It was ridiculous to feel nervous. She knew that, it wasn't like she had just met this guy and it wasn't like they hadn't slept in the same bed when she let him come stay with her over Christmas. It had been a couple weeks since then, Julian had insisted that they go out on a real date but they'd been texting a lot since then and seen one another a few times at work. One time had resulted in a pretty heated makeout session in the break room which told her that everything she was feeling wasn't just going to disappear. She liked him, dammit she really liked him.

She had picked out her outfit the night before to avoid her getting in a last minute panic. Nora didn't really pay much mind to what others thought about her fashion but perhaps for one night she wanted to impress him a little. The feminist in her was shaking her head in disapproval but she couldn't bring herself to care in that moment. She was wearing her favorite pair of jeans, a pretty blouse paired with a loose-fitting black cardigan which would keep her warm enough as they wandered around the aquarium together. 

A blush rested upon her cheeks as she thought about the idea of going on a date with him, in public no less. She wondered if he would hold her hand while talking about something dorky, whether that stupid grin would plant itself on her lips and refuse to leave like it usually did when she was with him. As if he could sense her nervousness, Cloud jumped up for her attention which made her laugh and tell him to settle in her bed "I'll be fine, it's only a date, what's the worst that could happen right?" she attempted to laugh it off but really she was wondering how tonight would go. 

She grabbed her bag and keys and headed towards the door, closing it and locking up behind her before heading down the steps of her home and down the driveway. She decided to get a cab rather than drive because she wasn't really sure what the plan was. She knew where they were meeting but it seemed open ended on whether they would stay together after or where they might go. She wanted the freedom to have a few drinks if she wanted. She hopped into the cab she called and before long she was across the city to the busier tourist part at the center.

She got out of the car, looking around as she pulled her cardigan tighter because the air was colder than she was expecting it to be. She made her way to their meeting spot outside of the building and tugged on her sleeves a little as she waited.

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“I will not go bowling alone when I already have a girlfriend. That’s simply not happening. You need to come with me.” It was as if he was giving a statement instead of asking her. It was funny how serious he takes a few things in his life like bowling and flying. “Don’t worry I’ll make a pro out of you yet.” He was sure he could make her decent in it. Being hopeful is free after all. When she asked what the grapefruit was supposed to mean, he shrugged “That’s what my sister always said. God knows what she actually meant or whether she just pluck it out of nowhere when she was trying to tease her younger brother.” Yet up until today, he still held onto it.

Julian grinned sheepishly when she said that because she was pretty on point “My family and I love being adventurous. We
like camping yeah, sometimes we would hike a mountain together. I know it can be harsh with the weather and all but I promise you it’s so much more refreshing to be in touch with the nature.” Minus all the sweating, of course. He had an inkling that Nora was more of a resort girl but a 2 day camping trip wouldn’t be too bad, right?

“Speaking of which, we should totally go camping…” it’s been a while since the nephilim had done that. He could feel him tapping his feet in excitement because the dhampir was actually opening herself up to the idea of meeting his family. “You say yes and we’ll book a flight home, baby.” Julian didn’t want to force it upon her because obviously, he wants her to meet his family because he wanted this to finally be official. But he wouldn’t be pushing her to do it.

“Ah yes very territorial. Remember how you love marking me with those nails? As if my body is your scratching mat” he teased, the memory is so vivid he could recall every moment of it. While his eyes followed the sharks going off, he turned his head to face the petite female and nodded “A few times. Though I have to admit, I have never actually dived with sharks… I am actually afraid that they’d tear the cage and eat me. I don’t like the thought of being shark food. But why do I feel like you have done that?”

She pouted her lips a little when he insisted that she should go bowling with him but eventually just shrugged her shoulders “Well you can try but I just hope you won’t be too disappointed when you see the ball go flying…” she was really good at aiming when it came to using something light, like arrows, but when it came to trying to bowl, she just couldn’t get the right spin on it, it was frustrating.

They really were quite different, she thought to herself when he admitted he was indeed from a pretty adventurous family, though she had never been opposed to exploring, it was just that it wasn’t the kind of thing she was really allowed to do when she was younger. And camping wasn’t really the sort of thing you did alone so it just wasn’t really something on the cards “Well…I’ve never actually been camping” she confessed and bit her lip softly “Where do you even shower…” she mumbled under her breath before gasping softly “Where do you use the bathroom…” she widened her eyes slightly.

She blushed a little when he said she only had to say the words and they could book a flight to his home “I’ve…always wanted to visit England” she confessed softly and bit her lip, it was a daunting idea, especially going to another country. She ran a hand through her hair slowly “I’ll think on it and let you know?” she knew the nephilim would take that as a win in his books because he probably expected her to never want to do the whole family thing.

She giggled softly and nudged him with her shoulder “I don’t remember you complaining when I was giving you them, you know” she jested softly, giving him a playful look, they were very much good in that department. She glanced up at him and shrugged “Well we did a lot of water related activities at the resorts…diving mostly but yeah…everyone gets around to a shark cage eventually” she pressed her lips together “They’re much more serene than Jaws would lead you to believe you know, humans aren’t that tasty” or maybe she was just fearless.

The idea of her messing up an easy game of bowling does sound very amusing to the Nephilim because you essentially just needed to wield the ball for a moment before letting it go. “I’ll teach you, and I’ll make you a pro player before long, Ms Nordstroem.” Something does tell him that she could be better at other types of sports though. However, upon hearing that the dhampir has never gone camping in her entire life, Julian gaped and covered his mouth “No way? Not even once in your life? Damn Len you’ve been missing out on a really nice thing in your life.”

He was a big fan of outdoor activities which often accompanied his camping tendencies. “Oh you’re so cute… where would even shower? Oh honey, we have the river do we not? Worst case scenario, we get chased by a bear” he teased, wondering if the female would actually take his bait and believe that happened. “We’d hunt for food, live a whole Tarzan life and it’ll look more appealing than it sounds, trust me.” Maybe not exactly like Tarzan, but she gets his point.

“Take your time, there is no rush. If you’re ready then you really are ready, okay? I’ll still be going back either way, the only difference is between having you either me or going back alone as usual.” Julian hoped that Nora would actually give into the idea and come with him. But the last thing he wanted to do was give her the pressure, as it would just end up looking worse than better.

“I like my kitty having claws don’t you know?” He exclaimed teasingly and nudged her, there was never a dull moment between the two of them. Not in this department and perhaps not in any of them. “I can’t believe you just said humans aren’t tasty. I mean how would you know that? Did a shark tell you? Have you tasted human before? Oh my god my girlfriend’s dracula…” One thing the Nephilim is good at is overreacting. “You’re probably more feisty than a shark… ready to bite at any given time…”

She gave him a playful look and then smiled “I’ll tolerate it because it seems important to you” she tended to avoid things she wasn’t good at and she wasn’t super patient when it came to things she needed to practice in order to master, but it was clear that it was important to him. She couldn’t help but cringe a little from her own embarrassment when he seemed so shocked that she had never been camping before.

“Well…camping is one of those things people do when their family actually have time for one another…and get along” she mumbled softly, she couldn’t relate to having a normal, healthy family relationship or the memories to go along with them. “You…bathe in the river?” she shuddered at the very thought of it, considering there was a lot of mud and potentially fish in a river she didn’t really consider it the kind of place to get clean “I can’t say you’re selling me on the appeal…” she mumbled softly.

She really appreciated how patient he was with her because everything was honestly new to her and she felt apprehensive with every step she took “I know your family are good people, but mine…they aren’t and it makes me…nervous” she wanted them to like her, normally she wouldn’t care about what people thought of her, but her boyfriend’s family was pretty important…she wanted to present her very best self.

She gave a sly smile “Well good, because this kitty intends on continuing to use them” she purred softly in a soft voice, she couldn’t deny that there was a massive perk to having a boyfriend who knew you so well, their chemistry was undeniable. She rolled her eyes at him “I mean if you must know it’s based on statistics of shark attacks” she commented and shook her head playfully “But I am also half valkyr if you don’t recall” she gave him a pointed look.

As they headed over to the next tank, she excitedly looked through the glass before pointing “Look at that massive sea turtle…” she gasped softly as it came past, her hands resting against the glass.

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