His stark contrast to the other people his age was evident, Julian finding solace and comfortableness in tranquility the silence offered. Keeping to himself and rendering himself to be quite the ‘introverted mystery guy' that was hard to approach back in the boarding school seemed to be a particular trait he's kept to himself even after growing up. It's been quite a while since he's moved to the rumored supernatural haven; Evermore City, a place located so far up in Colorado. A place that could offer him a chance to start anew and develop himself into becoming a better person. Julian has had his own fair share of travelling around the continents of the world in his youth, as soon as he graduated off boarding school, but this was by far the most adventurous and ambiguous journey that he's ever taken up to.

During the first few months settling in the eternal city, the raven haired male found himself basking in the freedom the city exuded-- an enigmatic energy that just drew him closer than ever. He had hoped to seek out more people like him, and maybe someone from the past. But he doesn't know that, not yet. Leaving his home in Westminster, England, was hard despite being fairly familiar with the nomadic tracks he's been affiliating himself with, but moving permanently to a place that's over 4,720 miles away. The angel child was a bit skeptical and hesitant to leave his parents and family behind, but the transfer position from his occupation made it a lot easier to comprehend. Julian is an aeronautical engineering officer, which surprisingly suited him far better than being a biophysicist. It allowed him to successfully transfer his department to Colorado as a military officiant. It was certainly better than nothing.

Staring at the pile of snow that has begun to stick in on the stony pavements across his residency, he fished out his phone and dialed a number before waiting for the caller to pick up. After a few rings later, the person on the other end picked up, and a small smile made its way up to his lips. “Hey, how are you doing? Is mom okay? Or has she not gotten over the fact that her eldest son is doing fine in another country per usual?” Calling and contacting his younger siblings and father was a normal occurrence for the nephilim, seeing as his occupation usually entailed him to travel across the world to operate whenever he is called upon. Although this time, he applied for a transfer-- specifically to Colorado. Apart from his siblings and himself, no one actually knew the real reason why he came here, and he intends to keep it that way until a decision is made. He's heard of the nephilim ambassador but has yet to actually meet her, so his permanent marker is not really permanent. Though it's more likely that he'd stay because so far, Julian enjoyed the city.

Not an hour passed and his other phone's ringtone blared loudly on the mahogany desk situated just a few meters away from his bed. Noticing the messenger ID on it, he pursed his lips slightly before informing his younger sister that he'd call again when he has time and ended it. Seems like today's a field day, after all. Not even the winter could stop the progress of his work, it only added more to pile, it seems. Wrapping himself with his outerwear, Julian grabbed his car keys and tucked in his phone as he make his way downstairs, and over to the garage. Waiting for the garage door to open fully, he then drove off the compound to get to his workplace. Or site. Anything that suits, really.

Not long after, he arrived to his located destination and parked the car a few blocks away, simply because he preferred a low-profiled appearance. The winter tickled his skin per se, but nothing that would bother him nearly as much. Perks of working on site, the temperature and weather change literally molds you into a new vessel. He went over and read the clipboard given by the supervisor before nodding and telling the latter that he'll be back with the solution and report in a few days. After a small chat, Julian took his leave. He decided to stop by a cafe to get his daily coffee in his system before he proceeded on working on whatever it was that he received earlier. A problem that needed a solution, no doubt.

Shortly after locking his car, he entered the entrance door and made his order directly at the counter. When he received his coffee, he gave a small smile towards the cashier and went to talk a walk outside. He was just strolling down the shopping lots like a regular resident, taking in what was before him.

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She’d always managed to keep her powers and darkness under control around Julian. That's why it was so perfect back then, almost able to forget that she was even The Aspect of Darkness. Almost able to feel that she was normal for once before she was ripped back into reality and reminded that she’s not. Her and Julian were different in many ways but in a way they balanced each other. That she never got into much trouble when they were with each other as he was the one trying to talk her out of doing things that could end up in disaster. Well mostly. Cora never always had a way with people. Sometimes or mostly saying the wrong thing most of the time. Not intending to sound blunt or intend for people to take it the wrong way. “I have no filter, remember” She pointed out, shrugging a little. She’s one of the Aspects who tends to use the guards the least. Not liking being followed around, sometimes the guards who end up being assigned to her are boring and more like robots. Whilst she always loved to have fun and the guards liked to spoil her fun. She always wished she had a fun guard like Dom who would be up to go anywhere she wanted to. Clubbing, partying, and whatnot. Jealous of Ery. 

“You do have good thighs” Speaking her thoughts out loud but she knew he probably had been told by many people. “Oh stop whining” Rolling her eyes trying to sush him as she kept complaining about not wanting to be jumped on by people. That he could be a scaredy cat, over worrying other things that she teases him about. All easy for her because he’s an easy target at times. “Just wait and see, maybe one time you could come to the Ailward Manor and see it all for yourself” Giving him an open invitation to her home. With how it’s only fair, since he’s let her into his home. Cora wondered if he would want to. Showing him she was trying to be better at opening up, sharing secrets about her life that she’d kept from in the past. Learning from her mistakes. As she mentioned about the body swapping incident, Cora watched Julian;s reaction. It was priceless, laughing seeing how surprised he was of something like that happening. “I don’t really know, I think Dom ended up throwing up in Eryherus’s closet or something. Him and Argent ended up getting drunk whilst they were in each other's bodies” She mused softly, finding amusement at how crazy her family could be at times. Sometimes missing out on all the fun. Being more closer to Venetus and Ery than the others. 

“We’ve been told that a few times”  Preferring being part of a crazy family than a boring and strict one. Now being in the total opposite family to that she was in originally back in her human life. “It’s better than being uptight and boring right?” She teased him back to him. Happy that they are able to tease each other again, not caring about throwing a few insults in. Taking no offense to it, missing this in her life. Missing Julian and their friendship. Cora knew she had a lot of making up to do, but happy he was giving her a second chance. It still shocked her to find that he was still a virgin. “You're saving yourself for someone special huh?” Winking to him softly, that he was still old fashioned in some ways but it was a good thing. Truthfully she was a bit afraid of what's after them, how for once they weren’t able to know what it is. Learning the hard way, already losing one person, not wanting to lose anyone else. “I know” Shooting him a half smile before looking down. Being the one who forgets to look after herself, how she’s a little bit broken and all. 

When she pointed out that she didn’t have a filter to begin with, Julian scoffed and rolled his eyes playfully at the Aspect of Darkness, she really doesn’t and the Nephilim wasn’t sure if that was one of the things why he favored her so much back then. Everyone else knew to keep a certain distance and she didn’t. Cora was the type to just jump into the drama just because she can and leave without a slight repercussion. “Maybe you should be searching for a small one in the future, one of these days that mouth might be the end of you” he teased, but then again she’s stronger than she made herself to be and he was pretty sure an entity like her could easily take down anyone else. She’s a freaking dragon.

He narrowed his dark hues on her before shaking his head in mirth when she said he had good thighs, “Of course you out of all people would notice that of all things.” Not surprising coming from her, honestly. He has been told that by plenty of people though, she wasn’t wrong. “I’m not whining” he exclaimed, groaning in response to her remark, “besides, even if I was, I had every right to whine.” When she suggested that one day he could venture to the said manor and see for himself, Julian wondered how that would be like, it sounded interesting but then again it is also a nest for 8 dragons, and he only knew one who wouldn’t eat him. “Perhaps, but you’re not exactly selling me the idea of it. Sounds scary more than welcoming.” In his defense, Cora did make it sound as if they were ready to tear him from limb to limb if he set foot in the residence. “But I’ll take that as an open invitation for future… purposes.” One day he might need it, who knows?

The story about body swapping between her sister and a guard of theirs really did sound interesting to him. And scary. “Drunk as in literal drunk from alcohol or just… dizzy like drunk?” He shuddered at the mere thought of it alone, how risky. “How did the closet owner react to finding out your guard throwing up in their closet? Not nice, I imagine.” If all of them had half the temper Cora had, it was probably best for the guard to be a guard that is affiliated with them instead of being a complete stranger. It did not sound safe, at all. “Your family do sound slightly… dysfunctional but fun.” There had to be an ounce of fun somewhere, he imagined after living for so long, it would be boring and dull if it’s the same thing over and over again. He’ll be honest, he missed her company. Things were a lot more fun when she was there with him. After she disappeared and left him, it was hard for him to think much about having fun.

He wasn’t really uptight if he was going to describe himself and while one would never really describe themselves to be uptight, Julian still knew how to have fun. He just needed the proper company to be with him. His cheeks were slightly flushed when she said that, “Happy to announce it to the entire world, aren’t you?” he grumbled and shook his head, she could be a bit quieter about that part. “You know my fiancee used to believe in the whole sex after marriage thing. I was respecting her but I don’t really have… time to think about that.” Aka he might have ran away from the idea of losing his virginity to someone else because he didn’t want it to be over a one-night-stand. It felt like an insult to her memory and his own. “You should really be taking care of yourself, I know it might not seem much but I’m not the only person you can open yourself to. Surely there are others worth the attention of Cora Ailward, hm?”

She missed this, she missed their friendship. Now more than ever. That somehow Julian would always manage to cheer her up when he was down. That she’s always able to feel herself. Not needing to put a wall or upfront around him. Able to feel that she’s not the Aspect of Darkness for once when she’s around him. It was easier to forget and put all her worries and troubles aside, to feel that she’s normal. On a few occasions soon after they had first met she would say to Julian ‘You either take me as me or leave me’. Luckily for her even with her cold fronts at first didn’t scare him away. That he was used to her using sarcasm like it was her second language at times. Even if at times it did get her in trouble, finding it happened a few times before. “I’ll still be able to get away with it, distract them with my beauty” She teased back playfully how she knew it always annoyed him whenever she would flirt with someone to get them into different parties or clubs. That he’d have the same look of annoyance on his face looking the other way, not wanting to be associated with her. Having different ways of using persuasion.  

Cora shot him a look almost like what he expected of her. “That's one thing a woman can pick up on, loving men who have good thighs” She pointed out knowing that he’d probably be bound to go a little red after. It was all true, how it was something she’d picked up and noticing whilst she was with Rashesh. That many people forget about the thighs but with her it can be up top part of the list. “Oh stop it, at least I helped to show you the exciting life even if it was not all that legal” She rolled her eyes to him and crossed her arms something she would do whenever he would complain about something or one of her ideas. Soon as she mentioned him stopping by the manor she could see the look of panic almost something others too had when they knew of who or what lived inside. “Or are you too scared to go there?” Taking the opportunity to tease him again. “If you do stop by just tell me when, don’t want you go roaming around the manor by yourself” Warning him almost not wanting to see him to take the wrong turn then stumble into something he shouldn’t see or be caught in the middle of Constance’s feeding times.  

Most of the time she chooses to avoid whatever drama her siblings were going through, not wanting to be caught up in the middle of craziness. Especially in the middle of one of Malva’s hex’s. “Why don't you stop by and hear the story first hand?” She mused sarcastically seeing how intrigued he was more than he should be for it. Even if he wouldn’t admit it, she knew he liked hearing gossip and different stories of things going on. “We’re all one big crazy family” She loved all of her Ailward siblings and even the guards even if she doesn’t show it much, but they all knew.  

She wasn’t waiting to waste an opportunity to tease him with how coy he always was around to him and romance. “It’s cute. People always remember their first time, you want to do it right. Take your time” She smiled softly being the supportive friend, knowing that it still hurt him to speak of his late fiancee. For her it was a thousand years too late but for him it wasn’t. “There’s a few others” Always finding herself struggling to open up with anyone, not wanting to feel vulnerable. It’s always been different with Julian that he didn’t know of her past or who she was. Never needing to worry about anything else. “I overthink things, that I feel like everyone is out to get me” It was a silly thing really but something she worries about. “So are there anything else you want to ask me?” Changing the subject around wanting to show she was ready to be open and honest. Ready to answer any of his questions about her being an Aspect or if it was for something else. 

Cora was hardly the first person who has tried to push him away before and since he was used to that, he didn't allow her to do the same to him. He stayed by her despite everything. He promised to never leave her, though unfortunately the same couldn't be said for the Aspect of Darkness. At a point, the Nephilim clearly was hurt over the fact that she took their promise lightly and left him without so much as a note of goodbye or any explanation detailing why she did what she did. But he's mature and understanding enough to know there must be a reason why she did all of that. So he didn't press any further. "Right, distract them with your beauty, always the card you pull up" he rolled his eyes playfully and scoffed at her, he was always there to watch at the sidelines as she tried every trick known possibly in a man's history. It worked surprisingly, which he couldn't believe, that always rendered him speechless. 

"I don't think you and I remembered the same enjoyable parts we spent together, Cora" he pointed out, the things he remembered were the same setting but of different context, that's for sure. "I remember the place whereas you were more interested in the legal measures taken to go to it" he had a tone to him that was daring her to deny his claims. He knows her just as well as she knows him, there wasn't much to her personality and behavior the nephilim wasn't aware of, courtesy to her showcasing it to him. The idea of visiting the Ailward manor would send goosebumps to anyone sane, including him so he only stared at her with a discernible look before shaking his head, "Nobody sane, Cora… remember… nobody sane would do that" Roaming the halls of that place? No thank you. "Not that I'm telling you I'm going to visit anytime soon but if I do, I'll let you know for sure." For the sake of his own health and life, he will. 

He narrowed his hazel hues toward the dark haired female and crossed his arms instinctively, "What stories…" a part of him wasn't sure he wanted to hear them but still, curiosity is a tempting little thing. "That's an understatement. I remember you told me back then how crazy your family could be but by that I thought you guys just have way too much free time on your plate. Clearly that's not the case" after finding out that she belonged to the infamous Ailward family, he could understand her circumstances a bit better. "I can't believe you're actually talking about my first time so openly like this… what the hell, Cora" he grumbled and massaged his temples, sighing at how playful and blunt she was being. It was something he's used to but it still brings a smile to him. That's the Cora he knew and loved. Still do. 

"You always think someone is out to get you" he mumbled softly, she expressed her worry and paranoia to him too, to which the nephilim tried his best to reassure her that it's not always like that. Now with her identity being out in the open, he wasn't sure if he could tell her the same thing again. Was there anything else he wanted to know? "I mean there could be a long list if you want to hold a Q&A session with me but I think that's enough for today, I just want to spend time with you, that's all. It does make me wonder how many like seriously how many personal guards you have had in your lifetime though, you're not exactly easy to handle" he exclaimed haughtily. 

“It’s not my fault that all of the men back then were too naive and clueless” She added pointing out the truth. Back then she had men falling at her feet but it didn’t always work on everyone. With how at no point did it work on Julian. That's how they became friends so quickly. Julian was the only decent and cating guy who wouldn’t try to ask her out. “So I’m guessing you don’t want me to stop by your new job like we do?” She grinned teasing the Nephilim, almost waiting for him to get a little bit flustered. “We still had fun didn’t we?” She was always one to take risks not thinking of the consequences. Believing as an Aspect she was invincible or to have a free pass. “Okay, okay. It’s up to you. So you can’t say you weren’t invited” Most people if they had any sense they would stay clear of the Ailward Manor if they weren’t associated with it. It could get a little bit chaotic to say the least along with the fact that there are wild animals who roam halls. 

“We have 1,000 years of stories for you to choose from” She could see how he was still trying to wrap his head around her being an Ailward and all. Now she wondered what would happen if he’d met any of her other adoptive siblings. Knowing him, she could see him asking different questions along with all of the weird ones too. She continued to tease him about asking about his love life because she could and had years of catching up to for it. Along with she found amusement seeing him blush and cringe a little. He was like it whenever he could second-hand embarrassment for something. “You would be hopefully playing spin the bottle, truth or dare” She laughed shaking her head at how hopeless Julian was. An innocent virgin. 

It was true she always felt that someone was out to get her but this was all different she wasn’t alone. Seeing first hand losing someone to it but not knowing who, how and what really happened. “This is different to all the other times. It’s like there's darkness in the city. You need to be careful too” Worrying about him rather than herself. Knowing how he liked to help and be the hero too. The Aspect glared at him a little when he spoke of her probably going through many personal guards over the years. “It’s not my fault that the guards they choose for me don’t like me” Pointing out a truth, it’s not often she’s been left to pick any for herself. Normally it was Aureus who decided. “What do you want to do then? We could order a takeaway then pick a movie like the old days?” They had a lot of catching up to do. It’s been a long time since she’s really hung around with anyone outside of the guard apart from Rashesh and Artemisia where she can just be herself and not the Aspect of Darkness. 

"You know you totally didn't offend me the slightest bit, Cora" he narrowed his hazel hues onto her and shook his head playfully, he even went as far as to beat his chest to dramatize everything. "Sometimes we can't help but be naive and clueless, especially yo beautiful women, gosh." He wasn't exactly inexperienced in that department, but he was also the type to remain monogamous so there was that. "What I mean is that I'd appreciate you letting me know if you were going to stop by and bother me at work" he chastised and shrugged when she said they had fun in the past, "Fun is relative but as far as I remember things, we did enjoy each other's company, even if we probably tried to get the other in trouble unintentionally like 90% of the time." They were pretty adventurous and thus that meant they also got in near trouble a lot. 

"Somehow I feel like those 1000 years worth of stories have a lot of you getting into trouble. I mean I can only hope the rest of your siblings are not as disruptive and troublesome as you" he shot teasingly, Cora had a particular air to her, even when she walked into the room, you just can't help but gravitate towards her. Whether it was her natural charm or it was that testament to her powers, he had no idea but the Aspect of Darkness definitely had the ability to make people turn their heads around. When she mentioned the classic game of spin the bottle, the nephilim pulled a face and shook his head in response, voicing out his retaliation, "That game is seriously rigged… how come I always get dared every single time? Like I got a few truths but dares? It's like they want to torture me" and most of the time, the truths were questions along the lines of asking whether he's a virgin or how many people he's kissed or slept with. It was to be expected. 

Clearly Cora was being serious about this and Julian had a feeling that he would do better listening to her instead of downplaying it, after all, she would know better, no? There are some forces he couldn't comprehend that she could. "I've been trying to keep myself out of trouble these days, I'm not sure if I can be any more cautious than I already am, so hopefully this much is enough." He had everything ticked, from living a low profiled life and keeping his contacts limited. What else could he do? "Don't you choose your own guards? I didn't think they were selected for you without your… you know, consent? Isn't that like bringing a sacrificial lamb to the altar to be sacrificed to the gods back in the old days? Do the guards even have a say in it?" He imagined being a personal guard is probably the next highest rank for a guard there after the leader. 

"I want Thai… god I've been craving them since a week ago… you can pick what movie you want, just… don't conjure up those tricks where you try to scare me out of my wits when we're watching horror." Who is he kidding, she would definitely do that.

The Aspect of Darkness was known to speak her mind or say something without thinking. People were used to it now, her insulting them in the process. Looking over to Julian she followed her arms and rolled her eyes giving him a look. “Does it look like I care?” She commented the two of them were opposites in many ways but it didn’t mean that they didn't know how to tease one another. Bruising people was something that she enjoys doing, taking any shots that she can to do so. “Some of them were easily giving away top secret information to any woman who battered an eye to them” Back then it was easy for her to find anything she wanted even when she wasn't working for them. The stupidity and foolishness of humans. “I’ll be better at not imposing too much now. Don’t worry I won’t be showing you up or embarrassing you at your new place of work” She mused laughing softly as she teased the Nephilim. Both of them had missed each other's company even if they wouldn’t admit it outloud. Hopefully with Julian being back in her life, having their friendship back would be the thing she’s been missing in the last few years. “Just admit that you missed me even if I got you in trouble at times” She always loved seeing the look of panic cross his face whenever they nearly got caught. 

Julian had only had the opportunity to know her without being graced by the presence of her other siblings. She found it amusing that one day after he’s met some of the others he’d be rethinking his choice of words. “Oh honey if you think I’m bad you haven’t met the others yet” She joked letting him in for what he’d be in for. The Ailwards were a dysfunctional family but a crazy one at that. She could remember whenever they played truth or dare that he was bad at it more than the normal person. “It’s not my fault that you're an easy target, then you’d get all flustered and nervous when asked the sexual questions. It’s like you're asking to be targeted” Pointing out the obvious even if she was mostly the one to ask those types of questions just to wind him up. Luckily for him she’s gotten a little past those childish games in the last few years but never say never when at a house party. Or if it comes to the day she’d suspect that Julian has a crush and she’d want to get it out of him somehow. Then she’d use her tricks of deceiving him. 

With all of the unknown happenings in the city and with the mysteriousness of Vladimir’s death still affecting them so long after there was a part of her that was worrying for others that she was close to. The Aspect was trying not to be so selfish these days. Now she was starting to worry for Julian even knowing that he was a skilled Nephilim. “You’ve always been good at blending in with others” Something that she noticed at first when they first met back when she felt that she could escape the supernatural world around him. In the past she’s had bad choices of the personal guards that have been given to her. At one point she thought it was just Aureus spitting her giving her the ones they would only just annoy her or were too perky for her. “Luckily I was able to pick my current one before it was all down to Aureus” She’s not had much luck before. 

She is in need of some down time. Having some take out then watching a movie too. She was surprised that he was letting her choose the movie with her past choices. “Scaredy cat. So you don’t want to watch those new It Movies?” Those ones would easily scare him. “If I remember you were even scared of ET” A movie for children even scared him. “What about Sex and the city? Or Bridget Jones Baby?” Recently she’d been binging all of Grey’s Anatomy still she was longing for some more screen time of McDreamy.

“Well, humans can be stupid sometimes and they are attracted to pretty things” he teased, even Julian would not deny that the Aspect of Darkness is one beautiful woman. “Can you really blame them for having a low tolerance like that? Not everyone is strong.” He gave her a knowing look that says you better not when she said she won’t impose on his space, especially during his working hours. “Keep that promise, Cora, my workplace is not… exactly lenient with guests, especially that of uninvited ones. Even the bosses don’t come over unless it’s a field inspection day, they won’t take it lightly to know a lady, even as beautiful as you are, trotting over.” The nephilims scrunched his nose up at her direction and shook his head, refusing to say it out loud even though that’s what she wanted. “You wish.” He would lie if he said he wasn’t even the slightest bit curious about her siblings now that she’s said it like that, “Can there really exist someone who is worse than Cora Ailward? But… if you’re a family of dragons, you can’t exactly be normal either, now can you? That doesn’t suit the story and wouldn’t make sense…” He’s relying on his creativity and imagination to picture how her family would be. 

“Let me guess, you have at least a stoic one, one that is slightly lighter than the lot of you, nature-loving person? I don’t know, the leader that looks responsible but isn’t really all that?” Julian tried listing down every stereotypical role there is in a family. He let out a grumble when she poked on his sexual life, “My lack of sexual life does not warrant you the opportunity to poke fun in me, Cora” he scolded her playfully, “I just wanted to wait for the right one at first, you know I was benign respectful with Maleah but now, I don’t even have time for myself, much less hook up with someone overnight.” It doesn’t seem possible. Not with his hectic schedule and his bad sense of timing. Julian didn’t really utilize much of his supernatural abilities as a nephilim but to say he’s not experienced with them would be an understatement, he knows how to work them around and can use them if he wanted to. It was how he managed to hang out with the Aspect of Darkness without pulling any type of attention over them, unnecessary ones, at least. 

“Blending in and keeping it low-key has always been my motto, you know that.” It wasn’t as if he’s an extrovert anyway, he keeps to himself. “God you make it sound as if your brother would pick the worst bodyguard ever” he teased, she does have a way of making things sound extra dramatic, more than it needs to be. “Your brother can’t possibly resent you that much, little miss Darkness.” He narrowed his eyes and scowled at the Aspect when she brought up his scared self, “I’m not a scaredy-cat, anyone would be freaked out by those manifestations you conjured up… they looked real, okay? Now I’m starting to think they were real, considering your position… clowns are scary and E.T. was creepy.” Her choices were actually surprising, while he was rolling over the menu to see what they would order from his regular delivery place, “On a second thought, maybe some action will do you some good.” 

“I think that is the first time you’ve ever given me a compliment like that” She teased back to the Nephilim. They were used to throwing a few insults to each other but meaning none of it, like all other people in friendships would do. A frown appeared on her face, disappointed to find out that his new job in the city wouldn’t be so leaninanted to her stopping by like she had done in the past. That she wouldn’t be able to see or annoy Julian at his place of work like she used to do. “That’s no fun” The Aspect sulked a little. There were people who were more uptight than Julian working there. “People and their rules these days” Like everything now it was harder to get away with things like they were in the past. Cora knew that she’d just have to find other ways to annoy Julian daily now. “We’re one big crazy family to say the least” It was one way of putting it. “I don’t think you would be able to cope with it” She added knowing that Julian wouldn’t be able to cope and then have a meltdown from all of the craziness that may or may not happen yet nobody couldn’t guarantee it being a normal or quiet day. It was more a good and sensible idea for him to stay away. 

Julian was already able to guess without asking what the other Aspects were liking. It wouldn’t surprise her if he had read up some about the Aspects. With how she knew he liked to do his research that he was a bookworm at heart. “There’s a few of us who are polar opposites of each other” She started to tell him. “Argent and Aurantina are the ones who I have the least amount of common with and spend the least amount of time with. Argent is Aspect of Light, whilst I’m the Aspect of Darkness. Light and Darkness don’t work together” It didn’t mean the two of them didn’t like each other or didn’t get on. Just that normally their powers wouldn’t work or feel the same as it normally would when they are apart. Cancelling each other apart. “Then Aurantina is Aspect of the Elements, we don’t have much in common either” Not ones to cross paths with much either. “Then Virideus is the Aspect of life, he’s kinda the big brother figure. He’s the one to help to cure my hangover and steer me on the right path” She smiled a little as she spoke of Virideus, he was one of her favourites of her adoptive siblings even if she wouldn’t say it to his face. “I’ll stop now, I don’t want to bore you with everything” Plus she didn’t want to exactly spill all of their secrets to him. 

Cora knew one of the reasons why he was and had always been a little bit uptight but any time she would say it he would get annoyed. That he needs to get laid that it’ll make him uptight, it was the same for adoptive brothers she’d say the same thing to them. She shook her head hearing the same thing he’d always say as an excuse that he had no time for anything. “You gotta make time for yourself, go out. Have fun, let loose a little” Instead of it being work, work, work.  She couldn’t help but to cross her arms looking up to him giving him a look like Realy?! “We could always binge the Haunting Series on Netflix if you want. It’s got the little boy from E.T. well he’s a full grown adult now but still” She loved the Haunting of Hill house, it was one of her favourite shows. “So what are we going to watch? None of the superhero, avenger stuff please” Already having enough of watching those times of movies that Rashesh would insist for them to work. Where she spends the majority of it on her phone whilst he’s paying full attention, enjoying the movies.

He pulled a face when she pointed out that it was the first time he has ever given her a compliment like that "Don't get used to it, it won't last" he teased. He shook his head because of course Cora would find that inconvenient, the Aspect or Darkness always lounged around and bothered him. The nephilim never really got annoyed by it because god knows he actually preferred her company and it was so much better not being alone all the time, but where he's working now? They're very strict and if they found out he was in any way slacking even for a minute, he'd be reprimanded. "Yeah, it sucks to be me if they find out I was chatting. Or bringing an outsider inside the hangar… god they might actually string me up like a fish." If he was actually taking in a reference, Nora might do that, she's his boss for a reason, anyway. 

"Yeah please, I have enough dysfunctional family with just one sister, I don't think I can handle anything more than that in general, much less your definition of crazy, which admittedly is far crazier than the usual one because have you seen you, Cora?" He thought she could be slightly unhinged sometimes. In a good way, of course. He blinked as he digested the information she gave her "Well that makes sense, light and Darkness aren't supposed to go hand in hand with each other but once they bond well, they might be able to help the other out." After all, the world revolves around both. "Your brother, the Aspect of Life cures your hangover… that sounds a bit ironic." For some reason, it does. 

Julian wasn't bored out by her information, if anything the nephilim was actually curious but he had a feeling that knowing less would be far better for the likes of him. He shouldn't get involved in things that don't concern him further. "Your definition of let loose is worrisome, Cora. What does that even mean?" Considering how she is, it could be a lot of things. Before he could suggest his own idea, the fact that she said an ultimate no to superhero movies made him scoff and shook his head "Someone is a little grumpy after watching too much of those, wonder why" he teased. "Surprisingly I'm not so much of a geek, but I do like watching plenty of action. I'm not bad at horror too so the Haunting Series sounds like it'll flow. Now it makes sense why the Aspect of Darkness had a thing for horror though… wait are spirits real? Ghosts?"

“Oh come on spoilsport, we had fun didn’t we? Just admit you like to break the rules once in a while” She teased the Nephilim a little. It wasn’t her fault that he was an easy target. “Have I ever told you that you need to stop being uptight all of the time? Let loose a little” She dared even if it was no use there was no changing him having tried many times in the past. “For starters you can unbutton your shirt a little.. This isn't the 90’s” Cora pointed out, taking matters into her own hands unbuttonning two of the buttons of the Nephilims shirt as a way of letting him live a little. Even though she’d know he’d overreact and quickly do up the buttons. Back then whenever they went to any parties or nightclubs it took many drinks for her to persuade Julian to chat up a woman. It always ended up badly with him fumbling then girls walking away from him. 

“We’re not all crazy you know? There’s always got to be some good in the bad, right?” Trying her best not to scare him off completely. “I think you would get along with my brothers Virideus and Aureus or my sisters Argent and Aurantina. Maybe not my other brothers Erytheurs or Venetus. Nor my sister Malva” Forgetting for a moment how many of them there were. Nowadays it was quite rare for them all to be in the same room as each other. Since coming to the city they were all busy with their own lives  to spend with each other. Cora was quite sure that some of them were hiding secret romances from each other. One of them being her. 

Listening to Julian, Cora noticed that he was on to something that may come to use to them. The coming together of the light and darkness could be a powerful asset if put to use. Something they’ve never thought of doing. Cora quickly dismissed him, not wanting to bring up the whole danger looming over the city and all with him. Trying not to freak her old friend out more than she already has. “I know right, it’s quite useful. Saves having to feel shit for the rest of the day after a night out” Beaming a little showing what he was missing out on. Cora looked over to Julian shaking her head a little seeing how dismissive he was or not even wanting to try to have a little bit of fun. An innocent virgin. When it comes to superhero movies she’s had enough of them for a lifetime that's for sure. “Don’t get me started, Rashesh wants to watch Trek Wars next” Core complained about what was hell for her but Rashesh likes them so she’s stuck with having to watch his movies for him.  “Who knows? Maybe or maybe not” Anything was possible that's what she’s learnt the hard way. 

He rolled his eyes playfully at the shorter female when she claimed they had fun despite everything, well he couldn't deny that but still, the nephilim would not be caught dead admitting that to her. "See, in this case, it's not me, it's you who likes to break the rules... not sometimes but pretty much all the time" he made sure to highlight and emphasize certain words because god knows the Aspect of Darkness does that plenty. "Your identity makes so much sense when you think about it again..." How ironic.

When she started to unbutton the first few buttons of his shirt, he was taken aback and poor Julian actually had to try and push her hands away while being flustered "Woah woah we don't need to go that far jeez, I'm fine the way I am, Cor-" Anyone who looked at them would raise their eyebrows because what even are they doing? He couldn't help but get curious when she said he might not get along well with 3 of her siblings "And why those three specifically? 2 brothers and 1 sister..." he murmured, would they be the type to wring him?

The familiar feeling was coming back especially when she mentioned about geeking out "Trek Wars? I can't believe you of all people would be watching Trek Wars, are you sure you're the same Cora I met? Because now you're freaking me out" She doesn't seem like the type to like those things. Often, the nephilim is the one geeking out and she would look at him as if he just grew two heads. "So your boyfriend likes to watch these things and being the good 'girlfriend' you are, you stood for him" he chuckled and actually doubled over because of how hard he was laughing "Man I need to meet this Rashesh..." Because clearly, he has done a number on her.

He could feel his blood run cold when she said the maybe's "Ugh I don't even want to think they have the possibilities of being real..." He bit her lip and wondered if he should actually let loose like what she said "So... you wanna go ahead to somewhere or something? I could use some snacks... and drinks maybe. I'll let you pick wherever, consider that a reunion token from me" he had a feeling he would come to regret his decision but the words have been said and he couldn't take them back. 

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