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Being an Initia, Scott felt a little bit behind in his abilities than some that he had came to know, on his travels. Due to the life his mother was leading; he was raised in normality. Or as normal, as his life could have been. With his obligations and duties on the family farm; it had taken Scott a while to realise; that he eventually wanted to embrace his Initia side. To learn more about his element of water and others, if possible. With the start of process; his ceremonies were late. But for him, it was a start of a new dawn. Feeling like there was some progress being made. Scott felt a bit more like himself, when he finally acknowledged/embraced his elemental side. As the old saying goes; better late than never, right? Scott was doing; something that his mother never had done. At times, wondering would she be proud of the man he was becoming? Or would she disapprove of him following the path of elemental control? His mother never seemed to be bothered about the fact that she herself never mastered her elements. Always warning Scott to be careful; when he was young. ‘Don’t expose your nature.’ ‘Don’t use your element for fun.’ ‘Don’t accidently soak anyone at school.’ and so the list of warnings went on and on. Scott now found himself questioning, if his mother ever felt less like herself, for not embracing the Initia side? She seemed so content, with the human life. And for a while, Scott dd too. He didn’t know better, until the Initia tribe in South Carolina; had helped him. Then, he truly felt like himself. Almost hating the thought of suppressing, his abilities more now.
Since his arrival in Evermore. Scott had slowly been making it his home. Trying to get the most important things off of his list. But the bigger thing on his list; was trying to integrate within the Initia community. To get to know the tribe members and it’s leader. Scott felt a bit nervous. He was a stranger, pretty much. And he was certain,that most Initia’s have had been a part of the tribe, for years, if not longer. Hoping that they would prove to be as welcoming as rumors have said. Scott hadn’t exactly met many Initia’s face-to-face,in Evermore. At least not properly. On occasion, there had been a few people; that had stood out in the crowd. The same pull, he remembered having in South Carolina. He felt again. That told him, they were Initias. But since they were seemingly busy; Scott let them go about their daily business; a kind exchange of head nods, or smiles being exchanged rather than conversations at the moment.
Scott knew, that the first Initia that was on his list to talk to; was someone whom was in charge of the tribe. Figuring, meeting the rest of the tribe would come after that. As he had his priorities set out, from the moment he stepped foot into the Eternal City. Then would come more training with elements. Beside water; Scott held a particular fascination with Psychic and Fire. Scott knew that the second element, he wanted to learn could potentially be the most dangerous one to pick; or so...from he had heard at least. But something about uncertainty/and maybe the rush; is what made it appealing. Among other factors. But the Canadian Male, was always dubbed as a hard worker. And an eager one at that.
After his morning shift at the ranch; Scott had the afternoon off. So he decided, it would be a good chance to go and seek out one of the leaders of the tribe. Managing to find his way to the faction house. Scott felt his palms sweat a little bit. What was there to be so nervous about? It’s not like, it was a life or death scenario. Right?
Finally ringing the doorbell. Scott waited. His foot slightly tapping against the ground. Listening for any sounds on the other side of the door. When the door finally opened; Scott gave a charming, polite smile. “Good Afternoon, I am looking for someone, that’s in charge?” His Canadian drawl coming through. Hoping, that whomever had opened the door. Was one of the Masters...or would take him to the main head of the Initia Tribe. Either one, would do. Scott was just hoping to make some progress today.
She had hoped that this wouldn't take the attention away from what truly matters. There was a reason why she chose not to divulge her identity sooner, and most of the time it was because people tend to forget she's also a person, a normal Initia who just so happened to be gifted with the ability of psychic and well… become Evermore's Grand Master. She didn't even sign up for this to begin with. "No? Not even the slightest bit? I'm shocked" she teased, "But there's a reason why I decided to uh… mask my identity beforehand. Most people who come to find me usually forget the things they should've said and I want to connect with my tribe members" or future potential tribe members, like Scott, who obviously came a long way from him. "Please don't be nervous, I'm still the woman from earlier."
She couldn't blame him either though. "You already did make a good impression on me though, so I don't think you have anything to necessarily worry over. Not over this anyway." She wasn't just sugarcoating things, the male did prove to her that he had an open minded way of viewing things and is eager to learn more, which is something she could appreciate even as an average bystander, much less the Grand Master. "As the Grand Master, I wield an extra ability that only people of this title was bestowed upon, and I can't really find the use of it if I don't know my tribe members that well." Spirit manipulation is a tricky thing to carry out and while she found herself having a knack of it since it was borderline the same with psychic energy, she didn't use it necessarily to cloud the members here. She used it to strengthen their bonds and connection towards the tribe, which was easier when you know they're quite devoted to it, in the first place.
"I'm glad to hear that, I'd love to know everyone by name if I'm being honest. I'm new here, most of the people here… they're natives or have been in Evermore longer than I have. I don't really feel like an outsider because they are somewhat welcoming but the pressure of wanting to rise above everything and prove to them I can be a good leader can be exhausting." And tedious. "Do I at least advertise our tribe well enough for an outsider to come join us? Who knows, I could even be a telemarketer or work in the business marketing industry" she joked.
As the tribe’s leader teased him, he cracked a soft smile. “Truthfully, I am not sure what I was expecting.” At least he was being honest. But it seemed like his hunch about her being special was somewhat right. But he didn’t expect her to be whom he was looking for. He was pleasantly surprised to say the least. It was understandable though, why she masked her persona for a while. It was clever really. “I am sure it gives you an interesting perspective, when meeting new tribe members.” he said in all honesty. Most likely makes people less nervous when conversing with the blonde for the first time. She was a genuinely warm and friendly person, and that hadn’t changed his view of her knowing who she was. If anything, he respected her more for having such a burden on her shoulders; leading a tribe.
“I did?” Scott let out a breath after a while, like he had been holding it in for ages. “Well good to know my sometimes big mouth, didn’t fuck things up.” he joked. Maybe it was a Canadian thing. Not having much of a filter at times, if something was on his mind. Not that he wanted to mess this up and be on bad terms with an entire tribe. He wasn’t that stupid. Hoping to somehow fit in eventually. Listening intently as she explained her extra power, that only Grand Masters had. It made sense, why she tried to make use of it when she could. “That sounds like quite a tricky power to master.” He said honestly. “But intriguing nonetheless. Though I am sure it can be somewhat taxing, having that much power and responsibility at times.” He just hoped that Sofi had someone else to help her in the leadership. Someone second in command to take off some of those stresses and burdens. “Does anyone help you?” Scott asked, wanting to know more about the tribe. “A second in command perhaps?” Not that he was underestimating her. He was just genuinely concerned about the weight of all things on her. It’d be a lot for one person.
Nodding at her words. “I thought as much. At least all the people I’ve met so far since being in the city know it better than I.” he said with a light chuckle. So it was nice to know, he wasn’t the only newbie in town. As she expressed the pressure about trying to be a good leader, he gave her an encouraging smile. “From where I am standing, you’re great. At least from what I’ve seen, a lot of people have a love and respect for you.” He was sure she was doing better than she thought. “Your advertising had certainly grabbed my attention. It was warm and welcoming. Made me want to know more about the tribe.” he said honestly. Which is why he was here after all. He chuckled at her joke. “Maybe you should be.” he said honestly. “Doing a much better job than some professional telemarketers out there.”
Sofi loves meeting new people, and although there are often times when the blonde would get headaches and is overloaded with how people feel around her, it never really diminished her interest in meeting new people and making friends along the way. And if they were a young Initia who had plenty of potential like Scott, then it gives her all the more reason to actually help them. "Most people don't know what they expect when they come here, don't worry about it. You'll soon find that purpose once you understand how things go around here..." There was no pressure for Initia to find out why they were really here. Rushing doesn't really do anything.
She chuckled when he said he was relieved he didn't mess anything up "Oh don't worry, people here are quite honest with what they see and what they think. I don't think you can actually lie or skirt around things easily when your Grand Master is a psychic." This makes sense when you think about how easily she can hear their thoughts even though she didn't even try to. "Yeah it doesn't get easier unfortunately but that's what you do when you embark on the path to master your elements, right?" People can choose what they want to do once they reach adulthood and whatever they choose will determine what type of path they will be walking on. It wasn't rocket science and pretty much every Initia knew this since childhood.
When asked if she had anyone to help her, she nodded "I have my council of masters from each element, and I did appoint a certain someone as my second-in-command. He's mostly in charge when I'm busy doing other things as well." It also helps that ironically, the Electric Master was her friend during college too, so he knew exactly how her mind works and how she would usually do things. "So yes, Rowan is the guy you would find if you have any questions you need answered about the system or the way of things around here. But honestly, you can ask anyone else, I'm sure they too, have a better grip considering I wasn't native here." Sofi just so happened to stumble across this type of fate that has sealed itself in her life.
She was glad Scott had a really good sense of humor though, because he certainly did make her day. "Unfortunately, the psychology industry of mental gymnastics has gotten me and wrapped me in its embrace for years now. I think marketing will have to wait for my other life, you know?" As taxing as it is, Sofi does enjoy helping people with her profession. "Come, I want to show you one of the greatest attractions here" The tree of emotions, she calls it. It's one of the main attractions to be shown to visitors and especially new recruits such as him. She beckoned for him to follow her into another trail until they reached the peak of the mountain and there stood a big oak tree with healthy leaves and something attached to the ground, purple in color as if it was infusing the earth with something "We call it the tree of emotions..."
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