Irene had been thinking about the proposal she's been outlining on her macbook ever since she met the humble bookstore owner just around the block near her office; Mr Leighton Kingsman. She had to admit though, calling him that? It sounds way too formal, something she cannot picture the therian in any setting at all. The way she sees it, and with the way they've been corresponding messages with one another over the past month, they were a bit around the casual terms of being friends. That's what they are, right? Friends? Albeit she had been planning on this deal for at least three weeks now, but they still talked outside of the office setting, knowing how it suits the two of them better. Irene needed time away from the office and Leigh is not a guy who would come to work in an office only to go back after working 9 to 5. She decided that he really does belong at his humble bookstore that seemingly had plenty of books stored from each aisle neatly and according to their genres as well. 

She stopped by a few weeks ago to get another book that looked outside the economic world, it was a storybook actually. Irene partially remembered that Leigh raised his eyebrows up in surprise when he saw the book she placed on top of the counter to purchase. Obviously he didn't judge and she likes him for that. The two of them had no room to judge and it was nice. She had it all planned out, of course. Today, she didn't check in for work at all. Irene had notified Nadia of her absence for today and while it surprised her secretary greatly, the latter did not attempt to question any further, knowing that the blonde wouldn't be taking a day off for no reason when she's always cooped around work. Technically, she is still working, but… consider it off site and investing her time on another project that piqued her interest and would profit from either way. She slung her bag around her shoulders and grabbed the car keys on the table after donning her coat and scarf before making her way outside of her apartment. 

The sounds of her heels clicked every time she hit the floor, and with the sunglasses she had slid on, it was clear that she was a woman who carries herself with class. Though, anyone could take a look once and tell that she wasn't going to where she actually is going. The elevator ride to the basement parking lot didn't take long since she didn't like to live anywhere high. As soon as she arrived downstairs, Irene dashed over to her white Maserati Quattroporte and started the engine so she could get to her destination on time. Irene didn't drive around often because her driver or Nadia would usually do that, but she was way too lazy to actually be walking around without any mode of transportation of her own, so there it sat prettily parked, when she probably only used it once a month. 

She had texted Leigh two days ago, asking if he would be free on a Friday morning, and told him to make time for her today, which he did. She wouldn't give him any straight answers and only said they were going somewhere. The drive to the animal shelter wouldn't take because it wasn't that far since Evermore is always cornered up but since she told Leigh nothing about where they were going, only for him to dress warmly since winter had already set it, she was here to also fetch him. Irene parked her car across the bookstore and lowered the windows down while perching her head out after sliding her sunglasses down, while texting Leigh he looks cute because she could see him from outside. Her fingers swiped his contact and pressed the phone against her ear as she leaned against her seat, "A, cute sweater. B, I hope you didn't forget our appointment today mister. I totally took a day off work for this so… and C, I'm here. You can probably spot me easily because I'm parked right outside your bookstore and I'm totally waving at you right now." Oh, she did.

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Leigh looked down for a moment and blushed slightly when she said she wanted to see the guy who stole his heart. Was that how it was? Maybe it was, it wasn’t like he had thought of anyone else that way since he met Eun and he kept finding new excuses to spend more time with him or talk to him a little longer. He took his phone out and picked out a photo of the two of them and then held it up to show her for a moment “The happy pill” he commented with a laugh “Well that is the first time I’ve been referred to as that” he chuckled under his breath glancing over at the blonde and then back again. He did like that he could have someone to confide in though, he and Irene had become good friends since they met in the shop and they talked about a lot of random things, mostly revolving around books, arithmetics or animals “Thanks, I guess I just worry about droning on about the same thing, maybe people would get tired of it” or perhaps more correctly the worry was tired of me.

“I mean...he didn’t say that but” he pursed his lips for a moment “His family are very...well they’re from South Korea so the country is very conservative and you know, I’m not even sure he’s...attracted to men” he bit his tongue, he’d never really seen Eun check anyone out, they were very close when it came to being friends but he didn’t see him catch glances of people on the street. Of course, physical attraction wasn’t everything but it wasn’t exactly easy just to ask someone what their sexuality is “And then you can double the complexity by the fact his family have picked him out the perfect girl to marry back home” it was definitely more complicated than just being able to ask him out. Not that Leigh was even brave enough to do that. He raised his brow when she said she was a Ravenclaw “I could see that” he responded “But I thought maybe the whole CEO thing means you need to be sneaky” but then he remembered that she almost let some jerk talk her into a really bad buy “You’re world smart, very smart” she clearly was very good at navigating people and customers, managing relations and the likes, something he had no idea about and often ended up getting taken advantage of.

He smiled when she talked about the library from when she was younger “That sounds kinda magical, I think if I ever had crazy money to spare, my own library might actually be the dream” he grinned a little sheepishly “So you spent a lot of your time curled up with a book in there?” he was very similar in that case, though he had to go out to the local library, rent one and then take it back to his bed to read. Books and astrology were the two lights in his life back then, the two things which made him still want to get out of bed in the morning. He chuckled, scratching at the back of his neck when she put 2 and 2 together and asked if he had rodents “I have two yeah, little chinchillas which live in my spare room” he smiled softly, he really enjoyed taking care of them “Dogs are kinda like...having a best friend who lives with you, you become their entire world and they love so....unconditionally” Minha was always there for him when he needed her to be “Though they will hog the bed, I prewarn you now” she usually sprawled over half of it and considering he had long legs it could be a whole pain to move her.

He couldn’t help but laugh at the way she scaled up an evil plan to take over the world with her dogs “Well it sounds like whoever you pick would be in good hands” most shelters didn’t have many young pups but the volunteer leading them explained on the way in that they had two pregnant dogs brought in recently because the owners couldn’t handle the situation, which meant there was a whole litter of puppies recently born. He started mopping the floor and looked up at her when she said she was gonna live her and laughed “Quite literally love at first sight, look at you” he pointed out one of the pups who was pulling at her pant leg “I think you made a friend already” he jested. He was cleaning out the kennel of an older dog who seemed a little shy, he crouched down to smile at it and coax it over before putting him softly “You are very polite” he complimented as he gave him some fuss and then returned to cleaning.

Ever since she befriended him, Irene found a whole new world somewhere, a world where she had genuine friends who don't mind sharing their space with her. People who are real. And she likes the prospect of it. It's interesting to find someone so endearing such as Leigh on a random journey to the bookstore, one she didn't even plan. So whatever happens in his life, Irene was enthusiastic to know about. Consider it a change in her part. One that was definitely for the better. When he showed her a picture of them both, she could see why he likes him, from the picture alone, she could figure out that he's a looker but from how Leigh stared at the screen with honey dripping eyes, it was clear that he really likes him. Something about that guy must've caught his heart somehow. 

"So can I expect updates from time to time soon? I hope you won't forget to update because you're too busy sucking each other's faces off in the future" she exclaimed haughtily. "Oh trust me Leigh, when it's you and me, you are most definitely the happy pill." Nobody outside her circle knows her like this, period. "I'll never get tired of little old you, Mr Kingsman. Don't worry. Nobody else is brave enough to stick their hands inside to test me, you'll be lucky if you even get to escape me." The blonde narrowed her cerulean hues at him playfully before reassuring him gently, "Something tells me that he's in a big loss if he doesn't like you. Who knows, maybe he is attracted to you. You don't need him to be attracted to men, you only need him to be attracted to you. Leighsexual" she giggled, Irene was sure it would work out. "Ah… arranged marriage trope? That's harsh. People still do that today?" Poor guy. 

"If he likes you, then he won't mind. Don't be shy, Leigh. Who knows, maybe he's the one who couldn't confess because he's afraid you might reject him. You said you're not sure he's attracted to men, it could be a new thing for him." All of the possibilities were endless and the cheerleader in her didn't want to stop cheering for the kitsune. A bashful grin was resting on her lips when he mentioned she was smart, "Thank you. Though the stress and pressure often gets to me and I lose my mindset over everything in a quick whizz." Like that day when she was so incredibly stressed and annoyed at the guy who almost tricked her into investing. "Mhmm, I only had books to accompany me when I was growing up. My parents kinda forgot I existed… so... " It wasn't a story she preferred talking about; her family. But if you're friends, you can share, right?

 "I never thought chinchillas would be fine for pets… wow." The warning about dogs hogging the bed did make her rethink her decision. "I'll get small babies then. I mean my dog can probably sleep on me and I won't get mad but still." The puppies were surrounding her and she felt like she was in actual heaven, "I am in love... Leigh, let's build a pet hotel next" she gushed excitedly and was literally cooing at every puppy but noticed the one tugging on her pants, "You're cute." It was a baby Samoyed. 

Honestly, he was a little surprised by what she asked because he wasn’t really used to people taking an interest in him in general, let alone his love life...or lack of it he supposed. He coughed a little when she said they would be too busy sucking one another’s faces to be able to update her on how things went “It’s not like that” he commented in a soft voice his gaze a little shifty because he wouldn’t exactly complain if it was like that but he just didn’t think it would be. “I think you’re fun” he commented when she said other people weren’t brave enough to approach her “I mean you like animals and that’s got to be a good start right?” he grinned slightly, he thought she was a nice person who was probably overlooked because of her power and slightly standoffish nature.

He practically choked when she said that it didn’t matter whether he liked men or not because he could just be attracted to Leigh himself, honestly he didn’t even know where to start with that suggestion, nor did he think Eun would even entertain that very idea “Do you have any idea how crazy you sound when you say that?” he grumbled a little under his breath as he thought about it, could someone like Eun ever feel something for him? “Apparently, though he’s about as impressed about it as you are” even more so he supposed because he was the one who had to give up his freedom and go through with it. “Or maybe he’s not attracted to me and I ruin our friendship for all of time” he responded to her comments and shook his head a few times “Sorry but I’m not that brave” he spoke it softly, as much as he liked Eun, his pride would never let him live it down if he lost their friendship because of this crush.

He nodded slightly when she explained how stress and pressure could sometimes get to her and she would lose her focus “Have you thought about trying one of those routines to help clear your mind, I always find stopping for a moment and the counting to ten helps me when my brain gets all frazzled” then again he did love numbers so maybe that was just a him thing and wouldn’t be all that helpful to others. “Books are better than people most of the time” he responded giving her a sympathetic smile “And it’s their loss to not know you and the great person you’ve become in spite of them” how could parents just forget their child existed like that?

He cocked a smile at the way Irene spoke about being able to cuddle up with her dog and not minding if the slept on her, he had never seen her so giddy and happy and honestly her happiness was infectious, making him beam brightly at her, she really seemed like she was besotted “Somehow I don’t think we are doing to be able to make a whole pet hotel” he shook his head in an amused manner “Why do I get the feeling we might have a third wheel coming back with us today?” he teased it as he knelt down to greet some of the puppies who were vying for their attention.

Irene admitted she was a bit awkward when it comes to interaction that requires genuinity like this, she was only used to conversing with executives and businessmen in her field. Even her choice of attire was different today, it marks a new beginning for the dark diviner; a new path unlocked the moment she befriended the kitsune in the bookstore she stumbled upon, months ago. The first thing she found herself wanting to know was more about him, though Irene was careful not to poke too much into his personal life. But how could she help herself when she found out her friend had a crush on someone? "Yeah, you do realize that's exactly what most people say when it is like that, right? You're not being as convincing as you think, Leigh" Even being a kitsune wouldn't change that. The sudden retractness in his voice practically spoiled everything she needed to know. 

A wry chuckle escaped her as she shrugged casually, maybe he's not wrong, "That is a good start, I agree. Who knows, one day the tabloids would be booming on how Irene Farley decided to open her own personal zoo" Now that she thought about it, starting with a pet cafe, there's no saying she wouldn't find herself funding a NGO for a zoo. Her grin grew considerably the moment she saw how flustered he looked, exactly the reaction she was waiting for, Irene was being careful on gauging his reaction, "I've been called crazy plenty of times, Leigh. You know they're not wrong, but I rarely fail. Those terms are very selective so believe me when I tell you, he'd be a fool not to notice how good you are for him." Leigh won't be able to confess but that didn't mean she couldn't try and see things around the corner, right?

 "You like him, don't you? So I know you wouldn't want to let go of him so what is it? Are you worried because of rejection? Or is it something else?" she knew it wasn't her place to pry but Irene was quite curious about it. "Besides, you know what they say, if he's got no ring on his finger, then he's still fresh on the market" Or something like that. When he suggested a few ways to help her ease her mind, Irene found herself sparing a grateful smile, at least he tried to help her, that was a lot more than what people has ever done for her, "I've tried a few times but I haven't tried counting just yet… maybe I should try that one." Maybe it'll work. The great person you've become, those words meant so much to Irene she couldn't even describe how touched she felt. They were just words but it impacted her so much.

 "Unfortunately, you'd be the first person who would think so. But the thought counts and it means everything to me, so thanks." Who knew she was an animal lover? Not her, for sure. Not until she saw how fluffy the furballs were. "Hey, don't jinx the possible making it sound impossible. A pet cafe is possible so why not a pet hotel?" She picked up the one that caught her eye and booped its nose, "Spot on, I think I'm gonna call you Renfri" she cooed and she knew it then, she was gonna come home with this one. "I'm guessing you can't bring back someone huh? The residents back home would be too jealous?"

Everything she said pretty much made Leigh just blush harder because it was easy for him to crush on Eun in his head and for it to be something he daydreamed about but it was very different to admit how much he liked him to someone else “Well I didn’t think I was being convincing in the first place so I guess it’s a completely failed attempt” he commented in a soft voice, it was hard to him to hide his feelings when they were so strong. He chuckled when she commented about how the news might be reporting her opening her own zoo one day “I feel like if you did that you’d never actually want to leave” he commented with a grin, at least he wouldn’t if that happened to him anyway so he understood how she felt about it.

He sucked in a long breath when she spoke about Eun and how he would be a fool not to notice him, it was complicated, he couldn’t even be certain the Dhampir even liked him in a romantic sense and the last thing he wanted to do was ruin their friendship because he couldn’t keep a crush to himself “Well maybe but it doesn’t change much, I mean I can’t just...ask him if he’s gay” he blushed slightly biting on his lip, most people nowadays could be quite open about their sexuality but Eun was from a country where it wasn’t normal or accepted. “It’s not so simple when…” he wasn’t sure how to explain it without seeming harsh “When you’re worried someone is going to look at you differently once they know the truth” he pressed his lips together, as someone who was shy he wasn’t really the kind who could face rejection without feeling afraid, he swore if Eun rejected him he’d want the ground to swallow him whole.

Not to mention there was the whole he’s engaged to someone else thing to worry about after that, it seemed like the whole thing was doomed from the beginning and he wasn’t sure he was ready to set himself up for that kind of heartbreak “I’m not sure my heart could take him choosing someone else...I’d rather it was never an option” he commented softly, he hoped she could understand that he’d thought about it but decided it was better kept to himself. “There’s also these YouTube videos which help to counsel you on your breathing, they’re supposed to help too” he spoke it softly nodding his head thoughtfully, though you needed time to set out for that and most of the time the stress came from a lack of time to do anything.

He smiled and shrugged his shoulders when she thanked him for his words “I don’t say things I don’t mean” he reminded her, Leigh tended to be quite thoughtful with his words to the point where he often over-analyzed the things he was saying and worried what others would do in response to them. “I mean if you wanted a pet hotel then sure but I’m not sure that’s exactly your business area” he commented with a laugh, she did look cute with all the puppies though and he widened her eyes when she named one of them, shaking his head because she was for sure going to end up bringing them home with her “Looks like someone has fallen in love already, didn’t take you long” he teased it with a smile as he started sweeping the floor of the kennel and then refilled the bowls with the amount specified on the card. He sighed when she asked him if he could take another one home “I would love to have another but alas, Minha is a one dog one owner kinda girl” but she was a great companion so he couldn’t really complain “So you live alone?” he asked curiously, he had lived along for a while now.

Irene hasn't been in much of a relationship before, she had escorts accompanying her to a few events here and there sure, but relationships were basically strictly off limits for the diviner. The only times she's come close to intimacy was when she would sleep around here and there to satisfy her needs. So when she saw how flustered and cute her new friend was being, she was more than happy to join in the teasing by tenfold. "Hey, an attempt is never considered a fail, besides… how would you know it's a fail, right?" Again, you'd never really know. "Unless you ask him yourself in person, of course. Then that would be a different case entirely, you know" she giggled, oh she's definitely having the best time of her life right now. Who knew teasing Leigh would be this fun? "I mean I can just hire a few muscles here and there to drag me out when needed" So, a zoo is definitely not impossible for the likes of Irene Farley who knew no bounds of stopping. 

"Only NGOs are supporting the zoos… I think we could do something about it. Help them a bit? Maybe form an NGO of our own solely built to aid the unfortunate animals?" For a businesswoman, suggesting something that wouldn't bring profit to her like this is simply off-putting but Irene just found what she was fond of, that's what really mattered to the blonde. "Actually, you can just ask him of he's gay, I mean not outrightly of course… just be… sneaky into asking his preference?" She's not about to lay off this topic unless she is fully distracted by another, honestly. Thank god they're at an animal shelter, there were plenty to distract the diviner of hounding her kitsune friend. "Well, fine… I won't push you into confessing but" Of course, there's a catch. Irene didn't want to make him anymore uncomfortable than he already was, but she didn't want to leave it at that. "If he's interested… if he even shows the slightest hint that he's interested in romance with you, you will tell him your feelings okay?"

 She didn't want him to give up, besides, that Eun guy sounds like a catch. She wished Leigh would actually get the guy too. He seemed so purehearted it was upsetting to see someone so nice and kind not having someone to return the same treatment back. "YouTube videos… I never thought I would ever resort to that… like ever. I don't even use YouTube that much. Surprisingly." Irene was a busy woman, even if she was hearing music, they were from streaming platforms such as Apple Music or Spotify. Never YouTube. She didn't have the motivation to actually type our a certain song so the shuffle button and release radar or discover weekly is all that matters. "You are too kind for your own good, of course you don't say things you don't mind, Leigh, I feel like that's a given" she teased and nudged him playfully, it's good to have that kind of friend by your side, though. The kind you could always count on. 

"You're right, it's not right up my alley but… it's so cute… imagine a pet hotel, it's not only cute and convenient for fancy ass owners but it could bring in some profit too, while making me happy to know I could always do improvements" she looks forward to having the interior design, most of all."How could I not fall in love when they're like this… I can't believe I've been robbed off the life of having one of these fluffs as my own" she shook her head and brought the one she named closer as she cooed, "Renfri is gonna be so spoiled, I'm going to take very good care of you, baby" The soft barks it released had already stated it was content on finding a new owner. She then placed the puppy down so she could focus on the food as she ripped the package using the scissors. When Leigh asked if she lived alone, she nodded with a smile, "Been alone for as long as I could remember. I don't think I had a friend enough to even think about considering a roommate. You do too, right? With your dog?"

Leigh chewed on his bottom lip and then shrugged his shoulders slightly, he liked Eun, he liked him a whole lot but he liked being his friend and getting to spend time with him even more and the last thing he wanted to do was take a step too far and lose any of that. He scrunched his nose when she said she could hire people to drag her out “You quite literally have a plan for everything huh?” he gave an amused chuckle and shook his head slightly, of course she did, she was a business owner and generally very intelligent person. “Though it’s a little overwhelming being around someone with so many ideas, how do you even make time for all those things” he gave a shy laugh and averted his gaze for a moment, she really was inspiring with all the big plans she seemed to come up with.

Leigh sighed under his breath and shook his head “Do I strike you as the kind of person who can get away with being sneaky?” almost definitely not, he would end up either saying something which made no sense at all or he would blurt it out so obviously that he really would hope for the ground to swallow him. Leigh gave her a defeated look because she was very insistent that he should say something but the kitsune still felt unsure about the whole thing, if he was sure that Eun was single then he would agree but he wasn’t, he was engaged to someone else and even if they could be together, it would have an end to it and that made him sad “I’ll see how things go” he agreed nodding his head “One thing I know for sure is I’ll miss him when he goes home” he nodded solemnly.

He chuckled “Everyone relies on the internet nowadays, you either adapt or get left behind” he teased with an amused shake of his head, it was so easy to find out how something worked or what you were supposed to do to achieve something. The way she kept teasing him made him feel at ease because she seemed to take everything in her stride and she was playful and fun, it made him feel okay to be himself around her and not fear being judged for it “I just try to spread some good into the world I guess, there’s far too much bad” people could be mean without even trying so to make the effort to say nice things seemed smart to him.

There was something about Irene which screamed entrepreneur, no idea seemed too crazy or off limits to her, she was wild and perhaps even impractical with her ideas sometimes but he was sure she had a team behind her which managed to ground her when she came up with something impossible. He was sure it worked well for her business to always be reaching for new things “Does that wild mind of yours get you in trouble with the board?” he questioned with an amused grin. It didn’t take her long at all to decide she was going to take one of the dogs home and he could only smile because she seemed so attached already “You’re so decisive, you don’t even hesitate” he commented a little shocked but he liked the level of certainty she had about her. He nodded when she asked if he lived alone too “Yeah, ever since I finished college I’ve had my own place, I like the quietness” he nodded a few times “Well as quiet as it gets with a Shiba Inu as a housemate anyway” he chuckled lightheartedly.

She noticed the way Leigh felt so apprehensive to tell Eun how he felt and she only then realized that he would rather hold onto their friendship instead of shattering what was already there. A part of her wished that he would eventually manage to find that happiness together. She nodded with a smile when he said that, of course, “Yes, I am a planner. I need to be a planner if I’m handling an entire company, right? My company wouldn’t last this long if I slack all the while, Leigh. As for how I even have time to make them? I… have quite the imagination, My secretary is basically my only friend for a long time. So I just wrote them out and then told her about it… so it’s just there, I guess. I’ve never gotten involved with any of that individually though. It’s always my secretary doing all of it on my behalf.” But then again, considering all the years she was forced to use a proxy so the public wouldn’t know that she’s not aging a single day, this wasn’t surprising. 

He wasn’t wrong, she doubted he’d be as cunning,”That’s what makes you cute” she giggled. She frowned slightly when he expressed his sadness for when the other male would go home, “Inevitable, is it? Don’t worry… something good must happen soon. It’s only right for someone as kind as you to get the same thing in return.” It made her sad to see her friend like that, if only she could do something about it. The least Irene could do is make today an enjoyable one and that’s exactly what she was intending to do. “Cruel world that promotes competition everywhere you go, I learned to understand what kind of message it was trying to convey and finally found a way to get along with it. You need to be at the front for everything if you don’t want to get stepped over” Why else would she be cold and merciless over the executives? They had a role to play and she’ll make sure they do what they were supposed to do. 

Which was surprising when someone saw her like this today with Leigh, completely different from the person they knew outside. “Exactly, there’s far too much bad… it’s upsetting to see those roaming around but what can we do, right?” At least, she could see some good done by others and even though it’s not enough for the world to believe in the good, it was enough to remind her there’s some good. Like the person in front of her today. He’s the epitome of goodness. When he asked if her mind ever got her in trouble with the board, Irene cleared her throat and giggled, “We tend to bump heads sometimes…” her eyes were shifty but then soon enough, the diviner admitted it, “Okay… maybe more than a few times. But there was nothing they could do. I end up gaining the majority votes for everything, you need to be smart to beat them at their own game, right?” she winked playfully, oh Irene was anything if not a good player at the chess game. She’s been overseeing the company for decades, it was hers and it will continue being so.

 “I was always scolded as a child if I wasn’t quick enough, it’s something that got up to me when I grew up, I guess. Besides… she’s such a cute baby, how could I not bring her home?’ The mention of his dog being a Shiba Inu made the diviner’s eyes lit up, “I imagine she could be loud at times, huh? Such a loyal breed, though… How big is she? As big as you? Half?” Before she could ask another word, the sounds of enthusiastic dogs were there to bark happily because the food was there and ready for them.

He nodded slightly “I’m a planner too but you take it to a whole new level” he commented with a sheepish grin “Not in a bad way though, I’m a little jealous of how together you seem to have things” he nodded a little, Leigh liked his life to be structured because that helped him to know what to expect but that often got him comments about how he wasn’t spontaneous enough. He chuckled at the way she explained how ideas came to her and how they came to fruition “I hope you pay her really well” he commented and grinned, he was sure she took care of her staff, she seemed like the type to care. Leigh only had two employees but he did his best to make sure they were well taken care of. Especially Willow who had been working there for quite a while now.

He was supposed to be a kitsune which meant a part of him was a fox, that should usually mean that cunningness came to him naturally but he’d never really been like that, intelligent yes but that was usually in the form of being able to read a book and understand it without trouble, not playing around with others or tricking them. Then again, he tended to avoid most people because he didn’t want to deal with them so maybe that was why “I don’t think it really matters what kind of person I am...the world is just the world” though he was hoping that perhaps something good would happen soon, he could use something to look forward to, some happiness. “Well then I guess I’m in the stepped over pile” he laughed softly “but that’s okay, I never really wanted to be the one who makes loads of goal is to share knowledge and stories” which is why the bookstore was perfect, even if people often told him he was underachieving.

He nodded slightly “Not much, sometimes you have to accept you are just one person in thousands and all you can do is your best” he tried to be the person who made others just a little brighter, whether that was from recommending the perfect book or volunteering like today, just small things which seemed insignificant but when you added them up made a small difference in the world “You’re really not how I’d have expected a CEO to be” he admitted, giving her a soft smile and nodding, she was much kinder and thoughtful than he pictured executives being. He could see that businesswoman spark in her though, the kind which played the game to get the things she wanted, you needed it to be in a position like hers “That must keep you really busy” he commented with a chuckle “Hell I feel like I’m being run ragged but a little bookstore, I don’t even know how you manage to get peaceful sleep at night” he was impressed really, she didn’t seem to complain about it either.

He pressed his lips together, thinking about what it would be like to be in trouble for not being able to make a quick decision, he grimaced “But sometimes you need time to know what you really want?” though he could tell in this case she and the puppy were definitely going home together and she had immediately made up her mind “She’s very cute and I’m sure you’ll pamper her to the next level” he smiled because they looked cute together. He had finished cleaning up the kennel he was working on so he went to open the next one, giving the dog a few pats to thank him for behaving “She’s very loud, Shiba’s have this screaming noise they make whenever they’re in a mood, it used to scare me because it sounds like she’s in pain” but really she was just being a whiny pup. He showed with his hands how big Minha was “She’s pretty small for a Shiba, though they aren’t too big normally, she thinks she’s a lap dog but she’s a little too big to be one” he laughed softly.

It was always nice receiving compliments but Irene has been around businessmen long enough to know they were either vultures or harpies waiting to tear her apart with their sharp claws the moment she turns around to get out of their peripheral vision. Leigh’s compliments, they were different. It actually came from someone kind and genuine, it was no wonder Irene felt uplifted, she knew then that she made a very good choice befriending him, “I only look like I have things under control, when actually it’s just my head going on a downward spiral. It’s definitely more lenient when you think about it but not the action that follows afterward” she admitted sheepishly, she had a lot of plans laid out, but only 50 to 60% actually made it through the day. “I do” she affirmed, Nadia was her most trusted advisor when it comes to her company and business, she could not have any other person taking over honestly. 

“She handles a lot of things for me. You know, I’m still not over the whole CFO thing. My company still doesn’t have anyone elected even after months, it’s getting tiring to hire financial analysts to take care of this every month. Are you sure you’re not up for this position? I mean, I know you love keeping your work to minimal exposure and your bookstore is definitely a humble abode of yours, but while I’m happy about our joint project together, I wonder if you ever thought more to it? No pressure of course, just saying the position is gonna be there even if you rethink about it.” From their first meeting, Leigh had saved her from being a victim of a bad investing decision due to the spur of the moment. “You’re right, the world is just the world. Best we live it to the way we want us to live, right? It’s not as if we have all the time in the world either” Even if there were immortals living amidst them, immortals can still die under certain circumstances. Leigh kept to himself and sometimes it made her squeal at how endearing the kitsune can be, he’s a good friend, the kind she wanted to keep by her side.

 “Well, I hope you will be able share your stories, and make new ones” she encouraged, it was pure to know that despite the knowledge and intellect he possessed, the other male never thought about misusing them or using them to lead him to greatness. She guessed that’s what actually made him a great person himself. Irene wasn’t like this overnight, she was screwed over countless times over the decades, until she realized sometimes she had to lead things with an iron fist to make sure her board of directors stay within their line. When he told her she wasn’t someone who he would have expected a CEO to be, the blonde raised her eyebrows questioningly, “Oh really?” That’s interesting. “Is that a good thing?” she asked curiously, she hoped it was. She hardly doubted that Leigh was jabbing on her business skills. “They do” she nodded, but she had to manage somehow. “Sometimes, I don’t get a peaceful sleep at night. I always have a remedy for it though. Either tea or just… something” she might have dug around on how to make a good sleeping brew in her mother’s old grimoire.

 Irene cooed at the puppy and hummed in agreement, “Yeah, sometimes we need time to think about a few things but this is definitely not one of them for me. Since I already have the possibilities weighing in the scales, I know I live alone and practically have nobody else to bother me except this baby in the future. And my place is spacious enough for her. I just need to hire a pet sitter when I have to be away, of course.” She will pamper her, he was spot on with that. His story about his own dog made her smile while she was sorting out the bowls for the pups, “Sounds like a whole sweetheart. Do you think she’ll take kindly to strangers if I come over and visit her? You know, when we open that cafe, she should be the face of it. I mean, we’ll need to do flyers so we need to have a design. Maybe she could be a mascot, how tame is she when it involves dressing up?”

He laughed under his breath and smiled “Well as long as everyone thinks that you have it under control then really you’re winning” he mused with a soft smile, no one ever really had things truly together, they would worry and they would second guess themselves, but the people who could give the impression they did, tended to do better in the world. He smiled when she affirmed that she paid her assistant really well “Anything executive level is definitely not a good fit for me” he confessed with a sheepish grin, anything on that level needed someone who was able to speak and convince investors of things and he wasn’t good at any of that, he was great with numbers but not with people “But you know I’ll keep helping you out where I can” he added, noting that he had helped her out a few times when it came to balancing numbers and stock price knock-ons to allow her to arm herself with the right information to make decisions, he was happy to advise for her.

He laughed softly “Well some people have longer than others but before long, we’re gonna look back and wonder what we did with the time we had, whether we made the most of it and if we are proud of the decisions we made” he nodded thoughtfully “I hope to be able to smile and say I did everything I wanted to” he confessed with a sheepish grin. She was a good friend, she always checked up on him whenever he got quiet and didn’t respond to messages for a while, he enjoyed having someone he could turn to and talk to about random things. He never really had a close friend before and he wasn’t sure they were ready to call it that just yet, but he could see Irene as someone he trusted and wanted to be there for. When she asked if his comment was a good thing she laughed and tilted his head “CEOs tend to have this impression that they’re ruthless and willing to do anything to make money but you don’t seem like that” he chuckled “Don’t get me wrong I think you’d be terrifying to be on the wrong side of a business negotiation but” he tilted his head slightly “I guess it’s surprising that your motivations seem much more inspiring than that” he nodded a few times.

“Tea is definitely the cure-all when it comes to sleep” he responded nodding a few times, he always went to this little tea shop on the high street which had an old wise lady running it, he would head in and just be filled with the amazing calming scents and want to stay a while. He had tried pretty much every tea flavor from there “But yeah, sleep is one of those things which likes to run away from me too” he pouted slightly, it wasn’t like he didn’t want to sleep, it was just his mind would get overwhelmed with different things and then he wouldn’t be able to rest. He smiled, despite her decision seeming fast it was clear she had come here today with the intention of finding a companion and she had found her early on “Well it seems like she’s very excited for you to take her home” he responded, dropping down to a crouch so he could pet the little pup she had picked out “You’re going to be spoiled I can tell” he mused, ruffling the pup’s fur a little as he petted her.

He laughed and nodded “Oh yes she loves visitors a lot, you could even bring Renfri for a playdate” Minha loved playing with other dogs, she was very playful and despite being quite loud and boisterous, she was very friendly. He widened his eyes when she suggested that she could be the face of the cafe though, he was sure she would love all the attention she got in a photoshoot “I can’t say I’ve ever tried to dress her up but she did steal one of my cosplay capes once so” he chuckled “I guess we would have to test her out” he mused excitedly as they moved to the next kennel to clean and then one of the other volunteers came out to say it was feeding time which caused an excited procession of barks from the dogs.

"I hope I hold it well together though… speaking of which do, do you think people would doubt that I'm… you know… dwindling?" Admittedly, Irene has always been a fierce and stern woman in the corporate world but lately she's been prone to lashing out more than usual. Which wasn't exactly helping her situation. The diviner would admit that she whined softly as the rejection blow came back to hit her square in the face once again. She knew Leigh might reject again yet that never seemed to stop the blonde to push every once in a while, perhaps hoping that her friend would eventually give in. "Not the type to stay in an office from 9 to 5 I bet" she chuckled, surprisingly the bookstore and Leigh made a good pair together so she didn't blame him for not wanting to move away from the comfort his humble store gave him. "Oh well, worth a try. Anyway, you'll still help me with my monthly financial reports" she grinned cheekily and winked, technically they are also partnering up together to open a dog cafe so they're still business partners. 

"Sometimes it made me wonder how the hell one can be this mature at what? 30? Or was it something in the tea? It's the tea, isn't it? The green tea you so love that you manage to drink every evening…" the teasing did not come unnoticed. Irene held a good friendship with the kitsune, Leigh was more likely to give her the chance to explain herself before anything else and it really helps that he didn't judge her the way others would. "Are you at least halfway through your personal bucket list?" She was curious to know because he worded it like that. Irene always found herself learning something new every day lately. They were the opposites, their personalities clashed but somehow, both found a common ground and understood each other without difficulty. Leigh is clearly an introvert while she is not. She swore she was a harpy in her last life while the male was probably a generous genius. 

Perhaps that was why the dark diviner felt comfortable being around him, because she never had someone to care about her the way he showed his care and having a shy and cute friend was never in the books for the heiress. Well… until a few months ago when she met Leigh anyway. She raised her eyebrows in surprise when he said she wasn't like that, that's new but it did make her smile, yes. "I think it's because nobody ever really thought to ask me what I want and why I did what I did, you know? Nobody wanted to know why I wanted to do this or that, they just don't… question or ask. Admittedly they don't care to know about my personal preferences unless it gets them near the hell's door if they don't do it but… I don't think anyone wants to get to know me at all." That's the impression she received anyway.

 Irene wasn't insomniac, despite her busy working schedules, she is her own boss and while she is ambitious to reach other heights, she wished she could sleep and is forcing herself to stay up more than not being able to fall asleep. "How many hours do you usually sleep then?" The decision to adopt Renfri into her care was quick and impulsive but Irene is exactly that, just a bit smarter when it comes to business but outside of it, she's hopeless. "I will end up stealing Minha before long, Leigh" she jested teasingly, the Shiba Inu was cute and Irene wanted to lie down with her. "Splendid, I'll have it booked later and I'll let you know when it'll be at" she beamed enthusiastically, while the cafe was in planning, the blonde wasted no time to get it going. "Feeding time? Do they let every single dog out or something?" 

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