Oh, how people would look at him in a different light after this. Truth be told, Daehyun never saw himself as a pet guy. Why in the world would he want to get a pesky little guy who would end up ruining his sleep? And it doesn’t help that he doesn’t stay at home that much either, the Niveis is out 98% of the time. Either he’s working or he’s working. So why is he actually staring at his laptop screen while browsing for cats? There were plenty of cats on the adoption page and as tempted as he is to get one after that whole pet conversation he had, he wasn’t all that enthusiastic about it either. “You’re not getting a cat, Dae” he told himself and ended up closing the laptop before heading off to the kitchen to get himself a glass of water. Would it be so bad if he wanted one though? Surely, it wouldn’t be a bad addition to his life? Surely, it’s not going to impact him negatively, right? 

The thought of having a fluff ball in his life was beginning to give him doubts, his head was practically swirling with ridiculous scenarios where his life is ruined because of a cat. It was enough to send shivers down his spine. The moment he opened his fridge, he realized he hasn’t been restocking the beverages all that well because there wasn’t even a soju or beer in sight. This is why you don’t leave Mirae to do the grocery shopping, he grumbled internally and decided to do it himself as he threw on his windbreaker before heading out. Thankfully, there was a small convenience store just across the apartment complex, so he was able to browse the beverage section without any hassle, especially when most people don’t often venture there. 

The Niveis placed a few beverages ranging from beer, coffee, soda, and even a bottle of red wine in the cart before proceeding to pay for it. While he was busy humming a track to himself as he walked down the dark alley, he noticed something white trailing him. At first, he had dismissed it but it kept following him until he reached the end of the street and was about to cross the road to get back to his place. Standing and nuzzling against his left leg was a comparatively cute white cat who seemed like it wasn’t about to leave him alone. Dae tried to shoo it away but when it literally ran towards him after he crossed despite the traffic, he swore he felt like his heart was about to fall in worry. “That was fucking dangerous...you piece of fluff.” 

With every step he took, it didn’t even budge, it kept following him. If he took one step to the right, the cat would also take one step to the right. He even went as far to throw something to the opposite side before scampering for his life and took a seat at the bench in front of the complex, only to find the cat meowing next to him. “Right…you’re not going away, are you?” What could he say, this is a real emergency. So he dialed one of his emergency contacts; Aeryn. “You need to help me. It’s an emergency… something's following me” Daehyun being Daehyun didn’t even bother to give him the details and only told Aeryn to meet him in front of his residency.

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Aeryn gave him a quirk of his brow in response to him saying that he didn’t need friends “Well then I guess I’ll leave” he jested playfully even going to turn to leave towards the door, Zeus following cutely at his heels as he’d recently trained to do. Still, Aeryn wasn’t dumb enough to think Dae actually meant things like that, no matter how much he tried to pushed others away, there was always a small part of him that seemed to be reaching out, reaching for help. “I suppose I’d judge everything if I was a cat too…everyone’s basically her slave now right” he chuckled softly.

He bit his lip and shook his head “Sadly I don’t think anyone is looking for her…the area you found her in…it’s not really the kind of residential area where a cat could happen to wander” honestly he had the feeling someone left her at the side of the road knowing that she wouldn’t be able to find her way back from there. He pressed his lips together and lifted his gaze “But as maddening as that is…she found someone who will never give up on her” Dae was stubborn, there was no way he would let her down. Besides, he could tell he was already whipped.

Aeryn grinned slightly “Then why don’t you just tell him you want it all?” he murmured softly, if Dae felt that strongly about someone then he thought he should go for it “Are you worried he’d say no?” Aeryn wasn’t sure who would be dumb enough to turn Dae down “Besides, you’re amazing in bed, charming, funny…maybe a little rough around the edges but I swear if he turns you down he’s dumb” he raised his brows slightly.

When the nephilim jested him by saying he'd leave since Dae didn't need any friends, the niveis let out a frustrated sigh and say "You know that's not what I mean, you can be so frustrating sometimes. I question our 'friendship' more than a few times daily, you know?" Okay, that was not a lie either. But it's not meant in a negative light, of course. He was sure Aeryn understood that too. He narrowed his hues at the white fluffball and hummed softly in affirmation "Well... cats are majestic creatures, in ancient Egypt weren't they revered as gods or something? I think I've heard and read about that too." Though Dae wasn't sure if that was just mythology or people making memes out of it just because they could.

"But just looking at how pretty they are, it kinda makes sense for people to be slaves under them." Does that mean the niveis now had a new owner as if he needed one? God, what did he get himself into? He raised his eyebrow in curiosity when Aeryn pointed out that it was unlikely for the cat to be missing in that residential area considering it's not the type of place where cats would wander off. "So you're saying this cat is left by their owner?" Now that, he did not like to hear. How dare they? "Do you want me to track them down and give thema lecture, Cleo?" And he was serious too. Dae rolled his eyes when the other male pointed out that she found someone who would take good care of her "You talk like a cat distribution system operator."

The blond looked down to the ground when the topic about Yeon came up, yes he was afraid that he might realize he's not what he wanted. What did he have to offer the valkyr anyway? "Don't say he's dumb... he's one of the best people I've met... he deserves a lot better. I know that." He's nothing when compared to Yeon. "I don't know what I am to him... but I know he cares for me. But for how far?" He let out a disgruntled noise and plopped himself on the couch, covering his face with his hands "Why is love complicated? Is this love?"

Aeryn just gave him a look and then rolled his eyes “You’re lucky I still put up with you’re grumpy ass” he teased, shaking his head playfully, he was a loyal friend and once he liked someone it tended to stay that way, he didn’t need to see them all the time or keep inserting himself into their lives, they just were someone he liked. The same went for people he didn’t like, it rarely changed. “Well…cats do wander around acting like they’re gods so I guess that checks out” he snickered softly and smiled “You might have just found yourself an empress with the way yours presents herself” he teased softly.

“They have a certain charm, but they’re pretty smart you have to admit, walking around like they own the place when they haven’t worked a day in their lives, demanding to be fed and served hand and foot” he chuckled, cats had a good life, much easier than your average person. “Well I can’t see any other reason she’d be wandering the streets, unless her owner passed or something…but that seems unlikely” people were selfish and quickly abandoned animals when they realized how expensive and needy they could be “Maybe that’s my secret purpose in life, matching animals to their owners..” he chuckled and shook his head “No that sounds like too much work” mostly because if he made any wrong matches it would break his heart to see them returned.

Seeing the way Dae defended this guy even in a hypothetical description, told him everything he needed to know about where they stood “Better than what Dae?” he raised his brow because Aeryn wasn’t the kind of person who would stand for other people putting themselves down “You deserve to be with someone who you clearly care a lot of about, don’t doubt yourself” he chided, shaking his head sternly. “Are you worried he’ll reject you if you ask?” he tilted his head curiously.

The niveis scoffed and rolled his eyes dramatically upon hearing him say that “Excuse you, I did not ask you to put up with my ‘grumpy
ass’ which by the way is also still a great ass.” He scanned the white furball from a distance and hummed softly to himself “Great… I already have a high maintenance guy… and now I have a high maintenance cat. I swear life is just out to get me and be fucking funny.” Still, the niveis wouldn’t give up on either.

“I want to be a cat” he exclaimed bluntly, the thought of being a cat and just doing whatever you wish sounds much more appealing than
having to work and think. “No wonder they once ruled the world…” He hates to admit it but Aeryn was likely right since a well-groomed cat such as her wouldn’t be wandering for no reason. “Poor kitty… it’s okay I’m here now. I’ll take care of you.”

It was clear that Dae was already smitten by the cat he took in less than an hour ago. How could he give her away now? He pursed his lips and wanted to deny but he couldn’t, deep down he knew what he was saying was right “Yeah… maybe. I don’t know. All this is entirely new to me you know… I have no idea how this is supposed to work.” He looked up with a pitiful look and sighed “I can’t bear him rejecting me… I don’t want him to reject me.”

Aeryn couldn’t help but chuckle in response to his defensiveness “True…I decided all by myself that you needed someone to put up with your grumpy ass because you aren’t very good at making friends” he gave him a look and arched his brow “You could make an effort to keep the ones you have though, ungrateful brat” he jested softly and nudged him with his elbow playfully.

“Sounds about right, they know you need distractions from the world, it makes sense they’d become all-encompassing” he chuckled sofly, he had the feeling Cleo would be good for him honestly, a reminder there were still things to smile about and he had caught Dae smiling at her several times. “Don’t we all sometimes” he commented and laughed, pets had such easy lives, it was nice to imagine how easy life would be if you were one, letting people handle your every need.

“Alright, we should get you and your new fur baby back to your place, besides, I wanna see how she settles into her new palace” he commented and grinned slightly as they fell into a walk beside one another Zeus walking nicely along with him and Cleo sitting comfortably in Dae’s arms without much fuss. “You’ve known him a while now right…surely you must have some sort of inkling if he feels the way you do?” he glanced over at him, he could understand his pride would be difficult and get in the way.

The scowl that he had was probably a default for the niveis but even when he knew he might look like a grumpy cat, exactly the way Aeryn would describe him, he still did it anyway. “I don’t need friends, at least not many anyway. One or two would suffice. Why would people even subject themselves to such torture being surrounded by people anyway… is that modern torture or something? And you tell me humans are not sadistic…” he scoffed and shook his head, Dae didn’t dislike the idea of it in general. Not really.

However, the niveis is a realistic person, he knows his priorities and whatnot. Mingling around with the folks is not on his top to-do list. “You’re here aren’t you? I haven’t frozen your ass, haven’t I?” He rolled his eyes playfully and nudged him back. “As long as she doesn’t make a mess of it, we will both be fine…” he looked down at the white furball as if to give her a silent warning “You better behave Cleo… I don’t like to clean.” But even when he was theeatening the cat, he didn’t even look menacing in the slightest. The niveis didn’t move from his soft look he was giving her.

As he brought both Aeryn and his dog back to his apartment complex, he shrugged when the Nephilim asked him more about Yeon “I don’t know Aeryn, I’m stupid at these things. You know that. Experience matters and I have none of it.” When the elevator door opened for them, he went inside and scanned his card before choosing his floor, leaning slightly against the railing as he stared at his reflection in the mirror “I want him to feel the same way… but what if he doesn’t?”

The elevator ride didn’t take long, soon he was unlocking his door and Cleo was fast to run around, wriggling her way out of his grip. “Making it her home already damn, can you believe that small furball was using her energy to get out of my grip?”

He laughed softly, Dae was the literal definition of an introvert with every stereotype to go along with it, it was amusing to say the least “Well believe it or not, some people are actually energized by socializing” much like himself, he could appreciate time alone but he much preferred to be in good company instead. “Well true, but you’ve definitely thought about it at least 3 times” he jested back and chuckled softly.

He couldn’t help but scrunch his nose playfully when Dae warned Cleo that she needed to avoid making mess, somehow he didn’t think the white ball of fluff was going to hold up her end of the bargain, she definitely had a rebellious streak in her, he could tell, and no doubt she would test Dae’s patience here and there.

He’d nodded slightly “Well the reason you don’t have experience my friend, is because you tend to run the other direction when the opportunity presents itself” he gave him a narrowed gaze as though to challenge him to deny it because he already knew it was a matter of fact “Then you put yourself out there for the chance of something great, instead of sitting and wondering what could have been forever” he commented bluntly “If he’s as good a person as you say, he won’t hold how you feel against you”.

And Aeryn had a feeling from the way Dae talked about this guy that feelings were almost certainly mutual, because no way was he talking about someone he barely even knew, he knew Dae wasn’t the type to connect with anyone easily after all. He watched as Cleo made her great escape and happily began to parade around her new domain “This is her place now, she just permits you to live here and serve her” he jested playfully and grinned.

“I should let you two get acquainted, if I don’t feed Zeus soon, he might waste away” the husky would have you believe so anyway.

He gave Aeryn the dirtiest look and frowned “I can’t believe I’m actually asking you this but I am that curious… how the hell do people even get energized by socializing? Like… in what world? How do you even? Wouldn’t they be tired instead?” He couldn’t understand it. “Shut up…” he huffed defiantly and turned around, he hates how the nephilim knows exactly what to do to one up him.

“I do not” he exclaimed defensively “I don’t just run the opposite direction every time it presents itself. That’s a lie.” Or maybe it wasn’t. But the stubborn niveis wasn’t about to go down without a fight. He would at least attempt to defend himself and deny it first. Dae looked down momentarily and thought about all the things they have done together and how he felt about it. Could Yeon really be feeling the same way? Was it serious to him too?

“People do serve cats back then… they were a symbol of something much greater so it makes sense…” The fact that he was already ready to give into it says everything. He was whipped for the white furball and would do anything for her. “I thought you said you just fed him…” he looked at the husky and shook his head in amusement, he does look hungry. “I take it back… nevermind. Thanks for coming and helping me… I honestly wouldn’t know what to do if you didn’t help me.”

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