It was another new day in the city of Evermore. It had only been a short few weeks; since Scott Parrish had arrived in the Eternal City. The Male Initia was searching for a purpose. Never having been part of an Initia tribe; for most of his life. Scott still remembered how crashed he was; when he found out the tribe that helped him find his elemental links in South Carolina, were just passing by. Unable to join them. It was probably in that moment;that his desires to embrace his Initia abilities/to be part of a tribe grew more from that day. And his search, led him to here.

Scott found himself, slowly trying to get used to the new bustling city. The first thing he had done. Was finding himself a job. With his years of living on a farm, back in Canada. It wasn’t hard to gain a job, at one of the ranches near the mountains. Having plenty of experience/knowledge about the farm life and with horses; Scott became a good asset to the ranch, he now worked at. The Initia was slowly trying to integrate into the Initia faction, within the city. It was a bit of a slow process; since he wasn’t used the tribal life and their ways. So it was a learning experience for the Initia, for sure.

Like most mornings; Scott had an early start. It was nothing new to the Initia. Having been used to it since childhood. The morning at the ranch; consisted off the normal routine. Feeding the horses, and making sure they had plenty of fresh water. Before cleaning out their shelter; whilst they were roaming out and about in their Paddock outside. Often then not; they had visitors. Families; mainly with young children/sometimes teenagers whom were eager for horse-riding lessons, or to simply just admire/and pet the horses that roamed the grounds. The Initia couldn’t help but always find it adorable; how eager and excited young children would get around the horses. To see their small faces light up,with joy.

But the last few days, Scott took notice of a certain dark haired female. She seemed quiet the mystery to the Initia. But this past week or so; Scott seen her come and go, to the ranch. Almost, arriving at exactly the same time every day. She always spent some time with the horses, before leaving. Scott found himself, a bit curious. Whom was she? He had always kept an eye out; in case someone would be causing trouble. And she certainly never looked like, she meant harm to anyone around. But these days and age; one could never be too careful. Scott didn’t want any accidents to occur, on his watch. Especially as the owner had warned him; that someone once tried to steal one of the Black Mare’s a few years ago. Scott assumed, that the young woman was there, for the horses. She always seemed to be gentle with them. Wondering how much experience she had around them.

And today was no exception. Just as Scott was heading outside for some fresh bales of hay. There she was again. But this time, his curiosity got the better off him. Setting the fresh stack of hay, to the side of the stable entrance. Scott walked over to her. A friendly smile on his face. “Hey...I noticed you’re a frequent visitor.” His Canadian accent was quite thick. Scott was tall compared to her. With his muscles and broad shoulders; it was clear he was a hard worker. All the muscles gained from the labour over the years.

“Do you know, how to ride a horse?” he asked curious. Scott never recalled,seeing her out on a horse riding lesson, like some of the visitors.  Internally, trying to figure out her reasons for visiting, if she wasn’t here for horse-riding lessons. But it wasn’t hard to tell, she was a lover of horses; just the way she was with the creatures.

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As the young female jumped; startled by his presence. Scott was about to head over to calm the horse she spooked in the process. But it seemed like the young woman had it handled. Yep, she definitely knew what she was doing, when it came to being around horses. Which meant she either owned one herself, or had just experience being around them. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you.” Scott apologised. Clearly, she had been miles away; when he had approached her, for the first time despite seeing her around here so often.

Indeed, she liked coming here a lot; so he could imagine that she’d feel a little out of her routine if she missed a day or two visiting the Ranch.  “I think you’re one of the few frequent visitors.” Most people came often; if they had riding lessons booked. But she was here pretty much every day. Scott smiled, as she spoke about the Horse in question. “Yes,he is. Midnight is the newest mare of the Ranch. And over there.” he gestured to the smaller female horse, that looked almost identical to Midnight...or as Eden called him Buster. “That’s Star...his twin sister.” It had taken him a while to remember all of the names; but he got there eventually. “Midnight and Star, are one of show horses.” Their show horses were only ridden on by the owners/trainers, no one else. “But there are several that people can take for rides. Usually we hold classes on Monday, Tuesday which are reserved for children. Then from Thursday to Saturday, classes are held for Adults. You can either come here in the morning for lessons from 9am-11am or from 2pm to 5pm.” The Initia explained, giving Eden the typical schedule when it came to lessons and what days were reserved for whom. "Usually, the lessons last between 30 minutes to an hour. Depending on how advanced they are." So there were a few slots in the allocated lesson times. Especially since, more than 1 person took lessons at a time. Sometimes it was more quiet and on those days, riding lessons could last longer for that particular individual in the hour slots.

When she introduced herself. It seemed like quite the interesting name to have. Giving her a friendly smile. “Scott, pleasure to meet you Eden.” his hand clasped around her smaller one, as they shook hands.

“If you’d like, you can book a few riding lessons. I think there’s still a few spots left this week. I’ll have to check the rota in the stables.” If she was lucky, she might be lucky to get a slot or two. Otherwise, she’d have to wait till the new week to start. The Initia looked surprised,when she asked if he owned the place. Causing him to chuckle; shaking his head. “No...I just work here, but no. I am not the owner of the Ranch.” Scott wasn’t that rich to own a Ranch and he was still fairly new to the city. When she told him, she knew some ways of farming; Scott just silently took in the new knowledge before giving her a nod. “I thought so, you seem quite knowledgeable and gentle, from what I’ve seen.” Scott complimented her. He was quite impressed that she grew up on a farm herself. It’s been a while, since he met someone with that particular background and childhood.

The Initia knew a few jumpy people. Eden was no exception. He just gave her a soft smile. Her reaction was pretty much the same as his; when he found out not many people came here; at least, not as many as he would have hoped. “Yeah, it is a little sad.” he agreed with a nod. “Unfortunately, the owners had a few issues a while back. Some greedy people tried to steal a few of their show horses; so for a while...they entirely closed the farm off from visitors. So, only in the last few weeks; they been letting people attend and offering lessons again.” He figured it still needed some word of mouth and more interest from people, for it to get popular again. “If you know any people that are interested in horse lessons, or want to visit. Please send them this way.” Scott figured, if she met few people whom would love it here; she could help attract more visitors by telling people about this place.

He rose an eyebrow, an amused look crossing his face. “Oh? What have you been calling them up until now?” he asked curious, as to what names she had given them. This could potentially be amusing moment. Scott nodded. “He is beautiful indeed. And one of the youngest one’s.” Even the older horses had beauty to them off course; but some looked older, with their color fading away. But Midnight; he was exquisite.  And very popular show horse.

The Initia noticed her disappointment; when he mentioned that the Black Mare was just a show horse. “I can show you around, if you’d like. I have a break in about...” he glanced towards his watch, checking the time “...30 minutes.” Once he would be off duty for about an hour or so, Scott would have more time for costumers that needed help. As she asked about the cost. Scott tried to think back on the pricing. “It depends, if you just want the single session either morning or afternoon, it costs about 30$, but if you want to part-take in both sessions it costs between 40$-65$.” He informed her. Not knowing about her circumstances, which would make it hard for her to pay for the lessons. But if she was as skilled as she claimed to be; she didn’t need lessons.

Her question took Scott by surprise. Raising a slight eyebrow at her. Okay, maybe the young woman was more daring and bold, than he had first presumed. “Without booking a lesson and paying?” Scott added. “That could possibly cost me my job.” The owners had strict rules; and he didn’t want to get on their bad side. Outside of lessons; Scott wasn’t allowed to ride the horses; unless he had permission from the owners. And Scott didn’t want to jeopardize his job here, by doing something bold and stupid against the rules. Even if it would make Eden happy. His brows furrowed, hearing her admit that she couldn’t afford to pay rent, let alone for the lessons. “You’re broke?” he looked worried. Wondering why she even lived in a hotel room. But the Initia didn’t want to pry too much. But the question was on the tip of his tongue.

When she asked if they were hiring. That gave Scott an idea.”I think, they still need some extra help around the farm house and the stables. I’ll talk to the owners.” Promising to put in a few good words for her, since she knew how things worked on a farm. “I’ll see what I can do about the horse riding. But...I can’t afford to loose my job here.” Hopefully she understood, what tricky position she put him in; by her hints. Scott was still fairly new here with this job; not wanting to jeopardise it. But Scott would find a way to work around it. So she could get what she want and possibly a job here too.

The shock on her face, was something the Initia was used to seeing. It was a usual reaction, when people found out what had happened here. “Yeah, I suppose some people just don’t think.” He mused. After all, it’s not like you wouldn’t get caught, trying to steal a horse. That was simple impossible.  But he was glad, she took the offer to try and help get more people to come here. It would help them much. “I’d imagine so. I’ve seen plenty of excited young children, any time families visit.” He gave her a thankful look. They needed more visitors, that was for sure.

When she mentioned that Midnight had been called Buster. Scott couldn’t help but end up laughing. Shaking his head in amusement. “Wow...well, the owners do have a dog called Buster, actually.” he told her, chuckling. This indeed was quite funny. As she pointed out two other horses. Scott smiled, those names seemed to be a bit more fitting than Buster had been for Midnight. “Well, Alaska is actually Snowdrop.” he smiled. “And Diamond, as you call her. Is Azure.”Mainly because of the brilliant unique blue eyes, that the horse had. But Scott quiet liked the name Alaska and Diamond too.

Eden practically seemed to light up, when he offered to show her around. “It’s the least, I can do for someone who visits so often.” He gave her a soft smile. He couldn’t help but notice, her reaction to the pricing. But didn’t comment on her frown. “No, I think it usually should cover a few days worth. Unless you’re a family booking horse riding lessons, then it’ll just cover them for that day.” Hopefully, she’d be a bit more in the clear, about the prices for the horse riding lessons.

It seemed like the female Valkyr was indeed bold. But he probably made a bad move, with his question. Giving her an apologetic look, when he saw her scowling at him slightly. The Initia didn’t mean to cause offense, he had just wanted to find out about her situation, to figure out why she was asking for a free ride. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to cause offense.” he apologised. But frowned slightly, as she explained her situation. It sounded tough. This was tricky. He hoped, the owners of the farm, would take her on as an extra pair of hands. It would give her income.

“You could say that.” he slightly chuckled, as she said she was a little too bold. More bold, than he met lately. But he looked surprised, when she claimed he looked daring.”Really? What gave you that impression?” Scott asked, generally curious.  With them talking, time passed a lot quicker than he had realised. “The rest of the outside.” he said with a chuckle, They were near one of the stables, but there was so much more to see.

Eden’s reaction, was pretty much how anyone else reacted; when they found out about what had happened. “I think some people just don’t appreciate things like this. It’s sad really.” The Initia hoped, that he could help make the place running as it once was. And hopefully,with more hands on board; they’d eventually attract more people, to come visit and part-take in lessons and what have you. Scott lightly chuckled, at her comment. “Yeah, you got that right. Where abouts did you come from?” He asked curious, as he caught her Southern Accent.

Not that he was really supposed to, but Scott had his favorites. Midnight and Azure were one of them. He found Azure especially more unique than other horses. It was her eyes. “Yeah, she has beautiful eyes. Unlike anything I’ve seen with horses.” Scott smiled. He found the name rather fitting, for her. If they’d come across other horses; he would be sure to point them out to Eden and give her more names. Just so she had good knowledge, if she wanted to work here and wouldn’t get them confused.

He lightly chuckled at her teasing comment, nodding slightly. “If I have spare time, then yeah. I’ve given regulars a tour or two.” It was one of the reasons, why the owners of the farm liked him so much. He had experience, was glad to help out visitors and anyone whom was interested in working on the farm, when extra help was needed. As they made their way out of the barn. Scott stuffed his hands in the back of his pockets. Keeping them warm, from the nippy weather outside.

Eden did have a good point. There was no good way to such a question. “Yeah, I suppose you’re right. It was just a little...reckless of me to ask.” But he was, relieved that she forgave him, and wasn’t too upset with him, for the question. As Scott was giving her a tour. He made sure to point out where everything was; including the training area for the horses, the other barn which was a bit further down. Where they kept the chicken and ducks. Scott knew where everything was, like the back of his hand by now. If someone asked him to draw up a map of the place, he’d most likely do it blind folded.

As the Valkyr female, mentioned it was his build. He slightly chuckled. “Well that’s an interesting guess.” he smiled softly. “Me?” at first, he thought she might have been hinting about what species he was. But it wasn’t the case. “I’d say, I am hard working. And consider myself a loyal friend. I might have my secrets every once in a while. But who doesn’t right?” It wasn’t always easy to share everything,with someone. Scott kept a lot of things to himself. Until he was sure, he could trust someone with his secrets. But other than that, he had quite a good honest streak.

Scott saw one of the other workers struggling with one of the horses. Excusing himself briefly. He jogged over to help him. “’s okay boy.” Scott managed to calm down the restless horse. Which prompted the horse to go back into the stable. The male thanked him, giving him a grateful pat on the shoulder. Before Scott returned back to Eden, in time to hear her question. “I think repairs around the farm, would be more tricky. Sometimes they need all hands on deck, for repairs. But bathing the horses tends to be a bit of a challenge also. They don’t always like it.” So knowing the right approach and how to keep horses calm, when cleaning them, was a skill that took a while to master. Especially for some newcomers, with no experience. While he was in the middle of explaining it to Eden. Scott saw the owner was near-by and heading in their direction. Scott gave the older male a friendly smile. “Good afternoon sir.” he greeted him, with the usual politeness.

“Good afternoon to you too, Scott.” he greeted him back. Glancing between him and the young female. “And who’s this?” he asked curious.

The Initia figured this would be a good time, to put in a good word for Eden. “This is Eden. She’s one of our regular visitors. I thought I’d give her a little tour, as she has an interest in helping here. I think she’d make a good addition to the team. She’s loving and gentle with the horses, from what I’ve seen and has experience/background that suits the job.” Scott said honestly.

“Oh?” the owner looked surprised, before glancing at Eden. “Is that so?” he asked, with a friendly smile. “Have you worked on a farm before?” Curious, to hear more from Eden herself. To see if Scott’s words rang true.

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