He was late. He hated being late but there was little sympathy when it came to the sign off process in the force, he had to file all his cases before the end of the day and thanks to a runner putting his schedule behind earlier he was still writing up the last of it. He pulled out his phone to send Alicia, Rosie's babysitter a message to say he would be late and he would meet her at the coffee shop, adding to treat herself and Rosie on him. He breathed a sigh of relief when she responded with 'No Problem' and got back to work on filing his final case, wiping his brow and shaking his head, working a full job was tough when you were a single parent. 

When Lici announced they were going to get hot cocoa, Rosie couldn't help but squeal excitedly before placing her hand into hers, they headed out of the house and she followed as they walked the distance over to the cafe they liked going to. It had only opened recently and the owner was really friendly, always giving her a candy whenever she came in. Before long they were heading inside and over to the counter. She looked around the room curiously before spotting what looked like a massive white cloud across the room.

Her eyes widened and she tugged on Lici's hand to point in the direction of the dog before pouting her lips as though to plead with her. When she nodded but asked her to stay in sight. She nodded before wandering closer to the white dog who was laying down and minding it's own business but instead of petting it, Rosie pulled out the chair opposite the owner and hoisted herself onto it. She wobbled a little before smiling softly "Hi" she tilted her head a little, trying to figure out what she was doing on her laptop.

"Your dog is very fluffy" she spoke softly as she looked at her and then back to the blonde girl "Do you have to brush it a lot?" of course she was fact-finding about dog ownership since she had been trying to convince daddy to let her get one for a pet. 

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When he shot her that look, Irene had to admit she almost bit her lip and swallowed everything down just so she could behave. Exactly how he would want her to. Which was weird considering how much the diviner normally doesn’t submit to anyone. At all. It would be a lie if she said she didn’t notice the way he looked down at his shoes, to which she bit her lip briefly, right, she often forgot how other people had their own circumstances. Dammit Irene, she cursed internally. It really wasn’t her intention at all. She just wanted to spoil Rosie, and her father. Money didn’t seem like a big deal to her after a while of navigating her entire life around it.

“I’m not the best person… admittedly. But I want to try and make amends… for what I’ve done wrong, I should be… doing something nice for everyone else. Whoever could benefit.” You cannot satisfy everyone, after all. “I think my sanityhas gone off the rails for a while now, if we’re being honest.” She jested, or maybe it wasn’t much a joke to begin with. Irene Farley hasn’t had a mundane life for as long as she could remember and she has lived for a few more decades now.

“No… I actually did end up making a decent ceramic.” She’s a workaholic, and a perfectionist, which wasn’t the best combination for a control freak. Irene glanced over when he said his legs are tall and have a mind of its own “Yeah… they’re nice to stare at too.” As are other things.

Once the items they purchased were bagged up, she was excited to go for the dressing up section. She has always been a jewelry girl but you cannot adorn yourself with sets of those without a complete match up from your clothes. “I… will admit that I actually do spend a lot… People call it retail therapy?” Either way, she dragged both of them to the clothes section at another department store. “Let’s play a game… the first one to come up with first three ticks on clothing choices, will get a wish.”

Hyunjin nodded his head slightly “I’m sure with a company like yours, you’ve been involved in plenty of charity work” whether a person particularly felt strongly about charity or not, it was a known thing to improve publicity and general sentiment, but perhaps he wanted to hear if there was anything she felt strongly about personally. “You and me both” he echoed with a soft chuckle when she pointed out that her sanity wasn’t on the rails “I think that’s just a symptom of being an adult” he teased softly.

He raised his brow curiously wondering what a ceramic she designed would look like, she didn’t strike him as a particularly artistic person so it made him somewhat curious. “Naturally you’d find a way to be good at everything huh?” he questioned softly “Then what are you bad at?” he questioned playfully, they all had something they couldn’t be good at no matter how hard they tried right?

Hyunjin looked down at his legs and chuckled when she said they were nice to stare at, he couldn’t see the appeal personally but who was he to…question. “Well…that much I can’t relate to, unless you count going grocery shopping once a week” but he definitely saw that as a chore more than any kind of therapy that was for sure. Regardless he followed behind her, offering to take Rosie’s bag for her so she could go on ahead.

Rosie excitedly followed after Irene, reaching to hold her hand as they headed into the next part of the store and Hyunjin followed behind them, happy to see his little girl having such a good afternoon “Not to cut the fun too short…but I do have beef in the slow cooker waiting a home” he commented softly.

They have been involved in plenty of charity work yes, but the thing is, most people would just do it for show, they were not genuine. Which was why she didn’t like it. For Irene, being fake is one of her biggest pet peeves, if you were going to do something, you should make good on your words. “I do it because I want to… not because my company needs a name.” She groaned because adulting is one of the things she didn’t want to do the most, despite having already been an adult for quite a while. “Adulting is so tiring…” If only she could just close her eyes and wish it away, to hope it was just a dream and nothing more. Wouldn’t it be nice? 

She blushed when he said she was good at everything “That’s not true at all, there are plenty of things I’m not good at, you know…” So when he asked her what those things were, the diviner racked her mind. “I’m not good at folding clothes… or doing laundry, I won’t lie. It’s not as if I didn’t try, I swear I tried. But I just couldn’t. I feel embarrassed because it’s such a mundane chore to do yet I couldn’t do them.” There was a faint hint of a blush. Some people can be too tall and it wouldn’t be as attractive as it was supposed to be but not Hyunjin, he was just damn attractive in everything he does. The other male is a dork, she decided, but a cute one. 

“Retail therapy always means my credit card would be swiped every few seconds, which is… essentially bad for my financial health, but, therapy is therapy. Sometimes money can mean less if your mental is just ruined.” Of course she knew for other people, it’s a lot different especially when you need to make do to survive another day but for Irene, what was the point of working your ass off for decades long and building an empire if you’re not going to be able to spend what it had bore. Unfortunately, the fun was cut short and Rosie wasn’t the only one who pouted, Irene did too. “That’s a shame…” 

But Rosie would never leave empty-handed, so the witty girl dragged both the blonde and her father, putting their hands on each other and say “Let’s have dinner together.” Though she was surprised and taken aback by the sudden gesture by the younger girl, she was hardly one to reject, not when Rosie was pouting and giving her those eyes “I… don’t have plans for today so… if I wouldn’t be imposing…”

He raised his brows when she stated her intent when it came to charity, sure he had perhaps touched a nerve a little he offered a small smile “No doubt” he assured her, completely convinced by her tone that it must be important to her, it was a simple as that then. He scrunched his nose playfully when she complained about having to ‘adult’ “You’re not wrong about that” he commented and chuckled softly. Being a parent was even more exhausting but he kept that one to himself.

When she argued back that she wasn’t good at everything, pouting the way she did, he raised his brows and gave her a knowing look as though to question her “It took you a very long time to come up with one singular answer to my question, I’m not sure there’s ‘plenty’ in there” he commented and chuckled softly “And folding laundry isn’t so hard once you learn the super secret skill of how to fold…” he responded in a hushed tone playfully, he’d had to learn, clothes weren’t going to fold themselves in a single parent household after all.

Hyunjin definitely felt out of place in this area of the store, everything was neatly arranged with about 1 sample of each item laid out as though they were daring you to touch it, claim that one as yours and alert the sales person ready to strike that you were looking to spend money. “How do you even decide what’s considered….good in all of these” he commented in a confused manner, clearly he wasn’t going to be the one winning any competition they had going on before Rosie had already picked out at least 3 things.

Hyunjun looked down where Rosie took his hand, gaze wandering between her and Irene who was clearly caught off guard by her insisting she comes for dinner. He, however, wasn’t hugely surprised by the ask, as he could already tell how much of a shine the younger girl had taken to her “Well…uh…there should be enough for three…if you like kimchi stew…” maybe…he wanted her to stay around a little longer too.

She stared at Rosie and then back to him, realizing that she might have come across as someone who was quite oblivious. “I mean… my adulting doesn’t sound as hard when compared to people who actually… had to adult” she gestured to him as if to say parenting. “Taking care of a child must be hard…” It must have come with pros and cons. “There’s plenty, I just had to rummage through my head because as you can see, I’m a confident woman. I take pride in everything I do which means… I don’t fault myself a lot…” Irene knew that made her come off as someone narcissistic but that’s just her personality and the way she is. 

“Will you be teaching me this said special skill?” She raised her eyebrows playfully and nudged him. That’s probably what she was trying to do. Flirt. “You’ll eventually find your own sense of fashion and what makes you comfortable would be what really goes on with you. Alexander McQueen might not look good on that salesperson but it would definitely look good on you. You’re tall… your shoulders are broad.” It would be perfect on him. 

“I’ve never actually tried what you just said but I’m sure it’s nice. First time for everything, right?” The blonde didn’t really like a lot of things. But she does like sushi. It mostly came from a place where she never had the chance to try it with someone not from work, which normally ruins the atmosphere. 

“I’ll make you a deal then.” She took the hangers from Rosie and a few for him and placed them on the counter “Bag this up for me please. Three separate paper bags, thank you.” She turned around and winked playfully as the cashier placed their clothes in three separate bags “You have to show me how you model these clothes… Both of you. After dinner, of course.” 

He chuckled softly and brushed off her comments because it was normal when talking to someone who didn’t have kids for them to have different struggles, their world wasn’t centered around their child like his was “It’s hard…but rewarding, at least at the end of it, I have her smiling fact to thank me…” he nodded his head “You don’t get much thanks from the world just for working hard” you could work and work and not be recognized for any of it, life was hard, for everyone.

He raised his brows playfully “Well…it takes someone very important to know all of these secrets, gotta keep them protected well you know” he jested playfully, matching her flirty tone with ease “But it would be a shame for you to go through life without the joy of neatly folded clothes…” well…knowing her she could probably pay someone to do it for her, but the sentiment was there anyway.

“I have no idea if that’s a good or bad thing” he admitted when she said that Alexander McQueen would look good on him, what it did sound like however, was expensive and the most expensive thing Hyunjin owned as far as clothing was a pair of levi’s he had invested in because he heard they lasted much better than other jeans. “Well…it’s a Korean recipe so…I guess not that surprising that you wouldn’t have tried it…” he bowed his head a little and grinned sheepishly “It’s delicious…promise” he commented softly.

Everything had happened so quickly in this boutique and not a single person had spoken about any prices, he had no idea how much the things the salespeople were placing into the bags cost and honestly, at this point he was too scared to even ask. So he politely took the bag offered to him “Rosie…what do you say?” he commented, prompting the young girl to smile sweetly up at the blonde and cheerfully erupt into a chorus of thank yous.

“Should I be concerned you knew our sizes without even asking?” he questioned but bowed his head in thanks as he took the bag. What a strange day this had turned out to be.

Irene has never seen her life with kids, mostly because she knew she could never have that kind of responsibility hanging over her shoulders. At least, that’s what she thought many years ago and because she didn’t have anyone serious or committed to, it was natural to see the heiress be nonchalant about it. But it’s different now. Now, there’s a handsome man called Hyunjin that caught her eye. And she hasn’t been able to look away since. 

“I can’t promise to be excellent at them” she chuckled, the thought of folding clothes was funny to her, something so mundane yet so rare for her. She had her privileged and lavish upbringing to thank for. “It’s a good thing. God you would make anything work…” Just look at the stature, Hyunjin just made Irene take a quick once over just to admire his proportions. “I’ll choose to believe you then” She had no idea what it was but if he said it was delicious then it probably is. 

The diviner bit her lip and grinned sheepishly when he asked how she knew their sizes “I may or may not have done a quick research? Besides… you’ll be surprised by how quick these salespeople are at measurements from a glance. God that sounded so weird… I promise it’s not.” 

The drive back to his place was adventurous, suffice to say. Irene decided to bring Renfri over after asking Hyunjin for permission seeing as Rosie could not stop hovering and gushing over the samoyed. Honestly, her first impression of his place was that she almost slipped over the stairs but it was minimalistic and comfortable.

“It’s actually quite warm in here…” she murmured in awe, Irene has been disassociated from the world aside from business in general, so she was truly marveling at how everything could fit in a smaller space. “The breakfast you made last time was good… I imagine you’re a great cook.” 

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