Began with an angel hunting in the wrong place, and A Therian with good timing.

Name: Siobhan

Species:  Pure Nephilim

Age: 21

Short Bio: Learning how to function in a world she had never known with the help of Isaac who is the man who saved her life when she had nowhere else to go. She works for him as his assistant.  Which leads her many places around the town for him. Some times she returns to the woods when she is feeling overwhelmed it is her safe place.

Name: Dominic 

Species: Therian

Short Bio: A woodsman in every sense, but an Ailward Guard first. The big guy you hope is on your side when shit goes down ;)

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After he and Siobhan shared a confusing look between them, Dominic shook his head and followed along with the others toward the house. He knew there was no sense in asking Billie Mae what that was all about because the woman kept her secrets close to her. There was no one more cryptic on this planet than her. Whatever that reading she seemed to be doing was all about, Dominic knew the diviner had every intention of keeping Siobhan safe, and that was all that really mattered to him in the end. If he had to be kept in the dark, so be it.

The sudden commotion that his superior hearing picked up from inside the house sounded as if something had broken and Sophia was quick to head inside. He could hear distress in Hannah's voice from where he stood and his stomach flipped at the thought of what it could mean. With the confirmation in Billie's words, Dominic immediately became uncomfortable being within a hundred feet of his own house, let alone being inside while it was all happening.

His eyes remained laser focused on the door until he felt Siobhan's kiss to his fingers and a request to not go far which he could only nod to in reassurance. Words were suddenly lost to him and he was so out of his element. As Billie and Sio went inside, Dominic stayed closer to the stream in the front of the house and paced. He tried to push away the sounds of Hannah's painful cries and forced himself to instead pay attention to the water as it playfully trickled along, making its way to the massive river at the back of his house. It was a nearly impossible task.

Dominic let a sigh pass through his lips, pushing his hand through his hair in frustration. Everyone had lingering questions on what to expect when this day would finally come. Could Hannah survive this? Would the baby be a diviner or human? How would all the experimenting on Hannah affect the baby once it was born? No one had openly spoken about this because they didn't want to upset Hannah, but it was a heavy fog that hung over the household for a long time and it seemed today would be when they got their answers.

As he looked down at Kiyaya who sat next to him with a tilted head towards the cabin, Dominic's attention was brought to the sound of the front door opening. Siobhan was suddenly running out and nearly collapsed onto the ground with her head in her hands. He quickly rushed over and knelt in front of the angel who seemed to be shaking. Dominic carefully touched her shoulder to which she recoiled before realizing it was him. When her face lifted, it was clear she was going through something incredibly emotional from her expression. He couldn't be sure as he searched her terrified eyes, but he had a feeling it was tied to Hannah's wailing which was bringing her back to the trauma she experienced at the club. She didn't need to say a word. "Come on."

Wrapping an arm under her legs and one behind her back, he carried her around and down towards the river. Bypassing the few chairs he had at the shore, Dominic continued walking farther down until he was fairly certain she wouldn't be able to hear anything coming from the house since he himself could only hear faint noises. "You're okay. I'm here," he said softly in hopes of calming her, continuing to keep Siobhan in his arms while staring out onto the water. He glanced every so often in the direction of the cabin with dismay. If he were being honest with himself, he didn't have a good feeling about how this would all turn out. 

He wasn't sure how long it had been, but the sound of a twig breaking broke the silence around them, save for the lapping of the waves on the river. Billie Mae approached them with an unreadable expression which to Dom meant bad news. Lowering Siobhan, he nodded towards the diviner with a concerned look. "What's going on?"

"She's having some issues," the older woman began, looking out towards the water and ringing her hands. "It's not looking good. The baby needs to come out, but..." she paused and sighed, seemingly being unable to come to terms with whatever she wanted to say. "I've used a bit of magic to lessen the pain. We may have to go in to get the baby."

"Go in?" Dominic wasn't sure he wanted to know what that entailed, but as Billie looked to Siobhan, she seemed to understand what that meant. After a moment, he did too. "You're going to cut her open? I think you need to port her to a hospital, Billie. You are not doctors."

The diviner shook her head. "Hannah was very specific about her wishes should something like this happen. She doesn't want the baby to fall into the hands of humans that might ask too many questions. Lucifer was very smart in making sure he chose women that wouldn't be missed. Hannah was on the street and with no family when he took her. There is no one else she trusts to look after the child, but the ones whom she's been spending the last weeks with." 

Dominic closed his eyes and scoffed, turning away from them and looking to the river as all of this was sinking in. Never in his life could he have guessed that anyone would trust him with a baby. He laced his fingers on the top of his head and sighed out. It's not as if he could go against Hannah's wishes. The idea of dumping a baby with possible powers in an orphanage didn't exactly sit right with him. He wasn't sure what the right answer was, but that would all have to be discussed later. Turning back to Billie, he folded his arms over his chest. "Do whatever you have to do then. Whatever is best."

There was to much pain, horror, darkness swirling not only inside of her but inside of the cabin. Hannah screams where to much because all she could do was see her face on Hannah’s. She couldn’t breath and every inch of her was shaking, she wish she was strong enough to push all of the fear that was coursing through her. She felt the warm fingers on her her causing her to pull away from the touch opening her eyes looking up to him. She was sure her pupils were wide with full panic. She was thankful she didn’t need to say anything, it was like he knew she needed to be away from the cabin.

As he picked her up she buried her face into his neck calming her ragged breath as she took deep breaths taking in his scent. Being in his strong arms was grounding, she never felt more safe then she did in his arms. The sounds escaping her ears of the woman clearly in more pain then normal. She whimpered into Dominic’s neck gently as he spoke softly calming her. Her shaking slowly calming to a stop with only a jerky movement on two as he held on to her. She didn’t move her face from being pressed into his neck as she fought the dark thoughts away.

Her hand moved into his hair pulling her face from his neck slightly looking up to his hazel gaze her gaze much calmer than before. “Thank you.” she said just above a whisper. “I’m sorry I flinched when you touched me, I was…” she trailed off when the snap of the twig came. She released her cold on Doms locks as he placed her on the ground looking to Billie Mae. Siobhan lowered her gaze to the ground.

Siobhan listen to Dominic and Billie speak back and forth, Siobhan had seen plenty of birth being raised on a farm. “Billie may not be a doctor but Mom was at one point.” Siobhan said back to Dominic, “We can’t take her to a hospital.” Siobhan said faintly even if the doctors where supernatural it would still mean Lucifer child would be placed in the system. “That child has to stay among people who can help it, if its like…” she swallowed hard unable to even get his name out at that moment all of this felt too close to home for her.

Siobhan’s eyes flicked to when she started talking about how Lucifer was careful with who he chose. “Till me.” she said, “He was getting desperate the woman he had stolen before had all been human and they weren’t strong enough to carry a baby to term. He would mutter to himself about spells and all the things he had done to make the perfect being. I only knew a glimpse of what happened to those woman I had assumed they were all dead till Hannah.” She  looked off in the direction of the house.

It made Siobhan frowned so deeply that this poor woman had no one but the three of them. She watched Dominic look out to the River before letting her gaze rest on Billie Mae for a moment. They all knew that the child need to be close enough for them all to watch over, yet there was no right answer for what was happening. When he turned and spoke to Billie she watched the woman nod and her eyes rest heavily back on Siobhan.

“I need you Siobhan.” Billie said as she moved closer to the angel child and took hold of her hand. “I know all of this is hard on you but you have to remember that you are the only person that has been through the same thing as Hannah. She needs you.”

Siobhan eyes brimmed with tears as she took a ragged breath to steady herself, nodding to the diviner. “Okay.” She squeezed the diviners hand tightly taking a hard swallow before flicking her gaze back to Dom taking hold of his hand with her other hand and squeezed it as if to take his strength, but also to tell him it will all be okay, lingering for a moment before she walked with Billie back to the house.

The scene in the cabin was horrible, Hannah as screaming and crying in pain as she was begging for Sophia to do something. Sophia looked terrified and helpless all at once as she tried to keep the pregnant from thrashing around. Siobhan looked to Billie knowing what ever magic she had used had failed. Siobhan moved back to Hannah head, moving to set her head in her lap. The nephilim took hold of Hannah head to keep it still as her eyes turned lilac and the screams stopped.

Siobhan took Hannah to the place she had the best memories, the lantern festival. While giving Hannah the fake memory of  friendship, She and Siobhan attended the small carnaval together, playing the games and riding the rides. The whole time Siobhan was keeping Hannah in the memory, Sophia moved cutting Hannah open, removing her stomach along with other things to reach the child. Sophia cut open the uterine wall and pulled the infant free.

At the time the baby was being pulled out Siobhan had lead Hannah to the lenterns. Watching her write down  her wish, and release it. She watched Hannah write for Sophia to raise her child. Hannah turned to Siobhan in the vision as if she knew what was happening “Thank you, you and your family have shown me more kindness than I had ever seen in my life. Take care of my child, please?”

“With my life.” Siobhan replied watching Hannah fade away, Siobhan lilac tear filled gaze focused on the crying of the tiny being in her mother's arms. Her gaze moving to the lifeless body of Hannah seeing the teardrops on her head. Siobhan moved from under her head and sat there looking to the child, who looked just as innocent as could be.

“It’s a boy.” Sophia voice choked up refusing to look at Hannah lifeless body. “What are we going to do.”

“You are going to raise him.” Siobhan said softly not able to move her gaze from the child “Hannah wanted you to be his guardian.” Siobhan moved and covered Hannah with a sheet out of respect and then moved out of the door to fill Dominic in though she was sure he could hear what had happened.

Siobhan walked out to where he was standing, She stood next to him looking off into space. “She didn’t make it, she gave birth to a boy.” She said stating the facts and crossed her arms hugging herself. She felt waves of emotion but the shame she felt for being thankful that she had people that came to save her made her curse herself. “We should hold a funeral for her.” Siobhan said softly. “I don’t want her to have died and think no one remember her.” Siobhan choked up slightly as she blinked away tears.

Dominic leaned against the railing of the porch as he watched Billie and Siobhan head inside of the cabin. Hannah's screaming had become a bit weaker as she cried out from the pain, pleading for some kind of help for her unborn child. He felt the sense of anger rise in him for her ever having been put in such a horrific position by Lucifer, but he tried to push it away with a forced sigh knowing that his lycan personality would not help anyone in this situation. That dark diviner was still destroying lives even after being gone; the rippling effect of his work continuing on from his magical prison by Billie's coven. Dom was starting to wish he had killed him in that garage.

As the door opened, he stood up straighter and saw Siobhan looking somber. It was only then did he realize the wailing of a baby was coming from inside his home while his thoughts had been so consumed. Dominic knew before she even said the words aloud that Hannah had not made it, but it still didn't lessen the frustration and helplessness he felt seeing how she was taking the whole situation. He wrapped his arms around the angel and held her quietly for a few minutes unable to imagine the thoughts that were going through her head. With all the trauma she'd been through, he didn't even begin to know how to help her and the thought of failing in giving her what she needed was vehement.

The day seemed to stretch on as a heavy and solemn cloud hungover the household. Everyone seemed to be off doing their own thing, deep in their thoughts, trying in some way to continue moving and not stay still to dwell on what had transpired. Sophia had been taking care of and constantly keeping watch over the newborn. Billie Mae cleaned Hannah's body and went into town to find her a dress to wear for her eternal sleep. Siobhan busied herself by packing up Hannah's small amount of belongings and then taking a walk through the woods to collect flowers for the funeral. Dominic at first didn't like the idea of her going off alone in the state she was in, but he resigned himself to the notion that it might be good if she was by herself for a bit. He couldn't always be around her, hovering every second, waiting for her to shatter like glass so he could pick up the broken pieces. In the end, she would have to find her own strength even though he would always be there to hold her up when she was feeling unsteady.

Dominic pulled the heavy tree trunk along the grassy floor of the woods, wiping the sweat that had formed on his brow with the tank top he had been wearing which now hung from his back pocket. The sun was starting to come down from the sky in the middle part of the afternoon and a cool breeze blew through the woods which felt nice against his bare chest. He made his way through the treeline and back to his property, lowering the log next to the workbench outside of his shed. The project he'd been working on was nearly finished as he looked at the wooden box that would serve as Hannah's coffin. He lightly grazed his fingers over the lacquered wood. Dark thoughts began to seep through as he realized this may have been Siobhan's fate had he not been successful in getting her back from Lucifer. 

Kiyaya nudged his other hand with his head as if he knew what Dominic had been thinking and was determined to not let him do so. The therian pet the soft fur of his friend before wrapping his gloved hands around the base of the axe and chopping the fallen tree into a proper lid for the coffin. This was what he'd been doing to cope.

The sudden familiar scent of someone made him stop as the axe was raised above his head. Dominic turned around and saw Billie Mae standing there with a simple white dress across her arms that flowed near to the ground. "How are you, son?"

Dom turned around and continued chopping at the wood, determined not to talk about his feelings. "I'm fine."

"No, you're not."

"Okay, no, I'm not. Feel better knowing?" He placed the axe on his workbench and began taking more measurements. 

Billie gave a small, but sad smile and lowered her head. "No, but I just wanted to hear the words come out of your mouth, even though I am psychic." The diviner took a few steps forward and placed a small hand on his back in quick comfort before dropping it. "Lucifer is being tried for her death even though he would never be released, but we of course, wanted to have formal proceedings continue for Hannah's memory."

Dominic picked up a small saw and began working against the wood. "Good." It was all he could really say in response, even though his mind was conveying more than that silently. He continued sawing for a few more moments before pausing in frustration and turning around to face her in the sudden quiet that fell when he stopped working. "Billie..." he began, but she had already gone like she tended to do as he looked out into the tranquil forest.

As Dominic wrapped around her as they held onto one another in quietly after she spoke of what she wanted to do to respect Hannah. She closed her eyes tightly holding on to the tears that wanted to overflow her eyes. This wasn’t her moment to focus on her it was to focus on giving Hannah a proper burial a place her child could visit later in his life. She wanted to focus her emotions into something good, not her own trauma though she was sure it would overtake her at some point. Pull away from Dominic after their long embrace she began to go everything that was needed with Billie Mae as her mother seemed to be only focused on the child.

Siobhan couldn’t bring herself to look to the child again, for she feared all she would see is Lucifer if she looked upon him. After they three of them chose task, Siobhan took to packing up Hannah’s things before found herself in the woods picking flowers with WeuWeu beside her. She wondered if he had worried that he lost her, she remembered waking up with him right there, the mostly lazy dog hadn’t really left her side or let her out of the room of him since she woke up. She sat in the flower filled meadow for a long moment, staring at the beauty when she felt the dogs wet nose to her cheek. She turned her face to him, as her hand ran along his fur gently. She let the silent tears roll down her face for a moment in solace before she returned filling the basket she had with flowers.

Night was coming quickly now as she made her way back and as she wished to avoid the house as long as she could she headed towards the shed pretty sure that was the quietest place to put the flowers together when she watched Billie Mae walk in. Moving closer she paused outside of the doorway listening to the pair. She listen to Billie and Dominics back and forth for a moment placing her hand to her mouth as she felt the sinking in her heart as he finally admitted that he was not okay, none of them where that was just a fact at that moment.

She closed her eyes tight as Billie spoke of Lucifer keeping her hand pressed tight to her lip trying not to whimper or let her mind focus on his face. Just thankful he was locked away with the Coven Billie sent him too. Her gaze meet Billies as she moved past her not pausing as she moved back to the house other than to give a quick nod for her to go in. After a moment she dropped her shaking hand straightening her back and clearing her throat she moved through the doorway and looked to the casket he had built so far.

Her eyes hung on it for a long moment before moving back to him “need any help?” she asked as she moved closer setting the basket of flowers on the top of the of the work table as she began to pick some of the flowers up and braiding them together to make a flower crown. “You did an amazing job in the short time.” she said keeping her hands busy, trying to not let the quiet fill the space between them. Silence would give them time to overthink about how this could easily be for her.

“I was thinking of letting mom move into my old place the Bradfords helped me get. It's not much but enough for her and a baby.” she said as she focused her eyes on the flowers. Its in the city, in the nephilim part protected enough. I know where she would be so if something goes wrong.” she cleared her throat. “Fact of the matter is she can’t return to the farm house with a baby.” She was quiet for a long moment then thinking before she finished the flower crown and looked up to him. “I’m not okay either.” she said softly.

She touched the box softly with her small hand, “He tried to make me like the other girls, he forced me to strip myself from you because he wanted no one looking for me like the other girls. He wanted to drive that point home often about he was the only one who would remember his victims in the end.” she placed a single daisy in the bottom of the casket. “This could have easily had been me.” she said as she stared into the casket for a long moment. “He wanted to be our worlds. So lets show Hannah in her final rest that she had people there for her even if she was scared.”

She looked to him giving a said smile, “She thanked us for taking us in, She even said it was the most kindness she had experienced her whole life.” she swallowed hard as she leaned her head back blinking away the tears that wanted to fall. “I’ll make a grave marker.” she said as she moved to leave the shed not wanting tears to begin flowing again.

Dominic picked up his saw and began working against the newly cut wood again, but was interrupted by the sound of a well-known scent and a familiar voice. His eyes fell on Siobhan as he looked over his shoulder and saw her coming further inside with a basket of flowers. WeuWeu was at her side, never leaving it for any longer than to eat and sometimes even then he would rush it along just to get near her once again. Despite the dog's ever obvious lazy ways and all the teasing that Dom would make about the oversized fluff, he did prove to be a loyal companion.

"No, I got this," he replied and turned back to his project in hopes of avoiding any conversation that would require him to speak about his emotions. He also couldn't think of anything more morbid or worse than for her to be working on building a coffin that almost could've been her own. At her compliment, Dominic gave a short nod in appreciation before reaching over for the cold beer he had taken from the nearby refrigerator and took a long sip. Hearing her talk about her mother moving out of the house was supposed to be good news, but it was hard to have any pleasant emotions when a heaviness had befallen them all. 

With the bottle tipped back on his lips, his eyes happened to fall on the basket she'd put on the workbench. Her hands were busy wrapping the flowers together and something about it had felt so familiar. It was as if an old memory was trying to make its way through and he was only hearing her voice in a muffled tone as if he was underwater, but he was suddenly snapped out of it when she mentioned she wasn't okay either. His eyes found hers as she explained some of the things she had to endure while being under Lucifer's prison. It was hard to listen to as always and Dom wished he could go back in time and fix everything, especially when she said the person that could've been in that coffin was her. He dropped his gaze and lowered his head with a light sigh trying to remove the image of her being in that white dress Billie had just bought while lying in the wooden casket. Hearing that Hannah was grateful for them made him feel guilty for ever being exasperated with her while she was in the house during the last weeks of her life. What he wouldn't give to hear her begging him to run into town for one of her crazy pregnancy cravings of peanut butter and pickles. 

Dominic could see the emotions beginning to rise in her as the tears were building in her eyes; the blue ocean of her optics threatening to flood over. "Don't," he said simply and quietly to her mention of leaving, reaching out for her small wrist and wrapping his hand around it. He set the beer down on the workbench as he leaned against it and pulled her to stand in between his legs. He trailed a finger over the frame of her face, moving some of the loose strands of her blonde hair back. Siobhan looked drained and he couldn't possibly imagine the nightmare she was going through. He lightly put a hand behind her neck and pulled the nephilim into his bare chest, gently kissing her forehead. "How about we make the marker together?" Being alone right now wasn't something he thought either of them should be doing, though at one point he thought she might've needed her own time to process everything. Even if they didn't talk and kept busy, at least they were together and that was something. 

Soon the sun was lowering in the sky and the four adults along with one very newborn baby were gathered together near the shore of the riverbank where the field of flowers were that he and Siobhan would lay in. Dominic had brought the casket out to the burial site where it was hard to believe they would be putting Hannah to rest here. Strange to think she was actually gone when she only looked like she was peacefully sleeping in the new white dress and flower crown she donned. His eyes fell on the baby who seemed to be sleeping in Sophia's arms and a mixture of sadness and anger welled inside him for the mother the boy would never know.

Funerals made him anxious. As death tended to do, it made people reflect on their feelings as well as give them the need to engage in activities to make them feel alive. Dominic was no different. He was itching to be far away from here with a bottle of rum and maybe a blunt to bury the feelings and something to make his adrenaline spike. Climbing, jumping off a waterfall, a bar fight, sex, anything. Instead, he cleared his throat quietly and intertwined his fingers with Siobhan's knowing it was more important to honor Hannah's memory than deal with the uncomfortable state he was currently in. He squeezed her hand lightly, running his thumb over her fingers while Billie Mae began speaking.

"Hannah didn't have the life she deserved. Despite the horrible circumstances that the young girl endured, she was incredibly strong and determined to bring her child into the world surrounded by love and security with hopes of changing her life around. Even though she is no longer with us, she is at peace knowing she has you all to help take care of her son and giving him a life that she never had. He is the true miracle in this tragedy and I hope to make her proud." The diviner placed a gentle hand on the baby's head with a smile. "Ya'll know Hannah was thinking over some names? Adam Benjamin was in the lead. I think it rather fits the little fighter." 

"Adam Benjamin Leslie," Dominic said quietly. "I like it." He gave a soft smile and carefully touched the baby's nose. Babies always seemed to be so delicate that he was afraid to touch them. One wrong move and he would somehow crush the little beings. Dominic squeezed Siobhan's hand again. "What do you think?" 

Siobhan felt the tension, they both didn’t want to talk about their feelings right now. She wasn’t sure why she couldn’t bring herself to talk about her emotions anymore. Had so much just happened to her that it numbed the Nephilim? No, that wasn’t the reason, after all she still found herself lost in the traumatic events. Even though she didn’t want to dwell on them. Maybe a big part of her just didn’t want him to see how much of damage goods she really was; or maybe it was because her mother was around and she still felt the need to be perfect in every way when she was completely opposite. 

The tension was there in the air yet despite it, here she was just talking in a way to push the tension away. So when she thought it had failed she was going to leave, maybe he did really need time alone. Yet he muttered to her ‘Don’t’ the word alone threw her back in her mind to the time she stared at him, removing her mark from him. It was the only word he could get out at that moment, as she stripped away herself from his memory. It sent a chill down her spine to even be thinking about one of the worst moments in her life. To be thinking about the moment she broke him, the moment she broke them. 

Yet this ‘Don’t’ was different he was pulling her close to comfort her.  She half closed her eyes at his finger touching her face. She couldn’t recall the last quiet moment they had that shared such gentle touches. Though his touches lately felt like he was worried she was going to shatter in front of him. She leaned into his chest as he pulled her in, closing her eyes fully taking in his scent. Something about his natural scent calmed her in ways no one else would have. Staying there for the long moment that he held her before speaking was peaceful and grounding.

“Yes, making it together sounds like a better idea.” she said softly as she didn’t want to be alone right now; she hoped he didn’t want to be alone right now either. She hoped that maybe somehow being around each other would help the other. After making the marker together and the sun was setting Siobhan moved inside to change out of her dirty clothes and into something black as she then moved out placing the flower crown on Hannah’s head and took hold of her cold hand. “I promise to protect him with my life.” she said so very lowly she was sure no one could hear her, before moving to stand next to Dominic.

Siobhan kept her eyes away from the newborn, she couldn’t bring herself to look to him just yet. Maybe it was because she feared that all she would see was Lucifer. Dominic’s hand took hold of hers in the perfect moment. She pulled her gaze up to his giving his hand a tight squeeze before looking back to Billie Mae as she began to speak. Her fingers stayed tight on his hand as if it was her life line in that moment. She didn’t hold back the tears that silently rolled down her cheeks. After all they have been living with this girl for a while now, there was a connection, a deeper one since she was with her in her final moments. She swallowed hard as she kept her eyes on the coffin for a long moment.

As the others talked about  Hannah’s child she felt herself zoning on the coffin having flashes of  Lucifer laughing. It wasn’t until Dominic spoke the full name of the baby did she pulled her gaze up and looked to Dominic as his finger touched the baby’s nose. It brought a soft smile her lips as she watched his eyes light up in a way she hadn’t seen before. “Adam Benjamin Leslie sounds like a wonderful name.” she squeezed his hand back “Call him Addy, or Abe, or Ben, or Benji.” she smiled at him and then let her eyes moved to her mothers. “What do you think of the name? I know you have a soft spot for S names.” 

Sophia looked to the child to her daughter for a long moment. “You know your name wasn’t Siobhan when you were left on my doorstep. The note your mother left just said ‘The name her father would have wanted was Xapham. Your father, Steven that is said that we would make that your middle name, but he wanted to name you after his Grandmother Siobhan.” She said as she looked to the little baby. “I wasn’t the one who had a fondness for S names. I did have a fondness for names that have meaning. Adam Benjamin will be this little guys name.” she said softly as she touched her nose to the infant's forehead. 

Siobhan felt her heart ache at the mention of  Steven the man she was very close too. She let her eyes move to the baby once more holding her breath as she feared she would only see Lucifer. Yet that wasn’t the case. She gave a big smile as she looked to the baby who looked like the spitting image of Hannah. She took a step closer dropping Dominic hand as she looked to her mother. “Can I hold him?” she asked waiting for her mother to nod before she took the infant from her arms. “Hey little Adam.” she cooed at the baby as she rocked him slowly. The infant gave a laugh as his tiny hand touched her face, it made Siobhan feel like he recognized her face. Making her wonder if he saw her when she comforted his mother in her last moments. “So beautiful.” she said softly taking the little hand kissing it softly before pretending to eat his hand to make him giggle.

Sophia moved over next to Dominic and Billie Mae as she watched her daughter talk with the infant. “I think they like each other.” she chuckled softly as she then looked to Hannah’s lifeless body. “Shame how he had to come into our lives though.” She looked up to Dominic for a moment and placed her hand on his shoulder. “She was lucky that you came looking for her, and saved her before…” Sophia stopped because she couldn’t stand the thought of her daughter being taken from her like her husband and son. 

“They are lucky to have each other.” Billie Mae chimed in before moving over to Siobhan taking the infant, the older ladies making their way inside as the sun fully set and Siobhan watched them for a long moment before moving over to the coffin and placed the last of the flowers inside. 

“Rest in eternal peace Hannah.” she said softly as she closed the lid gently and then helped Dominic lower her into the Grave, helping him fill the hole before they placed the smooth stone they manage to make as a grave marker with her name on it. She stood up covered in dirt and dusted her hands off as she looked to him. “Do you need to be alone tonight?” she asked as she rubbed the back of her hand to her face creating a smear of dirt there. “I was thinking of going down to the river for a moment, just to decompress somehow.” she said as she took a step from the grave. “Have a stash of rum down there?” she asked over her shoulder.

Dominic watched Siobhan with the baby and was glad to see a smile on her face. He couldn't remember the last time one graced her features without some hint of sadness behind it. In fact, he couldn't remember the last time he had a genuine one of his own that didn't hold some reservation because of all that they had gone through in the last months. He wondered what their life was before all of this. Before all the crazy.

As Sophia's hand came to his shoulder, it broke his train of thought. He looked to her light touch in a silent surprise before reaching the woman's eyes. It was strange for her to be speaking kinder words let alone having any form of contact. Most of the time she was giving him sideways glances and disapproving shakes of her head. Perhaps her view of him had changed now that she saw what lengths he would go to keep her daughter safe. Maybe it was when Siobhan had finally come out of her coma-like sleep. He wasn't sure, but he would take what he could get if it meant the tension in the cabin would lessen from the heaviness it had been for some time.

He stayed silent as the two women made their comments. It was hard to speak about it all and he wasn't sure whether Billie Mae was right or not. Sometimes he felt like they were on a path that was just meant for destruction as he thought about all the things they had been through, but then a pang would reverberate through his heart when he'd look at her while she hadn't noticed. Even though they were on some crazy road together, he couldn't imagine her not there beside him.

The sun was low on the horizon, making the sky turn into a fiery orange while night began to fall over Evermore. Dominic said a silent goodbye as Hannah was placed into the ground before picking up the nearby shovel to fill the dirt back up. He was a little surprised to see Siobhan helping, but then again, she never minded getting a little dirty it seemed. After placing the marker down, he sighed and looked over the field of flowers as the sky was now darkening to deep purples and blues. The beauty of therian woods could never tire him. He couldn't think of a better resting place than here.

“Do you need to be alone tonight?” The question threw him. Dom looked over to her, his mouth opening slightly from the unexpected inquiry. 'Yes and no' was the immediate response that came to his head, but the words stuck in his throat. Yes because he didn't want to have to talk about everything. No because being alone with his thoughts never seemed to end well... and being with her now felt right.

Dominic nodded and smiled as she asked about the rum. "I have a stash everywhere, angel," he responded light-heartedly, stepping in stride with her as he put the shovels over his shoulder. He could see the women through the open kitchen window which faced the river as he set the shovels against the house. They seemed to be having a somewhat serious chat and he quickly dismissed his therian hearing from attempting to pick up on it. No more drama for now. Stepping up to Siobhan, he gently brushed her cheek with his thumb to wipe the dirt from her face, letting his eyes stay fixed on hers. After a silent moment between them, he spoke to her question she had asked moments ago with more confidence in his answer. "No, I don't want to be alone tonight."

Dropping his hand and moving passed her, he went down towards the river and to the wooden crate of various alcohols he kept by one of the trees he favored to fish near. He did a quick check of his pockets and felt the heaviness of his truck keys while grabbing a bottle of unopened rum. With a half smile that held a hint of excitement, he took her hand and led her around the front of the cabin instead. "I have a better idea." 

The darkness of night had quickly blanketed the woods while he drove them deeper through the territory. The only light to guide them on the dirt path was the headlights of his truck and the moon overhead. The truck rolled to a stop finally as he parked a little off the hardly used road. Dominic looked over to her in the passenger seat with a small reassuring smile as he nodded to climb out, grabbing the rum. He took her hand again and led them through the few trees before an opening appeared in front of them. They stood out on a waterfall that overlooked the massive river some thirty feet high which ran through therian woods. The dark water gleamed as the moon's reflection danced off the small currents. "Come on." 

He guided them further down until they reached a ledge that was about half the height to the water below. This would be more suitable for her while she still recovered. He uncapped the rum and took a long drink before doing a small shimmy from the warm feeling that rose in his chest. Placing the bottle down on the rock, Dominic took off his boots and t-shirt and finally his pants, remaining only in his boxers. He pulled the tie from his hair and let the dark strands fall around his shoulders as he backed up from the edge. With a running start, Dom leaped off the cliff and dove into the blackened water below. The cold of the water rushed over his skin as he kicked his way back to the surface and broke the silence of the woods, save for the sound of the falls. "Woo!" His hues went upward with anticipation as he waited for Siobhan to hopefully join him in his desire that they could maybe have a little fun after so much time of hurt. At least for a night.

Siobhan could see how her question threw him off, most of the time she would dance around if he needed alone time. She selfishly didn’t want to be alone, between the time where the hex took him over, being Lucifers captive, and her coma she had more than enough alone time to last for a while. Though a smiled grace her lips at his light-hearted response about his stashes. With a soft laugh she shook her head “Oh yes I shouldn’t have even question if you had some hiding  somewhere.” Walking just behind him, giving one last gaze to the grave before they made their way back to the house. Looking into the window at Billie Mae and her mother. The pair had formed a rather strange friendship to Siobhan surprise. Maybe it was because Billie Mae had a way of demanding respect from everyone she met, Sophia had been the same in Siobhan's youthful memories.

She pulled her gaze from the window when she felt his warm thumb upon her cheek. Her blue eyes studying his hazel gaze that seemed darker in that quiet moment. She leaned her face slightly into his touch as she whispered softly. “Good because I don’t  wanna be alone tonight either.” Turning on her heels to bounce behind him as she followed him down the river to the hiding spot “You know I swear I could go through all the woods and never find all the hiding spots.” she said as she took hold of his hand as his expression of excitement caused a smile on her lips “Oh you do?” She said as she moved with him to the truck climbing in the cab through his door to the passenger side.

She looked out the window as he drove them to an undisclosed location as she watched the mood through the branches of the tree. The darkness bringing a peaceful calm with it. She pulled her gaze from the window to him as he gave her the small reassuring smile before they climbed out and she followed his lead through the woods. As they came upon the opening she looked up to the waterfall and let out a soft gasp at the roar of the waterfall. She held his hand tighter as he guided them up to the ledge, She took the bottle after he took a long drink, taking a smaller one herself. As she watched him pull aside most of his clothes, letting her eyes linger down his body for a moment. Even to this day she could feel the blush that rose to her cheeks looking him over the way she was in that moment.

“What are you…” she was cut off with her question as he ran and jumped off the edge of the cliff. Siobhan clutched the bottle and watched as he hit the water, she held her breath until his head broke the surface and he let out a woo. She let out the breath she was holding and then let out a laughing fit as she shook her head at him and called down “You are crazy, Wolfy!” she backed away from the edge and then took a longer drink from the bottle until her chest was warm. Setting the bottle down and she let out a nervous breath. Even though she was able to fly she felt a wave of nervousness through her.

Shaking it off she pulled her shirt up and over her head tossing it among his discarded clothes following suit with her shoes and pants. Taking a step back, her eyes focusing on the edge of the cliff before she took off towards it. The moment she jumped she closed her eyes screaming out the whole way until she was engulfed in the dark chilly water. She opened her eyes under the water as she looked around before pumping her legs to break the surface laughing out as her heart pounded in her chest. She looked around her blue eyes landing on him as she smiled to him. “That was so freeing.” She said as she swam closer to him. “I never knew falling could be that freeing before, well besides the times I would tackle you when you were teaching me to fly.” she said looking up to the cliff that they jumped from.  “Want to go again?” she asked looking back to him with a smile.

Dominic watched as she jumped from the cliff's edge and came falling into the dark water below, chuckling at the scream that most likely woke everything in the nearby vicinity of the woods. He swam a bit closer to where she had hit the surface and smiled in turn at seeing her excitement. "You okay?" He wanted to be sure she wasn't overextending herself after everything that had happened in the last days. She didn't seem to be in any pain and he hoped his spontaneity wasn't going to cause Siobhan to backslide in her healing process. He scoffed lightly at her comment, putting his hand through his wet hair to move what clung to his face. "Sounds like I did a piss poor job of being a teacher then if you were falling that often." The smirk he had fell for a moment. Her references to their past would often give him a small ache in his chest, but he didn't want to dwell. Not tonight. Knowing she wanted to take to the cliff again put an easygoing grin back on his features as he nodded to her. "Yeah, let's do it."

The pair took turns leaping from the waterfall, Dom doing a few flips that instantly reminded him of the times he and his siblings would go cliff diving when they were kids in Washington. His body certainly felt the difference in age. Swimming over to her, he took the angel's hand and pulled her closer to him, guiding her legs around his hips to hold her in the brisk water. His hazel gaze glanced upward to the impossibly bright moon for a moment before looking back to her. It appeared the light from above was cast just on her at that moment; The few beads of water like small, shining crystals rolling down her face. Dominic leaned forward and kissed her softly, barely brushing his lips with hers as if he wasn't sure whether everything between them would change how it would make this feel. Every uncertainty of their relationship just made him want more. Perhaps it was the need to prove that things could maybe still be okay. He deepened the kiss, pressing Siobhan tightly against him to taste her further, feeling her cold skin on his bare chest. The answers weren't there though as he pulled away slightly to linger against her lips with a few, soft, quickened breaths. His eyes met hers for a long and quiet moment where he could see the purple flecks that decorated her ocean-green optics. When he finally spoke, his voice was low, but steady. "We should head back before it starts getting colder."

Dom lead them out of the water and up the rocks to grab their stuff, leaving a wet trail along the ground from their steps. Back at the truck, he rummaged in the duffle bag he kept in his backseat of extra clothes which he always carried on him in case there was ever a need to phase into his lycan form on the fly, ripping his garments to shreds. He pulled out a black, long-sleeved thermal shirt as well as the blanket that was balled up on the seat and handed them to Siobhan. "Here. This will keep you warmer." He shook out his damp hair and tied it back before removing his wet boxers and changing into dry sweatpants which instantly felt better. Turning back to Sio, he wrapped the blanket tightly around her after she was dressed and lifted her into the passenger side to make it easier for her to get in before handing her the almost empty bottle of rum and closing the door.

The ride home was mostly quiet as he put his arm around her to move closer to him. The cabin was dark and would seem empty if he knew that Sophia and the new baby weren't inside sleeping already. His bedroom still wasn't his own just yet and he wasn't feeling up to sleeping on the mattress that was laid out in the middle of the living room another night. He parked the truck and stepped out, moving back around to her side to open the door. He scooped her up in his arms as she was still wrapped in the blanket and walked to the side of the vehicle, dropping her in the mostly empty bed of the truck. "Sit tight, angel," he said just as she was about to question what he was doing. 

He slipped his key into the lock and opened the door to his home. Dom wasn't much of a subtle man, so having to move about quietly in order not to wake a sleeping newborn or the more scarier yet, abrasive older woman that was currently in his room, was not something he was used to. He slung a few blankets from the couch over his shoulder and grabbed the two pillows they had been using on the mattress before heading back outside. "Crashing out here tonight," he said as he dumped the bedding on top of Sio and hopped over to join her. A chuckle escaped his lips as he slowly pulled away the blankets that were covering her and laid down on his back. The overhang of the trees made the moonlight cast shadows on them as he looked up at the stars. "Thought it would be a nice change." He placed a hand behind his head and the other on his bare stomach before turning to her with a grin. "Hope you don't mind."    

Only thing that made her heart pound harder then jumping off a cliff was him, as he swam closer, she could feel his gaze looking over her, as if to make sure she wasn’t gonna fall apart. “Yes I’m perfectly fine.” she laughed softly and shook her head to him. “No you weren’t a bad teacher, I just liked knocking you on your back.” she giggled at the memory but then a slight sadness ached in her heart because she knew he didn’t remember those memories like she did. She was thankful that he chose that moment to lead her back up the cliffs. Watching him in his flips not even attempting them herself, as she jumped after him. It was a perfect way to spend an evening after such a hard day. She wasn’t lost in dark thoughts, and was having fun, something she hadn’t really had since going with Lucifer. She felt almost normal, like how they were between all of their crazy moments.

As she hit the water for the last time she could feel the chill of the evening taking over the therian woods, she wasn’t even sure how long they had been out there. All she knew was that the moon was high in the sky, and she was a little drunk. Her legs wrapping around him, her arms coming around his shoulder loosely before flicking her gaze up to the moon. His kiss caught her off guard in a good way, her eyes fluttered closed as she let her lips linger on his after the gentle kiss. Letting out a soft breath against his lips as she wondered if this would become the new normal for them. Long moments just holding each other, she hoped a hope she hadn’t in a long time. As he kissed her again, deeper than before she tightened her arms around him pressing closer wanting more, to taste him longer. Yet he broke the kiss again, their breaths lingering with one another as she let her tongue touch his lips softly, for another taste. She pulled back, the blush on her skin was enough to keep her warm in the cold water, as she stared back at him. She could never explain to him how his gaze just made her want to melt, a simple look made her weak in the knees.

His low deep voice sending a slight shiver down her spine as she stared in his hazel gaze. “Yeah I guess we should.” she agreed a little reluctantly, but still followed his lead. Once back to his truck she tossed her clothes in the floorboard before taking the black thermal shirt he held out to her. She took it and tossed it over the side of the truck as she pulled off her wet bra and boy shorts. Thankful for how much taller Dom was to her in that moment as she pulled the thermal over her head, and it landed against her thigh, long enough to be a dress on her small five foot two frame. She ran her fingers through her damp hair, watching him change and felt that blush again as he turned around to catch her staring. Moving into the truck with his help, being slightly tipsy didn’t help her sometimes clumsy nature, but he was already there for her. As she took the bottle tossing back another sip from it as he climbed in his side.

As he pulled her closer she rested her head on his shoulder, hoping he didn’t mind her damp hair against his skin. She was enjoying the warmth he was letting off as they made their crawl home. It was a peaceful moment, as they rolled up to the cabin she moved towards the door on her side only to have him meeting her there to place her on the tailgate. She gave him a confused look but just nodded as she watched him disappear into the cabin. She stared at it for a long moment, her mind starting to tell her to relive what had happened there recently. Siobhan turned her face away to look elsewhere, she didn’t want to let her own mind ruin the beautiful evening her and Dominic ended up having. She was lost in her thoughts, it took Dominic’s voice to pull her blue stormy gaze back to him.

She looked to the bedding that was placed on her. She gave a smile and looked up to the sky as the moon and stars shine. “I think it's the best idea, Beasty.” She said softly as she moved closer and laid beside him, sliding under the blanket next to him. She lay on her back staring at the sky for a long time. “Do you know the constellations?” She asked as her eyes scanned along the stars. “I have read about them before, but never really have had the time to just figure out which one is which.” she said as she then flicked her gaze to him. “Stephen, my brother,  would just make up names.” She pointed to a collection of stars and spoke in a deeper voice. “Look Shivy, that is called a cannonball.” she laughed slightly at the memory. “He would do that when I hurt my palms, to distract me.” She sighed as she reached up tucking her damp hair to one side. “Always made me want to know the actual names though.”

Dominic reached over and took her hand in his, brushing his thumb over the faint scars that were there from the self-inflicted wounds she would cause. He kissed her palm softly before laying it on his chest while pulling her closer to him, wrapping his arm behind and around her small frame. His gaze flickered back up to the night sky as the twinkling lights shone through the branches of the trees. "I do know a few," he replied, letting his mind wander to memories of his family. "My mother was big into astrology and horoscopes, but it's also important for cultural reasons. Some of our ancestors are said to be up there, watching us from the heavens." Dominic didn't much care to talk about his past especially when it came to his family, but it seemed only fair when he had seen so much of hers in their time together; From what he could remember and what Sio had told him, anyway.

"My father would always shake his head at my mother for her love of fairytales and myths in our different cultures, but we were hooked as kids. Even as adults, she'd still love to read our palms and try to decipher the signs in our dreams." He smiled for a moment remembering the better times his family had when all five of them were together back on their land in Washington, but it quickly fell as he turned his gaze away from the stars. "I miss that. I miss them." The words were low and full of sorrow before he quickly sighed out and softly cleared his throat to be rid of the vulnerability that was causing the serious discomfort he was feeling. He wasn't sure if it was the rum to blame or the up and down emotions of the day. Perhaps it was both. "Anyway, I'm sure Billie Mae could talk your ear off about the subject. I'm probably a bit rusty." Leaning forward, he kissed the top of her head and ran his fingers through her blonde locks, letting his touch graze down the back of her neck and over her arm. Though he was being short with Siobhan because it brought up old pain, he felt bad and didn't want to discourage the new found interest. "Maybe star gazing can be a new hobby for you. Pretty sure I saw a telescope collecting dust at the manor. I'll see if I can bring it here to make good use, okay?" He pulled another blanket over them with his free hand and closed his eyes wondering when was the last they were able to be together like this.

Dominic's eyes opened slowly from the deep sleep he was in. It was something he wasn't used to in the slightest and for a moment he'd forgotten that they'd made a new place to sleep that wasn't his own bedroom or the living room they'd taken up in. His gaze fell on Siobhan who still remained asleep on her side wearing his black thermal top that was oversized on her small body. Lids feeling incredibly heavy, it was a sharp wailing sound that his acute hearing was picking up which he realized was the reason for his waking. He lifted his head and looked over the side of the truck bed and towards the cabin where Adam was clearly unhappy. Dom gave a soft groan and rubbed his face. Siobhan didn't stir as he watched her sleeping peacefully for a moment before being as quiet as possible to hop out of the truck. He looked back to her and she only turned over and continued to slumber as a breeze blew by to gently tousle her hair.

The sun was rising fast as he walked over to the cabin and pushed open the door. As expected, Sophia was already awake and holding the baby who seemed to be less flustered as she busied herself in the kitchen making breakfast. He grabbed a shirt from the couch and pulled it over his head. "Ah, was wondering where you two were. I was just about to start calling your phones."

Dominic crossed into the kitchen and poured himself a cup of coffee from the full pot that had already been prepared. "Just needed a little break to ourselves." He breathed in the richness of the hot beverage before taking a long drink and leaning back on the counter in hopes that he could wake himself up further after being abruptly roused by the newborn. Before he even had a chance to enjoy the warmth of the liquid flowing through his chest, Sophia was passing him Adam which would've been the same as handing him an active grenade. "Wha..."

"Just hold him for a moment while I finish up breakfast," she commanded, stirring the eggs in one of the few pans on the stove.

Dominic looked at the infant who seemed to be looking back at him with an identical expression of confusion. He placed the coffee mug down on the counter and tried to remain as still as possible because if Adam decided now would be the time to cry, Dom wasn't sure he wouldn't drop or toss the baby in a panic. At least, not on purpose. He furrowed his brow and glanced up to see Sophia watching him with a smirk. "What?"

"Seems he likes you." The woman reached up into the counters and pulled down a few dishes to begin plating. "You plan on doing the whole family thing? You never struck me as the type."

Dom looked back to Adam and watched his eyes start to close. "It wasn't really part of the grand scheme in my life, no. My life is kinda.. complicated."  

"What about with her?" Dominic followed Sophia's gaze out of the window as he saw her daughter begin to wake up in the truck. 

"Really? We're having this conversation right now?"

"It must've crossed your mind before. At least being that she is immortal and you aren't. I'm just wondering if you've talked about it at all before things between you two become serious."

Dominic scoffed and looked back to the woman as she set the small kitchen table. "I think we're way beyond that point now."

"Then you must've spoken about it, right?" Sophia turned to face him, placing a hand on her hip. "I'm just saying, if things are as serious as you're saying, then what decision have you guys come up with?" She looked out of the window again and saw Siobhan nearing the door. 

The therian nodded knowingly before walking up to her. "You really do disapprove of me that much, huh?" He passed Adam back to her and flitted his eyes over her head as the door began to open.

"It's not that..." Sophia rushed out in a whisper. It was clear she didn't want her daughter knowing anything about this conversation.

"Sure it isn't." Dominic replied lowly as he reached behind him and grabbed his coffee off the counter. He walked over to hand Siobhan the mug with a soft kiss on the head. "Hey. Sleep okay?" Pulling his phone from his pocket he nodded towards outside. "I just have to give the manor a call. I'll be back in a few minutes." Dom leaned down and kissed her again on the forehead, but lingered slightly longer as he took in her scent. He quickly stepped away from the cabin and headed down towards the river and further along the bank to ensure he wouldn't be seen. A heavy sigh passed through his lips as Sophia's words resonated in his mind. It had been something he'd thought about before, but he hadn't come to terms with what that meant for them and their relationship. Dominic had never liked the idea of being immortal, but it wasn't exactly a choice for Siobhan. He knew of the trinkets the Guards held in order to serve the Aspects forever if they chose, though to him it was never something more than just for duty's sake. Living forever had never been in the cards, but he knew Sophia was right. The conversation would eventually have to come up and he wasn't sure if he was ready to have it. 

Siobhan watched him as he took her hand in his, as he touched the scars on her palms, anyone else she would have flinched away from. Yet she knew he would never hurt her on his own, she watched him kiss her palm then rest it to his chest moving to rest her head upon his shoulder watching him from his side profile as he spoke. She knew that he didn’t talk about his family very often, they were much of a mystery to her besides the few things he had told her. So she listened as he talked about his mother, something he had never touched on. She watched every inch of his face as she wondered if he believed what his mother spoke of, that maybe his ancestors were watching down from above. Siobhan couldn’t help but smile as she pictured Dominic as a young boy and how he would be so captivated by his mother. It was something she could see so clearly.  She could feel his sorrow from his words and while she wanted to use her nephilim powers to sooth him but she knew this was the kind of pain that one need to feel. She felt the same about her father and brother, and she wouldn’t want anyone to take that from her no matter how much it hurt. She looked up to the sky and whispered softly. “If she is up there looking down on you, she would be proud of the man you have become. A furious protector.” She said letting her eyes drop from the sky back to him for a moment before the subject changed.

“I will have to give her a call, though she also made it clear that she planned on stopping by a lot.” Siobhan said as she looked back to the sky closing her eyes slightly as his fingers ran through her hair. Her hand moving in a small circle on his chest as she found her eyes growing heavy. She knew it was hard for him to talk, they were such different yet similar in that aspect. Siobhan tired to keep things bottled up but her emotional nephilim made things spillover in extreme ways sometimes, where as Dominic tend to close off. Yet together they had found a way to walk a line where Dominic didn’t close off fully to her and she didn’t explode like a mentos being dropped in a diet coke. Still as he spoke of it being a new hobby probably a better one then sneaking off and going undercover at that, made her smile against his neck. “You will have to show me what a telescope is love.” she said lightly feeling the heaviness of her eyes and the alcohol in her system making it ever so easy for the nephilim to fall asleep on him, in the bed of his truck.

Warmth on her cheek from the morning sun caused the sleeping Nephilim to groan as she rolled over on her back. Thankful for the fact she was a nephilim with an increased rate of healing because she knew she would have woken up very differently if she had a hangover. She placed her hand over her eyes to shade them from the morning sun that rudely woke her up. Her other hand came beside her to feel for him, when he wasn’t to be found panic set in. She slowly sat up and dropped the hand from her eyes as her head turn towards the Cabin, seeing him there with Adam in his arms and her mother classic questioning face caused Siobhan to groan.She looked up to the sky for a moment as the wind blew her wild blonde locks around. After a moment she stood up and jumped from the bed of the truck making her way into the cabin. 

As she opened the door she could feel the tension between him and her mother. Grand. She thought to herself as she raised her hand to rub her eye, smiling softly as dom handed her the mug of liquid gold. “Yes, surprisingly well. You?” She asked as her eyes closed at his gentle lingering kiss before he was out the door. Raising the mug to her lips she took a long sip before moving into the bedroom to pull on a pair of leggings before returning to the kitchen and took Adam. She looked to the baby and cooed, bouncing him for a moment before she looked to her mother. “What did you say to him?” She raised her brow to her mother as she kept her blue hues on the woman who raised her. Even Adam’s laugher at pulling on the wild hair didn’t pull her gaze from her.

“Why am I always the bad guy with you Siobhan.” Sophia gave a roll of her eyes as she sat the plates on the table. “I just asked him what his future plans where.”

“Why?” She asked as she looked down to the baby in her arms and then it clicked in her head. “Mom...I swear.” She said looking back to her. “I’m only twenty four, I have all the time in the world to think about settling down and having kids.”

“You have all the time.” Sophia said but it came off as more of a question to the young Nephilm

“Yes, I have all the time. This is you trying to set  me up with that Bobby Macky from down the road.” She groaned out. “I am not like you and dad, I don’t know what is going to happen in my life. Can you stop messing with things you don’t understand.” When Sophia opened her mouth again, Siobhan chimed in “No, mom I love you. Please stop. I care for him, and I don’t know what's gonna happen. I don’t need you making things harder. He is a good man, he wants to keep me safe, and makes me happy. Do you not want me happy?” she question but before Siobhan could speak again the sound of the door caused Siobhan to look and force a smile towards Dominic.

She turned her focus back to Adam as she looked to the bottle that was made and tested it on her wrist before sitting at the table and rubbed the bottle against the babies lips. Once he got the first taste of milk he was sucking on it, Siobhan rocked gently and looked back up to them. “What? Will you both eat, before one of the dogs eat your food.” She said as she turned her gaze back to the child. “I think we should take you to the rental of mine, try and help you get a babies room set up and out of this small cabin.”

Looking back up to Dom from across the table. “I have been working on a crib in the shed under the tarp in the back. Was gonna be a gift.” she said as she looked to her mother, “It is a gift for Adam. Thought you might like it. I used one of Dad's old designs.” She said as she looked to the empty bottle and placed it on the table, patting the infants pack softly until he burped making a face as he spat up on her shoulder. She handed the sleeping infant back to her mother excusing herself to change her shirt. She returned to eat once her shirt was changed and looked around the cabin. It felt different, emptier than it had in a long time. Even with her mother there.

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