"Я не знаю, хочу ли я ударить его или поцеловать (I have no idea if I want to hit him or kiss him)" the ink staining the fresh parchment on her diary was as clear as the day. The whole journey back home has been quite peaceful if not awkward. Octavia was sitting next to her while Sebastian was sitting a few rows back. Thankfully, the journey to the citadel did not take as long as she thought it would. On a good note, Malva finally recovered her abilities, thanks to Sebastian. Bad news was that she was now reunited with her ex, someone she would very much prefer to leave in the past.

She did glance back to look at the male diviner a few times during their plane back but as soon as he caught her staring, she immediately went to look at the front as if nothing happened. Despite the modern age, Malva still kept her diary close to her and it was where she normally jots down words or sudden spells she comes up with, rather than staining her grimoire over something that was not yet resolute. But instead of jotting those down, she was busy writing down her thoughts instead. In her mother tongue. It was better than to write in English, knowing anyone could uncover it one day.

A few days into returning to Evermore, things were the same. It was too mundane. But she probably should not have wished it so because she has been having nightmares since. She could barely sleep. Tonight was one of those nights again. The Aspect of Magic woke up sweating, despite the cold breeze of the night flowing inside her room from the open door balcony. "Not again..." she muttered to herself and went down to go get herself a glass of water. The only saving grace was that Sebastian wasn't staying nearby, he wasn't staying at the Ailward Manor, he found his way into the city on his own.

"You don't need him" she keeps telling herself but a couple of minutes later, she found herself all dressed up and knocking on the door to his place. "Sebastian Daystar, I swear if you do not get out at this very instant, I will break your door." She was being insufferable considering it was literally 2 am in the morning but she couldn't wait.  

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To say the past few days had been somewhat of a whirlwind would be understatement, but then he supposed that was what you got when you associated yourself with the so called ‘world protectors’ where they went, chaos tended to follow and to his own fault, he followed too. More times than he could count he had scolded himself this week for getting himself swept back into it, yet a part of him welcomed the change, welcomed the chaos, things were beginning to get pretty dull in the citadel after all.

After the long flight back, the first thing on his mind had been searching out and securing a place to live. He was quite picky but to his fortune, there was a decent amount of options to be found on the market. He settled for an upper level apartment, with a nice view of the stars at night, far enough from the streets that he could believe he wasn’t in the middle of the city if he closed his eyes.

Furniture was a slower endeavor, so the basics such as a bed and TV were to be found, but the room lacked the personal touch that might be found by a place that had been in lived in for longer. He wondered if this would be something more permanent or if he would be finding the next place before long. All the questions seemed to circle back to her, much like his whole story did, no matter how hard he tried, no matter how long, how much distance, it always came back to her.

It was late, a rare amount of silence befell in the air and he was revising spells for protective veils in his mind, it seemed like a necessary precaution considering the amount of supernatural beings in this city. Magic naturally flowed into him as he willed it to and with his mind he drew a bubble around the surrounding area to his home, the lines slowly becoming more solidified, his eyes opening with their bright amber hue reflecting the power he was drawing.

He was just about finished when the sound of a bang against the door sent a shock through his system, pulling him from the spell in almost an instant. He blinked a few times as he looked around, wondering what could have caused such a disruption, but soon he heard another bang and an annoyed voice calling out his name.

After a moment he climbed to his feet and headed to the door, opening it and leaning against the doorframe “You know, if you wanted to dream of it, there’s a spell for that, no need for you to freeze to make your way here” he jested softly but stepped aside as though to imply she was welcome to enter.

If banging against the wooden door was an exercise, Mal probably would have lost plenty of weight from it alone. She couldn’t remember how hard she knocked against the surface, or how long she has been doing it but she couldn’t remember vaguely recall doing so in a consistent manner, which showed she wasn’t stopping anytime soon.

Just before she could actually hit the diviner in the face, the door finally opened and the Aspect of Magic stopped herself, pausing  with her hand balled up in fist, mid air. She had to admit, he looks good, that wad the first thing that went through her train of thoughts. The second was that what took him so long?

“I swear you’re the most infuriating person alive” she grumbled and walked inside once he allowed her, like she owned the place. Mal took a while to scan the room. It looked cozy, but not quite… homey. Something was missing, she thought.

Though if she had to hedge a guess, the Aspect of Magic wasn’t sure what it was. “I hate to admit it… but I need your help.” She exclaimed and looked back, her gaze following the male “I… can’t sleep. Again.” She was sure to at Sebastian understood the underlying message in it. It wasn’t something that a sleeping draught could fix, no. Or else she wouldn’t be here.

The moment he opened the door, he widened his eyes for a second as he noticed her hand balled mid fist like she was ready to break the damn door down if she had to wait for even another second. He let out a low chuckle when she responded by calling him infuriating and then headed in like she lived here and it was the most natural thing ever.

He closed the door behind them and followed her through to the living are, he could almost read her mind as she looked around and had that small crease of a frown on her forehead, she thought the same as him, this place didn’t feel like a home yet. “It’s the best I could do on short notice” he spoke as he gestured to the room around them “And I don’t own all that much” given he moved around plenty, it just added more overhead he didn’t feel the need to handle.

He stared at her for a moment when she spoke, it almost felt like some kind of joke for her to seem so panicked over something like sleep but he resisted the urge to laugh simply because of the look on her face “If my memory serves me right, there’s about three different things that work to solve such a problem…for you” he commented and tilted his head as he sat down on the floor crossed legged “Tell me, which are you looking to ask me for today?”

Given their history he had no doubt she knew exactly what he was placing on the table, but he was curious to see what she responded.

Thank god she didn’t have to knock on the door any longer than she had to because she was sure she was ready to bruise her knuckles from the force she was putting into each knock. “It’s doable” she commented when he said it was the best he could do in a short notice. “Still, a place is a place.” A place to call home? Perhaps not as easy as it looks. But then again, he has been a nomad for the most part of his life and Sebastian Daystar has lived a very long life.

“You’ve never own much… or rather, you never bothered to keep much.” She was the opposite, she had a lot of stuff from their past that she kept along. Up until today. “I still have your ceramic from the Renaissance era” she quipped, probably the type of information she should have withheld because doesn’t that just show she hasn’t thrown a single thing out that is from him?

When she laid it out for him, she had expected him to tell her off but instead, he offered a solution. Or alternatives to one. She followed him, by sitting across him, cross legged as well. “Three? Let me guess… spells, cuddles… sex?” She bit her lip and sighed to herself, would they work? Perhaps. Couldn’t hurt to try, right?

“Honestly? All three, in order.” What’s the worse that could happen? “Unless you have someone waiting for you. Any girl or guy I should be worried about? Wouldn’t want to impose, you know.” She is totally not jealous. “No but really, please… I couldn’t sleep and I don’t think Evermore can take another no-plant-day-since-it’s-shrivelled-because-a-witch-is-unstable accident…”

He watched her with curious eyes, always impressed by the way she could walk into a room she’d never seen before and treat it like it was her own “It’s a start” he commented and shrugged “If it becomes more permanent then I’m sure it’ll look more…like me” for the meanwhile it looked decently bare. She was right, he didn’t own much because it was trouble to have to keep taking things along with him as time moved.

He chuckled softly when she mentioned that ceramic, he remembered it well “The cat that ended up with droopy ears?” he wasn’t taking the class all that seriously so instead of making a vase, he had shaped the clay to resemble a cat from the grounds the two of them had taken care of a few times. He bit his lip, she was being vulnerable so he supposed he should return the favor, he reached into his pocket and took out the amethyst crystal she had given him many years ago, she told him it would bring him luck and because it was purple, it always reminded him of her.

He stared across from her, a little surprised when she laid out her wishes so easily, a younger her might have played things more coyly but perhaps she was tired of the games. They had spent a lot time playing them after all. He reached out to touch her arm gently, holding it, his fingers caressing gently against her bare skin “You must really be tired if you can’t find it in yourself to tease me” he commented softly.

“There’s no one…I kinda wish there was so I could tell you that you don’t…have me completely tied up but…” he looked down for a moment and then back up “I’ve never been able to lie to you” he leaned closer so his lips were close to her ear “I think I can suggest a better order though” he whispered softly.

How she felt like she wanted to decorate his place to make it seem more homey and more.. Sebastian Daystar. Why was she so concerned about the manner of which he was living? Slap yourself out of it, Malva Ailward, she tells herself. He’s no longer your responsibility nor your concern. She keeps trying to tell herself he was only here for a reason. “Why… are you here, in Evermore, again?” Did he really come here for her? Because she asked him to? 

“You’ve never been an artistic person” she shrugged absentmindedly, the cat with droopy ears was somewhat a masterpiece compared to what other horrendous piece he could have conjured up. “But hey, it’s like what they say, it’s the thought that counts, yeah?” Her eyes caught the instance of the amethyst necklace she had given to him, once upon a time ago. He still kept it? “You… kept it?” Honestly, Mal was surprised. She thought he had tossed it away after their fight. But then again, the pair always seemed to come back eventually. For some weird reason. It was as if the universe had destined them together. 

When Sebastian touched her arm and caressed it, she sighed “I’m sleep deprived, and I get cranky when I’m tired… I can’t be like this always. It’s already dangerous the fact that the Aspect of Magic is like this, I do have a job aside from being this… purple dragon. I work at the hospital… a neurosurgeon. I need to stay focused…” It wasn’t even an option anymore. The Ailward Aspect loves her job, knowing she could help others in another field too. Other than magic. 

Her breath hitched when he came close, whispering in her ears. She turned her head to face him, in which they were only a few centimetres apart “A different order?” She tried to guess, of course, “Spell… sex… cuddles?” But when he gave her a playful look, she pressed her lips together and tried again. “Sex… cuddles… then spell?” 

He swore he could almost read her mind as she scanned her eyes over the place, looking for ways she could change parts of it to make it seem more familiar. She might not admit it, but he knew there was a part of her deep down that longed for a real home of her own, not just another place she shared with her siblings. He paused and pressed his lips together at her question “Did you forget so quickly? You insisted I follow you here” of course he could have refused, but he didn’t see the need for that.

“Yeah…more practical than creative…” he just didn’t have a talent there, so he supposed it was admirable that she had kept the stupid looking cat “It wouldn’t be fair to the world if I was good at everything after all…” he looked down at the crystal in his hand and then up to her again “You told me it would protect me…” he could never throw her wishes away like that, it didn’t matter what fight they went through, her wishes still mattered to him, they always would.

His brow furrowed a little in surprise when she told him she also worked at the hospital, no wonder she was so exhausted, but it sounded so much like her, always taking on more and more onto her plate until there was no space yet. “One day you’re going to realize you can’t save the world all alone…” he mumbled, almost in a mild chastising tone. “We can’t let you stay cranky though…” no one wanted that.

He watched her lips as she guessed which order he had in mind, though he swore she was purposely saying all the wrong things. So when she finally got his thoughts he grinned slightly to show his approval “Our thoughts eventually align…even if we start in opposite directions” he mumbled softly, his hand coming to cup against her cheek, his thumb gently brushing against her skin “One…premium sleep package…coming up” he purred softly before closing the distance and brushing his lips against hers.

It was a habit. Mal always thought she knew everything there is about Sebastian Daystar. After all, they had spent centuries together, they were together together. They never labeled themselves as anything yet they kissed, they hugged, they slept with each other. It was nothing and something at the same time. She has lived with him more times than she could count. And honestly yes, she prefered living with him… because it meant she had a place of her own. 

She pulled a face when he emphasised that she was the one who insisted for his presence, how could she forget? “Right…” The Aspect of Magic scoffed when he teased and said it wouldn’t be fair for the world if he was great at everything. Cocky  Sebastian Daystar, she had to expect that. “Yeah, you can’t be great at everything, it wouldn’t be fair indeed.” Of course it would protect him, it wasn’t a simple thimble, it was more than just a token. 

When Malva Ailwatd gives you something, best believe that it is more than what it looks like. The crystal she had placed inside was something she found yes, but the energy and magic imbued in it was another case entirely. “It was really meant to protect you…” His own protection charm. 

“I’m not trying to save the world all on my own” she exclaimed in exasperation. “I… just… I have to make do.” So whether she likes it or not, Mal had to be on the top of her game, or else she might not even be in the game, to start with. “I can’t afford to slip up again…” And here again, the diviner could see her vulnerability showing through the cracks. 

Mal stared into his eyes and bit her lip instinctively as he brushed his thumb against her cheek. The moment his lips meets hers, the aspect wrapped her arms around him and deepened it. “I need help… and you’re the only one I know to ask for… the only one I know would help me through this. The only one who can…”

He could understanding she didn’t quite buy his lines about coming to Evermore because she asked, there was an appeal to the city, sure, he had visited before but never stayed all that long, but he knew about the underground market here, he knew the value of a strong diviner being in the city. It wasn’t disadvantageous to him, which was why he was happy to go along with it “Besides…everyone knows business in Evermore is quite lucrative” he offered her some assurance that his intentions weren’t nefarious.

He continued to eye the crystal and pressed his lips together slightly “I think it did its job well” he commented in a soft voice, despite all the ups and downs they had been through and the turns both their lives had taken, they were both alive…and well…and now they were also together “It feels greedy to ask it for any more but…” he tucked it back into his pocket as though to say he was never letting it go.

He gave her a knowing look when she gave a weak attempt to argue her side of the story, a small, empathic smile crossing his lips, he understood her well enough to know while on the outside she seemed difficult and hard to approach, she was always trying to help others in her own way and always carrying the weight of the world. “I know” he mumbled softly, leaving it there.

Feeling the way she immediately responded to her kiss, he echoed her sentiments, lips parting enough to allow her to deepen it as his hands came to wrap around her, holding her body securely as though he was almost scared the might slip away if he loosened it. When they parted, he stared into her eyes “I’ll take care of you…” he whispered softly in a hushed tone before crashing his lips against hers once more.

Each kiss felt like it was burning a fire though him, the same way it always had with her, the one who knew him in such a complicated, messy way that he couldn’t deny their connection no matter how much time passed. His hands naturally focused themselves on her blouse, undoing each button one by one in a rush of need.

The Aspect of Magic rolled her eyes the moment he added the part about business being lucrative in the eternal city. “And you said you’re only here for me-“ she scoffed, what a load of crap, she thought. But, she didn’t know why she felt upset to hear that he is indeed here for something other than just being at her beck and call. Wasn’t that unfair for Sebastian? To come whenever she needs him yet she has never done anything similar for him? 

If she didn’t feel strongly towards him, if she didn’t love him anymore, then how come it’s making her feel irritated? “Just don’t go poking around the big dogs without having a definite plan… I swear I better not have to bail you out of trouble” especially given how high end the underground businesses are here. They can’t control and filter everything. What they don’t see, they don’t know. 

The kiss they shared was not what she expected. Honestly, she didn’t know what to really expect. Malva came in here wanting to find a solution, a way that she could use to remedy this creeping insomnia she has that has been bothering her and her balance. But here she is, entertaining the possibility of sleeping with the man she thought she would never see ever again. And what’s more, she’s responding to it. 

Mal deepened the kiss, trying to match Sebastian’s passion and whimpered silently. All she needed to hear was that he’d take care of her. That’s it. That’s all she needed. Because Sebastian Daystar always keeps his promises. Before long, both of them already had their hands on one another, his on her blouse and hers on his belt. Everything was moving fast. “Can’t believe we’re doing it again.” 

He chuckled, giving a playful smile when she rolled her eyes and made a snide comment “Well, you’d think something was wrong with me if I didn’t have some other reason” after all, the last time they had seen one another before the citadel felt much like a goodbye. Perhaps he was supposed to still be holding a grudge but honestly, he couldn’t bring himself to do that, not when she looked at him the way she did, like she was lost and needed a beacon to bring her back.

“I know how to play the games” he responded and nodded his head slightly, he understood her concern but it wasn’t the first time he’d started over in a new city, strong diviners were a valuable commodity even in a city like this “Besides…I won’t be doing too much, just a few spells here and there where needed, maybe a little trading…” it was too tempting to resist.

Kissing her felt warm, it always did and much more familiar than he would ever admit. He had shared passion with others in his years but it never seemed to quite compare to the way his entire body ignited when he was with her. Perhaps it was because they were always going back and forth from one end of the scale to the other, you never knew what to expect, but you guarantee they would put everything into it.

Perhaps earlier in the day he would be more rational…tell her this wasn’t a good idea and they would end up back at square one when it came to moving on from one another. But he was kidding himself if he really thought he could ever move on…how did you move on from the best memories of your life. He pushed the blouse off her shoulders and pulled back for a moment, eyes meeting hers just long enough to catch his breath and search for any hesitation in her features.

He couldn’t find it, so he pulled her back in without hesitation, lips locked to hers “I can” he teased softly “We’re both too good at making bad decisions” he whispered.

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