She knew it was wrong. How many times had she told herself that it was utterly and inexplicably wrong? More times than she could count to. Yet there she was, the now slightly flaxen haired Aspect of Magic was standing her ground on venturing off to the city of Argolis. Malva had placed all hands on deck upon deciding that she shall go off to Greece to search for any other possible answers she could be provided with, regarding the fall and destruction of their home, Isle of Skye. How could the Russian born woman forget about it? How could any one of them forget what happened? There was no way she could push it aside without investigating about it. Only, she knew she had to push the matter aside for a while as she got down and resolved other problems on her plate.

It has been at least an hour since she had let her eyes linger on the the red ruby pendant that laid prettily on the table not far off from where she stood. Malva leant against the wall of her room and crossed her arms in contempt. She wasn’t sure what to do with the petty little trinket that she has had in her possession for almost four centuries now. For such a small thing, it held a certain aura to it and it wasn’t at all near pleasantries. It held all the dark energy she harnessed for some particular missions back in the days. Sometimes, in order to best the darkness, was to overtake it using the lesser known method. One it doesn’t expect you to go for. Life did have a tendency at wanting the most twisted for everything.

Shaking her head at her own herself, she grabbed the pendant and tossed it into the drawer before closing it furiously and sat on her bed, her sapphire hues never leaving the mahogany wooden table. It didn't last as long as she thought it would though, seeing as Malva went back to grab it and pushed it inside her purse. It wasn’t as if she could avert her attention so easily without any reason to do so despite giving herself one very solid one. Which was to forget about the past and move ahead in her life. But it’s always easier said than done, per usual. The pendant might look fancy and pretty, but it was gleaming in a very malevolent light. And if there was anything Mal knew from centuries of dwelling around magic, it’s that she doesn’t go well surrounding herself with so much dark energy as it tempts her. But she needed it for this journey.

But after what Octavia told her that day, she couldn't forget about it. This is something she needed to do, she convinced herself to do it. Her touch with magic in general had been cut off, albeit not fully, but it doesn't feel like how it was supposed to feel and if Malva couldn't cope or adapt to those changes, then what's the point? Especially with the chaos incited as of late, things were hectic and it was slowly overwhelming the purple dragon to the brink of insanity. Mal had rummaged through her closet yesterday to find one particular book she kept locked away until she realized she didn't bring it with her. Keeping it in the manor should have been the safest choice but not to Malva, that book was way too important to just be laying around so she had kept it somewhere else in 1698. 

Mal didn't pack much, she literally only put enough clothes to last for a few weeks because the Citadel had their own clothes to be worn and they can venture to Athens if they want. Her hair was a lighter shade of brown and it was slightly longer, the Aspect of Magic stared at her reflection in the mirror before making her way downstairs with her luggage, to wait for Octavia at the living room. This trip wouldn't be anywhere near a luxurious vacation to Greece, yeah people know they'll stay at a hotel in Athens but Mal was going on a pilgrimage to Mycenae Citadel located in Argolis which would take all the attention away. She perched one arm on the couch and allowed her white persian ragdoll cat, Seraphire, nestle in her lap. 

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He chuckled under his breath when she said making the same mistakes would make mother nature kick their ass “I say let her try” he commented and shook his head in amusement, whatever it was it couldn’t hurt much more than missing someone you’d loved for most of your life but never really had any kind of future with. “Crazy enough to take on the strongest faction known to the supernatural and win” he commented in a soft voice and shook his head slightly, it was honestly a very scary thought to consider “The battle at least...the war seems to be ongoing” and this person was foolish if they thought they could ever scare the Ailward from fighting back for their people.

“I’d feel less sympathy for a psychopath, would be easier to do what will likely need to be done” and by that, he meant that in order to deal with this person they were likely going to need to go against their usual capture tactics and give the order to take whoever it was off the board. He shrugged slightly when she asked what he meant by an original diviner “We still aren’t even sure if those texts were legitimate but if they’d explain why this person is...powerful enough” he rationalized and bit his lip softly “No offense Mal but your people impose all kinds of rules to the supernatural world, you aren’t short on enemies” he knew her intentions were good but good intentions weren’t always enough for those who were hurt.

It was honestly a bit surreal to look in two directions and see the same person, though he could see the subtle differences between them, the fake and the real, the persona that she put on to the world and the person that lay beneath all that facade. “I can see that” he commented in her response to saying her other self wasn’t pleasant “No wonder people think you’re all snark and no nice” he commented in a mumbled breath as he tilted his head. The replica laughed dryly when Mal pointed out the key was fake “Well of course it know where the real one is” she pointed to the darkest corner of the room, Sebastian could barely see what was there but he got a bad feeling about it “Buried among all those bad memories and fears you don’t want to face” the laugh she gave was almost chilling “Still wanna take that bet?” she commented and tilted her head.

Mal scoffed and shook her head in amusement, "That sounds like something you'd say" and her, if she was being honest. The both of them never seemed to have that compliant nature to just follow everything if it's called rules. Though admittedly, compared to Sebastian, Mal was more bound to it because of her position. Which is why sometimes they argue because their views are… different. "That's really crazy then… but then again, they really did manage to dismantle us. Our numbers are decreasing everyday… we don't have the same numbers we used to and the remaining guards we do have now are currently… drained. Somewhat. Things hit hard for us and I have no idea when we'll be able to get back up again." The last time something like this happened was over a century ago. And even then, it took them decades to actually get back to it. 

Malva narrowed her bright hues onto the male standing across her, he had a point. "Psychopath or not, at the end of the day, I'll do what needs to be done anyway. I've never really been a saint, I never have and I don't think I ever will." The decision to cast a spell to erase the existence of the celestials a century ago as well as voting for their captivity was still fresh in her mind. "It's always hard to make decisions though…" It definitely doesn't make it easy. "If this person is really that person, then do you think we'll be powerful enough to stop him alone? Especially in my state right now, it's crazy to even think about it. One flick and I'm probably off the radar" she grumbled under her breath, she hated being weak. 

She had initially glared at him when he said they were not short on enemies but then sighed heavily, "Yeah well… with great power comes great responsibility, I guess. It's to be expected." She wouldn't feel bad about it, since she signed up exactly for that, she had to know what would happen. The aftermath, mostly. If she had a twin sister; albeit a rather evil and cold one compared to the usual her, it'd be this person. She wasn't just a manifestation, she is her, which makes it harder to just get rid of her. A disgruntled groan escaped her when he pointed out what people usually thought of her, "I am all snark and no nice to people, even more so to people I don't like, that's practically part of my personality, tired grumpy dragon remember?" She could feel goosebumps all over body when she peeked over to the darkest corner of the space. 

"You ask me as if I had a choice in this… but then again it is my fault to keep things away in the first place. Yeah, I'm still up for it. You're still me, I'm not gonna die searching through it." No, but you can very well go insane over it, she whispered. "Do you want to accompany me or should I go alone?" She glanced over to the dark diviner with pleading eyes, silently asking for him to walk her through this.

He looked down with a sad thoughtful expression for a moment when she mentioned how her people had been dismantled, while he had never been a guard himself, he made a lot of friends within the guard during his time there and none of them deserved what happened “You have to keep getting up or the bastard wins” he commented in a gruff voice. “Even if it feels impossible” he had learned a long time ago that the worst thing you could do was give in and just let them win, even though it was often the most tempting thing to do.

She wasn’t a saint and she had never painted herself to be one, neither was he. They were two people who had made a lot of mistakes and wrong turns in their lives. They could both be selfish and impulsive. They said things they knew would hurt others just because they couldn’t stand to face their own emotions. “Saints are awfully boring to be around” he commented under his breath, they were always the preachy types who seemed unreal because they would never even admit to their own flaws. He shook his head slightly when she pointed out she was weakened right now and it would be easy to flick her from the radar “I can still sense your wouldn’t be crushed as easily as he hopes it would” besides, if that was the case then they would have struck already “They’re waiting for you to crumble in on yourself” he pointed out, which was exactly why she couldn’t do that.

Sebastian looked between the two of them while retaining his defensive position, he knew it was only a manifestation and there was unlikely to be a physical fight between anyone but he always had this natural instinct to protect Mal and they had been in plenty of situations before that called need for it. Of course, he also knew that snark was part of the facade she used to keep people at a distance. Bash didn’t know what that dark corner contained but he could feel chills on his skin just looking at it. Almost like it was warning him not the cross the line. But there wasn’t a question in the diviner’s mind about what action he was going to take.

Most people wouldn’t have caught the hint of emotion in Mal’s eyes when she asked him if he was going with her. But he felt his heart clench in his chest because he knew she wanted him to. It felt like they had transported back in time to before they parted and honestly he wasn’t sure how to feel about it. “We’ve never been afraid of darkness before” he commented as he nodded and moved beside her. When they walked forward a black mist came over them both and he reached for Mal’s hand to make sure they wouldn’t be separated as the smoke spun around them and then a sudden sharp pain hit them. The last thing he saw were her purple glowing eyes before being thrown headfirst into the aspect’s memories.

Things have been very complicated from the get-go and at this point, even the Aspect of Magic is wondering what kind of strategy they would have to come up with if they want to win this battle and war. So hearing that from Sebastian who is not really big on the nonsense part was something. "Of course I can't give up. This is not how I want our legacy to go… if any of us decided to hang our mantle one day, it would not be because of this… that's too insulting." It made it seem like the pride was what she was concerned about but really, people could see that she was worried about everyone. "Nothing feels impossible if you don't think it's impossible…" she muttered under her breath, they need to keep that mindset. Be prideful if they should. 

She chuckled when he said saints are bored to be around, "Have you met those saints over the centuries? Please… they are beloved by people but goddamn I do wonder if they feel pressured by the expectations. It gets tiring for sure." It was a clear stance on what their job description would be in the future. Being one meant you have to always appease the majority and minority. Thank god a part of her was still there because Mal wasn't sure what she would do if she was to hear there was no longer a portion of it. That would completely leave her in a crushed and devastated state. "Tough luck I already hate myself day by day so to crumble again is either too far or too close. Because I would've gotten numb to it." She hated having to go through her memory lane again, all due to the fact that there were plenty of bad memories making up her life, and despite having plenty of those to shine on them, her bad memories are really defined as bad

Then again, she is an ancient being tasked with the protection of the world, what could be worse than going through those hurdles? Having one of the closest people judge you, yeah… that. "Not true… When we had to trudge through the dark dome in Santorini where we slipped down the booby traps was… pretty damning" she shot, but had a small smile on her lips because she knew he was just trying to reassure her. That's right, in general, they never backed away from any challenge or fight. Having his hand holding hers felt nostalgic, when was the last time she could remember holding his hand? The mist was what she would expect, although this time made her crumple down in pain momentarily because of the sudden push. The first memory they were, it was usually starting from a five scale of the worst memories. 

She tried to capture their surroundings and realized this one was her past; around the time the Aspects got persecuted. "I haven't been in these for a while and I'm guessing it changed ranks already… to think this would be the 5th in the leaderboard, now I'm dreading what the 1st would be." As they walked out of the door, they were greeted by the nice weather. It was slightly windy and the sun was out, she recognized it to be the place the 8 of them made their temporary home as they traveled from one province to another. She saw a younger her crushing some herbs in her pestle while sitting on a wooden bench, conversing with Venetus. Her hair was in its normal auburn state and was pretty long, tied in a few elaborate braids while her dress was a baby blue color. Everything seemed peaceful.

He watched her with a careful gaze when she spoke about her people’s legacy and how she didn’t want them to go out like that “Not to mention you still have...things you want to do right?” he responded with a cautious tone, he did worry that it would be easy for them to get burned out with such an exhausting life. He had always lived his existence on his own whims and that kept him motivated but he wondered if an aspect, tied to the world, could ever really chase what he wanted. “I don’t know...I can think of some pretty impossible things” he responded in a teasing manner but smiled softly “But getting up after you’ve been knocked down, that’s not one of them” you had to keep fighting, or you lost the overall goal.

“I’ve met people who called themselves saints but...honestly a real saint wouldn’t have the ego to name themselves as such” so he wasn’t sure if he’d really met a real one, but people who were forceful with their righteousness definitely bothered him, he could say that much for certain, they acted like using dark magic was a sin despite the fact he had been born and raised a necromancer. It definitely bothered him to hear her say that she hated herself, he’d never hated her, even after she had told him she never wanted to see him again and essentially ripped his heart in two, he didn’t hate her. How could he?

He had to laugh when she mentioned the time they had ended up running into all those traps “Well we made it out alive didn’t we” he lectured her back and shook his head, okay it had been a little scary but it wasn’t like they didn’t have their magic to back them up. Holding her hand, it definitely brought back a lot for him, they’d never actually called what they had anything, doing that would mean admitting it out loud and he knew they didn’t want to do that but there had always been...something between them. Something that lasted for centuries, a flame that refused to die out even years down the line. He wasn’t sure he would ever fully be able to shake her and honestly, he didn’t want to.

The moment his eyes opened he was honestly surprised so see how bright and airy it looked, perhaps he was expecting the darkest memories to be...darker. He shuffled on the spot to gather his parings before looking around “Changed ranks?” he questioned as he looked over at her “How many times have you...been through this?” he murmured softly. He had some bad memories sure but he wasn’t sure they would even match the top 20 she had been through, except for that one...where they destroyed the citadel. “You look so….innocent” he commented as he peered over at her across the distance. And younger….though not physically, everything about this version of Mal just seemed more youthful.

Does she have things she still wishes to do? Plenty, she imagined. It wasn't as if Mal had the freedom to just step a foot outside the line any day just to enjoy her youth that was initially robbed away too. Not when she's the Aspect of Magic, that's a big pressure. What if something happens and people couldn't reach her? There's too much risk, it was not a surprising feat to hear that personal guards of every Aspect are to keep an eye on them carefully. "Yeah, a few more things I think I would love to do…" Will she get to do it? Who knows at this point. "Most of the time, they were given the title itself by the people surrounding them and then somehow… they grew into it and believed themselves to be as such. Must be so… frustrating, if you think about it from their view. Can't even rebel against it if you had people to appease." 

She shuddered at the thought of it, she couldn't think of having to stay in such a place forever. It would've been so suffocating. "Then again that's just me trying to empathise with them." Hating herself wouldn't be the first, how long has it been since she started doubting herself? A long while for sure. "Is making it out alive the standard now? Wow the bar surely has gotten lower as years pass by" she scoffed, "that seems to be the normal occurrence these days." Bare minimum, people said. She was afraid of being vulnerable again, in front of Sebastian of all people, not because she didn't trust him, god she would trust him any day if she was being honest. She just couldn't trust her heart. It takes up way too much space. 

When asked how many times she has gone through these, Mal bit her lip and stayed silent before mumbling a few words afterward, "A few…" it wasn't the first nor the second. A small chuckle escaped her when he said she looked younger, "Given how I was practically in my late teens, I guess you can say that. I've always looked more mature than my age… but you know how the saying calm before the storm comes by? This is one of them." True to their vision, it was calming and bright. They were laughing and talking amongst themselves. Until a few moments passed and the sound of people hollering as well as horse hooves drumming the ground which made them stand up in alert. "There we go…" she muttered. It was the time when they were caught by the King's soldiers that time and while she wasn't amused, they were peaceful and didn't want to cause any trouble. 

There was a commotion until Ven came forward and assured them they mean no harm. Easier said than done, before long they were forcefully taken away in chains. The scene shifted into the time when they were queuing to be executed in the town square in front of everyone who didn't seem to be helping at all. Her stance grew rigid as she let out a heavy sigh.

“Just a few?” he questioned when she agreed she had things she wanted to do, it honestly made him very curious to know what it was she would want to do with her life, mostly he was curious what she would choose for herself if she wasn’t tied down to the life she had been given in exchange for a second chance. He glanced over at her for a moment and sucked in a breath “Pressure had break even the best people” he commented and shrugged his shoulders slightly “It’s gotta be exhausting to keep living up to other people’s expectations” he commented in a grumbling tone, that was why he avoided letting people rely on him too much, he knew he would let them down eventually.

He chuckled slightly “I’m sure you know something about needing to live up to a role that feels impossible” he pointed out, she was an aspect after all, she basically set the bar for people who had all the pressure of the world on their shoulders. Somehow though, she had managed to keep herself afloat through it all, it was honestly impressive. “Pretty much” he commented and laughed “I’ve come to the conclusion that most of the world is out to get you” people were selfish, they wanted the things they wanted and they didn’t care who they stepped on in order to get it.

He glanced over at her with a concerned look when she said she had been through this process a few times and bit his lip, how did someone end up with so many bad memories that they had a whole ranking list. “You were pretty” he teased and nudged against her because he liked to tease her whenever he got the chance, honestly she hadn’t changed all that much but it was clear even though age wasn’t an issue, the pressure of being an aspect had given her a more defined and mature look over the years. He watched as the people came to take her away and his natural reaction was to step forward as though he was going to march over but the moment he moved the scene shift and he felt immediately disoriented.

Of course from piecing together the scenes he finally realized what was about to see. His hand naturally reached for hers beside him before averting his gaze down to the floor, he was sure she could probably feel the sweat building up on his palms as he tried to focus on quite literally anything else “I can’t believe you dragged me into this” he murmured softly.

"Yeah…" She would readily say it's only just a few, mostly because Malva herself wasn't sure what she what she wanted to do more. It wasn't her first day of holding this responsibility and wearing the mantle, it wasn't even her first century. She has been doing this for so long she had to grow out of her desires and wanting phase because those never last forever and she wanted something that would. "Yeah well, when your entire position depends on what people think of you, it's hard to just keep it in." If she wasn't doing what was already considered to be the best interest for the world, she would've been a bit worse. "This role… I'm not going to be in it forever but I have no idea when the time would come" for her to give up the mantle to someone else. It was a sore topic to talk about with Sebastian, for sure so she avoided it. 

"The world would've been too dull if people didn't act on their impulses like that," she pointed out dryly. It was a normal occurrence nowadays, no matter how unfortunate that was. Mal couldn't help but chuckle and shake her head in mirth when he complimented her, "Oh my vanity would've loved to tease you more on that. At least you remembered how to feed it. But I'm leaning towards the were part, what do you mean were pretty? Am I not as pretty now?" It was a teasing jab of course, but anything to make things better. The atmosphere is somber and god knows she can't give into more of that. Hopefully, she'll know how to control her temper too, which usually gives away. The scene before them was open she was all too familiar with, but he wasn't. It was his first time and she was sure it would set in his head for a long time. 

"If I don't get through it… then it would've been a failed mission. That's why it's so painful, because it was meant to, or else you could just lower your gaze and go about your day feeling slightly traumatised. Sebastian, we've just started… we have a long way ahead of us." They were being marched off and sat by the stage, or forced to, more like. "They didn't know how to properly kill a supernatural being since they all seem to differ… so they tried to test it out by hanging us first. Well… they tested it out on someone who couldn't die from being choked." When they were all forced to stand on the stage to watch Aureus being sentenced to that, but it didn't work. If it had been her or Cora, they would've died from that.

The scene moved forward and one by one were pushed to kneel, following the executioner who came up with a broadsword. "It was either that… or the fire. I would've said getting decapitated was at least a swift one… if that sword wasn't so… blunt." And it was. 

He nodded slightly when she said it was a lot of pressure to be in a position where people depend on you and your image “I’ve always preferred staying in the shadows” he murmured softly, he always knew he was too selfish to ever be an aspect, in fact, he probably wasn’t even a good fit for a guard because he had too many goals and wants of his own. He averted his gaze down to the floor as she talked about how she intended to give the role she was playing up one day, there was a part of him that hoped maybe the gods would give back to the people they had pushed so much hardship onto when that time comes, but they both knew that wasn’t guaranteed “You’d think after everything you’d be owed a life” he grumbled under his breath.

He grinned slightly when she responded to his compliment, namely because he purposely used past tense knowing that she would react to it, he tilted his head as he gazed at her for a moment and he smirked “The grey hair definitely counts against you” he jested because it had been several lifetimes since then and had she aged she would almost certainly have grey hair. She was beautiful though, he had always thought that and she knew that, the two of them had shared far more than just a conversation over the years after all.

He had to admit, going through her worst memories wasn’t easy for him, he might pretend that he didn’t care all that much but they both knew that was a facade he put on. She had always mattered to him and she knew that, they had been through basically hell and back together. “I don’t have to be okay with this” he commented in a grumbling tone, he had to grin and bear it, but it was wrong to make her suffer through her past like this. “It’s...brutal...barbaric” he commented in a soft, empathetic tone.

Watching it as it unfolded, he tried his best to detach himself from the reality, imagine like he was watching a movie he’d been told but never seen himself before. But he couldn’t stop himself from tearing up just a little when it came to her turn, tightening his grip against the hand of hers she was holding “It hurt?” he murmured softly, turning his head away from the scene and wincing as he heard the sound of the blade land and everything fell back into darkness. One down.

She knew she wasn’t going to be in this position forever but it wasn’t easy to admit this to him, of all people. After what happened, Sebastian is an immortal, and while she is one too, she’s not exactly free to do as she pleases. Malva was still tied to this deal they made a long time ago, with the gods. Some are on borrowed time, and she is one of them. She chuckled softly upon hearing his remark, “Oh, how I wish that too,” unfortunately, she wasn’t in the position to be demanding things when it comes to this. It’s where she felt extremely helpless. “I knew what I signed up for.” She had to accept things as they were, didn’t she? The brunette narrowed her eyes at him when he mentioned about her grey hair, “Funny, I thought I could still rock any hair color” she scowled playfully and huffed.

The playful banter they have back and forth was helping the mood, somewhat. It didn’t feel so bad when she had company, especially when it’s someone who knew her better than most people. It’s comfortable. They have barely started, Mal could feel herself getting nauseous. Just because it wasn’t the first time she walked through it, doesn’t mean it doesn’t affect her still. It is her memories, after all. And right now, it looks very real. “No… you don’t, but what can saying a few things do now anyway?” Her voice was soft, almost inaudible if he wasn’t close by to hear every syllable. “It’s meant to be brutal… I didn’t exactly have a life filled with sunshine and rainbows, Sebastian, you know that. I’m Malva Ailward, every single one of us came from a past we wanted to escape so badly…” And even after becoming the Aspect, things didn’t get better.

The pressure was immense and Mal was young when she first took up the mantle as the Aspect of Magic. It was clear she was trying to get through this by putting on a facade that it didn’t bother her, because it was easier that way. It was always easier to put a wall, a mask on, rather than crumbling on the spot. She didn’t know how she was able to hold in her tears but she did, thankfully. With her firm grip around his hand, she hummed softly in affirmation, “It did. It felt like forever.” But at least this one was over. Before long, they were pushed into another memory. She noticed the surroundings, it was her room back in the Isle of Skye, she noticed the interior design being influenced by a mix of Eastern European and Moroccan. This was before she changed the interior, this was during the 20th century or some time around that.

“Ah… I know this one” she sighed and leaned against the table momentarily as she watched the door open and her walking into the room before taking a book to read. Her hair was significantly auburn and it was let loose. She pressed her lips together as the scene unfolds before them, it was during the time when the timeline shifted, the one that rendered them weak for as long as she could remember, leading the outrage to fuel the decisions to lock the celestials away. “I want to say I regret doing what I did after this but I… honestly don’t. I did what I had to” she murmured as she watched her other version writhing on the floor in pain because of the sudden shift in everything. She wondered if Sebastian knew about their ordeal with the celestials, “Did you know? About our… history with the fallen stars?”

He nodded his head almost solemnly in response to her words because it was evident in her tone that she didn’t have much hope in that wish being granted, he knew it was unlikely but when he thought about the gods he had to wonder if they knew the burden and stress they were putting onto the Ailward Aspect’s shoulders. If anyone deserved a second chance after they had served for so long, it was them. “Even then, it doesn’t seem fair” he commented and shrugged as though to say he was going to let it go, it still made him mad just to think about though.

He chucked and smirked a little when she took offense to his comments about her hair color “As regal as you look, I don’t think even you could pull off a bright yellow” he pointed out and couldn’t help but chuckle as he tried to picture it in his head. He was glad for the jokey comments here and there because it was the only thing keeping him sane as they stood in the face of such intense visions. He knew they were untouchable but god did it feel real to be right in the middle of them “Express the horror I’m having to witness?” he commented and shook his head, he had always been sided with dark magic and he had done some dangerous things but never had murdered people in cold blood like this “It doesn’t matter who you are...this is wrong” his voice was equally soft because he didn’t want to argue with her but he was rightfully angry deep down.

There was a brief sense of relief as the first memory faded away and he felt comfortable in the darkness for those few seconds as he attempted to gather himself, looking down to their joined hands and biting his lip because it had taken him no time at all to gravitate towards her all over again, the way he did every time. “I can’t even imagine” he murmured, her story pretty much began like this and it was...torturous, it was almost impossible to believe this was one of the less painful memories.

As the second vision began, he leaned himself against one of the bookcases, watching as a more refined version of Mal came into view. Everything seemed normal at first, it made him ponder for a moment why this ranked the list before he watched her figure drop to the floor in evident pain. It took everything in him not to rush forward as though he could aid her in some way, instead he glanced down to the hand in his for a moment “I know a little about celestials and I know your people were hunting them” he commented in a gruff voice, he’d actually been tracking one a few decades back in Korea, not to attack them but to see if they could lead him back to the Ailwards. “It was hard to find one, very greedy of you to take them all” he kept talking to block out the screaming and crying going on within the memory “Do tell, what rule did they break?” he raised his brows, Ailwards and their rules, he had freed that star from his glow just to spite them in his frustration.

"No? Not bright yellow obviously… not the mustard hair color god no… But I think I could pull off white, or at least platinum blond, don't you?" She has never really dyed her hair that bright, it was always borderline auburn or light brown at most. The thought of bleaching her hair sounded like a change she probably needed but was too wary to take. It sounds so much like Malva Ailward. She pressed her lips together to form a thin line and sighed softly to herself, could she really blame him for expressing his horror at what he was seeing? Having his head holding hers, however, that does help. The Aspect of Magic could feel the small warmth radiating and that was enough for her, at least she wasn't alone this time. She wasn't sure if she could've gone through and came back unscathed both mentally and physically if she had to go through this alone. "Great, so you know…"

At least she could spare him from the long explanation of why they captured them. Well, the bigger half anyway. She knew Sebastian would still want to know why they managed to get the guards to get the celestials to the Isle of Skye forcefully, and rightfully so. A small chuckle escaped her when he said it was hard to even find one after that, "We made sure it was that way. I had a part to play in it… of course. A slightly bigger one that still weighs down on my conscience until today but I don't… really regret it, considering the circumstances at that time." If she likes to regret everything then Malva wasn't sure if she could make a decision on anything else anymore. "Their Wayfinder, it wasn't really her fault, she was supposed to make sure one Celestial's death does not take place because you know the story of how a celestial's death can be just as powerful as their energy, if not more? You kill one and you wield the power to change the past however you like. A team of radical Initia targeted one… and while the Wayfinder was trying to save her, whoever planned it, they knew she was coming. That's what she told me, that's what she told us and I believe her, it makes sense."

Still, what's done was done and it still resulted in a massacre. "War between the Initia and Phoenixes, one we've known them to be enemies for centuries. One death… led to the death of 1000 people. In one flick. That changed the course of the timeline and of course, when the timeline is fucked up, the balance is thrown off and we're in charge of making sure that scale stays balanced…" She saw the other version of her crawling out of her room still writhing in pain, she remembered this was when she was trying to search for Aureus and found him at the stairs. "When everything fell apart and changed, we were one of the first to feel the bitter end of the stick. With us incapacitated, we're vulnerable. Even if another problem arises, we couldn't do much about it, you know? Because we're down. And it wasn't the kind of pain you get back up after a day's rest. No… it took us almost a century to fix things." She could still remember it.

"It was the perfect time for anyone to get the celestials and do what they will and no one will stop them… we were afraid, if one celestial's death can throw us off like that, who'll look after them while we are still recovering? They knew Ophelia was coming… we couldn't risk it so we made an impulsive decision to put them in one place together." Then comes the next part. "I carried out one of the biggest spells I have ever done in the past four centuries, a spell to wipe their existence from everyone's knowledge on earth. That's why nobody knew they even existed, well, except for selected few" she was pointing to him, because somehow he knows.

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