It felt like his memories never failed to serve him again and again, especially when he found himself waking up to a very familiar smell of sheets covering his body. He's gotten very used to the soreness he felt underneath lately, specifically, about one month and a half ago when a certain arrangement worked its magic and into his favor. The day the entire apartment complex complained over the series of malfunctions became the day Daehyun Stormwind finally got what he's been craving for months long. It felt like it was just yesterday, but truth be told, they've been at it like a bunch of rabbits mating since around 45 days ago. He remembered going at it over and over again. 

Their friendship blossomed for the better if anything, they still shared their stories and would often confide with each other. Nothing changed for the worst, in fact, it got better because neither of them needed to hold themselves back. On a side point, they also acquainted themselves better with Beth, the single mother that lives at the 10th floor, and Dae knew for sure he had developed a soft spot for baby Crystal. Their arrangement was the best thing he ever thought of, It almost became a daily thing and even then, Yeon didn't find himself needing to spend a night at his company working overtime when he knows he could get a stress reliever waiting for him. When he fluttered his eyes open, he realized there was an empty space replacing where another body should have been occupying the bed alongside him. 

Dae shuffled to sit and noticed he was laying on the bed alone, the same bed he was sure bared witness to his slightly 'questionable' escapades previously with the owner of the penthouse. The Niveis scrambled to search for his phone that was placed on the bedside table, the clock indicated he's only napped for 40 minutes, to which he yawned and proceeded on stretching out his limbs before climbing down from the bed and search for his underwear that should be somewhere scattered among the other clothes on the floor. While doing so, he made sure to inspect if anything was broken, thankfully, nothing was broken today. 

Once he found his clothes, he went to the bathroom to wash his face before making his way out of the bedroom to find a certain blond. The jumper felt snug on him but it does feel somewhat comfortable. It didn't take the snowy-haired male long to pinpoint Yeon's location when he passed the kitchen, "You woke up early. But then again, I guess being a Valkyr with high stamina means you don't need to nap to rejuvenate as much as little icy me, huh?" Dae took a seat near the kitchen counter and stared at the Valkyr while pouring himself a glass of water, "You okay?" 

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He nodded slightly “Guess you have to be careful that you don’t draw any unwanted attention from the humans” he commented thoughtfully, they were supposed to keep the supernatural secret at all costs so pulling the fire alarm when a fight broke out was probably sensible. But then Yeon didn’t have any worries about knowing about the supernatural considering he was one. Yeon chuckled when Dae agreed he had no idea either but didn’t feel inclined to question it “Maybe the universe decided it was time to put an end to our one night stand rein, I mean it’s just not fair to keep ruining people for life like that” he grinned in an amused manner towards the Niveis.

Yeon arched a brow when Dae argued it wouldn’t be mutual destruction if Yeon could pull off whatever look he chose, which he supposed was a fair argument “I mean even I don’t think I could pull off going bald because the bleach decided to wage war so you never know” he clicked his tone and then smirked slightly. `The Valkyr actually found it pretty interesting to hear Dae talking about going to a spa “Well a friend of mine actually owns one, I helped to fund her business venture” he commented it with a slight shrug of his shoulders, he had invested in many different businesses over the years “I mean how do you think I learned how to do massages myself” he chuckled with a playful look towards him “I can hook you up if you’re interested, they’ll take extra good care of you” Dae could probably use the stress relief, he often seemed like he was carrying the weight of the world.

Yeon nodded slightly when Dae pointed out that he probably wouldn’t be able to recognize his own feats because he was the one doing them rather than seeing them “Well yeah but it’s only because I push myself that things are as good as they are” he definitely believed the extra work and the touches put in to improve it all made for the best end result he could deliver and even when he put his everything into it, there was still a possibility the message didn’t translate. It did feel nice to get praise from Dae though and the Valkyr allowed a small smile of thanks to cross his lips in response “I’m glad you like it” he response in a sincere tone, it mattered to him that Dae thought he was good at what he did.

Yeon didn’t hesitate when it came to encouraging others, especially when he saw a rare spark in them which he knew he could foster, he had always tried to share some of his success and help others to find their own, however he only did so with those he saw passion and commitment in, he knew others would be all too happy to take charity they didn’t intend on earning “I have my moments” he teased back towards Dae and nodded slightly when he said he needed some time to think “Take as long as you need, we have all the time in the world after all” he was sure Dae would find his spark in time, he just needed to figure out exactly what it was. He shrugged when he made a comment about Yeon being a proud boss “It’s nice to see other people succeed and to boost them up, I don’t see the point in tearing each other down” except for the companies who constantly try to threaten his, those he showed no mercy to.

As they headed into his closet he had to admit he was amused by Dae’s reaction to it all, watching him while he looked around at everything and took it all in “Of course I have a place for everything, otherwise I’d lose them all” he smirked slightly “Besides, ties have other uses and I might need them quickly” he grinned playfully as he headed over and pulled out the rack so that it displayed all of the shirts he had hanging up “It’s probably better you don’t ask that question” he teased as he took a seat against the little seat he had in there “So what draws your eye?” he raised his brow curiously.

“The entire mission was supposed to be me doing things… as discreet as possible. It never posed a problem until then.” He still held a bitter feeling when it came to that guy, suffice to say, if Daehyun ever saw him again, he would not live to see with both eyes. Maybe. He couldn’t help but to chuckle and bite his lip when Yeon said it wasn’t fair for the two of them to keep ruining people’s lives with their one night stand rein, “Maybe. I can’t say I’m complaining though, it’s been very beneficial and well, I’m fully satiated. That’s the best thing ever.” The Niveis have had a problem with forgetting Yeon ever since they slept together so being able to break that streak made him satisfied. “How do you like it so far?” He’s good, but a part of him also wished to know what the Valkyr feels about all of this. Maybe it could be a kick to his ego or maybe it could be a boost to it, who knows? “Now I can’t unsee a bald Yeonseok Lee, goddammit Yeon, not cool man” he shook his head and chuckled wryly, it was a pretty amusing picture still. 

“Don’t jinx it though, you never know when Han decides to go berserk and crazy… to shave every single hair on your head. Sounds like something he could do” At this point, Dae was positive that he couldn’t put anything past the Celestial to carry out because he was one unpredictable person. “Your friend owns a spa? Why am I not even surprised” Maybe it was because he needed to remind himself that he’s friends with a multi millionaire. “I knew those hands were golden... “ he murmured, he remembered he once asked the Valkyr to give him a massage playfully when he got back from being one month away for work. Dae ended up dozing off at the couch, of all places. For someone who was picky with how he sleeps, Yeon’s hands were probably magical enough to leave him breathless. When Yeon offered to hook up an appointment for him, Dae was excited, he could definitely use some de-stressing, “Only if you’re there. You could use one too, you know.” 

The blond has been working so hard, even more diligently as of late, he would be an idiot to not notice that. “You’ll join me, won’t you? Take a break and spend it with me, hm?” He wasn’t one to be so clingy but if no one took Yeon away from his work, he’ll continue to work himself to oblivion, no matter how passionate the male was. “You work very hard, Yeon. I know it doesn’t mean a lot for a comment to come along but I feel like someone should tell you that you’ve done a lot. It’s good to see that you’re enjoying it though. I’m a proud friend, who else would be able to brag like this if not me?” Han wasn’t the type to brag that much but he is. He wouldn’t mind bragging about his friend at all. The elder Stormwind had no idea what Yeon saw in him, but he was thankful. Grateful to have a friend like that and happy that he was able to spend his time making memories like this. Friendship used to be such an overrated concept for the pale-haired male, but now, it’s something he cherished greatly. 

“When you put it like that, I’m almost afraid to think we may not have all the time in the world but that’s probably my pessimistic side talking so I’ll shut up” he murmured sheepishly, he didn’t want to rain on this moment. Yeon was going away soon, and he was supposed to make the best of this. “If you keep saying it like this… you’d soon find me wanting to work under you” he chuckled, it’s true, Yeon is a good boss, “Well… I’ve already been under you but you get what I mean.” He shouldn’t be surprised to see all the designer clothes in his closet but he was still in awe, the ties, even the watches were kept in the compartments neatly. “I feel like I just walked into a movie.” Dae couldn’t help but to smirk when he mentioned the ties, “Fine taste indeed... I see you’re a very practical man, Yeonseok Lee.” When he asked what caught his interest, Dae went over to the corner and pulled out a certain pair of pants that he really did try to picture the Valkyr in, “I’ve never seen you much in leather… but I have a feeling you’d look good in it.”

He found it somewhat amusing that the two of them who had followed the same pattern for years happened to find one another and ruin it all for themselves “No complaints here either” he responded playfully raising his brows towards the other male, they did get to enjoy their time together. He had to admit he was surprised when Dae asked him what he thought about it all so far and he grinned slightly “Why? Worried that I’m getting bored already?” he chuckled under his breath, he wasn’t sure that was even possible when he was going into this with someone who thought and acted so much like him “I’m….intrigued, it’s new for me to revisit the same thing and yet it doesn’t really feel the same” the desire seemed to just spur itself around in circles “Besides who could ever get tired of seeing you naked” he grinned slightly, oh yes that was a sight to behold.

Yeon chuckled under his breath thinking about the possibility of Han snapping and ending up shaving his head “He wouldn’t dare” he responded with a smirk on his lips “He might let his impatience get the better of him sometimes but he knows better than to invoke my vengeance” he gave a wry smile, he could be quite cunning and even imaginative when it came to getting back at people and he could definitely hold a grudge. Yeon shrugged slightly when Dae commented in slight surprise in regards to his connections “It’s probably safe to assume if I don’t know how to do it, I know someone who can help me” he grinned slightly, power came from knowing people after all. Yeon’s lips parted in protest when he insisted he needed to be there for it though.

Before long the Niveis had gone into convincing mode which made the Valkyr laugh softly, it could be pretty hard to tell Dae no, especially because he never really asked for much, he was pretty independent and rarely ever asked for a favor, Yeon liked that about him, how self-sufficient he was “Daehyun Stormwind, always stealing my time” he commented and shook his head in amusement “I suppose I could spare an afternoon to fly out there” besides it would be an excuse to get to see Dae in person and he couldn’t really turn that down. “You underestimate how much your opinion matters to me” he commented with a soft laugh under his breath as he watched the other male carefully, it did fill him with a sense of importance hearing the other male say he would brag about him “Just because I don’t let what the general public say about me affect me, it doesn’t mean my friends don’t matter, that I don’t want to see them care for what I do” which was his way of saying he appreciated the lengths that Dae went to, to reassure him “But I also want you feel like you can tell me when things aren’t perfect” he nodded slightly “I can take criticism pretty well” he spoke it softly, his mind drifting to his father for a moment.

Yeon laughed softly when Dae said at this rate he would want to work for him too “Somehow I don’t think my work is quite in your lane of interest, there’s no one’s ass to kick” he laughed softly, Dae’s work was all centered around catching and bringing back people who had broken the law, it was completely in a different realm to what Yeon did for a living. He smirked when Dae said he’d been under him though “Many times” he responded playfully with a grin. Seeing Dae’s reaction to his closet was almost priceless and he enjoyed sitting for a moment to take it all in “Practical mostly, sometimes a little extra” he eyed the area where his more flashy shirts were. He had to admit he was intrigued by what Dae picked out though “Ah but leather is your thing no?” he chuckled getting to his feet and taking them before dropping the pants he was wearing to his feet and changing into them. He did a little turn for effect to show them off “So what do we think?” he grinned playfully, these were tight and a little hard to walk in but he knew they looked good.

He wasn't sure if he was supposed to be all too surprised that they were able to fit so well together, or the complete opposite. Whatever it was, Daehyun was glad he met Yeon when he did. The Valkyr has brought so much flavor to his life, it was clear that perhaps, the Niveis needed a little bit of spice here and there, and of course, to accompany it by one pinch of salt. Yeon seemed to know exactly how to stir him the right way. "I mean, you never know. Boredom is inevitable, isn't it?" He couldn't refute that because he knew there was a possibility of that. He judges on everything based on what he sees, after all. The elder Stormwind couldn't stop himself from chewing his bottom lip while staring back at the blond with a knowing look, "It goes both ways, for sure" He had no complaints of seeing a bare Yeon every once in a while either. In fact, he may like it a bit too much. But then again, the Valkyr was clearly an attractive man, and he's always lived with the code of he likes what he likes. It wasn't as if the other male was holding himself back either. 

"But just imagine, a bald Yeonseok Lee, that'd make the headlines and your face would be all over the news and tabloids for sure" Sure, Yeon's had his fair share of being known as a good choreographer and a competitive businessman. "It makes me wonder just what you'd do to get him back... " or maybe, he should know better than to be too curious. "What would Yeonseok Lee doesn't when he's mad hm... " There was something about Yeon showing his dominance and sheer power that made the Niveis grin, he wasn't sure if it was due to all the pride he had for Yeon, or his slightly sadistic self liking it. Perhaps, both. Dae was ready to whip out his signature look to tell Yeon to be could tag along, but when Yeon agreed, the Niveis broke out a gummy smile and cheered, "That's more like it." Seeing him resting, maybe it makes him happy to know he dragged him for a moment of closure. 

"Besides… who doesn't want a private massage all to themselves. I don't know about you but feeling someone's skillful hands all over my body, pressing against the right spots, god that's heavenly" he groaned, maybe the idea of a massage was slowly skirting around. His eyes softened visibly when Yeon said his opinion matters to him. That's nice, he felt like someone of importance. "Of course you can take them well… you're you. You underestimate your own value sometimes, it's sad to see that some couldn't see what I see" Which was a whole magnificent being with an equally good heart. When he said his kind of work wouldn't fit in his lane, Dae laughed because that was true and they both know it, "There goes my chance dammit." The thrill of catching someone and delivering them to the face of justice brings in a bit of that kick around and while it may not be his work forever, he's doing fine for now. 

Leather is his thing, indeed. The Niveis had a love for it, he was basically glued to his leather jacket almost all the time. He was about to say something but felt his jaw dropping when Yeon suddenly stripped down to try on the pants Dae had picked out earlier. Holy fuck. "Did you just strip in front of me… just like that?" His throat was dry and he couldn't avert his eyes off his legs, especially seeing how tight those pants looked on him, it outlined his legs and honestly, it looked very good. "We think I'm going to have a nosebleed if you keep turning around in those and making me think we're about to play dress up... "

Yeon blinked in surprise when Dae seemed to take his words about boredom seriously and shook his head in an amused fashion “Oh come on, where’s the confident Niveis I’m used to? Did you lose your ego?” he chuckled under his breath, he didn’t see himself getting tired of their arrangement so long as Dae still wanted it, it wasn’t like they were tired of literally anything yet. He licked his lips and smirked when Dae returned the compliment “Then there’s nothing to worry that head over, hmm?” he winked and tapped gently against Dae’s temples, he couldn’t really explain the natural draw he had to the Niveis but he liked it very much.

Yeon shot Dae a harsh look when he kept talking about him being bald “Not funny, don’t you know I have an image to protect?” he chuckled under his breath “I’d wear a wig, one of those really expensive ones you can’t tell the difference” he grinned slightly. Thankfully when it came to fashion there was pretty much an option for everything so he didn’t need to worry. When Dae asked what he was like when he wad mad the Valkyr shrugged “Firstly, I am very hard to make mad, secondly, who would want to subject themselves to that, even Han isn’t that brave” he widened his eyes as if to challenge the Niveis to say who would dare “Let’s just say every business who has crossed me or mine has ended up regretting it big time” he knew how to hurt other companies big time. Once when a delivery company had refused his claim for broken furniture for his home he had made the decision to switch his entire business to a new shipping provider, essentially losing the company hundreds of dollars of business.

He did notice a pattern in his own behavior though, usually he was very good at telling people no and setting very strict boundaries but when it came to Dae he found himself quite simply unable to say no, he would even form the words in his had and then think about how saying it would disappoint Dae and made that conflicted, sad look appear on his face and then he would end up saying yes to avoid it “I haven’t had a proper massage in a long time” he admitted with a slight chuckle, it would be a good opportunity to check up on his investment at the same time, he told himself to justify it. Yeon went quiet for a moment when Dae said he underestimated himself sometimes “I think you’re the first person to ever say that to me” he commented with a somewhat baffled expression “Most people would say if anything I come across too confident” he was curious to know why Dae thought differently.

Yeon didn’t even know where to start when it came to making decisions about moving but he figured if he could make it fun then that would take out some of the work and he wouldn’t complain about getting to spend time with Dae in the process. He was amused when Dae seemed so shocked by the way he changed on the spot “Well how can we possibly know if you’re right about these clothes if I don’t try them?” he raised his brows as he pulled up the pants, purposely taking his time to do up the button. He grinned at the way Dae seemed so entranced by what he was wearing “So this one is for the yes pile then?” he teased it playfully “What next?” perhaps he was willing to play a little dress up as long as they made progress in the meantime.

He was so sure he was halfway choking on his own saliva when Yeon pointed out teasingly and asked if he lost his ego, causing Dae to clear his throat and narrow his dark hues on the gorgeous blond, he sure was being playful. “I’m still confident, I have no idea what you’re on about, Yeon” he grumbles dismissively, it was still there. Somewhere. Maybe the inhibitions shut it away for a while. “I’m not going to lose something that’s been attached to me ever since birth, believe me, even if I wanted to shake it off, it wouldn’t come off as easily.” Daehyun had a certain degree of it when it comes to his ego, it was rare to get him to pull that veil down, with the exception of a few… rare individuals. When Yeon tapped his fingers against his temple, the Niveis gave him a look of disbelief, for a while there, it may have even elicited an amused reaction out of him, “You’re unbelievable, you know that?” The laugh that escaped him afterward made a clear impression that he was always amused by the Valkyr.

 “Surprisingly, you do” he teased, he had always poked the blond asking what image he was trying so hard to maintain when he’s shred every single bit of it once he’s fixated on what he wants. A part of him was curious too. “Tis a shame though, I quite like your hair like this… makes me wonder if you’re really a natural blond by birth or not” he murmured and ran his hand over the golden locks belonging to the other male, Yeon could definitely pass off as one. He makes it look natural. “Right, you’re a hard person to piss off but once you are… you go crazy scary mode” It struck him as something very peculiar on those types of people, “But then again, I suppose it’s not as surprising. They said people who are not usually overridden by anger are the scariest when they’re angry.” Dae wasn’t particularly patient but he knew how to keep his temper down, at times. Unless he’s been drinking, then that’s an exception he’s willing to let loose. Even the Niveis himself wouldn’t want to cross Yeon either. He’ll pass.

 “Don’t worry, I don’t nearly have the time to cross you, Yeon.” His eyes quite literally lit up when Yeon seemed to give into his suggestion on taking a trip to the massage parlor, “All the more reasons why you should have one.” The elder Stormwind knew every artist liked their craft, but there were also times when you needed to take a breather. If Yeon is bad at that, which he has shown, countless times, then he’ll do it for him. He’s his friend, isn’t he? If he didn’t, then who would? “Oh don’t get me wrong, you’re one confident motherf-” he stopped himself with a sheepish grin, “but that confidence wasn’t built overnight. It took you years, probably. But you don’t see the beauty I see, that says a lot” He wasn’t a big fan of dancing, he only ever paid attention because it was Yeon, and even then, Dae was able to outline every move the Valkyr did with intricacy. “You know what they say, people miss out on what’s right in front of them.”

 While he wasn’t complaining, he was definitely taken aback when Yeon stripped himself in front of him, especially when his eyes went travelling down his lines, “You’re making a fair point there…” His hand found the shirt at the rack next to him, it looks like a simple one; a plain white Gucci shirt but had a few glitters that were almost unnoticeable on them, he tossed it his way and tried to search for one of his most prized attire, “I’m totally not complaining if I get to see those abs one more time. Also, I know you keep at least one leather jacket around... where is it”

Yeon had a wry smile on his lips in response to Dae’s words, especially because of the way he grumbled “There he is” the valkyr chided with a chuckle, he had noticed that Dae could be two polar opposites of the spectrum when it came to his opinion on himself which made him suspect that sometimes his confidence was a front to hide a more vulnerable self underneath, which honestly didn’t surprise him because he did the same himself sometimes. “I have been called that many many times, though usually without the attached snark” he grinned smugly and shrugged slightly in response, what could he say, he had a unique sense of self which not everyone was able to handle.

Yeon chuckled, as a businessman, there were certain expectations on his shoulders about how he presented himself to the world, he had to be neat and look sharp, no business was going to take him seriously if he showed up looking scruffy “Despite that being genetically impossible” he responded with an amused laugh “Blond became me around age 16, though back then it was a really bad home bleach job” he snickered, you could have definitely compared him to Draco Malfoy at one point. He nodded when Dae said he was hard to trigger but could be extremely scary when he reached that point “Well that’s because when we get angry, our anger is truly and wholly deserved, which means we’re not going to back down or second guess it” someone would have to try pretty hard to make him angry, annoyed was easier though.

Yeon nodded slightly, Dae was right, a short break would be really nice and honestly, he could use something to look forward to, something to break up a bit of time spent on his hectic schedule which was no doubt only going to ramp up in the next few weeks after the move “You’re as determined as Celia to make me take breaks” he commented and laughed, together they could make quite the team against him he was sure. Yeon chuckled when Dae stopped himself mid cuss word but he went quiet as he listened to him talk. The valkyr had to admit that Dae was wiser than most people probably gave him credit for. To see that Yeon’s confidence was something he layered on through practice took someone paying real attention to see “Maybe they do” he mused softly and smiled “You’ll come to opening night, right?” it would mean a lot if Dae was there to see the show.

Yeon was pretty proud of his wardrobe and while it might paint him as a little superficial, he did enjoy having and wearing nice clothes, ones which suited him and accentuated his body and made him stand out a little in the crowd. Looking down at the shirt Dae picked out he grinned slightly, simple but tasteful and not badly matched with the pants. He took a hold of the hem of the shirt he was wearing and took it off, tossing it onto the stool he was sitting on earlier. He took his time putting on the new shirt Dae had passed him before chuckling softly “There’s something about you and leather” he commented shaking his head in amusement as he pulled open a sliding door to show a collection of jackets, not many of them were leather, he tended to prefer blazers but he picked one of the two and raised his brows “Does this suit your liking?” he teased playfully.

The moment he grumbled, he knew Yeon would point it out, in which he also grumbled once again, “You’re having way too much fun with this” he huffed, but the smile looks good on Yeon, the smirk? Even more so. Sometimes, he wondered how come it was so easy to laugh and smile around Yeon, when he couldn’t even do the bare minimum for everyone else? It was so much easier opening himself up to Yeon, the Valkyr never judged him and his words of wisdom often reassured him. It consoled him in times he never thought it would. A scoff escaped him when he teased him again, “I’m just being honest” he shrugged, indeed, it was hard to see the Niveis sugarcoating anything. He simply didn’t think it was in the cards for him. It was interesting to see the change of things every time he saw the blond, Dae didn’t always visit him, he too, had problems with his time constraint but really, whenever he had the chance to come over and pay company to Yeon, he saw a stark contrast of the person he portrayed himself to be and the person he allowed himself to be in front of the elder Stormwind. 

Honestly, he enjoyed it, maybe Yeon was just more comfortable with him, right? It was probably something Han bore witness too. “We never know what’s genetically impossible, have you seen the recent technology? It scares me” he could feel the shiver that ran down his spine, to Dae, the fact that people could have so many things done at the tip of their fingers, without moving as much as their limb, does scare him. It only takes one evil maniacal sociopath. “I can’t remember the last time I had black hair… but a while, I’m guessing.” Now blond just became him, it’s even more paler, if anything. “I still have yet to see you past the annoyed scale, but I think I’ll keep those thoughts to myself. Wouldn’t want to soil my pants when I see your pissed off state” He had a feeling that Yeon could be very scary, indeed. “I’ll take that as a compliment, I heard she’s close to you so that’s a good thing, no?” From what he’s heard from the Valkyr himself, the Italian female had been a sister-figure to him.

 “But she’s not wrong either, you know… you deserve breaks in between and I don’t think you need me to tell you what an unhealthy lifestyle looks like” he narrowed his dark hues playfully towards him and nudged his sides, Dae wasn’t a push-over and he certainly wasn’t a busybody in any sense. But still, he worries deeply for Yeon. “Remember Valky, we’re immortals, not expendable” he flicked his forehead teasingly and grinned sheepishly, there was that gummy smile again. He was aware that Yeon was more than capable of taking care of himself but there was no harm in additional ones. When asked if he’d come to his showcase, Dae grinned and patted his shoulders reassuringly, “Who do you think I am? Of course, I’d attend. I won’t miss it for the world, man. It’s your big day and I sure as hell won’t skip that kind of occasion” Hell, Dae even marked it in his calendar, writing it down as an ‘auspicious day’. “You’ll see me there Yeon, I promise.” He’ll be damned if he breaks that one.

 Once Yeon discarded his shirt, Dae leaned against the stool located nearby and eyed him up and down, if he could drool, he was sure he would’ve done so. “I have a thing for a leather, and it just so happens that I also look fine in them, seems like a blessing too, right?” He had to admit, Yeon makes the jacket look good, “You make this impossibly hot…” he took out a scarf and went over to wrap it around the Valkyr’s neck, tying them carefully so it could be a makeshift choker, “There… you swiped your hair back a few times and you’re perfect to go. Honestly, I have to say I like all these clothes off you but you know what I mean.”

He had to admit he liked being able to make Dae all grumbly because it meant that he had managed to get under his skin and Yeon was getting unbelievably good at doing that, it seemed like he knew the exact right buttons to push. That came with getting to know him and his sense of humor he supposed, both of them were pretty sarcastic and liked to playfully tease, they had figured out how far they could push each other. “One of your charms, always so honest” Yeon grinned slightly, the good thing about Dae is that you always knew where you stood with him and there had been days when Yeon had managed to get on his nerves but Dae would always make it evidently clear when he wanted to be left alone so the valkyr knew when to back off. For that reason, they never really fought unless it was playfully over a topic they had differing opinions on.

Yeon raised his brows curious when Dae spoke about technology “No amount of genetic engineering is going to deliver you the same result as bleach” he commented, and reached out to playfully ruffle Dae’s pale blond locks, he liked the way Dae looked, given he’d had this hair for as long as the two had known one another it was almost impossible for Yeon to even imagine it another way “This shade of blond is kinda like your signature” he responded as he slowly pulled his hand away now he was done making a mess of Dae’s hair. Yeon chuckled under his breath when Dae said he didn’t want to see him mad “Something tells me you wouldn’t go there anyway” Dae might act nonchalant sometimes but Yeon noticed how he could be careful with his words or how he would drop a topic if he noticed Yeon was bothered by it, he respected that a lot.

Yeon sighed but allowed a smile to cross his lips when Dae told him he needed to take more breaks “I have the feeling you two would get along well, you both tell me the same thing in different ways” he chuckled “You trick me into wanting to go on short breaks with you, she seduces my secretary to convince her to change my schedule” it was clear from the smile on his lips that he wasn’t telling Dae off, if anything he appreciated the care it showed “I am okay though...I’m used to working hard, it’s like a part of who I am” he gave him a playful glare when Dae flicked him. He had a really nice smile, a genuine one you didn’t get to see all that often. Sometimes Yeon did wonder what it was he was working so hard for though, where was the end? When would he feel satisfied with what he had achieved? His expression softened a little when Dae made the promise to be there at the showcase “I’ll make to send you the snazziest invitation I can get made” he teased with a grin.

Yeon swore he could feel Dae’s eyes all over him even from across the room, it made the valkyr chuckle but he didn’t say anything, truth be told he quite enjoyed the attention “Even if you do say so yourself” he teased with a grin stepping in closer to let Dae affix the scarf against his neck, he turned towards the mirror to admire himself and then grinned “Your tastes are not what I’d expect if I saw you on the street” it was a compliment, Dae gave the impression of being quite unbothered by fashion but today proved he definitely knew more than you let out. Before long he had taken these clothes off and was changing into an outfit of his own, he placed the ones he wore into the suitcase had set out but left the jacket on the back of the chair, he went through and picked out things similar to what Dae had chosen, this time skinny jeans, a white shirt tucked into them, a plaid shirt open over the top and then a beanie for effect. He let Dae watch while he changed and then grinned “What about this one?” he finished it off by slinging the leather jacket over his shoulders.

The two of them seemed to have it easy when it comes down to getting under their skin, and perhaps, Dae didn’t mind it if it was Yeon, he handled Jae just fine and that was only because the Niveis actually liked the dhampir’s company too. So it wouldn’t be any different for Yeon. And it works better when they know exactly how far they could go with each other, he was aware that Yeon knew what ticked him off and Dae himself knew enough on the Valkyr to know what lines he shouldn’t be crossing. All is fine in the name of amusement and fun. By the time the compliment arrived to the owner, Dae already had a smug grin marring his lips, “You know me, always liking everything in my honest platter” Nothing is better than being honest, it’s not as if he could stand himself up to prepare for better disappointments in the future. “I’m glad we don’t argue or fight though.” Honestly, the only time they ever did argue about was when they were having a heated debate on which flavor the chicken suited better. 

He remembered arguing that the snow cheese chicken would melt in their taste buds a lot better compared to the spicy one. And it lasted them a few hours, until they eventually found themselves reacquainted under the sheets. “I have to give my compliments on bleach, it sure knows how to ‘cleanse’ huh” he snickered wryly, his hair is the victim of two layers of them the last time and he wasn’t sure how he could still keep his roots healthy enough until today. The way he allowed Yeon to ruffle his hair without grumbling in response showed how comfortable the Niveis was, and just how fond he is of the blond male, had anyone else done it, they probably would never have come out with that hand intact. “You really think so?” He hasn’t had any color except this for a while, could Yeon be right? The Valkyr does have a fine taste, after all. Dae smiled softly when Yeon said he wouldn’t dare venture that way, no, he truly wouldn’t. There was simply no reason for Dae to invoke his wrath, he would prefer seeing him display those effortless grins and smirks alike. There were times when he could see the dimples and honestly, it was such a look on him.

 “We just want the best for the person we care about, that’s all” he chuckled, he couldn’t see any problem with that at all. Though when he heard she seduces his secretary, Dae couldn’t stop himself from chuckling, “Wow, does that mean I would have to seduce your worker too? No, right? All I have to do is seduce you, right?” he purred and winked playfully, “You’re right, it’s a part of you. And I like that you’re such a perfectionist, it enhances your charms” And Yeonseok Lee is one charming guy, indeed. The elder Stormwind didn’t always smile all that wide, mostly because he never found the reason to do so. But in front of Yeon? Plenty of reasons to do so. “Can I expect to be greeted with the best invitation card ever? Maybe even an escort?” he teased, honestly, Yeon could send him a reminder over a text, and Dae would still make sure he’s there early. “I’m going to enjoy that showcase, I just know it” It has Yeon in it and all of his hard work, what could possibly go wrong with that kind of combination?

 During the time he fixed the scarf to fit his neck properly, he was trying his best not to swallow because the sight of Yeon staring him down from where he’s at, it’s not something he was sure someone could survive from. Not even him, not likely. “Are you trying to imply that I don’t care about fashion at all?” he scoffed and gave him a playful glare, as if he was offended from his comments earlier. “Please, Yeon, just because I throw on whatever I have on, doesn’t mean I couldn’t care less” Technically, he actually didn’t give a damn but, that’s another story. When Yeon changed into another attire right in front of him once again, Dae tilted his head to the side and coughed a few times, “Are you trying to be a model, Yeon? Because I can assure you, you’re successfully about to make everyone drool…” There were so many in his closet and he was sure it would take them forever if the other male was about to try every single clothing. “If you keep giving me a dress up session, I don’t think I’d be able to keep you to your packing though… I’d be more likely to convince you to go back to what we were doing before. So we should go back to packing” he then threw a scarf towards him.

Yeon raised his brows when Dae mentioned that they don’t really fight or argue “I was just thinking about that” he commented with a chuckle “Not much to argue about when we’re similar-minded I guess” he offered a half-smile and shrugged his shoulders slightly “Except when you insist on having really bland chicken” he grinned playfully, he remembered how the two of them had refused to back down on that one and now it felt like somewhat of an inside joke. Yeon laughed when Dae mentioned his like for bleach “Your scalp can’t be happy with you though” he teased with a smile, though Dae took really good care of his hair, it was evident from how soft it felt between his fingertips “Yeah...though maybe I’m biased since I’ve always seen you like this” he shrugged his shoulders slightly, Dae had this striking look to him which went perfectly with his personality, he found it really attractive.

Yeon gave Dae a pointed look when he said he wanted the best for the person he cared about “Well I appreciate the thought but really I enjoy the work, things feel strange for me when I’m not busy” he laughed softly “Knowing me, I’d take a break and end up finding ways to keep myself busy which may as well be work” he shrugged and grinned slightly, sue him. “I definitely prefer the latter idea” he responded with a wry smile when Dae suggested he needed to seduce him to convince him to take breaks “Besides I don’t think she’d make the same mistake twice, regardless of how tempting you are” he chuckled and nodded when Dae called him a perfectionist “To a fault sometimes I know, I’m working on drawing my own lines” but it took time to get there and figure out your own boundaries. Yeon nudged his shoulder when he started making demands for his invitation “Don’t tempt me to go full-on extra, you don’t know how dangerous I might be” he grinned slightly, knowing Dae would come made him excited for it even more.

Yeon shook his head slightly and tilted his head when Dae asked if he was trying to say he didn’t have a good sense of fashion “Actually quite the opposite, you act like you don’t care but I can see the details you pick out” his fingers dropped to tug gently against Dae’s belt as though to point out that he had quite the stylist detail on it, while also toying with him just a little “You make throwing things on look like a damn art” he teased with a grin before stepping back and looking at Dae over his shoulder when he said he was trying to make him drool “Perhaps I’m enjoying seeing your reactions” he commented with a low chuckle “Though I have to say I’m less than impressed with your self control” he grinned and shook his head playfully as he picked out a few more things he knew he wanted to take and packed them into the suitcase “Anything you want?” he questioned, wondering if Dae had an eye for anything in the closet “Besides me” he chided knowing what his default response would be.

"Great minds think alike" he winked playfully and made that gesture in which he pointed to both of them using his index finger and middle finger, raising his eyebrows before chuckling, they did have a weird dynamic altogether but he kinda likes it. But his gummy smile was quick to be replaced by a playful scowl when Yeon pointed out that he didn't have any taste in choosing the best chicken, "Excuse you… snow cheese chicken is not bland. It's not my fault you didn't have the aristocracy for chicken nobility" he huffed and crossed his arms, narrowing his feline-like dark hues towards the blond, "I know you prefer the spicy ones and opinions like that, no matter how bleh they may be, should be accepted. To each of our own, right? But I won't stand here and allow you to insult my snow cheese babies." That was how much Dae like his chicken. The Niveis generally likes to indulge himself in food, but chicken takes the top spot without any fight. "Nope, my scalp is not happy with me but it can keep bitching... " he snickered and ruffled his own hair, maybe a change is due soon.

 He noticed Yeon really does like to work and while he was worried for his own well being, he couldn't fathom having to take away that choice from the Valkyr, it's just unlike him so he didn't. He would advise him to take a break every once in a while but he shouldn't be going anywhere further than that. "You love making a point, don't you? It makes it hard for me to refute them" he huffed teasingly and shook his head, always hard to say no to him too. Daehyun raised his eyebrows in a questioning manner and leaned closer before clearing his throat, "Oh so you think I could be tempting? Who knows, Yeon, maybe not your secretary but some other who had your… schedule" he jested, Dae often have fun teasing the Valkyr. He bit his bottom lip and giggles when Yeon said he preferred the latter too, "Ah, I best keep that in mind then. Better to rise up the ranks and go straight to seducing the boss instead of mingling underneath, huh?" He likes how Yeon always knew he what he was facing, he was working on managing his flaws and that's what makes him so realistic to Dae, it makes him mature and wise. 

"I thought I knew how dangerous you could be but you have the tendency to surprise me every time. So I'll hold you onto that and see just how extra you can go out" Maybe he should be afraid but there's a sliver of his desire poking somewhere. The elder Stormwind swallowed hard when he felt a finger tugging over his belt lightly before pulling him in front, right towards the Valkyr, "Pfft, what details…" Thank god he's not blushing from the fault of being caught, he tried so hard to act nonchalant but Yeon always seemed to know it's a cover. "Fine, maybe I like a few designs but… it's nothing out of the ordinary." Though he couldn't stop that grin from going full on his lips when Yeon called him a form of art. He let out a whine when he was teased on his self-control, "You try being me then! You're not the one who has to stand by and watch this hot guy you've been banging to heaven and back strip in front of you like it's no problem... " His voice went lower as more words formed, eventually murmuring to himself while fiddling with his shirt. 

"Oh I'll have you again before the day ends… I don't think I can pull them off quite like you" he chuckled but ran his gaze all over the racks to see if there is anything he likes to actually keep, "I'd love a reminder though. So, maybe that sweater" he pointed to the slightly fluffy looking white sweater that looks comfortable but wouldn't suit Dae, if they didn't know him. 


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