Baptiste had finally pieced it all together, and openly came out to those he'd became close to here within the city. It had been a hard task, and it didn't go without heart break for a few. Including himself. As a priest, Bap couldn't help but question if he was failing God because of his sexuality. But, he had got the assurance he needed right here in this confessional today. "Bless me father for I have sinned, and I will sin again" he sighed drastically. Baptiste was never short of a realist, even within the church walls he was nothing but blunt and honest with his words. 

It was no surprise that the priest taking his confession had to clear his throat before he could begin, to clear the awkward vibes Baptiste knew he was giving off. These confessions were always done at random, so that you had the privacy of the priest not knowing you personally, but since Baptiste had hooked up with the male on the other side of this confession booth, privacy was out the window. After sitting here another 30 minutes, Baptiste was given a penance .."embrace change" the priest had told him, and so he would. After it ended, Baptiste gave the priest a smirk when they both stepped out, while the other tried to flee the instant he realized who just gave him a confession. 

It wouldn't be long before Bap began his own service within these church walls tonight. Luckily enough, there was an upstairs to this church, where an office, and a shower room sat. Baptiste had brought his church clothes in a duffle bag, along with a few other personal items so that he could get ready in the church tonight due to his confession running him a few minutes late. After scurrying away to get himself ready, the Valkyr emerged once more an hour later, dried and dressed in a suit. After giving himself a once over, he was ready to begin, and headed back downstairs, into the church, and down onto the chancel where people gathered around him for prayer. 

Prayer always lasted the longest, because he had to pray for each person and their individual needs. Once prayer finished, The Valkyr opened service with a few songs, and moved on to a few bible scriptures. After what had only seemed like a matter of moments, was now his time for closing with prayer, blessing each individual who had came tonight, and even those who hadn't, that Baptiste knew as regulars within the church. After shaking each of their hands, the church had cleared out and Baptiste decided to stay a while. This was the only place in the city that Baptiste felt most in tune with himself. After coming out about his sexuality, he truly had been struggling. Then a certain other Valkyr had decided to give him a taste of the dark side, and he'd nearly fallen off the wagon, becoming addicted to blood. So, being here in the church, gave him a peace of mind that he couldn't get no where else. 

Some time had passed when Baptiste felt himself jolting out of his position. He had been sitting in one of the pew's when a loud bang startled him. Unsure of what it was, the Valkyr sped off into the direction of the noise, finding himself encountering the same boy he'd seen sneaking out of one of the other churches not long ago. Immediately, he released his grip on the male, whom he had pinned to the wall. "Sorry, you scared me" he expressed apologetically, and ran a hand through his long black mane to put it back in place from where the wind of his speed had blurred it out of position when he had whizzed himself over to source of the noise this guy was making. 

Bap didn't knoww hat to say at first, he knew very well that he was probably only sneaking in to get some sleep. But, this was the church.. Bap's church. He had to make sure nothing shady was going down. Struggling with his faith or not, protecting his church was his first priority. For that he figured his father would be proud still, after all the things he'd done to go against the way his father raised him. "Something I can help you with?" the Valkyr then asked, while a feeling of heart ache tugged at his chest as he tried to keep his gaze fixed on the male. Bap had encountered plenty of people who struggled and had it rough financially, and it always effected him the same. But, this case however, something was different. His urges were different. Protecting the person before him seemed to be of importance to Baptiste, even if he did barely know him. 

"I'm Baptiste. I preach here, wanna go sit and talk?" he then asked, tilting his head as he realized the other had a duffle bag in his possession. "I can make some coffee. I stayed late after service tonight just to get peace of mind and to reflect on some stuff, we can go sit in the office" he added before quietning himself to allow the other to speak. 

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Sunmin was definitely stubborn and very much his own person, when other people met him they seemed to be hellbent on feeling sorry for him or having some sort of pity for his situation but what they didn’t realize was that he had done the whole get a house and job thing and while it had been nice for a while he was content with the life he knew too “At the end of the day, everything I have is mine, I am myself and my life is entirely mine to control” and that was all he really needed, he’d never cared for following other people’s rules and guidelines. “Well I enjoyed it, they all have their own personalities and stories, you get to know the quirky ones, the excitable ones, who likes human attention, who likes to play with other dogs” he shrugged, when Baptiste asked if he worried over getting bitten he shook his head “People do way worse things every day and a dog will usually only bite you if you deserve it” it tended to be a defensive reaction, rarely was a dog aggressive by nature.

When he asked what kind of hero he would draw him as he took a moment to study him for a moment “Well you’ve already got the superpowers built-in so I think I’d go with something like Captain Shadow, you got that leadership vibe but also sneaky vibes” he chuckled, probably more a name for an anti-hero of sorts now that he thought about it but that seemed to suit the sort of narrative he’d design for him. “Believe me I get being pissed at the world” after all he was born with no idea who he was, what he was or what his purpose was and he spent a lot of his life aimlessly searching for the answer to those questions so that he could feel whole. But eventually, he realized how much time he wasted on that endeavor which he could have been spending on actually living his life “I don’t know all that much about faith but I do know that sometimes we need that comfort from somewhere to feel like we can cope with everything” he nodded thoughtfully

“Definitely, the view makes any risk worth it, at least to me anyway” if he had a camera he would probably take photos from up there because it was truly something magnificent to experience, though most people he told about it thought he was insane for going up there, he guessed he always had a sort of fearlessness to him which came from not having much to lose, there weren’t people relying on him, no one really knew where he went or what he did and that was a very freeing way to live. Reckless perhaps but freeing. “Well I’m sure you’ll get to experience it sometime, maybe get a tour up one of the skyscraper art galleries,” he laughed under his breath, Sunmin didn’t have a real identity so by default most of his life was shady but he knew most people were law-abiding citizens.

“Sometimes, sometimes not” he responded and shrugged “I have no idea what lives they lead and whether it’s a good thing to be like me or not” he frowned slightly, he spent so much of his time searching for clues and now he was close to some answers and he found himself in this place where he was wasn’t sure if he was ready to know everything because it kinda felt like it would change his entire life. Sunmin bit his lip slightly at the way the other male explained how he had been close with his sister and then ultimately lost her. Sunmin never had a family so he wasn’t sure what it would even be like to have a sibling but he imagined it would hurt a lot to lose someone you felt so connected to “Sorry to hear that you lost her” he commented softly and nodded his head “How long ago was it?” he asked, from the way he spoke it seemed like it might have been a long time.

“Nope, no reason to be looking back” he responded honestly and shrugged his shoulder “I try and live my life without regrets, I do the things I want to do and I look out for myself, that way I won’t even need to dwell on the idea of going back” he could be seen as pretty selfish but that was the way he chose to lead his life and it was the way he reached for his own happiness. “Not that I advise other people to do that, people call me a selfish brat a lot” he quipped with a slight grin on his lips, he probably was in the sense he did what he wanted and took what he wanted, but he did try to help people too, he just did so silently and without any credit to his name.

To say that he didn't get it, or understand where Sunmin was coming from would have been an understatement without a doubt. Baptiste had experienced all different types of people because of the type of job he has. But, he could honestly admit that Sunmin was the type of guy you don't run across very often. He said things that'd make anyone really think about things.. life in general he supposed. But, it was certainly refreshing to talk to someone who makes you think. "I can't say I blame you for being content with that. My life was never truly mine I guess, so I kind of admire that you're in complete control of yours." Bap's father paved a path for him to walk, and since he was sitting in a church, a priest nonetheless, he was still walking that path. "Somedays I really do think I'd give all of this up.." he stopped talking for a moment, long enough to make a gesture with his hands, to point at all the surrounding things before he continued "If it meant i'd be in control of my life, and the things that go on in it every single day..." it was a nice thought at least. 

"That's pretty admirable I guess.. and there's nothing wrong with being in a field of work that allows you to meet all different types of people, and I guess it's a bonus if you like dogs" he added, chuckling slightly before running a hand over his head to slick his hair back down. "True" the Valkyr said, nodding slightly. "I hate that people are seemingly horrified by pitbulls or German Shepherds. It's all about the way dogs like that are raised, and unfortunately, a lot of humans tend to rough them up to make them mean... but it's never the animals fault.. it's quite sad to be honest.." Being in this city for as long as he had, Baptiste had witnessed all kinds of crazy, including the way pet owners treated dogs as he just mentioned. 

Baptiste grinned a bright, charming grin when Sunmin explained what kind of superhero he'd draw him as. "I definitely like that. Sneaky and leadership vibes.. sounds like quite the combination" he smirked playfully and shook his head amused. Sunmin seemed to have a great imagination, and Baptiste always craved that kind of company because he craved coming out of his shell and learning how to let go and have some fun in life every once in a while. Baptiste appreciated also having someone to talk to that understood what it actually feels like to feel like you're mad at the entire universe. After all that had happened to Baptiste, and at this point, even the people he loved, or had tried to love, he had a damn good reason, but he supposed he was depriving himself of living all together, consumed by one thought.. revenge. It wasn't healthy, and he knew it was putting a strain on being who he was, and believing in the man above. But, he didn't know how else to feel about the curve balls life had tossed him. 

Sunmin had a certain spark in his eyes when he spoke about climbing, and the view it gave him. While Baptiste realized most people, or humans at least, would probably cower over doing such things, it sounded kind of exhilarating to Baptiste. Something he almost wants to try at some point now. The Valkyr laughed with Sunmin when he'd told him to start it off legal. "I think that would be smart, but doing it big also sounds kind of fun. Being reckless is so opposite of me, but something I guess a guy like me craves deep down. I'm just afraid that if I ever give into whatever it is pushing at me, I'll get a little too wild, and lose myself..." he felt so torn about that, and often didn't even know how to express it to where it'd make sense. But, it was true that some days Baptiste just really wanted to step out of character and stop being such a damn do-gooder. It was without a doubt the most boring lifestyle to live in a city like this. 

"Thank you" the Valkyr gave a nod of appreciation before closing his eyes momentarily. "Some days it feels like it only happened yesterday, but it was many years ago.. and I guess it makes me a little weak to not be moved on from it yet.. but i'm not sure I truly ever can move on..." he was just about to say 'not until I do something to avenge her' but he was sure that was a bit too much info. Not that Sunmin seemed like a guy he couldn't talk to. In fact, Sunmin seemed like a great person to confide in.. because Baptiste had already lowered his guard with Sunmin much more than he ever had with anyone else so soon. "I used to envy my sister... I was always really sick while she was vibrant and full of life, able to do literally everything I couldn't... it's kind of what led me to this.. being a priest and all. Because while she was outside playing with the kids in our village, I was stuck inside, soaking in knowledge about religion and such.. Idk I guess what i'm saying is, it seems so shitty now that I actually was jealous of her.. who knew that her being so full of life would be the very reason her life ended.." Had Marissa not been the one outside playing and the healthy one, she'd have never met Blaze, and then Noe would have never killed Blaze, which caused Marissa to kill herself. 

Sometimes Bap wasn't sure how he kept up with memories like that. It seemed like so much. 

In a way, Baptiste almost allowed the thought that he kind of envied Sunmins life to enter his mind. But normally, the Valkyr was pretty dismissive when thoughts like that approached him. Being envious was a sin, and he wasn't supposed to do that. "I'd be lying if I said there weren't days that I didn't wanna say F it all, and be selfish too.. I just don't know where to begin. It's sad that I'd literally need to be taught, huh?" he asked, blushing pretty heavily but shrugging his shoulders because it felt rather easy to just talk freely with Sunmin. "What would you say the worse thing you've ever done is, just to get by?" Baptiste asked curiously, figuring Sunmin likely had a couple of those stories because of the way he lived. "And really, if I step on your toes with questions, feel free to tell me to shut up" he chuckled, knowing he was quite the curious man sometimes, but you kind of have to be when you're getting to know someone.. especially if you want to know the person the way he felt he wanted to know Sunmin for a reason he couldn't pinpoint just yet. 

The younger male shrugged in response, the life he lead was all he had ever really know and so it was as simple as breathing for him to be the way he was, he wasn’t born with a family or anyone to raise him and teach him who he was supposed to be “Quit then, if it’s making you miserable then don’t hold onto something tying you down” that was how he saw the world, if you hate something you changed it, if you didn’t want to be somewhere you left. Simple. “Dogs are better company than people so I start there” he responded bluntly, yes, he was aware he was talking to a person while saying that but he didn’t care much for hurting other people’s feelings. He nodded a few times “Like I said, people suck” he responded and pressed his lips together “Maybe if they didn’t breed for fighting rings then people wouldn’t be afraid of dogs” Sunmin wasn’t the kind who would probably own a dog himself, but he did see the appeal in being around them a lot. 

He cocked a half-smirk when the other male expressed his like for his vision of what he would be like as a superhero “Not every superhero has to be the guy working alongside the police and savings cats from trees” he commented with an amused chuckle, he had some ideas for comic stories, he wasn’t a writer but when you were making the art it was hard not to further the pictures into their own story. “Some of them just, open to door for a homeless kid they don’t know” he responded and shrugged his shoulders slightly, that was about the closest that Baptiste was going to get to a thank you from the young celestial. The younger male had a mischievous look in his eyes while they talked “Well you never know until you try, there’s nothing quite like reminding yourself that you’re still alive” maybe that was why he enjoyed it so much. Sunmin had never let anything as trivial as societal expectations stop him from doing what he wanted to. 

He nodded and tucked his feet underneath him as he listened to him talk, leaning his chin against his knees and pursing his lips curiously “You aren’t weak to speak your truth, it would make you weaker to lie about it” he shrugged slightly, Sunmin did value honesty because most people weren’t truthful and he usually expected people to default to lies rather than the truth. The celestial had a neutral expression on his face as he listened to the other male, it was safe to say Sunmin knew a lot of people who had been through hard times and the look on the other male’s face said it all “Envy is natural, I feel like even the richest or most loved person in the world would still find something to be jealous of” he gave an amused chuckle “No point dwelling on the way you were, it doesn’t change anything in the end” holding onto the past and torturing yourself didn’t bring about anything good, only a state of mind where you were always punishing yourself. 

“I’m sure wherever she is now, she misses you too” he commented under his breath and licked his lips, he laughed when the other male said he didn’t know where to start when it came to leaving all his worries behind “Well it helps to start by acknowledging the things you like to do, and moping around a church in a thunderstorm isn’t it” he gave him a pointed look and shrugged, Sunmin was blunt and there was little anyone could say or do to change that. He pressed his tongue against his cheek when Baptiste asked him what the worst thing he had done to survive was “There’s a whole list honestly” he responded and shrugged “But I guess the worst would be dealing, never touched the stuff myself but I saw the damage it did and yet I sold it anyway” he wasn’t proud of that and he had gotten out when he could “I’ve stolen things from good people too, things they wouldn’t miss but” he shrugged, he could be selfish when it came to getting by. “I’m trying to be better but that’s...hard” he responded and nodded his head. 

Yeah. The male before him was definitely very different. But, Baptiste supposed that was the appeal. Its what made him want to get to know Sunmin.. He only gave you enough to leave you wanting more, as in details, things about himself, etc. And oddly enough, Baptsite saw that this was truly just who Sunmin was, that he wasn't putting on no fake front, or just trying to fit in or show off, he was just being himself.. and even with as different as that is with someone like Sunmin, it was refreshing nonetheless. "So you're always that blunt huh?" he asked, chuckling to himself with a faint grin adorning his features. "I can't disagree though. People really do suck. We live in a cold dark world..It's not often you meet someone worth knowing.." he stated, offering a more genuine smile, more so directing that comment at Sunmin himself. 

Baptiste snorted when Sunmin then went on to say that not every super hero had to be standing alongside police, rescuing cats out of trees. "Is that your version of an ordinary superhero?" he asked, amused. Sunmin was straight to the point, overly blunt and very honest, but..he had a good personality, and Baptiste truly did hope this would bloom into a friendship at the very least. 

While Baptiste already knew it, he supposed hearing those words out  loud made it realer, and sadder. He knew better than to show sympathy. But, he still hated knowing that Sunmin had lived such a rough life.He was a great guy from what Bap gathered so far. "Life tests the best of us for the shittiest reasons" preist or not, he was allowed to call that shitty, because it was. When Sunmin said there was nothing like reminding yourself that your still alive, Baptiste quirked a brow "and something tells me you remind yourself of that daily" Bap had to assume that when you live the way Sunmin does,that there was constantly something to remind you that you're alive. Whether it was being out in the cold and getting rained on,or knowing what being hungry truly felt like. "But i'll admit, I could live a little more. I need to venture a darker side of life. I'm wayy to 'do-gooder" .. maybe that's why ive been a loner for so long" he chuckled again, amused. 

Baptiste laid his cheek against his knee, sitting similar to Sunmin while gazing over to the Celestial. "Yeah, that makes sense. I would imagine no matter what someone has, or how happy, rich, etc.. like you said.. they'd still find something to be jealous of, or unhappy about.., It's unfortunately just the way life works I guess. I just felt like a total dick for being envious over my sisters health, and the fact that she had so many friends,blah blah.. all that for her to take her own life.. That's triuly the most bittersweet thing Ive ever seen in my life. It only means just because a person seems okay, doesn't mean that they are, or just because someone doesn't look miserable, doesn't mean that they're not in pain" and he guessed that kind of went along with 'don't judge a book by it's cover'. If only people really looked at life that way. 

"You're right again. Ive also been a dweller.. but then again, I honestly don't remember the last time I got all this stuff off my chest. I actually don't think ive told anyone the majority of what I just spilled in your lap. Sorry" he stated, shyly grinning a little. It felt good to vent/rant, even if he hadn't meant to do so. Baptiste looked around, suddenly feeling a sense of doom when Sunmin pointed out that moping around in a church during a thunderstorm, wasn't one of the things he liked doing. "I guess you're right again.. you're right about a lot Sunmin.. I may just wanna keep you around after all" he said jokingly.But, the idea of Sunmin being around here more often, definitely brightened Bap's mood a little, Who knew though. He could have been reaching for something impossible. Sunmin seemed like the type of guy that people got attached too, only just to lose without a word.. like Bap would grow to care about him,and then Sunmin vanish like he probably does. Maybe he was just assuming too though. He guessed only time would tell. 

Baptiste guessed Sunmin's comment about whereever his sister was, became irrelevant since he had vented a little too much about her already. "Yeah sorry. I know we just met, but Idk.. these four walls are closing in on me a little. Someone to talk to wasn'ta bad idea, I guess there's just somethings a person don't really wanna hear.. "Hey I just met you, and my sister killed herself" IS probably one of those" he chuckled, even though it wasn't the least bit funny. But still. And it wasn't like they hadn't sat here and talked for hours before he'd revealed that very tragic part of his life. 

Baptiste nodded as Sunmin answered his question about the worse thing he'd done to survive. While Baptiste knew that was wrong, he couldn't judge him.."I know you were only just trying to make ends meet.. I can't say ive lived in your shoes, but I have saw people that I love live similar.. and We all do what have gotta do at the end of the day. Not even people like me are flawless.. But i'll admit, my badboy credit needs a few points.. Ive barely lived.." which was the sad truth,and another thing Bap saw as bittersweet.Someone like Sunmin probably wished their life would calm down, while someone like Baptiste was literally craving a little bit of life, freedom, etc. ""I have a job in the hospital church/chapel..where you constantly have to pray for those who've just lost family members / loved ones to either surgeries, car accidents, illnesses, old age, etc.. there was a guy who'd came in a while back, around when i first started working there.. and I was called into the room to pray .. the nurses stepped out, and well.. oddly enough so did the only two family members he had in there. When they did, I decided to feed on him..and for days after that.. I craved it..and not even blood.. but more so the thought of being caught... I can't explain it.. but I guess that's the worse thing ive ever done.." While the topic was different from 'the worse thing you've done to survive' Baptiste didn't want it to be awkward when Sunmin was the only one sharing personal stuff. 

"Do you have a special someone in your life?" he then asked.. he figured Sunmin was too busy, and always too much on the go to have a lover.. but, they were getting to know each other..he hoped all questions were safe to ask. The rain had calmed down alot though, and Baptiste couldn't help but wonder if Sunmin would wanna go out into the night with him. "I'm not that great at having fun..but you wanna get out of here for a little while? We can explore the city in night time mode.. see what we run into or don't?" he asked, chuckling shyly. Reaching into his pocket, Baptiste pulled out a ring of keys from his pocket, reaching Sunmin the spare key to the church. "I didn't think you'd take a spare from me period.. but I definitely didn't know how you'd feel if I'd give you one to my apartment.. so until you're comfortable enough with something like that.. here's a copy of the church key.. it's all mine., and you can stay here anytime you need to. There's a pantry.. blankets, a comfortable enough place to sleep, and a bathroom" He stated,. and waited for Sunmin to decide if he wanted to join Baptiste on his nightime adventure or not. 

Baptiste was a bit forward with that gesture, he knew that.. but he wouldn't have gotten anymore sleep if he hadn't done it. 

He chuckled under his breath when Baptiste asked him if he was always so blunt “Pretty much” he responded and shrugged, he didn’t see the point in skirting around the truth. “And the people who are worth knowing can easily turn the other way too, given the right motivation” people were selfish and would do the thing that benefited their own interests most of the time, it was simple fact. He shrugged when Baptiste asked him if he saw them as ordinary heroes “Only ordinary heroes are real, they deserve a shoutout” at this point it meant something to do something that was beneficial to others without concern for what you gained from it yourself. You could say the bar was pretty low.

“I try my best to remember that I have some sort of luck to actually still be alive” especially given that he was a celestial which basically meant he had a massive target painted on his head. He even knew just how much danger he was in because he had always just kinda faded into the background. He raised his brows when Baptiste said he was too much of a do-gooder, he shrugged slightly “Doesn’t even need to be dark in the sense of the word, just needs to be something different” taking risks wasn’t always a bad thing after all. The younger male listened as the other male talked about jealousy and how it had impacted his life but he widened his eyes and winced a little when he talked about the darker choice his sister had chosen “Is that what pushed you to religion?” he questioned curiously, wondering if he had found solace in his faith.

He offered a half-encouraging smile when the other male talked about how he wanted someone to talk to, Sunmin didn’t really say much, he never really knew what to say but he was more than happy to listen and give someone the opportunity to get things off their chest “It’s fine...I’m told I’m one of those people that end up having everyone spilling” he chuckled softly and pressed his lips together “Sorry for you loss” he spoke softly. It must be so hard to process that someone close to you would make such a hugely tragic decision and it must torture the people left behind, wondering why and if there was anything they could have done to change it. He chuckled when Baptiste spoke such a weird introduction “And I’m a homeless, immortal traveler with no one to care for” he responded and shrugged, pointing out that nothing was simple or easy, not for anyone.

“Doesn’t make what I did right” he pointed out bluntly and then shrugged slightly “But I guess all we can do is try not to be...worse than yesterday” sometimes it was a case of slowly moving forward and figuring out how to be a better person while still managing to survive. There was always going to be mistakes and regrets but that was part of being human, no one was perfect and those who claimed to be were probably the worse. Sunmin bit his lip when the other male admitted what he had done in the chapel, feeding seemed like something his kind would have to do in order to stay alive “Addiction is a hell of a thing” he commented in a bitter tone, he had seen so many good people succumb to it and it could appear in all different forms, not just those that were conventionally considered illegal “Fighting it seems almost impossible too” he spoke softly, perhaps he’d just seen too many follow the same path.

He laughed sarcastically when the other male asked whether he had someone special “Not my thing” he responded sharply, he wasn’t the kind of person that looked for love and rainbows and all that sort of stuff. He raised a brow when the other male asked if he wanted to go and see the city for a while. He was pondering over that when the other male offered out a copy of a key to the church to him and he glanced down at it, contemplating for a moment before taking it “Only because it seems better than breaking any windows” he responded but he did nod in thanks before placing it into his backpack. That was a big show of trust so he would respect it. “The rain seems to have stopped...I can show you some of the best nighttime sights of the city” he responded, agreeing to his offer from earlier, seemed like the least he could do in exchange right?

The Valkyr expected nothing less as an answer when Sunmin said 'pretty much'. He was a bold, blunt, and straight to the point type of guy, and while some people either got offended by that type of personality, Baptiste found it refreshing. He then nodded with a faint smile adorning his features hen Sunmin said that only ordinary hero's were real. "Thats probably one of the truest things ive ever heard" he said in response, while twiddling his thumbs.IT was a nervous habit he had obtained long ago when he'd been held prisoner to Noe and Roseline. He'd get bored and have nothing more to entertain him than his own two hands. 

Bap arched a brow at his next statement. He was naturally curious, but Sunmin's comment made him overly curious and he'd done popped a question on him before he realized it. "So you consider yourself lucky to still be alive. "From what, just the life you're living, or what you are?" Baptiste didn't know much about some of the other species, but he did know when he was sitting with another supernatural. "But I guess either way, here's to being alive" he chuckled as he raised his glass up in a cheers manner finishing off the drink he had poured for himself earlier. "I guess the reality of it,is that I'm blessed to be alive too.. people take life for granted so much until they're faced with situations that make them thankful to take another breath" He'd dealt with illnesses that should have killed him,and two psychotic Vampires who made him want to die on several occasions. 

Bap nodded in agreement. "Yeah you're right..It definitely doesn't need to be dark. Ive just been such a good hearted person for so long, that anything different would seem dark to me.." he admitted, sort of bashfully because Baptiste could go out dancing to the club and call that the wildest thing he'd ever done. "I could definitely use a little bit of different in my life though" he added, chuckling dryly. He didn't care what it was, he just didn't wanna leave this world without being able to say,he'd once had a life of his own. He technically still lived on the path his father had carved for him. 

Baptiste nodded some.. saddened by the truth, by his truth. IT sucked to even have that as a story to tell someone, but it was his and he couldn't change it. "Well, I was always ill, which meant while my sister got to go out and play in the village, I stayed inside, read books, listened to my father preach, and it began growing on me to the point that I followed him from village to village, and began to witness to people myself. It made him so proud..but I would like to think that what happened to my sister made me stick with my faith.. and question it at the same time.. because there are nights I have flashbacks of that day, and wonder.. what kind of God would allow such evil in the world?" He sighed, knowing this wasn't appropriate talk for everyone, and not many even believed. Hell, he wondered if he still did sometimes. "Sorry.. I know that's not very light" in fact it was quite a heavy load to drop on someone he had only just met, but in the same sense.. the two of them had been sitting here talking for quite a while now, and Bap was okay with sharing his life with someone he wanted to get to know. Even if he did have the feeling that Sunmin was the type of guy you only got to hang out with once before he disappeared.

Baptiste gave the other male a nod of appreciation when he apologized for Bap's loss. "Thank you. Means a lot..and yeah, It's nice to spill  some of that sometimes..I appreciate you not cutting me off and running the other way. That has litterally happened to me before." he admitted, shaking his head, amused. Baptiste felt drawn to Sunmin in ways he didn't understand right now, and hoped this wouldn't be the end of it after tonight. It's just, while they were as different as day and night, Baptiste felt like he could somehow still relate to Sunmin in so many ways. "Well, for what it's really is nice to meet you .. homeless and with no one to care for.. seems we both have baggage, and what better friendship than two people like us?" he asked, chuckling amused. Baptiste definitely did hope for a friendship here. He already felt a connection just from the time he'd spent with him. 

Baptiste fell silently for a moment when Sunmin pointed out that it didn't make what he did okay, or right.. and smiled as he went on further to say all anyone could do is try not to be worse than yesterday. "I love how you see things .. honestly. If there were more people like you in this world..maybe things wouldn't be ...well, as they are.." he admitted. Bap swallowed harshly, "It is a hell of a thing to fight..but it's futile to fight alone" a lot of, or even most addictions could be fought, and even conquered, but no matter what kind of addiction you have.. you'll go no where without some kind of support and help. Baptiste grinned a little "I kinda figured you'd say something like that.. I don't see you being  the romantic type.. I mean, you never know though, what lies beneath being used to running, and finding shelter, may be a whole new person." He wasn't sure if he'd come off a little too much by saying that, or he had hoped he hadn't offended Sunmin.. "I'm sorry, what I mean is that if things ever settle down for you.. and you find some relief from the way life is right may find yourself completely different" that still didn't come out how he wanted, so the Valkyr ran a hand through his hair and huffed playfully.

He sometimes sucked at talking. 

Baptsite chuckled. It did seem like a better idea than Sunmin busting the windows out to get back it'd save theValkyr money. Replacing windows would surely dent his wallet a little. "Thanks." he then said, just because knowing Sunmin had somewhere to sleep, even if the church wasn't idea .. it made him feel better. He couldn't have rested his head on a soft pillow, underneath a warm roof if he'd known Sunmin would be in the cold.  

Baptiste rose to his feet, and gladly accepted the offer to see some of the best night time spots in the city. "Thank you Sunmin. I know how much i'm missing out on in life, maybe this can be a start" he stated, and began walking towards the door to head out into the night. Looking over his shoulder to Sunmin, the Valkyr smiled. Who would have thought it would go from Sunmin breaking in, to Sunmin now having a key and becoming a mentor to Baptiste. Someone to show him a funner side of life. "Do you have a favorite spot?" he asked curiously, he knew already that Sunmin liked the climb, but he was curious as to whether he had a special place in the city, or somewhere he considered to be his favorite. 

He nodded in agreement when the other male surmised that he thought himself lucky to be alive at times “Cause the world wasn’t exactly stacked in my favor, I woke up in a hospital with no idea who I was, no one looking for me and no money to pay my medical bills” no identity, no idea where he was. It had been scary and that day his survival instincts had kicked in and he figured they just never really stopped after that.

Sunmin was pretty open-minded and tolerant of most topics. Despite not really connecting with people he had respect for those who made their own choices because that was all he ever did on a daily basis “The world is rarely light” he responded matter of factly and shrugged his shoulders to surmise that nothing Baptiste could say would really spook him. When you spent time on the streets you saw the worst humanity had to offer and after that, nothing really seemed to rank. He chuckled when the other male said someone had cut him off and ran away before, he shook his head as he imagined it in his mind “Well that’s just plain rude” he commented bluntly, he wasn’t cruel, he just tended to avoid people where he could.

The younger male arched a curious brow when Baptiste suggested the two of them shared a friendship. Honestly, the notion felt completely foreign to Sunmin because he wasn’t the person who tried to make friends and he definitely wasn’t the kind to go out of his way to keep a friendship “Nice to meet you too” he settled on, giving the other male a leveled gaze, he would reserve his decision not to label anything for the sake of his own self-preservation. He nodded thoughtfully when the other male expressed the difficulty of fighting addiction “That’s what they say right? That you gotta have a sober buddy to keep you in check or something” unfortunately most of the people he knew didn’t have the right support system in place to get them out.

Sunmin shrugged and laughed when the other male didn’t see him as the romantic time “I can barely take care of my own interests, I don’t have time to be running after someone else” he lived a really lonely existence, he knew that but it was what he was used to and what he was comfortable with and honestly, he didn’t want to step out of that bubble. “That’s a whole lot of what-ifs” he responded in an amused tone and raised his brow, honestly he had no idea what kind of person he would be if his experiences were different but he supposed with time he would find out as things changed.

The celestial got to his feet before dusting himself off and slinging his backpack over his shoulder, he nodded before heading towards the door, glancing back a couple of times to make sure the other male was following “Plenty of them” he responded honestly, nodding his head “When you’re always alone the environment kinda becomes your focus” he couldn’t afford a lot of things so what he looked forward to was experiences and views. “I’ll refrain from making you climb’s wet so probably not a good idea” he led the way as they walked along the sidewalk, making their way in the general direction of a park he liked a lot.

Sunmin seemed really intense. And it wasn't a bad thing. Baptiste figured that life had just kinda made him that way. "I think a lot of people would be way happier if they lived like that. Ya know, with the knowledge that 'my life is mine'." Bap himself wondered if he would have been happier following his own path, wondering where it would have led him instead of where he's at right now. Would he have been sitting in a church at all right now? "It's crazy trying to figure out where you'd be in life if you hadn't of taken the path you did" he added thoughtfully. 

Shaking his head, Baptiste chuckled too. It was amusing now. "No kidding" the Valkyr started off, when Sunmin had said it was plain out rude. "But, not all people are you at the end of the day. I mean, there's not many people i'd be sitting here talking to like this for a lot of reasons.. but the main one, is that other people don't wanna hear it, or just don't  know what to say or know how to hold a conversation once it gets a little too deep for them" he added before sighing a little to himself. What made Sunmin so different, even if they had only just met tonight, was that he had stayed and listened at the very least, and Baptiste had tried listening to him as well.Not that Sunmin was as forthcoming as Baptiste. Perhaps that was a bad quality of Bap's.. literally sharing his whole life if he felt comfortable enough around someone. So far, it hadn't caused Sunmin to walk away though.. so maybe this was a friendship in the making afterall. The Valkyr really hoped so. 

Sunmin was a reserved guy. Baptiste wanted to do his best here with not making anyone uncomfortable like he felt he had just done to Sunmin when he had already labeled this a friendship, especially when Sunmin settled on the words 'it's nice to meet you too' but, Baptiste would take that. It was better than silence completely. "Sorry, I guess we all get ahead of ourselves sometimes. I have my moments of douchery" he chuckled bashfully and shook his head. The Valkyr nodded "you're absolutely right.. a sober buddy, a family that supports you.. something. Ive never once seen an addict in recovery actually make it without some kind of support." and maybe they did exist ..but none in Bap's lifetime. Working a shift in the hospital's chapel meant that he had seen his fair share of overdoses from the same people who'd come to his church weeks, months, sometimes even days prior to overdosing, asking for help. Bap had always learned that those specific people hadn't had any kind of support. 

Raising a brow, Baptiste gazed at Sunmin in an amused manner, shaking his head a little. "Yeah.. I guess it is" he chuckled in response to Sunmin saying that was a lot of what if's. He guessed someone like Sunmin didn't plan for life to be different, and only took one day at a time. 

Baptiste followed behind Sunmin with a sure feeling of nervousness. He literally never lived his life. Something as simple asthis had caused him to start sweating bullets, he knew he was visibly nervous at this point. It was no surprise that the Valkyr sighed in relief when Sunmin said he wasn't gonna make him climb because it was wet. "At least you're careful when it comes to another persons safety then" it was an attempt at humorous sarcasm, because he knew Sunmin wasn't worried about his own safety, or maybe he was and thats just the way Bap read into it. 

"So, have you ever taken anyone else to any of the places you like? I guess.. from what Ive gathered already, you spend a lot of time alone.. so im sure that was another silly question" he said, smiling a little. Baptiste stuffed his hands into his pockets and scoped out their surroundings, never having been to this park during this time of night. 

The younger male nodded in agreement with what Baptiste said, he saw so many going through life trying to meet other people’s standards and then falling short “The only person you actually owe anything to in life is yourself, people forget that” he shrugged slightly, didn’t seem smart to focus around someone else to him. “That’s a dangerous train of thought, before you know it you’ll be imagining that you joined the circus or created a sanctuary for elephants or something” imagination could run wild but reality was much different.

Sunmin let out a dry laugh when Baptiste confessed her had his moments of douchery and scoffed a little “Don’t we all?” he questioned with an amused expression, the younger male was never going to claim to be perfect because it was a simply fact that he wasn’t “What’s the point in recovering if there’s nothing better on the other side of it right?” if you were going to quit something like that you needed motivation to do so, which typically came in the form or not wanting to let someone down. “Still have to want it for yourself too though” he commented under his breath, by that logic there were many things that were similar in concept.

The celestial shrugged slightly, he tried to keep what-ifs at arm’s length where he could because he honestly found they didn’t bring much progression, all they did was keep someone locked in the past unable to move past it “Maybe you should be asking some what-cans” he commented bluntly “What can I do to make things better” that seemed like a more productive way of thinking.

The celestial chuckled under his breath when the other male seemed relieved and pointed out his concern for others “Or maybe I don’t want to get my only clothes wet” he commented and shrugged, leading the way as they walked through the city, Sunmin placed his hands in his pockets to keep them warm as he glanced over at the taller male “Not really, isn’t like people are all that interested in where a loner spends his time” he commented and grinned when the other male corrected himself realizing that of course the star didn’t prefer other’s company “People are assholes, knowing them, they’d ruin it” which meant he wouldn’t be able to go there anymore.

Sunmin had a spot in the city in mind, he liked going there sometimes to gather his mind and despite the space being designed to attract people he found it was often underappreciated, before long they had walked to the edge of the park he had in mind “So what does a priest do on days that aren’t Sunday?” he questioned curiously.

BAptiste nodded slightly, followed by a faint smile when Sunmin spoke facts. But, Baptiste had always been the type of guy to care about what others thought of him, and felt devastated anytime he didn't meet other people's standards. It sucked. But, he guessed there'd never be any changes to that. Bap's father did a number on him, and he hadn't realized it until he'd made friends in this city, seeing how different they were in comparison to himself. Baptiste had never lived .. at all. Then you had Rosealine, and Noe.. two evil twins who had been hell bent on making sure he never would live a normal life. 

Sunmin was fun to be around without a doubt. Baptiste had only wished to have met him sooner. Because some days, the Valkyr felt as though it was simply too late to do some of the things he once dreamed of, and it just seemed like Sunmin would be the type of person to introduce Baptiste to a funner, wilder side of life. "I suppose we do" he shook his head, amused that even as a priest, he had moments where he was a flat out douchebag male. "If you could go back to any part of your life, what would it be, and why?" he then asked, it was a curious question, but more of an attempt to get to know Sunmin better. Questions normally helped guide you in a situation where you're trying to get to know a person, Baptiste had learned. 

TheValkyr arched a brow, smiling a little brighter when Sunmin told him to change all the what-if's, to what-cans."Words have never been spoken better. Ive never been much of a risk taker, but you're right man. I guess if I want things to get better, I have to make them better myself and not question it all so much" he chuckled, feeling his cheeks blush, which was a rare occurrence. 

Baptiste listened to Sunmin, and from the sounds of it, and what he'd gathered so far, Sunmin had dealt with his fair share of people. People who apparently rubbed him the wrong way since he said people were assholes. The Valkyr chuckled atthat statement, "I do enjoy your ability to speak your mind" he stated, "It's something most people struggle with." he added, and that was true. Rarely do you meet someone who has no filter on what they say. He guessed Sunmin had just been around enough to know it's better not to hold back. 

Baptiste had been busy surveying the sky above them when Sunmin asked what a priest did on days that weren't Sunday's. "Well, unfortunately, being a priest means you're on call 24/7. You wouldn't believe how many calls I get on days that are not Sundays. I get a lot of people who are in a bad spot in life, and tend to call every day, every night.. especially at night, where it seems to be so much worse for people who are going through things.Then I work in the hospital's chapel. So anytime there's someone in the hospital dying, I go in and have prayer with the family, and well.. the person who's sick or dying. Its never easy, and for as long as ive been doing this.. you'd think it would become normal, or at the very least, easy. But still to this day, I have a problem watching people grieve." the frown on his face probably made it clear that he had a huge heart for other people. 

"Being a priest has not came without it's struggles though. I feel like i'm missing out on life, and in most ways, being what I am and believing what I believe in, was pushed on me at a really early age. Back then Ididn't really have much of a choice. But, once my sister .. well, when she passed away.. I leaned on my faith to get me through it, but it made me question my faith more than anything. How something that tragic could happen in a world where we're supposed to have a being greater than us, to protect us from such evil.." he sighed, and chuckled some. "Sorry.. ranting now" he stated before averting his gaze from Sunmin to the park, and back to Sunmin. "Do you think you would survive a normal lifestyle, after living the way you have for however long you have?" he then asked, silently praying that he wasn't invading too much by asking that question. He hoped Sunmin knew he could just switch the subject by now, if he didn't wanna answer. 

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