Irene had been thinking about the proposal she's been outlining on her macbook ever since she met the humble bookstore owner just around the block near her office; Mr Leighton Kingsman. She had to admit though, calling him that? It sounds way too formal, something she cannot picture the therian in any setting at all. The way she sees it, and with the way they've been corresponding messages with one another over the past month, they were a bit around the casual terms of being friends. That's what they are, right? Friends? Albeit she had been planning on this deal for at least three weeks now, but they still talked outside of the office setting, knowing how it suits the two of them better. Irene needed time away from the office and Leigh is not a guy who would come to work in an office only to go back after working 9 to 5. She decided that he really does belong at his humble bookstore that seemingly had plenty of books stored from each aisle neatly and according to their genres as well. 

She stopped by a few weeks ago to get another book that looked outside the economic world, it was a storybook actually. Irene partially remembered that Leigh raised his eyebrows up in surprise when he saw the book she placed on top of the counter to purchase. Obviously he didn't judge and she likes him for that. The two of them had no room to judge and it was nice. She had it all planned out, of course. Today, she didn't check in for work at all. Irene had notified Nadia of her absence for today and while it surprised her secretary greatly, the latter did not attempt to question any further, knowing that the blonde wouldn't be taking a day off for no reason when she's always cooped around work. Technically, she is still working, but… consider it off site and investing her time on another project that piqued her interest and would profit from either way. She slung her bag around her shoulders and grabbed the car keys on the table after donning her coat and scarf before making her way outside of her apartment. 

The sounds of her heels clicked every time she hit the floor, and with the sunglasses she had slid on, it was clear that she was a woman who carries herself with class. Though, anyone could take a look once and tell that she wasn't going to where she actually is going. The elevator ride to the basement parking lot didn't take long since she didn't like to live anywhere high. As soon as she arrived downstairs, Irene dashed over to her white Maserati Quattroporte and started the engine so she could get to her destination on time. Irene didn't drive around often because her driver or Nadia would usually do that, but she was way too lazy to actually be walking around without any mode of transportation of her own, so there it sat prettily parked, when she probably only used it once a month. 

She had texted Leigh two days ago, asking if he would be free on a Friday morning, and told him to make time for her today, which he did. She wouldn't give him any straight answers and only said they were going somewhere. The drive to the animal shelter wouldn't take because it wasn't that far since Evermore is always cornered up but since she told Leigh nothing about where they were going, only for him to dress warmly since winter had already set it, she was here to also fetch him. Irene parked her car across the bookstore and lowered the windows down while perching her head out after sliding her sunglasses down, while texting Leigh he looks cute because she could see him from outside. Her fingers swiped his contact and pressed the phone against her ear as she leaned against her seat, "A, cute sweater. B, I hope you didn't forget our appointment today mister. I totally took a day off work for this so… and C, I'm here. You can probably spot me easily because I'm parked right outside your bookstore and I'm totally waving at you right now." Oh, she did.

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Leigh raised his brows, she definitely sounded dedicated if she had searched for that long to find them and it honestly made him wonder if it was worth the effort that she must have put in “Did it pay off? How much did you use them after you got them?” Leigh did like expensive things like that so he could understand, though the work he did often meant his tastes were far more expensive than he could actually afford. He raised his brow when she said it was hard to figure out what people want “I don’t find it all the troublesome, if you get to know someone then it’ll be easy to find things they’ll like” he pondered for a moment “You, for example, look like you’d appreciate a really pretty scarf” she would suit them and they were practical.

He offered a small smile when she said he was giving her a good gift and nodded his head slightly “If that’s what makes you happy then I can’t tell you any differently” he commented in a soft voice and nodded his head slightly. Leigh gave a lopsided grin when she said she was jealous of him but not “I think you’re more jealous than not, but...I can get that you aren’t ready to take a chance on anyone yet” he was certain that someone amazing would be able to change her mind but he had to wonder what kind of person would be able to sway someone who had convinced herself it was best for everyone else if she didn’t care for them.

“True” he agreed with her when she said attractive people tended to draw in complexity like a magnet “Because they’re limited in numbers, everyone wants to fight over them” he pouted slightly, he was never the type who tried to punch above because he knew it would end in heartbreak but Eun had become the exception for him. He had been happy to crush on him from afar for a while but when the dhampir confessed his feelings to him he knew he was a goner. “How would you even know whether you’d mess it up if you don’t try?” he questioned as he quirked his brow when she said the words like him “Him?” he questioned immediately “Is there someone I don’t know about?” he questioned curiously.

His expression softened a little when she said that the project had gotten her excited “Then don’t dull your excitement...the more creative we get, the better” he murmured softly, he really wanted all of this to work, he wanted the store to thrive and for the community to enjoy what he had to offer. “I can’t wait to see all the people coming in, curling up with a book, meeting the animals” it sounded like heaven to him and there must be other people out there who felt the same right? He chuckled and nodded “I can still be impressed by how well you do what you do” he argued in response, he’d never experienced it first hand after all.

He looked down at the designed she had picked out and bit his lip slightly, he liked all of them but his eyes kept going back to the blue and silver one “I like how muted but regal this looks” he commented as he looked up at her for a moment.

It might’ve sound a bit tone deaf to some people that she would spend so much time and money just to get matching
jewellery sets. But to Irene, it wasn’t just the fact that they’re jewellery, her effort was more priceless compared to everything else. She had a thorough search, it wasn’t just something the diviner ordered off the market. “It paid off eventually. I didn’t wear them as much as I wanted to, though… However, I do still preserve them nicely enough to adorn them on important events. So if you see me wear them, those sapphires glimmering in the light, then you know it’s an important night.”

She hummed softly in response to his words, was it ever that easy? How come Irene never saw it that way then? She understood humans and how they work, most of all, she understood how greed and desires worked. But aside from that, the diviner had very little worldly experience in it. “I would like a pretty scarf yes, but then again, if it’s not cashmere then it’s a bye” she teased.

She wasn’t ready to let someone in her messy life. It’s complicated and honestly, the blonde didn’t think anyone had the courage to actually take her on this challenging trip of her life. It didn’t mean she wouldn’t like one of course. She yearned for the day she finds someone such as that but hoping can only go so far.

Irene frowned and bit her lip when Leigh called her out on her lack of attempts “It’s easier said than done… I just know I’d
mess it up, and it’s stupid I know.” She realized she had let out more than she should and blushed immediately. Shit. He wasn’t supposed to hear that. “Just… someone I slept with.” Of course the blonde tried to brush it off as if it was not important but the kitsune was good at catching people’s lies.

The idea of a well-established animal cafe made her smile because it made her believe that her legacy could be more than just money and the typical boring building inheritance. “Then we’ll pick that one… we should probably include a mini library so they can read and relax huh… what else do you think we should add? Since the area would be spacious enough.”

Leigh raised his brow and then nodded slightly “Well if it turned out important to you then I suppose that’s all that matters…plus the hunt for it must have made it feel more special when you finally got it in the end” sometimes things felt more precious when they weren’t so easy to find themselves. He gave her a playful look when she said a scarf would have to be cashmere for her to wear it “Even if a precious friend spend their time picking out one specifically for you?” he questioned playfully.

Leigh gave her a soft understanding smile, it was complicated, he knew that, especially when there were plenty people surrounding you that you couldn’t trust, it put you in a state where you constantly questioned everyone’s intents which wasn’t a good place to start building any kind of meaningful relationship. “You don’t have to throw yourself all in right away but…if you just kill the idea before it happens every time…won’t you miss out on something special?” thats’ the way he saw it anyone.

“Just” he commented and raised his brow curiously “Why do I get the feeling this just is more than just your regular guy” she never really brought up anyone at all so if she was thinking about someone then he must have made one hell of an impression on her which naturally made the kitsune curious about what kind of person could have that impression on her.

He nodded his head “Well we shouldn’t go too crazy, if we try to do too much then we might draw in the wrong crowd and the most important thing is for people to see the animals and want to adopt them while also enjoying some drinks…” he wanted a peaceful and warm vibe so that people would feel a pull to come back. Even if they couldn’t adopt they could come when they felt lonely and spend time with the pets. “Let’s make sure it’s nicely laid out so there’s enough room for the animals to roam…so they don’t feel cooped up” he didn’t want them to be sad “Maybe a big cat tree wall on here…”

She grinned and nodded because though it was nothing more than just a pair of jewelry, to Irene who loves collecting antiquities and fancy things like that, it meant more. “I will wear them one time for you, see how special you are Leighton Kingsman?” She teased, the diviner doesn’t have a lot of friends, which was not surprising considering how many people in her industry who loves to backstab every given chance. However, when she does find those genuine souls, Irene keeps them close.

She rolled her eyes and sighed dramatically when Leigh asked if she’d wear cashmere if a friend would pick one out for her “Fine. Some friends then.” Or maybe just Leigh. She grumbled under her breath because aside from acting her corporate self, Irene wasn’t a big fan of getting herself into anything in general. “It’s… such a hassle especially when you know it could mean nothing in the end. You know how I feel about things not being worth it in the end.” But because it that, Irene does miss out on a lot of things.

“He… might be more than just your regular guy…” she murmured, Hyunjin was still on her mind even after all this while. “I just… want to jump on him man…” It is so unlike the diviner to act so out of her personality. “Maybe I want a replay of that night…” Leigh was right, the whole idea of the cafe was not just for people to enjoy the aesthetics of it. She wanted them to appreciate the animals so they can adopt and give then a loving home in return.

“You have so many ideas… well, I think we should also handpick some of the animals to be shown for the first week… and then we interchange them every 2 weeks right? That way every animal can get a chance to be seen and adopted…” she gave him a list, “What’s your favorite breed?”

Leigh grinned playfully, he had the feeling like Irene didn’t have all that many friends because she always seemed to be either busy with work, sleeping or complaining about having to work into the evening, so he was glad that somehow he’d found a way into her good graces, it seemed like she really needed someone “I’m honored, are you going to give me a fashion show too while you’re there?” he teased playfully, she had a wardrobe to die for after all.

Leigh gave her a pointed look and then rolled his eyes playfully “It doesn’t have to end perfect for it to still be worth you time you know” he smirked just a little “I can’t say I have many nice things to say about my exes but I don’t regret knowing them…I don’t regret everything that I learned from them” sure he wished things would have worked out better, but every experience had shaped him piece by piece.

Leigh wiggled his brows and grinned “Well if he’s got you this hooked he must be hot as hell” he pointed out, knowing for certain that Irene was the kind of person who definitely appreciated a handsome face “And let me guess…he’s tall” not that she was predictable or anything but wasn’t everyone’s type usually tall dark and handsome? Or maybe that was just him…

“My brain is always spinning around with ideas…it’s turning them into something practical I need your help with” he mumbled softly, that part was harder, he wasn’t used to cutthroat business decisions the way she was either “2 weeks seems like enough…more often if we’re lucky enough to find matches for them quickly” he nodded slightly “Me…well I have a Shiba Inu so…I’m a little biased to them…but you don’t see many up for adoption” they were popular he supposed.

She giggled in response to the kitsune’s playful jest “Of course, I have 2 walk-in closets, and a big library, yes I read my friend. Wouldn’t be a beauty with brains if I don’t, right?” Irene Farley is a confident woman, that much is known to everyone who came across her. She doesn’t back down, nor does she see the need to be humble when it’s not her place. Doesn’t mean the diviner is eccentric and arrogant though. She has her moments.

“Well, it didn’t end perfect nor did it stay… impactful, so what can I say?” she exclaimed bluntly, it was easy to put it that way. She didn’t care much for it. Her cheeks were flaming when Leigh brought Hyunjin up, she is down bad for this man who she spent ONE night with. How is that even possible? “Even as a diviner, I’m starting to think the man definitely spelled me or something…” There was no other logical explanation.

“He’s tall yes… like really tall, I’m tall… but he’s taller, which says a lot.” Which already made her drool and daydream. “He has a deep voice too… and oh… he’s a whole golden retriever…” She knows if she sees him again she will not let him go. “We’ll make do, I’m sure of it.” Irene was used to last minute decisions and planning. “A Shiba Inu? That’s interesting… I feel like I would love big dog breeds… any recommendations?”

Leigh couldn’t help but chuckle “Because one walk-in closet just wasn’t fancy enough for you, miss CEO” he jested and shook his head playfully, how the other half lived her supposed, sometimes he noticed that Irene was a little out of touch with the average person’s life, but he had quickly learned that she wasn’t purposely that way, just accustomed he supposed, he didn’t mind it.

He pressed his lips, he couldn’t imagine letting someone into his life and them not leaving some sort of impact, he was too empathetic and got attached too easily for that he supposed, from the moment he met Eun, he knew he’d make a mark on his life. The same could be said for Irene too “Cold” he commented and chuckled. When she pointed out she thought the guy she met had spelled her he was instantly curious “So the sex really was that good huh?” he teased and raised his brows, he wasn’t the type to be indirect when it came to this kind of talk.

He knew already her type would be tall, they’d walked through the city to get coffee a couple of times before it wasn’t hard to tell the kind of stature that caught her attention, nor was she particularly subtle when she was checking someone else “Careful, drool doesn’t go well with those expensive clothes” he teased and tilted his head “So did you get his number?”

“Bigger breeds…well the obvious first thought would be a labrador or golden retriever, they’re friendly and generally gentle, make for good companions…though obviously a large dog comes with…large walking requirements” he was pretty lucky that Minha was a couch potato.

She opened her mouth as she attempted to defend herself, only to end up saying “To be fair, I have two-“ Right, she wasn’t supposed to say one isn’t enough or else it would be proving his point but unfortunately for the diviner, she had stepped into his trap. “Is it too much…?” Honestly, Irene wasn’t sure what the life of a normal person is like. All her life, she has been brought up in such a setting, and even after she took over her parents’ company, she never changed. 

The blonde bit her lip and nodded “Mhmm, it was good… good enough for me to keep remembering how it went and let me just tell you, it would make you blush to the moon, Leighton Kingsman.” She wasn’t kidding. It probably would, knowing the kitsune’s demeanor. “I am not drooling” she scoffed and defended herself, not that she wouldn’t be doing that. But not now. “No… I uh, didn’t really have the time to ask him for his number when he was busy having me on the kitchen counter after pancakes” Oops, and there it goes. Too much information. 

“Though I probably should have done that, right…” Goddammit. Way to let a missed opportunity fly away, Irene Farley. “Renfri would probably like walks… walks I cannot give her as much though…” Her smile fell slightly because she realized how busy her life is. “But I can make time…”

She ticked a few things in the list and wrote down a few breeds she wanted to get as soon as the cafe has started operating. “I think a dozen dogs for the front cafe is a good loo… with another two dozen at the back for anyone to go for adoption. We can rotate their turns so every dog can go to the front cafe to charm potential adopters.” 

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