It was chilly that afternoon and the evening had to turn out the same. The library was already near closing. Clara looked up to the clock as she stood behind the big desk, 9:43, she had till 10:00 before they closed but her eyes were already trying to close as well. She tried focusing back on the book that she was reading. It was about a girl who was being hunted for reasons still unknown to her and the main character. Clara closed the book with a heavy sigh it had been a long day. She had woken up with the sun shining in her face only to have it disappear hours later for a heavy rain shower to fall, A least my flowers are watered now, she thought. But the positivity of the situation ended there, she had forgotten her umbrella at home and was most certainly getting wet, either from the sky of the puddles she would step in, should've worn boots she thought. But then again she didn't control the weather. 

She wasn't in a bad mood though, if she were home the weather would have been no problem it's just that being outside in the evening chill would have been better with a coat. She took a deep breath and looked around at the shelves, nobody had come in for a half hour already and that didn't bother her, though a few patrons still roamed the halls of the library she knew the latecomers well, they arrived early and stayed late all for various reasons, Mr. Jenkins was older and lonely, so he liked to read, came in almost every day, on the other hand, you had Lucy Preston, a teenage girl who found escape in the pages in front of her, not that Clara could blame her, sometimes you need to escape the real world.

Clara decided to go for a walk around see if anything needed cleaning up, so she stood up off her stool, unruffled her grey pencil skirt, pulled her sweater tighter around her and marched off to roam the halls. 

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The microwave beeped as the two minutes she'd placed expired and rewarded her with a warm mug to wrap her hands around. Mavi was usually much more of a coffee drinker than a tea person, but on occasion a sweet berry and lavender was a good way to relax before bed. She'd always been a night owl and her late night habits were prone to making her sluggish as the sun rose in the sky. She'd often be reluctant to greet the day until noon rolled around. Jonah had changed that. Mavi's daughter was certainly a morning person, who woke up with a smile on her face each and everyday. To tell the truth, Mavi wasn't quite so sure how she'd gotten so lucky to have a sunshine child. Perhaps, it was locked somewhere in Noah's DNA. As the question of her singleness popped up, she wasn't either surprised or offended. At first, it had been difficult to adjust to the question, but after five years, it was familiar and no longer bore the aura that it once had. Mavi nodded and took a seat the table, snuggling further into the turtle neck that she'd worn that day. Jonah always called them giraffe-necks. "I am a single mother, although, I co-parent with her Dad. We usually go every two weeks, although, right now she's living with him while I work on this story. They're coming to visit for Christmas and I can't wait." It had been a long time without a hug from her little girl. "Things with Noah are good. We're still friends and we share a treasure. So, it's important to us that it stays that way. For her." 

Clara tugged at her sleeves, the library had gotten surprisingly chilly in the time they had been sitting here, the candles sit lit on the table seemed to be the only heat. The librarian always turned off the heat before leaving, and Clara had turned it off before she had begun searching the many shelves and bookcases. "If you don't mind me asking, what broke you two up? If it's too personal don't bother answering," she smiled at the woman.

Clara stood up from her chair and went over to grab another tea, she had learned she could drink tea as fast as she could make it. Bringing her mug over she brought it to the kettle, the hot water, a little colder than before, she turned it on. "You sound like you miss your daughter a lot, what do you two usually do when she's with you?" Clara asked filling the room with easy chatter. The kettle started to boil soon after, and she poured it into her cup, the new tea bag, inside. Walking back over to the table Clara listened as Mavi spoke.

Mavi didn't really mind personal questions that much. As a reporter, she was used to asking them, so she'd also had to practice building up a tolerance to honesty. It had taken a few years, but by now they often didn't bother her. Her history with Caden was complicated, but she still enjoyed him and especially the daughter that they shared. When Mavi thought back on what had broken them up, it seemed fuzzy and complicated. "Family." She knit her brows; trying to put into words how much Caden's parents had wanted him to marry someone truly of good birthing was hard. She'd been adopted and while her standards and her class may have been more open minded than her new parents, she was fairly certain it was something else that had persuaded his parents to dislike her. Perhaps, it had nothing to do with her in the first place. "And general stubbornness. I was an orphan and a foster kid. I lived in twelve homes before I was sixteen. It made me outspoken and certain people in his family didn't appreciate that. He had a fiance when we met and the fact that we were friends and she disliked me didn't help. My family was lovely and Noah and I still care about one another very deeply, but I'm afraid his parents could never get over their prejudice. After I had Jo and kept her away from them for the better part of a year, they almost cemented me as someone I wasn't. I don't know if the two of us will ever...make it, but I do know he's a good dad. Whenever we're all together we go to the zoo to watch ducks and blow bubbles." 

Mavi smiled. She'd always been independent and appreciated that Noah didn't mind her following a good story and that they'd never needed a formal custody agreement, despite the push for one from both their families. "I trust him and sometimes I hope that will be enough to fix things." 

Mavi shrugged and accepted the offer of more tea. "What about you? Is there anyone special in your life?"

Clara listened to Mavi as she told her story, Clara understood what it was like for people to dislike somebody for no apparent reason, the sick feeling of disgust crept over her as it always did when she thought of the man her mother had gotten remarried to after her father died, his reasons hadn't been clear either. 
"That sounds hard, do you ever think you two might work it all out and get back together?" Clara's curiosity seemed to be stronger than her manners. "Again, you don't have to answer if you don't want too," 

Clara took a sip of the warm almost hot tea and with the first swig she knew right away she should have waited a bit longer before drinking, she set her cup down. "That sounds fun, I'm also a huge fan of bubbles, nothing seems to be more magical.
At Mavi's next question Clara almost spit out her tea. "Me, a special someone," she let out a short laugh. "I wish, but so far life has had other plans for me, I've got my books, some good friends, I'm thinking a cat might be nice to add to the aesthetic I seem to be leaning my life towards, but I feel if I go down that path I might not come out, I've always wanted love in my life, and my bigger secret, a baby, so if you got any single guy friends please feel free to send them my way," Clara said. "I hope that didn't sound too pathetic, I'm not miserable, I just feel like I might be missing something,"
With the conversation on her romantic life, Clara thought it might be time for a less depressing conversation. "Have you seen much of the city so far?" she asked.

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