With the holidays around the corner; Evermore was buzzing with celebrations already. People organising pre-Halloween parties, decorations all over the city. The costume shops were sold out pretty quickly, when it came to getting prepared for the holiday that always seemed to be a big deal around the City. Even the Celestial, had been prepared early for the holiday. Having picked out her Halloween costume, a week prior.

The Celestial had been taking care of something at the art gallery; where she had her work displayed. Checking up with the boss of the art gallery; as he wanted to know of any updates for her latest projects. Since her work had been displayed at the art gallery; she found herself more busy with different projects for the gallery, as well as different side-jobs as a photographer. Looks like her chasing her dreams and taking up people’s tips of submitting her work to an art gallery has paid off in the long run. Even if it was a lot of pressure on her. But she was doing what she loved, so it was definitely worth it. As she left the art gallery; the autumn breeze ruffled through her hair. The Celestial, grabbed her head-band from her purse, pulling her hair up into a slight messy bun, to keep it from swaying into her eyes too much, in the evening breeze.

Since she had the rest of the day free; she decided to head to her favorite coffee shop. Opting for a latte with some spices, to help warm her up. The Celestial paid via her card; before taking the take-away cup with her. On her outing that afternoon, Artemis ran into an old friend Astoria. Before Artemitra came to Evermore, with her kind. She had met Astoria on the road. The two girls had quickly bonded and got to know each other, back then. After the pair got talking again, on their reunion at the coffee house. Artemitra had been invited to a party at the Dhampir Compound, to photograph the event for Astoria. Apparently, it sounded like a big deal. Artemis of course, appreciated the job offer and was more than glad to help out a friend in need. Besides, meeting more people would be fun; even if on a job.

It had taken a few days preparation, before the evening of the party had arrived. The Celestial had spent a few hours preparing. Making sure that her camera had enough battery and space for lots of photos. Packing a spare battery in her camera bag. Dressed for the event; the Celestial was wearing one of her dresses. Going with Red. Since according to Phe, red was her color. After she was fully ready; the Celestial got into her car, driving towards the address that Astoria had given her. By the looks of it, it was a big get-together, as the Celestial saw many cars out front. “Okay, deep breaths. You can do this.” she told herself. As usual, giving herself a bit of a pep talk before a job. Knowing that nerves always got to her. Artemitra could hear the music already, coming from inside. It seemed to be rather up-beat. The sort of music, that made you feel good and wanna dance. Luckily, she wasn’t the only one that was arriving at the party. Entering in, with some other new-comers. The Celestial looked around, looking for Astoria so she could greet her friend. Her heels clicked against the floor of the big house, where the party was taking place.

“Hey Tori.” The fallen star, finally greeted when she spotted her, in the near distance. “The Party already sounds good.” She praised with a warm smile. Giving her a hug, in greeting. The Camera bag, hanging over her shoulder, for safekeeping. ”Are there any specific things you want me to focus on?” The Celestial asked, wondering about Astoria’s vision, with these photographs. Not wanting to disappoint. So she thought, to ask...what she wanted her to focus on, if anything. Unless she was giving her free reign.

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It wasn't a stretch to say that Astoria wasn't the greatest social person around. She barely tolerated parties at work or the obligatory gatherings and Lake and her,  hardly were the hosting types. The dhampir prefered her own space and some peace and quiet, choosing to stay at home rather than go out and meet and greet. However, as Lake kept reminding her, with her new position, she couldn't simply cower away in the comfort of their temporary homes. She had to go out, meet people, get noticed at the new ambassador and gain allies. She couldn't refute her sister's logic as a small party at their home turf would be the perfect opportunity to understand the other members and watch out for those who seemed trouble.

It was why Astoria didn't protest much when Lake first suggested the idea to her and the preparations began. The location was at a nice club that they had pre-booked and not only had all the dhampirs had been invited, but Astoria has also extended the invitations to the other faction ambassadors and members as well. Although she wasn't sure how well they could be trusted and had hired some security measures accordingly, it felt like the proper thing to do.

They had spent days planning for food, decorations, music and other things that were usually necessary at these events. It wasn't until Lake had mentioned creating a photo collage as a memory that Tori remembered an important component they had overlooked- a photographer. On any other occasion, she or her sister would have clicked the pictures themselves, but since they both would be extremely busy socializing, she'd need to hire a professional.

She had been contemplating this particular problem one day when she bumped into an old friend- Artemitra. It had been a pleasant surprise to see a familiar face and luckily when Tori had asked her if she would be able to cover the event, Mitra had readily agreed. Having already seen her work, Astoria was completely confident that the event would be well-documented. 

The d-day came with a lot of chaos and last-minute panic, but when she now stood, sipping on her glass of cocktail, surveying the room filling up with people, Astoria couldn't help but feel excited. She had been in the process of checking up with the caterers when Mitra's familiar form greeted her. "I'm so glad you are here! I couldn't have asked for a better photographer," she stated in the way of a greeting. "I'd like you to cover the other ambassadors mingling, you know the usual obligatory important people's shot, but the rest is up to you. Click people talking, dancing, eating, getting drunk...but leave the puking and kissing out. Too cliche for my taste" Astoria cheekily grinned as she took a glass of cocktail from a passing server and offered it to Mitra. "Cheers! After this whole shenanigans, we really need to catch up. I can't believe of all the places, we found each other here."

Everything was all so crazy for him at the moment. Finding himself in a whirlwind of different emotions with everything all happening at once. Barely having any time to process what was going on. Still part of him felt that he was going crazy, still it was not all coming so real. How this time a year or more ago he would have thought he was crazy. Yet who wouldn’t if they had seen someone who they thought was dead. A ghost of the past back and alive in the flesh. Anyone would go crazy if it happened to them. The whole way the supernatural world was still new to him. How was not even yet a proper Dhampir. Not yet started his training. Something that other Dhampir started from a young age. Whilst for him it was all different. Having lived most of his life thinking he was normal and human to find out he’s a dhampir. All of it was strange for him. There was a part of him that didn’t want to activate his Dhampir side, prerfering to stick to all he’s known. Not ready to give it all up just yet. Still he didn’t want to let everyone down, that's all he ever does lately. How he was only 20 and didn’t have much to his name. All of his inheritance was blown before he was even able to touch it. He’s never had a real job before how he knew that he wouldn’t be able to have a part time job whilst at school then just about he was going to start college Cornelia had died. Or so he had thought. Then after her death he skipped going to college only now he was starting back taking online classes.

Jem always felt that he’s never had the chance to be a proper teenager. Not being able to have the same upbringing as others, missing out on a lot. Only feeling he’s just able to feel sort of normal for once aside from all of the craziness happening right now. One thing that always helped him get through his tough times was for his love of music. Always being his own way of escapism. Able to put his emotions into music, writing and playing songs. He was so happy on his birthday when Clarissa gifted him a new electric guitar. How she knew it would cheer him up and get him out the rut he was in which it did. He’d enough been able to find himself a band to join and score their first gig. Jem could remember a few weeks back when he had first met the new Dhampir Ambassdor who had seen how he was struggling with starting his Dhmampir training and offered her own help. Too in that time they had struck up a few different conversations. Too it came up how she was organsing a party with all Dhampirs invited and other ambassadors and members. That she had yet to organise music for it. Jem had shown her a few demos that he and his new band made. It seemed to work out that Astoria loved it, wanting for them to play there. It’ll be his first paycheck hoping that soon he wouldn’t have to keep relying on his pocket money to keep him a float for much longer. 

Now the day has come. He’d spent the morning with his band praticising their songs along with a new one he’d been working on that he thought was rubbish at first but now it wasn’t sounding too bad with a few alterations. Jem left the apartment that he was scared of with Clarissa. Now he wasn’t too sure whose place he should be living or whether to move back with Cornelia. Yet they hadn’t gotten around to deciding how both him and Rissa were still trying to get used to her being back and it’s that happened to think about whose living where. Jem met his band at the venue where they set it all up, checking everything all works. Choosing to start playing the music as more people were coming in and floating around. One of the first songs they played was Bright. The song started out slowly with the female vocolist was playing the piano till him and his band came in. “In times that I doubted myself. I felt like I needed somе help. Stuck in my head with nothing left. I feel somеthing around me now. So unclear, lifting me out. I found the ground I'm marching on” He began to sing looking out at the crowd. “Life is a risk, but we will take it. Close my eyes and jump. Together, I think that we can make it. C'mon let's run” His fellow bandmate came over to join him, sharing the same mike. People in the room now were all eyes on them, and started to cheer for them. “And rise through the night, you and I. We will fight to shine together, bright forever. And rise through the night, you and I. We will fight to shine together, bright forever” As he was singing, Jem looked across the room to see a familiar face talking to someone. How the mysterious girl caught his eyes straight away noticing how it was almost like she was shining. Brighter than everyone else. He shook his head knowing he was just seeing things that it’s just the lights that were all in the room, lighting up the party. As he looked back up, finding his eyes caught the attention of the mysterious brunette, shooting her a bright smile her way hoping to catch her attention as he continued to play.

The Celestial smiled, as Astoria thanked her. “You’re welcome, always glad to help a friend out with an event.” She wasn’t sure if she would call herself the best photographer around. Far from it. But still, she was fluttered.  Nodding at what Tori wanted her to focus on, laughing lightly as she mentioned what to avoid. “I don’t do puking and making out, photos either.” Artemis was more taste-full than that, when it came to her work. When she got handed a cocktail, the Celestial lightly clinged her glass against Astoria’s smiling. “Cheers.” Taking a sip of the beverage. She nodded, in agreement. “Of course we should. I think since being in Evermore, I’ve  been running into old friends, from all over the place.” It seemed like Evermore had a thing for bringing people together like that. But she was looking forward to catching up with Tori, officially. Probably had plenty to catch up on. So it didn’t really surprise her that she had run into Astoria in the city the other day. She was glad to have a few more connections in the city. It always made it feel more like home.

Getting her camera set up, Artemitra smiled at Tori “Speaking of Ambassadors...give me your best smile.” Starting with taking a few photos of Astoria herself; since she was the Dhampir Ambassador and leading lady of this party.  

For a few moments, she could feel eyes on her. Glancing over her shoulder; to see where those eyes were coming from. She briefly glanced towards the stage where the band was playing. They sure did sound good. She had to admit, the male lead, looked rather cute. A beanie with his cute, scruffy hair. It suited his look. Artemis didn’t recall seeing the handsome stranger, around the city before. But maybe, because she didn’t venture to the Dhampir quarters much. The Celestial knew she had work to do. Taking another sip of her cocktail. “If you need me, you know where to find me...I am the one with the camera.” she joked, as she spoke to Tori. With that, she started to mingle among the crowd; taking photos of the event. Taking some snaps of the decorations, focusing on the Ambassadors first; since they were the important head-figures of the city. Feeling a little relieved, that she knew a few faces around the party, besides from Astoria. As few fellow Celestials were mingling at the party too.

Being in a good mood, the Ethereal like glow, had been visible around her. Even with all the party lights and flashes. As she worked, slightly swaying in tune to the song, that the band was playing. As Jem’s band-mates were rocking out with him on stage, the drummer Alex noticed how Jem was staring into the crowd at a certain brunette. It made him smile. From the corner of his eyes, he saw their other band-mate smirking. Most likely already gathering up ideas in his mind, to tease him later on.

There came that feeling, like she was being watched. As she turned around with her camera to take a few photos of the band. Artemis realised that the cutie with the beanie was the one looking at her. As she lowered her camera, she caught his bright smile. Her cheeks turned a bit pink, looking flushed. And the glow around her growing a bit stronger. For a split moment, the Celestial didn’t have her emotions in her check. ‘Such an adorable smile.’ She thought to herself. He definitely caught her attention, not just his smile, but his voice. Whomever he was, he was a rather talented musician. Slowly becoming distracted, from her work. The Celestial found herself smiling back in his direction. The smile warm and bright.

Astoria laughed as Mitra snagged a couple of pictures of her. Although the dhampir wasn't super keen on getting pictures of herself taken, she understood the importance of maintaining an appearance and hence, gave her best 'I am so professional...look at me' pose. She was glad to have found some semblance of familiarity in Evermore. Astoria wasn't opposed to change but given how change was the only constant in her life while she had been living at the club, she welcomed any feeling of familiarity in this new territory. It made her wonder if there were others living here, who she had known in the past. Maybe she could convince her sister to ditch the organization and spend the day outside exploring places.

As Mitra walked away to do her thing, Astoria made her way to Lake, both the sisters surveying everyone around while casually sipping on their drinks. The party had been a success and as they had mingled, most people seemed rather welcoming. It was too soon to say if their interactions were sincere but Tori decided to reserve her judgements for later. She had learnt long ago to not place stalk in people's words, knowing most just didn't mean anything they stated or used their speech as a way to manipulate others. She was content in placing her belief in their intention and actions, preferring to observe for a while before deciding if they could be trusted. 

Lake commented to the band and Tori turned her attention towards them, happy to see them giving a great performance. She had met Jem a while back when she had just settled in and had noticed him struggling. From their conversations, it was pretty evident that the dhampir hadn't had a weapon training ceremony for him. Tori wanted to train with him for a bit before hosting one. Jem seemed like a reserved, quiet sort of guy, maybe even hesitant at first but as she stood watching the performance, she couldn't help but notice the slow change in his expression from slightly nervous to serious to shy smiles to a full-blown grin. Wondering what had caught his attention, she followed his line of sight, surprised for a moment to see it completely rest on Mitra, who was, in turn, returning his smile and glances.

Understanding just what was happening, she playfully approached her celestial friend. "I guess someone caught you eye. Or maybe you caught someone's eye? Or.." she teasingly drawled, "it definitely seems like both. He's cute, I'll give you that but as a way to stop you from giving me an entire album of his pictures, you are certainly going to do more than just stand here and smile the night away."Saying thus, Tori grabbed Mitra's hand and began making her way to the front of the band who were just finishing up their song.

For a long time he’d been stuck on what to do with his life. Never being someone who had it all planned out and set in stone. For him it felt that he was constantly taking a few steps forward and then a few steps back when it came to planning out his future. With his life being turned upside down. Only now was he finally able to feel that it was going upwards. Able to get his life back on track. His adoptive mother was alive and back in his life, he’d moved back in with her. Things were starting to go back to the way they once were but Jem knew it was going to take time. Able to see for Cornelia it was going to be a long and slow process to her recovering but he was ready to be there at her side helping her. Since he had more free time having no actual job but had started to take online college courses. One of the many detours of his life. Jem hadn’t seen himself joining a band but it sort of all fell into place. That just happened. Luckily it was all going well. Finding himself already formed a bond with his other bandmates. Spending countless hours practising and writing different songs. Finding his love for music once again, feeling alive again. With his new bandmates inspiring him, as they make more music. 

He was even starting to consider that maybe in the future it could be his career rather than something that they do on the side to earn extra cash. It was every songwriters and musicians dream that only one could hope could come true. They just had to make a name for themselves hoping that starting off with gigs like these could help to book more than could take them to further places. Jem was lucky that he’d managed to score this one. He could remember how excited both Reggie and Alex were when he told them. They’ve been looking forward to it ever since. When they were playing all of them were smiling, singing along to the music. Plus he had more of a reason to smile catching someones attention in the crowd. Seeing that it all worked out how the person in the crowd smiled back at him. To his right he had noticed Reggie had a bandmate on bass shoot him a teasing smile and Alex on the drums joined in too. Whilst he pretended not to know what they were on about yet he knew he had been caught out. 

Soon they were finishing up the song, Jem had looked back into the crowd to see if could see the brunette but she had disappeared. Making him frown a little. Not noticing that they were coming through the crowd and to the stage. Just as he put his guitar off and it’s stand, Jem turned around noticing Tori and the girl in the crowd there. “Hey Tori!” He greeted her, knowing how she was soon going to start to be his mentor soon for Dhampir training. Jem started to feel a little bit nervous not knowing how to say hello to the girl he couldn’t take his eyes off singing. It seems like Reggie had caught it that he was a bit nervous with his bandmate coming in. Feeling Reggie put his arm on his shoulder for him taking the lead. “Hey, I’m Reggie and this is a cd of our demo and a  t-shirt on behalf of Jem for size-beautiful” Jem turned to watching Reggie give his signature smirk, dropping him in it. Whilst he stayed silent seeing how his bandmates were trying to be his wingmen but Jem knew he had to speak up. “I’m Jem by the way”  He smiled softly introducing himself, pulling his shoulder out from under Reggie before he would continue flirting and speaking up for him.

Artemis was a little lost in the moment; as she was watching the band perform. Or more rather, her chocolate hues were still locked with the cute stranger. When Astoria interrupted the moment, Artemis glanced back towards Tori. “I...urg...I was just….you know…” she started to babble, a bit nervously. Did she really catch his eye? I mean...for all she knew, he could have just been politely smiling at her. Not wanting to read too much into it. Or was Astoria reading a little bit into the fact, that they had exchanged a few smiles. “Yeah, he’s cute.” The Celestial found herself agreeing. “Great voice too.” Realising she was gushing a bit, about a totally random person, her cheeks flared up with a pink tint. The Celestial wasn’t sure, what was coming over her. She wasn’t usually like this. Of course, Tori had to tease her. Shaking her head, as the blush across her cheeks grew brighter. Much like her glow. “He would make a fine subject for an album, but I have a job to do. It’s not like I’d focus just on him.” Even if she was a bit distracted by him. Artemitra would have included the full band-in the photos for the final album.

Before she even fully realised what was happening. She felt Tori dragging her over towards the stage. “Woah...Tori…” she gasped slightly, almost tripping over her own feet. “Wh...what are you doing?” Her eyes wide, as she was looking towards her friend, in a slight panic.

Was she seriously, being dragged towards the stage. “I...urgh...Tori. I….I don’t think…..this...is a smart idea...They’re in the middle of a…” Artemis was a bubbling, ball of nerves. Only when they came to a halt, she realised...that they were in front of the stage and they probably heard her nervous rambling. “Urgh...hi.” Her words had trailed off, into a nervous greeting. Mentally face-palming herself, for such a lame and awkward greeting. Wishing, she had some smart comment, to make. Not sure that it would save her. Feeling eyes on her, the Celestial somehow came out with “I heard the acoustics, sound better up close.” Yep. That sounded a lot better, inside of her head. ‘Sheesh girl...you’re so bad at this.’ she thought to herself. Letting her dark hair fall over her face slightly, to shield the emmbrassed blush, that was spreading across her face.

When one of Jem’s band-mates started to talk to her. Artemis was taken by surprise, with the flirty comment and gifts. Her cheeks flushed. “Thanks, I’ll make sure no one wipes down the tables with this.” Artemis cracked a lame joke, about using the t-shirt as a table wipe. But briefly glanced down at the Cd cover, to check out the band’s name. Now her hands were really full, a camera around her neck. A cd and t-shirt in her grip. Before she could ask, what earth a ‘Jem’ was, the cutie with the beanie had introduced himself. So he was Jem? Not a name, she had been expecting.

“Yeah, you wouldn’t want to do that.” Alex spoke up. “It gets all weird, when it gets wet. It shrinks.” Trying to put her a bit more at ease, as she made that joke about the t-shirt. As Jem finally introduced himself. Alex thought to himself, ‘Finally.’ 

Smiling at Jem, a little nervously. Artemis held out a free hand to shake his. “Artemis.....Nice to meet you Jem.” Opting to go with her most popular nickname, rather than her full name; which always confused everyone. Knowing how a few people had butchered the name Artemitra before. It was amusing. “Great song, by the way.” The Celestial complimented about the tune, that they had just finished singing a few moments ago.

Music has always been a part of him for all his life. Finding that it helped him, even in the darkest of times. That he’d always be able to listen to music. Turning it up loud to drown out of the noise and everything and everyone all around him. It always was something that worked out for him. It helped a lot when growing up stuck living with his aunt and uncle. To stop hearing the constant shouting and arguments that he could just stay in his room listening to music to shut it all out. At first he didn’t know he had any musical taltents it was only till he reached high school and had the chance to get hold of a musical instruments to find it was something he was good at. Whilst he wasn’t acdemeitcally talented, he was talented in different areas and music was one of them. Along with singing. For years he kept it to himself. At the time he couldn’t afford his own guitar or to take proper lessons. It wasn’t until a year ago when he was in the middle of his own depression period trying to deal with his grief. That Clarisssa saw him struggling and bought him a guitar pushing and steering him almost to something that could help him. It all worked out for him.  Finding he was becoming more and more confident. Owing it all to her for pushing him to find his love for music once again. 

Somehow he’d managed to find and become part of a band. It was still all surreal to him but he was enjoying every part of it. Still not knowing if music was his true passion if it would help to lead to anything but he was still enjoying it. Tonight was one of their first gigs as a band that he managed to sort out for them. He was luckily to have some powerful connections here in the city, unknown to his bandmates but they all just went along with it. Jem hadn’t expected to catch the attention of someone in the crowd. That normally he’d quickly look away that everyone was all looking at them yet he had found that he couldn’t look away. With their eyes locked with one and another. Jem could see from the corner of his eyes that his band mates had noticed and was already starting to tease him. After the song had finished he noticed he was still caught, having been distracted. It seemed like his bandmates weren’t the only one to notice, seeing how Astoria was practically the girl from in the crowd to their direction. Jem knew first hand how persistent the Dhampir was. That Astoria is someone who didn’t take no for an answer. 

“Hey” He smiled softly to the cute stranger, so that he could see how nervous she was being dragged out to see them. Jem was looking at Reggie in disbelief, rolling his eyes to his bandmates flirting trying to do it for him. Nearly laughing seeing the confusion to his name, having gotten it a lot. Choosing his nickname rather than his real name. He still didn’t know why he kept doing it now he’s got older but it just stuck. His bandmates trying to butt in got worse watching Alex talk about when the t-shirts get wet. Laughing he patted Alex on the shoulder almost saying for him to be quiet that she doesn’t need to know about how the shirt washes. Soon he learnt of her name, it was one he hadn’t heard before. It was unique but in a way it matched her. “That’s a beautiful name” He went on to say, still smiling at her. “Thanks, it’s a song that I had been working on but Julie helped me to finish it” Back home he had a whole book of songs he’d written. Jem motioned behind at their other bandmate who was in the back. “We don’t have to do any songs for a bit, did you want to go somewhere?” He offered on the spur of the moment that was unlike him. That he wouldn’t hear the end of it if he didn’t talk to her alone. Jem wanted to get away from his interfering bandmates that they’d just be teasing and embrassing him more than they aready have. 

Out of all the things that could have happened that evening; the Celestial wasn’t expecting this. But Tori was an example of a new type of stubborn and persistent, by dragging her over to the band...or more specifically, towards the cute guitarist/lead singer Jem. Standing so close to the stage, the lights felt rather warm, making her feel hotter. Brushing a few strands of her hair away from her face, so it wouldn’t stick to the side of her face.

As Alex warned her about the shirt shrinking, the Celestial blinked slightly before shaking her head in amusement. “Thanks for the warning?” Not sure what to really say, it was a bit awkward to say the least. But amusing nonetheless.  Alex just gave her a nod in return, almost to say you’re welcome, but cracked a wide smile as he observed her and Jem together for a few moments, giving his Dhampir band-mate a pat on the back in return. Jem’s band-mates seemed like a rather friendly, chatty and amusing bunch. It’d probably be a good laugh, hanging around them if one of them cracked a joke. As Jem complimented on her name, her cheeks turned slightly crimson even under the brightness of the light coming from the stage. Feeling flattered, The Celestial gave him a warm smile in return. “That’s sweet, thank you.” Even though it was just a nickname really, she preferred going by Artemis rather than her full name, which was a bit of a mouthful.

Artemis was impressed, when Jem said that he wrote the song. It wasn’t easy to write lyrics; she didn’t need to be a musician to figure that out. “Ah, well it’s catchy.” She said with a soft smile. It’d probably be on her mind a lot throughout the night, just like any good new song the Celestial would hear.

His offer had taken her by slightly surprise, not really expecting it. Cheeks still flushed. Gosh, she wouldn’t hear the end of this from Astoria-the endless teasing. Smiling at Jem softly, she nodded. “Sure, I can take a small break from what I was doing.” Interested in getting to know him a little bit, like he seemed in her. She had plenty of time in the party, to take more photos for Astoria. Hopefully without getting distracted, once Jem and his band would be back on the stage. Just then, someone had walked up onto the stage to announce something.

“Alright everyone.” The announcer sounded into the microphone. “That was Julie and the Fat One’s...they’ll be back with some more amazing tunes, later on.”

The room was filled with a mixture of confused silence and laughter. Artemis raised a slight eyebrow hearing the Band’s name. Glancing at Jem with a raised eyebrow as she looked between him and his friends. Hoping for some sort of an explanation, as none of them were fat. Trying not to laugh. But her lips slightly twitched, before a giggle escaped her. Given the comical side of the statement, she found it rather amusing. 

His bands-mates on the other hand, didn’t look too impressed. Alex just huffed, looking at Jem. “Seriously, Dude?” He questioned Jem, with a raised eyebrow.

Jem wasn’t used to gaining the attention of others. Before joining the band he was used to just hiding in the back of others, now it was the opposite he was right in front. With all eyes on him.  Everyone who wasn't talking to other people around the room were all listening to them. Jem looked back to his bandmates who had wide smiles like him on his face. They knew that everyone was loving their music, that it was all going more well than they had thought. That tonight was their first chance of getting their names and music out there. Jem had caught the attention of a cute girl in the crowd, finding that he was spending more time looking at her than around the room. That Reggie kept having to motion for him that they still had a rest of the song to sing. Soon as they ended the song, Jem straight away looked back in the crowd to where the cute girl was to find that she’d moved. Lucky for him, he could see moments later she had been dragged right to the front of the stage by a peristiant Tori. He couldn’t help to laugh with his Dhampir Mentor trying to play matchmaker along with his bandmates who noticed where most of his attention was whilst they were playing. 

He couldn’t help to laugh at Alex’s awkwardness how it was the normal but he watched the brunttes reaction to Alex. Seeing the confusion but just kept holding the shirt. “Just nodd and smile” He whispered to her trying to save Alex from saying any more about the shirt and how to look after it. Soon as Jem gave her a compliment for her name, he could see a blush arose on her cheeks. “You’re welcome” He smiled softly back to her. Artemis sounded greek to him, thinking that he’d ask her about it later. Hoping that they would be able to have more time to talk.  Jem loved to see people’s reactions when he tells people that he’s written a song that they like. Seeing that he managed to impress her. “Catchy songs are the best, then they get stuck in your head” Jem added with a grin on his face knowing that his song would be stuck in her head now too. 

Now he was waiting to see if Artemis was going to take him up on his offer of going somewhere else to talk. “Awesome!” He smiled brightly with his dimples showing. Happy that they could take more without anyone butting in, trying to tease them. Jem got distracted for a moment not noticing at first the announcer had stepped on stage to tell the audience of the upcoming schedule. The Dhampir was mortified hearing the announcer refer to his band as ‘Julie and the Fat One’s’. Knowing he had only himself to blame. The whole room was either silent or laughing at the mistake. Turning back to the others he looked to see Artemis was raising a brow almost asking why but both Reggie and Alex looked dead at him not happy that it was down to him. “Yeah, man. My handwriting sucks” Jem admitted sheepishly, biting his lip and then scrunching his nose. It seemed like Artemis found the funny side to it. “It’s actually Julie and The Phantoms”  Quickly claffiring trying to save himself from any more embarrassment but knew that she’d be confused by that name too. They always seemed to confuse many people not able to help it.

It had been a while since someone showed her such attention. The Celestial didn’t have much luck, when it came to love; having been burned on a few occasions, therefore making her past a bit complicated. More than she’d like it to be. Smiling at Alex and nodding, probably would have been her best bet, like Jem had suggested, but it was a bit too late for it now. Having to deal with the confusion of it all. At least, he wasn’t rambling on about how to best wash the t-shirt. Artemis was sure, she’d knew how to do laundry. Nodding to Jem’s comment about catchy songs. “True, then it ends up getting stuck in your mind for ages.” Artemis added. Finding that’s how it usually goes with catchy songs. But she had a feeling, his band and their songs would be stuck in her head too; especially if they had more catchy tunes. Guess, she’ll find out a bit later tonight when she’d hear a few more of their songs and when ever she’ll have a chance to listen to their demos.

Catching the sight of his dimples, The Celestial thought that it was adorable. Hopefully Tori or his band mates, wouldn’t tag along just to embarrass them further once they’d be elsewhere for a few moments.  Seeing Jem’s mortified expression, the Celestial tried not to laugh too much. But it was amusing. Shaking her head slightly. “Maybe you should let someone else do the writing.” Artemitra told him softly, as he admitted to having terrible hand-writing. When Jem told her the real name of the band, she looked confused. “Why Julie and the Phantoms?” She couldn’t help but question. Trying to figure it out, inside of her head. Glancing between the guys. They weren’t ghosts right? Or were they? That would be interesting, if that had some sort of a supernatural connection there.

“Why not?” Reggie replied with a smile. At least she had found it amusing to some degree. Not that his response, made the Celestial any less confused. Not giving her a clear reply.

Seeing that the announcer was about to get off the stage. Artemis thought quickly. Pulling out a piece of paper and pen from her bag. Neatly writing down the band’s name. Her handwriting was rather elegant and almost cursive style. Quickly stopping the announcer and handing him the piece of paper, with the band’s name on it. To save Jem and his band mates, further humiliation if the announcer kept saying the wrong name.


When Alex saw what she had done, he just grinned at Jem. “Her hand-writing is really neat.” He was impressed. Somehow she had saved the rest of the evening with that little note to the announcer. After Artemitra had turned back around; she saw the band giving her a thankful smile. Smiling back at them.

“I figured, it’d save you guys more trouble later in the evening.” Artemis slightly shrugged. Hopefully, it’d help, so they could avoid a situation like this again.

“You haven’t heard our other songs yet” Jem laughed teasing her a little, they had more catchy songs other than bright. That she hadn’t heard Alex or Reggie having their own solos yet. Both him and Julie mainly took over the main parts, with how they were both the main signers. The other two liked to surprise people when they had their own parts. Like how he knew that Alex was more comfortable behind at the back on the drums. Knowing how nervous and anxious the blonde gets. Seeing how it just happened with the whole t-shirt situation. That's why they normally let Reggie do all of the talking then at the same time he could be a little too much at the same time. So they could never win. 

He was still in disbelief how others couldn’t read his handwriting. With the whole room laughing at the misspelt band name including the people who were standing beside him. He could still see Alex was not happy with him. “I guess it’s the last time I’m allowed to sign us up for anything” Jem chuckled, shaking his head. “Is my handwriting that bad?” Asking the others whilst he knew what the answer was. Others were always taking digs at his handwriting. That they’ve never seen anyone else with such bad handwriting as his. His songbook was all over the place. Jem could see the confusion on Artemis’s face as he told her the real band name. Since they weren’t ghosts. Luckily Reggie was there to answer. “We used to be Sunset Curve then thought to change it to something else” Mostly it was because Julie kept calling it Sunset Swerve, so in the end they changed it to Julie and The Phantoms. 

Jem looked over to seeing that Artemis was fiddling out in her bag finding a piece of paper and a pen.  The Dhampir was peering over her shoulder to see what she was writing, then saw she was writing out his band's name. He could see how more prettier her handwriting was compared to his scribbler. All of them were smiling happily, seeing how she went to save them from any more mix ups. “Your handwriting is better than mine” He mused scrunching his nose a little, everyone had better handwriting than him. “Definitely. Yeah” Alex went on. “Thanks, we don’t really want people to keep calling us that” Trying to make a name for themselves would be hard if they were called by the wrong name. “So you want to get out of here now?” Jem smiled, turning the brunette, double checking if she was still up for it. Still not knowing that she was here as one of the professional photographers that he’d be taking her away from her job. They still had song songs to play but it was all scattered with how this was a party and not a concert. It beats the bookshops they used to play at a few weeks back but he was already missing the free snacks they got from it. It was a lot fancier here than there. 

A smile curled up upon her lips. “Well, I look forward to hearing them.” Artemis said softly. If they were as catchy as their song Bright, then she had a feeling few more would be embedded in her memory. They seemed to be a promising band, so she certainly was curious to hear more of their tunes and find out what they were all about.

Artemis wasn’t one to say if he should be allowed to sign their band up for anything else, after this. Giving an innocent shrug. “Well...it might be better if you let someone else, do the writing.” Being as polite as she could, about it all. As Jem’s hand writing really was...something else. The situation was still amusing.

“She’s right.” Alex gave Jem another scolding look. “You better leave it to us to sign us for our next gig, unless you want someone else calling us the fat ones.” he pointed out. Still, it was kind of the brunette girl to save them from more embarrassment and saving the rest of the evening, when she did so. Sometimes he did miss the name Sunset Curve. It was easier to remember.

Artemitra smiled lightly at what Reggie told her about the old band name. “Sunset Curve, sounds catchy.” At least, that’s what she thought. Seemed like a name she wouldn’t get confused about, unlike their second one. Giggling a little at Julie’s mistake of the name. “Sunset Swerve doesn’t sound bad either.” Less insulting than Julie and the Fat Ones. That was for sure. Giving the band a nod, as they continued to thank her for properly writing out the band name for the announcer guy. “No worries. Glad to help.” Artemis replied with a soft smile.

“Sure. I mean, I still have a few minutes.” Artemis replied to Jem. A few more minutes away from doing her job wouldn’t hurt right? It’s not like she was bailing on the party. She was still there to do her job, but also to socialise a little.  Allowing Jem to lead the way away from the group. And letting the rest of his band mingle among the crowd of guests. Everyone was having a good time, so she was almost sure that Tori was happy with how this little party had turned out to be.

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