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The spookfest had ended with HAna making a few new friends. She had started that night out nervous and completely shy, but by the time she had ended it, she'd spent her whole night with two new guys. Han and Jae. And, while they had given off some pretty strong romantic vibes together, Hana hadn't stopped herself from flirting with each of them. Though, Hana admittedly shoved most of her attention to Jae, she had found Han to be a pretty humble guy, and enjoyed the few moments she'd spoken to him. The three of them had planned on meeting up again at a later date, seperately of course.
Hana had just finished her shift at the INN when she pulled her phone out to text him. "I'm bored, so if you're not doing anything, we can hang out today" she then pressed send, and used one of the motel rooms to change out of her work uniform and into something more casual, but warm. The weather had changed dramtically since the spookfest. Though it wasn't entirely warm that night, it definitely hadn't been as cold as it was now. Hana emerged from the room dressed in a pair of black skinny jeans, a red polo sweater, red and white polo sneakers, and her hair straight down her back.
After walking out of the INN, she stood by the sidewalk to wait on a cab. She was rather excited to see Han again. The way he presented as completely shy, was simply adorable, for whatever reason, she liked shy guys. Leigh had been the same way. and when he finally struck up a conversation with her as they waited for Ha-joon to return, she found that she actually enjoyed his company. She knew Han would be a lot harder to get to open up, because he seemed to have more courage with Jae by his side, but that was fine by Hana, she didn't mind being patient. If this should bloom into a decent friendship, then she had nothing to complain about. Besides, good friendships never started off great at first. Taking proper time to get to know someone, was how Hana did things anyways.
The cab driver seemed to be in a hurry, and frankly scared the shit out of Hana getting her to the park in one piece. "I shouldn't pay you a penny for that ride. You could have killed me!" she said in a dramatic tone, but handed him the money for the ride anyways, and sighed as he sped away. "Idiot" she grumbled to herself, but lit up a little when she saw Han on a bench, seemingly busy drawing a picture of something, lost in a world of his own. "Aren't you freezing?" she asked with a raised brow before sitting down beside him and stuffing her hands in her pockets. "If it gets too cold we can go get hot chocolate" she offered, figuring it would be a good way to start her day. Her shifts at the INN were usually long, because if Thaddeus wasn't there, she had no one to talk to besides the people renting rooms, and they rarely ever came out of their rooms. Often times, she had to wear earphones to block out the noise that came from the couples rooms.
"So the Spookfest. That happened" she giggled cutely, and offered him a faint smile. "It definitely didn't seem like your scene though". For Hana to be the outgoing one among the two of them, she had to admit, she felt shy as fuck all of a sudden and knew she'd struggle for a bit until they got to talking, or found something to do during their little hang out session. "Thanks for meeting me though. I didn't think I could convince you" she added, giggling softly as she tried to glance over to his book. "You like to draw?" she then asked curiously, finding it intriguing that he had a talent for it. As shy as he seemed though, it made sense. It didn't take any kind of social skills to be an artist, in fact, most of the artists she'd met were the quiet, stay to themselves type of people.
She imagined that Jae had been the spontaneous one of the two of them, and that it's the only reason he had even came to the spookfest. Hana pulled her phone out, and scrolled through the images she got of the spookfest, showing Han the screen with a smirk on her face as she finalyl came to the picture she managed to get of him and Jae. It had actually turned out to be adorable, Han was smiling at Jae, and Jae was looking out into the distance, almost posing without even realizing he was on camera. "I'll send it to you in a text" she stated, smiling faintly. "The two of you seem really close" she added, and crossed one leg over the other before looking out into the distance, analyzing the scenery and enjoying the beauty of the outdoors.
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"Don't worry about it" he dismissed gently, "who knows, maybe I could use a little bit of a kick around those parts." The only other person who would be this open and loud was Yeon, and that was only because Han allowed his company, which was a step for the Celestial considering his preferences for quiet places. Change didn't necessarily need to be bad, right? "Where did you go to for college? Here in Evermore University? Or somewhere else? Speaking of… I never found out if you've been here long too." Ir did occur to him he probably got himself dazed away when Jae was busy holding up a conversation with her. But now's the opportunity to get to know her. Was college something he wanted to do? He wasn't sure. "I guess so, I just really wanted to do what most people my age would" Wouldn't that be a something considering he was only 21 on his ID card and was supposed to be 18 in reality.
"I saw Jae's life as a university student and it looks quite hectic, I do love studying but I think I'm fine with working right now." It gives him a stable income anyway, that's what matters, the fact that Han would adapt to the working environment was just a big bonus. "Close is an understatement, he understands better than most people" Though it should be understandable since they were supposed to share one mind, it was still so surreal to the Celestial but it's given both some benefits along the way. He was chewing his bottom lip anxiously, it was as if he could almost taste the apprehension seeping in, it was definitely not something he could talk freely or share with Hana. That would probably only drag her more into trouble lane than anything. "Perhaps, one day you'll get to hear my story" It was a clear message; not now. Not yet. But not forever.
"Running away can be quite tedious. You probably have this sense to want to finish it all but don't risk it if you think it's gonna end up causing you to lose more than what you could gain. Sometimes it's just better to ignore it." Not the best advice given by him but then again, Han has never been good at those. He probably shouldn't be allowing such private visits but he always liked animals and he knows when to spot someone who does too. If he could help, then why not? "I'm glad I have my people to rely on. It's been awhile since I remembered how it was to be dependent. Being too independent doesn't feel good, you know." It makes you feel so lonely. "Animals remind me a lot of how I used to be. Especially strays. I guess that's why I took a liking to them, I used to only have this dog following me around for months."
Even when he was busy running away, he didn't forget to put the pup inside his bag. That was a bittersweet memory, he remembered it. When she expressed her enthusiasm in wanting to hear him play piano, he cleared his throat and rubbed the back of his head sheepishly, "Ha… yeah. Maybe someday." Evidently, Hanseol is a shy soul, it would take a lot of pushing to get him to even take a seat, much less play. His eyes widened slightly as he tried to avert his gaze elsewhere, this is so not his scene, "Uh… I mean everyone sings in their free time right? When you're in the bathroom? Or doing… your chores? Cooking, even?" Admittedly, that's when he usually sings. God, if only he had foundation, he'd use it to cover his blushing cheeks. He was quite literally like a deer caught up.
The doe-eyed male pondered for a brief moment, did he have a favorite song? "I really like balladic songs. Something that just soothes you right. But I also have a liking towards bands. It's hard to pick a favorite but if there was a genre, it'll be ballad." His eyes fell on the piano nearby and swallowed hard, "I'm not that good though? I only know… a few." He had his favorite classics too but if there was a sheet, he could do it. "Do… you want to sing?" He could give it a try, right? Service meant enlistment, but it took him a while to grasp the subject in hand, "You mean enlistment?" Shit. There wasn't a way around it without making it obvious, but the service didn't exist when he was around, he also never came back to Korea after that. "Well that would only work if my nationality is Korean, no? I'm American" he chuckled softly, thankfully that always solved it.
Han had a very gentle nature to him, so as he dismissed Hana's concern, she flashed a sheepish smile in his direction. She knew how loud, and maybe overly-confident she could be sometimes. But, those traits came naturally to her. She had never really adapted to a certain personality because of the people she hung out with. It was safe to say, Hana had always been who she is right now, with some very minor changes over the years. Her grin became a little brighter when Han said he could maybe use a few kicks around those parts of his personality "True, but it doesn't mean you need to change. I think you're doing just fine, and I think we all open up a little more with time when it comes to making new friends. I know I'm awfully chatty and curious for this being our first time hanging out, but there's still parts of me that's pretty damn shy" she giggled and felt heat beneath her pale cheeks as she blushed a little.
Hana nodded to his question and smiled "Indeed, it's been great getting to study in the US. But that didn't come without its consequences, I feel like I sold my soul to the devil just to make sure my brother and I got to move to the US and study here" she wanted to curse her father, but the damage had been done. She had a feeling more truth would be revealing its self soon anyways. "Ive been here for a while now, but it will never feel like long enough if that makes sense. I can't say that I haven't adapted, as much as I can't say I don't miss home" she shrugged a little. Hana would always feel conflicted and torn about whether she called this city her new home or not. "So, what do you feel like people your age should be doing?" Hana couldn't help but to be curious about that statement. Hana giggled softly when Han had said he'd seen Jae's life as a university student, and how hectic it looked "I can't say that I blame you there. On top of college, I also hold down a job at the haunted INN where we had the spook fest" she felt herself blushing again, trying to remember if she'd already told him that or not. "Forgive me if I repeat things. My memory don't always serve me well" she grinned playfully and shook her head amused.
"Fair enough" she smiled, but also made a hand gesture as to say she would dismiss those questions until he was ready to talk more about his personal life story. Besides, Hana knew she had the tendency of diving right in sometimes, and she also understood that not everyone could do that. When he spoke of not risking it, and losing more than she would gain, Hana really hung onto those words, and appreciated his comment and advice "You're not so bad at giving advice ya know. Thank you for that, because you're more than right. It wouldn't be worth the risk, if I ended up losing everything in the process of wanting to finish it all" she sighed softly, and felt that same nagging feeling every time she would think about how torn she'd been with her career path. But, if she was going to do anything right, it would be her listening to Han's advice, seeing as it was the best advice she'd been given so far. Everyone had always told her to just follow her heart, but that was insanely hard to do while half of her heart was with helping troubled teens, and the other half with fashion.
Hana had never truly thought about it before now, but now that Han had spoken of how lonely a very independent person could be, she guessed it was exactly what made her feel so lonely too. "It sounds like I should probably learn to lean on someone now and then. I guess I had never given it much thought, but hearing you say that, makes me realize that it's exactly why I do feel so lonely. I've never allowed anyone in, or anyone to help me. And as confident as I seem on the outside, I've closed so much away from myself that it sometimes hurts. But when you get a real taste of betrayal it;s so easy to build walls of reinforced steel around your heart. It's easy for me to make friends, and trust people as far as that goes, but to really let someone in. that's a different story" she explained briefly and had hoped she wasn't ranting too much.
Hana found herself frowning when Han compared himself to a stray dog, but she understood what he meant, and the point that he was getting at. "It definitely sounds like you've not had it the easiest in life, at least you're here though, and able to talk about some of it. I think dogs / animals relate to us and are much smarter than people give them credit for. I can see why you took a liking to them after having one follow you for so long though. That's pretty amazing to hear though. Maybe that dog just knew you needed someone" she smiled gently. "Someday it is Han. I'm holding you to it, because something tells me you play beautifully" and while she had no idea of his skills, it was just something about Han that made Hana think he could really let himself get lost in doing something such as playing a piano. She'd seen people play those before, and had heard how much it eased their pain, or whatever they were going through.
Without meaning too, Hana snorted. She could see the expression on his face change quite drastically, and she had to admit, he was pretty adorable when he blushed. "I'm sorry" she giggled cutely, and innocently. "But yeah, I suppose I sing everywhere when i'm alone. God knows how many times my brother has walked in to me trying to hit those high notes. It was quote amusing" she added and shook her head some as she reflected on that memory for a moment. When she noticed Han's gaze on the piano, she smiled over at him sheepishly, but her heart pounded away with excitement when he finally spoke out to say he only knew a few. Hana swallowed harshly, the same way Han had done when he eyed the piano, as he asked if she wanted to sing. "Sure. We will make the perfect duet!" she wasn't usually this bold, and it normally took a lot for her to get under a spot light and share with others, the talent people said she had with her voice. Singing had always just been hers, and something she'd done for fun minus the few talent shows she'd taken a spot in. Admittedly she'd always won first place for her singing, but she never imagined it was good enough to get on stage tonight and sing for these people in this café.
As Han spoke of how enlistment would only work like that if his nationality was Korea, but he was American, so she quickly dismissed that curiosity. "Fair enough" she smiled, before pulling her phone out, while giving Han a mischievous smirk. "Siri play a ballad piano / vocal duet song" she spoke to her phone, and it did just as she asked. When the song began, Hana turned her phone, so she could let Han hear to see if he could play it. "What about this?" she asked curiously, because she absolutely loved this song. Siri did good. Technology was scary, but she did enjoy the voice activated Siri, who did basically everything you asked her to do. (song link here) "So, what do you like most about America?" she asked curiously as she let the song play to it's finish.
Having never been a social person, meeting someone else outside of his usual close-knit friends' circle was something new. And maybe, he likes how it is. Hana didn’t seem like a bad person to get to know, and he was sure she had a good relationship with Jae too, which gives him a better feeling about all of this. Befriending a new person didn’t have to hurt. The two of them were the complete opposites, she was not as shy as him, she was a lot more outspoken compared to him and there were times when Han felt like he didn’t fit in but the caring nature of the human made her easy to like. “Not necessarily a change, just a boost. I could do my job a lot better when I’m not as shy too. I work in a space where I should be attentive to my clients and customers alike, so it’ll help” One or two kicks wouldn’t harm him. Nothing too drastic.
“Honestly, no offense, but I’ve never seen you be someone shy” Coming from a shy person like him, he wondered which parts of her were considered closed from the crowd. “How so?” he asked curiously, he understood that it was hard for people to move around and expect to adapt, but the way Hana phrased it was as if it literally cost her a leg to get here. “A part of us will always be homesick, I haven’t spent a long time at mine, I think I’ve been in America longer than that. But it makes sense why I’d spend most of my time here” Though he fell in Busan, he definitely spent most of his life here, comparatively. When she asked him what he thought people his age should be doing, he chuckled and shrugged, “Honestly? Something fun, I guess. I’m surprising out of touch with the time” That was pretty ironic. “I’ve never known the bliss of enjoying your teenage years or stepping into early adulthood and the likes…”
To work and study at the same time was hard, he knew how it was. “I can relate… I’m working on my term paper and working as a junior vet for my placement year too. It’s hectic.” Especially with the promotions around the corner, it made him anxious to pick whether he should take the offer to stay or branch out. He was thankful that she decided to give him time to think about talking about something so personal, it meant a lot to him. “Most lonely people don’t realize they’re lonely until it’s too late, I’m just glad it’s not too late for you” As it was for him, once upon a time ago. If he could help another, why not? “Don’t close yourself too much, some people are really just genuine to get to know you. Take me for example, I’m genuine to get to know you” And if the friendship works, he would’ve gained another good friend. It was basically a win-win situation.
“I learned better once I studied veterinary medicine, dogs are a gift to mankind. They can sense your emotions better than most people could. It’s why they make a good companion.” He was happy living with his two dogs and one rabbit. Life was fine. The idea of playing a piano in front of her one day made him blush, he’s never played them in front of anyone else. Jae only managed to get a few glimpses and even then, it didn’t last long because the Celestial noticed the dhampir was tuning in. Until it was perfected, Han wasn’t sure if he could play it. He is quite the perfectionist, after all. “I only ever sang my heart out during showers…” perhaps he’s tried to serenade Jae a few times but it wasn’t something usual. Oh, she meant singing together. Han could feel his palms getting all sweaty at the prospect of it. Singing in front of people, that’s about to be checked off the list and he didn’t even realize it until he was eyeing the stage.
The song that played out had the Celestial humming according to the same tune, it was a song most people knew. “Who wouldn’t know this song, it’s famous” he chuckled and before long, he was already hooked on it, “America’s one big country, to start with. You find a lot of new places in one country and it’s interesting.”
Hana did wonder a few times already if maybe this had been too much for a guy like Han, and it made a part of her feel bad. She knew what it was like stepping away from your comfort zone, sometimes.. it didn't help at all, but do more damage instead. With Han however, it was a little different, because his only issue was being shy, and Hana didn't see that as an issue in the first place. She found it cute in a way, and could only guess that Jae was someone that lifted Han up and motivated him to do things he normally wouldn't. "Yeah well, I wouldn't bother changing that much, I think you talk and open up as you need to. I'm sure you do fine with your clients, but if you think there's room to grow then by all means.." she definitely would mind thinking she could help in that by being here with him now, and kind of dragging him out of his comfort zone.
Hana giggled some at his observation about her. Maybe she did give off a vibe that indicated she didn't have one shy bone in her body. She understood why it puzzled Han a little. "In college, I barely spoke to anyone .. especially in the beginning and my first ever college party was a nightmare. I was the girl sitting all alone in the corner, almost trembling every time someone approached me. It was different back home, or easier I should say.. the friends I had back there, were people I grew up with, or grew up around, so to be honest, they felt more like family or something, and it didn't seem as challenging to talk to people like that, because you don't have to come away from your comfort zone to get to know them.." If you grow up with people, you know them from scratch.. it definitely takes out the element of surprise, and there's nothing you really don't know about the person. When Han asked how so, Hana figured this was a good opportunity to share something a little more personal with him.
"Perhaps I said that a little more dramatically than what it really is, but.. Ive always been the 'golden child' you could say.. tasked to keep all the secrets, carry all the weight, and all the responsibilities, and to keep my brother out of all of it. But, being a golden child has had it's down falls, like the fact that I could only move here to study if I agreed to marry a well-established, rich Korean male at a certain age. It was a deal my father made, it was the only way I could come to the US.. and at first, that wasn't a big price to pay I didn't think.. but ever since ive been here, something dark has been happening .. and I now believe both of my parents have been lying to my brother and I from day one. I feel like he's done something terrible and me and my brother are targest in this messed up game he's been playing.. but I also think my father may have chosen someone he wants me to marry.. and that someone, may just be one of the people he's had bad dealings with" oh it was such a mouthful, so many twists and turns and it almost made Hana feel crazy trying to explain it, and also made her feel bad for pouring all that on Han just now.
"My god, I really did just say all of that. I'm sorry" if he had second guessed being her friend at any point during this encounter, she could imagine it was now. "I got a bit carried away. Long story short. I definitely didn't know there would be consequences of making a deal with my father.. it turns out there's quite a few, and i'm still learning them all" she had hoped the last statement would make more sense at least.
When Han said a part of them would always be homesick, Hana nodded in agreement. "Yeah I think that's true.. no matter what happens in life, there's truly only one place you ever call home. I definitely miss mine sometimes.. but maybe vistis during the holidays and the summertime would help settle that feeling a little" she stated, before a question came to mind. "Do you ever get to visit your hometown?" she asked curiously before she found herself frowning when Han didn't really know what a person his age should be doing. "Well, i'm certainly no expert, but I can show you a few things" she shrugged some, because she wasn't really sure what he'd like if he did do something fun.. that didn't mean she didn't want to try though. Every person needed a moment in their life where they could just unwind and let go of all the seriousness.
It was nice to know someone related, Han seemed to know exactly how it was to study and work at the same time. "Yeah, it barely leaves you any room to breathe, let alone live a life, so I get why you don't do many things considered 'fun'" she said in response, sighing softly at the reality of being an adult. It was troublesome sometimes.
When Han had said that most lonely people didn't realize they were lonely until it was too late, she somehow had a feeling he was kind of referring to himself, but at least he was sitting here now talking to someone and taking the chance to get to know a complete stranger. Hana couldn't help but smile brightly when he had said he genuinely did want to get to know her. "I think you're the first person who's ever said that to me, it's really nice to hear. I genuinely want to know you too Han. So far I really like what I do know, the shyness and all" she stated a bit playfully, but she meant it nonetheless. Han may have been shy, but the more he spoke, the more sweet he became, and it became hard not to like him a lot already.
Hana interest in dogs definitely peeked when Han said they could sense your emotions better than most people could, which made sense, because it seemed that any time Hana felt distraught, before she'd gotten her own dog, Ha-joons dog ran up to her and cuddled into her. "I think that's amazing. I think animals aren't given half the credit that they deserve, and i'm definitely happy I finally got myself a dog. She's the best" Hana had wanted a dog since she'd met Mickey (Ha-joon's dog) but had barely found the time to actually get one and then take care of it until recently.
Hana could see just how nervous Han had become at the idea of playing the piano in front of her, so she would of course not press him to do so until he was actually ready, if ever. She'd enjoy him either way. She chuckled then as he said he'd only ever sanf his heart out during showers, much like herself. "I do that too, Ha-joon often taps on the wall, or the door, whatever he can to tell me im being too loud" she chuckled, blushing slightly but found it funny that Han done it too. Hana chuckled at his comment "yeah, I guess you make a fair point.. it's pretty famous indeed, but it's such a good one. Do you like all genre's of music, or are you pretty picky?" she then asked, knowing she herself, liked a little bit of everything so far.. and was always willing to try new stuff. Hana smiled and just listened to him hum for a moment, finding that even if it was just a hum, Han seemed like he'd have a nice singing voice.
"Yeah same here I guess. It is fascinating that you never really seem to run out of places to go in America" she chuckled some, and it was a huge difference from home. When you live in Korea, you eventually learn every single corner in the country, but the possibilities here never seemed to end. The song had ended, and Hana made a gesture for Han to pick a song himself. "Let's see what you listen to" she gave a challenging grin and handed him her phone. "Did you imagine that this was how your evening would be when you figured out you would be hanging out with me?" she asked with a cheeky grin adorning her features. Hana often found herself doing things that hadn't even been planned seconds before it happened, so people often got more surprised by their evenings with her than anything. She was definitely wide open and adventurous about things. The sky was normally the limit when she wanted to have a fun evening with someone, especially a new friend.
"So, what do you think your biggest fear is?" she figured she'd finish off with a question while she waited to see what he'd pick for a song. She definitely did hope they'd hit the stage with some karaoke though.
A part of him was grateful to find another friend, because it wasn’t easy for him to befriend another, despite being approachable. A shy guy will always remain shy for as long as he feels like it and for Han, only a few could bring him out of his shell. “I talk occasionally, it’s not that I can’t. But it’s mostly because I would prefer being silent and quiet." Preferences set aside, Han can be an outspoken person when he wants to be. Unfortunately, he didn't really showcase any of that as much because he feared everyone else would be onto him so fast without giving him so much as a chance to be comfortable with the area first. Paranoia is a big issue for a Celestial like him. "College sounded fun from what I've heard, very stressful but nonetheless, it's where you find yourself growing and learning more about yourself." He never had the chance to actually be a college student, but Jae is one and since they lived together, he could see the antics the dhampir had when it comes to his education.
He's a student but since he was privately funded by his benefactor in his vet school, things were slightly different. The environment wasn't like your normal colleges. "You really didn't seem like the girl who would keep to herself at parties, no offense, of course. I meant that in a good way" he murmured, Hana had that approachable aura to her and he would see it as a positive thing. Being too intimidated would be very off-putting. "Would you go ahead with it? What your father wants, I mean. No matter what he has done?" He couldn't put himself in her shoes because he didn't really have any leading figure in his current life aside from Ophelia, who was also leading everyone in their faction. Han would've felt alone if he didn't have the people he has now. "Your life sounds like one of those plots I would see on a Netflix drama. It must be very stressful and hectic to keep such expectations on yourself." He believed every single word because Hana had no reason to lie and honestly, Han was comfortable to hear that she thought he was trustworthy enough for her to spill like this.
"Don't worry about it" he assured gently, "if you think I'm comfortable enough for you to talk your worries away, be my guest" he offered politely, he was always more of a listener than a talker anyway. "I don't know enough to put my own judgement to this but if your father loves you then he would want the best for you, not the opposite." When she asked whether he visited his hometown, Han found himself chuckling nervously, where is his hometown, actually? Did he even have one? The closest place he would say that one would be Busan, the place he fell at over 90 years ago. That felt so long ago. "Only a few times. My schedule wouldn't allow me as much, unfortunately. But it didn't really matter, I guess, since I didn't have anyone else left to even contact." That wasn't a lie, both his adoptive parents were no longer in this world, his father would've died from old age and his mother already died shortly before his departure. They didn't have any children aside from him, the person they saved and cared for a few months.
"I'm mostly working than I am studying, which is the opposite of Jae, but my work are mostly consisted of the things I have to learn anyway so it actually helps. Every morning when I have to sort the samples at the storage room, I will end up memorising the codes and diluted mixture of every liquid used for animal vaccination too. I barely have time for fun, it works like an all around the clock work. But I do tend to play bowling over the weekends. And on Friday evenings because I get off work early on Fridays." He had a sheepish grin on his face when she said she wished to get to know him even better, "I would like that too, Hana. You're a good person, that much I know of." Han isn't thoroughly naive, despite his appearances and how he acts, he is someone who knows that the world can be a twisted place for some people, a cruel space for people like him. He has been there. More times than he could possibly count. "Well, you know what they say about dogs, a man's best friend, no?" That's why he has two of them at home that he could call his own.
"Sometimes, it's best to just let the ones who couldn't speak coherent sentences or words to comfort you. One of my dogs is a Siberian Husky so you can imagine how loud her whines can get. A very dramatic breed." It doesn't help that Byul is also a female and didn't need to share Han until very recently. She even took some time to even open up to Jae. "I haven't disliked any genre of music just yet so I guess I'll swing with most." He didn't think as an artist, he should be criticising that much, even though the musical field is not something he does, he appreciates all forms of art. "Not exactly but I'll tell you that I am enjoying it so far so you may have to keep this up" he jested teasingly. "Being alone forever" he exclaimed softly, "It's like you're stuck in an endless abyss and nobody is there to help you out. Not even a voice." When she handed him the phone, Han cleared his throat before scrolling down to a certain song he favored, 10,000 hours by Dan & Shay featuring Justin Bieber.
Although she was only just now getting to know Han, he was pretty interesting already.. and different. But in the world she knew of, different was a good thing. He reminded her a lot of her own self.. when she had first began college, Hana didn't speak to anyone and found it hard to befriend others.. but months into it she'd found a passion for fashion, and opening up to people about that, seemed fairly easy. And she supposed it was because she knew everything she needed to know about fashion.. so it wasn't hard to start a conversation about it, and keep it going. Hana glanced over towards Han fromthe corner of her eye, listening intently.. finding it easy to relate to some of the things he said. "Well I guess if it's about what we prefer, then i'm with you.. I definitely prefer the silence, and being alone.. over being in a noisy, crowded area.. crowded places definitely aren't good for me right now" the petite human frowned at her own statement, knowing just how shitty her situation was.
Hana smiled however, when Han mentioned that college sounded fun. "For me it's been a whirlwind of emotions, butit's been the best thing in my life besides my brother.. Collage is rough, and it's certainly not without it's hardships but It's truly where I think I figured out what type of girl I am" she expressed happily. Finding oneself could be a hard thing.. and Hana still felt that she had a ways to go, because she didn't really know what she wanted as far as a relationship.. but collage had given her a small idea of who she was personally. Hana giggled slightly when Han said she didn't seem like the girl to sit by herself at parties "no offense taken, It's definitely a compliment to seem like a wild-child, or a free spirit who likes to mingle I guess" or at least she assumed that was Han's impression of her, and rightfully so, with how she hung around him and Jae at the Halloween fest. "But I guess I'm that way when I'm at a big party where I don't know many people. Especially now." she dropped her gaze as well as her head. It sucked that the ordeal with her parents and the Triad, had literally began defining every aspect of her life. Han's next question boggled her mind slightly, and made her think. This was what she liked about Han though, it was refreshing to be around someone who challenges your mind a little. "My life definitely is hectic, but it's got it's rewarding moments.. Meeting new friends has been one of the better things in my life" she smiled slightly, referring to Han himself. So far she really enjoyed talking to him and just being in his presence.
"But as for my father.. Ive been given time to think, and I really think i'm just going to live the life I dream of instead of the one he demands .. and deal with the consequences of that.. because there will be consequences" she shook her head sadly. Unfortunately, Hana felt that she was already dealing with said consequences. The only thing that bothered her was that consequences usually came from making a bad decision, and she had literally done nothing to provoke her father.. yet. She couldn't help but chuckle though "I wouldn't be surprised if my life's story wasn't on Netflix honestly" she grinned playfully and shook her head. It was nice that she could make light of the moment at least. Hana smiled at Han's comment, when he told her not to worry about it, and to continue if she was comfortable enough with him. Han definitely did seem like he had a selfless nature about him. "Well, it's definitely not everyday that I come by someone i'm even comfortable enough with to talk to about the darker parts of my world, so thank you for listening.. " she expressed appreciatively. Not many people tolerated a person venting as much as Hana did sometimes. She often got a little lost when the opportunity to let it all out, presented itself. "Same applies though.. although I see you're more of a listener, but I'm a decent listener sometimes.. if you ever need an ear" she added, smiling genuinely.
Hana frowned a little when Han explained he'd only visited his hometown a few times, and that it didn't matter because he had no one left, in other words. Hana sighed to herself.. because while her father had been such an overbearing prick, she at least still had family. She had no idea what it was like to have no one. Han seemed to know what he was doing when it came to his job,and Hana admired how he talked about it.. he made it sound fun to learn. The petite human arched a brow at the realization he liked to bowl. "Love learning new things" she grinned playfully.."But seriously, that sounds like a lot of fun. Ive never been bowling..i'm afraid the ball would pull me down" she giggled playfully, but wouldn't it? She was pretty tiny and imagined those bowling balls weighed more than she could handle.
Hana's smile just now could have probably lit up the darkest room when Han said he'd like that too, and proceeded to tell her she was a good person."Thanks Han.. It's not often I get to sit around and act normal like this.. you've definitely made me feel more human than I have in a while. You seem like an amazing person too.. Jae is lucky, and so are you" she smiled genuinely. Hana had also met and hung out with Jae, and they both seemed like really great people, she admired their relationship. Hana nodded, "They do say that.. I'm certainly an animal lover.. and I guess it's been proved many times that a dog is a man's best friend. It's sad that people are cruel to animals .. and it's even sadder that its such a normal thing in this world." she huffed slightly, because it was true..animal cruelty happened all over the place.From psychical abuse, to neglect and starvation, most animals never stood a chance unless they ended up with someone like Han, or even Hana herself.
Hana's eyes twinkled a little against the lights above them, and her smile brightened even more when he said he had a Husky. "That's actually one of my favorite breeds.. they're beautiful, but ive heard so many mixed things about them.. from the fact that they're not as smart as most other animals, they're lazy, the list is huge.. but I think those kinds of opinions come from people who know nothing. A dog only grows up to act the way it was raised. So if a dog is dumb or lazy it's because the owner let it get that that.. I don't think they're born that way though.. just like people who assume pit bulls are mean.. I really don't think they're born mean" she frowned a little, because it really got to her sometimes that people didn't seem to use their brains to speak before saying something they usually knew nothing about.
"I certainly plan to keep this up. Its a relief to know you're enjoying it though.. I didn't think you would honestly.. hell, I wasn't sure we'd ever even hang out. But, thanks for proving me wrong.. Ive without a doubt had a blast just talking to you and getting to know you" she smiled a little before clearing her throat. Han's fear was one she could relate to.. "Being absolutely alone like that.. ugh" she shuddered a little and began swaying to the song he had just picked. "Nice choice" she grinned playfully and began humming along to the words. "So, who's the more protective one between you and Jae?" Hana felt like that should have been a no brainer, but .. the fact that Han was mostly the quiet one,kinda made her wonder if he may of been the more protective one. You never really can judge a book by it's cover though.. you'll end up surprised.
Overcoming the shyness wasn't going to be easy, Han knew that, in fact, he was well aware of what he would be risking if he didn't get better from that department. However, the Celestial wanted to be an approachable person to everyone else, he didn't want others to look at him and feel as if they had to avoid him or do anything to make sure he's the one being comfortable regardless of what they felt in return. This was a good step for him to start, meeting someone new, someone who wasn't Jae or his fellow Celestials. "It doesn't help that I have had a few… panic attacks when I'm in crowded places too long. The anxiety kicks in and I'm already claustrophobic so that won't bode well, for sure" he chuckled, telling her something that makes him vulnerable was probably the biggest sure sign that Hanseol was giving his trust to her. Why else would he tell this detail to someone he barely knew if not to do that? "What type of girl are you?" he asked curiously, he wondered what she meant by that, "What does that mean?"
Compared to Hana, Han had a more demure personality who keeps to himself at any gathering, lest that he was accompanied by someone he was familiar with, in which case only Jae and Yeon came to mind considering he wasn't yet comfortable with others. "I guess having a busy and hectic life is a lot better than to have a dull and boring one, right?" He could understand where she came from, Han was slowly trying to get into that too. "Everything we do has consequences, Hana" he mumbled softly and spared her a small smile as an attempt to reassure the human to the best of his ability, hoping she would be able to feel the sincerity lacing his voice, "but you're the only one who could make a change within yourself. You can't always choose the safe option every single time." If he had chosen that route, the fallen star knew he would never be where he is now, from terms of living arrangements to work and lifestyle.
Because of this, he was beyond grateful for the things he has achieved throughout the time. He grinned sheepishly and shrugged, "I'm a good listener." When she said she was also a decent listener, he cleared his throat and offered her a genuine look in return, "I'll be sure to remember that." Who knows? Maybe one day. "Most people don't bother to try out bowling because they are afraid of that same thing" he pointed out wryly, initially he had wondered if be was even strong enough to wield the ball for hours on his end, and that was him who frequently exercised, much less petite individuals such as Hana. "But they have multiple sizes so don't worry, it's not heavy at all until you choose the heavy one." He agreed that most never seemed to receive what they deserved, "That's the cruel reality of the world… it's beautiful but it's also bittersweet." Beautiful out there yet morbid inside.
"My husky, Byul, she's the first ever dog I have ever owned officially. A dkg once saved me when I was in a really tight spot so I guess you could say I developed an attachment to them, especially huskies in general." He could still recall the old female dog protecting him and keeping him warm during those cold nights when he didn't even have a blanket to cover him. That's his reality when he was busy running from hunters. It really did feel that long ago. When asked who's the more protective our of the two of them, Han blushed slightly and chewed his bottom lip while pondering, "Both of us could fit the bill but Jae is pretty protective." And that was saying something. "I am quite protective too so it's hard to measure it. I think overall you can say I'm more protective because my boyfriend is the reckless one." It made sense.
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