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It was a cold day in Evermore, and the entire city was covered with a blanket of snow, making the supernatural haven look like a winter wonderland. The park set in the middle of the city center was no exception, especially with the Christmas market set up all throughout the month of December. Of course, Sirius was avoiding the place like a plague---he felt everything was terribly overpriced, as people exploited the holiday and everyone's last-minute gift-hunting. Anyone who really knew him knew that he wasn't the Christmas-celebrating type. Besides, he'd already bought his presents the month before, prior to the holiday madness, as he liked to call the last month of the year. However, a rather good friend of his had other plans for them, and that very day, the Greek Celestial found himself dragged out of his penthouse and into the Christmassy street, clad in a navy blue pea coat, a cream coloured sweater, and thick denims to shield himself from the icy breeze that blew around him.
"This entire place looks like Santa threw up everywhere," he commented to Artemitra, shooting her a look of mock-annoyance before bringing the cup of hot chocolate he had clasped in his gloved hands to his lips, taking a sip of the warm, creamy beverage. The fairy lights strung around them brought a twinkle to his cerulean blue hues, his gaze then returning to his fellow Celestial. "So why did you drag me out here, Arte?" he asked, raising a quizzical brow as he gestured airily about them, motioning to their festive surroundings. "Surely you're not falling into the trap of overpaying for trinkets here, are you?" A short laugh sounded from him them, the man then looking ahead of them, taking another sip of his drink. "Or did you just bring me out here because I've offended you in some way, and this is how you're making me pay." A smirk toyed at the corners of his lips, and the mischievous glint in his narrowed hues combined with a cheeky raise of his eyebrow told the older of the two that he was only joking--at least partly.
Winter time and Christmas, it was probably one of the Celestial’s favorite time of the year. By this time around, the Castle was merry and decorated. Artemis had spent a good portion of December helping setting up the decorations around the Celestial Castle. Some of the Celestials went all out to help decorate too. Whilst others, whom could be a bit of a hambug, avoiding joining in the festive fun. One of those, seemed to be a good friend of hers. Sirius. A younger Celestial, that Artemitra had grown close to during the capture at the Isle. The elder Celestial, had taken looking out for younger Celestials such as Siri and Han during their imprisonment. The Spanish brunette always hated seeing people suffering. Whilst she had been through an ordeal during the 100 years of capture; she still would rather look out for her own kind and make sure they were alright, than worry about her own well being; whilst Ophelia had been searching for a way to set them all free.
Wrapped up warmly. The Celestial slightly adjusted her woolly scarf, to keep the cold wind from whipping at her neck. Still impressed with herself, that she managed to get Sirius out and about. The Celestial slightly rolled her eyes, upon hearing his complaint. “Don’t be such a scrooge Siri.” Artemis huffed at him playfully, giving him a teasing look. But she couldn’t help but crack an amused smile, at the look he had given her. The smell of his hot chocolate, had been tempting her for the last 5 minutes. Regretting, not getting one herself. “I can’t bring a friend, to the Christmas Market?” She slightly huffed, pouting at his question. It was always more fun than being on her own. “There’s no such thing, as over-paying for things on Christmas.” she pointed out, with a light laugh. The smell of the hot chocolate, that kept lingering around; made her internally groan. Seeing another stand that was selling hot drinks, Artemis did a b-line for it.
Giving in and ordering herself one with some marshmallows. Giving Sirius a look, before he could say anything. “Don’t judge…” she said playfully. She then burst into giggles, hearing his comment. “Yes, this is your punishment, for you being a ba-hambug.” she teased the younger Celestial back. “Of course not. Just needed some muscles, to help carry all the christmas bags back to the castle.” she jested. Which wasn’t the entire reason either. “Just thought we could spend some time together, as friends do, you know? Nothing wrong with...a little Christmas fun.” she nudged him playfully, as she came back with her cup of hot chocolate, with marshmallows nesting ontop. That’s if, she could even soften him up to this time of the year. But she’d take that challenge.
"I'm not being a Scrooge, Artie---I just have eyes and apparently more taste than whoever put up these decorations," he uttered just loud enough so the older Celestial could hear him. A smirk toyed upon his lips as he spoke, followed by a low chuckle at the teasing look that rested upon her face. He then shrugged, cerulean blue hues darting around their surrounding before looking back at the brunette. "I mean, you can. But did you choose to bring the most anti-festive, anti-Christmas friend you know, so you've got to deal with the consequences," Sirius said in a matter-of-fact sort of tone, a twinkle glimmering in his eyes as his smirk tugged at the corners of his mouth once more. He knew he sounded like he didn't want to be there, but he also knew that Artie knew him well enough to know he was simply teasing. There probably wasn't anywhere he wouldn't go if she asked, but didn't mean that the Greek Celestial wouldn't make a fuss about it. It was all in good fun, he would often say.
A snicker parted his lips as he watched his companion make a run towards the nearest hot chocolate stand, the man shaking his head in amusement as he followed after her at his usual brisk pace. Siri raised an eyebrow when he heard her order, amusement still plain upon his face as he took another sip of his own hot chocolate. "Please, I make nice-tasting drinks as a living---well, occasionally," he retorted. "I have marshmallows in mine too, but don't go spreading that around. You know I have a reputation to maintain around here. No one's gonna want to work with a smuggler who puts marshmallows in his hot chocolate." He shook his head in mock-disappointment, but a sly smirk broke through his demeanour.
"A ba-hambug?" Sirius repeated with a laugh, narrowing his eyes just slightly at Artemitra. "Christ, I haven't heard that in eons," he commented. "But is it really a crime to want to avoid the sounds of children screaming and people who have no manners whatsoever pushing past you to get the next overpriced item before it somehow sells out?" He rolled his eyes playfully at her comment about him being the muscle. "Ah yes, there it is," he quipped. Sirius usually lived in his penthouse in the city centre as it was closer to the nightclub, but there were times where he would spend his days in the castle, mostly to see old friends. "I should have expected this---what good am I to any of y'all except a glorified caddy?" Another amused shake of his head followed, the man taking yet another long sip of his drink.
He raised an eyebrow as she nudged him, the man clearly amused by her comment. "Artie, my dear, you know there's probably no place I wouldn't follow you to. But if you take me to a Christmas market and expect me not to make snarky comments, I'm afraid you've completely misjudged me and our friendship." He smirked, then his eyes scanned over the market once more. "So what's new with you?" he asked, his full attention on his friend then. "What have you been up to since I last saw you?"
The dark haired female rose an eyebrow at her close friend, in amusement. “Oh come on, what’s so bad about these decorations?” she questioned, curious what he found so disgusting about it all. “If you call your taste in decorations plain tinsels on a christmas tree, then booooring.” she teasingly mocked. “Oh wait...I forgot...you don’t do decorations.” she gasped, as she nudged him. “So zero taste.” Joking with Sirius. He couldn’t complain then, about the decorations if he didn’t join in the fun himself. A Valid point on her behalf, or so she thought it was. But he did have a point; out of all her friends he was the most fussy and anti-festive. “Mhh, always room for change, right?” she asked, almost hoping she could change his mind. Even if he wouldn’t change, there was no harm in them having some festive fun regardless, right? Used to Siri and his teasing ways. “Well, whether you like it or not. You’ll be putting up with me.” Wrapping her arm around his shoulder, to give him a friendly squeeze as per usual.
When Artemis got distracted by the hot drinks stand-she almost legged it towards the stand. Her boots leaving indents in the thick snow. Raising an eyebrow at Siri’s comment, looking amused. “You call your latest cocktail tasty?” she made a mock face of disgust. Before bursting out into laughter. “Okay half of the drinks aren’t that bad, but some just stink of too much vodka.” Finding that some of his drinks at the nightclub, smelled and tasted better than others. Maybe it was just her taste-buds and that she didn’t handle strong liquor well, like some people did. Paying for her hot chocolate, her gloved hand took a hold of the cup before she rose an eyebrow at her close friend. Feigning a shocked expression. “Oh my God.” she gasped. “Sirius Iordanou likes Marshmallows. Oh what a tragedy, if the city found out...what a tragedy.” she shook her head, in mocking amusement giggling. “You’re right, because smugglers liking marshmallows is a crime.” nudging him playfully, as she took a sip of her warm drink. The tasty chocolatey goodness warming her up, inside out. “I should get the Marshmallow cops on you.” she burst into more fits of giggles, as she teased him.
It seemed like she got the other one to laugh, with her comments. Giggling along with him. “You make yourself sound ancient.” she joked, as he said he hadn’t heard it in eons. Pursing her lips slightly, as she thought about what he said. “Okay, I admit...that’s one annoying thing about Christmas shopping.” But that still didn’t stop the celestial from being in a cheery spirit and enjoying the festivities around each year. Sipping on her hot chocolate, she shook her head at his comment. “Awwe come on, you know that’s not true.” She protested. “If it were, everyone in the castle would have a crush on you.” she pointed out.
Of course she knew him well enough to know that. But did that stop her from teasing him and fussing back at him? Nope, it surely didn’t. Glancing around to see which stall would peak her interest, when it came to finding gifts for her friends and generally, to see what they had on offer this year. Every year, some stalls were different; selling new and unique things. One of the reasons why she liked the Evermore Christmas Market. “Let’s see. I am pretty sure you missed me having my hair blue for halloween.” Not having seen Sirius around that time of the year, due to their busy schedules. “I also got a tattoo recently. I know...I know...so unlike me, huh?” Artemis said with a slight laugh. But it had been a year of change for her and slowly moving on and trying new things; so she was making progress. “But mainly, my line of work kept me busy. From small jobs, I have been working on more displays for the art gallery. It’s been quite demanding, but well worth it.” It was one of the reasons why she loved her job so much. It always made her proud to achieve more and see what she could do with her camera. "What about you? Not getting into trouble, I hope?"
He gasped in mock-horror at her words, eyes wide as if in disbelief. "I'll have you know, the club gets praised for the deco all the time," the Greek Celestial announced proudly. "And tinsel is the worst thing to be created by man." His features contorted into an expression of pure disgust as he spoke now. "It's absolutely gaudy and not even pleasant to look at. Ugh," he said with a visible shudder as he looked about their surroundings. "No thank you, ma'am: I'll stick with just having lights on wreaths with pretty baubles tastefully placed. Not this careless excuse of an "arrangement." My word, I believe even toddlers would do better decorating this area." He then turned to look at Artie as she put her hand around him in a sisterly sort of squeeze, the man simply raising an eyebrow. "Well of course I'll be putting up with you---did you think just anyone could pull me out to one of these things?" He grimaced at the very thought. "Sometimes I wonder if you know me at all, dearest."
Another look of mock-offence etched its way upon his chiselled features at her comment on his latest cocktail. "Look, Arte; just cause you don't like your drinks strong, doesn't mean they don't taste good. That cocktail is exclusively for people who want to get absolutely wrecked by the end of the night. There's a reason I only suggest certain cocktails to you, you picky, picky thing." His last words were teasing as he gave her a disapproving look, lips pressing into a thin line as he mimicked a tone of concern. "See, some people actually like loads of vodka in their drink. Again, those are the people who really want no recollection of the night come morning." He rolled his broad shoulders into a shrug, tilting his head to a side. "I'm not one to judge, but I'll give them what they want. All part of the job, no?" Of course, Arte would know that wasn't really his job most of the time, but only for friends, Siri would find himself behind the bar.
At her quip about marshmallows, he rolled her eyes. He almost regretted saying it aloud, for now she would drone on and one about how he wouldn't be seen with marshmallows. "Oh yes, if the Underworld did really find out about my love for marshmallows, my fear factor drops, Arte. Who would you be more afraid of? Someone who had hot chocolate with marshmallows, or someone who didn't. Exactly," he said matter-of-factly, sly, cunning eyes daring his long-time companion to argue. "I'll never get another customer again, and that's the end of my smuggling and black market days. Although, come to think about it, could have been your motive all along." That was only a half-joke, for Sirius rather well that his fellow Celestials mostly disapproved of his dealings. Whatever the case, he knew that when things got ugly, they would come to him to find out things they themselves couldn't.
"Well, I'm not ancient compared to you, you old fart," he teased. "What's next? Are you gonna have a dance card strung about your wrist? Dab a little arsenic on your face?" His smirked down at his elder, a short laugh pushing past his lips. A triumphant look of satisfaction washed over his face as Arte agreed with his prior sentence, a haughty glint flickering into his vivid hues. However, at the shake of her head, he raised an eyebrow slightly, then listening to her rebuttal. "Well, I never said everyone in the castle about having a crush on me, but whenever I'm invited out, I do realise I'm the one who usually carries the bags." His tone was still light and jesting, the Greek male still had an eyebrow raised at the brunette woman by his side, but this time daring her once more to counter his statement. "Although, I will admit, I am very pleasant on the eyes."
His gaze then flickered to the many booths they passed, the man casually looking at the items they sold. He didn't have any plans to buy anything in particular, but that didn't mean he wouldn't pick up something if he thought it to be the perfect gift for someone in his close circles. Arte's voice then brought his attention back to settle on her as she recounted what new things had happened while they hadn't seen each other. Siri's eyes widening slightly at the mention of her having blue hair for Halloween, then squinting some as he tried to imagine the sight. For the month of October, he had been called out of the city for more Underworld business, but now, a part of him wished he was in Evermore to see that. His eyes widened once more at the mention of a tattoo, his eyeline scouring after bare skin he could see on the woman in search of her new markings. "First of all, do you have photos of your hair? And show me this tattoo! My my, aren't we getting a little edgier." He nodded as she spoke of work, and a small smile crept up on his features. He was happy that she was pursuing her passion and loving every bit of it. That gave him an idea for her Christmas present: maybe a new lens...
"I'm glad to hear things are going well for you, Artie," he mused just before she asked about him. "Me? Trouble? Psh, never," he laughed, his eyebrows rising as he looked straight ahead now, sucking in a deep breath as he tried to recall anything interesting that had happened over the last few months. "I'm not sure if you remember, but I told you about those two Initia sisters I brought over to the States just before the Guard found me," he half-said, half-asked as he looked at Arte, an eyebrow raised as he tried to gauge if she remembered the story. He'd told her about Charlie multiple times, about she was the first person he ever had such deep feelings for--maybe even loved. Hell, he'd even planned on giving up his life at sea to pursue a life with the Initia woman---hopefully Arte would remember that. "Well, turns out she's been in Evermore. Her sister found me first, and then she walked into the Cove back in November." A low chuckle parted his lips, gloved hands slipping into the deep pockets of his coat as his gaze fell to rest upon the thick blanket of snow they walked across. "She doesn't remember me at all---obviously meaning she doesn't remember that we were a thing back that." A sad look washed over his features as he said that, but he quickly shook it off. "But we bumped into each other last week, and I think her memories are slowly coming back. About time." He finally looked back at Arte, forcing a smile upon his lips as he tried to don a nonchalant facade as they walked through the market. "Other than that, nothing's really new. The club's doing well, as always, and my other stuff is doing pretty good too."
Not looking at him with a convinced expression, Artemis just hummed with a nod. “Mhh-hh, of course.” Nodding with a teasing eye roll. Of course, she thought the club always looked great. The female was just teasing him back. Trying not to laugh at his rant about Christmas decorations. But she soon failed, a small burst of laughter escaped her at what he said about kids being able to decorate better. “Wow, forgot how grouchy you get about decorations.” she joked. As he briefly questioned her, she just smiled at him. “Of course not Siri, I know I am pretty much the only one that can get away with this.” Well maybe not the only one, as few of his other friends could get away with certain things too. Artemis just had her way, when it came to convincing Sirius in joining her.
Of course, Sirius had to defend his new cocktails and vodka. The male had a higher tolerance and different taste buds than her, when it came to drinks. Making a slight face, she shivered at the thought of Vodka. “I am not picky.” Artemis huffed at Siri, with a slight pout. “I just...have a particular taste. Not my fault, I am classy and not one of those people that drinks themselves to oblivion.” she pointed out. But knowingly he had a good point. “True, I suppose.” She said with a slight shrug. It was all part of the job, giving people what types of drinks they preferred and liked. A good deal with him serving her the drinks too, anytime she was at his club. Better prices, than some nightclubs. Most of the time, it was on the house.
The dark haired female, was holding herself back from throwing more teasing quips at him. But knowing it would be hard to resist teasing him. Trying to hold back more laughter, as she took a sip of her drink. “Mhh, pretty sure they’d just mock you for being a big softie who likes marshmallows.” she giggled, teasing him. Of course, she would always argue back. Unable to resist the urge to pick a few teasing dibs at him. When he half joked about him losing business with the black market, that wouldn’t be a bad thing, or so she thought. She always worried about him and wasn’t the biggest fan of her friend dabbling in that business, but she never said anything. Not wanting to pick a fight.
As he called her an old fart, her eyes widened feigning horror as she gasped. Shooting him a playful glare. “How ruude!” she playfully wacked his arm. “At least, I am prettier than you and still look younger.” she teased him, before she burst into a playful smile and laughed lightly. As he mocked her about the dance card and arsenic, she glared back at him playfully. “You better hope, I don’t kick your ass.” she huffed at him playfully. Not that she was planning on doing so, but she was capable of kicking his back-side, if she wanted to. “What? You’re stronger. Think of yourself as a helper with the bags.” Artemis said with a smile, nodding. At his comment about being easy on the eyes,she rose an eyebrow at him, looking at him with are you serious type of expression? “I am not answering that, don’t want to inflate your already big ego.” she teased him. Whilst Sirius was indeed attractive, Artemis never looked at him in that way. He was always a dear friend and more of a brother type figure in her life, so she never held any romantic interest in him; even if they sometimes bickered so much that people thought they could be an old married couple, but it was just in a playful sibling like jest.
Looking at one particular stall, Artemis saw a notebook that she thought Ophelia would like. Knowing how much, their wayfinder liked to write, she figured Phe might need another diary/notebook to keep her thoughts, whether personal or for work. Buying it, she glanced back towards Sirius as he seemed shocked about the hair and tattoo. His requests were almost expected. Laughing lightly. “I had a feeling, you would ask that.” Taking the small bag with the notebook, she then pulled out her phone where she kept a few photos, scrolling through them till she found a bunch of her back in October. Showing Siri, how she looked like with Blue Hair. Given her ethereal glow as a celestial, it seemed to suit her. “And as for the tattoo.” Artemis lightly shrugged off her glove, before she carefully lifted up her left sleeve to reveal a phoenix tattoo on her wrist. Biting her lip slightly, as she awaited judgement. It was around October that she got it too. Given everything that she had been through, it seemed to suit. As she overcame a lot of obstacles and came out stronger for it. Plus, she was a sucker for that design. “Mhh, just moving on with my life I suppose. Took me a while to be in a good place after everything.” Artemis said honestly. Her life had been hell of a rollercoaster, it took her a while to recover from major ordeals like being imprisoned with her kind.
Smiling at Sirius softly, not that she could complain things had been looking in her favour lately. In some aspects at least. Listening to him speak, she shook her head. “I am not so convinced, you trouble-maker.” she teased him. That’s when things got Sirius. Doing her best to recall the two Initia sisters. “Charlie and Laine, right?” Trying to recall the names of the two sisters, that Sirius had told her about. Mainly he had told her many stories about Charlie. The two knew about each other’s love lives, being that close, so of course he confined in her, like she did in him. Looking sympathetic, as he mentioned that he run into Charlie and that she didn’t remember him. “I am sorry, that must be tough.” Knowing it affected him. She patted his back, almost to reassure him that it’d be okay. If it hadn’t been for the spell that the Ailwards Cast, Charlie would remember him. Smiling softly, as he mentioned her memories might be coming back. “Hopefully so. I hope, that it’ll work out for you two this time around.” She said softly, Charlie seemed like she was a good match for Sirius and she wanted to see her close friend happy. Nodding when he mentioned his jobs were doing well. That was good. At least some silver-lining, among his messy love life.
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