Perhaps there had been a certain pull behind her decision to take the offer to study in Evermore, she didn't know what it was about the city that she had zeroed in on exactly but she did know it felt like a home here. With the money she had earned working the past few years she was able to afford the rent to an apartment on the edge of the city, the commute was long but it was hers. She liked being able to create a home of her own, even if was small, it was the kind of freedom she had never experienced before having always lived her life on the run.

She had headed out early this morning to make her way into the city, she had classes in the afternoon so her plan was to do some shopping before then. She'd been having a weird feeling in her stomach all day, like it was reminding her there was a place she was supposed to be and so she was letting it guide her a little. Freyja knew better than to ignore her instincts by now, they were usually right after all. Travelling on the subway was easier than she expected to be, though she did get a lot of people stare when they noticed the blue tattoos which spiralled all over her chest, arms and legs. Naturally, she tugged at her sleeve and avoided eye contact until she finally reached her stop. 

Heading out she looked around at the familiar shopping district of Evermore city, she had been here several times to get supplies and generally explore, she enjoyed it very much, just getting lost in a crowd. She didn't have many friends here in Evermore yet but she hoped when she did that maybe she could go out shopping with them and get a coffee or something, normal things everyone did, but seemed so incredibly foreign for her. The sound of a car screeching to a halt took her attention as she was walking, someone had stepped out in front of a car and the driver had only just managed to stop in time. 

She looked up towards the pedestrian crossing noting that the light was red and the guy who had almost been hit looked rightly annoyed by the near-miss. She was so shocked by the whole thing but without thinking rushed over to check if everyone involved was okay. She blinked several times when her face finally met the gaze of the man who had almost been hit by the car and then she shook her head, pressing her hand against her forehead "Am I seeing things now?" she questioned more to herself than anything. It wasn't possible to just randomly bump into her friend from all those years ago was it? "Dae?" questioned in disbelief. 

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If Freyja showed up earlier, Dae would have stayed and shown her so many things. God knows the blond missed out on a lot considering how long he was under Coldren's dictatorship. It wasn't a good past for him, but he had his sister and while he might not show much emotion towards pretty much 99% of things on earth, he cared for his tribe. "Yeah, time to start... living" It felt ironic that he of all people was saying that because the niveis had no intention of sticking around in general. What was the point, right? What did he have left aside from trying to live his life to the fullest, anyway?

When the blonde wished him well, he bit his lip and nodded slowly "Yeah... me too." "You should find things that make you happy too Freyja... you've been away for far too long and I know I was not the only guy he robbed the life of..." Much like most of their tribe who still haven't fled after being given freedom, they were oppressed. He let out a whine when she kept teasing him about the valkyr, it was clear that Dae who never really allowed people to get close enough to have someone who would make him falter like this... was a big deal. "Look, you'd say he was hot too, just wait until he brings you another lifetime experience in bed... you'd be fully hooked, I tell you."

It was hard to say people would not be fawning over Yeonseok Lee, the man was very attractive and charming. "Mhmmm... stupidly attractive... god he had the body of a sculpture, you know those Greek sculptures we see in the museums? Yeah. His abs were... solid" Honestly, just the thought of him alone was making the niveis blush internally but he was good enough to not let it show. The cool breeze was refreshing, he wished he wouldn't be burdened by the weight of other things and just... keep flying. But the world would never let him rest. Not properly anyhow.

He scrunched up his nose and gagged mockingly "I swear you did not just quote Frozen to me." "If that's what you want, why not?" He knew that was just her way of saying let's get closer to the tribe without making herself known to the mass. He made a snowball with his hands and threw one towards her without missing and shrugged "Making snowballs on your own like this without using your powers... definitely feels surreal. I remember a time when I was one with fire and then this..." Feels weird because he could never get used to it but it is what it is. 

Freyja bit her lip softly as she thought about what had been taken from her over this time “I think I went numb to it eventually…” she mumbled softly, she had to to be able to make it through, to not go completely crazy in her mind and self-implode. “I just feel like I let everyone down…some leader I am, disappearing the moment everyone needed me most” and yes she had been attacked but she should have known, she should have protected them all. They deserved to be protected.

She giggled playfully “Daehyun Stormwind, I have never seen someone so hooked” she teased softly, he really must have found someone who was his match because she had never seen him talk to highly of anyone before and she had known him for a long time. She pulled a playful face and nudged him “You should snap him up before someone tries to steal him away then, then you can have art all to yourself” she was happy that he was able to find someone who brought some light to him, when she knew him as a phoenix he always seemed so weighed down by life.

She tilted her head slightly when he said she was quoting Frozen to him “If I am…then I have no idea what that is” she confessed and bit her lip “Been kinda dead to the world you know…” it was taking her some time to catch up on everything when it came to modern times and while she was doing decently well at acclimating, catching up on movies wasn’t exactly the first item on her to-do list. She squealed in surprise when he threw a snowball at her before furrowing her brow, now it was serious, she thought as she prepared a flurry of her own to fire back at him “It’s not so different…one extreme and the other…it’s a fine line between fire and ice” and there was power in both.

After a few snowballs were exchanged back and first she laughed a little before allowing herself to fall into a pile of the power snow “So you think I should try right…” to introduce herself to the other niveis, she meant.

He pursed his lips and frowned slightly, although that seemed to be the most normal reaction, Dae wasn’t a big fan of it “You shouldn’t go numb for it… that’s not good. I know it’s better to be unbothered but in the long run, it won’t be beneficial to us… neither of us.” When she started blaming herself for not being there when they needed her the most, the blond placed one hand over her shoulder and shook his head “Yeah you should’ve… it would’ve been nice if you were. But you weren’t and honestly, it wasn’t your fault… there was nothing else you could have done right? So what’s the point of beating yourself up over things you can’t control?”

He definitely missed her the whole time, wondering if he would ever be able to see her again in this lifetime. “Shut up…” He was so sure he hid the blush well but it emerged either way. “What if I tell you I think I already have purchased the art all to myself and he won’t be able to be taken away…” Yeon likes him just as much as Dae does, it is mutual. Dae who has never known what falling for someone felt like has finally crash-landed on his own too.

He gasped dramatically when she said she had no idea what Frozen meant, shaking his head in response to it, there was no way he was going to let her go just at that. It doesn't feel right. "No way... you and me, we are going to watch Frozen, All of them. And until you finish watching the thing, I will not let you go, Freyja Silvermoon. You are greatly missing out." The blond was a bit fan of Frozen, no matter how ironic that sounded. Dae wasn't sure if he preferred being a niveis or phoenix but what's past is past.

After plenty of snowballs being exchanged with each other, he laid on the snow and hummed in affirmation upon hearing her "You should. They should know they have the option when things get bad. Not everyone needs a leader yeah, but most of us want to know someone will have our back in case things take a turn."

She averted her gaze for a moment and pressed her lips together “I know it isn’t good…but at the time it was necessary” it was a coping mechanism whether considered a healthy one or not but she knew she couldn’t stay this way forever, if she did, then she’d always remain stuck in the past and wouldn’t be able to move forward. She poked her tongue against her cheek but then took a long deep breath when he help her shoulder “I can’t help but question myself because of that…if it was so easy to take me down…then what use was I to them…” she mumbled the words softly.

Freyja grinned and raised her brows when she managed to get a rise out of him and even a little colour flushed in those cheeks of his, oh she had never seen him like this before in all their years and it was truly nice to see…someone had finally managed to get under his skin. “Yeah? Well that sounds like you’ve found yourself a keeper Dae” she nudged her playfully “Out of everyone…you deserve it…” she meant it, he wanted him to be happy “You must feel incredibly lucky…” Freyja was a hopeless romantic she would admit.

She widened her eyes in surprise at how passionate he seemed to be about this…thing “So it’s a…movie? Multiple movies?” she wasn’t super in touch with modern media, limited amount of time on her hands and watching movies wasn’t exactly at the top of her priority list at the time, but it seemed like he was passionate about this. “Well if you say it’s that good…” who was she to refuse, besides, it would be good to make plans again…get back to some level of normality.

As she laid against the soft powder snow she turned to look over at him and nodded “You’re only telling me what I’ve already told myself” she admitted as she pressed her lips together “I just need to be brave and own it…everything up to now and afterward” though it was easier said than done, he had given her a new sense of push to finally take the steps.

“You’re important to me” he murmured, it felt like he had to tell her that. Freyja was second guessing herself and Daehyun has had enough experience of doing that, so much he wouldn’t want her to go through the same thing.

The thought of being together with Yeon and finally achieving his happiness felt like a dream, honestly. “I still feel like it’s all a dream that I am going to wake up from one day…” which is why he’s wary. “I do feel lucky essentially… but… I am afraid too.” It was natural for the niveis to feel this way seeing as it was the first time in a while that he felt such way. “You remember that girl that I told you… I liked?” It was a long time ago, roughly a century ago and before they became niveis.

“Yes it’s a trilogy… you should really watch them. But tell me if you are going to. I wanna watch it again.” He really does like Elsa a great deal. And Olaf. “You know what you need? A big mukbang night… where we indulge ourselves in everything nice… we haven’t had a day to ourselves in a long time, have we not? I’m thinking… something meat and flour related… ugh I’m hungry…”

She paused for a moment when he said that, it wasn’t directly connected to what she said but she immediately understood the sentiment he was getting across, she offered a small smile and nodded her head slightly “You’re right…I could be important to others too” given the right chance she could fulfill her wasn’t too late for anything.

She nodded her head slightly “You’ve been through so much in your life that it must be hard to even accept the idea that happiness could be waiting for you” especially because the guy he was describing almost sounded too good to be true “But maybe the world owes both of us something good. We’ve had enough misery…” but she was paranoid too, she thought the world might just crumble under her feet too.

She raised her brows when he brought up the girl he confessed her liked to her in the past “I remember it…” she commented and pressed her lips together slightly, it probably felt like forever ago to him now but she still remembered the past like it was yesterday because it was the only memories she had to hold on to.

She smiled and nodded her head “Maybe we can make an afternoon of it…get some popcorn…” she’d never really had the human ‘movies’ experience but from what she’d heard of it, it sounded like fun. She grinned when he suggested food “I won’t say no to food…flying tends to knock me over when it comes to energy” she mumbled softly “As long I have cheese…cheese has become my new obsession…” she added.

He shook his head when she said she could be important to them, he wasn’t sure if she knew how vital her role was to the tribe, and he needed to tell her that. “Not could, Freyja… You are important to us. More than anything else. We don’t function well without our leaders… niveis are not really a lone species… are we a bunch of recluses? Maybe. But… we are lost without a leader so could you blame us?” That was something coming from Daehyun Stormwind considering once upon a time, he was very loyal until he was betrayed and did the same in return.

“Yeah… we’ve had enough of it… it’s tiring.” He just wanted to sit down and rest instead of dreading the next day. But things were pretty off the track for the niveis, he wasn’t feeling like himself. He hasn’t been feeling like himself for a while now. “That girl was so pretty I swore I fell in love at first sight… yet she broke my heart anyway.” It was then that he knew to swear it off. Love? What was that?

He raised his eyebrows in amusement when the blonde talked about her new obsession with cheese “You look like powdered snow cheese personified so I guess it’s ironic… there’s this new place that sells Korean chicken… and they have the snow cheese one. It’s a new seasonal menu. We should try it out.” He extended his hand out to her as if to wait for her, only for him to let go when she did and flew away first “Too slow, Freyja.” And the race begins again.

She pressed his lips together in thought as he spoke “Still…I just appeared out of nowhere and me having the leader gene doesn’t feel like enough” if anything she wouldn’t blame them if they believed she had turned her back on them or abandoned them. “I wouldn’t welcome me with open arms if I was in the other position…you know” especially because after everything they’d all been through, it was hard to trust their own, especially their ‘leaders’.

“It is tiring, but if we don’t keep fighting for our happiness…I don’t see the point in general” she wanted to chase her dreams and make up for lost time, because she knew the pain of wasting so much of it, she wasn’t going to hold herself back for another moment. “Love at first sight is overrated anyway…I don’t want a love like that, I want a love that’s forged in a way I never expected but becomes everything” she mumbled softly, those cliche kinds of love didn’t work anyway, they were placed up on a pedestal.

She arched her brow slightly as though to say watch your mouth when he likened her to snow cheese but when he mentioned fried chicken she naturally grinned “Now you’re talking my language” she mumbled softly, her stomach deciding to rumble at the very thought of the delicious food he was teasing. “Hey! Wait” she yelled as he darted off through the sky and she quickly pushed herself to follow in pursuit.

Dae knew why Freyja would think that she’s not enough because she was someone new, someone who came out of nowhere and suddenly break the news that she had the leader gene. “The best leaders are usually ones who keep questioning whether they’re going to be good enough” he quipped softly, he wasn’t good at reassuring people, in general. He’s got an awful bedside manner. 

“So don’t worry too much about whether you’re worthy of it or not, and focus more on what you could do for the future of our tribe. Most of us just wanted to find a home to settle in and we found that here.” At least 90% of them did. But freedom is subjective.

“Look at you talking about love” he scoffed and shook his head playfully “Love forged in the embers of fire huh?” A romanticist, that’s what Freyja Silvermoon is. “So? Have you found a prospect for said love hm? Anyone who looked promising?” Not that he was interested in it. Lies. The niveis was way too invested in this topic to drop it now. It was the potential boyfriend or girlfriend of his good friend. If he wasn’t invested, who would? 

He chuckled to himself as he left her hanging in the air, picking up his speed as he dashed away. Eventually, he did land near by the chicken joint he was talking about, at the back alley two blocks away. He brushed the snow and some debris off him and waited for her to follow suit. “You’re gonna love the snow cheese.” 

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