It had been a long and drawn out afternoon in the library, the dhampir pretty much staying in one spot for the past few hours as he tried to focus on his studies and not think about his recent break-up or the fact that he missed his brother or even his family back home. Jae usually studied here because his roommates were quite possibly the most inconsiderate people he had ever met and most nights they ended up either having girls over and being especially loud or throwing a party. Neither of which the dhampir particularly wanted any part in. Already he had been through his entire literature piece and written notes on most pages, his glasses often falling down his nose because he was focusing so much on the words and what message they were trying to get across. 

Truthfully though, he was absolutely exhausted, his study was really ramping up over the past few months and with the fight he had with Hanseol, everything felt out of place and draining. He wasn't sleeping properly because he just ended up crying himself into exhaustion and even then half the time he got woken up by a loud noise. This library was his solace though, he'd even made friends with a couple of the librarians because he spent so much time here, his life consisted of three places right now, the dorm, the little corner shop where he worked part-time and this library. 

Jae had been here for so long he'd seen loads of people come and go from the seats on the other side of the table but eventually another guy seemed to stick around for a while, Jae didn't say anything to him but he did smile when he caught his gaze one time. The dhampir really did underestimate his own tiredness though, because after leaning down against the paper for just a few seconds of rest he found himself giving over to the complete and utter exhaustion he felt, his breathing shallowing as he gave over to sleep against the desk, not a new concept for Jaesung but the first time he'd done so in a public place. 

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