Caleb Segal had been walking on air for the past twenty-four hours. Even his dog noticed how much the usually calm artist was full of energy and seemed to be filled with literal joie de vivre. Over the past year, he’d been finding that sometimes unexpected experiences were the ones that revived his spirit the most. Such had been the case of Octavia Ivakov. Her presence in his life had been constantly surprising, but he was slowly starting to get used to waking up and looking forward to the unknown with the same enthusiasm that he had when he was a child and early light had gotten him out of bed in the morning with a leap and grin. The last night that he’d spent with Octavia had nearly stopped time. He’d fallen asleep at 6 am with more peace in his heart than had been there in years. The next time that he woke up, it was evening and the sun was setting through the open window. Caleb stretched his arms, yawning, as he stumbled out of bed and greeted his golden retriever, who was moping on the floor. “Feeling bored, Chasse?” He chuckled, bending down to nuzzle the dog’s head. “Je suis desole, mon ami.”

He’d been distracted lately. “Can I buy your love with a long walk?” 

The dog woofed happily and thumped his tail against the floor as Caleb reached for his clothes, shoes, and the leash. For several years now, their favorite path had looped around a nearby lake and run by the very gazebo that had become a shelter for Caleb and his new favorite person in Evermore. As he jogged past, a silent grin snuck up his face. He’d never thought that this would be something present in his life again, but as it slowly came into focus, the young man felt at peace with the idea. As he thought of her smile and the way her bright eyes could shine in the dark, Caleb found his feet coming to a stand still at the front of the lake. It was mesmerizing in the soft sunset, but what was happening in his heart was what made him notice. Chasse pulled at the leash, frustrated with his owner’s lingering, and Caleb gave one last long look towards the gazebo, before turning back to his home and running the three miles back on a brand new burst of energy.  

When Caleb approached his home, it was already dark. He pulled out his cellphone to light the way and thumbed through the screen before settling on the texts and typing. It took a moment; but the answer came through. He almost felt more nervous now that the answer was yes.

His entire morning had been spent on the go. Caleb couldn’t help that he wanted to impress her. The first few trips out to the dock had been spent with Malva, setting up a small magical boundary around the gazebo so that it all but disappeared, shielded from view. One of the magical elements that he’d found in all their moments was privacy and the aspect of elements had seemed amused but happy to help accomplish pulling out all the stops to impress her guard. Next, he visited a local restaurant and picked up dinner, before picking up a bouquet of flowers, and stopping back home to shower, dress, and pay the dog sitter.  

There was a bouquet of orchids and baby’s breath in his left hand and he was dressed smartly in a pair of nice jeans and a button up shirt. The dock on which he was standing reminded him of his childhood, but somehow, less lonely. In the distance, Caleb saw a familiar face edging towards him and his heart skipped a beat in chest. He smiled bashfully, meeting her at the edge of the water and reaching for her fingers, intertwining them in his own. When he was around her, he felt strong. A million french thoughts were racing through his mind as he gazed down at her soft eyes. After so long and so many missed chances, it seemed like life was finally moving forwards and away from grief. Perhaps, finally, he’d found a place to put down roots and someone to grow with. “Hi,” It seemed like such an ordinary greeting, but he’d look forward to a million of them. “Sleep at all after that adventure?” 

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She smiled when he explained that he wasn’t very naturally athletic “I was trained to be fighter from about as young as I can remember, but I’ve never been a fan of running” she pouted her lips slightly, she remembered as part of her training she had to run laps and those had always been the worst for her, she was more than happy to throw punches and kicks all day every day, but running was definitely her limit.

She nodded when he asked about being hypnotized “You’d be surprised what perks you can gain from living with aspects” she grinned slightly, they all had these abilities which seemed so magical and out of the realm of consideration, it was honestly fascinating to know them and in her case to mean something to them. She pulled a stupid grin when he spoke that cheesy line, only snuggling closer to him in response and shaking his head “You and Vlad have a similar sense of humor” she noted, and she had always been a sucker for cheesy lines.

She didn’t try to compare them because there was no comparison to be made, but she definitely thought the two of them would have gotten along, they had similar personalities, the more reserved type, but loyal and treasured those important to them. Caleb was definitely headstrong though, that much she had learned quickly “Especially right now” she spoke softly thinking about all the strange happenings that had been going on in the city along with the attack on her previous home.

She smiled softly when he said it was because he worried about her “I’ve been a warrior against some of the scariest beings this world has to show” she spoke softly as she looked up at him for a moment, her gaze showing her appreciation for his concern “Nothing really scares me more than losing those I care about” and she did worry Caleb could be a target, as someone who would be considered a weakness in relation to her.

She raised a curious brow when he suggested a way to get over being stiff and laughed when he offered a hand and they both got to their feet, she could guess what he had in mind before he said the words and naturally she started swaying along with him. Though the moment led both of them to draw closer to one another, eyes green eyes locked on his blues as he pressed his hands against her face and naturally she pushed herself to tippy toes to meet his lips with her own, smiling against them before they finally parted.

His question made her laugh under her breath “Going on a rollercoaster” she admitted with a shake of her head, she was brave but she wasn’t sure she was brave enough to put her trust in something which went upside down purposely. She nibbled on her bottom lip and shook her head slightly “What’s the bravest thing you’ve done?”

The soft sway of the dance slowed to a stop and Caleb looked down, trying to categorize everything he was thinking. Everything he was feeling. The compliment was appreciated. He didn't mind being compared to Vlad. If anything, he was quite flattered. Octavia had been monogamous to one man for so many years longer than he'd lived. That was a bit intimidating, but in a good way. It made him want to try new things.  Tonight was another step for them both at branching out from the lives that they'd expected. This was a road less traveled. "It must take a great deal of sacrifice to put yourself out that." He said quietly. "I can't imagine giving up the things of childhood like story times or fireflies, for a suit of armor."  

He wrapped his arms around her waist, snug and secure. He felt safe around her. It was quite the assurance to know that if any evil force were to venture his way, he had a personal angel guarding his back. His stubbornness when it came to the people he cared for was never something that he'd understood, but both his Aunt and his Mother had told him that sometimes he held on too tightly. That while his passion might be one of his greatest strengths, the well of fear that hid underneath it was probably his biggest weakness. There had always been a certain element of unsteadiness in his life. The pieces on the board seemed to evolve, or disappear. For quite a while, he'd adapted by doing the same thing himself. Only now, for the first time in quite a while, Caleb didn't desire to run anywhere. 

"I need to learn to relax," He admitted, a sheepish look making it's way into his eyes. "I think sometimes I get so caught up in thinking about what could be that I just....forget to exist."

Her warm embrace and gentle touch were like an anchor, these days. "The bravest thing?"

Caleb's brow wrinkled in thought before he gave an assertive nod. "Sky diving out of a plane." It had always been Ava's idea whenever there was adventure on their schedule in the past. He'd often have been more content to lie at home and read. "By the time that we'd been dating for six months, I'm pretty sure Ava was almost ready to call it out of sheer boredom, but for her birthday I offered to do one thing off her crazy bucket list."

His smile fluttered, before solidifying again. "So, we jumped out of a plane. With parachutes. I suppose it's the closet I'll ever get to flying."

Caleb finished his story and met her eyes. She was exceedingly lovely. He wasn't sure how he'd gotten quite so lucky. Apparently, his cheesy sense of humor did him more favors than he'd ever expected. "What is the best advice someone has ever given you?" 

She felt safe in his arms, he was warm and his frame felt strong despite the fact he was only human, she always respected that about him, how he was surrounded by everything weird and wonderful in the world and yet he seemed to roll with whatever came his way, that made him stronger than anyone gave him credit for. “It was the way of my family...I never really knew what I was trading it for” she gave a soft smile towards him, the way of the warrior was all she had ever known, she felt like her identity would be stripped without it.

She snuggled in closer to his shoulder as the two of them swayed together, she liked the fact he could make her feel safe despite everything she had been through and somehow, with him she was able to clear her mind of all her worries for just a short while. “Me too” she responded when he admitted that he worried too much about the course of things “But that’s what makes us compassionate...keeps us in touch with our humanity” she nodded slightly, it was important to her to always remain in touch with herself, never to lose the part of her that made her, her.

She watched him with curious eyes when he talked about being brave and she had to admit sky diving wasn’t what she expected him to say, her brows raised a little in surprised and she smiled “That is awfully brave...I’d go sometime but I fear it would be cheating considering I have wings” she giggled slightly and shuffled on the spot, she’d had wings for a long time, having been one of the few nephilim to defeat a dragonkin before they became extinct.

“There’s a certain satisfaction in taking risks, not knowing for certain how things will unfold” she commented and gazed up at him, showing that there was a clear double meaning to her words and that she was glad they had taken a risk on each other. She closed her eyes as she cherished the peace that she found in being with him.

“Advice?” she responded when he asked her another question, her lips pursing as she thought about it “That one...a little surprisingly came from Mal” she commented and laughed “She told me I shouldn’t always be so serious” she had taken that one to heart and honestly it mattered more than just a simple offhand comment, it reminded her that work wasn’t the only important thing in my life “It was at a time where I really needed it” she affirmed and nodded slightly.

“What is the fondest dream you remember having?” Octavia rarely remembered her dreams but when she did have them, they were certainly memorable.


The night breeze was getting colder and the tree frogs were beginning to hum behind them. He felt mystified by the entire happenings of this night. It seemed to unfold in front of him in ways that he never could have predicted. Everything with Octavia was surprising, everything was new. She was certainly right about the risk, but when he was next to her, Caleb didn't care. She was a risk, but as were all other good things. He couldn't keep himself tied forever to his past. There needed to be room in his life for things that were new, fresh, exciting. His eyes floated over her frame before coming to rest on her face as she looked upwards at him. 

He was beginning to understand what the tightness in his chest was -- it was a fear of loss. He'd been in these shoes before. He'd fallen in love once. That sweet sense of bliss had followed him until it had come to a swift and sudden demise. He was scared of something this good imploding on him again. That was something that they had in common. Only a week ago, they'd sat quietly side by side with barely a touch between them. Now, he found himself happily tangled in her arms and breathing in the soft scent of her perfume. There was no going back after tonight. After tonight, in one way or another, they would always be tied together.  

Caleb closed his eyes as she did, enjoying the gentle warmth, but understanding why his heart was beating so fast. He knew that the hesitancy that he sometimes experienced around her was just his intuition warning him of the potential for heartbreak, but somehow, it was worth it. The last two days had been like jumping out of a plane and finding that she had the wings to catch him.

"I'm always trying to stay in touch with my humanity." He said quietly. "My imperfections and messes. I feel like it's the best way to be happy. Learn to grow...let things go."  

"I like the fact that you're serious." His hands knit together behind her back. "It makes you easier to understand. I....I loved before, but we were such opposites. She was always pulling on me to move faster, but you never do." 

He pressed his lips to her forehead, lingering there for a moment. "You...let me take my time."

Caleb knew what his dream was the moment she asked. His dreams had always been vivid, but that did mean that the good ones were more potent than the bad ones. It was difficult to talk about loss and love that the same time.

It made him feel tongue-tied. In two languages. 

Yet, somehow, those two things had brought them together. Intimately.

Caleb nodded slowly, gently lifting her up onto the bench so that he could gaze up at her for once. "My dream?"

"Two years ago." His voice was almost hoarse. "I woke up in Evermore after two years. The sun was shining through the window and...there was quiet. That glow of the sun, for a moment, it all seemed so real. Snuggled up in bed with my family. All alive. Like they should be." 

His fingers wandered down her arm until he could reach for her hand. "It's always about family. Every year. I think it's a mental way of saying goodbye to others. Good dreams like that one can give you peace. I think it's been six months since I struggled with a difficult one."

He sat down beside her, taking her hand, and pressing it to his lips. "This is some deep stuff for a first date, lady of mine, but somehow it feels....right."

They'd always been deep. This didn't feel too fast. It didn't feel rushed. It felt like stepping into reality -- as if for for the first time in moths, they were being honest. About themselves. Their feelings for one another. He reached for one of the blankets and carefully wrapped it around her shoulders. "Will you join me in a walk around the water?"

She smiled at his words about wanting to stay in touch with humanity, she could understand him, in such a crazy world it was easy to lose track of the simple things but the simple things could often be the ones that mattered most “Sometimes it’s easy for someone like me to feel invincible” she confessed in a soft voice, for a while she had fallen into that trap, taking risks that were far too great because she felt like she could take it on “But at the end of the day, we all hurt the same...we all feel...vulnerable sometimes” it was a valuable thing to accept.

She grinned slightly when he said that he liked her seriousness, she still held onto that part of her, just because she received advice regarding it didn’t mean that she always followed it “Seriousness is part of me” she spoke softly and grinned “But I learned to let go of it too, to let things in that weren’t and trying to save the world” she had learned the fine balance between being a warrior but also being a friend, a family member and a lover.

“I have all the time to be patient” she commented in a soft voice, closing her eyes to cherish the moment as his warm lips pressed against her skin. She let out a soft, happy sigh, smiling because she could feel her heart fluttering a little in her chest “We’re not all that different….despite coming from two different worlds” she pointed out as she pulled back to look into his eyes “Though your eyes are much prettier” she teased with a playful smile, she swore she could drown in that gaze sometimes.

Octavia went quiet, listening carefully as he spoke about the dream he had, it seemed like such a vividly real one that she was sure it felt disheartening for him to wake in time and realize that it wasn’t reality. She knew a little about wishing for something so hard that your mind delivered you it in the only way it could. She threaded her fingers through his when she felt his palm touch against hers “That sounds happy” she spoke softly as she met his gaze from where he was standing below her, it felt strange to be the one looking down for once “I’m sure the world owes you a little happiness” she spoke softly before hopping down from the bench.

She laughed when he pointed out how deep they were wading for a first date “It doesn’t really feel like a first date” she confessed with a small smile, wondering if he felt the same way, it felt like they had been edging this line for a while and it had finally blurred. When he asked her for a walk she smiled and nodded, threading her arm through his so she could sidle up against him “Even the stars came out for tonight” she commented as she gazed up at the sky for a moment “Has anyone ever taught you how to spot the constellations?” he commented in a curious voice, she knew a fair bit about it considering they used to use the night sky for wayfinding before modern tracking became a thing.

Caleb snuggled up to Octavia as they stepped out of the gazebo and onto the dock.  It was still slightly wet from the previous night's rain, but he didn't mind. Nature was one of his favorite ways to settle his mind. He sat down on the edge of the wooden platform and boosted her up onto his lap. Caleb wrapped his arms around her and hugged her tightly against him. His chin came to rest on her shoulder, as they watched the waves lap against the shore. The moon was just a sliver tonight and the stars were compensating. There were a thousand, tiny blinking lights in the sky. Being away from the city lights, they only became more brilliant. It reminded him of home. "I've always loved stars." He said, looking at the way the clouds were coming to rest on the horizon and softly meet the water. . "My mother did too. We would stay awake once a month and she would tell me stories about where they came from and how people used them to find their way."

His apartment in Paris had a big, square skylight that allowed the sunshine to make a box on the kitchen floor during the day and during the night, glowed from the moon. Over the years, it had become one of his favorite places. There had been a pair of sparrows that continued to nest there every year. "And Ava was fascinated with the stars, but more for the romance of the story than the science itself. I think that was something we did agree on. The way that nature reflects humanity. It holds us to higher standards, one would hope."

Her comment about his eyes made his cheeks flood with warmth. His eyes were blue, in the majority, but in the right light a soft gold ring was quite obvious around the center. They faded together like sand melting into ocean, both warm and cool at the same time. "Mm. Genetic central heterochromia." He chuckled. "Blue eyed parent and brown eyed parent who gave me both."

The way that her hands relaxed into his own created a warm sensation that traveled from the tops of his ears to the bottom of his feet. Her presence was soothing. The touch of another person often did far more for him than spoken words. He was keenly aware of how even in the past three hours, the desire for her touch had only become magnified. The butterflies were real, and fuzzy, and intense. Their linked arms and twisted hands only represented the notion that he couldn't get enough of her.  Caleb moved his hands from between her own and reached up towards her shoulders, gently massaging them. His thumbs brushed the skin of her neck, working through some of the tension. As his hands moved against her muscles, he felt his own body relax. The waves of the lake lapped against his long legs and Caleb turned towards her. Every stressor seemed to just melt away.  His hands rested on her neck, pulling her closer. Suddenly, she was right next to him - the person he'd always needed. The one who helped his rapidly beating heart slow into a soft synchrony. Yet, despite all this, the kiss was almost hesitant as his lips cradled her mouth. 

A small amount of urgency gripped Caleb and for a moment as they fell together there was nothing but the swell of first chances a second time. The dock was wet, cool underneath their bodies, but every cell of him felt alight with warmth and it accumulated like gentle embers in his core. In so many ways, he had been careful to watch himself. The entire year before this, his waiting had nothing to do with his feelings and everything to do with his fear of losing himself. Before the soft flame inside him grew hot, Caleb pulled back, slowing his touch until it washed like butterfly kisses against her chin.  It took a great deal of strength to not give into what he was naturally built to do.   He reached his fingers into the water and ran his cooling fingers against her cheek. 

His forehead pressed up against her own. It was so tempting. She was so close. The young man closed his eyes, centering himself with a deep breath, as his shoulders became still. “I don't want to overwhelm you." He murmured. "Please. Tell me more about the stars."

In a thousand years of living, it was certain that Octavia knew far more about the beautiful constellations that watched over them tonight. He appreciated her patience, but the passion seemed to just bleed out. She was right. This felt nothing like a first date and everything like the start of a relationship. 

She had to admit it was a little chillier out here than it was under the little tucked away shelter they had spent most of the evening so she was glad when Caleb offered his lap and happily climbed into it, turning slightly so she could cuddle into his shoulder and keep warm “Me too” she agreed when he talked about his like for stars “There’s something so magical about them...about the fact they even exist” it could make someone feel so small when they realized just how many there were out there. “Sometimes it’s hard for me to believe they can really fall to earth” and become beings of their own, it was honestly one of the strangest truths of the supernatural to the world.

“There’s a lot of romance in the stars” she commented in a small voice “But I’m definitely one to lean towards the science, I love studying them...their they scatter they seem to be connected” in time she had learned how to locate most constellations and which dates they could be seen clearly in the sky. “Maybe in another life I could have been an astrologist” she giggled slightly. She turned to face him for a moment, noticing the way her compliment about his eyes had him a little flustered which made her bite her lip and smile shyly, her hand coming to stroke gently against his cheek “Sometimes I’m a little scared I could get lost right here” she admitted in a soft voice, it was hard to look away.

It seemed like he felt the same way because it felt almost magnetic as she felt the way his hands came to rest against her shoulders, they were big and his fingers felt strong but somehow delicate in a way as they rubbed against her skin. She let out a soft sigh of content, she swore tonight had been a roller coaster for her heart which was currently trying to beat out of her chest as she noticed the way he was leaning closer to her. It practically leapt as his lips brushed against hers so gently, as though they were asking for permission for more. Naturally, her arms slowly moved to rest behind his head, fingers stroking against his neck slowly as she returned his kiss.

She didn’t feel cold anymore, her whole body felt like it was tingling and warm. She felt happy, comfortable, it would have been easy to deepen the kiss one more and get lost in it but instead, she smiled to herself as he pulled back and leaned into the kisses he pressed against her face. She turned, watching him in a curious manner as he reached to touch the water only to place it against her cheek and she giggled softly, letting out a soft squeal because it was cold to the touch. “You’d be surprised what I can handle” she breathed softly before reaching for the water herself, having to lean a little precariously off his lap to do so but trusting he would keep her steady.

She giggled slightly and poked against each of his cheeks before drawing the shape of two wings on them and smiling softly because she felt so silly but in turn it made her feel free too “Right...the stars” she looked up at the sky and raised her hand to make a L shape with her hand “It always begins with finding the north star” she commented and nodded her head slightly “It’s always the easiest center because it’s the one that shines the brightest...part of the Ursus major constellation” she nodded, finally finding center and pointing it out.

The stars twinkled as Caleb stared up into the blue abyss of the night sky. He followed the direction that Octavia's finger was pointing until his eyes came to rest on one point of light that seemed a few shades brighter than all the rest. His knowledge of the supernatural was still elementary. He had never once considered that the stars he'd put so many wishes into could actually fall to earth, but with so many spectacular things coming into focus, he wasn't terribly surprised. There was so much which was weird and wonderful in the world. The artist wondered if he would ever get the chance to see even a small fraction of what was out there. He glanced over at Octavia, suddenly aware of his own fragility. At his best, he might live another seventy years. At his worst, his life could come to a surprising had the lives so many of his loved ones. His eyebrows knit together tightly as he frowned. This was the last kind of night that he wanted to think about things ending. Right now, there was undeniable proof that spring brought together new beginnings. He wanted to stay there. If Caleb could choose, he would have frozen time so that he could step out of this moment and preserve it. 

"I wish I was interested in science," He admitted with a wry smile on his face. Even as they both gazed up at the stars, he often found his eyes slipping towards her. "I think that I was doomed to be bad at math and uninterested in chemistry between my father loving poetry and my mother her paints. There is probably not a single astronomy prone cell in my brain. It's too busy admiring the way the stars glow to bother asking why."

Despite that he barely knew the man, Caleb did admire how his father had put aside so much so that he could keep a business. He would never have been strong enough to work hard at something that didn't inspire him. There was so much beauty in the world and spending all day pent up indoors where the sun didn't shine and the wind didn't blow would be extremely detrimental to his health. "I like to get lost..." His voice trailed off as he traced a heart-shaped pattern around some of the larger night lights. "Getting lost is sometimes the quickest way you can find yourself." 

It made him old fashioned in a lot of ways, but Caleb wasn't so fond of technology. He liked his books to have pages and his music to come from an instrument. He was certain that there were ways that the world was moving on ahead of him; but he didn't mind. The world always spun too fast. Sometimes stepping back was the only way to find peace again.

"Careful," He chuckled as Octavia balanced between his legs and the dock to stretch her arms down towards the water. He anchored his arms around her waist to keep her from falling. Even in the middle of March, it was getting quite cold. He shivered as she used the water to paint soft shapes on his face. The two of them seemed to have a habit of spending many hours of the night together. Their evening date had quickly changed into a night of adventure and surprising intimacy. Despite the dance that had happened between them only a few hours before, he was still nervous when her arms wrapped around his neck. The warm kisses that followed did ease his jitters, but only strengthened the bewilderment. He had no idea what would happen after tonight.

In some ways that was thrilling and in others it was terrifying. Caleb wished that he could choose a place to settle between those feelings, but as he listened to her tell the story of the constellation, the flux continued.

Conversation slowly puttered off. Before long, it was just the lapping of the waves. "Octavia?" He asked, turning his head to look at her. "What would you do tomorrow if it were your last day on Earth?"

She offered a small smile when he spoke about wishing he had more interest in science “We all have our strengths, if we all had the same interests and talents that wouldn’t make for a very interesting world” she nodded slightly and shrugged “The key is to meet as many people into other things as you can and then when you don’t know, you’ll always know someone who can” she nodded slightly, that was how the guard worked too, they played to their strengths and found people with unique talents.

“You see the world so differently to me” she commented and nodded slightly, it was like he saw it through a different filter that made it more beautiful than she could see for face value, she always appreciated art despite not being an artistically minded person herself. She raised her brows and grinned when he said he liked to get lost “It’s easy to do huh...just let everything go for a little while” when she got in the right zone she felt like she could just fade out into her own world.

She giggled softly when he warned her to be careful “You’ll save me” she commented before finally leaning back into his warm lap, it felt nice to be here, his arms made her feel secure as they wrapped around her, it was easy to melt into them and completely forget how complicated the world was out there. He was so warm and it reminded her of how much she missed this, being held, feeling secure within someone’s arms, it was an experience that you took for granted when you had someone by your side until you realized in time it was now gone. Naturally, she snuggled a little closer into his chest, turning her face a little so he could shield her from the chill of the wind.

She stayed there for a moment, just admiring the beauty of the sky above them before she heard him call her name, she tilted her head to look at him when he asked that question and she pursed her lips “I would get everyone that mattered and take a road trip down to the beach” she nodded a few times, she always loved the coast “And I would while away the day seeing everyone happy...peaceful and watch the sunset over the ocean” poetic but she found it really calming, she looked up at him and blushed softly “Cheesy I know” she grinned “I’ve gotten to experience most of the things I’ve wanted ideal day would be pretty...normal” it was the people that mattered to her most.

“Did you ever regret not doing something” she questioned curiously, everyone had some regrets she knew that much but the ones that stuck with a person told you a lot about who they were.

“I wouldn’t want the world to be filled with my own clones.” He chuckled, as she mentioned the importance of diversity. Diversity was a hot topic in society right now and he could see why. It was important to be able to respect everyone’s different skills and gifts and not pigeon hole them into a life they were not meant to live. Caleb was quite certain that he would be very unhappy in a STEM career. If he’d learned anything from his parents mistakes, it was to not sacrifice the importance of a job that blended success and satisfaction. He liked the way that she curled into his shoulder. It was good to be depended on. His warmth could protect her. He ran his thumb down her fingers as the huddled against the wind. “Ah, well, I was raised by a passionately artistic mother. She homeschooled me until I was seven. Most of our days were spent engaging in the world’s beauty and trying to capture or express that.”

Caleb often had trouble talking about his parents, but Octavia made that easy. He was able to cherish their memory. The young man pulled himself further up into the dock so that the water no longer licked his toes. It was getting quite cold, even for March. “If I could change something I regretted, I would have forgiven my father sooner. I held it against him for a very long time that he never traveled to find me. Never wrote or called. I wish that I had known his side of the story.”

His family had seemed so simple for so long; but as an adult he saw that even the people he’d long since admired had many faults. The ways that they’d hurt one another were opportunities for him to grow and become better. “He gave up hope and lost a lot. I wish I’d...understood.” 

He swallowed. Some things were difficult to say. Even now, he regretted not being around his brother, niece, father, and aunt more. The distance made it safer. It was a cushion from loss. “I have a habit of cocooning myself away from people who love me. Especially family. Sometimes people who know you so well and care so much can be a little bit intimidating. Having walls up is easier.”

Caleb was no stranger to deep thinking. Tonight he was purposely walling off the part of his brain that could drift into hours of contemplation. Tonight he wanted to be present. To be here. He knit his arms around her, completely at rest. Until tonight, he hadn’t realized how much physical touch was important to him. It had been several lonely years where the only hugs he got had been from his dog, or his friends. It wasn’t the same. Caleb nuzzled his face against her neck, affectionately. His eyes were closed. If it weren’t so chilly, he could have easily fallen asleep with her small warm body pressed against his so delicately. He never wanted to let go.

Her description of a normal day at the beach with family reminded him of the many vacations he’d taken with his mother. The ocean had terrified him as a child. Now, he respected its power and often found himself in awe of the waves. “That sounds...peaceful. I like to imagine it’s best to go out surrounded by laughter. And love.”

He kissed her temple. It was late. Nearly midnight, now. This bubble that they found with each other was a personal haven. He was reluctant to leave. “Mm.” The Frenchman sighed, gently rocking their bodies back and forth in the hug. He was tired. It was two nights now that they’d spent together with very little sleep.

He yawned, ever so slowly standing up and reaching for her hand. “I...I think those pillows over there are calling my name.”

The gazebo was warmer and the blankets inside looked awfully inviting right now to his lazy eyes. “Come on. Let’s cuddle. I’ll be the big spoon.” 

Her gaze fell on him with a curious expression when he mentioned his mother and how she had taught him from home, she could definitely picture it in her mind, she was sure he had a very artistic upbringing where he was given the freedom to express himself in whatever way he saw fit “It’s interesting how the people who raise us can shape the choices we make for our entire lives” even though her parents were long passed, the things they had taught her remained with her even now.

“I like it when you talk about your family” she commented in a soft, appreciate tone which she hoped conveyed that she respected his efforts to share parts of himself that were harder to talk about. She pressed her lips together when he mentioned his regret for letting a fall out last for longer than it should have “Resentment is such a hard thing to overcome” she spoke soothingly “Because every time you think of that person, all you can think about is how they hurt you” and wonder if they were going to do it all over again.

She nodded slightly when he explained how he had this habit of running away from people who cared about him “Believe me...I know about walls” she pressed her lips together “There was a time in my life where I was so scared to let a single person in because all I’d ever known was betrayal...especially after my sister was taken” the dragonkin had taken Aurelia to punish her family and it had worked, Octavia had grown paranoid after that, never wanting to let anyone in, despite their best efforts.

There were many good people who had come into her life since then and each of them had showed her bit by bit that it was okay to open her heart and care about others. She’d been lucky enough to get more time than she was probably owed with Vlad and she had two children she loved deeply, she got to see them grow up. At this point she was proud of the choices she had made and as much as losing love had hurt, she couldn’t see her reclusing into the person she used to be.

She snuggled closer against his chest, there was a part of her that wondered how a pairing like theirs could ever work, when he was human and lived a very human life and she was an immortal half-angel who didn’t know the meaning of normal anymore but she knew she hated the idea of letting him go right now. She giggled when he he said he wanted to sleep “Just cause I’m small doesn’t mean I can’t make an excellent big spoon you know” she teased but got up from his lap and took his hand as they headed back to the warmth of the gazebo.

Before long she was laying down against the blankets and turned onto her side so that she could face him and stare into his eyes with a soft expression “Thank you for today” she spoke softly as she edged closer to cuddled against him.

Caleb closed his eyes, basking in her presence and the sleepiness that pulled at his consciousness. "Mm," He chuckled, wrapping his arm around her shoulders and pressing a tired kiss to her forehead. "I feel like I should be the one thanking you. It was you who agreed to go out with me, after all." 

At this point, he had no idea what the hour was -- he was forming a habit of losing track of time when he was with her. Things were different with her than they'd been with most other people. Most people tended to pry, even with good intentions. He'd learned very early that sometimes being silent was the best way to ward off unwanted advice or input. It had taken him many years to connect with his feelings in ways that weren't paint on canvas. In words. People tended to understand words better than colorful brushstrokes. To him, it was one and the same. He wanted to be open with Octavia. She'd never once judged him from where he'd come and that made it seem safe. "I've been blessed in a lot of ways. Good health. Financial security. A family that loves me." 

He sighed. "I think a lot of teenagers forget how much their parents sacrificed for them. Or would have if they'd had the chance." There was a time when he'd have given almost anything to see his son. "It's very easy to feel like the world is small when you've seen so little of it. That was part of why I left Paris."

He turned towards her, wrapping one of her long strands of blonde hair around his thumb. It was so soft and easily distracting. "I think Paris is a dream destination for a lot of people," Caleb smirked softly. "But, they forget that it's just a city. It has history and broken people. Some of us are to call it home."

He was no longer sure if Paris was his home, however. Evermore had given him so much that he'd never had before, but more than anything it had given him peace. His wild had found a place that it was welcomed and that had slowly allowed him to relax. "It drove my Aunt and Ava crazy that I used to ride my motorcycle around without a helmet."

He pursed his lips, before bursting out laughing, and covering his eyes as red spread across his cheeks. "Maybe I did. Or maybe I just wanted to do the opposite of what people told me. So stubborn. Ai."

His laughter settled into deep breaths as he faced her again. When he met her eyes, it was almost like he could see moments flash by in his mind. Bright colors of warm kisses, midnight walks, and waking up in bed wrapped in her arms. Moments of a future that he'd always wanted, but never dared to dream of having. He pressed his forehead against hers, nose to nose. The kiss that followed was so soft. He gently slipped his lips against hers, hoping to focus on this moment and go far away from the worry that so often settled on his shoulders at night.  

He opened his eyes, catching her soft gaze and threading his arms around her waist. "How long has it been since someone told you how gorgeous you are?" 

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