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Sofi was utterly devastated by the fact that she got herself in this situation. The blonde stared at the sight of the locked gate in front of her as she attempts to unlock it using her not-so-good pick locking skill. To be fair, Sofi was not at all well-versed in the arts of picking a lock because there has been no need for her to do that. If it was worth the ask, why didn’t she just break the lock?
The gate was specifically enchanted by a diviner asked by herself to make sure nobody would trespass if they don’t have the key. Said key could not be found in any of her belongings which made her think she might have misplaced them. But it was 2 am in the morning and there was no way of contacting the diviner that’s out of the city at the moment to get all of this down, which meant she ws stuck outside.
It was her own office and she couldn’t believe she lost a measly thing such as a key and all her important documents are inside. The ones she needed very badly at the moment for her to proceed with her consultations later this weekend. It was probably funny seeing a middle aged woman trying to climb up the gates, but the attempt was a fail because soon enough, the Initia found herself on the ground as she fell for a second time.
“No way… come on it’s just a gate. I can climb a freaking gate…” she huffed to herself and tried to climb again. To anyone else, in the middle of the city was someone trying to break into a secure office. It was her own office but people didn’t know that.
Insomnia. It was a bitch. And it was a friend of the nephilim’s for as long as he could remember. It didn’t matter how many potions or pills were recommended, on the nights where his head decided to spin there was no hope. He was used to it by now, usually whiling away time with a book or listening to music but tonight his mind just couldn’t settle.
The bad dreams had been more frequent since he met Sofi, she looked so much like Marie that it was impossible not to flashback to those times and while it was very much established in his mind that they couldn’t be the same person, the resemblance baffled him. It had him questioning if there was some god out there who had it out for him and wanted to fuck with his head.
That was how he found himself out on the streets of Evermore so late, his feet taking him wherever they felt like it. He had been wandering pretty aimlessly for about an hour now until he heard the sound of rattling. Normally he would just put it aside as raccoons running wild but when he did a double take towards the noise, he spotted a shadow of a person.
And the recognition immediately set in. “There we go again with these cheap tricks” he mumbled under his breath, almost unsurprised that in the city with millions of people she was the one he happened to run into. He paused for a moment to watch in amusement as she attempted to scale the rather tall gates before deciding if he couldn’t beat the games being played, he may as well just enjoy the ride.
Heading towards her he tilted his head slightly “Decent form, but you’re definitely not tall enough to make it” he pointed out without really making his presence known.
She lost count of how many times she has attempted to climb up the gates and fall on her ass. But it was definitely starting to make her rear numb. While she was grunting and patting the dirt off her, she heard an all too familiar voice breaking her train of thoughts as she proceeded to curse the inanimate gate in Russian.
“I don’t appreciate being called short” she huffed and rattled the gate once more before glancing over to the male saying that. “Wait I know you… you… you’re the mysterious hot guy I met last time. While picking flowers… and then the bar…” And then what transpired next wasn’t something she wanted to describe at that exact moment. “What are you doing here…?”
The blonde blew the stray strand off her face and stared at the towering male, maybe he could help. “Are you feeling generous tonight the way you did last time? Because… a nice lady would love some help…” She pointed at the locked gates.
Aeryn raised his brows playfully when she said she didn’t appreciate being called short, noticing the recognition on her face, he smirked slightly, well at least he wasn’t forgettable in her mind, that was a compliment. “The one and only” he responded to her vague description. “Well…I don’t really sleep all that well so I take a lot of walks…and you were rather loud”.
And he wasn’t the type of person to just walk on by when something particularly interesting could be happening, he was nosy, he would confess that. He tilted his head slightly when she asked for his help “Are you going to tell me what exactly we’re breaking into first?” he questioned curiously, not that he was opposed to breaking rules but he also didn’t do so just because he felt like it.
“Come here” he instructed before holding out his hand towards her, they didn’t need to cause any property damage when he had wings he could use, after all.
Maybe she wanted to see him again. But not like this. Definitely not when she is in distress and cursing a freaking gate. Not like this indeed. It is such an embarrassing sigh5t. The initia swore she was scarlet red. “Aeryn… Constantine” She found out hid first name which was pretty much needed after the whole ordeal they underwent. It was… somewhat mandatory. It wasn’t surprising that Sofi tried to find out just who did she sleep with, and what she found was pretty… satisfying.
“It’s hard not to be loud when this stupid gate won’t budge…” But then again who did she have to blame aside from herself? Because technically she was the one who left the keys. She blew the blonde strand of her hair and pursed her lips “My office, we’re breaking into my office… I stupid left my keys inside and my card too…” The gate wasn’t the simple pick and lock material. “Why did I install such a good security measure…”
When he offered his hand to her, she blinked in surprise because she didn’t expect him to do that “What…?” Oh right, he’s a nephilim. Guy has wings, she reminded herself. “Are we… gonna fly or…. Because I think you need to know this before we do anything… I’m afraid of flying.”
Aeryn tilted his head playfully when she said his full name, a little caught off guard by her knowing it “Well someone did their research I see” he could respect that “Should have sent a friend request while you were stalking” he teased softly and bit his lip “I would have accepted” he commented, a playful expression gracing his features.
Despite her looking a little flustered, she looked just as stunning as he remembered from the first time, honestly she took his breath away. “Your office” he commented repeating her words before pouting slightly “And here I thought we were on some sort of heist or top secret mission” mostly he was just enjoying teasing the situation they were in.
He pressed his lips together when she said she was afraid of flying “Well…don’t see it as flying, it’s just a….big jump, high enough to get over that pesky gate of yours” he commented and smirked slightly “Believe me, it’ll be over in seconds and you won’t have to get that nice blouse of yours any dirtier” he offered out his hand again “You in?”
She narrowed her eyes playfully when he said that, he was trying to cheer the situation up, as well as he could and she wasn’t sure to be annoyed or to be amused by his attempts. “Why must every hot guy have this dry sense of humor?” The type she likes. A lot.”Anyways, you’re so lucky you have a handsome face to match with that type of humor.”
She bit her lip and sighed in exasperation “Yeah my office, my stupid self really did lock myself out this time. Thought it out so many times I iinda manifested it into the world, I guess…” She glanced at him and grinned “If I want to include you in my next heist, I’ll let you know.” She brought her hand up to brush the stray strand off her face and pressed her lips to form a straight line.
“I’m great at analyzing people though, I would have the guards drop their guns before we could even come inside the bank.” She really would use some of that telepathy powers if need be. What people don’t know won’t hurt them.
Sofi took his hand and chuckled “Have at it, pretty boy” she winked. She would admit, the jump wasn’t what she was particularly afraid of, but it was the height. Sofi has a fear of heights and thought the gate wasn’t really that tall, she still whimpered and closed her eyes shut. But it really did finish in a blink of an eye because by the time she fluttered her eyes open, they were inside. And he was still holding her. All she could think of was how long his eyelashes were from below. “Y-you can put me down now…”
Aeryn tilted his head playfully “maybe that’s what makes us so hot? Ever thought of that?” he teased softly, in his case it was definitely a coping mechanism to deal with the crazy world they were surrounded by, if he hadn’t learned to be cynical with his humor he probably would have lost his damn mind a long time ago.
“Most people find it pretty charming though, you can’t go around being so serious all the time Sofi, you’ll get wrinkles” he jested playfully, his knowing smile showing his gratitude for her underhand compliment. So she thinks he’s handsome, he’ll take that. “Oh definitely count me in, I love trouble” he commented and chuckled “This city keeps bringing me interesting situations…one time I found a goat that had gone walkies” he shook his head slightly, he felt like maybe he was a magnet for strange happenings at this point.
He grinned slightly “Well that’s quite the handy little party trick, though not very upstanding citizen of you miss ambassador” he’d done his research on her after they met, mostly because he was looking for answers on how she could possibly be connected to Marie. He hadn’t managed to find anything as far as connections, but information, there was plenty of that to collect.
When she took his hand, he shifted their positioning so he could hold her securely, not wanting to risk dropping her after promising she’d be safe with him. The jump was easy to execute and before they knew it, they were standing inside the office. There were papers scattered around like someone had left in a hurry and sure enough, there were a set of keys on the desk. Hearing her speak he blinked “Ah…right” he set her down gently and glanced around again.
“Well your story checks out…though…are you always in such a hurry to leave?”
She chuckled when he said that was probably what made them hot. “Well, to be fair, we are quite the pair, yes?” She flipped her hair dramatically and winked. Aeryn Constantine was quite the looker and he knows what he’s great at, the confidence that he exudes had Sofi under his spell even. And the psychic could only name a few to get that under the belt. She rolled her eyes when he told her she couldn’t go around being serious “Actually, I can.”
She tapped her face and pouted “Wrinkles might actually suit me, you know. I’m not as young as I used to be but I can bet that you are so much older than me, Mr Constantine.” She narrowed her eyes at him when he said he loves trouble, giving him a once over “Well… you do look like you love trouble, as weird as that sounds. You look very… ‘trouble-loving’ guy.” When he set her down, she tried to hide the blush by looking away and act as if she was searching for something.
“I’m a busy woman… always. I rush through things a lot. Like pretty much for everything. People always want to see me and I meed to be at places all at once. It’s honestly quite tiring… but I like that I mean something to people, you know?”
She finally found the keys underneath the desk and tried to get it by crouching down only to hit her head when she tried to get back up “Found it- ow” Sofi rubbed her head and whined. The blonde went over to her drawer and took out two glasses and a bottle, pouring them out before offering the nephilim one. “A thank you… for helping me out.”
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