This was very different for Malva. It wasn't as if she hasn't done it before, but this time however, it felt different. Almost as if it's a new thing entirely for her. Malva was just going back on a small trip on memory lane while she was reading the pages of her spell journal that aged up the same age she was currently on. The spell journal has been within her grasps ever since she started to learn how to use her manifested abilities. While she does that, it's understandable to go through a lot of memories and not all of them were pleasant. But, she'll have to suck it up now, wouldn't she?

Twirling one of the dress strings that was in her right hand, her other free hand was busy making sure everything else is intact in the spell journal while her mind went off the rails and began thinking about what would happen to them. Specifically, the effect it will take on her family. It's quite hard not to think about them when your family is the kind of people that will get such intel had anything occur in the eternal city. It was starting to become her daily routine, hobbling up the computer to see any updates on a certain guard she cherished. 

Valentine Dimitreu.

A few weeks ago, Malva was able to preoccupy a spell journal that she kept hidden down the catacombs somewhere in Evermore near the borders about two centuries ago. Now, has she been in Evermore before they were forced to make their residence here? The question still stood as something vague. She couldn't specifically remember the exact details but the Aspect of Magic did not recall remembering any single thing on her coming to Colorado. Ever. With the whole mind thingy tampering with her memories, now she found out that Valentine was apparently a suspect in one of the murders that occurred not long ago. And Malva was trying her best to wrap it all up. 

She does however, figured out why she couldn't remember the details yesterday while she was finding a way to crack whatever that was in her head. The answer was very simple and tactful, that even the Russian born woman couldn't grasp on it fully. Of course, it's a bit difficult to comprehend the situation before her when it's such a simple move. A move most people would never thought she'd use. Hell, even Malva Ailward herself took some time to believe she even considered such move. "There's no way Val would kill someone for no reason. She's not a cinnamon roll but she's not that kind of person who kills for no reason. Who is even this guy.." She pointed at the screen, feeling obviously frustrated that the guard was still in custody.

"Ugh..fine, I'll do it myself."

There was a reason why her head couldn't remember what she did. And no, it wasn't some temporary amnesia, much to her chagrin. She made sure to keep the important stuff buried deep inside her head that when it comes to a time, even she couldn't crack it open without proper steps or instructions. How did she end up knowing? It's not really hard when it's written in bold italic letters on the spell journal that she kept hidden. The whole Celestial issue wasn't getting anywhere but she wasn't sure if it's something good or not. Considering the fact that they currently have a faction filled with celestial beings that harbored ill feelings towards them just across the city. But at least, they haven't launched any sort of attack. Not yet, at least. And Malva was hoping for it to stay that way until she could fully figure out what else she was hiding from her own self.

A walk down the memory lane was all that she needed. But in order to do so, she needed to go through a sleep. A sleep where she'd honestly be better off comatose. That is where things went complicated for her, seeing as she couldn't exactly have anyone know that the purple dragon of the house is under a comatose state and it was nothing to be worried about. The part about not worrying was partially the truth, but if she didn't do it right, she might find it harder to get back. Magic isn't something to play around with, after all.

Malva slung her bag and took the leather jacket hanging on the chair before she rushed downstairs, leaving no space for anyone to question where she is going. Pushing the entrance door apart, she closed it slowly and stared at the sky where the stars were gleaming and shimmering. What an ironic moment. The light haired Aspect of Magic loved star gazing yet now it only served her as a painful memory, where she was reminded over and over again about the pain she had caused the Celestials. Letting the sounds of her heels from her boots make on the stony pavement, she made her way to her destination. The territory she has never set foot in. No kidding, Malva has never stepped into the human territory. The closest she would get to it is the border near the end of the vampire and dhampir territory, where the General Hospital is located.

There was one particular place she wanted to go to. The place where she could be granted an audience with one of the privy council's member. The city defense's general, Benjamin Vaughn. It would be a lie if Mal didn't know who the male was. His file was packed with various information that they could gather. A rather interesting man too. So far, despite residing in the eternal city for quite some time now, Mal has never really engaged a conversation, much less, be acquainted with someone from the human faction. No wonder she felt like she was missing a few people from the faction order. She heard about Valentine and considering the close bond the Dimitreus and Ivakovs had with the Ailwards, it's hard for her to ignore what was going on. Besides, she really did needed to know a few more people from the particular faction. "I'm told this is the office for Benjamin Vaughn?" She told the girl by the counter who seemed to be a secretary of sorts. Obviously, not all the members of the Organisation recognised her. She looked like some girl who just graduated from college and was looking for a job by being persistent. Oh, but she is persistent alright. Resilient too.

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It was sure that the secretary of sorts, the woman before her, was someone who relied heavily on shifts when it comes to working etiquettes. It's neither surprising or shocking for the Aspect. She worked as doctor for the better half of her life when they first moved to the eternal city. So she understood all those small petty fuss over work shifts seeing as most could only handle so much in one day. To which she was sure the human General was probably tired as well. Seeing the time at the moment. 

When she returned from entering the office not far from where she stood before, she was relieved to see that he was in and available for her to talk to. Because in all honesty, Malva wanted to know a few things that wasn't even related to Valentine's situation. Something only she seemed to know. Or so she thought. Entering the room briefly after the woman left the office, Malva knocked once on the door that was left open before entering the room. "I'm pretty sure she said something about me looking like some college graduate who came by with her persistence. Guess she was way too 'tired' to describe me." She exclaimed, her tone carrying the soft element she often produced whenever she was talking. 

Looks can be deceiving, can't they?

When he offered her his hand, she reciprocrated it due to a form of respect. "Seems so. I'm sure you know who I am, maybe not specifically since there are 8 of us and it's quite mouthful to handle all of them at once. So I'll take the chance to introduce myself. I'm Malva Ailward, or more commonly known as the Aspect of Magic. I'm pleased to finally make your acquaintance, Mr Vaughn." The aura and vibe she carried truly emitted the sort of maturity you would feel from a young physical person yet they were only discovered to be 10x your age. Then, she noticed, she was sounding like some middle aged woman back in her days where courtesy was something big. "You can call me Malva or Mal. Please do not address me as Miss Ailward however." 

See, looks can be deceiving after all. She probably looked like she was no more than her early twenties yet the way she spoke didn't sound that way. "I heard you're supervising the particular case of one lycan..Valentine Dimitreu? I'm sure that name rings a bell." She was partially nervous on what's going to happen next. It was true that she came to hear about Val but then again, she had come to talk to him about himself. Particularly, his family.

It wasn't surprising that he only knew one out of all 8. Not all of them wanted to be anywhere near the spotlight really. It's very burdensome. For the Aspect of Magic, at least. She does play her role when needed of course, seeing as order needed to be there somewhere. Though, most of the time, she tend to go astray quite frequently. "None taken. It's not surprising. My brother seemed to be the only one who could use all those--recognition." She paused her words for a while, in search on finding a suitable variable to replace her vocabulary with. "I'm sure you'll find me to be the next most decent Ailward to talk to after Venetus." The promising tone mixed with sarcasm was truly great in amount. 

"You could really replace the secretary yeah. She doesn't seem to be anywhere near the word invested in her work. She had more than 3 cups of instant noodles and over 4 snacks stashed up right under her table. But I guess, there's a flaw somewhere in the system. Nothing can be too perfect. It doesn't exist, after all." She mused lightly, a smile still playing around her lips. The way she said it, was as if she was experienced in the particular topic itself. To which she might. Given her position and status, who knows what goes on in the Ailward organisation. It's a miracle they even lasted well this long.

However, Malva was quick to respond when he called the city their 'home'. For a good reason. She never liked Evermore because of the circumstances that befell the eternal city that eventually made them intervene personally, and she wasn't going to start liking it now. Or possibly, not ever. She despised the very fact that kept them there now. "Do you call Evermore your home? Of course you would, but aside from the general fact, do you ever consider the city your home? For the very least?" It was a random question, suddenly popped out of nowhere but Malva felt like she wanted to hear his answer. She wasn't even sure if he was the person she wanted to sought out, so it's not a surprise to see her trying to confirm it. 

When the topic about Valentine came to both their attention, she listened intently and paid attention so she could decipher what is going on at the moment. "The DA? I've heard about him, and unfortunately, most of it weren't the good stuff. No offense, of course. But he seems quite the person from what I've heard. And I could be wrong, but hey, don't judge a book by it's cover, right?" From all the things she's been listening to ever since she heard about Valentine's issue, she wasn't thoroughly convinced at all that the process will go smoothly. Speaking of the justice system, the Russian woman couldn't help but to snicker at the sudden mention of it. "Sorry, but I have been around justice system ever since I opened my eyes to the world. And one thing was clear, it could evolve and be more 'effective', but it's never changed a bit from the old days. Justice will not be served most of the time. I mean, I did got executed because of it." She shrugged. 

"I'm not here to lecture you on anything. I'm sure you've heard plenty of it already. To burden you is the last thing I would want to do. I'm not even here solely on Valentine's case too. I've been meaning to ask you on something-- personal? As personal as it gets, at least. Benjamin, what do you know of your family tree? Their affiliation to this city?" She asked, her tone still runs at a decent pace, with a questionable look present on her pale complexion. Her sapphire hues staring at him, waiting for the anticipated answer. She was hoping she could find something about whatever that she did in Evermore some time ago.

Examining him from the seat she took at the empty chair, she knew the possible chances of what he was thinking and what was going in his head. After centuries long of being aorund people with magic, you really learn to analyze and hear their thoughts bit by bit. Because one was never supposed to possess such power, were they? But unfortunately, she's going to have to deal with it for now. It was controlled for long, but ever since the warding around her mind was cracked up and she remembered what she should have remembered, her head is slowly losing its vulnerability. That happens when you have your Aspect of Time of a brother sort out a few things there.

"I know I don't look the part..honestly, I question myself too why my physical vessel still stayed young. But it's probably because this physical body was the body I was executed in. Wasn't more than 18 if I remembered correctly. Though I actually do possess the kicks where sarcasm and temperamental side rest. I was always that person and a thousand years could pass and I would still retain this side." She didn't know why she was suddenly telling him that but she did get the small feeling where she needed to reassure him she was just as regular girl he would see any day. "Yes, he's quite eloquent. That's why he became our leader and were the one who gathered all 8 of us in the first place. He's someone you could put your trust in. He's too noble sometimes, and that's what you could check in."

She did however snicker slightly when he told her about the secretary work being available. "I've always been a medic all my life, doctor..anything that has something to do with healing people. I should heal people with the ability I have right? It's not right to keep it to myself anyways. That's just selfish. Although, my temper might get the best of me around paper works. Me being a secretary would give you more trouble rather than ease you. Trust me." A small smile tugged on her lips as she crossed her legs.

Upon hearing the fact that he was stationed in Evermore and he originated from there. Okay, maybe she didn't read all of his information in the files, because she couldn't exactly come by the office and take his file casually. That would surely raise suspicions and that's the last thing she wanted. Besides, she wasn't one that gives her attention to specific people. It's mainly because Malva Ailward does not see anyone that much. When it comes to them talking about himself personally, she saw how defensive he got and the slight chance of mood in the office alone.

"You mean, why do I know something someone outside from your family should know? I don't know, why don't you guess." She smirked slightly but then chuckled after. "Sorry, not the best time to be testing you. Well- there's no reason for me to keep this from you. "I knew your grandfather decades back. I think it was during the time before he had your father. I would tell you if I could. But the only thing I remember is that I met your grandfather in Oregon back in what I think was uh-1922? I'm not sure. My memory hasn't completely come back to me on that. That is why I'm here today, Benjamin."

Time to get down to business. "From what I know currently, your grandfather and I were affiliated in a way. We worked together on something...supernatural? I gave him a spell book that contained a lot of important and dangerous stuff. And I couldn't trust a supernatural to entrust the book and knowledge..since they have a nature on betraying sometimes and that thing can't fell into the wrong hands. Fortunately, he was a human and though it took him months long to trust me, it worked out eventually. A few weeks ago, I went to the church near the borders of Evermore, where I usually do a lot of rituals at back when I came here. And the spell book wasn't there. What I found was a fake one. A decoy of sorts. I thought maybe he would have left something for you? Or your father?" Malva was a bit disheartened to hear that he didn't live a long life in the end, but she couldn't go all sentimental there.

Malva couldn't help but to curse slightly internally as she came to know that even Benjamin himself knew nothing much regarding his own grandfather. But then again, she was not even surprised, seeing as his grandfather wasn't much on exposure. He was a very closed off and reserved person. It didn't take the Aspect of Magic easy to get him to trust her, especially given her abrasive attitude and her cold persona. It took her good 9 to 10 months to even get the man to pull off his walls.

However, their working period together did take their time. About 3 years long and yet, not even one of her siblings nor guards notice the indifference she held. It was either Malva keeping her very secure and well or her siblings and the people around her simply did not give much care to her, which she would like to think it's more to the first one. For the first time, she did not want to think of the latter being anywhere near the road of truth.

Despite learning how most truth tend to be very cruel and harsh, much like the world that they lived in, the light haired Aspect refused to believe some versions. She is her own self, after all. She'll decide and choose what she believes in and no way other. She's quite the complicated hard case for a reason. However, hearing that he knew about the spell book, to which she even dared to assume he had it in his possession, she was delighted and relieved. It didn't last long though, since he said he's not going to be returning it so easily. But she understood why he would be cautious. She would.

"Someone else must've knew of it if your grandfather had to make a fake one to avert their attention away. Which is exactly what I've been fearing would happen. No one else was supposed to know that thing even existed in the first place. It was supposed to be safely kept in the Isle of Skye with me but the thing seemed to give me difficulty to go about my daily life. I had no idea why, I will probably get to know once my head cracks up a bit more." She mumbled, frowning in the process of doing so, obviously frustrated with the fact that her head and memory was not giving any cooperation. One that she needed at the moment, and very desperately.

Even though he would not give her what was hers in the first place back, he was willing to help her go through all the broken pieces. Which, is quite a lot. "I know it's hard for you to believe me, but trust me, I wouldn't have to be here if I didn't have to. I'm sure your company is very well preferred of course." She was being very careful not to offend the general before her. For some reason, she had a feeling if he was anything like his grandfather, then, she's going to have a very hard time getting him to work with her on this. And she would prefer it if it would not take them over 10 months like it took her with his grandfather. Because, that was just a pain. Especially with the current situation she was on, she definitely could not be delaying time anymore. 

"I found a few broken pieces back in the church that I went to..only a few symbolic but very vague spells. It did seem like it was broken up or split purposefully. I would assume your grandfather had something to do with it. I hope it was him. Because whatever that was scattered in that church that I found, it wasn't light. It even went far beyond dark magic. The most important thing right now, is for me to remember what I hid inside here." She pointed at her head, where she knew, she was powerful enough to bury it inside. She knew one thing though, she was more powerful back then rather than now. It was probably the exhaustion and lethargy catching up with her alongside all the broken relationships that was still being mended. 

Out of nowhere, her mind decided to speak up. "There is this one device created right? Where the person goes into comatose state or at least a REM sleep, and you could see what's in her head while trying to figure out what was happening. Valentine had that in our manor. At her lab. I would go for the traditional way, magic. But I'm sure you would be uncomfortable with it?" Like it or not, she knew he was the only one who could go inside her head and memories for this problem. She couldn't risk Reus or her siblings knowing so he was a no no. Neither could she have Tatiana inside, fearing what she'd find would be the demise to their already wrecked relationship.

Truthfully, Malva was a bit more on the soft edge of going berserk there and there, right on the spot. And she would not care if there was even an audience, let it be if it was only one person or the lot. It's known to the people close to her, that Malva Ailward is quite the short circuited temperamental woman who will not hesitate to do by any means necessary to get what she wanted. Given that it is still legal to do so and involved no maiming that could result death. What, you think she wouldn't dare get her own hands dirty if needed? She could. She only chose not to do that, especially when Tatiana or Valentine always volunteered to do the deeds instead. That's the perk of having guards, she's guessing.

She has not cross the certain path of resulting death anywhere. Yet. They were not able to kill any single being, after all. It didn't mean she wanted to do that too. Secretly, somewhere inside her, she knew she was soft hearted and sensitive. Which was why her emotional advances are very enhanced, per say. And that was why she always felt offended when the remark directed to her was anywhere inhabiting the negativity in it. Like what was happening now. She knew to him, she was the stranger there and in this supernatural inhabited city, it's more than understandable to be so cautious with the people around you. However, she'd be lying if she said she wasn't even the slightest hurt by the said gesture.

"If you know my faction very well, you would know by now, Mr Vaughn..that my siblings and I could never kill another being. You probably are asking yourself, despite such statement being withdrawn in every point given, were you sure they didn't have their guards do the dirty deeds for them? You're clever to think so, I'd give you that. I'll be truthfully honest and answer all your 'questions' with no hints of deceit. I had nothing to hide from you anyways. Yes, there were times where our guards carried out what we could not do. About the death sentences? No, we don't give that out. At least, not that I know of or if it's in our purpose to do that. So you have no need to fear about that word. But-- We do grant hurt and maim order. And sometimes, we don't let our guards do it." Her sapphire hues were then averted from the papers that laid neatly on his table and onward to the male himself as he took a seat.

"I can assure you. We don't need our guards to do what we can't. They just feel obliged to protect us because of their given nature. But, I can tell you-- we don't need them to do everything for us. Which means, if I want to hex someone, I will do just that." She then ended the sentence with a smile. As if she didn't even talk about threats and whatnot. "Please don't take it as a warning. It's merely a brief token of introduction, seeing as we are quite the mysterious faction." The Aspect of Magic reassured him, the smile still present on her lips. "I sense you still wonder what I'm capable of. Easy enough. What the diviners could do, I could too. Only, I could do far more. Create portals, create and document the spells, and negate the magical energy the others harness. Oh and yes, as an Aspect, I could transform into a dragon too. It's invisible too. How cool is that." She shrugged, the never-ending soft and amused grin obviously playing around.

Taking the papers from him, she then analyzed and read every word clearly as her eyes ran over them a few times. "You're right. It's not what I was looking for. But it's a start. It'll take some time to decipher it but good thing, I always put a security assurance on every spell journal I own. You can never be too careful. It's mostly written in old Latin, a different form than the current Latin the diviners could read nowadays. That is-given if they could even figure it out. So no worries there." Malva told him, at the same time, reassuring herself that if someone was searching for it, it would take a hard time to do so, thus giving them more time. One they really needed.

"No worries. Most of the time, I don't even understand what people are on about when they rave about the technology. I still hate the amount of tech they have back in the manor but it did make their job easier. Guess we don't belong in this century." Which was true for her, seeing as she didn't belong in that century or any century that wasn't under 10th century which she felt okay in the last time. How she missed some of 8th century itself. Not the civilization for sure, but the surroundings at least. "We don't know each other, true. But you're about the only person I could trust at the moment to get anywhere in my memory lane. I couldn't risk my siblings or my guards knowing what I hid a time ago. Don't worry, you won't be alone. I'll still be there to guide around, I just have to find the right memory is all. I can't do it alone because I need someone to wake me up from it if anything happens. Which, I hope nothing will. But seeing as the best spot for us to do any of it would be back in my room, where not one human being would be brave enough to walk in without my's quite difficult, isn't it?"

"You wanted to find more answers on your mysterious grandfather. And I want to find my own answers too. It's a win win situation. I mean..given if no one interrupts us."

That's weird for her to hear, seeing as their species were deemed mysterious and wasn't sure if they could or should be trusted. Given their nature, they should be trusted, however, some could have suspicions against them and Malva would not say it's the first time she's come across such impression. "I wouldn't hold it against you even if you do have anything against us, both my guards and my families. We are considered very mysterious in our way. No one seemed to know a thing about us unless it's supposed to be known. Don't you think that's too vague? Coming from a huge faction--sorry.. formerly huge faction, that should be very intimidating." She shrugged, where she was sure to be careful and cautious as she took in how her words might have seemed. She was careful not to play around the strings too much.

Be it anything, she wouldn't mind. But she did once again, feel the jab to her heart once she heard his 'accusation' if she could even call it that. "You really think I would send such order? To have him killed? Or even maimed? I'm sorry to break it down to you, Benjamin. I might not look the part, but I do have a sensitive and soft heart somewhere." She hissed, which was probably the first time she had seen herself do ever since long ago as she does not hiss very often. It was probably because she tend to avoid any form of physical intervention anywhere. 

"You're right, hexing doesn't give any warm or fuzzy feeling. Because it's not supposed to. But I can assure you, I did not have your grandfather hurt nor incarcerated by any means. I have my own way to deal with those who could not find it in themselves to cope with what was given. And it doesn't involve brutal maiming nor does it involve any killing. I can't say the same for my siblings but I have never send out an order such as that, much less done it myself." It was clear, Malva was quite aggravated by such approach. It didn't help that the Aspect of Magic had a short fuse when it comes to temper. She's probably one of the most temperamental sibling out of the lot. Her siblings had their fair share on the subject itself, but not all were as temperamental. Erythreus and her were probably the quickest to act on impulse whenever their short fuse were lit up.

With that given, it wasn't really a pleasant knowledge to be known. They were dragons though, wouldn't you expect their temper to match the same? At least the ones in the mythology. "I understand you were probably thinking of so many possibilities that comes in your thoughts endlessly. It's more than understandable. I know that the belief of having doubt is always going to be there. It keeps us alive. I am still disheartened by the fact that he did not live a long life afterwards. That wasn't the life he was supposed to endure in his coming years. It wasn't an option in our choices. I'm deeply sorry for that, but it wasn't caused by me. It might be due to me but one thing was sure, I wasn't the direct perpetrator." She didn't like having doubts thrown towards her but she'll have to live with it, wouldn't she?

Now that she was past all that, she was glad he was professional enough to get down for work. "Yes, I did taught him Latin. Both forms of Latin. I didn't think he would need it but maybe he did. Considering for a reason, I distinctly remember that he was the one requesting for a lesson on the particular language." She shrugged, as she didn't think it was important or vital enough for her to pinpoint. A human wanting to learn both forms of Latin from an ancient witch? Yes, to her it wasn't weird at all. "In my position, giving up does not exist in my vocabulary unfortunately. It might seem like a very good advantage. Even if it's burdensome most of the time..." It was at that moment, where Mal remembered what an old friend of hers once said to her a year back. 

"The world is too big for one woman to carry. That's what she said. It's true. But I can't stop and take a breather nor could I stop and take a rest. So, giving up wasn't possible. It's hard when you deal with the problems of magic itself in everywhere throughout the nook corners of the world. Not a second of the day went by where I don't get a poke from magic, be it light or dark. Magic is everywhere. Even the slightest tinge of it could be seen everywhere. And, as you would know..the world isn't very lenient nor are they helpful, are they?" The solemn look in her bright blue hues and slight purse on her lips. She chuckled softly as she saw the slight change of expression on him when he asked what would happen if someone was to interrupt.

"Well..seeing as we'll be going into a seance of sorts, you'll come with me to the astral world in my own mind. Which means..we'll be going through so many memories sealed behind every door. And I don't which door that contained my hidden memories, I'd guess it's on the far end section. So it might be between the worst memories I had, probably prompting me into not wanting to go anywhere near it. I know that's how I would do it to prevent access..If someone were to interrupt us while our physical vessels are basically in comatose state, easily said, we are vulnerable. Say, if someone stabbed you to death while you were in the seance with me, you'll die. But, that's not to be worried seeing as we'll be doing it in my room, which..I think is a safe place. At least, away from the people who would want to hurt any of us. But the problem still stands, if we are interrupted, our connection will be tangled up in the strings and if we're not careful, we might get trapped in the memory itself."

"Whoever said magic wasn't complicated is lying."

Malva knew it wasn't the first thing she felt every time she was thrown a remark such as that. She did admit she possessed quite the sensitive heart. She definitely did not look the part yet she could prove herself to be quite the vulnerable witch that she was. All her years from a young age, she was taught by her parents to never show any form of weakness, because there will always be eyes watching. And once they pinpoint the exact weak spot she had, her Achilles heel, they will strike faster than she could say the word 'why'. Even if she did ask them why they would do such a thing to someone who hasn't done any wrong before, would she get an answer? The definite answer to that vague question would be a big NO. 

"Funny. That's what your grandfather said to me the first time I met him. Very strange. But then again, you are his grandson, you should possess a few of his traits. Though it seems like multilingualism is not one of your fortes. I'm sure you do however, received the multitude at his end. Chivalry at its finest, cautious and careful, untrusting and whatnot. Although his multilingualism helped him a lot, his vices were the ones that spoke a lot about who he was. Worry not, as it seems like you relate more to your grandfather rather than his son instead." The corner of her lips formed itself into one genuine smile. Now, Malva Ailward does not smile often, neither does Malva Arguarde. Basically, easily said, Malva does not prosper in the advantages and luxury of having any slight bit of happiness in her life. One she should smile upon.

"He also learned French, and a bit of Russian and Portuguese. I'm not sure if he had Spanish bagged but he is quite the surprise. I could remember his traits and how he is as a person, yet I couldn't find my way around the events that went unfolded decades ago." Which was indeed the truth that sums up her current situation at the moment. She felt like she knew him but she couldn't find her way to wrap her mind around to actually pinpoint the series of events that came alongside it. 

She did find it in herself to take a breather and listen to what the male had to say. He seemed quite wise, which was very similar to his grandfather. A trait she was very amused and impressed with. She looked no more than her early 20s but she has lived the world longer than most. Even if she was mature back then, she wasn't wise. She was what a rebellious teenager would be. The usual stuff. "Maybe you are right, on the skipping generations thing. Your father was different from your grandfather. He wasn't that much different but I could see a clear contrast." Benjamin's father did not look much like his grandfather in her views, however, the current general himself does. Too similar, it feels like she was seeing his grandfather instead. With a few missing ends of course.

But then again, it's not something that couldn't be worked nor sharpened on.

"He wasn't a genius, you know. Do you know how long it took him to learn modern Latin? It took me years to get him to be more acquainted with it. He didn't have to, but he said he needed to have the knowledge. Which was quite the advantage of course, if you could read both forms, with a few siphoning, even you could cast a spell. He was diligent though, that's why he managed to eventually grasp the language. He had the passion. That's all that you need in order to successfully run something."

Malva couldn't help but to chuckle at him when he displayed his feelings on them being ambushed. "We will be trapped, yes. It might be like Groundhog's Day..seeing as you have to find your exit door and we have no idea where that might be. It could be anywhere in any of the memory door. It could be in my worst memory or it could be in my most beloved memory. I guess we have to hope that if we ever get interrupted, it'll be in one of my good memories. Because, well..I have a lot of 'action' memories."

"Though your grandfather was an exceptional man himself, don't lower yourself on the expectations. Your father took a few of his good traits, making him a good man just as well. And I'm sure you will also follow up, if you haven't already." She reassured him lightly, knowing well what expectations meant and how much of a weight it truly is. No one should have to suffer under the burden, ever. She was so close to ask him regarding the death of his grandfather, how it occurred and so on. It was mostly because she knew she didn't get the chance to find out how he died and why. Of course, unless they told her he died from natural sickness, which she hardly doubted since he wasn't that aged up at the time of his death. 

She somehow had a feeling, a tight knot in her stomach, telling her that wasn't the case. It wasn't from something natural and if there was one thing that Malva knew she's very good at, it's on trusting her instincts. She could be quite the paranoid person but that was what gave her the advantage. Her supposedly 'self-preservation' skill. Whether it was a tactic or just a mere sought out tinge, it helped her throughout the centuries long worth of her journey. She feared that her suspicions would come true again. She didn't want to have to find out that the cause of his death was possibly due to her. Malva wasn't good at attachments. She calls them 'trivial stuff' that was too petty and wasn't worth a second of her life.

That's what you get when you've been practically raised up to fear attachments. And that fear will soon transition it into one of hatred. And the hatred will eventually become the sole reason to everything that goes in her head. "Then, you would be as similar as my youngest brother, Virindeus. I swear he's like an antelope caught in the headlights whenever he had to hear us speak a foreign language that was not English and Spanish. It gave us the advantage to tease him about it if we ever needed to communicate secretly without him knowing." The light haired Aspect snickered as she recalled the past memories. Their sibling bond is as strong and tough as it is vulnerable and soft. 

Seeing how he was slightly down and discouraged by the small fact that his grandfather 'might' be superior on every aspect, she didn't know why but she wanted to ease him, even if it was just a little. "You respect and admire your late grandfather. You look up to both males of the family too. But I think you're more civil and equipped. He was at a disadvantage when he didn't know what I am, and his physical skills were still no where to yours. So, I think you still got a few aspects higher than him? Cheer up." Her electric blue hues wandered off to his figure that sits comfortably in front of her. Yet, she could still sense and see the small tension in the room. It was radiating like a sun to her. And Mal does not like the sun. She'd tolerate light, but she's not a particularly big fan of the sun.

"I would like to begin it as soon as possible if you're okay with it. My guard, Tatiana, she's beginning to suspect that I'm hiding something from her. I could fool my siblings for a bit longer because I don't usually confide in them until I truly needed to. Tatiana makes it harder, seeing as she could see and hear what goes in head sometimes, due to the blood tie we had. Something I thought was brilliant once upon a time ago. It enables her to protect me very effectively. But now, it's a burden for her since I have to be mindful while warding off the section she cannot stumble upon. And that is quite difficult when you are occupied and lost track of the restoration time." With a heaved sigh, it was clear that the bright eyed Russian was distressed and frustrated.

"Oh trust me, pretty boy. I hardly have any boring memories in me. Unless, you mean being trapped around the isle for centuries long boring. I do sneak out at times so it's not too boring. If anything, you would find yourself to be in the presence of more action. The imprisonment of the Celestials, the way we Ailwards felt immense pain when everything came crashing down etc. I'm anything but boring, kind sir. I'm pretty sure my head if way too content to be keeping and holding on to such figments." Rolling her eyes, she scoffed lightly at the male. She would be distrusting but she didn't think she needed to worry much about him. If he couldn't find it in himself to keep a few details a secret, then she'll just have to find a way to seal his head and possibly mouth, preventing him from speaking a word. 

She's a stern woman. And if she wants it done, it will be done. Quite like what Aureus always quoted. 'If an Ailward wants something, they hardly find difficulty in attaining it.'

Sensing his sarcasm being all over the place, the Russian woman couldn't help but to let out a snicker at his remarks. He's quite the witty person for someone who had a short circuit. That trait had particularly made a standing resemblance to his late grandfather. "You know, I'd like to think we have more in common rather than the opposite. I mean--aside from all the different species and whatnot. You'd be surprised to see how much you are similar to your grandfather after all. That's a mission go, isn't it? You looked up to him and you finally found out that you are more similar than you think. Coming from someone like me, or me in general..that's quite the feat. I don't give out compliments so easily nor do I use my words to encourage anyone. My brothers would have the right to feel immense jealousy now." 

That particular thought made her laugh because the amount of truth it held on wasn't little. She wasn't a people person, and she wasn't much of what you would call 'optimist' too. So, this was one of her rare moments. "Since I didn't have anything to fear from you, nicknames were the least I could give. Now, you don't see people like that everyday, savor it." She teased, a small grin playing itself on her lips. The contrast between her first meeting with his grandfather and him were clear. And it definitely went from 0 to 100 in a short while from the beginning. She had a hunch she could put her trust on him when needed. Hopefully, it wouldn't betray her as well.

She cherished and loved Tatiana with all her heart and it wasn't any different with the rest of her siblings. However, sometimes, she had a hard time keeping details from them as they seem to know her quite well. "I should get going now. Although night is where I work best, not tonight. You should get some rest. You're gonna need it, trust me. Where we're going, it's not gonna be 100% pleasant. That's the only thing I could promise you. Have a good night, Benjamin." She slightly bowed her head with a smile before excusing herself. Stopping at the front of the door, she peeked her head once more. "You are as competent as he was, be proud of that. Your father and your grandfather would have been very proud of you seeing where you are today." 


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