Summer. It was Aeryn's favorite season by far, he had always loved when the longer days rolled around as a child because it meant he got to stay out playing in the fields for longer. Those memories stayed with him throughout his long life regardless of how tainted his upbringing felt to him now. The one memory that stood out above all the rest was in mid June, Aeryn had been aged 13 and Willa had been 7. They had been out in the fields all day, running to their hearts content but as sunset began to draw close the sky had turned dark with clouds. The two of them managed to make it home before the heavens opened but after they were supposed to head to sleep the two of them sat in their room and watched out the window, watching the mighty lighting strike it's way through the sky in bright flashes which lit up the room and both their faces. Aeryn was fascinated by the simple force of nature before his very eyes.

After that night, every time there had been a storm, he had raced home to his spot where he stared in wonder. As he grew elder the edge diminished some but Aeryn still found himself in front of a window more often than not when there was a storm. The nephilim had been walking down by the river when the sky had began to cloud over, he hadn't thought much of it until he had heard the first rumble of thunder and the rain began to fall. As he hadn't been prepared for rain he naturally turned on his heels and ran back in the direction of his apartment. 5 minutes later and his unruly dark hair was soaked along with the shirt he was wearing. 

Heading inside the door to the place he now called home Aeryn headed into his room shaking off his dark locks before he grabbed another shirt from the wardrobe and changed into it. Despite the fact that he was cold and wet he generally didn't mind the weather change, in fact he was sure they were far overdue a heavy rain to make up for several weeks without it. Humming softly to himself Aeryn headed back through to the main living area of the building with the intent to sit and watch the storm as it unfolded. However as he came to a stop he  caught movement in the corner of his vision from outside of the window. 

Aeryn lived on a relatively quiet street in Evermore city by the river, he had chosen it because he hoped to escape the incessant beeping from the metal death traps everyone called cars and for the most part his choice had been a good one. Today however there was a lone figure at the side of the road looking rather frustrated and seemingly taking shelter under a rather space collection of trees. Biting softly on his bottom lip Ryn moved closer to the window his eyes falling on the woman who he could see more clearly through the glass. A curse escaped his lips as he recognized the blonde beauty from the attack a few weeks back.

"Really?" he questioned tipping his head up towards the sky, directing his question at whatever Gods there were up there. He could have pretended that he didn't see her there but Aeryn wasn't that kind of person and so with a deep breath he made his way to the front door once more and stepped out onto the porch way of his ground floor apartment. "I think those trees are more likely to help the rain than they will you" he spoke without introduction as he waited for Harper's attention to move to him, a smirk plastering his lips.

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“Heading home early Adler? This makes three times this week ya know.”

Gritting her teeth the blonde pivoted in her calf length leather boots, walking slowly backwards as she met the gaze of her project manager. The dude was a prick, a rich and entitled daddy’s boy who hadn't had to work a day in his life because there had always been people he could boss around to do the work for him. The Ocean Cleanup Program had been her baby, from the inception of the idea to pitching it to the shareholders to selecting the team members; everything had been her brainchild. It had taken months to put all the pieces together to enable them to begin working on the problems they had set out to solve and just as the testing and experimental stage had begun in walked Chase Delaine. Seeing both the lucrative and PR potential the weasel had sweet talked his daddy into making him Project Manager under the guise of taking the paperwork out of her hands to free her up and allow her to focus on the science side of things.

“Well there isn't much I can do in the way of work with you reassigning my people behind my back and making decisions you know nothing about. So yeah, I'm going home.” It took a supreme amount of effort to keep herself from growling as the pompous ass strolled towards her, unbuttoning his fancy suit jacket as he did so. Harper had come in this morning hoping to get a couple more formulas written only to find that Chase had fired her two best biochemists. He claimed they had been rude to him but she was pretty sure he had reassigned Jill because she had refused to sleep with him and Dale cracked jokes at the bastards expense.

He stopped right in front of her tucking his hand inside his pockets as he regarded her with a cool stare. “You really think that's wise given how behind you are? I mean…” Harper lifted her hand, holding it up in front of his face to stall whatever other nonsense might come tumbling from between his lips. Like the good subordinate that he was he shut up, his eyes widening as he took on a incredulous look. So many things sprang to mind,  dozens of quips and retorts that ran the gamut between scathing and sarcastic. Instead she flipped him the bird and turned, walking straight out the door. Fuming she walked around to the back of the building, yanking her helmet on and fastening the chin strap with more force than might have been necessary. Swinging her leg over she started the Ninja up, securing her gloves on her hands and making sure her bag was tied down well.

Thunder rumbled in the distance and lightning lit up the sky, both went ignored by the Therian Alpha as she peeled out of the parking lot. Harper hadn’t bothered to check the weather before leaving the house, deciding that her usual riding gear was not needed. By the time she worked her way downtown the lightning was more frequent accompanied by a light sprinkle, as she reached the theater district headed towards the river the rain came down more heavily. Most riders worth their salt could handle wet roads but as she headed towards the outskirts of town her tires couldn’t find grip as the rain turned into a torrential downpour. Growling the female pulled off the road, shutting the motorcycle off and dismounting. The gutters were filling up, unable to keep up with the deluge.

Pulling off her helmet her head immediately became soaked, her blonde locks falling around her face and sticking to her cheeks. Grabbing her bag she stalked to a copse of trees just off the road, moving beneath the branches that provided some coverage. Her white tank top stuck to her body like a second skin, the mascara smudging beneath her eyes, and the jeans that covered her legs was tight as she reached up to shake some of the water out of her hair. Setting her bag down by the tree trunk she grabbed the hem of her shirt and twisted, trying to get some of the water off of her despite her position beneath the trees.

Her head came up quickly as a voice called out to her, the sarcasm lacing the words giving the words an almost familiar tone. Squinting her dark blue hues through the pouring rain the blonde took a moment before her mind recognized the build and the shape of the face, her sense of smell catching his scent on the slight breeze. Grinning she straightened up, placing a hand on her hip as she regarded him across the distance, “You sure about that? Can’t be much better than huddling in the door.” She gestured with her chin to where the Nephilim was standing just inside the entrance to the building, chuckling quietly.

After so many weeks of heat, the storm had instantly caused chaos across the streets of Evermore city, the drains and roads unable to handle all the water which sat on top of the dry soil and ran everywhere. He supposed it was a pretty mighty sight and a well overdue reprieve for the plants and grass which had slowly been wilting. Still; it made for treacherous conditions for those who decided to venture out in their cars. Aeryn had seen at least one of them swerving all over the place on his way back home. More and more reasons that he didn’t want one.

Now standing in the entryway to his home, he felt the droplets of water escape through gaps in the roof to re-wet his already damp hair. He didn’t mind all that much, considering the water was pretty warm and he was a mere walk from a towel. As Harper turned Aeryn felt the breath completely knock out of him for a moment, despite the downpour causing her waves of blonde hair to cling to one another and her makeup being smudged she was still as stunning as the night they had met. Aeryn allowed a long drawn breath to escape between his teeth as he focused his gaze on her eyes, not wanting to disrespect this girl he barely knew.

Her quip in return made him chuckle “I have this thing about wanting to help people when they’re in trouble, it tends to get me in even more trouble” this was way different to the first time they met and yet he did seem to find himself doing crazy things for her. Even standing in a downpour looking far from threatening he could feel confidence come from Harper in waves, he had no doubts she would have been fine standing there for several hours if she had to and yet a part of him wanted her to come inside, wanted to be close to her, even for a few minutes until the storm passed.

Aeryn cursed his lack of self control, the more he told himself he shouldn’t do something the more likely he seemed to do it, he had somewhat been avoiding seeing her, mostly because he knew from experience how easy it was to let someone like her under his skin and knowing how that had worked out for him in the past. Now that he was in her presence however, all those reasons went out the window and he simply jerked his chin backwards before stepping back into the entry hall “There is significantly less rain in here” he pointed out with a chuckle inviting her inside.

How was it she hadn't noticed how broad shouldered he was? Standing in the doorway he looked tall, the shirt he was wearing showing of a physique that most guys would kill for. Something stirred in her as the Alpha regarded him with a crooked grin on her face, her wolf lifting her head in an effort to catch his scent once more. Even through the rain she could smell him, an almost exotic blend of spices and earth that made her think of long nights by the fire and warm sunrises on the porch. Her own reaction to him was puzzling, the blonde had never been attracted to anyone before; never felt such an urgent need to get close to him. The feelings were foreign and yet intriguing.

Her grin grew into a wide smile, reaching her hand up she ran a hand through her soaking locks to shake out some more of the water. “Really? So you make it a habit of swooping in to save blondes in distress? I'm not sure if I should be jealous or not.” Deep inside her wolf huffed, urging her closer to the Male she found so irresistible. Jealousy wasn't something she ever indulged in, her personality too self assured and confident. Mixed with the instincts of an Alpha she only felt slightly territorial when it came to her pack and only in the terms of protection. Everything else was just silly.

Her eyebrows rose slightly at his invitation, a whine of approval echoing in her head as she scooped up her bag and walked out into the rain. Crossing the distance she stepped into the doorway, smiling as she slid into close proximity to the Nephilim. This close she was surrounded by the scent of him, see the playful glint in his eyes and admire the full breadth of him. Their first meeting had been quick and stressful, leaving her no time to actually look at him and see him. The memory of being in his arms was quite vivid despite how exhausted she had been. Now, looking at him in the doorway while the rain poured he was handsome beyond words.  

“So, you got me in the doorway, what are you going to do with me now?” Her tone was teasing, an eyebrow raising at the question as a smile flirted with her lips. Harper leaned back against the bricks, her body relaxed despite the soaked state of her clothes and the makeup that was no doubt smudged on her face. Her focus was fully on the male in front of her, her head tilting as she watched his reaction.

Aeryn chuckled at her comments about jealousy whilst he moved back in the entryway to avoid getting completely soaked all over again. Aeryn had never really been the kind to experience jealousy because most people hadn’t ever got close enough for it to be warranted “Is it possible to make you jealous, princess?” he responded with a smirk, though he barely knew her he got the sense that she was a lot like him, confident and happy in their own self but put up walls when it came to other people. He told himself things were easier that way, unattached.

As she moved towards him a sense of apprehension washed over him, Aeryn was used to the company of others but he could usually keep his wits about him, as she moved closer in proximity however, he found himself unable to clear his mind, surrounded by her soft feminine scent which reminded him of the moments after a summer storm, fresh and new but also familiar and inviting. His dark gaze moved to hers, captivated by the ocean depth of her eyes and the way they were locked on him.

She was gorgeous, he’d known that from the moment he had seen her but there was something about the way she held herself, the way she moved with purpose and knew exactly what she was doing that sent his head spinning, reason seemed the furthest thing from his mind as he drew closer to her, pressing one of his hands against the brickwork she was leaning against so that he was leaning over her.

“I can’t think of an answer to that question that doesn’t get me in trouble” he admitted in a low tone as his eyes moved downwards taking in every curve that her wet clothes had exposed. What was it about her that just completely took every sense of logic and replaced it with an irrational need to pull her close? He let out a long and exasperated breath, cursing the hold she already had on him. Fully aware his neighbors were nosy and not wanting to share this view with anyone else in that moment, Aeryn reached for the door, pulling it closed.

“Fuck” the word slipped from his mouth without him willing it to, his eyes moving back up to hers, well he had said it now so he supposed he should finish the thought off “You’re so damn beautiful” he followed it up before swallowing hard, he knew he shouldn’t have said it, hell he shouldn’t have even invited her inside but he also couldn’t bring himself to regret it as he waited for her reaction.

Princess. There weren't many nicknames she’d been given in her life, not many people had taken the time to get to know her enough to give her one. ‘Alpha’ and ‘blondie’ were both a given, her status and natural coloring made both of those obvious and easy. She’d been called a bitch on more than one occasion among other colorful insults though not a one bothered her. Curiously she had always found it disgustingly nauseating when couples gave one another cutesy nicknames and proceeded to use them in public. The blonde had always felt that if anyone gave her one she’d throat punch the person fasted than she could shift…..and yet the very word that rolled off the Nephilim’s tongue didn't bother her at all. In fact she found her smile growing as he said it. Weird.

Shrugging Harper shifted a bit, hooking her thumbs in the front pockets of her jean's. “Anything is possible.” Her from turned cheeky as she pretended to mull the question over, “The more appropriate question would be: is it probable.” Chuckling she leaned her body over a bit, bringing her soaked sun-kissed mane over her shoulder to wring out some of the water. Drops had been running down her back, causing shivers to race up her spine and goosebumps to rise along her bare arms. In the few minutes since the downpour had started the temperature had dropped just a bit and added to her wet clothing it made things a little uncomfortable. While she worked as much moisture out of her hair she waited for his answer, taking the silence to great advantage.

In such close proximity his presence was all encompassing. She couldn't take a breath without drawing in his rich scent, earthy notes mixed with that odd tang that identified with his kind and a hint of something citrus that the female found incredibly sexy. His dark hair was damp, the glossy strands falling in a haphazard heap that gave him a very rebellious and unkempt look. His dark eyes were full of depth and intelligence as they remained glued to her. Harper found his focus enjoyable, alluring even as those mocha hues swept down her body as he answered her. That one perusal did an odd thing to her body, her abs tightening as her tongue darted out to wet her suddenly dry lips. Thankfully he didn't see much of her reaction, his movements were jerky as he reached to pull the door closed shutting them in together.

The Therian tried not to smile, tried to keep her wits about her but everything about the male was enticing. Even now in his agitated state she was drawn to him, his very being bewitching the Alpha to the point of having everything else fade into the background. Shut inside with him she cared nothing for the rain, couldn't remember the incident that had pissed her off at work, and even her many problems within her faction became null and void. It was slightly concerning and yet liberating at the same time.

A light laugh escaped her pink lips, the moment the door clicked shut a very inelegant word slipped from his mouth. His eyes skittering over her as he added on the rest as an afterthought. Her smile dropped slightly, his words sinking in fully and for a moment she was speechless. Her oceanic optics searched his face, tried to ferret out of he was sincere or if this was another barb. What she found was a disquieted honesty that seemed to have slipped out. Heat washed through her body, a flush of pleasure and need flowing back up from her toes that propelled her forward. Harper took the two steps that brought her right up against his chest, a hand gliding up along his jawline as she rose up on her tiptoes and claimed his lips.

Despite having never been in this situation before the blonde kissed him in the same manner she did everything, with no hesitation or reservations. All in.

Nicknames had always been Aeryn’s thing, he always seemed to associate people with different things in his mind and once that happened it felt strange to him to simply call them by their name. Aeryn didn’t see Harper as one of those damsel in distress stereotypes that most associated the word princess with, to him she was like a warrior princess, strong and independent, leading her own path in spite of what everyone thought. It fitted her in his mind and he had to admit the little smile that crept on her expression when he spoke it only spurred him on further.

Aeryn arched his brow at her response, the way her tone was almost dripping in sarcasm caused him to smirk, Harper seemed to know the exact words to say to cause a rise in him, a strange feeling of wanting to rise to a challenge washing over him. Tilting his head a little he allowed his eyes to wander some over her exposed skin “You don’t strike me at the jealous type” he spoke lowly, he wasn’t either, having spent years drifting from place to place there was little time or need for possessiveness, he had learned quickly to live for the here and now and not worry himself with how others spent the rest of their time.

Aeryn had known many a therian in his long life, enough to know how driven they were by all the scents they surrounded them and he used that knowledge as he leaned closer to her allowing himself to be enveloped by her presence but not quite touching. His skin felt as though it was on fire, willing him to bridge the gap between them as his eyes moved over her body. The water droplets still fell from her hair despite her efforts to dry it, leaving a trail over her already soaked clothes.

Now that the door was closed, his focus was entirely on her, from the sultry and sexy look her slightly smudged eyeliner gave her to the dampened clothing with hugged her body in a way that made her look absolutely breathtaking. His entire being was screaming at him to pull her closer as his eyes dropped down to her perfectly full lips as she let out a peal of laughter in response to his words. He watched the emotion drain from her face and his breath hitched for a moment realizing he might have taken it too far.

His concern was however short lived as he felt her swift movements, his whole body radiating heat from the side of his jaw where her fingertips grazed his skin and before he had the chance to take in the moment fully he felt the full force of her lips on his. Aeryn eased into the kiss, his lips parting as a wave of pleasure spread through him. The nephilim’s hands pressed to the side of her face as the kiss deepened before slowly  trailing down her shoulders and around her waist to pull her closer to him needing all distance between them to fade away.

The way she kissed him with such passion and need only attracted him to her further, he had always been a sucker for a woman who knew what she wanted and claimed it. Leaning back for a moment he took a ragged breath before he dipped downwards hooking his arms under her legs and then lifted her up so that she was at eyeline level with him. His eyes searched for hers hungrily, ensuring she was comfortable before he backed her up against the wall and leant in to meet her lips again sending his head spinning all over again.

Harper’s answering smile was sassy and coy, though she wouldn’t have been able to identify it that way. She’d never been good or even interested with men and yet this single male had captured her full attention completely. A light shrug lifted one of her shoulders, her gaze lifting through lowered lashes, “Everyone is jealous of something. Or so I’m told.” The more he looked at her the more antzy she became, though she couldn’t put a name to exactly what it was she was antzy for. The longer they stayed closed in together the more she could sense of bit of him, from his scent to the warmth of his body to the sound of his heart beating within his chest.

Finally she couldn’t stand it a moment longer, closing the distance between them and doing what she’d fantasized doing since the first time he’d smiled at her. He was warm and vital, the scent of him filled her nose and overwhelmed her senses but she didn’t care. His palms were tender on her face, gentle yet firm as they made their way down to her shoulders and lower still to her hips. The Nephilim didn’t have to pull her with very much strength, the moment she felt the weight of his hands on her waist she leaned into him. It seemed like they both hated the distance, needed to be closer and closer still.

Much like the storm that raged outside the pair of them crashed together, feeding off one another and building whatever was it was that had sparked up seemingly out of nowhere. The moisture clinging to her hair and skin mixed with the unstable air of their breathing as they kissed passionately set the stage. They broke apart for mere moments, her icy hues meeting with his deep hazel orbs broadcasting how much each of them longed for more. Before she knew it he was back on her, his arms looping beneath her legs to hoist her up in his arms backing her against the wall. Her legs wrapped around his waist, her hands burrowing through his dark, thick hair to provide another anchor that sealed them together.

Her body was on fire, every inch of her being completely consumed with a need and the more Aeryn kissed her, the more his hands molded her body, the more she needed him. Needed that contact. Breaking away from his lips she tipped her head back, a shiver licking down her spine as his lips touched her neck. He rose up, chest heaving and the look in his eyes nearly had her drowning. With a hungering need she sealed them both together again, feeding off his lips while her hands snaked beneath his shirt to get at more of that warm and vital skin.

From the moment her lips touched his all boundaries disappeared in his mind, his only thoughts consumed by this girl and the need he felt for her in that moment. Aeryn was usually pretty good at keeping himself in check but something about her just took all rationale from his mind. Their kisses were deep and passionate, like both of them wanted to drown in the taste of one another and he found his breath more erratic and ragged each time they pulled away for meer seconds and crashed together again spectacularly.

Aeryn loved the way she felt against him, the damp of her shirt seeping into the one he was wearing as the two of them entirely erased any space between them. The way she looked back at him only spurred him further, captivated by her bright oceanic eyes before colliding with her once again. Aeryn kissed her with every part of him, his tongue sweeping into her mouth, taking in the sweet taste of whatever lip gloss she must have been wearing before the downpour. His head was spinning, almost as though it was all a dream that might fade away if he let her go.

He pulled back for a few moments just to look at her, completely lost in their own bubble. As she leaned her head back he took no hesitation to lean in closer once again, his lips pressing tender kisses down the base of her neck and up her jawline, his breath was hot against her neck, steadying his breathing as he moved slowly against her warm skin. Aeryn had been with many a lover but the way that she commanded their movements, claimed his lips as her own had him reeling, it only got him further lost than he already was.

Feeling her fingertips as they grazed gently against his chest caused a moan to escape from his lips and he moved back for a few seconds setting her down gently on her feet to tug the black shirt he was wearing over his head before discarding it onto the floor. Without another thought he inhaled sharply before he returned to her lips the sensation now cool against his bare skin from her wet clothes.

Aeryn’s hands moved to press against her hips, his fingers playing with the hem of her shirt before moving underneath it, his hands warm against her skin, tracing over her figure with his fingertips. He moved once more, his gaze searching for hers, questioning what she wanted, the look of longing in his eyes expressing just how much he needed her and nothing else in that moment “What are you doing to me?” his voice was low, he was pretty sure they both knew the answer to that.

Her feet touched the ground as he broke the seal of their lips, setting her down so that he could tug his shirt up and over his head. If it weren’t for the wall behind her back she might have melted right onto the floor, her chest heaving as her half mast blue eyes watched him reveal more of his body. He was lean and muscled, built like a wolf in his prime and it only served to attract her more. He closed the distance once more, her palms greedily sliding over his exposed chest as his lips once more came down to claim her own.

Their tongues dueled, his taste and scent swamping everything within her and she didn’t want it to stop. A shiver licked up her spine at the caress of his fingertips at her hips, the distance between them as little as it was, was suddenly too much. As the thought formed in her passion filled mind his hand snaked beneath the material, pressing in close and molding to her damp, chilled skin. His touch was warm, spreading through her body and chasing away any chill that might have lingered in her bones. She’d been alone and on her own for so long, she hadn’t realized just how cold she had gotten.

Once more he broke away from her, putting wretched distance between their bodies as he stared into her eyes. A small smile touched her lips at his low murmured question, her hands dropping to the hem of her own shirt. Pulling the wet article over her head she tossed it away, breathing deeply as a number of answers occurred to her. Flashing through her mind they all presented their own little flair and yet only one was the truth.

“Claiming you.” She kicked off her shoes, jumping back into his arms and once more sealing their lips together.

Aeryn had to admit he liked the look in her eyes as she traced over his skin with her gaze, it was a look echoed in his own, hungry and full of passion. The nephilim male couldn’t even remember a time when someone had quite had this effect on him, capturing every sense in him from the way she looked so innocent as she knowingly claimed his body for herself, to the sound of both of their breathing merging together and slowly getting more and more irrational and the way her hands felt against his bare skin, threatening to send shivers all over him.

He hadn’t realized quite how much he needed this until she had crossed the line, taking them to a place he wasn’t sure he was ready to go. But now as he ran his fingers against her smooth skin, taking in every curve of her figure he couldn’t remember a single reason for holding back. He found himself battling for dominance in their kisses, both giving as much as the other, both so lost in one another that the whole world just faded away.

Aeryn sucked in a breath as he moved back from her, watching as she moved to pull the soaked white top over her head and revealing a view that had him almost stunned, she was even more gorgeous than he could describe, curved in all the right places and confident, in a way that sent his mind into overdrive. He couldn’t have wanted anything more than her in that moment, every little thing about her just drew him in further.

Her words caused a knowing chuckle to escape his lips as he watched her throw her shoes across the floor, itching to feel her in his arms again. As she quite literally threw herself towards him he caught her jump with ease moving backwards to take the force of the movement his back hitting the other side of the hallway knocking one of the pictures off the wall from where it had been hanging.

Aeryn paid no mind to it feeling her soft lips against his once again, he let out a contented sigh as he felt the kiss deepen once more, his whole body melding to hers, with his fingertips he traced circles on her bare skin loving the feeling of every part of her and how warm she felt when he held her close. He moved to drop gentle kisses along her shoulder, he wanted to kiss every inch of her body over and over again, he wanted every thought she had to be completely filled with him.

And with that very thought he couldn’t take it any longer and so he tightened his grip around her moving towards the staircase and slowly moving up the stairs. As he moved however his sole attention remained on her, meeting her lips again greedily, wanting to take everything he could get out of this moment, she had an effect of him he had no words for, he couldn’t even fathom how one girl could make him such a mess.

Harper had always been practical. Pragmatic. She had seen first hand what a mess indecision and waffling could do, resolving from an early age that she would never get caught in that trap. She looked at situations, weighing the pros and cons in a reasonable amount of time for the situation and then made a decision. Once that decision was made she stuck to it and handled the consequences with grace. Not believing in pushing blame onto others or having to suffer through the stress of indecision made for an adult that was measured and controlled. Being a Therian made those traits even more necessary and for the most part she had never deviated from that and always to good result.

Now, with her lips melded to Aeryn's and their clothes quickly disappearing there was no internal debate. There were no weighing of pros and cons and definitely no real choice to be made. Something about this male, so much like her in personality and temperament, that took her out of her commanding position and thrust her into a whirlwind of wants and needs. Without a single thought she had torn up that line between them and run straight into his arms, riding high on the euphoria that built her up and sent her soaring higher with each passing moment. Everything faded into the background, taking her out of who she was and put her squarely into who she wanted to be. Where she wanted to be. Which was in his arms, their mouths exploring inch after inch of exposed skin while searching for the release from all the pent up passion that had been building since their first meeting.

Her teeth worried at her lower lip as his eyes caressed her body, the light in those dark depths had an ache blooming deep inside. In those beautiful deep pools of sultry color she saw desire and an intensity that made her preen beneath his gaze. In a second she was back in his arms, chuckling against his lips as the sound of breaking glass registered between the stimulus of his touch and his addicting taste on her tongue.

Tilting her head back her eyes drifted closed as his lips trailed down her neck, her fingers burying in his thick shock of hair. Her hips, secured around his waist rolling into him, searching for some relief as he drifted up the stairs. Her back came up against a door, a hand reaching back to fumble with the knob before it opened, spilling them into a dark room and a soft warm bed. A bubble of laughter escape her lips, his body pressing her into the mattress as their eyes met. There was an unspoken question there, a final line they were teetering on.

Her palms slid slowly down his chest, fingertips skimming ribbed abs until she felt the cool metal button of his jeans. Tearing her gaze from his own her hand dropped instead to the button of her own pants, freeing the little metal toggle as she made eyes contact with him once more. Wiggling her hips from side to side she started to ease the wet material down her legs, raising up just enough to touch her lips with his own. That one act told him all he needed to know, she had jumped off that ledge, plunged off head first and all she could hope was that he would jump with her.

Aeryn had always been pretty straightforward, he was the kind of person who would happily go with the flow and see where things led, often that would lead him into complicated situations, especially with the words that often escaped his lips without fully thinking them through. With Harper however, it felt simple, like there was some unspoken agreement between them, a mutual desire for one another that he had felt the moment he saw her. Perhaps that made him insane considering what had transpired that night but there was never any doubt in his mind about whether he wanted this.

She was everything he searched for in another person and then some. From her gorgeous oceanic hues which he found himself swimming in every time she would hold his gaze to the way she took control of every situation she found herself in. And yes, he knew in a few hours when the smoke faded away there was likely going to be a lot they needed to talk about but right now, with her hands running over his skin, he knew he was almost completely at her mercy. And yet he also found him rising to every challenge she gave him, his body claiming hers just as much as she was claiming his, her words ringing through his head as the two of them just sank deeper and deeper into what was between them.

He made quick work of the stairs turning a corner and moving them both through the hallway, at every stage that they went further his eyes searched her for any hesitance, Aeryn was the kind of person who put the needs of others before his own, just seeing the desire she showed returned in her expression was enough to make his skin feel like it was on fire. He hadn’t even realized they’d reached the door until her hand was desperately reaching to open it and a sultry chuckle escaped his lips.

The moment the door was open he stumbled forwards a little but managed to keep his balance as he followed her down, landing on the soft mattress and echoing her laughter as he looked back at her, his body was pressed against hers, leaning over her, her hair was spilling all around her across the white sheets and her eyes were on him, speaking a question that neither of them seemed to dare to say out loud. He parted his lips as if to speak but he stopped as he felt her touch move downwards along his exposed skin.

His eyes were questioning, ensuring this was what she wanted but as she had done every other time, she pulled him in further, moving her hands to undo the button to her jeans. She really was going to jump into this with both feet, he realized as he held his breath purposely in reaction to her leaning up to press her lips to his once more in a telling kiss. He moved back from her, both of his feet on the floor as he took a hold of the denim material which was now halfway down her legs and pulled at it, letting his desire take the reigns and rid them of every pesky barrier between them, with a knowing look he reached to the the clasp of his own jeans, undoing it and then stepping out of them as they fell to the ground.

He didn’t waste a single moment, his whole body willing him back towards her as he returned to her once more, his head dropping downwards as he did so pressing rough kisses along the skin of her stomach and slowly moving closer to her face, Aeryn’s eyes moved down her full figure, sucking in a long breath almost of disbelief. When he finally reached her lips again he truly allowed himself to get lost, his kiss passionate and meaningful as he rolled the two of them over so that she was on top of him. Breathlessly he turned his gaze upwards as he moved his fingertips behind her back, sinking under the clasp of her bra and unhooking it and then running his hands along the top of her shoulders and down her arms as he removed it, discarding it to the floor. His teeth sank into his bottom lip as he allowed his gaze to explore the now exposed parts of her skin “I am so fucking lucky” he mused, his mind unable to cover up a single thing he was thinking in that moment.


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