*THUMP*, Clara woke up, she must have fallen asleep while she was reading, she started sitting up and picked up the book on the floor, glancing over at the clock it read that it was 8:27 pm, she got up out of her bed and put the book on the dresser, walking over to her closet to grab a different outfit, she made up her mind this morning she would go to the city this evening for an evening out and she was determined to stick to her plans.

Once she had changed she looked into her standing mirror "maybe I should wear some makeup" she thought to herself Clara almost never wore makeup her mother once told her it made her look older. Looking up and down at the dress she had chosen she decided to keep any makeup off her face and leave her hair down "that's enough, stop looking at yourself." she thought as she walked away from the mirror.

Walking down the stairs barefoot with her shoes in her hand and her purse in the other. Getting to the door and locking it once she was outside, she sat down briefly on her steps to slip on her shoes, while she was putting on her shoes she could hear the crickets in the forest it was like a band, each cricket knew when to sing and it sounded beautiful just like magic. 

Clara was on her way into town now driving down the road listening to the music on the radio, she never really went out at night but something her friend had said a couple days ago about her playing it too safe, and realizing in that moment she really did play everything to safe, she had made these plans to prove her friend wrong, and to prove to herself she could do this but mainly the first one.

Walking up and down the streets for a half an hour now she was thinking of going home, she hadn't really done anything this evening except walk and her feet were beginning to hurt, but Clara stopped where she stood and started listening,  across the street she heard music, it sounded like a live band and it was coming from an Irish Pub, she had never been in a pub before and thought it might be a good idea. 

She walked across the street and walked into the pub looking around the place she could tell it was pretty packed in here but it wasn't overcrowded, Clara stood in the background for a bit just listening to the music but thought maybe she should get a drink, she walked over to the bar, and sat down in the only free seat in the corner, the bartender came over he was older, red hair with white streaks in his beard and from when he spoke he was Irish "What would you like Missy?" he asked her " A Bellini, Thank you." he looked at her with a strange face like my drink was way too fancy for a place like this but he walked over to his counter and started making it. A few minutes later he had her drink in hand and passed it on over to her, "Thank you." she said.  

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Dominic tore through the trees and continued pursuing the unknown man lurking in the shadows. If it hadn't been for the cover of darkness and the easy places to hide in the woods, he would've had him by the throat already. Not that the cover of night was completely against him. Being Therian meant he had extrasensory abilities and he was already pushing them outward in the surrounding area to find the man. Leaning against a tree, he slowed his breathing from all the running and concentrated. There wasn't a sound to be heard that didn't belong to the naturalness of a forest, though all the animals had become silent now that the snow had begun to fall. Nevertheless, his sense of smell was picking up the scent of the man, but moving back towards the lake. "Shit..."

He turned back around and darted towards the house once more. He suddenly slid to a halt when Clara's smell hit him in the face. She'd followed him into the woods. Now she was somewhere alone out here with the man who was possibly stalking her and Dominic didn't have sight on either of them. Giving his attention to the more important scent first, he followed in her footsteps which seemed to be leading him towards the lake which was exactly where the man had fled. Dominic caught sight of the Initia sitting on the ground next to a tree as he quietly came up behind her. He didn't want to give any hints to the man where they were, so he bent down and put a hand to her mouth, so she wouldn't scream. "It's me," he whispered in her ear, as she jolted in surprise. 

Dominic helped her to her feet and put a finger to his mouth so she would keep quiet. He still sensed the man nearby and had the feeling they were being watched. From the man's scent, Dominic couldn't quite put his finger on what type of supernatural he was, but he was cursing himself for not bringing his gun with him that night when he was usually armed with it from being a bouncer. Ushering Clara behind him, Dominic glared out into the woods, scanning the trees by the lake. "You might as well come out, already. I know you're there and it's not like I'm going to let you keep watching her so easily either. So, let's get to it, asshole." He waited for the man to emerge, ready to fight and protect Clara if he had to. 

Clara sat by the tree as the snow was falling, the snow was enchantingly beautiful, but like most things of beauty this one was cold to the touch, a shiver ran through Clara's body she knew it was time she got up, to keep moving but she was getting sleepy she slowly closed her eyes when a man's hands covered her mouth she elbowed him in the stomach, then heard the man whisper, it was Dominic.

Dominic helped Clara get off the ground, she was about to apologize for elbowing him in the stomach when he put a finger to his lips to tell her they had to be quiet, she nodded and started looking around her, the man that had been following her, for who knows how long. Clara stood there cold, she took a deep breath in, then out, she was nervous nobody and nothing hadn't made a sound in a while and it put Clara on nerve, Dominic spoke trying to coax the man out from behind the darkness, Clara stood behind Dominic waiting for the man to step out, she held onto Dominic's hand waiting for the man to jump out. 

Clara waiting wondering if he would ever come out when she saw a figure move in the darkness "There" Clara said pointing to show Dominic where to go. The man slowly started walking towards them, it was still dark and Clara still couldn't make out his face but she could tell he was a tall man, with a large build, "Get away from her," the man in the shadow said, he stopped moving, still too in the dark for Clara to see, She held tighter on Dominic's hand not sure what was going to happen next.

Dominic watched as the stranger appeared and began to move forward, but staying far enough away from them that his face wasn't visible among the shadows the trees were casting. As they began to move out in the open, both he and Clara were illuminated by the moonlight which made him feel uneasy being watched by someone he couldn't see. He still couldn't make out if the person was a supernatural of any kind or not with his scent being too far away. He could tell he was sizing Dominic up though and his body language was definitely giving him the sense that he was looking for a fight. 

Taking a few deep breaths, Dom's gaze never wavered from the man as he began coming closer. When he felt Clara's hand slide into his, he held on and squeezed it gently in reassurance, keeping her behind him. The one thing he hoped above all was this person wasn't a magic user. Nothing was more annoying than trying to fight an opponent who could control you with the flick of a wrist and a few words to have you writhing on the ground in complete agony. Diviners and Nephilims weren't exactly his favorite supernaturals on the list when it came to fighting against them as opponents. If any words came out of this man's mouth that started the workings of a spell, Dominic wasn't going to waste any time charging straight ahead. If it did turn out this man was an Initia, at least he might have a fighting chance to get to him first.

"Get away from her."

Dominic glared at the man with a wicked smirk. "Not gonna happen, bud." The stranger was almost upon them as he came into the open part of the woods they stood in which were eerily quiet in the dead of night while the snow continued to fall around them. He stood up a little bit straighter as the man stepped into the moonlight where they could finally see him.

Clara let out a breath, she hadn't realized she had been holding her breath,  waiting for the man to say something else, something shocking. She thought about the last time she was out in these very woods it was yesterday she went to go pick some winter herbs for a tea but now these woods would be very different everytime she stepped into them, A man had been following her for who knows how long? And was it the same guy from when she was younger? Questions ran through her head like a stream running with water. Clara turned her head to look at Dominic, he didn't look scared, he looked tall and brave, I wish I could at least look brave she thought. 

The man moved forward again for us to get a better look at him, he was rugged and had a large scar over his left eye, Probably from a werewolf, she thought squeezing tighter on Dominic's hand. The man didn't say anything to us, he looked down with a creepy smile on his face, there was something in his hand, it looked like a piece of wheat. The man was tall but thin and you could tell his hair was a dark brown. We stood there for a few seconds that felt like an eternity, he then moved leaning against the tree beside him. "Clara do you really think your father would want you hanging out with this sort of trash," he said the last word looking Dominic up and down.

"Who are you?" She wanted to scream it but it came out as a slight whisper that she was pretty sure nobody heard.

The man was looking at them again with cold eyes, If he was the same man he had changed a lot "You don't....  remember, do you?" he said looking at Clara now, She shook her head. "Ash Winston, at your service." He said pretending to tip his hat and bow. "I don't think I know him." She whispered to Dominic "You wouldn't remember me." he stated smiling again.

"Trash?!" Dominic's free hand clenched into a fist as he felt his anger bubbling over. The familiar tingling of his Lycan form trying to take over was rippling along his back, but he pushed the transformation down with a few deep breaths as his gaze never wavered from the man in front of them. The Therian could finally get a good sense of his aura and scent which he thought was that of an Initia. Maybe he was the man Clara had seen so many years ago. Dom could tell he wasn't someone who would back down so easily either. The scar across his eye meant he took on a Lycan and lived to tell the tale. A smirk came over his face at the thought of adding a matching one on his other eye. 

His gaze went over to Clara and he could tell there was no sense of recognition of this stranger. More reason to punch him in the face now. When the man shifted his weight, Dominic stepped with him to still keep Clara behind him. His eyes seemed to be transfixed on her and it was making Dom even more mad. 

"Okay, Mr. Ash Winston...," he began with a sarcastic tone. "What the hell do you want?" He was trying to draw his attention away from her and to him instead. If he was going to lash out at them, Dominic wanted to be the recipient of whatever this was all about. "You walk around her property like a fucking creep and now you're finally caught." Releasing her hand and stepping up to the man's face, Dominic looked him directly in the eye and could tell he wasn't even slightly nervous. He had to give him his props for that. Most people turned tail and ran when they were the target of Dominic's anger. "What is your problem?"

Clara watched as the man moved forward another inch, "A wolf, aren't ya?" the man asked. Clara locked eyes with Dominic for a moment, Clara could tell he was trying to see if she knew who this man was but to be honest, not one shred of her remembered who this man was, though the thought had crossed her mind if she even wanted to know the man. 

Dominic had let go of Clara's hand and was now facing this Ash Winston character Be careful she thought even though he couldn't read her mind. "Now there no need to get angry," Mr. Winston said keeping both eyes on Dominic now, Ash moved both his hands on Dominic's shoulders and started dusting them off "Listen, I'm not here to harm your girl, and I most definitely have not been stalking her the whole time, geez what kind of man do you take me for?" the Man said letting out a slight giggle at his own comment. Clara could tell this would not convince Dominic and she hoped they would be able to escape when the time came. A smirk came back on the man's face and an eerie feeling came over her.

Dominic cut his eye at the man's hand as he touched his shoulders and then glared back at him once more. "You don't really want to know what kind of man I take you for." He wanted nothing more than to punch Winston in the face and remove that smirk permanently. Dom still couldn't get a feel for the man. Was he friend or foe? His instincts were telling him the latter, but then why not just attack them already? Why keep an eye on Clara around her property if his only intentions were malice? "You say you knew her father. Are you the one that came looking to see if she had become an Initia?" 

His eyes glanced over to Clara as he could tell she was still trying to take the man in. Trying to find some way to remember who he was. The question seemed to have amused the stranger as he grinned from the inquiry. Dominic's patience was running thin as he clenched his fists in frustration. He tilted his head slightly to look behind Winston and see if he had brought others with him. Was he stalling? "Enough with the games and mystery. If the next words out of your mouth aren't a real reason as to why you've been watching her, I'm going to beat the answer out of you instead."

Clara felt nervous, not because this man could have been the one watching her all these years but that Dominic could get hurt, she still wasn't sure if this man could do serious harm and she didn't want Dominic hurt. "What do you want?" she finally asked Winston, "How did you know my father?" she waited for a minute before yelling "Tell me," 

They stood there waiting, the snow had started to fall more and more, she was shivering, it had gotten pretty cold. When finally the man finally spoke up, "Accuse me of lurking, well I didn't, I came to check on you, that all," the man put up a front like he was hurt but Clara could tell he had a smirk on his face "I'm your Uncle, of course." he said it like she should know exactly who he was.

After letting the information sink in she finally spoke up; "Why are you here?" Clara looked at him waiting for an answer.

Dominic raised an eyebrow when the mystery man had finally revealed who he was. Her uncle. Could he be any more creepy? The fact that he was family only made his lurking worse. The Therian let his senses push out farther and from what he could tell, it was only the three of them in these quiet woods. The Initia had come alone. If he wanted to truly hurt Clara, the man was outnumbered and he'd never seemed to bring her harm before. Dom's turned his head slightly to the side and could hear Clara's teeth chattering. They needed to get inside. The thought of finally inviting this man into her home wasn't something that sat well with Dominic, but their choices were slim. He let his gaze go from Winston's feet to his eyes and didn't let up on the threatening glare he gave him. "Let's get back to the house. You can explain yourself when we get inside." 

He reached his arm around Clara's shoulder and pulled her against his much warmer body. Dominic nodded his head forward in the direction they were going, speaking to Winston. "You know the way," he spat, watching as a smirk spread over the older man's face. Dominic knew that he knew why he was telling him to go first. There was no way he was giving their backs to him while they made their way back to her home. Dom waited till the man was several paces ahead of them before he started to lead them through the snow-covered woods. Pulling Clara against him tightly, he kept his voice low. "I still don't trust him, but we'll see what he has to say." 

It wasn't long before they were climbing the porch stairs again and Dominic pushed the front door open. He watched as the two passed through the entrance and never let his gaze leave the stranger as Winston took in the surroundings of the house, though Dominic had the sense the man had probably been inside on many occasions without Clara even knowing it. He grabbed a few logs on the side of the large fireplace and threw them inside. Pulling his lighter from his pocket, he crouched down to quickly get the flames going and could feel the change in temperature immediately. He crossed his arms over his chest and looked over at the other man. He was done with the games. "Talk."

Clara felt that whatever this man knew, would be no good. She was nervous, to say the least. A strange Uncle shows up out of the blue. No reason, Why hadn't he come so many years ago, When her father died? Or when her Mother died? There was no family in her life, her family never even mentioned this man, How was she to trust that he was who he said he was? She was confused, lost in her thoughts completely sounding out the outside world. Not until Dominic pulled her close and started walking her back to her house did she realize that she hadn't been listening. "I don't trust him either, My father never even mentioned him, I never even saw a picture," she whispered

Her mind still going wild they had finally gotten back to the house, it had been a quiet, cold walk just the three of them or so she could tell, she couldn't focus. When they were finally inside, Dominic started a fire, Clara closed the door behind them, her mind persistent of questions. Her "uncle" slowly started taking off his coat and hat, he tattoos covering most of his left arm. When she looked at him in the light he had dark black-brown hair, and a younger face then she had expected to see. "Yeah, I have to agree, I have questions that I need answers too." Clara stood there with her arms crossed she was getting answers she needed them and she figured Dominic wouldn't let this man go until she got them. 

He stood there silent for a moment but a smiled appeared on his face, "We meet a few times," he finally said. "When you were a baby," he added looking slightly nervous. Clara walked over into the kitchen cabinet, "I need a drink," she mumbled under her breath, "You guys want one?" she asked still bringing three bottles back, "Got this as a gift, Never thought I'd actually drink it." she stated as she set the bottle of Scotch on the living room table, "Please sit," she said, gesturing the men to the couches.

As expected the mystery man took a seat in the green vintage armchair. "Now explain," Clara said wanting to know everything. "It was a long time ago, I was your father's youngest brother, Well Half-brother, Our father remarried. I was at his wedding, we weren't super close but up till you were 4 we spent every Sunday together," he stopped to take a swig of his drink. "Now all of sudden," he continued. "You and your parents were moving, for what reason I never knew, he stopped contacting me," he stopped to take another sip. "I felt hurt. but I let it go, Anyway, A few years ago I started looking for you, but I wasn't sure what you looked like, your name had changed so I expected never to find you, I heard in a town not far from here about this place, and I assumed you went here." he finished and took in the last gulp of his drink. "How did you know my parents died?" she asked quickly, "Well, I found that out during my second year of searching for your family. Took a while to get over it, but then I heard that you were still alive, so I begun tracing your steps, found out you had become an Initia." he said as he poured himself another drink. "Then a few days ago, I saw you, I was never sure you'd become, an Initia, your mother was human, your father had his doubts but he loved you no matter what, Anyway, I wasn't sure it was you because like I said your name is different." He finished letting out a deep breath and sitting back farther in the chair. Clara's mind had more question then before,  "What was my name before?" she asked, she felt like her world was coming apart all this time Clara wasn't her real name. Her hand began to shake. She felt cold again.

Dominic remained silent as the two newly found family members began feeling each other out. He kept an ever watchful eye on the man because he was still a stranger no matter if they were kin or not. Dropping his arms from his chest, Dominic nodded at her proposal of a drink and watched as she went into the kitchen and retrieved a bottle of scotch. To think not too long ago he was drinking in the bar with her and talking about how it was rare that she ever touched liquor.

He took her offer to sit down and moved to an empty chair across from them. Leaning, back he drank the golden liquid and let out a breath as he listened to the man's story. It was certainly a lot to take in. Meeting her unknown uncle for the first time and then hearing that her parents had uprooted the family without a word to their loved ones had to be shocking. What secrets were they holding that they felt they needed to disappear? Dominic wondered what it was they must've gotten themselves into that they felt the need to escape. If he had to guess, her parents had definitely done what they did to protect their daughter.

Dominic drank the contents of his glass down quickly before grabbing the bottle again and pouring himself another drink. His mind was wandering to all the possibilities of what trouble they could've gotten themselves into. Leaning forward onto his legs, he cleared his throat lowly to get their attention, knowing he had somewhat faded away as the two reunited. "And I have to ask", he began, bringing his gaze up to Winston as Clara had inquired about her real, birth name. "What do you think the reason was her parents took off? If you had to speculate? You really found nothing about them in your search to find Clara?"

"Your Name was Rain, your father had picked it out, Your parents' first date was a picnic and it wasn't supposed to Rain but it did so like the rain that day it was a surprise like you were," Winston said. Clara listened so closely, she had never heard this story before and it was truly beautiful.

Feeling as if everything Clara had ever known was a lie, she was waiting for her "uncle" to start spilling his beans some more. Clara turned her head over to where Dominic was, as he asked the question she begun to wonder herself, What could have been so important that they had to change their lives over.  "Well... I couldn't say for sure, but I know it was bad, your father was powerful, something must have spooked him," Winston said directing his face still in Clara's direction. 

"What do you want with me? Why did you come looking for us in the first place?" Clara asked thinking of how many questions she wanted him to answer. Thinking things over before he could speak again she raised her hand motioning him to stop before he started. She gently grabbed Dominic's arm pulling him into the kitchen. Once they got there she turned to face him, "How can we believe everything he is saying, What if it's all just a lie?" she asks feeling like she might be let down with all this mess.


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