Erythreus had been staring out of the window for hours now. He'd been sitting in the empty meeting room, reflecting on the past two meetings that had taken place among the rest of the faction and the Guards. Vladimir's disappearance had rocked the entire manor, and left each and every one of them doubting their abiltiies. To step up and lead them at such a time, was nothing less than stressful, and even terrifying. While some of thembelieved in Erythreus from the start, there were others who doubted his every move. All he wanted to do was make the Ailward faction aware that he would do his very best to keep them as safe as he coould with the threats against them currently.

Something Octavia had said to him though, had stuck with him to this very second. There was something out there, much bigger than any of them, bigger than the city for that matter, and Erythreus knew he couldn't simply wave his hand around and take the fear out of their hearts. He hated seeing those that he loved, suffer as much as they were. Octavia wasbroken, but at least she was motivated to figure out what had happened. Ery's next plan was to reach out to Damien personally. The two would have a few things to relate on with them each stepping up to be ambassador at such a chaotic time. The Aspect of Death figured that if anyone knew his pain, maybe Damien would. Octavia had became a source of solace and comfort to Erythreus, and well, a certain blonde Initia Master had been stuck in his every thought lately, but Erythreus needed to take a moment and hear Damien's thoughts, and share his own with someone who had been dealt the same kinda hand that Ery himself had.

After giving it little thought, the Aspect trailed off to his room, and showered, dressing in his usual grunge attire, adorned by all black and leather. While he looked the part, Erythreus was probably one of the most soft hearted people in the world. He knew for sure that he was the biggest hopeless romantic among them all, and he had his fair share of being called the brooding alcoholic. All of that was true, but he also had his decent moments where his clothes didn't wreak of whiskey, and his eyes tainted by the tears he'd shed when he allowed the voices to become to much.

At times, being tasked with the dead, had been an overwhelming job, espeically children. They always tugged at his heart in ways that simply broke him. Now with this whole Vladimir ordeal, he felt like he was losing his mind, and just needed a night out with someone that he could possibly relate to. Departing from his bedroom, Erytrheus wandered the manor in hopes of finding Damien, when he ended up running into him in the loft. "Hey, are you busy?" he asked, hoping he wasn't disturbing him. Damien did his own thing, and wasn't always an easy man to find, so he was counting his blessings that Damien was in the manor today. "I was just wondering if you wanted to head out for a while, I figure we have plenty to talk about. There's a bar not far from here, it doesn't stay too crowded. We could probably discuss matters there if you're feeling up to a drink or two" and lets face it, when Erytrheus said a drink or two, that meant several bottles later, and waking up in a strangers bed, or a stranger waking up next to him.

The Aspect grimaced as he thought about the last time he went out to a bar with someone he cared for. Dominic, his very own guard had taken him to a strip club to show the Aspect how to live a little, which turned into a shoot out, and he and Dom being taken as hostages for some freaky plan for human radicals to force Erythreus to do the impossible. They had caught wind of there being an Aspect of Death in the city, and they assumed that he could bring their loved ones back to life. Thankfully Dom had intervened and had even taken a bullet for Ery that night, but the point was, that they had survived because he had a good Guard, and an amazing friend. He could only hope that this outing with Damien would be a little more chill than that.

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A leadership position was something he never thought or seen himself taking. Spending all his human life thinking and believing that he had no purpose but after be became a Valkyr and joined the Ailward Guard. It all changed for him, giving him another perspective on life. Something that he’s sure happened to most people in the guard and Aspects too. A reason why they choose to give their life to the organisation and everything that they stood for with how it gave them all a second chance. Not wanting to loose or give it up. In the past few years he’s found his guard duties becoming more stressful with taking on the commander position instead of his old duties of being Malva’s personal guard. A big step up from what he had been used to doing. Thinking at first he was ready or up for it but the other Aspects thought that he was. Since then Damien spent the last few years making sure to proving that he was up to it all,  yet he never thought how stressful the job would be. Finding it difficult trying to rebuild the guard after losing more than half of their people when their old home was destroyed. Many lives lost, good people. Damien been working alongside other Aspects trying to find out what or who caused it all but having no luck yet. Now that wasn’t the biggest mystery to them with how Vladmirmir’s disappearance and mysterious death caused a lot of heartbreak within the manor. 

Damien could see how everyone was still struggling to cope with the death of a long serving guard and good friend, more so than others. Noticing how some Aspects choose to deal with the pain with alcohol. Admiriting he himself have turned to alcohol to help death with pain and stress but choose to keep that a secret from everyone one else, even his boyfriend. Damien still kept secrets about the guard from Arwyn worried that if he was too involved in his line of work something bad may happen. A way of protecting the one he loves. Damien had spent the better part of the morning up in the loft manor. It was his own place that he liked to go and spend time in. Like how others have their own place to go to, to unwinded. Like how he knew Malva had her greenhouse, and sure that others had their own place. The loft was his. The room was full of pieces of paper, different theories his own crime board so to say. With pictures tagged along with different type of string. Something he spends his time doing on his own to try to piece together what may have happened going back to before the Isle of Skye was destroyed more so to now with no knowing how Vladmir have died. It frustrated him how he couldn’t figure out any explanation, reason more so why he choose to spend more time up here. 

He was too focused on his work not even hearing a person stepping into the room, turning around to Erytherus who was standing there looking for him. “Hey, whats up man?” He grinned greeting the Aspect of death, noticing how he was dressed up more than usual. Soon finding that he was right that Erytherus was here for something instead of another meeting. With how it’s only been a few hours since they had a meeting. “Sure, I was just finishing up here anyways” He started to say looking to the work he’d been working on and back to the Aspect. A grin appeared on his lips hearing at the mention of going out for a few drinks, knowing how the two of them liked their alcohol more than the usual person. “Just not too much fun right” Raising his brows reminding him of what happened the last time they said that they were having a few drinks. Finding themselves waking up beside each other or with others, blaming it more so on the alcohol than any feelings. Finding in the past he used Erythreus as a rebound to keep his thoughts away from Arwyn who broke his heart. Damien was sure that Erytherus used him too but they never minded or brought up what happened on their nights out. 

“Come on, let's go, by the looks on your face you need a drink” Putting in a nicer way that Erytherus looked more like death than usual but knew that the meeting had taken it out on him, he was the same too. The Valkyr went and grabbed his jacket he left on the chair not needing to go and change his clothes. “Don’t worry I won’t take you to a strip club” He teased adding how he was able to find out and know what Dominics who plans of helping Erythreus turned out with. He wasn’t that bad of a comandor making sure to know what his guards do even if it wasn’t always the right thing.

It had been quite a while since Erythreus had approached Damien alone. The memories of their last encounter, often crept into his every day thoughts, interrupting whatever he was doing. He had made it a point of dressing up tonight, feeling as if he had something to prove with thinking Damien might agree to go out for drinks. Erythreus knew he had a boyfriend now, as much as Erythreus kept in mind that his interest was in Sofi, but it didn't change the small glances Erythreus stole on occasions when Damien wasn't paying attention. He stared at the board Damien had been working on as he mentioned that he was just finishing up, sighing softly. They still hadn't really gotten any closer to the truth, and if Damien felt as stressed as Ery did about stepping up to lead at such a sensitive time, then he was sure Damien could use the drinks as much as Ery could."Figure anything out yet?' he asked curiously, because he knew how Damien stayed in here with most of his free time, obsessing over that board.

"And too much fun? us? Never" he smirked playfully. He had been living in a time of denial when he and Damien first started hooking up, Serena had been stringing him along for as long as he could remember, and during one of their many 'breaks' the Aspect found his comfort in someone else, quite literally.

Ery snapped out of thought when Damien told him to come and mentioned the look on his face "Man, do I ever. Rough times, and i'm sure even rougher times ahead for us all" he stated, knowing Damien of all people might be able to relate. Life had been so much easier as just the Aspect of Death. But with him being the Aspect of Death, ambassador of all Aspects, Erythreus was suffocating a little, and he didn't dare say that to anyone who may doubt his ability to lead, which had been quite a few people in the manor so far. Aurantia specifically had doubted his ability to be leader, and he'd been spending a lot of extra time lately, doubting himself.

Erythreus eyed him though when he said not to worry, he wouldn't take him to a strip club "Hey that was supposed to be fun. Who knew one would take a bullet for me, just trying to get me a few lap dances?" he asked, shaking his head at how messy that night had turned out. He figured Damien had heard of those events, simply because Dom had gotten shot in the shoulder to save Ery from getting shot. "Crazy human riadicals formed a group and assumed I'd be able to bring back all their loved ones" he added as he walked alongside the Guard's commander, and out of the manor. "But, I might take you up on the offer to try my luck with a strip club again. How about we start small though? We can go to Crave, it's a decent place to drink, and we'll just see where our feet lead us from there. Deal?" he asked, and flagged a cab down, since they'd bot be drinking tonight, he thought it was wiser for neither of them to drive.

After hopping in, Erythreus looked over to Damien, who looked pretty wrecked himself. He was rather thankful that someone got him though, that someone knew the burdens and trials he went through as a leader, specifically at the last meeting they had all had, where he and Damien decided to send the Guards back out. The meeting hadn't technically ended yet though, they would have to decide what guards went out, and who went with who. That would be the fun part he imagined, especially for Damien. "Thanks for tagging along tonight. I thought you could use this as much as I" he started and looked out the window as the street lights blured past them. "We definitely have to hit the pool tables at some point tonight too. I need to brush up on my skills. Its the one thing ive learned how to do without breaking it. I'll never understand how technology works." he admitted, finding himself turning a little red, because most of the others in the manor had evolved, as to where Erythreus still used a feather pen and paper to do everything.

Everyone always hated meetings. Even back to when he was just a normal guard member he hated meetings, now even more how at times he has to lead them. Meetings ended up draining everyone, especially if they end up lasting nearly all day. Today's meeting taken them all out on them, remembering when he left Erythreus in the meeting room the Aspect was stressed out. “Thought you would still be in the meeting room” He chuckled softly turning around to look over to Erythreus for a moment then back to his board. “Not yet, mostly it’s just full of loose ends” Sighing putting away a few of his notes he had been working on trying to piece together. “Just trying to do anything I can to figure it out” Damien knew he wasn’t the only one who in their own way was trying to figure it all out, outside of the meetings. Prefering to take the more theoretical way instead. Damien knew how some of the other Aspects have travelled to the other side of the world. Remembering how stressed he was when Malva had told him when she wanted to go to Egypt with Octavia looking for answers. If she did he wanted to ensure that Octavia never leaves her side. 

“Hmmm I sorry to burst your bubble handsome but this time around we won’t be waking up to each other naked” He smirked back teasing him playfully too. Damien could remember when it first happened how freaked Ery was over it but for him it was normal in a way. “Arwyn would kill me if he knew I was going out for drinks as it is” His boyfriend always freaked in general whether it was over a mission, guard duties or other things. Damien found it amazing when Arwyn freaks out. “I know what you get up to remember” He went on reminding the Aspect how he knows what he’s guards and Aspects are up to. Even if a lot were crazy antics a lot of the time. 

Damien could see how Ery looked more stressed than he was with all happened to them in the last few months have taken it out on them. “Nothing is ever easy isn’t it?” Sighing as he ran his fingers through his curls. “Both of us were dumped into the deep end soon as we became ambassadors” For him he was made Commander right after the Isle of Skye and the last one died. Somehow he was picked from all the other guards still he was confused to why they picked him. Sure there were many more experienced and better guards than him suited to the position. Then Ery was appointed just before when they sent Vladimir out on the mission than took his life. “People wonder why we looked so stressed all the time” He joked pointing out how they looked like death half the time. 

He couldn’t help to roll his eyes at the Aspect as he brought up what happened the last time he was taken to a club and how Ery was defending himself. “Hmm you say that. I sent one of my guards to make sure your safe and not to go out to a strip club then end up getting shot”  He marvelled sarcastically not letting him forget it. “Drama tends to always follow you” Stating the truth but he knew people couldn’t change it about them. The two of them started to leave the manor letting Ery take the lead. Damien was starting to regret his words bringing up the mention of a strip club since he knows what the Aspect was like. “You trying to get me killed?” He joked shaking his head, either being killed by his boyfriend or by someone trying to target them. “Fine” Finally giving in with how he agreed to drinks knowing by then he lost his say or choice of where they go. 

At least tonight would given them both some downtime to get away from feeling trapped within the manor something he had been feeling more so lately. Knowing he wasn’t the only one. “It's no problem, your right we both need this” To get out before they go out of their head. He was quite good at pool having picked up the skill back in his human life still having the knack now. “I’m always having to have technology because one of you Aspects broke something” He teased smirking knowing how technology wasn’t an immortals best skill. “Loser has to take a shot” Almost being the more of a bad influence on them, reason how they always ended up getting too drink so early on.

Things had been pretty crazy for the Aspects and Guards all the same. Erythreus felt that they were no closer to the truth, and he could see that it was visibly taking a toll on all of them. As some of the Aspects had thinned out to travel for answers, Erytrheus had stayed put, and did his investigating by Dom's side, leaving nothing to chance, especially his safety. He knew he'd have to fight Dom on the matter, but his safety was as important to Erythreus. Dom had made it clear the night he took a bullet for Erythreus, that he put the Aspect of Death's life before his own.

"I couldn't handle another second in there" he finally spoke. Erythreus was worn down mentally from the meetings they'd been having. He imagined everyone else was feeling the same. Damien even had a different look about himself. It saddened Ery that the only time they all gathered, was when a threat posed against them. Never did you see the Guards and Ailwards all in the same room unless something serious was going on, or because they actually wanted each others company. Unfortunately it was always a have-to situation. When Damien sighed and commented on the loose / dead ends his board consisted of, the Aspect gave him a faint smile "Hopefully we can get just a little peace of mind tonight, maybe if we come back with a set of fresh eyes, and some of the stress lifted off of us, we can figure some stuff out. I'm happy to help you, with anything Damien" it was true they shared a past together, but Erytrheus would always be there for Damien, and especially now.

The Aspect's mouth fell ajar when Damien reminded him they wouldn't be waking up naked next to each other this time, and playfully, he held his hand against his own heart "way to break a man's heart Damien. But, don't you worry, that's a visual that won't be leaving my mind for a very long time" he grinned slightly. The two of them had gotten hammered the last time they went out casually like this, and shared a pretty wild night together, which often times, like to replay in Ery's mind. Especially during the occasions they bumped into each other in the halls.  Erythreus smirked slightly when he said Arwyn would freak to know he was going out for drinks "I mean can you blame him? Have you seen you?" he quipped, and shot the Guard ambassador a smirk. Erythreus quirked a brow in Damien's direction when he said he knew what the Aspect got into "Is that so?" he asked curiously, wondering just what all Damien had heard about Erythreus. "Ever get any bad reports on the activities of your Guards?" he couldn't help but wonder, and found it slightly amusing to think of what all the Guards actually got into.

The Aspect of Death hung his head low for a moment, grimacing at the floor when Damien said nothing was ever easy. It was the truest thing the Guard had said so far. "We were. At first I kept going on about how unfair life was, while at the same time, I feel like i'm exactly where I should be.. It's just scary ya know? Hoping to be what your people need you to be"  and out of all the fears Erythreus had about being ambassador, that had been his biggest one. He feared he would fail the Ailwards, but he didn't let it stop him from doing his best. And, he would continue to do so, until he finally leads them where they all felt they needed to be. Erythreus chuckled, and shrugged slightly, "We look okay for two guys carrying the weight of the world on their shoulders though. I bet no one else can wear it like we do" he smirked, referring to stress obviously, but he admired Damien for stepping up and doing his best. That's all either of them could do really.

Ery glanced over to Damien as they headed out into the night, when he reminded Erythreus of the time Dom had taken a bullet for him. "Unfortunately, even if I would have tried to stop him, he would have still taken that bullet for me. I felt like shit to be honest, and it didn't help that a group of human radicals formed a group of people who thought I culd bring their loved ones back from the dead and kind of forced us to go with them. If I could say one thing though, Dom handled that situation flawlessly.. you should be proud" he gave a nod, not only did it show true loyalty from a Guard, but it also reflected on the skills of their leader.

Ery chuckled when Damien finally mouthed the word 'fine' and did a fist pump to the air as if it was a small victory that he'd even gotten Damien to agree to tonight. "You're right, we do need this. We deserve it. I think if we could relieve a little stress, we'd be able to look at things more clearly back at the manor"  he shrugged, because he knew no matter what they did, it wouldn't truly bring them any closer than them all working together and trusting each other would, that was the only way they would get through this. Erythreus was terrible at pool, so Damien's proposal that loser takes a shot each round, made him groan slightly "Fine.. but if I get tipsy, make sure I don't do anything wreckless. I got your back too, promise" he grinned a sinister grin before heading out of the cab, and into the bar. Greeted by the smell of smoke and grilled food, along with booze, the Aspect scrunched his nose up before looking to his side to make sure Damien was with him. "What do you think all of this means? I mean the threat we're facing. It feels like something dark looming around us all, something much bigger than any of us put together"

Erythreus waved the bartender over and ordered himself a whole bottle of whiskey, and requested a few shot glasses. "Whatever you want. My treat" he figured Damien would just opt for splitting the bill, but either way, Ery didn't mind. The music in the background hummed a familiar tune, and Erythreus shrugged his jacket off, leaving him in a solid black tank top. He wanted to get comfortable, as he knew this would be a long night.

Truthfully he was just as stressed as everyone else was. With how it always was both him and Erytherus’s job and say for who to go on what missions. Their decision each of them makes and no one else's, how they were the ones to blame for sending Vladimir and Octavia out. If they didn’t they’re people would have been saved. Just the two ambassadors were too blinded by duties to think what if a mission was to go wrong. Finding it out the hard way. Since then he’s struggled to sleep. Haunted by his thoughts. Damien knew he wasn’t the only one who struggled in the past few months, everyone was just the same.  

He was right of how Erythreus was struggling in the meeting more than him. “Those meetings take it out us these days” Adding to the stress there all in how the two of them were only now deciding to send guards back out on missions. Making all the precautions this time around trying to make sure all areas are covered. With how missions all were more time consuming and more difficult than before. “We have to do what needs to be done right?” Looking over to him with a heavy heart only adding to how messed up everything all was now. His mind board was something he tends to work on himself his own project so to say but most people knew about it with how it wasn’t really a secret. How every commander has to plot out their own strategories, this was his way of doing things. He’s no detective but almost good as how he was always good at these things even before he took over the position.  “Fresh set of eyes? You do know we’ll both be hungover right?” He joked making a sly comment about how he both knew how they were when they went out drinking but knew where he was coming from. 

Damien rolled his eyes at the Aspect seeing his reaction to him turning his down anything happening between them this time. “Hmm cause I remember all the times the horror on your face when you wake up and remember all from the night before” He teased back slyly having always teased him about it whenever he could. “Don’t worry I can always find a replacement to keep you all happy instead” Damien added continuing to tease the Aspect how he was sure he’d find a suitable hook up to keep Ery preoccupied. “We haven’t been out for ages” Both having so much going on neither of them felt like everything was all okay but it was time for him to let problems go away too for the night at least. Damien rolled his eyes to Ery trying to sway him away rubbing it in a way because how Damien was with Arwyn. “It’s the curls, everyone loves the curls” Smirking making a remark at his best feature. How everyone was always amazed at how perfect his hair looked all the time even when most of the time it looked greasy but people thought overwise. “Easy tigger” Shooting him down once again quickly turning the conversation around back to “Hmm a lot of guards go out drinking bit too much with their Aspects. Or we have Crane who keeps losing track of Cora” Damien knew how against Cora was when they assigned her a bodyguard so he wasn't surprised to find out Crane kept loosing her then spends the day tracking her down. 

“I never thought I’d see myself as a leader of anything, let alone something big as this” He admitted truthfully knowing how everyone were the same in a way. “But this feels that it’s right like it was meant to be. Everything all falling into place. The good and the bad” 

The Aspect of Death hung his head low for a moment, grimacing at the floor when Damien said nothing was ever easy. It was the truest thing the Guard had said so far. "We were. At first I kept going on about how unfair life was, while at the same time, I feel like i'm exactly” Knowing that Ery thought and felt the same thing as him, been in the same position. “Hmm you seem to have a lot of fun of your own too outside of things” He joked, teasing the Aspect once again. Every guard who is assigned to an Aspect knows that their responsibility is much more than it was. “It's his job to protect you even if it means getting shot in the process. Luckily if he was all fine, it could have been a lot worse” Pointing out to what could have happened. “I still don’t understand how you managed to get a group of human radicals after you” Shaking his head finding how trouble seems to follow somehow, luckily the managed to clear up and ease the human’s memories that happened. 

Damien was easily persuaded into going out for drinks with how lately he’s been saying now each time but could see that both of them needed tonight. “We’ll have some fun tonight then tomorrow will be down to work” Agreeing how it all wouldn’t be so bad after all. Damein laughed at Ery’s reaction to him suggesting a drinking game for pool with how it’ll end with the Aspect getting too drunk. “Don’t worry I can protect you tispy or not tipsy” He commented whilst smirking having a few skills. “Hmmm i thought you agreed that tonight was about drinking and not about work” Reminding him that rule that was already set for tonight. Soon as they arrived at the bar he headed over to the bar following the Aspect’s lead. Taking a seat beside him, not surprised that a bottle of whiskey had already been ordered for them to start off with. “Already starting off with the hard stuff aren’t we” He mused shaking his head knowing that they both would get drunk tonight. “Waste not want not right” Taking the bottle of whiskey and glasses the bartender put down in front of them, opening the bottle and pouring them two shots. Passing one to Ery. “Here”

Apart from Octavia, the only other person Erythreus felt like he could relate to right now when Dom wasn't around, was Damien himself. It was just because they'd shared the same bed, or know one anothers anatomy, it was because Damien had stepped up to lead an entire faction at such an intense time, just like Erythreus had done himself. Ery often wondered if Damien faced the same kind of doubt from his faction that the Aspect of Death had. Not everyone believed in his ability to lead, and they were right to feel that way. Erythreus knew he would do whatever it takes to keep them all safe, and find the answers they all desperately want, but he couldn't force them to have faith in him until he showed his ability to actually be a leader. There had been plenty of blame to go around, but Ery had been feeling the pressure more lately than he ever had.

When Damien spoke, it brought Erythreus back to the here and now, where he could do nothing less than grin at the fellow ambassador. "Yeah, no kidding. I'm surprised I made it through it sober" he admitted a little guilty. Erythreus drank most of his problems away, so it was certainly new to be taking on a leaders position face first, and sober at that. The Aspect nodded when Damien said they were only doing what had to be done. It did relieve Erythreus that he could talk to Damien and also get advice, but then again, he wasn't trying to make their entire conversation about meetings and the politics that came along with ambassador duties. The two of them had decided on drinks tonight, because each of them had been buried by stress. "I see that sense of humor hasn't changed any" Erythreus chuckled, reflecting on how easy it was to laugh and be himself around Damien. He was happy that hadn't changed. "But you're right, or at least I hope you are. We didn't do it right if we don't have a hangover" he quipped playfully, a sly smirk gracing his own features as he glanced back over to the Guard. 

Erythreus quirked a brow, and put his hand over his cheek, trying to hide the fact that Damien was causing his face to flush at the reminder of how Erythreus used to wake up next to him horrified from the realization of what they'd done the night before. "I don't regret any of it" he made sure that was clear, and while he knew Damien was now spoken for, he'd always hold close the memories he'd made with the other male. He knew how to have fun, and Erythreus never seemed to worry about anything around him.. even now. "Are you offering to be my wingman?" he then asked, when Damien offered to find a replacement to keep him just as happy. "I might test those skills out when we've had a couple shots" he smirked slyly, wondering just how wild this night was about to be for them. But, he didn't fear that Damien wouldn't know what Erythreus liked, in fact, he knew exactly what interested the Aspect, which made him a perfect wingman. But really, Ery just wanted to be out with Damien and relieve some stress over a couple of drinks, anything else would come as it's meant to. 

"It's sad isn't it? But I know you've been just as consumed by everything as I have. I'm happy to take the opportunity tonight though. We'll do our best to make the most of it without getting in trouble" he chuckled, knowing full well that anytime he went out and drank, no matter who it was with, he found himself in some kind of unexpected situation. The Aspect of Death couldn't help but grin at his comment when he'd said it was the curls "those curls are something else. who can resist?" he asked, and playfully ruffled them. "I think you'd make a lot of people mad if you ever cut them off. It's without a doubt your signature" he gave a genuine smile, and brushed off the fact that he shot him down yet again. Okay, maybe this would be harder than he thought. Flirting was just Erythreus's go-to for everything, but he did want to respect Damien and the fact that he has a partner now, so he'd try his best, and was thankful for a change in subject. "Is that a bad thing in your eyes? For Aspects to go out drinking with their Guards?" he wondered if Damien had a reason for not liking it, and perhaps Erythreus saw a point in the Guards and Aspects keeping themselves out of situations that could make them vulnerable. 

He couldn't help but laugh at the comment about Crane losing Cora all the time "That sounds endearing. Cora is Cora though, maybe she'll come around some day.. having a Guard at all times for someone like her is probably difficult, but we all find ways to adapt. It's been easy for me, because Dom is more than just my Guard" he commented softly. Dom had been like a brother, a best friend, someone Erythreus truly could rely on. And when it came to keeping Ery safe? There was no question there. Dom had taken a bullet for the Aspect of Death. 

"Well, we can relate there Damien. I know times are hard for all of us right now, but it's nice to see everyone coming together, even if it happens slowly. I feel like this was meant to happen myself. Something this big don't just happen to random people, so maybe we are where we were meant to be all this time. Leaders. But, yeah.. it's gonna take some getting used to" Erythreus also never seen himself as a leader. He barely stayed sober, and had certainly slept his way through plenty of females, if not hoarding himself in his room to drink his life away. To go from that, to a sober leader of an entire faction was drastic for him, almost traumatizing. When Damien mentioned that Erythreus seemed to have a lot of fun outside of things, he gave a simple nod "I try to. Ive had a few people drag me out of my hiding spot, but yeah I do like to live a little, even if it's gained me a bad rep" he grimaced slightly as his gaze fell to the floor again. Erythreus wanted nothing more than to be seen for the man he truly is, the man that no one really even knew, but he didn't give people a chance, as much as they didn't give him one. The Aspect sighed when Damien mentioned how it was Dom's job to protect Erythreus. 

"So how do you handle that? I imagine your duties are much harder than mine. As Guards, it's your guys job to keep us safe, so we don't face nearly as many risks and dangers as you do.. and i'm sure you keep it in mind that when you send them out for missions, you may never see them again. I guess it just seems overwhelming to me. I admire you though, really" Erythreus cleared his throat, chuckling as he realized he'd been venting a little. "It beats me man, rumors escalate and that's pretty much what happened. I guess it was a group who had heard about "The Aspect Of Death" and twisted tales about what all he could do, so they decided they weren't going to let me get away. I wasn't afraid, hell ive already died twice.. but I was afraid for Dom. I couldn't handle seeing something actually happen to him. I knew he'd be fine when he got shot, have you seen that man?" Ery chuckled, he usually referred to Dom as a man of steel. For the most part it was true, but that didn't mean he couldn't bleed. Erythreus would never be the same if he ever lost Dom. 

"Sounds like a plan Damien. We deserve one night" he stated with a simple nod of his head, grinning a pearly white grin to hear Damien say he could protect him, tipsy or not "IF memory serves me correct, you've always been good at that" he had protected people all his life, so Erythreus did feel safe to go out with Damien. 

Now that they sat in the bar, with a bottle in front of them, Erythreus was admittedly excited. He just prayed to himself that this night didn't end on a bad note for them because if it did, Erythreus would assume he was just a bad person to be out with. The Aspect of Death chuckled when Damien mentioned how he'd started off with the hard stuff "Don't worry, we'll drink a couple beers too. This night is only just beginning my friend" he smirked coyly and held his glass out towards Damien's "Here's to a stress free night, and to an old friendship" he grinned slightly before knocking his shot back, cringing at the bitter taste.  "Whew! the first one is always the hardest. After that it's a walk in the park" he shook his head some, amused. "So.. what's been going on with the infamous Damien?" he then asked, figuring it wouldn't hurt for them to talk about their lives outside of Aspect and Guard duties. "How did you meet the significant other?" he added, before grabbing the bottle so he could pour their next shots, while flagging the waitress over to order a round of beers. 

The music playing in the background had a catchy beat, which made Erythreus sway in his seat "Don't blame me if I start singing out loud. I met this blonde once by doing so. She was literally the only one in the bar who didn't throw something at me or boo me, or tell me to shutup" he cringed at the thoughts of that night, or more specifically, her. She'd broken him in ways no man should ever have to feel. 

Damien could see in the last year of all the strains there were on both of their factions. How Vladmir’s death hit home a lot more than when their old home was destroyed and guard members' lives were lost. Losing someone who's been part of the family for over a thousand years. With so many ties and connections, and to lose them hurt the most. All Damien could see was how many people were broken after Vladmir’s death even how a few Aspects were having a hard time to cope. Damien knew that Venetus had a few break downs to say the least but was picked up by Cora each time. How everyone was still trying to hold it together, knowing what Erythreus was doing. Putting on a brave face in front of everybody, that's all they could do. With the weight of other people's lives on their shoulders. “You sure you didn’t have a shot of whiskey for courage before?” He teased laughing how it was no secret that many of them had a drink problem by now. Needing it to get them through the end of the day. Aurelia was always telling him off for his drinks problem when he comes back late after coming back from a few bars.  Damein did his best trying to be the person he was before he was given Ambassador title. Not wanting to be forced to change himself just because he has more responsibility than before. “I’m just being myself as always” Which was all true, not wanting to change. “You would think hangovers would be easier for us by now but nope” Still able to feel the banging headaches each morning after but still drinks later on. 

He’s always been the one to find ways of how to drown his sorrows when feeling different types of pain. Back then he had only just had his heart broken by Arwyn, at the same time he had only just been appointed to commander. Finding that he had used Erythreus as a rebound but he didn’t mind it that much, being used after a few drunken nights. Damien always found it amusing seeing how freaked out Erytherus was knowing the Aspect of Darkness was more known as a ladies man. Thinking that he wanted it all kept under wraps so they kept it secret. Damien was surprised to hear Erytherus tell him he didn’t regret it. “We did have lots of great nights, didn’t we?” He admitted, amused as he thought back to when things were simpler. “I am a good wingman, I’ll have you know” Reminding him thinking it won’t be too far to find another female or male brooding in a bar. A place you could easily find people drowning their sorrows with themselves or with others. Thinking could easily find someone to match the Aspect of Darkness. “You’re just trying to get me wasted quickly” He teased, smirking knowing what his tricks were, how people who go for shots first want to get really drunk quickly. Seeing who could out drink who, a challenge he knew he could get on board with. A challenge they all do in the manor quite often. 

Both of them were thrown in the deep end at the same time, another reason how they tended to go to each other for help. Still learning even now. “Use this as a way to escape all the craziness going on till we can put our heads together to figure this all out '' He added pointing to how their thinking methods worked out, or really any excuse to go out drinking. A smirk appeared on his lips as Erythreus was like everyone who commented on the curls. Making him believe it was his best feature. “Don’t touch the curls” Complaining as he felt them being touched something a lot of people do who am amazed by them. “When I wear my hat people all hate it” People all not wanting him to hide the curls. Damien knew what was happening able to tell when Erytherus was flirting with someone which was quite a lot of the time. Seeing how he looked saddened when he turned him down but he had to do it because how he’s taken now. Things all different, not how they used to be when they used to go drinking. Changing their habits around. Damien did and then didn’t hate the Aspects going drinking with his guards but he felt there was more pressure on their safety when things could happen like how they have. “Just when he draw in the craziness” Reminding of what happened last time when Erytherus went drinking. 

Everyone knew Cora is Cora who doesn't like to accept help but he’d keep on appointing guards to her anyways. “She won’t be able to get away with it'' Damien knew how Erytherus had it easier with how he had a strong friendship with Dominic who knew him inside and outside whilst for others it was more difficult. “A lot of people’s go to places that are bars' ' There was no shame in it really considering how much pressure they’re put in quite a lot of the time doing their jobs. “It’s a lot more stressful for sure but you get used to it '' More so for him as he had more people and things to think of, more pressure too. Back to when he found out Dominic was shot it made him feel more stressed. “Dom is like a giant for sure” Who towered and easily outpowered everyone in strength and height. “Especially after the meeting too” Another reason for needing a few drinks. “It’s a skill” He laughed at teasing him but had back of still being able to fight when drunk. Having been through a few bar brawls in his time. 

It didn’t take them too long till they reached the bar already seeing that Erythreus already got the rounds ready for them, with having a bottle each. Seeing how both of them were ready to go onto the hard stuff straight away. “You sure do know how to get drunk very fast” He marvelled sarcastically taking the glass from Ery. “Cheers!” He grinned back, toasting along with before downing the shot. Cringing too at the first taste of alcohol hitting his throat letting him get used to it again. “Yeah the first one is the worse” Agreeing with his fellow drinking buddy for the night. Damien always did try to keep his personal life away from his work life so he could keep focussed. “I’ve been keeping myself busy with guard stuff then other things. Few years ago soon after we started living here I found my sire, the person who found and turned me. We bonded and she’s become like a mother figure to me. There've been a few times that I had to get out of trouble” Remembering back when he had to save herself from an underground rouge Therian prison where he rescued her and other people too. “Me and Arwyn met when I was assigned on a mission years back when I was going to keep an eye on a group of rogue Valkyr’s in Nevada. We met each other and everything all clicked. Feelings and all that too but things turned back with his mother and uncle being killed so he broke up with me. After that I returned back to Isle of Skye around the time everything all happened. Then last year we met each other again and things all worked out” Damien knew his love life was complicated but it was the same with most people around. 

Erythreus like many of the others, had only been wearing a mask for bravery..because in all honesty, he didn't feel brave, or even strong after the disappearance of Vladimir. He felt weak, he felt he had somehow let each and every one of the Ailwards down. Being handed the leader position, meant that they had all looked to him and Damien to find answers. And, since there had been none yet.. he assumed he'd let a lot of people down. Drowning all that with whiskey usually helped.. and Damien usually knew when he'd had a drink, which was why he could only smirk at the Guards leader when he asked if Ery had, had a shot of liquid courage earlier. The smirk he wore on his own features, was normally a better answer than saying words out loud. Especially if someone knew Erythreus that well,and it was fair to say that Damien did. 

Erythreus chuckled at his statement about hangovers "Way too true. I'm glad something's still bother me though, simple things like a hangover.. it let's me know I still have a few human-like tendencies. I really used to think I was an animal, lost to the cruelty that was put on me by two very evil brothers..Vampire brothers to be exact" They all had their own stories to tell, and Erythreus's was pretty horrific.. he usually didn't share any more than what he'd just told Damien. It was admittedly pretty easy to be open with Damien though. They had went a while without even speaking, but once they got back into it, it felt as if they'd never stopped at all. 

Ery couldn't help but chuckle. He had thought about it many times himself, that he had been so known as the ladies man, that his and Damien's secret getting out would ruin him, but then all along, he'd never regretted it, so it had made him question his sexuality more times than not. Damien's question, or statement more like, pulled him away from those thoughts, causing him to grin and nod slightly "We did. I do miss those times, and not just you using me.." he stated, giving him a pointed look before continuing "But I guess I just miss things being more simple.. before Vlad went missing..before I stepped up as a leader" he sighed softly, realizing that back then, things definitely were more simple. The Aspect of Death had changed a lot since then too though. He still drank more than a fish did, but Erythreus hadn't really been sleeping around lately.. and had tried his best to dedicate all of his time to thinking about a resolution for the Ailwards, thinking about ways to keep them safe while they all continued hunting for the answer to Vlad's death..and that'd been more time consuming than anything. "Anyways..about that wingman business.. don't let me down" he grinned slightly, joking a little, because he was honestly just happy that he and Damien were going out like old times. So even if Damien didn't wingman Erythreus a partner to take him, then he'd still have just as much fun. Erythreus shrugged, and gazed at Damien as he accused him of wanting him to get drunk quickly. "Maybe .. I haven't seen you drunk in a while.. at least not out like this" he smirked back, hoping that at the very least,they'd be able to enjoy this night, and forget everything else. 

It was no lie or understatement to say Damien literally had the best hair in the manor. He knew it mustve driven Damien a little mad sometimes though, if people weren't randomly reaching over to touch Damien's curls, then they were at least talking about them, or complimenting them. "It must get old huh? having people admire you 24/7" he stuck his tongue out playfully. But, Erythreus knew it got old for people to constantly talk about how he was the ladies man, so it must work like that with everything. Either way, he couldn't resist touching those curls, and let out a loose chuckle when he complained. "The worse part about you knowme like the back of your hand, is knowing when i'm flirting. Or, knowing that i'm sad because you turned me down.. I admire you though. It's not often people remain loyal to their partner. I have yet to figure out how dating even works.. maybe I can get your advice. I have ruined several attempts at relationships .." he admitted, embarrassed a little. He still found it completely ironic that every woman he'd ever been with had been blondes. Most brunettes didn't even approach Erythreus. Until Iris. But she'd vanished so fast that he hadn't been giving a chance to know her, as much as he wanted that.

Erythreus always found it amusing how well Damien remembered certain events, and had no problem calling Erythreus out for them."Crazy is my middle name I guess" he chuckled softly, shaking his head before starting his next drink. The reminder of how stressful their jobs were, made Damien's statement about there being nothing wrong with coming to a bar, all too true. "You're too right. I think we all need an outlet, even if it is an unhealthy one that involves drinking." because let's face it, almost all the Ailwards participated in drinking. Erythreus chuckled about Dom being a giant. God he and Ery had,had so many memorable moments together. The one that still stood out the most, was Dom literally taking a bullet for the Aspect of Death. He couldn't imagine how uneasy it must have made Damien, Dom's leader, feel. "I know things are probably a lot more stressful on your end. Guards are here to protect us.. so they are in danger a lot more than us, but.. if there's anything I can do to help you, all you have to do is say so" Ery knew there wasn't much he could do as far as decision making went for the Guards, but he'd definitely help Damien any way that he could. Even if it was just a night out, to relieve Damien of the stress he'd have to face when returning back to the manor. 

Erythreus gave Damien a nod with a huge grin adorning his features when Damien said cheers/ It felt good to be here, with someone Erythreus knew, and knowing that the sole purpose of being here, was simply just to drink and de-stress, made things a lot easier than the times Erythreus found himself bar hopping,in hopes of finding a woman companion, usually going home alone regardless. It was touching to hear how Damien had found his sire though, and how the woman had become a mother figure to him. "I'm really glad the two of you found one another. In all the madness we're living in right now, it helps to have someone you can always turn to and trust." Erythreus took another drink to that, because even if it was Dom and Damien.. Ery had people he trusted too. Hearing his story of how he met Arwyn, made Erythreus chuckle slightly. He was amused with knowing that his love life wasn't the only one that was messy. "I feel like I could relate to you on so many things" he commented, gazing around at the others who'd came into the bar while he and Damien had really only just gotten started, some were already staggering drunk. 

"I will try my best not to get either of us drunk" he chuckled, since he'd already ordered two bottles, just so they each had their own. A true alcoholic, he thought to himself. "I'm glad you and Arwyn are fixing things. That always seems impossible. Once things get messy between a couple, it seems to either get worse, or just never get better.. you show that there's hope" he stated, smiling faintly. Flashbacks of the one woman that he'd allowed himself to get fully attached too, often played over and over in his mind. Serena. He'd never forget that name unfortunately. "So what do you think happened out there?" he then asked, referring to Vladimir. He knew they were here to unwind and relieve the stress that came along with the disappearance of Vladimir. But, that was the one question that had been haunting him. And maybe, with it being just the two of them talking, they could figure out what to do next. 

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