Siobhan woke up that morning with Dominic’s arm wrapped around her as he snored lightly, she looked at him wondering how long it had been that he had truly slept deeply without issue. The night before had been something they both needed, to air out their issues and fears for each other, agreeing to be open and honest about things they were doing. They couldn’t keep trying to keep the other safe only to cause more issues.

Siobhan went to move out of the bed and felt Dominic’s grip tighten, turning her gaze back to his seeing his hazel eyes open she leaned closer kissing his cheek “I am just going to make coffee.” She said softly reassuring him that she wasn’t running off like she had been the last few weeks. When his grip loosened she moved out of the bed making her way to the small kitchen area.

As she turned on the pot of coffee she looked around for something to make for them, settling on pancakes as they would be the easiest. She rolled her shoulder as her body was still stiff from the beating she had received a few nights before groaning as she rubbed her shoulder while flipping the pancakes. She looked at her cell phone as it sat in front of her. She reached over, typing in the number of someones she hadn’t seen since before Lucifer kidnapped her. Someone she was close to.

As the phone rang in her ear she sighed hearing the click of the voicemail.”Hey Rissa, it’s Sio.” She said flipping the pancake, “It's been a while and boy do I have a lot to tell you.” She chuckled softly “I am back in town for a night or two, maybe if you have time you can stop by? I would like to catch up with you. I miss you. Hope to see you soon.” She said and then hung up.

When breakfast was ready she called out “Alright big guy come and eat.” she said and poured two mugs of coffee sitting on the counter as she sipped hers waiting for him. She looked at her phone as it began to go off picking it up and sighing softly. As Dominic settled in to eat she looked to him “Looks like Gigi called out and they need me to come in early or they will fire me.” She slid off the counter finishing the last of the coffee “Take your time look around, I should be back in a few hours.” She disappeared into the bedroom changing picking up her bag as she walked back to the kitchen and kissed his cheek “We will come up with a plan later tonight.”

With that, she was out the door and on her way towards The Angel Club.

When Siobhan arrived she walked in the back door, setting down her bag as she looked around the empty room. She raised a brow wondering where the other girls could have been. Before she had a moment to change two of the Therian bouncers were there next to her wrapping their hands around her upper arm and yanking her through the doorway into the empty club down the back hall to the door of the basement, Siobhan's heart sank but she didn’t resist.

She was placed in a chair and her wrist bound to it as she gave it a good testing yank grimacing as she couldn’t pull her arms free with one yank. The man who hired her, the owner of the club Derek stood in front of her. “You know Parker, though I doubt that is your real name you had so much promise for the club.” He said as she walked closer yanking her head back. “Pretty little thing that didn’t even dip into the drugs that were offered for free, the customers wanted to pay good money to have you in their laps and yet it was all a waste because you came here looking to start trouble for me and mine.”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about Derek.” She tried to pull her face away as he tightened his grip on her face. “I am just trying to make money like every other girl in here.” She gasped out her eyes widening as a blade dug itself into her shoulder whimpering out as he twisted it and yanked it free.

“Too bad you got yourself caught with...What was his name again Gigi.” He turned and behind Derek stood Gigi the girl who had taken Dominic to the private room last night.

“His name is Dominic, he... He said that he wanted to know what was going on around here last night, and then I followed her and saw her climbing out into his truck when she left early last night.” She said as she clung to a young girl that had a death grip on to her. Siobhan began to understand that Gigi had sold her out to save what she could assume was her sister.

“Ah yes, Dominic.” Derek said as his gaze looked back to Siobhan and smirked darkly “So because Gigi was a good little narc we will be able to move operations.” He said waving his hand as the therian moved to usher Gigi out.

“I’m sorry.” she whimpered picking her sister up and running.

Siobhan wanted to tell her it was okay that she understood but the moment she opened her mouth she was met with a sharp slap across the face. She growled looking back to Derek as he slid the back of the blade along her face slowly “You know Parker, or whatever your name is I am going to enjoy torturing you and then when I am done with you, selling you to the highest bidder.” he trailed the blade along her neck and then around the pearl necklace that hung around her neck, before breaking the chain and tossing it aside. “Get her into the van with the rest of them.” he said as he pulled back “We need to be gone before her boy toy notices.” He nodded to his men.

“You will not get away with this,” Siobhan said as she glared at him using her Nephilim ability to start to cause him pain, watching Derek crumble to the floor screaming in pain gave her a wave of pleasure. "I'm gonna bring you down. Because I catch bad men." She pushed harder into his mind but it was short-lived as the Therian beside her punched her knocking her out.

When Siobhan woke up she had no idea where she was,  she was chained in a dark room groaning as she sat up her eyes scanned the room yanking on the chain. She groaned as she stood up and her eyes adjusted to the dark when she saw the children in front of her whimpering cold and scared she yanked on the chain harder. Before Nina was beside her, the only girl she had seen out of the few dozens they had.

“Stop fighting it.” Nina said with her heavy accent as she took hold of Siobhan's arm to make her stop pulling on the chain “They will hear you if you keep it up.”

“I have to get free, get you all free.” Siobhan said as she looked at the girl “We are all Nephilims, we can take a few therian’s down.” She said as she looked at the girl.

“We may be all Nephilim but none of us really know how to use whatever powers we are to have, we were taken from our families at a young ages.” She said as she lowered sitting next to her.

Siobhan sighed out heavily returning to the ground below her as she sat next to her. “Well, that needs to change.” She said as she gave one last yank and the chain broke in half. “I came into this world knowing nothing at all not even how to fly and thanks to a few people in my life I was able to figure it out.” She said as she looked at Nina. “I will help you all, even if it is the last thing I do.”

“What is your name?” Nina asked as she looked at her in the dark.

“Siobhan,” Siobhan replied as she ripped the cuff off of her wrist and tossed it aside. “How many are there here?” she asked.

“All together there is 27 of us.” She said softly “But most are 9 or younger.” she said as she nodded to the huddled masses “Only Myself and two other girls and one boy are older, and we tend to keep the younger ones safe the best we can.”

“Do either you are the older ones know how to use your pain infliction gift?” She asked as she leaned her head back against the wall.

“No,” She said as she looked around the room.

“Well, then we should get to work,” Siobhan said standing up.

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Dominic groggily opened his eyes to unfamiliar surroundings and the sound of Siobhan's beckoning. He squinted in confusion for a brief moment before her scent on the sheets hit him and he realized where he was. Sitting up in the bed, he ran a hand through his disheveled hair and over his face. He couldn't remember the last time he'd slept so long as he grabbed his phone and saw it was nearly noon. It was a nice change from the constant restless nights he'd had back at home with the two new occupants. Speaking of, a new message popped up on his phone which was from Sio's mother. Every letter was in caps. He groaned and pulled the covers off of him, shuffling into the kitchen. 

He grabbed the coffee first before taking the plate from Siobhan to sit down at the table. Taking a long sip of the hot beverage, he noticed her face scrunch up at a message on her phone. Dominic had assumed it was from her mother, but hearing she was going in earlier to cover for Gigi didn't sit well with him. He didn't like the idea of her going in there by herself anymore. It was too dangerous and there was no one watching her back. The words to stop her were there on the tip of his tongue, but she was already sliding off the countertop and heading for the bedroom to change. His appetite had suddenly vanished. When Siobhan returned to the kitchen, he was just finishing the last of his coffee as she quickly kissed his cheek and headed for the door. "Call you mother!" he called after her before lowering his voice. "And be careful..." Dom's eyes stared at the door a few long minutes after she'd left. Everything in him was saying something awful was going to happen, but he pushed the warning aside and went to the bedroom. Picking up his phone, he quickly punched in a message to her to text him every hour to let him know she was okay. That could maybe help him keep his mind at ease. Maybe...

It was a few hours later and Dominic had been walking about the city in attempts to keep his mind from thinking the worst. There hadn't been a message from Siobhan once. His thoughts had been so far away that he didn't realize he'd walked past her apartment until nearly a block later. He jogged up the stairs and went back inside, standing in the middle of the living room and looking around. Whether it was the noise of the city or the quiet inside her apartment, nothing was keeping him distracted from the idea that something bad happened. As Dom glanced at his phone for the millionth time, hoping he'd missed a message from her, another one popped up from Gigi.

They took her. I'm sorry.

The therian cursed loudly and reached for his keys on the kitchen table, heading for the door. He could feel the anger rising up in him as the adrenaline took over and he felt himself pushing back the urge to turn into his lycan form. His fingers were trembling as he messaged Gigi back, asking her where they would've taken Siobhan. When Dominic pulled the door open, he was caught off guard by a familiar figure standing on the steps that made him stop dead in his tracks. His brow furrowed as his eyes fell on the dark haired nephilim he hadn't seen in a long time. "Clarissa? What the hell are you doing here?"  

Different night, same horrors. The bed sheets she would lay upon soaked up the sweat that her body excreted through the hours of torment; so many dead faces, so many insidious whispers but more importantly, so many violent delights. The Nephilim would succumb to paralysis as her dead victims got their own back, slithering through her mind and muttering venom coated words; yet when Clarissa did fight back, her blows were not on the dead but on herself. She woke with her groan, her lavender flecked gaze slowly adjusting to the morning light that flickered through the curtains; once she gained full sight she glanced down at her exposed flesh and the multiple of scratches and bruises which decorated her ivory skin. “Great, just great” Rissa growled before pushing herself out of bed, once out of the comforting blankets, she removed the oversized t-shirt she slept in and covered her body again in her gym wear. It wasn't long before she made herself more human looking and before she began her morning routine of working out. Just like everyday, she tied the laces of her trainers and went for her warm up which consisted of running round her block a few times before returning to her homemade gym.

Clarissa grinned as she felt her heart rate accelerate and how the sweat began to bead upon her brow as she swapped from cardio to weights. The burn of her muscles urged her on for a couple more sets; not even the sound of her phone ringing distracted her. Afterall, there were only a small handful that would request her attention; and they could wait another half an hour before she got back to them. Finally, her fingers wrapped around her towel, wiping away any sweat residue before checking her phone; her brow quirked as a surprising name popped up - Sio, who in fact, happened to be one of last few people she assumed would contact her. It had been months since she had seen the baby Neph and she could understand why; befriending a Bradford wasn't the easiests of tasks. Upon listening to the voicemail, a small smile crept onto her lips; and without a second thought, Clarissa went to freshen up to go and meet her soft spot. An exhale bypassed her lips as the cold water ran over her bruised flesh, it was refreshing considering the weather they had recently been experiencing. The shower only lasted a few minutes before she stepped out to make herself presentable which would take longer than normal to cover up the mess on her body.

Clarissa caught her reflection one final time to make sure she had covered all signs of harm before grabbing her keys and heading out  of her apartment; the spring air hit her once more, warmer than a few hours ago. Due to the weather, she decided to walk to Siobhan’s apartment building; it wasn't too long of a walk but long enough where, on the way back, she would stop for a drink. Rissa paused for a short moment in front of Sio’s building, maybe coming here might not be such a good thing considering the drama that was sure to come in the Bradford family. She didn't need Sio caught up in the middle of that again, however, just as she was going to turn back around she watched the front door open in one sudden movement. Rissa quirked a brow as she caught the familiar man be thrown off guard which made her shake her head in amusement. “Yes, hello to you too, Dominic” She greeted him with a slight laugh before taking in his demeanour, her lips falling agape for a moment before replying. “Sio left me a message to pop round as she was in town. I assume you've been kicked out to let us have some girl time” She threw him a teasing wink.

Siobhan stood with Nina next to her and watched as the older angel children threw punches at each other, it wasn’t an easy task, she wasn’t even sure how long it had been but she knew that she could very well get caught teaching them these things she would be dragged away. She relied on Nina to be listening to her words “Keep them practicing. If you get the chance to get free take it and make sure they get to safety don’t worry about me understand.” She said as she looked over the younger children who were no doubt scarred from what has happened to them. Siobhan opened her mouth to say more but the sound of a heavy door opening along with light flooding in caused her to turn. She whispered, “go to the corner.” She said and then stood as the children huddled into the corner. “You know it takes more than a couple chains to keep a healthy Nephilim locked up right?”

“Damn bitch.” The therian who beat the crap out of her that night was standing in front of her. “You know all you have done is cause problems for me and mine.” He hissed out as he opened the bars that kept them locked up and grabbed Siobhan by her arm yanking her out slamming the bars behind him.

“Well maybe if you were a decent Therian, I wouldn’t be such a bother.” She said as she swung her elbow into his side turning her gaze onto him letting the lilac tone take over as she began to invade his brain causing him an extreme amount of pain while offering him swift kick in the balls at the same time “That's for beating the shit out of me you ass.” As she was going to turn and let out the others free she manage to get her hands on the door when a set of hands were in her hair yanking her back throwing her into the brick wall causing her head to hit it with a sharp smack the sound it made would make anyone stomach turn.

Spots covered her vision in that moment, as she was yanked up to her feet and removed, she looked back to the children, seeing the cage door was bent and it gave her hope that maybe they could get free. She leaned her head forward trying to fight the blackout that was coming over her. She felt herself tossed in a chair and tied down once again, it wasn’t till the bucket of ice water was thrown at her that she opened her eyes to see the owner Derek in front of her once again. “What do you want?” She asked as she leaned her head back taking breaths to send the pain in her head somewhere else. Looking around the room slightly, she didn't think they could be far from Evermore, maybe just a few cities away? The air here felt just as thick as it had back in The Angel's Den, making her wonder if they were in a sister location. She wondered if Derek was that dumb to take her to another club like the one she has been working at. The room she was in felt like his old offices just a different layout, she lifted her head and focused on Derek now while trying to get a layout for where she was focusing on the faint beating of the music. Derek seemed to have in fact been stupid enough to bring her to another club.

“Now you see, I was talking with my men here.” He waved to the therian’s in the room with him, counting three as she looked around and then back to him “and it has come to my attention you are too old for the clients we are accustomed to serving.” He said as he walked around her. “So we have one of two choices, you either become useful to us and fall in line, or we kill you.”

Siobhan turned her gaze to him and she raised an eyebrow “Did you just ask me to help you pimp out children, because if you did, you are far far far dumber then you look.” With that, she felt the first punch thrown and she spat out the blood that pooled in her mouth and then she looked back to him. “You must have a small pecker to keep letting your dogs do the punching.” She hissed at him.

Derek cracked his neck as he took hold of her chin leaning her head back “Oh pretty little angel I am going to beat you till you are begging to end your life, and then I will make you my pretty little bitch.” With that, he pulled back and punched her himself.

It was strange seeing Clarissa in front of him. They hadn't seen each other in months after the fiasco with an artifact the ailwards wanted to keep safe from the wrong hands. The two of them had been through hell then, but had somehow came out on top despite the odds being against them. He wasn't one to work with anyone on a mission, but the two had needed each other and he'd learned that sometimes you just had to ask for back up. Dominic remained quiet as she explained her reason for being there, his face still that of frantic concern. "She's in trouble," he began closing the apartment door behind him and walking down the steps. If the two women were close friends, he was hoping the nephilim would be willing to tag along. "Reunion tour?"

Dom walked up to his truck and opened the door for her before heading around to the other side. He quickly put the truck in gear and screeched out of the parking spot, heading back towards the Angels Den. He tried explaining everything that had happened minus the personal stuff between he and Siobhan. He didn't know how much Clarissa knew about it, but he'd leave the girl talk to them. "I don't know if you know much about the place, but it's always been shady. I used to go there when I first came to Evermore until I saw what the club was really about. I haven't been there in years. Siobhan found out things have gotten much worse there beyond the drugs. They have some type of trafficking ring going on with young nephilim children. The strip club is just the front now for what's happening in the basement. They have the kids locked up down there along with different rooms for the scumbags that'll pay."

He put his foot harder on the gas as they reached the highway and sped through the cars. "Siobhan thought she could infiltrate the place on her own. Find out what was going on and she did by becoming one of the dancers. They caught her poking around and have been keeping an eye on her. One of the dancers sold her out when she and I spoke about what was really going on there because they are keeping her kid sister with the rest of the children."

When they arrived, Dominic parked the truck in one of the spots farther away from the door to keep out of sight. He turned the vehicle off and stared over at the club. "Ever thought about dancing?" he asked, keeping his gaze ahead at the building, but seeing the dumbfounded expression Clarissa held in his peripheral. Dom turned his head towards her. "We can't go in there by force, as much as I'd like to. They have at least a dozen guards on the first floor and if they tip off the ones in the basement, who knows what will happen to the prisoners." Running a hand through his hair, he sighed and looked over to the nephilim in the passenger seat. "We need a plan. I figure the best way to get in there is you. They know my face, but they won't see you coming. If you can get a meeting with the owner and get that back door open while you're waiting for him, I'll sneak in and we'll clear the place as quietly as possible." Dom raised an eyebrow at her as he looked her up and down. "They teach you how to strip in assassin academy?"

A small smirk curled at the very tips of her lips as it suddenly sunk in that he was leaving Siobhan’s house looking quite ruffled; maybe the baby nephilim wasn't as innocent as she seemed. Rissa felt proud if that was the case but also a little disgruntled, she liked the innocence which lingered around Siobhan; but it was none of her business what went on behind closed doors until it came to teasing the blonde about watching the therian act out the walk of shame. However, the amusement that was clear on her features soon evaporated as the therian barged passed her mentioning that she was in trouble. In fact, her features scrunched up together; she was always down for adventures and risky business, but maybe once, just once it would have been nice to have a normal evening of drinks with no drama; but alas, in a city of supernaturals, would that ever be the case? Clarissa groaned and threw her head back before tagging along with him towards his truck like she didn't have a choice.  “After witnessing you the last time, you wouldn't stand a chance going in alone” She teased before nodding in thanks as he opened the door for her.

Once she was seated, she casually propped her feet up on the dashboard and listened to how he tried to inform her of all the happenings; and in fact, she was flabbergasted - since when had her life got so old womanly, it wasn't half as exciting as this. “You went to the Angels Den?” She snorted in amusement maybe a little too much at that before toning it down to act how one should when a matter this serious presented itself. Her gaze remained on the road, listening to more information and both brows rose at the mention of Siobhan thinking it was a good idea to snoop around; at that, she removed her feet and turned a little to face the therian. “And you were stupid enough to agree to that plan? I took you for an idiot but never a fool" Clarissa muttered, shaking her head; over her dead body would she have allowed the baby Neph to do such a thing. Yet she knew now was not the time or place to lay into Dominic for allowing something so stupid to happen; given, she didn't know their relationship, but from seeing him leave Sio’s place, meant they were close enough to know she hadn't fully mastered her supernatural abilities. “We all know I don't abide by the law all the time but did neither of you think of telling the cops?” She quizzed still in a frustrated manner.

Now that she was calmer, she peered out of the window to look at the club which was a little further down; just the mere exterior building made her skin crawl, even without knowing what went on down there. Her lavender specked gaze widened at the mention if she had ever danced. “So what you're saying, you want me to put on a little dance for some slimy ass men as a distraction?” Clarissa slouched back into the chair as she considered it; her lips rolling in thought and she hated how she couldn't think of any other way. Witnessing him looking her up and down, she whacked the top of his arm with the back of her hand roughly. “Wouldn't you like to know" She threw him a wink before sitting upright with an exhale, her hands clapping against her thighs. “Does the owner need to be kept alive after I dance?” She asked the question,  pulling the sun visor down to have access to the small mirror there; she ran her gaze over her hair and makeup before opening the door and hanging one leg out of the car waiting for his response. Was she really asking for permission to kill?

Derek threw hit after hit, so many that Siobhan lost count. Each time she tried to slip into the safety of blackness the ice water would be thrown on her. Siobhan had dug her nails into her palms as a way to divert the pain and yet after taking hit after hit her hands grew numb and all she could feel was the pain he was inflecting.  At some point she had begun sobbing which only seem to make the smile on Derek face grow wider. Siobhan finally whimpered out “Stop.” as her head rolled forward blood spilled down her shirt into her lap. “Please stop.” She cried out as she opened her hands releasing her nails for the deep wounds she had caused.

Derek’s fingers pulled back her head making her look at him though her eyes were swollen at that point. Knowing that healing for this would be worst then when the Therian had kicked her ass. Derek showed no mercy, and it caused her to finally feel fear in this situation. “Do you plan on being a good little Nephilim and helping us rebuild our supply?”

Siobhan started at him and then spit in his face “I would rather die over and over again then help you pimp out children.”

“Wrong answer.” Derek said wiping the spit from his face as he took hold of her middle fingers breaking them both swiftly causing Siobhan to scream out again.

“God you fucking monster.” Siobhan said as he eyes flared purple, “What the fuck are you anyways you piece of shit.” She said yanked on the ropes.

“Me darling? I am just human. So, you see I am the only none monster in the room.” He said as he walked over picking up small metal barbs and held them together causing electricity to react. “Now how about we try a different method, electroshock therapy will get you to agree I’m sure of it.” He said as he moved closer placing the barbs to her head and she began to scream out in pain as the electricity shot through her body.


The angels den would look almost abandon, the bartender a few of the dancers and a hand full of guards would be there. Most everyone else cleared out leaving with Derek the owner to the sister location of The Angels Den, as he had some of their younger siblings locked away with the other children.

"You don't have to actually dance for them. I imagine they are going to put you in a room and wait for the owner to arrive, but hey, if you wanna give them a show before putting them down, by all means, be my guest. Make sure you record it too," Dominic teased, reaching across Clarissa and pulling open the glove compartment. He took out the 9mm inside and opened his door as she did hers. "As much as I would like to see him rot in a cell the rest of his life, should you slip and end his life, I wouldn't miss him." He walked around to the bed of the truck and pulled out a wooden bat, seeing as the gun would be a last resort since they were going in quietly. If there were still a number of guards inside, they would have to be careful. 

The two began their walk towards the club and Dominic could see the usual bouncer standing at the door. His eyes scanned the rest of the parking lot and he could see there weren't many cars left. The less people the better. "And just so you know, I didn't know what Siobhan was up to. If it were up to me, I'd lock her in a room to keep her safe. I've never seen anyone attract so much danger in my damn life." His eyes flickered over to the nephilim and then back up towards the club. "Thank you, though. For this." It was always hard for him to ask for help, but if there was someone he was going to tear shit down with, Clarissa was the one he'd like to have next to him to do it. 

As they started getting closer to the main entrance, Dom nodded to her, putting the bat over his shoulder. "Just like old times." He stopped behind one of the cars and watched as Clarissa kept approaching. Predictably, the bouncer eyed the angel with his full attention and Dominic continued around the side of the building where he could hear the muffled sound of the music playing inside. He placed his back against the wall and let out a breath. Ten minutes was what he told himself to wait for her before finding his way in by force. 

When he looked down at his watch five minutes later, the door suddenly opened and Clarissa stood there with a smile. "Well, that was fast." He followed her inside and they went room by room. The place was nearly a ghost town. They entered a room where the dancers got ready and saw a few of the girls in there. They looked up at he and Clarissa with wide eyes, but there were no guards in there either. "No one leaves this room, understood?" The women all nodded and he closed the door behind them. 

The next couple of doors down, one of the bouncers exited the bathroom as the sound of the toilet flushing followed him. He was in the process of zipping his pants and was given no time to do so. Clarissa quickly put him down and they stepped over his unconscious body to continue on.  

As they continued down the narrow hallway, Dominic counted the doors from the end and saw the fourth one. "This is the one Gigi said leads downstairs to where the children are being kept." He placed a hand on the knob of the door, but a dancer was heading towards them, followed by two guards. One of the men pulled a gun from his waistband and aimed it at them. "Shit." He fired off the first round which embedded itself in the wall near Clarissa's head. The dancer screamed and Dominic tried to pull her out of the way of the gunfire, but she was hit in the back and stumbled into his arms. The assassin next to him didn't hesitate and took the gun from his back, firing off towards them. Both men immediately fell to the ground from her deadly accuracy. Dominic carefully put the girl down onto the floor and checked for a pulse. There was nothing. They certainly didn't care for anyone in this place as long as that door remained secured.

Dominic grabbed the knob again but the door was locked. Clarissa shot out the lock and they hurried down the stairs. As they went passed the first room which was an office, one of the men attempted to take them by surprise, but the therian hit him with the bat. He dropped to the floor like dead weight. Dominic picked up the gun he was holding and tossed the bat aside. "So much for quietly." 

It was eerily silent as they made their way through the massive finished basement. Each of the lavishly designed side rooms where the clients would take the children was empty. As they got to the end of the hallway, the cell in which the children were obviously being kept was also vacant. Dominic cursed loudly and slammed the door of the cell shut. 

Voices could be heard from the end of the hall and he knew the rest of the guards were on their way. He turned to Clarissa with an angry determination. "Keep one alive so we can question him. Think you can manage?" Dominic checked the number of bullets that were left and waited for the impending fight.

Purple tinted eyes glanced down as Dominic reached for the 9mm which was casually sat within the glove department; a brow quirked at its location, but she wasn't surprised that he kept such a weapon so close to hand - he was a guard as well as the wolf afterall. Besides, she also wasn't one to talk or judge considering she kept a dagger close to her hip at all times. Her lips curled at his response as she simply shook her head at the comment of recording the ordeal. “I may not dance for them, but I shall play with them. Just like a cat does with a mouse when they have no intention in eating it" She mused softly, the bouncer at the door coming into view causing her to quirk her head to the side. Clarissa snorted at Dominic’s comment regarding the danger that always seem to follow Siobhan wherever she went and she couldn't help but agree; recalling the Christmas ball and how Siobhan suggested going undercover to work for Daddy Bradford. “She has a good heart, and will try and save everyone even if it means sacrificing herself. She needs to learn to be a little selfish like us” Rissa playfully nudged Dominic’s shoulder and offered a smile as he thanked her for helping out on yet another, dangerous mission. “I can't turn down a good time, but you're welcome."

“Old times" She repeated and noted that this was when they were going to part for a while; she inhaled deeply and continued to walk towards the bouncer who automatically clocked her the moment she came into view. The moment she got close enough, she offered  him a smile until she stood before him; Clarissa resisted the urge to roll her eyes as his own drifted from top to bottom of her physique.

“We are closed” He mumbled, clearly torn between professionalism and curiosity.

“I never said I was here to watch.” She counteracted stubbornly but her words were laced with a flirtatious tone; Rissa took one step forward and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “I believe I would be a great asset for The Angels Den.” The bouncer quirked a clearly interested brow before taking longer than expected to reply.

“Come with me, I'll take you to who you need to speak to.” The bouncer extended an arm, indicating ladies first before following after her; Rissa had to fight her natural instinct to tell him to keep his eyes to himself. Her gaze was wide as they wandered through the club, a shy chuckle bypassing her lips as she imagined Dominic coming to a place like this. The bouncer took her into an empty albeit male only room and asked… Rather told her to stay put and of course, Rissa graciously nodded but inside, a storm brewed in the depths of her belly at the act of a someone telling her what to do. She briefly wandered around the room, glancing at some documents that were left on the desk and some of the certificates which decorated the room; the room itself smelt terrible, of smoke and alcohol, and that was saying something - Clarissa loved alcohol.  The men were taking too long for her to have her fun with them, and with a mumble, she slyly escaped the room and headed to the door that Dom had located for her. With a bit of a screech, the fire door opened and she greeted Dominic with a proud grin. “They're probably wondering where I am, we haven't got long" Rissa ushered him inside as quickly as possible.

They stalked the deserted hallways and just the mere emptiness made Clarissa’s alarm bells ring; for her, silence on a mission was never a good sign - something was up. Just as she was going to air her concerns, a guard came out of the loo and she had to quickly sort the issue before continuing. Rissa eventually decided to keep her gut feeling to herself, not wanting to worry Dominic even more; therefore simply nodded as he mentioned they found the door which was mentioned in his text message. “Dom, this seems too eas-" And like clockwork a dancer and a guard appeared and without hesitation the guard opened fire - for once almost catching Clarissa off guard as she felt the gush of wind brush pass her cheek as the bullet planted into the wall. “I can't stand for that" She muttered aggressively before kidnapping the gun from Dominic and repeating said action; she wasn't even distracted by the dancer getting shot nor of the announcement of her death - but death to Rissa was just as normal as breathing. The few obstacles the two faced were easily tackled, so much so that she was able to take into detail what the private rooms looked like; they were impressive rooms where money was certainly spent to make them look grand. Yet her attention was taken away from the decor as Dominic slammed the door right off of its hinges; the sound making Rissa grimace slightly.  

Of course it was too good to be true to find Sio there, and she knew there was no point in trying to comfort him. “I can keep one barely breathing" She shrugged, it was the best she could do; promising life was not her forte. Rissa turned into her heels and automatically flared her lavender eyes to cause guard to tumble down; she set his mind ablaze - allowing him to believe spiders were swarming over his skin before point blank aiming at his forehead. She waited for their numbers to twindle before tossing her gun to the side; it wasn't her style - before grabbing her dagger and aiming for the most valued organs in their bodies. Clarissa stole a quick glance at Dom, noticing he was channeling his anger to dominate the fight; she needn't help him today, therefore, she chose her victim who would survive her until she no longer needed him. The guard was stronger than he looked, dominating Rissa much to her dismay; punch after punch she endured, blood dripped from her brow, nose and corner of her mouth. A few groans bypassed her bruised lips before her dagger finally scratched the base of his neck; the male staggered back more in shock as he witnessed how close to his throat she was. Clarissa took the advantage, her mind weaving into his to give him the sensation of someone cutting off his manhood; as he moaned, cried and jolted his body, Rissa gave him multiple of right hooks - payback for her own face.

“Alive! Rissa!” She heard Dom’s growl and rolled her eyes; she eased up on the punches until she was sure he had no strength to fight back and pulled back to allow Dominic to take the lead - she saw it as his mission. “He is all yours” Clarissa nodded to her friend and took a few steps back to try and clear the blood from her face with the bottom of her shirt.

The Angel Den went from a quiet to a war zone. Shots ran out Dancers running off guards being taken out till finally Henry was the last one left. He tried to fight his way through but the moment the Angel turned her purple hues on him he knew he was done, crumbling to the ground he screamed out. It felt like eternity had pass till finally her hold released his head.

He groaned out rolling his head forward taking a deep breath then came face to face with Dominic, there had been rumors of a wolf who played by his own rules, though he never thought he would meet him. Mark the Therian that was with Derek had warned him before leaving that Dominic would be coming for them. Her looked into his eyes. “Listen this isn’t my fight.” Henry reaching in his pocket and puled out the chain with the pearl on it. “Derek is an evil man. He pimps out children and when they are not good enough he turns them into child soldiers.”

He looked around to the dead therian and Nephilim’s around them “I will tell you what you want to know just please spare me.” She said as he looked back to Dominic’s rage. “There is a sister club next town over called Heaven Den, He was taking them all there for the day till they could make their next move after that I don’t know.” He gave the information he could. “I figured you could track her with this? Or her things are in the back room still.” Her said placing the necklace in his hand.


Siobhan screamed out in pain as the electric current course through her once again and she sobbed out and looked to Derek, as she panted to catch her breath before he sent the next wave through her, she wasn’t sure how much longer she could last. She prayed Dominic was on his way, she clung to a thread of hope she had.

“Sir we think you should stop, she has clearly had enough for one day.” One of the therians spoke up and crossed his arms in front of him “We need to move, the man that was with her, he isn’t going to stop till he finds us.” The man spoke clearly.

“How do you know this?” Derek said to the therian.

“I use to work for Dominic in his garage…He isn’t like other wolves Derek. He is an Omega who is only loyal to a few and those he is loyal two he will stop at nothing for them.” He said “The way he use to talk about this angel, I am sure he marked her, since we are about only twenty miles from the other club he could track her easily. We need to get out of doge”

Siobhan head rolled forward, and she couldn’t help the laugh that left her lips “Idiots.” She said as she rocked her head back looking to the Therian “If you know Dominic so well you know he would never mark anyone. He doesn’t like the whole in your head things.” She said as she took a deep breath “But you are right he won’t stop, even after you kill me. He will keep coming after you till finally your blood is spilled and these children are safe.” She closed her eyes and leaned her head all the way back “So do your worst.”

Derek smirked darkly and then moved back to her “You are crazy, most people would have broken by now. I have to say I am slightly impressed.” He pressed the paddles to her temples “Let’s fry and brain and be done with her, we will leave her body here for him to find as a warning.” He cranked the dial up and started to shock her once again.

Siobhan eyes turned bright purple and she began to scream once again as her powers started to go wild in the room, the Therians falling to their knees as her wings extend and knocked his hands away. She yanked on the rope and ripping one hand free and she took hold of Derek flipping him over her and she tried to undo her other arm trying to free it.

Dominic went numb. There would be no mercy tonight. He always tried to keep this part of him locked away, but he was pushed. Pushed back to a time in his life when violence was the only way he saw how to solve a problem, even if the problem was one he caused himself in order to provoke others and release his pent up anger over unresolved personal issues. Being in and out of prison wasn't enough of a deterrent. Aureus had worked with him for years to control his emotions, though tonight he would have to put aside those teachings. Every single person in this room was going to die except the angel by his side which was helping him do it. Another reason he enjoyed Clarissa next to him; no judgement. She was also a killer.

Gunfire erupted in the basement as the guards came for them. There were only a handful left as two went down immediately from their return shots. Clarissa quickly moved in on them as the rest of the few men came forward with their guns raised. His eyes fell on a stool that was outside of the cell, no doubt for the guard that sat outside of it to keep an eye on the children. He quickly grabbed it and tossed it hard at them. They both stumbled backwards and he took the opportunity to rush them. 

His rage took over. Everything else was just instinct. He couldn't even say for sure how all the bodies around him ended up dead on the floor, but as he pulled the knife out of the man's neck he was on top of, he only saw one man still conscious and it was the one Clarissa was currently stalking. A grunt of a reminder to keep him alive left his mouth towards the nephilim, while he wiped the blood from his dagger and placed it back in its sheath.

Dominic stood up and walked over to where Clarissa was keeping the man under control with her abilities. When he approached, he heard the stammering of the man attempting to bargain for his life. The therian reached down for one of the discarded handguns and continued listening to the guard speak. He moved the gun towards him as he reached in his pocket, but it wasn't a weapon like he was expecting. A very familiar necklace was produced and Dom quickly took it from him. The guard's words faded out as he viewed the necklace that was broken at the clasp. It was strange to hold such a small thing as this pearl in his hand which was so delicate as his other hand held something so heavy and destructive. When the man was finally finished speaking in attempts to save his own life, the rest of the world suddenly came back into focus. Déjà vu hit him. This very predicament happened on the night he and Clarissa met where they'd taken down a group of men and left one alive to question. Dominic had shown mercy then and let the soldier they were questioning live. Tonight wouldn't play out the same. He looked at the guard and pulled the trigger before stepping over him and the other bodies to head back upstairs, putting the necklace in his pocket. "Let's go."

Climbing the stairs, he walked through the rest of the back area which led onto the stage. The club was now empty and he made his way to the bar. Dom picked up a bottle of rum and pulled the cap off to take a long drink. He then put the gun in his waistband to grab another bottle of the dark liquid he favored. Moving around to the front of the club, he started pouring out the alcohol on the floor and continued to do so as he walked backwards with it. He took a final swig from one before smashing it on the ground, the glass shattering in pieces. He continued doing this until he felt satisfied that enough accelerant was covering the floor of the entire front of the establishment. Pulling out his lighter, Dominic tossed it on the ground and watched as the flames spread quickly.

They made their way back through the hallway and he kicked open the door where the dancers changed. It looked like the girls had made their escape at some point, no doubt when the gunfire began. His eyes scanned the different scattered belongings around the room until he let his therian senses take over. Siobhan's scent led him to her bag and he picked it up, feeling his chest tighten from the smell. There was an explosion that sounded from the front of the club and he knew the fire was reaching the bar. Dominic looked over at Clarissa with an angry determination and headed back out of the room to exit through the fire door. It was time to end this.

Features continued to scrunch up as blood now stained her shirt; not one item of clothing could be saved from her violent ways, Clarissa was sure that every item that hung up within her wardrobe had seen some form of battle - even her most formal wear. Once she was sure she made her face look somewhat presentable, she fixed her attention back to Dominic and his interaction with the man that she had chosen to keep alive to get some answers out of. The Nephilim remained silent, and it looked like the therian had the same idea - although it didn’t surprise her that he didn’t say a word, she never once took him for a talker; actions spoke louder than words. Plus, the victim was so desperate to keep his life, he seemed to be more than happy to allow his tongue to go crazy and spill out all the information that he had; in fact, his desperate ways caused her eyes to roll dramatically - if they didn’t need the information, she definitely would have cut his tongue out by now. Rissa stuffed her hands into her jeans back pockets and flinched ever so slightly watching Dominic pull the trigger - she couldn’t understand the slight flinch her body gave off, maybe it was because she was not the one doing the killing, but the one watching.

Clarissa regarded the sudden change in how Dominic held himself and forwarded her brow; all her suspicions of his relationship with Siobhan were being confirmed and nothing had even left his tongue on that subject. She glanced at the dead body one more time as Dominic left the room before glancing at the other murdered souls; wondering who would come in and clean this mess - normally it was herself cleaning up after Isaiah or Cornelia coming in to cover her half siblings vicious attacks. A prolonged exhale bypassed her nostrils as she elegantly tip toed over the mass of bodies and the pools of blood, her hand tapping her hip to make sure that her dagger was still against her hip before following the deadly silent Dominic. Silence had always bothered her, in fact, she hated it; it proved right earlier, when the club was too silent for a club but she also hated the more petty silences, like the silent treatment. There wasn’t much Rissa could do right now rather than follow him, to keep a watchful gaze over his actions to make sure he didn’t do anything stupid - and in fact, she found him attempting to burn the club down a stupid one, the police were definitely going to get involved now; yet she remained silent. The last thing either of them wanted was for them to turn on each other, but Clarissa would make sure they spoke about the burning of the club when they got Siobhan back and everything else had settled.

The smell of the fire in the bar began to tickle her nostrils as they made their way to where the girls were earlier only to find it empty; and she was relieved, she was unsure they were even safe with them with the state that Dominic had succumbed to. Clarissa could feel herself growing impatient as he stalked Sio’s bag, once grabbed, she exhaled. “About time.” She inclined her head towards the exit and retraced their steps back to his truck; once she was seated, Rissa rested her head back against the chair and watched the flames lick up the building walls. Fire was so beautiful and so destructive, she couldn’t help but be fascinated by it - and if it wasn’t for the fact that the emergency services would be turning up soon, she would have suggested to stay a little longer and watch. “The Heavens Den, why on earth are all their names bloody skin crawlingly cringy” Clarissa shuddered at the name alone before tilting her head to look at the pained therian beside her. “I’m assuming you know where it is? If not, we need to leave this place now and calculate our route before services get here to put the fire out.” In the distance, siren’s rang and she gave Dominic a look to put his foot down on the pedal. They drove away from the burning club for a few miles in silence, sharing the bottle of rum that he had stolen as a souvenir of yet another mission of theirs. Eventually, Rissa cleared her throat, noticing how his grip on the steering wheel tightened and loosened repeatedly. “Look Dom, you need to keep your emotions in check, you hear me?” She knew he wasn’t going to like her telling him what to do, but she hoped he would see it as her trying to take care of all of them - including Sio. “You need to keep that noggin’ of yours clear to be able to tackle this suicide mission. One reckless move could see all of us dead.”  

Siobhan managed to get her other hand free and as she did one of the Therians hands came to her shoulders and she smirked “If you were smart you would run, Dominic, catch any of your scents he won’t stop hunting you, is your lives really worth that for this sick human’s?” she asked and the grip on her shoulders loosen and finally she was left with Derek in the room. As he moved to stand up she unleashed the full amount of her pain infliction power on to him, she was raging at that moment, so she didn’t stop as his screams grew louder until his eyes rolled back into his head and he fell back blood dripping from his nose. She was sure she killed him, she reached down into his pockets and pulled out the keys from his pocket and moved out of the room.

She found her way down the back hall; the club layout was so similar to The Angels Den that she was able to find her way to the basement with ease. Pushing the door open she could hear the thuds of the children trying to get themselves free but they came to a stop as she pulled open the door rushing down to the cages.

“Siobhan!” Nina said as she rushed to the door “Oh my god what happened to you?” She said as she looked over her with concern.

“Don’t worry about that now.” She said as she found the key to the cage and undid it. “Come on let's get you all out of here.” She said as she began her way back up the stairs making sure they were following behind her. She was determined to get these children to safety no matter the cost. She leads them down the back hall having the older ones bring up the rear just in case. She knew if she could get them into the dancers changing room and out the back door, everything would be fine.

The dancer's room was almost empty, she wondered if Derek had closed the place down, but the music in the club was thumping. She didn’t question it at that moment she was going to take them out that was there, the fire door was within her reach when she heard a thud on it. Quickly she rushed the children behind the racks of clothes and took a fighting stand holding a can of hairspray in one hand and a heel in the other.

As the door opened Siobhan's heart clutched in her chest as the dying light surrounded Dominic’s large frame in the doorway. She let out a slight breath of relief “Dom.” She said and then her eyes fell on Clarissa “Rissa.” Her relief grew as she tossed the can a heel to the ground as she took a step closer to them when the door of to the club opened, everything felt like it had slow down at that moment as she turned her head seeing Derek standing their guns drawn and pointed at Dominic and Clarissa. “No!” she screamed out and within that moment threw herself in the way as Derek pulled the trigger. Her wings extended to shield Dominic and Clarissa The bullet hit her on the left side of her chest barely missing her heart but lodging there.

Siobhan blinked stumbling back her wings retracting within her back. Feeling a solid form take hold of her, she felt the pain coming from him, deep within him, it was far more emotional than it was physical pain. Sio forced her eyes open and look to him, She didn’t say a word to him but rather lifted her hand to his face in an effort to sooth the pain he was feeling, she showed him a memory before he got hexed one of her favorite memories.

‘The field of daisy around them as Sio for the fourth time crashed into Dominic tackling him to the ground, at this point it had become a game of how long he would let her tackle him to the ground among the daisy. She rolled over laying next to him laughing as the dying light of the sun was bright. It was one of the few normal times they had.

“Your flying is getting better, Wáptasyi. Though for some reason your landing hasn’t improved at all.” The laugh in his tone always made her smile as she looked up to him and took one of the daisies around them in her fingers and swirled it. “You seem to like using me as a target.”

“Maybe it is just because you are an easy target.” Siobhan said as she moved closer to him, she placed the flower in his beard “Or maybe I am just waiting for the day you won’t catch me.” She said back in a joking tone.

Dominic face went serious for a moment as he reached up and tucked some of her blonde locks behind her ear, rubbing his thumb against her jaw softly “I will always catch you, Wáptasyi.” He said softly as he leaned closer. “Till the day you no longer need me too.”

“I will always need you too.” She said back and closed the space between them as they shared a long kiss, the sun fading from view.’

Siobhan's hand fell away at that moment as her eyes drifted closed a smile on her lips knowing if her life was to be taken at least he came for her, at least she managed to keep him safe. “The children get them out, Dom.” She said softly before she slipped into the blackness.


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