It's complicated didn't even seem to begin to cover it. Sariah had been caught up between a rock and a hard place for the past long 2 weeks since Orion and her had gone their separate ways, part of her wanted to find a way to get past the decisions he had made and the other part wasn't sure how things could ever work for them when everything was complicated and terrifying. At times it felt like they were being drawn together only to be ripped apart again by reality, the truth was that she was afraid of the idea of letting someone in so much that they could tear a hole her chest when they left.

Her colleagues at the organization had started to figure out what was happening too, she heard their not so subtle whispers about their ambassador and all the visits from the therian ambassador. Even if she wanted to distract herself from thinking about Orion, there was an ever present reminder of him around her, from the jacket she kept meaning to return that was tucked neatly on the back of a chair in her bedroom, to the corridors that lead down to her office where the two of them had walked several times.

She had to face the fact that there was no running this time, she had to see him whenever the ambassadors would meet, they had an alliance that her faction very much needed and deep down, she knew that she didn't want to stop seeing him. Admitting that in the moments before you fell asleep as you sank into a dream however was much easier than picking up the phone to call him. Time had passed and every time she had worked herself up to dial the number she had chickened out, the truth was she didn't know what to say after the way that night had ended.

In the end it had been him that had contacted her, though it was far from the call she had been expected or perhaps even hoping for. It had been brief but it had been something, he had asked for her help with the containment of the remaining members of Elijah's pack whom it had not escaped her notice had been causing somewhat of a disturbance in the city, not once but twice had a member of the organization run in with these characters.

Sariah of course knew that they couldn't be allowed to keep running amock around the city making a fool out of the ambassadors and laws of the city which meant the day had finally come, project X would need to be tested and a verdict would have to be made on whether the containment cells were fit for holding the supernatural, in this case, a therianthrope. Sariah had to admit a part of her was nervous to see Orion, especially knowing that all eyes were going to be on them the moment he walked through that door.

Regardless the blonde checked her watch, sighed gently and then raised to her feet walking the familiar route from the 3rd floor where her office resided down to the elevators. Thankful she was the only one there Sariah picked at her dress a little nervously as she watched the numbers count down to zero and then she stepped out into the lobby. For once in their story, she was the first one to enter the lobby and he wasn't there waiting, looking around for a moment she headed over to the desk and collected a visitor pass ready for their venture into the labs.

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Everything that the Organization was working on was amazing and Orion wished that this sort of thing had been thought on and created before. If his family had this sort of technology and innovation then his nephews would have fathers and he would probably still have his wife. You couldn’t focus on the past though and if perfected project X could keep so many other people from losing people the way he had. The city could and would be a safer place as well especially after the destruction the Initia and Phoenix had caused, what the humans and nephilims had lost when a massacre occurred and that was only taking in account of the large scale issues and deaths the city had seen. Not the small incidents that had caused lose of life or humans to be turned against their will to creatures of the supernatural world.

To see something so ambitious reached this level was just awe inspiring and it was a huge step forward not just for the humans but for all species since it was opening a new path that had been closed to them before. Blood answering for blood wasn’t the way they needed to live anymore and instead of brutally dealing with their problems they would now be able to contain them and hopefully in time have them stand trial instead of each species being judge, jury and executioner. That was what the city needed and what the supernatural factions needed as well to be able to maintain peace and a level playing field, though he wasn’t sure on how all the other factions would respond to this. What Orion did know is they were going to have to show a united front since this was not going to be something that everyone was going to like or support. It wasn’t much different from human’s being arrested except that now it was possible to hold some supernatural species as well. “The internet, cellular phones, electric cars, all ideas that people thought of as insane at the time but those who created them and worked on it put their heart and soul into their work and never gave up.” She did have a point about the impossible quickly becoming the possible in the world today.

Orion knew it wouldn’t be easy for himself to change or to change the world in the way they were hoping for. If they focused on the past they were all bound to repeat the same mistakes as they tried to move forward. The Therian Ambassador was just trying to see what the world needed and what he needed in his life opposed to where he had been and what he had done. The past was set in stone, the future not so much and he wanted to focus on a future that would be an advancement for them all and benefit them all.

His hand looked the same as it always had and yet he has the feeling it was much like moving through a pool of Jello. It seemed interesting to Orion to think of it in an air form and it just weighing your down instead of causing you to writhe on the ground in excruciating pain. On a number of occasions he had suffered through the full effects of wolfsbane so feeling it now in this way was still a bit hard for his mind to wrap around but he was doing his best. “What you all have managed so far is impressive and beyond any kind of progress and outcome I could have anticipated.” His mind was still spinning and he had so many questions but he had no idea how to phrase them or if he would even understand the answers.

Orion walked over to one of the open cells and stepped inside a weird feeling of fear tickling his spine. Reaching out he touched the inner walls of the cell, they didn’t seem very thick or strong but he knew how misleading that was. Stepping out of the cell he gave Sariah a small smile, “I have the feeling the other Alphas are going to want to see and ask their own questions. I’ve already mis-stepped with them once, another time and I might cause the very destruction of the one thing I worked so hard to create and I don’t want to throw my own faction into chaos.” Which he knew could easily happen if Harper and Krystal lost trust in him that would welcome conflict that he wasn’t ready for. “We can move on to the statement if you want since I’m sure neither you or your scientists want the frustrating to attempting to explain anything in the world of science to me.” Something just weren’t as easy to wrap his head around and that was one of them.

While Orion was focused of what he was seeing and experiencing she was watching silently, she wondered if he was able to sense the level of nerves in the room or how most of the scientists were holding their breath. Several years of her life had been poured into project Y and then project X, it felt like she had literally lived and breathed it for as long as she could even recall clearly and the road was far from over. Winning over Orion and Cornelia’s factions were pegged as the easiest stepping stones, Sariah had a connection with them both which she could leverage but people like Venetus and Gideon were going to be a lot harder to breach, especially when they ran monarchy type systems and therefore may see opposition to what the humans were trying to achieve.

“You never know, in two years time perhaps even those flying cars will be making their rounds” she chuckled softly but it was actually true, some of the biggest corporate companies in tech were already working on concepts. The world turning and changing was something normal to Sariah, she was always the first person to want to try out new inventions or help to put new ideas out there in the world, progress was everything in her line of work, moving the world forward in every area she saw an avenue to.

What tended to change more slowly was people, people were set in their ways, they didn’t always want to move forward and often they were afraid of what they didn’t understand, that’s why you saw younger generations embracing technology while older generations tried to steer clear. In her mind however, there were some things that were sustainable for a peaceful future and killing everyone who didn’t get along with a faction leader was certainly one of them, Sariah had seen the success of containing the supernatural first hand as she followed the court case of Tyler Blackford and while spelled prison cells were hardly long term sustainable, these cells would be.

Sariah could tell that it was a lot for him to handle, she had expected as much and knowing him, he was probably going to need some time to process before he was ready to make any kind of decision, not to mention she still needed to win over the rest of his faction. Sariah allowed the compliment to roll off to the room, she was far from the only person who had made this project possible, in fact she had mostly only provided the idea, those who had brought it’s fruition had worked endlessly for it and they deserved every bit of credit and praise that was spoken. She could tell however from their beaming faces that they were proud, perhaps even more than she was.

All eyes were on the therian ambassador as he stepped into the cells, seeing the impossible for himself so to speak, the glass itself was the strongest that came around, capable of holding back bullets and resisting a lot of physical strength but even then, it wouldn’t be enough without additional measures. “Of course” she answered with a nod of her head in response to his words “We’ll be more than happy to accomodate them and their questions” she answered before she coughed gently “Metaphorically accommodating of course, I doubt very much that any of them would want to spend a night in one of those” she shook her head shutting her mouth before she dig any deeper of a hole.

In response to his words she nodded a couple times before sweeping her arm in the direction of the door before walking through it herself and leading the way back through the familiar route to her office. The moment they both stepped out of the room voices echoed in the room erupting into discussion, Sariah did her best to block it out shaking her head as the door closed and she looked up at Orion “So be honest, what’s your first impression?” she wanted the less sugar coated speech, she knew there had to be doubts somewhere and she hoped she could ease them somewhat. Reaching the door to her office she took an extended breath and then keyed in her code causing the door to unlock.

It was easy to get lost in taking it all in since he could feel the tension that hung in the air and smell the nervousness which was overwhelming his sense of smell. In fact he could almost taste it and there was an edge of desperation since so many people had invested so much of their time and life into this project. It was clear there was a lot of heart in it and it had taken a lot of minds coming together and getting on the same wave length to achieve such a huge and daunting project. Everyone in the room believed in this project and believed in the woman who’s morals and willingness to stick to them made it so the others didn’t have to question their own.

Part of Orion had wanted to punch the inside of the cell just to test how well it could withstand the physical force of a Therian but standing inside of the cell had put him in a vulnerable state and with just Sariah that was tolerable but not in a room full of strangers. Given the alliance they had he knew he should trust those that Sariah trusted but it was still hard since this was new to him since the only other people he had ever counted on was his own family. It was ironic that a man of his age and with his background would be the one to trust another faction and seeking peace when he’s only known war. Sometimes from the most tragic of past you learned hard lessons that others had yet to see. That’s what he tried to show his faction and the other two Alpha’s every day, yes he was older and stubborn as a mule but he had his reasons and had seem more than they realized never taking decisions lightly.

Orion went through and introduced himself personal to those gathered and thanked them for the time and consideration they put into the project. It might be Sariah’s passion project but there were so many other people who were instrumental to where they were today. Everyone had a part to play and they needed to know they were appreciated for it and he figured that it might help them all to feel a little less like he might bite their heads off. They were all one team and anything that he could do to help with creating that feeling, he would do.

Working his way back over to Sariah the atmosphere seemed to have changed and some of the tension and nervousness had subsided. His smile was genuine as a chuckle left him at her words as she seemed to realize exactly how they could be taken. “I know what you mean Sariah but you might be surprised since they may want to stay the night in one just to see for themselves. It’s hard to say what either of them will want, I just try my best to get them to see things in more than one way and then I step out of the way.” Krystal respected him and listened well but Harper was a bit more hard headed at times forgetting that he isn’t the same sort of man or Alpha she had killed to become an Alpha herself. “Metaphorically or literally, I do appreciate it and hopefully they’ll be able to see the same thing I do. The chance for a better future.”

After another round of gratitude he waved at the scientists before they left to allow the others involved in the project to probably give a sigh of relief. It was likely nerve wracking for all of them and Sariah had composed herself well even though she had been nervous. The two walked through the building in silence back to her office and it seemed they were both beginning to relax once more on the way. Out of watchful gaze of others it was easy to no longer have to be the face of the Therian faction since Sariah saw him in a different way and light than everyone else. “It’s impressive from what I’ve seen but without seeing the full extent of what the cells can do it’s really hard to say.” He had some concerns as anyone in their right mind would. “It’s clear you’re all very passionate about this project and it shows. It’s going to be hard to get everyone on board since change takes time and some are resistant to it but if I didn’t believe in it I wouldn’t be here.” Which was true regardless of the emotions she brought about in him.

Watching as Orion interacted with her colleagues she smiled softly seeing how the praise took to each one of them, she knew there was a long road to go before any kind of real system was introduced in Evermore city but this was one of the biggest steps they had achieved and each and every one of them had the right to feel proud and important for a few moments, especially after all the setbacks they had been through. Sariah nodded slightly in response to his next words as she considered the skepticism that the cells might come under fire from the other alphas, Sariah didn’t have all that much reason to worry, they had done two overnight trials with a couple of paid omegas already who seemed to be happy to walk away refreshed and with some cash in their pocket. “I hope so too” she echoed as she considered what kind of people these women might be, were they compassionate like Orion?

Things felt more relaxed all around once they left the room, despite still being in a public place Sariah didn’t need to put on her best professional voice and pretend, there was only so much of the charade she could take at a time until she needed to breathe a little and breathe she did, a long exhale which quite obviously showed the loss tension. “That’s fair” she responded with a gentle nod of her head, of he wasn’t asking questions she would be more than a little worried after all, this kind of science delved into the realms of what the supernatural had convinced themselves impossible. “It’s not just about the cells for them, it’s about a real chance to finally be seen as equals too” she gave a sad smile “Most of the organization members lost someone or knew someone in the massacre which was seventy percent of the casualties” she let out a soft breath “Achieving the peace we seek is the only real way to honor those who were lost and make sure that nothing like it ever happens again” she cleared her throat realizing she sounded very pessimistic.

As the door to the office closed she felt the air shift again, they didn’t have to pretend anything here and yet she still found herself being compelled to play along with the story she had given. Grabbing a piece of paper off her desk as well as a pen she rounded the room pointing out a chair for the therian ambassador to take in front of her. Sliding the paper over to him “I didn’t really need a statement” she admitted with a gentle laugh “I just couldn’t take another moment of all the acting” she smiled gently “So feel free to write something or don’t, the only thing we have to ask you to do is to sign an NDA which prevents you from talking about the cells with the other ambassadors or city leadership” she smiled innocently “Mostly for the council’s benefit than mine” she bit her lip gently “I had them write in a clause which lets you loop in your council however, if you trust them then so do I” she had argued that one over and over, they hadn’t even wanted Orion in the facility but she knew there was no progress to made if they couldn’t take a chance on anyone.

After a few moments of silence as she allowed him to study the papers she had given him she spoke up unable to push back all the questions or things she wanted to say any longer. “We should…” the words didn’t exactly come out like she wanted them to however “We should talk” she added before she went on to clarify “I mean I know we’ve talked today but we should TALK” she stressed the word as to show it had a different meeting.

Change was coming to Evermore whether everyone was on board with it or not and they all needed to evolve and begin to trust one another which would be easier for some species than others. Despite his distaste for the vampire species he did respect what Gideon sought to do in the city and how he and his people took care of the rogue vampires which caused problems. Part of him was still incredibly bitter wondering where the King had been when his family had been saving humanity from rogues and losing their lives in a war which was never meant to be theirs. For now he just had to hope he could rope Krystal and Harper into giving this a fair chance instead of putting their foot down without bothering to look at the larger picture. It wasn’t going to be easy for Krystal to return to The Organization for any reason and part of him wanted to ready Sariah for that reality but he swore to Krystal that he would keep her secret until she was ready and she hadn’t given him the go ahead to share anything. He knew both other Alphas wanted what was best for their packs, he just needed them to see this was for the best.

“This city had been in one form of turmoil or another since long before I ever moved here but I understand the need to feel as if you’re on equal footing and that you can protect yourself. In Nevada we fought the same kind of battle but if any humans knew about it they didn’t show it or they didn’t know how to fight something so much stronger and faster than they were. It was never a fight for my family to take on but we did because they couldn’t. It’s not that way in Evermore, not anymore and I think it’s time we all realize we’re equally important to this system and to this city.” By we all he meant the supernaturals since many saw humans as beneath them and not worth their time which was ignorant way of looking at the world and that was proven by everything The Organization was working on. “Every side has suffered losses and you’re right we should all be working towards peace together. When you lose the people you love it’s a feeling you never want anyone else to suffer through.” He said speaking from experience and he knew she was doing the same from the change in her voice.

Once they were back in her office she pointed to the chair in front of her desk as she grabbed some paper and a pen before placing it before him. His brow rose as she admitted a statement wasn’t necessary the small laugh that left her causing a smile to curve his lips, “Well you seem a rather accomplished actress by this point.” They both knew how to play their parts well but it didn’t mean they wanted to or that it was easy since it wasn’t. Orion began to write on the paper before him as he continued to listen as she spoke of the NDA which he was more than used to signing and adhering to. After writing out a quick statement on his confidence in the scientific team and how they morphed the impossible into the possible giving the city a true shot at an equal future. Finishing up he signed his name underneath as she spoke of the forms being for the council’s benefit and not her own, “I would assume they want some form of assurance other than your word and trust in me. It’s wise on their part and I appreciate the clause I’m sure they were less than thrilled about. They have their council and I have my own and keeping things from them would only cause a rift I’m not sure I could mend, especially right now. I know they don’t have much reason to trust or believe in me but I’m glad for the tolerance.” In time he was sure they would begin to warm up to him a bit but this was all still new and fragile. Neither were used to placing faith into others especially those not of their own species but they needed to branch out and evolve.

Signing the NDA was easy enough and he slide them back across the desk to her. He was trying to find something to say when she spoke first, the beginning of it left a lot of options and he found himself holding his breath as he waited for her to continue almost afraid of what might come next. “I’ve been giving you space and hoping to hear those words for awhile regardless if the outcome is good or bad we do need to talk. Not about Project X or The Organization but…us.” Not that there necessarily was an ‘us’ but he wasn’t sure how else to phrase it.

Sariah fell quiet as he spoke about his time in Nevada, it was rare that he seemed to open up about his past, at least when they were in any immediate danger anyway. It made her sad to think of how hopeless it must have all felt, taking up the mantle to protect those who couldn’t protect themselves and living with the constant question of whether those you loved would come home. Sariah wanted to do everything she could to give every good person a fighting chance and to prevent anything like the massacre ever happening again. “Too many people have paid a price at the cost of the supernatural thinking they’re better than others” she commented solemnly and it wasn’t even just humans, the whole fuel of the Initia and Phoenix conflict had been down to both races considering themselves superior to others. “The only way it ends is by finding some way to make the ground level, make people answer to the things they did” she nodded sharply. Her eyes were empathetic as she realized how very real the experience was for him, she couldn’t even imagine losing someone who meant that much to you, she was sure it would break every part of her in two.

Sariah laughed when he spoke of her being a good actress “If only I could show Miss Kennedy” she mused and then laughed shaking her head “She told me I had the talent of a dead whale when I was younger and if there’s ever anything that makes me determined it’s someone telling me I can’t do something” she shrugged slightly, she was still a terrible liar, she owned that, but she liked to think she was doing better at playing face, at least to everyone but Orion who seemed to always see straight through her. His statements about the council were of course spot on, she might be the leader of the organization but the organization was nothing without the council, they were the foundation of Evermore city, it was their job to drag her down from the clouds when she lost it a little “They understand the need to bend a little in order to meet in the middle, even if some of them are doing everything they can to make my life difficult” she chuckled softly before her expression turned more serious “Besides, this is small steps compared to the leaps I fear I’m going to have to pull off in order to sway the likes of Gideon Ashworth” she sighed gently running a hand through her hair, Orion already knew how she felt about vampires in general, the idea of coming to some agreement with them was somewhat terrifying so in the grand scheme of things, working hand in hand with Orion was as easy as breathing.

With the paperwork completed, Sariah tucked it away in her folder for copying and filing later on and then with a gentle breath she shifted the conversation. It was probably not the place to bring this up but then she didn’t know if there was ever a right time or place. She held her breath for just a few moments as he spoke the word ‘us’ and then she nodded gently, feeling the butterflies in the pit of her stomach stirring just a little at the very thought of what ‘us’ could be. “Us” she repeated with a small smile as she pressed her lips together, here she would go putting herself out there once again “I’d really like to figure out what that could be” she added meeting his eyes for a moment.

“Two ambassadors out in public together is no doubts going to draw an audience” she stated almost matter of factly as she racked her minds for ideas “How about my place?” she asked with raised brows “I can’t cook for the life of me but I know a great Chinese place round the corner and I may or may not know the absolute best things on the menu” she felt as though she was dangling herself off a cliff and reaching upwards for someone to catch her and stop her from falling. Well now she had come this far so why not finish it off “Saturday night? Say 7pm” the blonde reached to tuck a stray strand of her hair behind her ear nervously as she waited for his answer.

Each interaction more and more about his life before Evermore seemed to come to the surface. Even though the past was something he held tight to and kept locked up, he knew it was something he needed to let go of or at least allow Sariah in on so she understood. The night he had battled the silver poisoning with the help of the serum he had relieved a lot but he had been near death and needed something to hold on to and focus on and it had been Sariah. The dream of Destiny was what finally made him realize the true disservice he was doing to himself by not allowing himself to move on. “Some have been caught in the cross fire, others just victims to those with a grave superiority complex and some fighting for equality and a better world.” He thought of his brothers and his jaw momentarily clenched in pain at the memory. Orion had to agree with Sariah’s assessment on what needed to be done because without everyone being held accountable for their actions it was an unfair and unjust system and it had been failing for far too long and without change it would continue to fail and people would continue to fall.

A playful smirk spread across his lips, “I assume she didn’t believe you’d be winning any sort of wards for your acting skills.” As she spoke of having the talent of a dead whale Orion started laughing so hard he couldn’t breath through it in completely disbelief anyone would say that. Tears were prickling at his eyes and his sides were beginning to ache from laughing so hard as he tried to regain his composure as Sariah spoke about the council. It was all a system of checks and balances and Orion understood that well since it was the same with the Alpha Council and right now he was on the very wrong side of them. “You have to be flexible enough to bend in life but it’s good to have that support to keep you from breaking and to bring you back down to reality. They’re always those disagreements but sometimes they’re there to keep up from making just crazy decisions and mistakes.” As she spoke of Gideon Ashworth he tried not to make a face, he was doing his best to keep his own personal opinions out of it. “I do wish you the best of luck with that one. I’ve yet to meet him personally and I’m still not sure how that is going to go when it finally happens.” Orion knew he was going to need to be respectful and civil which was not going to be easy due to his past.

As Sariah put away the paperwork the atmosphere in the office changed once the business portion was complete. Sure he had been hoping the meeting today about Project X would open the door and it had, still it was a bit surprising to him. The way they had left things the last time had left him very little hope for their situation but it seemed that with time to cool down and think she wanted to try. Orion honestly would have been less shocked if she had slammed him but they both seemed to know they saw something in each other that most didn’t. “Us, this thing that’s between us.” He said no longer ignoring or pretending there was nothing there, “I want that too Sariah. I know I’ve messed up and some of my decisions haven’t been the best or what you’ve wanted but I’m here and I am trying.” He hadn’t given up on himself or on her even when he was afraid he had lost any chance that there was for them.

Sariah was right, it would draw attention and more rumors than were currently circulating. The Therian was not a fan of rumors no matter how much truth they might have to them, his life was his own and it was not the business of everyone in Evermore. “Your place?” He asked once more surprised this time at the suggestion, “Chinese sounds good and next time you can come to my place and I can cook.” It had been awhile since he had cause to cook other than when Sera would come over for dinner but he could cook and he’d like to for Sariah. He was already assuming a second date since the time they spent together usually ended well, other than episodes of blinding and near death. “Saturday at 7, it’s a date.” He said with confidence this time instead of attempting to dance around the word and concept. This was actually going to happen and they were both open to it that was an amazing feeling since he never thought they would be at this point on the first night they met.

Sariah knew it was hard for Orion to talk about his past because it was filled with so much pain, her pain seemed miniscule compared to his and yet she knew the feeling too, she had told him about a few of the setbacks she had experienced in her life but talking about them any deeper than that she knew came with the pain of reliving them, she couldn’t blame him for wanting to push it as far from him as he could. Sariah nodded at his very correct summary and then gave a sad smile “Tragically” she echoed as she noted the small lurch of emotions that seemed to cross over his gaze for a few seconds. Sariah was getting better at reading people, noting the small things they did that gave away how they were thinking or feeling, of course it was nothing compared to the supernatural who could literally sense changes in emotions but it was enough to tell that he had lost those he cared for in the latter category.

Hearing Orion’s almost uncontrollable laughter in response to her story was almost infectious as she felt a laugh bubble up echoing is as she shook her head, she considered how ridiculous it was now, back then however it had made her mad as hell, Sariah wasn’t the kind of person you told that kind of thing and lived it down “In hindsight she was probably right” she answered and laughed again, well she’d probably been saved from a fairly embarrassing portfolio of school plays she supposed. She supposed they had a lot in common when it came to councils, although hers was much more like a corporate board than it was a meeting of leaders, she agreed with his statements, they were there to keep her in check when her wild ideas ran too fan and to keep the organization focused and driven “I just wish that sometimes it didn’t feel so much like an upwards fight” she answered with a gentle laugh, she already knew most of the time how her suggestions were going to play out, who would support and who may oppose though sometimes the odd surprise would come along. Sariah could tell he was biting his tongue when it came to Gideon which in short she was grateful for, she didn’t even want to think about how she was going to tackle that one “Something tells me I’m going to need it” she responded and shook her head, her plan was to get the other ambassadors on first and then she would have more weight on her side.

Talking about project X and even about the vampire ambassador felt easier than the next topic she brought up, part of her had wanted to chicken out because she knew once the words were said there wasn’t any turning back, no pretending to ignore the way her breath was lost to her the moment she caught his gaze or how much she wanted him to pull her in close and kiss her the way he had done in this very office when they said their goodbye. The way he reiterated what he meant caused the very air to leave her lungs, she couldn’t quite believe the fact that they were finally being honest, it made her afraid but more than that it made her curious and even a little excited for what might be waiting around the corner. In response to his words she nodded softly “I know” she answered, she knew it was a big leap for him to entrust the possibility of those therianthropes escaping in her technology, especially when he was somewhat blind on its inner workings “And by no means do I think this is going to be easy, in fact I’d guess it’s going to be messy and complicated but” she allowed a faint smile to cross her lips “I think we owe it to ourselves to figure out if it’s worth it” she finished and fell quiet not quite believing the words that came from her mouth.

It took a little while for him to catch on to what she was suggesting but when it clicked she allowed a smile to cross her lips at his reaction, part of her was sure he might run for the hills despite what they had just said but then he took it one step further by suggesting a second date “Confidence and he can cook” she teased with an amused expression though inside she felt like her whole body was lighter with the idea of what all this could lead to, sure later she would be stressing over all the details but right now she was happy, “Okay, I’ll text you the address” she followed up his statement with a nod of her head and a bright dazzling smile on her lips.

After a few moments she laughed a little nervously before she pushed herself to her feet, she supposed this was the part where their meeting concluded “Are you okay to find your way back to the entrance hall?” she asked with raised brows “I have a lot to think about” she added with a shake of her head a laugh “Or stress about rather” she reached her hand out across the desk to conclude their meeting.

Orion still wasn’t use to being very open with people since as an Alpha there was a fine line between emotion and weakness. For most of those who called Evermore home there was some sort of pain of loss in their live, there was something about the city that tended to draw those people in and the until recent days the city itself had been far from safe. The goal of all the Ambassadors was to make the city a safer place for everyone and keep the maintained peace which was harder for the darker species that inhabited Evermore. The Therianthrope species dancing that fine line between line and dark since there was the human and animal side to each both at harmony and war at the same time. Sariah seemed to see there was more to his words than he was saying and if she asked he would answer though he’d rather not have that conversation here.

It was probably run to laugh but he couldn’t imagine a teacher every saying such a thing let alone to Sariah who may not have been an award-winning actress but she was kind and held a heart of gold. “Well she never saw you handle yourself in your current position which is a different sort of acting altogether. It’s a script you seem to have memorized well and you handle yourself in a way that is professional, adorable and endearing.” He replied with a wink hoping he was the only one who saw it that way but it doubted it was so given the magnetism she didn’t realize she possessed. Most of what went into politics was acting and sticking to your beliefs since it would be easy to be overrun by the beliefs and ideals of others if you didn’t stand strong at times and know when to bend when necessary. “Progress is always an uphill battle, we all just have to keep pushing and sometimes rethink our plan on achieving our goals. It’s hard getting a group to agree on things but as long as you say your peace you’ve done what you can as long as you keep fighting for what you want but you have to compromise at times.” That was something he had to keep reminding himself since compromise was something he had never been good at other than compromising with his wife since Destiny was far more stubborn than he ever was. “I would offer my assistance on that front but I think my presence might be more detrimental than anything else.” Though he was doing better with his hatred of vampires he still held a bitter resentment and silent rage towards the species even though he knew it was unfair.

In truth he wasn’t sure he wanted Sariah to meet with the vampire King, he didn’t trust Gideon because he had only heard stories and seen very little for himself. Sure he respected the vampire Ambassador as he respected all the other Ambassadors of the city but if anything happened Sariah because of the vampires he was would break the very peace he fought for. The Kitsune shouldn’t feel that way but he did, the blonde had wormed her way into a deep and forgotten part of his heart and he wasn’t ready to let her go for any reason. It was a terrifying realization for him but he cared deeply for Sariah even if this was all still new and just blossoming. There was still a lot neither knew about the other but the positive qualities she possessed had wowed him and she always seemed to leave him stunned with her consideration for all species not just her own. She truly wanted to help and make the world a better place but she was enough of a realist to know that wasn’t going to be easy or happen overnight. “Leave it to me to start to fall for the one woman who can over complicate my life above all others.” He said in a joking tone not wanting her to rethinking anything now that they were honestly laying it all out. “I don’t know how you feel Sariah but I don’t think I’m worth enough compared to a woman like you but I’m going to try damn hard to be. I want to see where this goes messy or not. Nothing in my life has ever been easy or clean and given how much we’ve already gone through together I’m both excited and fearful of the future.” He admitted honestly since he had the feeling she had already seen him at his worst and he was hoping she would be able to see him at his best as well. What he knew for certain was that he didn’t want to hurt her or break her trust again since whether she knew it or not she was becoming an integral part of his life.

A smirk pulled at his lips at Sariah’s words, “I’ve been known to be a little confident at times, I chalk it up as a trait most Alpha’s have,” Even thought he knew it was one he had possessed before his life took a very dark turn and with Sariah it was beginning to resurface. “Cooking I can do though, it comes with the territory for providing for a family and making sure we’re all fed.” He and his brothers used to cook together often, usually out on the grill and Destiny had made sure he always pulled his own weight and helped with the cooking and cleaning. “You already having my address so it does only seem fair.” He joked mentioning the fact that she had showed up at his home in order to save his life.

As she asked if he could find his way back to the entrance he nodded before leaning across the desk separating them to press his lips against her cheek. “I can find my way out. Try not to think too hard since I’d hate to worry you’re trying to think your way out of our date already.” His tone was jesting but honestly he was a bit worried about that as he gave her a genuine smile. It was amazing they were reaching this point after so long but they were both rather stubborn and seemed to have their own baggage weighing them down but hopefully they could both get over that in order to give this a real chance. “I’ll see you Saturday at 7 pm.” He confirmed.


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