominic. “Can I have one please, do you mind?” Asking the fellow guard for a cigarette from his fellow drinking buddy. “Please say you brought back some baked goods?” Looking over the phoenix teasing her a little. Everyone always loved when Sapphire brough back anything sweet. She was a bright soul who always lit up the place when she came back to the manor.

When Lucien walked in and then Ventus he could almost figure out that something was going on. One that they’d better gather and listen to. Many guards still were cautious about the Aurazins truthfully he was a bit too but he respected the other Aspects who reassured them that they could be trusted. He went over to the table to sit with the others, he had the duty and responsibility as commander after all. “Thank you Sapph” Smiling fondly to the Phoenix who was on hand to make sure they all had coffee and cake. “So what's going on?” Looking arround as he raised his brows curious to see what was going on.

Edward grew a bit anxious as he knew he had been hiding something for over a year looking towards his fellow  guard and Aspect he felt he should mention some of it “still no sign of the  girl or detective they are still missing  the site I encountered  has been cleared of the bodies  including the hostile  my self and the detective engaged”  he raised a finger to Damien knowing exactly what he would say “no  I did not take my axe or a longsword  I took my 9 mm pistol and a baton” he stopped as he thought about  if he  should mention more  he felt relieved but also  guilt regarding the information that he had hidden that he was aware of another site that he was going to investigate  this very night 

The look from Lucien unnerved him a little like he knew Edward wasn't saying anything and that Venetus  may ask why I wanted to see him  rising to his feet “please excuse me a moment i need to fetch a vile” he took a deep breath as he walked back into the kitchen heading towards the fridge opening the big white door ed took out a vile of blood as he swirled it a little before taking of the lid a few minutes passed as  he returned to his seat as he thought it was rude to  tell his report  and disappear  but the incident a year ago did  play on his mind “that's all on my report “Edwards last word  fell flat as he looked towards another guard hoping they would have news 

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