After living in Evermore for two years, Caleb could finally find his way home in the dark, which was useful seeing as he often left his studio at in the early hours of the morning, just before morning arrived in the sky. The city crossed a hub between tranquility and turbulence around 4 am. It was only in those wee hours that many creatures cared to come out of the shadows, both human and other alike. He'd learned from Giselle how to keep himself safe, but there were also others around the city who helped clean the streets of the worst crime. Many of them wore masks to protect their identity in day-to-day life and despite his gratitude for their help in keeping the human sector of Evermore free of rogue werewolves and disingenuous valkyrie, Caleb never expected to meet one face to face.There seemed to be some honor bound code between these masked individuals and citizens like himself. It kept them anonymous and him at arms length from any danger.
He had never been the type to rush head first into a fight without thinking, especially considering that by trade he was a painter, certainly not a soldier. His job was to help recreate the light and beauty that teetered on edge during the night in the city.
Only two weeks ago, during an evening seminar on the development of art in the community where he was speaking, a band of armed robbers had blasted down the front doors of city hall, demanding that everyone give up their valuables.
The ones he carried weren't obvious: a silver ring with twisted diamonds and rubies, which had belonged to his mother, now hung from a chain around his neck.However, the raiders were clearly professional and had an eye for detail. The light reflecting just so off the silver chain on his neck reflected in the visors that protected the captain's eyes.
Under the point of a gun, he'd refused to hand it over.
Perhaps, Caleb was a fool. Standing still at 4:05 in front of City Hall and feeling the absence of the stolen jewelry felt foolish. He should be in bed, at home, asleep.
It was just a ring, wasn't it? The emotion attached to the small physical object was only temporary.
Relationships, despite as he knew they ended, didn't seem like they should be temporary to him. It was hard enough to see the good in everyday life. When certain people brought it back, shouldn't they stay?
Sounds of a ruckus in the back alley drew him away from his thoughts. He would never be out on the front line, but neither would he be able to hesitate when it came to helping someone else who was -- like the Scarlett Archer. She was easy to recognise, in costume, at least, and it helped that it hadn't been Caleb's first encounter. The light from a nearby street lamp just barely illuminated two figures making an exchange. One was tiny and clothed in red and the other was tall, muscular, and wore black down to the ski mask. Every instinct told Caleb to walk, as quickly as he could, home; yet, curiosity beckoned him closer to hear what was being said. However, no words were exchanged before the large man took the slim figure of the younger woman by the throat, pulled her an arrow from her own quiver, and stuck it firmly against her chest.
The threat was obvious even to him, but unarmed, he could do nothing. Caleb could only watch as the giant of a man dropped the masked stranger into the street, and snapped her arm in two in a single crack. As he left, the alley's former darkness dissipated into the normal shadow of night.
The young woman wasn't moving.
Careful that he wasn't seen, Caleb picked up her and carried her back to his apartment a block away. The least he could do was make sure she made it through until morning.

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She chuckled under her breath when he expressed his lack of audience for his humor “Watching from a distance is always interesting, seeing the way people are around one another, people-watching is one of my favorite things to do” it was fun to see how the hustle and bustle just went by around you made you realize how different everyone’s lives were. She raised her brows for a moment out of curiously as she glanced over at him, he seemed pretty quiet and reserved for the most part which did make her wonder what his form of humor even was “Well, by all means, test a joke out on me” she commented with a somewhat wry smile on her lips, though she might not seem like it to most, she did see a lot of humor in the world.

“True” she responded when he said that family wasn’t necessarily those you were related to by blood “Though if there is a real family out there for me, I think I’m yet to meet them” and perhaps she was a little tired of waiting for them. She did feel lonely sometimes but that was now a reality she just accepted, she was used to things just being her and her alone now, to the point where if someone came along she did wonder if that would feel strange for her. “It must be nice to have people you feel like you can just….reach out to whenever you want to” the work she did and the life she led didn’t really leave her with that luxury, she had to question and doubt everyone she met as a form of self-preservation.

Naturally, she reached up to touch her fingers softly against the leather mask she was wearing while she thought about it, it was evident to her now that she didn’t have anyone she could truly trust. No one knew her secret, it was something she buried deep down and pretended like it didn’t exist when it came to everyone she knew. Two lives. Two selves. Ones she didn’t really want to connect together, nor did she think anyone could handle knowing the truth “I do hope that one day I know what it feels like” she spoke the words softly, as though it was some kind of secret to admit.

Caleb didn't really have any secrets. For the most part, if someone asked him something, he was an open book. He didn't bring up his life or his past in conversation unless it was approached, but he never tried to hide it from anyone, either. He liked his privacy and certainly understood why Scarlet needed hers. It was a safety hazard to have the people she rescued know who she was and where she lived and even more so for the people she hunted down. Caleb had certainly come into his own little group in last while and part of that was realizing that he'd never find people who were exactly like him. There was no one out there who shared the exact same opinions or interests, but it had been some of the people he found that he disagreed with the most who had taught him things. People weren't made of cookie cutters and he liked that. Sometimes it made him wonder if he'd missed his calling as a teacher, how much he enjoyed helping others understand the world in all of it's complexity. "I count myself very lucky to have people who have my back," Caleb nodded. "I think more people than I realize don't have even one person who they can talk about their happy things with, let alone the harder ones." 

He rubbed his hands together over the fireplace, seeking the warmth. It was starting to get a bit chilly. "We might have just met and I know that I can't ever know who you are for real, but anytime, even after you're can always come here." 

He shrugged. "I'm pretty good at keeping secrets because I am not always the biggest..." He struggled to find the word. "fan of talking."

Her gaze lifted to glance over at him as she listened to the way he expressed his gratitude for having people he could fall back on, she could feel a sense of sincerity in his voice which told her that he really did believe that “I guess you could say it’s a pretty lonely world huh?” she commented it in a blunt tone, pressing her lips together because while she now thought about it she realized that a lot of her separation from others was probably her own doing, she was the one who put distance between herself and people around her, she told herself it was for their own safety and wellbeing but perhaps there was more to it than that. Perhaps it was her own self she was protecting, because she knew all too well how much it hurt when people walked out of your life.

She scooted a little closer to the fire, leaning over it just a little so that she could feel its warmth against her face, she was watching the flames and the way they danced over the coals when she heard his words. She felt a slight pang in her chest because she was so surprised by what he offered, honestly she was so used to seeing the worst of people that when the best showed she really was taken aback by it “You’re really kind, you know that right?” most people would have left her to bleed out in that alley and yet he hadn’t and that simple action made her feel like maybe she could trust him “Maybe I’s…” she couldn’t quite place the word for a moment but the continued “Peaceful, here” yes, that felt like the right way to describe it.

She chuckled under her breath when he said he wasn’t a big fan of talking “Yeah me neither” she responded bluntly and shrugged “People don’t tend to like what I have to say, because I tend to go straight to the point” maybe times she had been told she was abrasive or hard to approach and they were probably right.

"Being honest isn't a bad thing," Caleb said slowly. "I think people dislike hearing the truth about almost everything because they're so used to telling themselves something else. People are raised on the idea that lying or covering up the truth of our lives makes us more polite and happier people..." He bit his lip, toying with what to say next, before he did. "But I disagree. I don't think we owe anyone the truth, not outright, unless they know us and are personally related to the situation, but I do think...perhaps, the truth being uncomfortable for most only highlights why it's necessary. To be able to speak freely is a privilege, yes?" 

Caleb knit his hands together, watching the flames dance back and forth between his eyes. "I think people forget how quickly that can be taken away." He crossed his legs, looking momentarily up at the dark outline of the trees in the yard. "Even me."

He always appreciated people that he could talk to, but there weren't very many people that he actively shared everything with, no matter the topic. Being truthful required vulnerability and only recently had he been willing to put that out for people to access. Often it was impossible to gauge how someone would react to your words, so it could be easier to just say nothing. Still, he appreciated her sentiment about his kindness. He certainly tried everyday to keep looking at the world as good, even when it had disappointed him. Sometimes circumstances were not easy to control, but he had found that most the time he could change the way he felt about them. No one liked feeling helpless, or alone, and for Caleb helping others helped lift his own despair. He didn't always get to see the proof that he'd done the right thing, but in speaking with Scarlett, it was clear that he had. There were so few who dared to fight against broken regime's and he was happy to aid someone who did. "Thank you." The young man said slowly. "I just like to do my part in making whatever today is just a little better. It isn't easy to get on in this world, but if I can help someone else, it always seems to help me too." 

She nodded slightly, there shouldn’t be anything wrong with being honest but yet there seemed to be a certain expectation in society not to cross certain lines, even if it was the truth “That’s how I see it too” she agreed with a nod of her head “It’s easier to sugarcoat the world and pretend like everything is okay, to always say the thing which won’t hurt or upset someone but” he pressed her lips together in thought before she spoke again “Sometimes what people need to hear is that the world around them isn’t okay, that the choices they make do hurt others” she sighed slightly “How are things ever supposed to get better if we just keep telling everyone it’s fine” that was why she tried to stand up for what she believed in, to fight for justice for those who the authorities wouldn’t.

You could say she was pretty passionate about the topic, she had always been quite direct and at times harsh but she never said something without thought for the meaning “The world is fragile and sometimes we feel invincible for a while” she glanced down at her arm still aching from where it had broken “But we are not invincible” it was a bitter reminded but maybe it was one she needed, to ground her and make her think about the choices she made.

She gave an easygoing smile when he thanked her for her compliment “Don’t lose that” she added, she wasn’t usually the type of person who complimented others because she didn’t really believe in flattery but this was her way of showing thanks for him for taking care of her, he didn’t need to do this and frankly, if he was sensible he wouldn’t have. What she did was very much against the law and by letting her come here, by protecting her identity he was also putting himself on the wrong side of the law and she wouldn’t downplay the meaning of that “Many people only see themselves in this city, it’s rare to find someone who...sees more than that” she offered a slight smile “Do you think this city is worth fighting for?” she was interested to know his perspective.

Caleb struggled when people weren't upfront with him. It was nice sometimes to hear the easier things, sure, but when someone was dying or life was changing, sometimes that wasn't okay. Sometimes, all you wanted was a phone call of notice before everyone was staring at you in a bar because you'd only found out about someone's death the same moment they had. Sometimes, the most courteous thing you do for someone was tell them the truth. Telling people the truth was a kindness and not a weakness. It still made him angry that the police and the reporters had no decency to give him prior warning, or even a phone call, about Ava's death before it was on the news. They might not have been married, but he was her emergency number and once upon a time that had meant something. Perhaps, it was why he felt respect for Nora. She was doing something that ordinary people, ordinary police, didn't or wouldn't. It was something required putting yourself out on a line for others. Most people weren't willing to deal with someone else's emotions, let alone the fall out from their own bad choices. He was well aware that he could have brought down the law over what had happened, but it had been easier to just escape it. "It's never okay to hide important things from people who deserve to hear them." 

He crossed his arms over his chest, struggling with the frustration that had bubbled inside him long after the deep pain had begun to lift. Caleb rubbed his fingers over his temples. He was good at throwing other things at his anger: like running, like drawing, like hitting pillows. It wasn't easy to stay calm when it was something that incited a lot of his past. "I don't know why some people feel like they are choosing mercy by hiding behind a lie...or by never saying anything, but think people don't want to be responsible for someone else hitting rock bottom." He said, finally. "For giving someone else their worse day. I think for that reason it's easier to lie." 

If a stranger still believed that he had kindness to give, it was much easier for him to let painful grievances go. It was interesting why some wounds stayed open and others closed up over time, but perhaps that was just how people got through the day, by navigating around their own tunnels of broken bridges. "It's easier to think about helping someone else than it is to think about myself..."

He smiled weakly. "I have obsessive tendencies. If I don't watch too carefully, I could get lost in my own brain for days and people might never hear from me."

The truth was that Caleb hadn't seen a lot of the darkness in Evermore, not yet. He'd read the newspaper and tried to stay out of conflict, but there had always been a sense of something brewing over people's heads. It wasn't spoken about and Caleb assumed that it was one of those greater forces that Ery talked about which he'd found lingering only moments before he brought Scarlet back to his home. There was danger and by being a good Samaritan, he'd thrown himself in the way; but if this young woman could save more people or stop more injustice because he'd introduced himself to the dark, surely it was worth it. He had a lot of sleepless nights as it was and somehow there were still always stars. "I think every place has good." Caleb sighed. "It's just that instead of thinking about it or trying to create more, most people just exist. Get through the day. Work, eat, sleep."

He chuckled. "I'm not very good at two of those things, so I guess I have extra time on my hands to notice what's going on."

Nora nodded slightly “People think they’re protecting others but all they’re really doing is delaying the pain, the truth comes out eventually” she nodded slightly as she glanced over at him and gave him a slight smile “Especially when it affects that person’s life” her parents had kept their secret drug dealings for a long time and now she was living with the consequences of their mistakes. Finding out that secret had shattered her entire world and every ideal she had ever held when it came to the people that raised her, it left a bitter taste in her mouth.

“I think a lot of people are afraid of the truth, afraid it will change what other people think about them” she admitted and shrugged her shoulders slightly, perhaps her parents were right to hide their dealings from her because the moment she found out she had done the right thing and turned them in. Then again, this topic was certainly an outlier given everything they had done was so far from morally correct, what was adding a few lies to the list after that. “I guess people are selfish that way, their pride matters more than their care for others” she pressed her lips together thoughtfully.

She watched him, it was clear that he was humble and she appreciated that, she couldn’t stand people that were so much about themselves that they didn’t notice others around them, she was sure there was a balance between the two you were supposed to find but most people leaned one way or the other “Story of my life” she responded and laughed shaking her head slightly “Maybe if I could take my own advice I’d have more friends” she commented as she leaned her chin against her knees, which she had curled up to her chest.

She cracked a smile and chuckled softly as he explained how he tended to get lost in his own self, she wasn’t so much like that, Nora liked her alone time but she also got up every day and went to work with many people. It was kinda like there were two sides to her which she supposed made her an ambivert of sorts, she liked to be alone but she also actually enjoyed being around people and sharing the expertise and knowledge “I guess I’m the opposite, I worry that if I disappear for a while that people won’t know how to continue without me there” a different kind of obsessive.

His perspective was interesting, how he thought there was good in every place but that most didn’t try to put good back into the world, she resonated with those thoughts and she saw many people who took from the world without giving much back “People are selfish then” she commented with a nod of her head “I can keep fighting to right as many wrongs as I can, but there’s not much I can do about human nature” unfortunately, she really did wish the things she did would have some meaningful impact on this city.

The debate on where humanity’s selfish nature was a philosophical debate for another day. Many would say sin, others would say nature, yet others would say pain. Caleb wasn’t sure. Pain was certainly the greatest equalizer in life, yet he could never say that it excused someone for making cruel or stupid decisions. He sighed wryly, rubbing his eyes as the fire began to smoke out. “I don’t think anyone takes their own advice as much as they give it. It requires an awful lot of being able to accept change and your own problems to do that.”

It wasn’t something he was good at. Caleb strongly disliked change. He’d had the same favorite food for all his life, worn the same clothes for five years, and still called his Aunt every Tuesday and Sunday. He was a creature of habit. He liked to know that things were going to be predictable because sometimes it meant difficulty could be avoided. However, none of the hardship in his life could have been foreseen with a two mile telescope. Sometimes foresight was more of a curse than a blessing. If he’d known so many people he’d loved would die, it may have been much easier to choose to not love at all. “I think it’s just the instinct to preserve one self in a storm. Giving away something, advice, care, or anything else requires admitting you have more than you need.” 

He shook his head. “We do not live in a society that puts a high emphasis on gratitude, but that doesn’t mean being the exception to a rule won’t make a difference.” If one vigilante and one artist banded together, surely, some good could be accomplished. “People just need to learn to think outside the box.” 

“With all the crime in this city, I think people just need a little hope. They can forget how easy it is to bring goodnesss so they stop stepping out of their path to bring it to someone else. Sometimes all goodness requires is donating lunch to a homeless person, or stepping out of the path of a friendly jogger. Letting a tired and sad drunk have the last pack of your favorite Oreos.” He chuckled, pushing the metal poker into the embers to restart them. “It’s pretty easy to make a difference. If you keep your eyes open.” 

“True” she responded when he said people seldom took their own advice, it was a challenge to recognize when you were doing the very things you told others they shouldn’t but even when you did realize it could be hard to get yourself out of your default mindset “Accepting change” she responded and nodded her head slightly “Something most people struggle with huh” her too, every time things changed she found herself a little lost in the world, not knowing what step she was supposed to take next and that very step felt like it was out into the abyss, not knowing if there was solid ground beneath you.

“Being a kind and thoughtful person shouldn’t be an exception to the rule” she spoke softly with a sad smile, but it was true that it was, people thought of themselves first and everyone else second most of the time, they were happy to put others at risk just because they didn’t want to step out of their comfort zones. It wasn’t everyone and some people never even realized how selfish they were acting but she saw it all the time, parents who turned their backs on their kids who needed them, people who were mean and cruel to one another for no reason, others who let bad things happen around them and did nothing to stop it or say anything against them.

“Well I never do the things I do because I’m hoping for a thank you” she responded frankly with a shrug of her shoulders, some of her reasons were selfish, she was aware of that, she felt like she needed to atone for the things her parents had done, for the bad they had put into the world and she also went out there because she needed an outlet for her frustrations about all the injustices she saw in the world, she wasn’t blameless and guilt-free in her decisions “People need to learn how to be good people and not put money and power above other people” but sadly you could never completely weed that out.

His perspective made her smile though, he was right, there were little things you could make other people’s lives better too and the comment about letting a drunk person have the last pack of Oreos made her grin “Sounds like that last one might be from experience huh?” it made her think about the little things she did outside of fighting in this mask and whether people saw her as a good and kind person. Perhaps there was more she could do without even thinking about it. She yawned a little giving him a slightly sleepy grin “Do you have a place I can lay my head? I don’t think I’m ready to go home just yet” really she didn’t want to go back to being alone just yet and knowing someone else was here was comforting while she recovered from her injuries.

Caleb rarely noticed the hours after midnight anymore. He was used to staying up. Often, until the sun rose, but tonight the conversation had been stimulating and the food good. A strange sensation had spread through his shoulders. They were heavy, but not tense. He looked over the last of the flames towards Scarlet and found that she, too, appeared sleepy. There were a few moments of silence before he felt his eyes watering at the idea of staying open. Caleb blinked rapidly. “You can take my bed. That’s where you,” He yawned. “Woke up. I changed the sheets before moving you in there. I’ll use the pull out couch.” 

The lanky Parisian stood and put the cover over the log fire, allowing it to smoke out. He hasn’t noticed how small his guest was until they were standing side by side. She barely reached his shoulders. He chuckled as she called out his story on the cookies. It was true, mostly, except they had been chocolate chip. His favorite. “Would you care for another cup of tea or a cookie before you head off?” 

He wandered back into the house, shutting the patio door behind them. Something gave him the feeling that he should lock it, despite that he never did. With a shrug, he locked the door, and padded back over to the kitchen. He almost always had a snack before bed. His aunt had gotten him into the habit by spoiling him with the best homemade goodies and hot chocolate. Seeing as his own baking was usually a disaster, store bought cookies had to suffice in his own day to day routine. “Well, you deserve a thank you. Some kind of tribute...anyway. In the very least, a cookie.”

The word tribute made the wheels in Caleb’s head spin as he munched on the chocolate chip snack. He was very tired, but tomorrow, he was certain his pencil would be busy again. 

She was naturally hesitant to stay in a place she didn’t know but she had come to decide over the course of the evening with him that he had done a kind thing for her and knowing the current state she was in, she knew it was better that she didn’t try to cross the city right now in a mask. The idea of sleeping in a bed which wasn’t her own made her bit her lip softly but she decided not to let it bother her, watching as the flames flickered and danced as they said their goodbye and snuffed out “Are you sure? I don’t want to be throwing you out of your own bed” she shook her head in amusement, he really was a good person, the average person wouldn’t even consider doing all of this. 

She pushed to her feet, walking a few paces up and down the area just to stretch her legs a little because she had been sitting down for so long, when he stood she noticed how tall he was, easily over the 6ft mark which made her chuckle, she had always been small but she felt especially dwarfed in his company. His offer of a cookie made her laugh softly “Well as long as you’re not calling me a sad drunk if I take one” he shook her head in an amused manner as she followed him inside into the kitchen. 

She headed into the kitchen, leaning against the island, one of her arms resting gently atop so it wouldn’t be at any risk of being knocked against. Today she was reminded how much a broken arm hurt, she hadn’t broken a bone in a long time and it definitely wasn’t a fun process, even for a Dhampir who had relatively fast healing processes “A cookie is a fair tribute” she responded, enjoying his minimalistic nature very much, he seemed very humble. She took one of the cookies and nibbled on it as she watched him, he looked exhausted “Well then, goodnight Caleb” she nodded her head slightly in thanks for everything he had done tonight.

The couch bed called his name and before long Caleb lay there contemplating his day. He'd spent all of it indoors, which wasn't unusual for the reclusive artist, but spending it in discussion with another person was unusual. Most the time his conversations were late at night, or one sided as he discussed color theory with his canvases. The young man flipped onto his stomach, wrapping his arms around a pillow. It had felt good to have someone to confide in - even just for a day. It was similar to the way he still took walks with Argent and they did reconstruction together. It was friendly. As an adult, he'd struggled to make friends. It was more from a lack of effort than genuine problems socially. He didn't always enjoy reaching out to people. Ava had called him an expert loner. 

Perhaps, really, it was a fear of getting to close to others. Once you confided in someone too much, they truly did have the ability to use your weakness against you. In that way, he empathized with Scarlet. He understood her walls. Even as the Frenchman stared into the walls, counting sheep, he wondered what would have happened if he hadn't intervened. The analog clock on the desk blinked at him in glaring red light. His eyes blurred as he read the time. It was past 3 in the morning and still he had not had a wink of sleep. 

Resigned, Caleb folded up the couch and reached into the desk. Inside was a box. Inside the box was a photo album. Many of them were old which he'd collected from his mother and father's childhood. Plenty of them had been inspiration for his art, but mostly they were comforting and anchoring when his mind was spinning outwards from his body without a solid place to go. He ran his thumb over the picture of young Adalie, with her bright eyes, and straight brunette hair. He'd never seen much of his mother in his own face. His personality, yes, but in looks he resembled his father. Caleb flipped the page to find an image of a young man in a cowboy hat with blonde hair and strong cheekbones. He was nearly the spitting image of his son. 

The next pages were his own photographs from Paris. They were filled with red hair, laughter, and so many freckles. Caleb sighed, closing the book, and hugging his knees to his chest. How many nights would he spend awake, unrelaxed, as if waiting for something to happen. There were still empty slots. He hadn't used his camera since he got to Evermore. He pressed on his eyes until stars floated behind them. Perhaps, just maybe, it was time to let the new memories settle. New people didn't have to be all bad, even if they were mysterious. He blinked rapidly as the light came on the kitchen, and a masked figure came to peer at him over the kitchen island. "Trouble sleeping?"

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