"I'm all in baby" was the last thing he had said to her before heading away from her house, he wondered how things had changed so quickly between them and yet it felt like this had been a long time coming. They'd known one another for years, been friends for most of that and in time she had become the single person he reached for first. She was the first one he wanted to talk to in the morning and the last person he wanted to wish goodnight. It was hard to imagine his life without her. 

Watching her rush off to her room he headed out the door and started walking the distance to Han's place, thankfully it wasn't too far. He didn't waste any time as he headed in, grabbed some clothes from the chest of drawers and piled them into his duffel bag before looking around and grabbing his blanket off the bed, he was used to traveling pretty light so it didn't take him long to gather up the essentials. He wasn't really sure what their next few days were going to look like but he felt optimistic, which wasn't something the young star was used to. He wondered if the feeling would last. 

He scrawled a quick note to Han not to expect him home for a few days and then headed out, grabbing his keys and getting into his car. Before long he was pulling up outside the house once again. He got out and checked the state of the car, making sure all the lights were working and none of the tires looked like they were on their last legs, he didn't want to risk breaking down in the middle of the trip.

Knowing the door was unlocked he headed inside just in time to see her coming down the stairs. She looked so much brighter and happier than she did the first time he saw her today and he felt his heart lurch in his chest in response "You look...shimmery" he commented a little bluntly, but the sentiment of what he was thinking was there.

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She has never seen this type of expression on him. Sure, Astraea has witnessed plenty of expressions on Sunmin Padk that he didn't really give anyone else because that's just how he is. But this is the first time she has seen it being filled with such love. God knows the aurazin was actually freaking out internally and trying her best not to squeal in delight. "I am proud to call you mine... just mine." And he's not the only one who can be possessive either. "You know that... I just want you know that I would never want you to change yourself okay? You are perfect already, everyone has their flaws, even I'm imperfect..." She didn't want him to be burdened by wanting to be the best for her.

Pressure has always been the society norm back then and while it is still prevalent these days, it was nowhere nearly as bad as it used to be. When he tightened the grip around her hand, she smiled and look down at it "I'm glad I can be the source of your warmth..." That's one of the highest compliments he could probably give someone and she's glad she was the recipient for it. "I will of course try my best to apply more lotion and moisturiser... I think I should have softer hands too... you'll like it too I'm sure." There is nothing wrong with wanting to dress up for your man, right?

"You can? I mean... you will? For me? But... are you sure?" She didn't want to ask much but the thought of him doing her hair gives her happiness. Weirdly enough. "Of course you would have a thing for the troublemakers... I guess in a way, I also have a thing for rebellious people..." Such as himself. She was about to take a small bite of her food but stopped halfway when she saw him pulling a face, presumably from the hot food. "Scalded yourself? Gosh you're like a child... want me to kiss it better?" She teased and yes it was definitely a joke because people kiss their wounds to make the hurt go away.

He had a small smile on his lips, he'd never had anyone call him theirs before and he never thought he'd be so...touched to hear words like those. "I've never felt perfect...for so much of my life I felt like I was a nuisance for even existing" he bit his lip and looked down for a moment "I've been lonely..." perhaps he hadn't even realized the feeling at the time he was going through it but it was true...he wanted someone to see he was worth saving.

He followed her gaze as she glanced down at their joined hands and he naturally squeezed her hand to emphasise it "I know the world has drilled into you that you need to be a certain way to be...noticed but...I always just liked you for being you so..." he swept his thumb gently against her "Please don't be ashamed of little imperfections...we all have them" he knew she was self conscious at times, especially about her neck which he noticed she always tried to cover.

He laughed and scrunched his nose "Don't get too excited...I can't promise I'll actually be good at it" but seeing that hopeful look in her eyes he really wanted to now "But yes...I will try" if it would make her happy. He opened his mouth just enough for the steam to escape and he whined softly "I really need to learn to not get over excited around food..." he mumbled softly and gave her a playful glare for her teasing "You'd love to kiss it better wouldn't you?" He jester back at her.

She wanted to go there and cup his face and tell him to look her in the eye but decided to stay in her seat instead "You're perfectly imperfect to me... and I feel like that's one of the best things about you. I know you have your flaws and it makes you so real it could remind me that this is not a fairytale... it's real life" Astraea needed that. She has been living in her own world for a long time, long enough to forget how the world operates. She did used to live in a whole different realm so. "Now you're no longer lonely... you have me... you have Han... dare I say you even have your brother's dogs..."

She has seen the way Byul acted around him and judging from the stories Sunmin told her, it was more than enough evidence that the husky loves him. The world has always been cruel to those who would not bend to their whims and rules. To hear him comfort her like this made her heart beat faster. Oh god she has never felt this way before and she's not sure if she likes it or not. Because her heart is... crazy. One day, she wishes to show him other parts of herself, starting with undoing her choker. That day might come very soon too.

"Yeah it doesn't matter though right? As long as you don't... go crazy on my hair and ruin it, no pressure." It makes her happy to see him agree and give in. She was taken aback when he said that she would love to kiss it better and didn't even see herself blurting "Yeah" after that. She blushed a scarlet red as she tried to diffuse it by clearing her throat. "I mean... you kiss it away to make it better right...?"

He could almost see the will in her to move as she looked back at him and he could sense she wanted to comfort him, he bit his lip and smiled in response “You’re right, this isn’t a fairytale and I am by no means a prince” but she chose him regardless right? She said she was looking for someone who could make her smile…someone who could take care of her…he might not be perfect but he felt up to those tasks. “It’s a big change…I have to remember that my actions could have more impact on others” she wasn’t wrong though, Han’s dogs did love him.

“Byul took a shine to me…which I guess is rare because she usually only follows Han around” he commented and nodded his head slightly “So I guess she thinks I’m special?” he couldn’t explain it but she always seemed to seek comfort with him and he was easily swayed by her cuteness. “The other one is my arch nemesis though…fluffy menace” he mumbled, Yeontan was always stealing his stuff and running away with it.

"Yeah it doesn't matter though right? As long as you don't... go crazy on my hair and ruin it, no pressure." It makes her happy to see him agree and give in. She was taken aback when he said that she would love to kiss it better and didn't even see herself blurting "Yeah" after that. She blushed a scarlet red as she tried to diffuse it by clearing her throat. "I mean... you kiss it away to make it better right...?"

When she immediately replied like that he couldn’t even stop his slightly surprised response, raising his brows because he wasn’t expecting her to say that “That’s what they say…kissing makes the pain go away” he bit his lip wondering if that was more metaphorical than he originally thought.

She tilted her head cutely and hummed softly in affirmation "I don't need a prince, Sunmin... I may have wanted a prince back then, but I have never needed one... I think a thief is well suited for me" Compared to a prince, a charming thief would've done it for her. That's him, the very same person who would have pushed her away for being annoying. "Can you be the thief that steals my heart?" As if he wasn't already one. She was glad he's being matured about it, the fact that he's learning to be better and realizing that he has people to take care of.

"See... dogs don't like bad people... if Byul likes you, and she's naturally picky, it means something." She was going to lead him into the whole he is good indeed. Until he brought up about another dog that seems to get on his nerves "Okay maybe not that one then..." Maybe Yeontan just really likes to tease him. "You ever think that little fluff is like his brother who likes to tease you? A lot?"

She couldn't help but to bite her lip and lick them when he said something about kissing again. "Yeah... I mean it doesn't really matter... kissing is naturally... Nice... because affection, right? Kissing is nice..." Oh god what is she talking about. "Sorry I'm just babbling right now..." She went back to her food and blush profusely.

It felt reassuring for her to say that and she sounded like she meant it, he pressed his lips together and smiled “That much I can definitely try for” he agreed to her as he looked up at her. “But I’m selfish…so once I steal it…I’m not going to want to ever give it back” he warned her in s stern voice “Once I set myself to something…I never…ever want to turn back on it” and he knew that now that they’d crossed this line, he wasn’t ever going to want to let her go.

He laughed “Byul is pretty easy to win over though…she likes treats and she likes warmth…my bed ends up being the warmest in the house…sometimes I think Han sets my heater higher than the rest” he mumbled softly, not that he minded…he hated being cold. “Yeontan is just…infuriating…he enjoys causing chaos and I’m not immune to his teasing” how could he be when he spent 90% of the time taking his stuff.

Seeing the way she reacted to the talk about kissing, he realized that she had probably thought about this before…not just today but before…he wondered how many years she’d thought about and romanticized her first kiss, he had a stupid smile on his lips as he stroked her hand softly “You’ve lived a long time and yet the smallest talk of kissing has you tripping over…you must have thought about it a lot huh?”

She giggled when he said he's a thief who never plans on giving anything he stole back "Isn't that what a thief is normally supposed to do anyway? You don't give back what you steal, not exactly." She didn't mind if he stole her heart, he could have it for all she cares "I think you should just... keep it forever. So nobody else could steal it, you know? Like you have?" She didn't want anyone else to try her because Astraea was pretty sure she's smitten by him already. Enough to say she doesn't want anyone else.

When he said his bed is warm all she could think about is how warm his room in general would be "Your bed... must be warm then, is a husky is there too... I wonder how warm it is, maybe next time we can take a trip down to your bed" She teased, of course it was just a playful remark from her but maybe she wants it to be true. They're dating now right? Only time will tell when she'll get to snuggle him on his own bed. She's already doing that on her own.

She has never had her first kiss, ever. So she didn't want to show him that she's inexperienced but this was... something she probably needed to tell him. She should trust him right? She shouldn't shouldn't shy with him. "I... have never kissed anyone before. Not on the lips at least... you know I've never been courted right? I had a marriage prospect sure but kissing? We haven't haven't gone past holding hands and hugging... I romanticise that part a lot... I really wanted to have someone who likes me... to kiss me. That's all..." She tried to finish her food to avoid blushing and meeting his eyes.

“Okay” he responded when she said he should steal it and keep it forever so that no one else could steal it back “Then I will” he mumbled softly, he didn’t intend on ever letting her go. He definitely knew he was falling for her, he’d never felt like this around anyone, his heart felt lighter…everything felt like it was rushing but slowed down at the same time. It was new…and honestly it was a little scary for him…but she felt worth it.

He chuckled and shrugged slightly “My room is always really warm…Han bought me pajamas to wear but I can’t wear them without sweating so I end up sleeping without them” he found that more comfortable. Though he remembered times when his whole body was freezing when he was trying to sleep, warmth represented comfort for him now “You already wanna come home with me?” he teased her again playfully, she did enjoy setting up teasing.

He watched her expression for a moment when she confessed she hadn’t kissed anyone before. He listened carefully, barely paying attention to his food because he wanted to listen to her “That’s…a long time wondering what it will be like” he commented in a soft voice and bit his lip softly. “But noted” he mumbled softly. He turned his focus to his food too and started to eat, before long his plate was clean and he set his silverware down “That’s was pretty tasty” he mumbled softly.

She only grinned widely when he said he won't give it back to anyone, not even her. "I'm glad..." She was just thinking how this was way too new for both him and her. But it doesn't doesn't they didn't like it. She finally felt that the friendly relationship between the two of them was progressing into something more. He keeps talking about how warm his room was and she couldn't help but picture it. "Is it bad if I say I want to know how warm and comfy your bed is?" She really wanted to feel it.

If a dog could be there... so could she, right? The idea of him not wearing pajamas though? What was even that? "Wait... you don't... wear anything when you go to sleep? Like... anything at all?" She looked at him from top to bottom and nodded to herself. "Somehow that makes sense... for you." She blushed heavily when he asked if he wants to come home with him but she decided to give him the teasing back "Yeah, I'm your girlfriend aren't I? I should be able to get a spot on your bed no?"

"Yeah I'm a 500 year old something... who hasn't even had their first kiss yet... I know that's very embarrassing. But hey, first time for everything and anything right?" She bit her lip and stared at him with those eyes "Yeah... very tasty... but the mac and cheese really didn't hit as much as yours."

He bit his lip and smiled softly, she wanted him to protect her heart so he would, he felt confident in being able to do that because she was important to him and he worried about her, he thought about her a lot, what she was doing, whether she ate her meals, how long she slept for…he wanted her to be happy. Even before now. “Then I guess you’ll find out” he wasn’t ashamed to bring her home and he was sure Han wouldn’t even be that surprised.

He bit his lip for a moment “Uh…no…” he mumbled softly “I guess I always prefer sleeping without anything constricting me” he commented in a soft voice. When she looked him up and down he shifted a little bit on the spot wondering if she was bothered by it “I’ll bet you’re the type to wear fuzzy pajamas right?” she was definitely someone who always sought comfort.

“I don’t think it’s embarrassing…” he commented his initial thought to what she said before biting his lip softly “It makes me wonder why no one would court you because that part doesn’t make…any sense to me” didn’t they see what he saw? Because he couldn’t believe for a moment that people would be insane enough to pass over someone like her.

After they finished their meal, the waitress came over with the bill which was settled before long and he looked out the window, it was dark now, getting to the middle of the evening and he had to admit he was tired. Still there was somewhere he had in mind all day “Should we go?”

Sunmin looked more carefree now and she wondered if it was because he's with her. Has he always been this happy when he was with her? Maybe. Maybe it was the adrenaline and excitement. She did not need to hear that. TMI. Hearing that he really doesn't wear anything to sleep has already made her blush hard. "With nothing constricting you huh? That does sound like Sunmin Park..."

When he asked if she sleeps with fuzzy pajamas, she giggled and shook her head "Sometimes... it actually depends. Sometimes I wear these fuzzy pajamas... the cow print ones... but sometimes I'd just... wear an oversized shirt and shorts." Speaking of which, Astraea did not remember to pack her fuzzy pajamas because she didn't expect for them to actually go far. Well, she did have an inkling they were going to go to Disneyland but her head wasn't at the right spot then.

She took his hand and tilted her head cutely "And where do we go now handsome? You have it all planned out don't you? If feels like you have everythinf mapped out in your head and to think I'm actually the planner in our relationship..." She teased and walked outside with him, the city was so busy but it's bustling happily. "I still can't believe we're here..."

She seemed happy now and that brought him comfort, after seeing her so sad before, he never wanted her to feel like that again. If he could do something about it, to make her feel just a little bit happier…or brighter, he would do it. It hurt him to see her in pain…to see the way she coiled into a tiny ball of the bright person she was.

He couldn’t help but smile when she confessed she had fuzzy cow print pajamas “Cute…” he mumbled softly “And I’ll bet you tie you hair into those double braids” she often wore her hair like that on the days when she didn’t want to deal with her hair and he thought it suited her. She looks pretty in anything…but he noticed extra little things about her “So we’re both the type who loves to be comfy huh..” he mumbled and grinned playfully.

He got up from his seat and took her hand, the two of them heading outside of the restaurant, there were plenty of people around, chatting among themselves, no one noticed the two of them. He tugged her hand “If we don’t hurry we aren’t going to make it…” he stopped just as some fireworks shot up overhead and bit his lip “In time” he mumbled slightly disappointed…he’d wanted to take her to see the fireworks in front of the castle tonight.

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