Aeryn had been in Evermore for a few weeks now and while he was still staying in a run down apartment on a short term lease, the city was starting to become more and more familiar to him. Every morning he would walk through the streets to just take in the changes in the modern world, he still didn't really understanding technology nor why humans insisted in travelling around in metal deathtraps they liked to called 'cars' but he was slowly getting used to the busy surroundings. The Nephilim however knew that Evermore city couldn't be home to him, Evermore was the eternal city and probably somewhere he would never have to leave for fear of people noticing his lack of aging, but it was also just a stepping stone to him in the long journey of figuring out what had happened in the time he had been sleeping on the isle of skye. 

Today however, the nephilim's wandering had taken him to a part of the city he had never been before. Aeryn wasn't especially intimidated with the idea of getting lost, after all it wasn't like he had any particular place to be and if he needed to get his bearings he could simply fly into the air and figure it out. Instead of worrying, the dark haired half angel had taken it in his stride. As he continued to walk he noticed how the clustered buildings and homes in the city started to thin out, the houses got larger and more lavish, there were more parks and even a large castle in the distance over the hills. The south west of the city seemed to have a lot more private land, which seemed to be used for gardens and even small farms. 

Aeryn was lost in thought when he felt a sharp nudge in the back of his legs from behind. Startled, mostly from the fact that he had been tailed endlessly since he had taken over ownership of the stone of El'Ar, Aeryn pulled a dagger from under his sleeve and turned around ready to face whatever was behind him. Staring back at him however was a small goat, which as if to laugh at his overreaction, bleated loudly at him. Aeryn sheathed his dagger once more before crouching down to look at the strange animal. "It's rude to sneak up on people" he scolded the animal which responded once again with a loud bleat. 

Shaking his head Aeryn got back to his feet before starting to walk away from the animal. He had walked about another half a block before he heard the bleat again. Turning around Aeyrn saw the goat yet again. Folding his arms he stared at the animal for a moment before looking around trying to figure out where it might have come from. Perhaps it was lost. He had debated continuing to walk and hope the animal didn't keep following him, but he couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt knowing the poor thing probably wouldn't last a night in the city. 

Rolling his eyes, Aeryn had scooped the animal up in his arms and looked around for where he could begin his good deed of the day. "I always preferred dogs to farm animals" he admitted, another bleat in response. "But you are pretty cute" he commented as he continued to walk holding the goat as though it was a teddy bear a child would cuddle. 

Another half an hour and Aeryn had knocked on half a dozen people's doors all of whom had proclaimed they had never seen this goat before. Aeryn sighed gently as he set the animal down on the ground for a moment his brow furrowing "Which way is home Mr Bleat?" he asked as if it would know what he was talking about. Regardless when it started wandering down the block towards a more beaten track, Aeryn followed it curiously.

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Aurantia looked around the sparse yet comfortable flat, as the Nephilim lamented not being able to have a dog. She sensed he was was lonely, that his past had made that a necessity and he was easing into a change in circumstance. Recognizing it was easy, she had been in the exact same situation not too long ago. Unfortunately she hadn't had anyone to help her through it, she had struggled on her own until finding a direction that had renewed her spirit. Since then the female had made it her mission to help others, her siblings were more on the stubborn side and while she sensed a strong will in Aeryn she also surmised a practical mind. “Ya know this flat is being vacated in a couple weeks. The current tenant is moving in with her boyfriend and I know the landlord.” She grinned in a conspiratorial manner, “I could talk to her, give ya an in and I know fer a fact she'd let ya have as many dogs as ya wanted.”

Leases were easy to get out of, especially when a person knew what to look for in the contracts. Money wasn’t exactly an object either, the Ailwards had amassed several fortunes over the course of their existence and she had free reign over a couple of those accounts. It wouldn’t cost her very much to buy him out of his lease and get him into somewhere a little more hospitable to both himself and his mental health. Banning a person from owning a pet was tantamount to banishing them to a realm of anxiety and loneliness which the redhead was not going to allow for one of her friends. Though she wouldn’t push, it would have to be completely up to Aeryn.

Snorting in a good natured fashion at his crack concerning the strong women in his life her respect for him grew. It took a solid man to handle the type of women that were running around in this day and age. With the suffrage movement and in recent years the feminist movement it was become more acceptable for the fairer sex to be more prominent members of society. Granted, Tia didn’t buy into everything that was spouted by those purporting to be full on feminists, but she could appreciate the strength and resilience of her fellow females as they asserted themselves quite spectacularly. Pointing at him with her fork she grinned, “Tha’ is tha mark of a smart man. Ya don’t really handle them, ya jus’ kinda go along with it.” Chuckling she shoveled some more food into her mouth, nodding once again as he complimented the food.

“Naw, when ya raised in tha south ya learn to always been prepared.” Sitting back down after having handed him several cookbooks Tia curled up on leg underneath her, cutting up the last of her steak into manageable bites. “When I was younger ya never knew when someone was gonna stop by, so it was a commonplace thing ta have snacks and even whole meals on hand.” Shrugging she took a bite and chewed thoughtfully, as it was a habit that despite all the long years of her second life had yet to die. Probably would never die, as she was proud of her heritage and liked to keep that link with her previous life. The conversation turned to his fencing hobby and she nodded, continuing to eat as he regaled the merit of the sport. It wasn’t one she was familiar with, though self defense and the ability to wield a weapon no doubt came close.

Aeryn spoke about his other interests with a zeal she found adorable and quaint, his comments about his bar made her laugh though once more she neglected to comment. If the place didn’t have a good dance floor with some good ole’ country music she wasn’t exactly going to be interested, and saying so would be rude. Her eyes widened at his confession, “Ya never been fishin’? Boy wha’ is wrong with you?! We have got ta fix tha’ post haste.” She grinned, taking her last bite of steak and wiping her mouth with her napkin. “We need ta schedule a time and I’ll teach ya ta fish. Nothin’ to it.” Aurantia liked to fish, it was past time that enable a person to sit and think, or sit and think of nothing at all.

His question made her pause, her smile turning a bit wistful as her mind turned to all that had happened since coming into Evermore. There had been ups and downs, times when she thought she might never recover….but then she had. Spreading her metaphorical wings and marking a space out of the world just for herself. It had been a liberating experience, to learn after hundreds of years that she could make something of herself outside of being one part of an eight piece set. “Ya know I do. Fer years I’d jus’ been tha Aspect of Elements, one of eight powers charged with takin’ care of the world. Since comin’ here I rediscovered who I am and who I wanna be. Not just an Aspect, but a woman with hopes and dreams. A woman with power and abilities that very few can match.” She looked down at her hands, thinking of how much more she’d learned about her powers since getting out into the world.

“They say once a person comes ta Evermore they change, an’ I didn’t believe tha’ until now.” She chuckled quietly before rising, gathering up the dirty plates and carrying them into the kitchen.

He didn’t catch on to where she was going when she talked about the flat at first, he wasn’t really the kind to expect other people to be...well nice, honestly, so he gave her a dumbfounded look for a moment until he eventually realized that she was offering him to stay at this place. Even after the realization set in he just kinda sat there in disbelief at how kind the offer was, he had just been venting more than anything but he also couldn’t ignore such a major thing “Sorry I’m just a little shocked” he commented with a laugh and leaned his hand against his cheek “I don’t think anyone has ever been that kind to me, especially not someone I just met”.

He probably had enough money to buy out his lease on the other place and this location was so much nearer to the city than his little flat in the Diviner territory, not to mention how beautiful it was here “There’s gotta be a catch right?” he asked with raised brows, not that he was questioning Tia’s intentions at all, he’d already gotten a pretty good feel for who she was over the course of the evening and he was very good at knowing when someone wasn’t being genuine with him, he just honestly didn’t believe in good things happening anymore. The idea of being able to have a pet in his home was honestly such a joyful thought in itself.

Aeryn chuckled softly when he mentioned his way of handling women, that was exactly what he did, he didn’t feel the need to treat women any different to the way he did men, he respected people who could stand up for their own thoughts and opinions regardless of who they were “I always find life is more exciting when you let people be exactly who they want to be” he mused with a shrug, holding people back never made things better for anyone and he hated to see people forced into a corner or made to feel like there was anything wrong with them being themselves “The rest of us should get out of the way” he smiled a little.

It was interesting to hear about being raised in the south, Aeryn was born so long ago that the place he called home had changed names more time than he remembered and he didn’t really have any good memories of it, all of it was marred now by the things his father had done and Nephilim had all but burned the very thoughts from his mind “Sounds exciting” he commented as he ate a few more bites of the meal stopping to sip down his beer every so often, honestly he could have wolfed it all down pretty quickly and would have if it wasn’t for the fact he was enjoying the conversation between the two of them “I don’t really remember all that much from when I was younger, though I was always the loner type, didn’t really get taught the community spirit” he shrugged, not that he hated people or anything, it just wasn’t his life.

The moment he mentioned never going fishing she was on the subject like it was an insult to her pride which made him laugh a little shaking his head with a slightly clueless shrug “It’s always something I meant to do but it takes a lot of time and patience, two things I sorely lack lately” he shook his head a little, though the idea of getting out and meeting up with a friend was really nice to him, especially because he didn’t have very many of those, plus fishing sounded like a good way to wind down “Okay we’ll do it” he affirmed with a gentle nod of his head “I will even give you my number so I can’t back out of it” he commented with a chuckle as he set down his fork after finishing the last bite of the meal.

Listening to her as she talked about the person she was and her feelings about coming to Evermore were both inspiring and relatable to him, coming here really had changed him and he’d only been here a few months. For someone like an Ailward Aspect he imagined the concept of home was even stranger, their home was the world they protected after all and it did make him wonder how much of a life you got to have outside of that. Tia had mentioned she had a boyfriend though, so he figured that meant she got to seek out some level of her own hopes and dreams “’m starting to think Evermore might have put a spell on us all” Aeryn commented with a wry shake of his head.

“I should be heading off and getting out of your hair” he commented as he followed her into the kitchen carrying through the tray that the potatoes had been in and set it down by the sink “But I wanted to say first that uh…” he chuckled softly “This has been a real eye-opener to me, thanks to Houdini and you so” he shrugged “Thanks” he spoke before he pulled out his phone and put up his own number on the screen “No creepy intentions I promise, I just really wanna make that fishing trip happen” he chuckled, normally when you gave someone you just met your number it was because you wanted to date them but it wasn’t like that at all, he just really wanted a friend and saw that potential in the redheaded aspect.

Aurantia burst into peals of laughter as she watched the facial expressions chase one another across the Nephilim's face. At first he hadn't caught onto the bait she was laying down and when he finally had his shock was evident. It made her laugh while at the same time she felt heart sick that he was so guarded that a genuine offer of friendship and help was met with caution and complete surprise. It told her volumes about his past and explain the wariness that natural ran through his personality. Thankfully since their meeting so many hours ago she had managed to get past those walls to the man beneath. Shrugging at his continued awe at her offer the redhead explained, “I'm not just anyone, I'm'a friend. This place is ideal fer a single person an’ an animal or two. It'd be a shame fer it ta go unoccupied after I spent so much time puttin’ it t'gether.”

Wrinkling her nose at his apparent wariness she leaned against the counter and slipped her hands in her pockets. “If it'll make ya feel better ya can pay rent. We can work out a contract and once a week ya can work on those cookin’ skills and fix dinner fer tha two of us.” Grinning with good natured amusement she meant every word, though she wouldn't hold him too tightly to that last part. It was rare and difficult for someone like her to find good friends and thanks to an errant kid she had one fall into her lap. It was a friendship she wasn't going to be willing to let go of and one she would work to foster. The Nephilim talked quite blatantly about being a loner, a situation she wouldn’t see continue into his life here in Evermore. Everyone needed family, even if they weren’t directly related.

Talking about fishing always got her excited, it was always a good time to relax and reflect. Or read. Or sleep. Many times she had slipped away from her siblings with the excuse of fishing and more often than not she’d been caught by either Aureus or Argent napping by the lake. There was something about laying out in the warm sunshine, listening to the sounds of nature that never failed to lull her to sleep. “Good! I never turn away a good fishin’ buddy.” One thing she could say, even when she fell asleep she did manage to catch a fish or two. It was a gift.

Grinning she moved towards the door with him, the pair slipping on their shoes as he thanked her both for the food and for events that had lead to their friendship. As they walked down the stairs she logged his number into her own phone, shooting his a quick text so that he had hers as well. “I had fun today. Seems Houdini had some other powers besides bein’ a little pain.” That goat hopefully would calm down once he aged up a bit, but in the meantime he was keeping the redhead on her toes. Waving away his concerns Tia laughed, “Please. I doubt ya could be creepy even if y’were tryin’.” Once outside she walked with him to the end of the drive, aware that she had a big Percheron approaching from behind.

“Think ‘bout my offer. I’ll be moved out in a few days an’ tha’ perfectly good flat will be vacant.” Shooting him a wink she turned and walked a bit up the drive, using the flow of gravity to propel herself up and onto Jasper’s back. Once seated comfortably she gave him a final wave, wheeled the horse around, and took off at a brisk canter back towards the barn.


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