She had been harsh. She knew that the moment the words had fallen from her lips and she had seen the way his hopes were completely crushed where they stood. She told herself it was for the best and would protect them both from the inevitable but she couldn't get her mind off the look on his face just before he walked away. Argent wasn't usually the type to hung up on someone, hell she certainly wasn't the kind of person who almost kissed a man she barely knew and get something about Donovan had completely caught her off guard that night. 

The redhead knew she was getting caught up in her thoughts again and so she rolled off of her bed and searched her mind for some sort of project or hobby to occupy her mind. After a few minutes of pacing the floor of her bedroom doing her best not to lay her eyes on the very spot her and Donovan had been standing the other night she finally decided that she would clear out all of her unwanted clothing to make room for the next shopping trip she inevitably went on.

The Ailward Aspect had come to like the modern style of the 21st century a little too much, she enjoyed experimenting with fashion much more than most of her other siblings and would often find herself down town shopping for different outfits she could wear. Today she was wearing a cut off red sweater which she paired with a wet-look black skater skirt which fitting her small stature well. Her long curls were tied into a half up-do which fell over both her shoulders. She looked young, as she usually did, but she also felt good. 

Humming softly she started to stack all the things from around her room and closet that she didn't see herself wearing again, whether they be too small, no longer in line with her style or simply broken or washed out, they all went on the pile. After a while she looked down at the no longer small pile of clothes and she sighed softly realizing it was now almost as high as her torso to her head. Reaching down she picked up the stack and made her way down the spiral staircase.

As she moved she realized her mistake, every time she stepped another garment seemed to fall off the pile and every one she retrieved seemed to make another fall. By the time she had managed to get out of the hallway and out the front door to the manor she was almost entirely tangled up in clothes, holding some between her knees, others around her feet and somehow also around her neck. The redhead cursed under her breath, the bad ideas she came up with her head wasn't in a good place. Just a few more meters before she made it over the laundry outhouse she told herself.

But the clothes seemed to have other minds as she caught her ankle around a loose sleeve and fell face first towards the ground.

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Donovan had to say that this moment here in the library had gone from a tension of hate and hurt filled room to a more relaxing vibe which he was thankful cause he didn’t want her hating him. If she ended up hating him, he wasn’t sure if he could live with that. He nodded at her in agreement “Got to let the bad go, it will just end up eating at you if you don’t.” He had learned some good meditation methods through his time. “I think on the past often even though I know there are some things I don’t want to remember.” he grimaced softly before pushing those thoughts aside.

His lips pulled into a smirk as he turned to Argent and took her in full view “I should have recorded you saying I was right. Don’t think that will ever happen again.” He chuckled as he thought for a moment “Well if you think about it, there should always be something new to come out and read, since there are so many books to be published, and other ways to read things that are not published through official channels. I am sure you could have forever and still not get through them all. So there is hope.” his eyes shifted and he wondered if she was happy with her life, if she hurt for anything. No matter how little part of him wanted to take away any of the hurt. He smiled softly to her “I would hope that an immortal would live for the little things, because if not it could be maddening.” he said softly to her, "I mean that is what I try to do."

Donovan smiled when she said that she loves everything and chuckled, he had seen the quick to judge and push him away side of her but the side that just loved everything was a new side of her, and he liked it. “Well maybe one day you will hate me a little less and we can move into the like category of that scale.” He held the crooked smile for a few moments just looking at her as she spoke. “You love everything, and everyone till they give you a reason not to. I get that on a personal level.” he spoke softly towards her. “Things just chose me as well I guess, or I just find them in the moment I need them and don’t let them go till…” he trailed off not wanting to finish the thought as he worried she may take it the wrong way if he said, he didn’t let things go till they chose to leave him or push him away.

“Anyways.” he cleared his throat and chuckled as she said she was jealous “Can’t travel the world?” he asked taking in her eyes with his dark ones trying not to get lost in them thought it was hard not to time from time. “I would think as an aspect you would be able to travel anywhere you want. Like shit you are a dragon, why not take that beautiful silver dragoness out and just travel all over. The adventures you could have.” he was lost in the thought, not knowing that the aspects were linked together as he was an outsider very much still to her world. “I highly recommend getting lost in the mountains for a few days, some of the best times I had.” he mused aloud.

He smiled as she closed her eyes thinking of the sound of a piano, “it's one of the most interesting instruments I have found. So underrated now a days, most people chose to learn things that can be part of a rock band but the piano has been around so long and just so beautiful.” He wanted to reach out and tuck some of her hair back but fought that urge as it would lead to his touch linger on her. “I would love to let you hear them some time and you can tell me if they sound just as beautiful as you imagine. Or if I am really bad and should just stick to bartending.” He chuckled softly towards her trying to shift the sudden urges that filled him “you can come by anytime you want and I will play a few things for you. I have had a lot of muse with it lately.” he said honest though wouldn’t admit a song or two may have been about her.

“I am just glad I could be there for her. She need someone.” He said softly with a shrug “I would say I am lucky to have a friend like her, not the other way around. I am just a grumpy piano player.” he chuckled softly towards her. He played it off well and thanks to the meltion in his flesh she couldn’t see the soft blush that burned his cheeks when she complimented him and smiled at him the way she did.  He nodded softly “Yeah it's called Eternally Blue in the human part of town, been doing pretty well since opening up. Lots of live music which is fun, even have a knife throwing contest on sundays. I am undefeated though.” he gave a cocky grin towards “Got all these blue instruments on the walls. I spent months designing.”

He smiled softly towards her as she laughed out at his guess “I knew you were the master of everything.” he chuckled softly and listen to her “Guess we are both alike in that aspect (I laughed to hard at this)” He nodded towards her “Sitting still has never really been my style clearly with all the traveling.” he then listen to her list off all the things she had learned or was learning and just gazed at her deeply, the more she spoke the hard it was not to hold her, her passion and life how she just kept trying new things spoke to him. “Oh do you volunteer?” he asked as he smiled wide “In my travels I built homes with different groups to give back to people. Since I came to Evermore there are a few homeless shelters I like to help out, got to the soup kitchen often and help out.” he looked towards the door “Well I did go a few days a week now I try to go when I can.” He made sure within his profits of his business to set some money aside to donate monthly to a women's homeless shelter that took in abuse victims, along with hiring veterans on his staff. “Helping people is a staple of life, in my opinion. I just wish I could do more.” he sighed softly.

A smile crossed his lips as a thought popped into his mind and he finally settled himself back next to her. “How much fighting do you know?” he leaned his head raising a brow and then finally caved and reached over tucking her hair behind her ear “Because I could train you some if you want, since fighting is kinda in my blood being a Dhampir.” his eyes lingered on her face as he pushed her copper hair back behind her ear letting them brush along her cheek softly before fully pulling his hand back.

Argent had to admit she really liked the way things felt so easy around him, it felt like it would be so simple to let him in under her skin, easy like breathing but that was also what scared her so much about him, how easy it would be to cross a line she wasn’t ready to cross and find herself somewhere else entirely “Too bad it’s easier said than done” she answered his words with a small shake of her head, sometimes remembering the past was a good thing, it kept you from getting hurt by the same mistakes.

Argent laughed at his statement giving a roll of her eyes as she did so “Hey I’m actually one of the least stubborn people in my family believe it or not” she chuckled thinking about each of the other Ailwards in turn and how each of them had been blind to their own beliefs at one point or another, there were always certain situations that got each of them riled up. Argent watched him as he talked about books and the way there would always be more to come and it caused her to smile, glad to be around someone who seemed to see the glass as half full rather than empty, her lips twitched into a playful smile when he mentioned unofficial channels “I didn’t have you pegged as a fanfiction reader” she jested a little. She quietened a little and bit gently on her bottom lip thoughtfully before she spoke again “Immortality is only as interesting as the people you spend it alongside” honestly she didn’t know how she would have gotten along had her siblings not always been by her side.

Her eyebrow twitched into an arch as he spoke the world hate and she looked back at him with a slightly bewildered expression “Believe me, I don’t hate you” she spoke honestly her face showing the sincerity of her words “Someone would have to do something really unforgivable for me to hate them” Argent was a true believer in looking for the light in people, even those who had made questionable decisions or even didn’t like her. He did seem to understand where she stood though, she had always been a little naive on that front but time had slowly taken that trait from her “People can be very good at disappointing you” she admitted with a soft nod which she hoped said enough. Even when it wasn’t the people somehow life seemed to do the job instead. When he trailed his words off she just bowed her head a little in understanding, they were similar in those ways, wanting to pull close the few things they had.

Argent nodded a little, of course to most being an aspect sounded like the coolest thing in the world but there was so much more to it than most people seemed to even consider “Being an aspect isn’t just as simple as being a dragon, it’s a very taxing life” she admitted with a hesitant smile “When each of us were brought back we made a promise to protect our elements and to always stay together to serve the world” she ran her tongue along her bottom lip as she looked back up at him “Being away from my siblings for too long would be fatal” she affirmed and shrugged, a lot of people would see that as prison like but most people didn’t understand the bond between her and the other Ailwards or the promise she had made the day she got a second chance.

Her mind was filled with the soft notes of a piano melody she couldn’t pin the origin of as they spoke, the high notes reminding her of raindrops as they fell from the sky “I think either the piano of the harp would be my favorite kind of instrument” she smiled softly closing her eyes for a moment before she opened them again her green hues meeting his chocolate ones “I’d be honored” she answered almost instantly in response to his offer, any chance to hear music live she would take the opportunity for “And I’m sure you can’t be worse than the time Vladimir brought a rainmaker home and played it non stop for days” she groaned just thinking about it.

He was modest, most people wouldn’t uproot their lives for a friend no matter how close, but he didn’t seem to be like most people, he was easygoing and followed life the way the wind blew, letting it take him wherever it wanted to. Argent wished she had that kind of freedom at times. She smirked at his mentioning of being undefeated, she had to admit that was something she wanted to see, especially as she knew how in tune dhampir were to their weapons “Pushing the whole blues thing to the limit eh?” she teased with laugh tipping her head up to look at him, Argent was used to looking up to most people now having always been short in stature but Donovan stood a full 5 inches taller then her and so this close to him her eyes mostly trailed over his jawline as he looked off into the distance, the way it curved into his bright and addictive smile.

“I wouldn’t say a master, more of a dabbler” she admitted with a sheepish smile, there were certain  things she took to well, other things she definitely was hoping to better at than she really was but that never stopped her from trying anyway. His words caused her to tilt her head a little “No reason to stay?” she asked curiously, she wasn’t blind, he was obviously as gorgeous as they came so she had to wonder why some lucky girl hadn’t managed to put a ring on his finger. When he asked about her volunteering she looked down for a moment, she hadn’t really told many people about the work she did, it wasn’t something she did to brag about it, she did it because it felt right to her, even if it meant sneaking around to do so “My family do a lot on the monetary front, having invested in stocks for a long time we aren’t exactly short on money” she hated admitting that though “I personally help out at the the veteran hospital, helping them piece their lives back together after everything” she liked that he was out to help others, especially those who were vulnerable like the homeless.

She wanted to go ahead and answer his question but as she was about to speak she felt his fingertips against his skin as he moved to move her hair behind her ear and her lips parted a little in surprise her eyes followed his movement and then returned back to his “I don’t think any level of training would ever convince my brother to let me go without a guard” her breath hitched a little as she watched his hand drop back to his side. Why did such a little gesture send her head spinning like this and why, knowing everything she did, did she want to lean into his touch and close the gap between the two of them. She cleared her throat breaking eye contact as she did so in order to not get completely lost in the moment. Without much of a thought she nodded her head “I’d never say no to knowing more for my own safety” or an excuse to spend more time with him but she could hardly say that out loud.

She felt a little jealous, knowing that single tender touch they shared would be nothing compared to what the blonde guard got to have but she reminded herself that this had been her own choice and that it was not something she could now take back “This friendship thing is going to be hard huh” she spoke it more honesty than she was intending before giving him a half smile, she would grin and bear it.

Donovan watched the light around her for a moment seem to weiver, it was strange to him how he felt like he could see the hurt there. Maybe it was just his eyes playing tricks with him, her reply though to what he said only made the darker skined dhampir to tilt his head to the side “Now that didn’t sound like the annoying red I have come to know. Bubbly, sarcastic, and strong - nah you won’t let the bad get to you even if it feels like it does. God to much shine.” he gave her a smile meaningful smile. Donovan didn’t want to be a mistake to her, he knew deep down he need her in his life so if that meant just being her friend he would sort out the feeling eventually it would just take time on both their ends.

“Oh you are the least stubborn?” he raised a brow to her “Remind me not to go anywhere near the rest of your family I would for sure get eaten.” He laughed at the thought of being eaten by a dragon. As he watched the smile twitch on her lips with a playfulness his way caused him to pause and soaked it it before giving her a shake of his head. “I mean I am a shipper so of course I have read fanfiction.” he laughed softly as he shrugged and then looked to one of the books away from her as she spoke about how immortality was only interesting with those alongside you. He was quiet for a long moment looking over the title blankly not really reading it. “I wouldn’t know, I have spent most of it alone.” he said honestly. Sure he made some friends but they always left, or he left to travel to his next location, and he had only ever had lovers before never really having a relationship until Argent made him crave more. “Travel I guess has kept me sane.”

He looked back to her in enough time to her bewildered expression when he said she had hated him, learning that wasn’t the case as her expression changed to sincerity. “Well at least there is that then huh?” he asked softly as they seemed to stare at each other for long moments. He wasn’t sure if it was to focus on what the other was saying or what. He found himself studying her face how her nose crinkled when she spoke about things having different crinkles for when she liked something or disliked. “Like likes to disappoint us all, so people are not different.” he gave a shrug thankful to have someone understand him on a level that most didn’t. While he tended to have a glass half full outlook on life he knew there were royal fuck you moments.

Donovan  leaned his head to the side watching her explain something he never knew about the aspect. He frowned slightly as he looked down to the table away from her as he tried to process how her life was dependent on her siblings. “That…” he looked back up to her “How far can you go? Like are you able to travel around the city freely? Or do you have to stay in this manor at all times?” he had so many questions about being an aspect because every time he had seen here she had been home. “If a pair of you leave would you survive longer away?” He leaned back as he looked up to high ceiling for a moment. “Do you all have to share a room?” He looked back to her the last one was a joke that past his lips. “Like sleep in one massive bed? 8 of you right? That has to be awkward.”

When she mentioned a harp he got a glossy look in his eyes. “I use to beg Ayra to teach me Harp when we were younger but she told me I would just break it.” he hadn’t thought about that for a long time. He smiled at the memory as her emerald hues met his for a moment and smiled when she agreed to come listen to him play sometime. “I think you would like the Eternally Blue, the club I answered Live music nightly/” he said with a chuckle. “Good god I hope I am better than a rainmaker.” he laughed at her groan to the rainmaker. “So maybe you hate somethings.” he teased with a wink.

Donovan gave her a playful smirk this time as he shrugged slightly “Have to have a little excitement and while I enjoy the dancing and music, I am a many enjoyments, dagger throwing just happens to be one of them.” He raised a brow to her. “Besides there is a running joke that I have it rigged so I can stay king.” he gave a roll of his eyes and give a shrug “I would gladly like to see if you can dethrone me milady.” he admitted to her as he gave a shrug.

“A master dabbler then? Sounds like you have earned yourself a new title there missy.” he couldn’t help the chuckle that left his lips at the new title he had given her from her own words.. He tiled his head along with hers and gave a shrug “Evermore was the first town I have ever wanted to make a life in, I am finding more and more reasons to stay.” he admitted to her, yet not admitting she was one of those big reasons, he wasn’t even ready to admit that to himself.  He listened as she talked and a smile came to his lips “I honestly can picture you very easily helping out at a vet hospital it is fitting to who you are.” he admitted for a moment “Money when it comes to being immortal seems to be a less worry, my family has always had so much wealth that they didn’t know what to do with it so they started rebuilding the village I grew up in. I am not even sure where they even got all the money from anymore.” it was like that part of his memory was just blank, giving a shrug he looked to her for a long moment. “They were talking about putting in a tiny village for the homeless vets in one part of the town. I thought it was a rather good idea.” he said honestly.

He watched her as she reacted to his touch the way her lips parted her eyes following his ever movement, he was straining to keep the space he swore to keep from her. Just a single touch he wanted and yet now he found himself closing the space ever so slightly before she looked away from him breaking the trance they seem to have found themselves in once again. Clearing his own throat he replied “Well you know bring whoever you need with you, it's a big place and has a good crowd. Though if you don’t see me I am upstairs in my apartment since I live above the club.” why did he feel the need to tell her that? She didn’t care where he lived. He need to pull himself back together and gave a smile again to her “besides I can teach your guards how to dagger throw then.”

“Yeah.” he said honestly back to her, “but we can figure it out, we got nothing but time.” he gave her a half smile back before taking a full step back, just as the doors to the library opened.

“Donovan are you in here?” Dawn called as she walked in and spotted the two walking over and smiling, “There you are. Come on I want dinner before you drop me back off so you can go do your little night club.”

“Yeah sure thing.” He said softly “I’ll meet you at the car.”  He said looking from Dawn to Argent. “See you later,” he said picking up her hand placing a soft kiss to her knuckles. “Silver.” he said lowly before pulling back from her.

Argent appreciated the sentiment he gave, he had a way of positivity about him which was almost ironic to her considering she was supposed to be the one that brought other people’s spirits up. But she guessed even the aspect of light needed their spirits lifted every once in a while right? She returned his smile “Thanks” she spoke softly with a gentle nod, Argent still struggled with all the things that happened in her past but she liked the way he saw her, the words he spoke about her “I guess sometimes even I need a little boosting” she laughed, maybe she was becoming a pessimist like her siblings, were they rubbing off on her?

Argent was about to defend her family and say they wouldn’t eat anyone, and in truth they wouldn’t in the literal sense but she pressed her lips together and tilted her head to the side, they could still be pretty scary when they wanted to be “I think it may be the world’s most dysfunctional family” she admitted with a bright laugh “But they’re all I have” she added with a nod, she loved them despite their flaws. Argent was almost completely taken aback when he just went along with her teasing and admitted to reading fanfiction, he really was like no one else she knew, so confident with himself that it made her a little dizzy. She did quieten when he spoke about being alone though, her eyes showing a little sadness “Damn” she commented, her tongue running over her bottom lip as she tried to imagine it “Sounds awful lonely” she pointed out with a slightly puzzled expression, how did someone keep sane like that?

It kinda made her sad to think about him truly believing that she hated him, it was quite the opposite really she thought he was a really charismatic and likable person, past the arrogant persona he seemed to put on around strangers anyway. Since meeting him Argent had seen glimpses of his more vulnerable side, the way he had been when they first met and he had discovered what happened to his sister, the little glances away he did whenever something hard came up in conversation topic, the way he talked about his life so honestly with her when the two of them barely knew one another “The difference is that most people have a choice and they choose to hurt people” she signed softly, she really wished she could get past that mentality and move forward, but it had just been one too many heartbreaks for the aspect.

Everyone always gave her that same look when she told them about how her life was linked to others, it was one of confusion at first, which usually became one of pity when they realized what it meant, Argent, however, had accepted her reality a long time ago, she had died, she could have stayed dead but instead she got a second chance and any price she had to pay for that chance she would. “It’s not quite as restrictive as you imagine, I can travel as far as I want as long as I return in good time, thankfully our wings can take us pretty far pretty fast” she laughed softly as she entertained all of his curiosity “I just always have to return home within 48 hours, or things start to get dangerous” she wrinkled her nose as he took the teasing further, grimacing at the idea of having to share a room with all 7 of her fellow aspects “I think we would have killed each other already if that was the case, thankfully it is not” he did make her smile though, which she was sure was his goal.

Her breath hitched as she realized that Ayra had always played the harp and that would bring back memories for him, it was confirmed when he mentioned his sister’s name and Argent looked down for a moment feeling bad for bringing that up, though the gentle smile that came on his face eased her worries “I’m gonna make it there sometime, see this magical place you speak of for myself” that was a promise and Argent never broke her promises. His teasing about the rainmaker made her laugh those “If I could erase one single noise from my brain, it would be the sound of that damn rainmaker” she shook her head.

Every time that playful smirk etched over her lips it was almost as though her heart would skip an entire beat, there was just something about him that got straight to her head, no matter how much she told her to push it down, it just seemed to keep coming back. The redhead twirled a copper curl around her finger absentmindedly as he explained his competition “I could give it a go, though I’ve never been the best at aim” she admitted with a laugh “the dancing and music sounds more my scene I admit” Argent loved dancing, though she wasn’t sure how confident she would be to do so in a room full of strangers.

The redhead shrugged modestly but her smile spoke her liking for the title “I suppose that’s an accurate description” she responded and laughed, Argent was still to find her ultimate talent, she didn’t really have anything that she excelled in above anything else, she just had a large range of passions which seemed to always be growing. The redhead had to admit she was glad to hear that he foresaw himself wanting to stay in Evermore though she didn’t say as much because she knew her reasoning was selfish, even if she had taken a relationship off the table she still wanted to keep him around, liked being around him and the way she felt when she was with him. She gave him an appreciative smile when he complimented her choice of volunteering, though really the people that amazed her were the vets themselves, they went through so much and the least she could do was give some of her time to help them “Most wealthy people have more money than they could ever spend, I think giving it away is the perfect idea” she shrugged, as long as you had the means to give, why not right? Other people needed it far more.

The aspect felt herself getting sucked in, it was so easy when she was with him, like exhaling a breath she had been holding but she would never cross that line, she wasn’t that girl that ruined someone’s relationship and she knew both of them deserved better than that, no matter how much she wanted to give in to that feeling that threatened to take her over every time he got close. Though as if the aspect of light needed a reminder to get a grip over herself, Dawn walked into the room at that very moment, cutting off anything that Argent had to see in response to Donovan’s words.

Her eyes moved between the blonde and the dhampir, a polite smile on the green-eyed female’s lips as she moved to step away. Even the aspect couldn’t stop the frown that appeared on her face when she heard the words ‘little night club’ though. The dhampir’s club was everything to him, Argent had gotten that from the moment he spoke about it, to call it little felt like such an insult. She let it go through, gaining her composure as she went to wave them both off.

Her breath completely left her as he reached for her hand and she felt the gentle caress of his lips over her knuckles, it almost made her knees weak just in that small gesture, she just watched him as he released her and spoke the word ‘Silver’. How one word could spread through her entire body and fill her with a warmth she couldn’t even describe. And as she watched him walk away she spoke her own goodbye under her breath “See you later, Warrior”. Damn, she was so screwed, she thought to herself as the library door swung shut.


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