
Just truly ethereal.

Those words kept ringing in his head, there was no stopping his train of thoughts to go astray off the settled course. The celestial has been thinking about a particular dhampir overnight. Today was an important day, to most people who had others to spend it with. To some, it was also a painful reminder. But to Hanseol? It was a day where he would relish in his own fantasies. It's slightly mixed with anxiety and fear itself, due to him trying to plan things perfectly and not wanting it to be something so precarious like the last time. Even more so, the word might not be suitable because the aftermath and effects from their previous time spent together was not wasted by a single second. Sure, they didn't get to watch the sunset, but they had more fun indoors, unexpectedly. He felt like a school teenager who is head over heels in love with his crush that decided to reciprocate his feelings shortly after a confession being made.

His dark mocha hues glazed over the canvas that stood before him prettily. It sure was pretty. Despite his multiple attempts on trying to make it work previously, today gave him all the kicks he needed to finally get it going. Maybe fate wanted to give a small Valentine's Day gift to him by blessing his painting equipments today. Either way, he was elated. He was able to spend the entire morning getting messy with his artwork. Jaesung Moon alone was already an art, but he wanted to associate the dhampir with something he likes, which was painting.

One night, he just thought sketching and drawing his pictures in his sketchbook wasn't sufficient enough. So he decided to make up for it to create a portrait, an actual portrait. He might not have half as much time as he had this week for next week, due to the work conference, so this will have to finish before the week ends. His entire look was a mess. But the good kind. No matter how far up his sleeves that he rolled up, the paint would eventually find its way on it. Well, he is one messy painter. Maybe next time, he should really debate on going topless when painting. Or at least, wear a sleeveless shirt. All those stains would not go off as easily as it came by, unfortunately. The celestial remembered just how long he spent scrubbing off the red paint. Red and yellow ones leaves the most mark on clothes for him. It was all about timing too. It was only by luck that the amount of shirts he's discarded away permanently due to the stains, we're countable.

For now.

While he was busy edging over the left side of the canvas to make proper measurement, he caught sight of the clock that was hung across the room. Oh yes, he had his own spare room just to work on his art, mostly because he just couldn't be bothered to clean up his mess if it was in the room where he sleeps and rested at. Too much effort, he thought. Twirling the brush in between his hand, he he switched his phone on and went straight to the calendar app. Oh, today is 14th of February. No wonder something felt off to him. Valentine's Day. Hmm, he has been planning for their next date, but never thought it'd come this early. Oh well, it's a special day that requires special occasion, so why not?

Hanseol switched off the lights and exited the room while texting Jae. ‘I hope you're free today, got something planned out. Ish. Meet me at the park we first met in an hour.’ It was short and simple. And vague. Enough to squeeze out the curiosity within. Smiling to himself, he threw his shirt away into the laundry basket halfway to his room and took a shower to get rid of all the watercolor stench. Sometimes mixing them up with the heavier layers would leave a smell. Not one he'd like to use as a cologne for sure. 20 minutes later, he got out from his bathroom, his hair all wet and didn't get the chance to pick his clothes in peace because Yeontan came trudging into his room. “I really need to start closing my doors-” When he saw Byul hopping inside happily, he facepalmed. “-nevermind..” The husky could open the door easily so there was no point in stopping the two mischievous furballs.

In a little over 20 more minutes, he was already ready and good to go. The fallen star tossed a pillow the Pomeranian's way when the pup barked at him as if he was teasing the life out of him for today. Such a brat. Shaking his head in response,  a small smile tugged on his lips as he reminded the two of them to behave while he's gone this evening before he eventually locked the door. Wrapping the overcoat over him, he looked slightly formal instead of his usual casual practical look. Slightly classical look today. No idea why he went with a Gucci cashmere coat today, maybe because he felt like it. It makes him look both mature and slightly boyish at the same time. There is an amusement park not far from the city center, and he's been wanting to go there since earlier this month. This is like killing two birds with one stone anyways.

Yet, he still took the time to walk instead of taking the spare car he made sure to get for emergency purposes that never came. He's a simple guy. By the time he reached the park, the time limit of an hour had passed and he waited for his dhampir, while sitting on the bench with his legs crossed and playing with his phone. He's gotta get around it, eventually.

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Jae enjoyed it when Hanseol spoke about the things he was passionate about, he got this focused and bright look in his eyes that showed just how much he cared about the subject he was speaking of, there weren’t too many topics that could trigger it, but animals and art seemed to be the most common choices. It was actually really interesting to hear the science behind it all, Jae had just always known that dogs were generally better than people, they were endlessly empathetic and they never expected more of you than your love and attention “Then the only explanation is that Yeontan sensed the calmness in you and fed off that, plus I’m a ball of excitement and energy so” the dhampir shrugged, he was positive and goofy most of the time, put a cute animal in front of him and it only magnified.

It was interesting to hear how Hanseol felt like he could talk to animals easier than people, but he could definitely relate, telling his dog about his relationship would be as easy as breathing, she would just sit there with those adorable doe-eyes and wait for him to hug her or pet her. Telling his father, however, that was something that scared the living daylights out of him, to the point that it was beginning to keep him awake at night, especially as his feelings about this relationship became more tangible and serious. “People are complicated and difficult, they expect things and we don’t always want to give them what they expect” Jae nodded slightly, four months ago he wouldn’t have even dared to think about standing against his father’s word but Hanseol had changed that mindset for him, made him begin to realize that he had been pushing away the real person he wanted to be for a long time now. When Han said he was an exception to the rule Jae smiled sweetly “I will never find a way to explain how easy things feel with you” he admitted as he bit on his lip thoughtfully, he didn’t feel like he needed to worry about being anyone but himself around Hanseol and that was a strange feeling for him, he was used to putting up a side someone wanted to see, the protective sibling, the perfect son, none of them were the real him.

Jae nodded softly, if Hanseol didn’t think his work was in a place where he was happy with it yet then the dhampir couldn’t argue with that, the celestial was the artist between the two of them after all and if he didn’t feel confidence showing the world his work then Jae would never want to force him to do so “Well I don’t think you’ll ever know that for sure until you let people see it” he admitted with a half smile, Hanseol was definitely a perfectionist and he was never going to see perfection in his own work so of course, he would always doubt his own talent. Which made Jae realize the same thing applied to him, he’d always kept his own work quite secretive, because he doubted his own ability and wanted to get better, but without feedback how would he ever know. He swallowed before he went to speak “I actually wrote you something” he admitted and then blushed a little “It’s dumb but sometimes writing helps me to get my thoughts in line”. He sighed softly and delved his hand into his pocket and pulled out the slightly crumpled up letter and offered it out towards Hanseol but when the celestial went to take it he pulled it back for a second “You have to promise me you won’t read it until after we part ways for today or I will actually feel the need to run straight out of this amusement park and never leave my room again” he swallowed a little, it was that level of insecurity for him when it came to his writing.

Jae pursed his lips as he listened to Hanseol talk, he was starting to gain an understanding for where Hanseol stood when it came to life and what he wanted for himself, he sensed that there was a change in him now, his perspective had shifted some but he had no idea what to do with that yet “I want to stay by your side too” Jae returned the words with a slight nod of his head, there was no person he wanted to spent his time or even his life with more, there was something deep about those simple words though, their eyes meeting, an equal level of sincerity present in both “But I also want to be the one who sees you realize your dreams and supports you while you chase them” Jae planned on chasing his own too, there was a lot of things he wanted to achieve with his life.

The dhampir chuckled softly as Hanseol teased him for being dangerous, Jae tilted his head a little as he spoke “나는 거기에있는 것에 대해 사과하지 않을 것이다. ( I won’t apologize for existing)” he smirked softly in response, there might be times that Jae doubted the person he was or unestimated his worth to others but he would never apologize for being who he was, he owed himself that much. Jae did follow the remark up with a laugh though, it was funny how Hanseol found Jae’s simple existence troubling. Hanseol’s response to his thoughts on not caring for the opinions of others was interesting “You’re right” the dhampir responded in a soft tone, when Han spoke it like that it sounded so simple and easy, he wished it felt as simple as that in his mind, things would be so much easier for him if they were “I feel like I’m always following some invisible rule set I don’t understand” he admitted vulnerably “I wish I knew how to stop” he pressed his lips together for a moment, it was because he worried about people’s reactions, the judgment in their voices, he was sensitive that way “I um…” he cleared his throat “I’m scared if we move too fast then I’ll blink and I’ll miss it and I don’t want to miss anything when it comes to you” there was a little insight into the darker things Jae thought about, how he felt like he was cursed to screw things up.

Jae smiled as he felt Hanseol’s hand over his own, the tight grip against his knuckles grounding him a little, it was those little touches against his skin that Jaesung enjoyed most, the tender moments the two of them shared that no one else could explain or understand but them. He closed his eyes as he savored the moment of the feeling of Hanseol’s soft lips against his knuckles. When he opened them again he caught the playful carefree look in the celestial’s eyes and smiled brightly, it was hard to feel down when he was around Hanseol because the fallen star’s smile was so addictive to him, seeing Hanseol smile made him smile in return without fail. And then the star giggled and swung their hands playfully and honestly he could have just melted into a puddle on the spot “You definitely make that part hard” he admitted with a laugh, he wasn’t complaining though, he liked the thrill of it all, even more so that the rides at this amusement park. When Han spoke about painting the picture Jae smiled “Looks like we could both use a little help in opening our eyes” he admitted as he squeezed the celestial’s hand a little.

Jae rolled his eyes at Hanseol when he called him perfect “I’m definitely not perfect” he pressed with a shake of his head, he didn’t like being called that because it implied that he couldn’t make mistakes or let people down and he didn’t want to be put on a pedestal like that “I am temperamental at times and I doubt myself when I know I shouldn’t and I get jealous and one time I accidentally stepped on my dog’s paw and she still holds it against me” Jae pouted a little “Don’t give me the fear that I’ll disappoint you” he added with a serious tone.

The blush was evident on his own face too at the thought of the other male painting without a shirt, covered in colors, Jae had seen Hanseol’s bare chest for the space of about 3 seconds before Han had darted off into another room but it was enough to plant an image in the dhampir’s head that wasn’t quickly forgotten. The blush only deepened at Hanseol’s comment and Jae sighed softly, he wasn’t sure the embarrassment was every truly going to go away when Hanseol kept making comments like that “Well you don’t care what people think so” he was though, so far gone that he felt like a bit of a lovesick fool.

When Hanseol mentioned the pirate ship the dhampir hopped to his feet excitedly, he had to admit the moment that Han mentioned the amusement park that was all he wanted to do, it was probably childish and wouldn’t live up to what he remembered it to be but the nostalgia in him had to know for himself. Leaving money for his half of the bill he made his way towards the exit of the shop his hand grasping around Hanseol’s wrist and leading the way. Jae had already made note of where it was when they looked on the map earlier because he hoped they’d make it there. It didn’t take them long to find it, when it came into view his mouth dropped into a wide smile of excitement, like an actual 12-year-old all over again “Look how high it goes” he exclaimed as he rubbed his hands together and started moving more quickly towards it.

Hanseol enjoyed learning, he would've suited a student life, it wasn't as if his appearance wouldn't betray his actual age either. Living as an immortal, he should have used that to the fullest extent but instead of spending his time at the university ever since they moved here 2 years ago, he's been busy trying to set up his clinic. It was no wonder that he felt deeply affected when it became a part of collateral damage when he was attacked. The place he always found solace in became the setting where such a misfortunate incident that took place. However, he was slightly thankful that happened because he was given the time to think more about his life.

He would cherish it a lot more now, more cautious and careful of his surroundings, and most importantly, he saw a side of Jae that he really loved. It fueled everything else in him liking the other male, it's not just his dhampir instincts kicking in to get full protective armor on, there was a beauty in it. The kind that was indescribable, but the celestial knew it was one of the many factors why he fell for him. “Calm hahaha.. I guess” he couldn't help covering his mouth with his free hand because of how funny it sounded. Him calm? That's new. He's shy but he is nowhere near that word though, he's a low-key chaotic person, but Jae didn't need to know about that. Yet. “Oh you are a ball of excitement and energy, always bouncing up and down it's just disturbing to see you sad.” It would sound pressuring but Hanseol made sure it meant that he only wanted to make the dhampir smile. “This is why I always want to see this,” he placed both index fingers on the corner of the dhampir's lips and curved it. “on you.”

He allowed his hands to fall down to his sides afterwards. “I mean, all that drawl and serious look is still very attractive, really brings out your refined features a lot more, but I'd pick that box smile any day” he pointed out, the corner of his lips curved up, slowly enabling the shine to take erupt its rightful place since the celestial was really  just beaming in delight aka glow generator. “Then they should know you don't always get what you want. That's just the way the universe works. If things were as simply as that, there wouldn't be poverty or war occurring.” The pacifist in him jumped out as quickly as it returned to his shell inside. Han always made it known that he disapproved on how the world works, mostly because he always tend to focus on the downsides of it. It also taught him a worthwhile lesson though, that he should never take things for granted because despite the trials and trouble he went through, he's still lucky.

“I'm glad you can be you around me. I don't want to put any burden or pressure on you so please don't feel that way about me. I told you I'm a simple person, even though that might not be true at times because it's becoming known that I'm quite complicated,” he paused momentarily and sighed dramatically. “which is not the point. But I still do see myself as a simple casual guy who knows what he wants at life, at least up to this point, and just wished to live his life moderately. The kind of guy you find lying around wanting to get a decent and stable job and start a family, the only difference with me is that I only want to make sure I don't waste my time the way I've wasted 85 of them” he mumbled, not realizing how fast he spoke those words and exhaled heavily, again not noticing how he's been holding his breath all along. He placed another hand on top of Jae's when he raised it up to their eye level as his eyes searched for his dark hues. “Put your trust in me as I have put mine in you. That's all I'll ever ask of you.”

Sometimes Han felt like he could've moved too fast with this but considering how he still have so many he wanted to try with Jae, it didn't feel like that to him. The celestial just wanted to show his affections at the right person at the right time, so why not? “I'll show mine to you, but only you. For now” he promised, if Jae wished to see him step out of his shell, he'll try. Deep down, Hanseol knew it it was up to him, he would never listen. So he needed someone else to tell him. It's troublesome but that's one of his flaw, he's guessing. “Maybe then I'll finally see what you can see in my work.” Biting his bottom lip, he nodded in agreement to what the mint-haired male proposed. He can wait until all of this ends today. He's not that impatient. “I promise, though all of this will only fuel my curiosity, you know that, right?” he wiggled his eyebrows playfully and took the letter from Jae's grasp, tucking it in neatly in his jacket pocket.

Hanseol didn't dream, as sad as that may come off as, he never dreamed before, not even once, for his entirety of 89 years. “Fun fact, Jae. Do you know why I never have dreams? At least not that I've mentioned?” he stared at the sky from his vision, the evening slowly coming down to share its time with the early night too. “A contributing factor to it is probably because I've never dreamed before. So I didn't know what it means or what it feels like to wish for something I couldn't picture. Everytime I close my eyes in hopes to drift away to dreamland, the only thing I can get are nightmares, I should start putting dream catchers haha” he chuckled anxiously, not sure what to make of this confession to the dhampir, or if Jae would think differently of him. “That's why I never bother to put any resolutions to it. Why my wishes always stayed so vague and artificial, because I didn't know what to make of it. It's only me telling you I have one but in reality, I can't even fathom what I want. It's confusing and honestly embarrassing” he mumbled, scratching the back of his head awkwardly, while trying his best not to meet the other's gaze.

“But.. I know you can change that for me. I found myself leaning towards things I never knew I liked and wanted until you. So don't worry, I'll find that one day. You just have to fulfill your promise to stay by my side is all.” At the mention of it, Hanseol gave a reassuring squeeze on his grip. Oh he couldn't even start to picture anything if Jae left him. One of the biggest flaws to opening one's heart early and leaving it all to the other party. Though the statement was confident the dhampir would never do that. “You can start trying. I don't know how to say it, especially coming from someone who's done nothing but follow the rules blindly all his life because he thought that's the best thing he should resort to, I can tell you that stopping and starting over helps” They were supposed to have all the time in the world but Han knew forever was a privilege he might never get, so he took his own advice and start seeing things more intricately.

Chuckling softly at the dhampir's said confession, his eyes formed a crescent shaped smile, as his lips curved upwards. “I intend to spend every moment with you, if that helps. If you forget anything, then I'll just remind you or redo it. I have the time, don't worry” he assured earnestly. “We'll help one another. Isn't that the best part about relationships?” he quipped and grinned sheepishly. But he couldn't help but to click his tongue in annoyance when Jae said he wasn't perfect. “When I said perfect I mean this. You. All real and raw, no artificial sweeteners anywhere. If we argue, then we argue. The efforts for making up afterwards would only prove to be more thoughtful. I want to see the real you and only then can I show you the real me, even if I might not like doing that” he murmured audibly, his voice getting smaller. Talk about doubting. “You're right, I don't care what people think” he shrugged casually. Thank god for that, because he's quite vulnerable to empathy alone.

He allowed Jae to drag him as he followed the younger male to what would seem to be their next destination. The entire time he did spend it by staring at the dhampir not so subtly, taking every inch of him in his mind, projecting it into the part in his head that should never forget anything. He reminded himself to cherish every moment and to bask in all the glory that is Jaesung Moon. If his eyes could get any softer, it would literally be a puddle of jelly. The way he hopped on his feet excitedly at the mention of pirate ship, it made Hanseol snicker. This was the first time he saw the structured ship, so this is what it was. “It doesn't look stable but I guess that's the best part of it” There weren't many people there, so they eventually got situated in their seat soon enough. At the very back of it. As he settled in his seat, his eyes wandered everywhere, taking in every detail, his eyes growing ever so wider. “I'm not sure if I'm more excited or anxious right now..”

Jae heard the laugh that came from Han when he described him as calm and shrugged, okay Hanseol wasn’t calm most of the time, he tended to flip flop a lot with his emotions which always kept the dhampir on his toes but he did believe that the two of them had found a certain amount of comfort around one another, he didn’t feel like there was a topic he couldn’t bring up because it would feel out of place or wrong to talk about with the celestial, in that sense, they were calm with one another’s presence. When Han agreed with his self-description the dhampir laughed, he was already smiling when Hanseol reached out to curve his lips upwards which only widened it “Well I can’t promise to always feel happy but smiling feels easier when you’re here” he nodded slightly.

Jae nodded a little, he’d always had a unique smile, a lot of people described it as childish, the kind of smile a child pulled when they were forced to smile in photos but to him, it was natural and his entire face lent to it, it was especially prominent when he was laughing. Noting the way that Hanseol was glowing softly at that moment the dhampir raised his index finger and traced an outline with it in the air around Hanseol’s figure “So bright” he commented in awe, Han always looked so stunning when that ethereal energy lent to him. Jae shrugged a little when Han spoke about people not always getting what they wanted “Most of those things are caused by the same problem, people who take more than they are owed” poverty wouldn’t exist if every billionaire gave their money to those who needed it more and wars were typically over someone wanting something they couldn’t have.

It was easy to ask for pressure not to be applied but it was much harder to push it away in reality, Jae would always feel a sense of it when it came to Hanseol for as long as the relationship they had was a single point of motivation for the celestial. The last thing Jae ever wanted to do was break Hanseol’s heart but he also knew that not everything worked out the way you hoped it would. The dhampir listened as the star talked, he just kept talking, saying a lot of things but Jae listened to all of them because he found when Hanseol rambled, that was usually when he was speaking words directly from his heart without any filter. Jae sucked in a soft breath unsure if the fallen star had realized quite how significant the things he’d said were, this was the first time Jae had gotten a real insight into what Han hoped to achieve with his life and the relationship the two of them were now in. It became evident to the dhampir that despite the fact he didn’t really have one of his own Han seemed to be family motivated which made the hints of him wanting Jae to move in make more sense, it was the idea of sharing your life with someone else, family. Jae smiled softly to himself, he felt like he was starting to truly understand Hanseol, his star. Feeling a gaze on him the dhampir lifted his own to meet Han’s and he nodded “I trust you” he promised as his grip tightened just a little against the celestials “I really do” he spoke more softly.

And Jae could understand how perhaps to Hanseol this didn’t feel fast at all, considering that he had spent 85 years just sitting in a cell and wondering if he would ever be free again, he couldn’t blame him for wanting to make the most of the time he had now, especially because it seemed evident that Hanseol believed it may be a limited amount of time. “That’s a start” he responded with a gentle nod, Jae had already seen some of Han’s work and he found it absolutely beautiful and those were only sketches, he was sure the full paintings he did would probably blow him away. Jae was glad Han agreed to read the letter later and he blushed profusely as his eyes turned to the ground “I know, but it will be worth it…” he trailed off then laughed a little nervously “Hopefully” part of him did want to see Hanseol’s reaction to it but the other knew he wouldn’t be able to stay in the room.

Jae had to admit he was surprised when Hanseol said that he didn’t dream, of course, he hadn’t been talking about the kind of dreams you had when you were asleep but the two of them were often closely linked, when Jae dreamed it was usually about the things he wanted in life or the things that were important to him. It was interesting to hear how Han didn’t have them, that reaction turned to a frown when he realized that Han had nightmares. He hated nightmares, they were stressful and could have a serious impact on a person’s life. His expression showed some emotion as he reached out to touch the star’s shoulder gently “It’s okay to not know what you want right now as long as you are willing to look for that thing” he assured as his fingers played with the fabric of Hanseol’s coat “Even if it’s just little things that you could get in one day, that’s something” realizing Han was avoiding eye contact with him Jae leaned in and pressed a soft playful kiss to his cheek in the hopes the celestial wouldn’t be able to resist eye contact any longer.

Jaesung didn’t downplay the amount of trust that Hanseol was putting in him, for someone who had spent his entire life running it must be so hard to open up to any extent, he expected Hanseol to doubt others because it sounded like most of them had let him down “I’m not going anywhere, Han” he assured with a nod of his head, from the number of times the celestial mentioned it, Jae got the feeling that Hanseol was scared that one day Jae was going to wake up and decide this wasn’t what he wanted. While he could never say never, he found that very unlikely, Jae was considering changing the very foundation of his life for Hanseol because he thought the world of him and Jae was an all in full commitment kind of person, once he said yes he jumped blind.

He was starting to realize though that they had a lot of time ahead of them, loads of days to spend together, to talk and learn more about one another, to explore the world and take on its challenges together, to learn the less desirable things about one another and if Jae eventually decided to turn his immortality switch on then this could eventually be the start of a very long life “There are…” he cleared his throat for a moment “Certain things that you can’t just redo” he blushed softly “First things” he added running his tongue over his bottom lip, a lot of this was firsts for him and he was guilty of wanting each of them to be special or significant in some way. He did like Hanseol’s confidence in the two of them though, when he said things like that it really did sound like they could take on the world together.

Jae nodded as Hanseol explained his definition of the word perfect, it made more sense to the dhampir now that he explained it that way, he noted the way that Hanseol seemed to afraid to share the darker parts of himself which Jae understood well, no one wanted to showcase the parts of themselves they thought made them weak after all. All thoughts of the pressure of being perfect were forgotten now they were standing in front of the pirate ship however, this one looked a lot like the one he remembered from when he was young. Jae made no hesitation in joining the queue to get onto and on the next run he found himself nestled against the celestial’s side “The best part is when it gets really high and then you feel the rush of air around you when it swings” the dhampir admitted with wide eyes, he looked like he had gone back to being 12 for today.

Noting the way that Hanseol seemed a little nervous as the ride began he reached to take his hand in his, threading his fingers through the celestials for support, his other hand he raised above his head so that he could feel the breeze as it rushed through his fingertips and he laughed softly as the ride was swinging back and forth, it wasn’t high yet but it still felt nostalgic for him, remembering the last time he had gone to an amusement park all those years ago. This felt even better though because instead of sitting alone on the ride he had someone here with him. Jae glanced over at Hanseol and smiled brightly, that was what it all came down to in the end, having someone to share things with that made every memory that little bit brighter. As the height of the swings began to get bigger and bigger the dhampir yelled out loudly through the air causing some laughter from the ride attendant below “Woooooooo” he exclaimed with a wide genuine smile.

Jae always knew what to say, that much he had concluded a time ago. The dhampir had this charm to him that really increased with time, much like how cheese or wine would age finely. “I'm like this close to comparing your charms to cheese and wine, you know. Because god does it grow very fine.” He even pinched his cheeks softly as he scrunched his nose up excitedly, leaving a space for a giggle to escape its cage. Smashing his cheeks together, he shook his head and patted both of them softly. “So cute. So squishy..” he cooed. “How did I ever end up with this charmingly attractive guy. I must've saved a country in my previous life, for sure.” Han was never one to use compliments as comfortably as it was supposed to be used, but it felt so easy to use an amount of them on Jae alone, his head always finding a way to make it more ‘spectacular', away from normal because even he thinks normal is overrated.

Winking playfully at the dhampir once he noticed how bright he glowed than usual, he had a smirk adorning his boyish features. “Would you believe if I said this is only for you?” Really, Han never shone brighter than usual unless he was overrode by fear. But when connecting it to positive emotions, he could never emit it this bright because he never had anything happy to think of. But when it comes to Jae, just a look at him was enough to brighten everything inside him up like a bulb. Weird way to word it but he's never been one to play with words, that's Jae's forte. There was one other thing he really liked about Jae, and that was hearing him talk about his views about the world, or about anything really. Han really liked his voice, and considering how much he favored his hands and existence alone, that's quite a feat.

“I can like give you the space to talk full time.. About anything. You can even talk about your favorite color and why, or read an audiobook.” He's hooked, fully. “Your voice is so beautiful..” Someone might as well mark him up drugged because he's literally in a trance, drowning in all the affection Jae gave him. Everytime Jae squeezed his hand reassuringly, he swore he had butterflies fluttering inside him, threatening to get out of the cage so desperately. Even the smallest action was worth it to him. “I'm glad you do. Because in your trust, I put mine too. I hope you know, everything I did, it's for the better. I would never hurt you,” he murmured, tracing his thumb soothingly against the dhampir's own hand. “Unless you steal my food. Because that is just not cool.” There were times when he felt like the world was just waiting to see when he'd mess up, and when the time comes, it would strike him so fast, faster than he could blink. Which is why he intends to make every moment worthwhile. But he also needed to take Jae's feelings into consideration, seeing as it wasn't only new to the celestial but to him as well.

“You do realize you can write my name on a paper and I'd still swoon over it, right? Please tell me you do realize that's like legit.” Sometimes he had to question if the latter knew just how much he really cared for him. Hanseol was basically going to announce to everyone how Jaesung Moon is his world, and would continue to be his, until the end of time. Nothing would change that. “I'm sure I'll be thrilled to read whatever the content is” he placed a reassuring hold on him, running his hand over as he tells him to cheer up. The point of today was making the dhampir happy, afterall. It would've been a waste if that objective wasn't met. The celestial noticed he lives for praises and words of encouragement, no matter what shape they're in, so he's always attracted to them, feeding on the positive energy in time. One day, he hoped he'll be the one exuding it instead. His cheeks went up in flames when he felt Jae kissed him and he literally went stiff like a statue. Red alert! Red alert! That was so out of the blue and now his gears couldn't work to emit a response. Like a toy that had no more battery, his eyes widened and long before he knew it, he was having a coughing fit.

But Jae didn't get what he wanted. Han was no longer resisting any eye contact any longer, in fact he is staring wide-eyed while facing him right now. “I-What-,” seemingly finding someone hard to utter a word, much less a sentence, he clamped his mouth shut and blushed. “N-nevermind..” It was the shyest he's ever gotten and this is only the beginning. He was trying his best to shift the topic and was eternally grateful when Jae told him he wasn't going to leave him. “Good.. I don't know what I'll do if you're no longer in my life” he whispered, which was evidently true. He only kept going because he knew him dying would be more troublesome than him living. He didn't want to put anymore burden than necessary. His cheeks was still burning, really marking up his pale skin, and if people didn't know better, they'd say he's probably having a fever.

But the moment he saw a faint blush creeping up the dhampir's cheeks, he turned everything around to him instead. It's payback time. No matter how oblivious the celestial may be, he knows a few things applied to some situations and he definitely understood what Jae might be talking about. Snaking his arm around his waist from his side, he pulled him in and smirked. “Who's to say I can't redo them? All you need to do is ask, dhampy.” Where did all the confidence came from? He himself had no idea. “It might not be the same, but with that intention and will, you'll be surprised of how convincing it can get” he purred, leaning closer until there only space between them was limited to their noses touching. But Jae was right, some things cannot be replicated, though you'll never hear that from him. First love wouldn't be the same as a second one. Like he said earlier, he could literally hear Jae explain the darnedest of things and he would still be captivated by his voice, so soothing and deep it would send him off the edge of the latter tipped it off.

He wasn't afraid of heights but the unstable structure really caused him to grow nervous, his head already planning out multiple scenarios if things actually happened that way. Thank god for a soul named Jaesung, because he wouldn't gripped the wood a lot harsher than before. All that worry ceased to exist once he saw the excitement displayed on Jae. Was it possible for someone to get more ethereal? Yes. The answer is yes. Throughout the entire ride, he didn't even focus on anything else, just Jae. He didn't even try to hide the fact that he is staring at the dhampir shamelessly. After the rounds ended, he still had his gaze fixated on him, with a soft smile displayed on his lips. “I have one ride I want to go to. They say it's one of the biggest attraction point that you just have to go to.” Without wasting any time, he dragged Jae with him as his eyes scoured the entire area to pinpoint where the Ferris Wheel is located at. Once they stood in front of the ride, he glanced over to Jae with a puppy-like pout. “Call me sappy, but this is like a must.”

Jae laughed and rolled his eyes when Hanseol commented on him being essentially old though the way he reached up to smoosh his face and then giggled caused his gaze to soften a little, he didn’t even mind though it was slightly uncomfortable, like those relatives who always fussed of you when you were a child but because it was Hanseol he didn’t pull away and instead smiled softly “You have really strange ways of showing your affection hyung” Jae commented with an arched brow, he did a little choke laugh when Han called himself lucky “You tripped him up in the dark” Jae teased softly, his gaze meeting Hanseol’s, he was definitely bringing out the emotional side in Han today it seemed and it made the dhampir happy to see.

Jae really liked the natural glow than Hanseol had to him, it really lit up his features and honestly made him look most like himself, he supposed there was truth in the statement that stars were meant to shine, because every time that he did the dhampir couldn’t stop himself from staring, it was like looking up into the night sky and feeling hope just from seeing the stars, except that hope came from a person, who he could touch and talk to. Someone who he liked to hear the thoughts of and listen to ramble, which happened far less often than he wanted it to “I could believe I am one of the reasons for your happiness, Daystar” he smiled softly, he’d seen others though, even if the celestial didn’t acknowledge him, like the work he did and his art and the animals he shared his home with.

Jae laughed when Hanseol told him that he liked the sound of his voice, a lot of people had told him that before, he was always asked to read things out in class because he had a clear speaking voice and good pacing with his reading “Well what would you like to hear about?” Jae asked with a raise of his brow, he wasn’t really a talkative person but if there was something that Hanseol wanted to know then he’d be happy to tell him “And it’s red” he answered with a shrug “Not the bright firetruck kind of red but the deep crimson color that you’d see on a rose” he chuckled softly realizing that was awfully specific “We always had this rose bush in the garden which would grow out of control and my siblings and I would spend the afternoon trimming it back every year and giving my mother the roses as a gift afterward, she loved it” he chuckled softly running a hand through his hair.

When Hanseol spoke about trust Jae nodded gently “I’m going to hold you to that” he admitted with a slight nod, it did scare him how easy it would be for Hanseol to hurt him now, he had given him a lot of power when he handed over his heart to him but that was what trust was, being vulnerable knowing you could be hurt in the process but doing it anyway “Food is a serious topic” Jae teased with a laugh. When Han asked him if he knew how little he had to do to impress him Jae smiled and nodded “You’ve made yourself pretty clear” he admitted with a knowing smile “But I put a lot of effort into that, more than just writing your name, though it’s definitely in there, many times” he realized he was rambling and averted his gaze for a moment, it was a really big deal for him to give it to Hanseol and he was still feeling nervous and fluttery over it now.

Jae hadn’t really been expecting Hanseol to react the way he did when the dhampir kissed his cheek, it was an impulsive move really, just trying to get attention back to him but he watched as the other male froze in shock, Jae blinked a little stunned by the other male’s reaction, was that not okay? He tilted his head to the side a little confused as he watched the blush redden the celestial’s face and Jaesung let out a soft giggle noise, it seemed rare that he managed to catch Hanseol so off guard but he kinda liked the feeling when it happened. “Well you’d definitely miss my ability to steal your dogs” Jae teased with a chuckle trying to dim out the darkness tinged in Hanseol’s voice, truth be told he really liked all of Hanseol’s animals, they were sweet and well behaved and fun to cuddle, though not as fun as their owner.

Hanseol never seemed to stay down long though, he was like a spring, you could push embarrassment onto him for so long and then he would snap back to being his usual self, Jae didn’t mind though, he liked the unpredictability of the other male, it made things exciting for him and he certainly never asked for boring. “How about that first kiss where you didn’t kiss me back” Jae teased back allowing Hanseol to pull him back in, if the celestial wanted to play snarky then he could play along with that too, though the redness in his cheeks didn’t fade as they continued to talk. Jae wasn’t really upset about that, he had kinda sprung it on Hanseol at the moment and he hadn’t even been expecting to do it himself so he couldn’t blame him for the shock. The suggestiveness in Hanseol’s tone didn’t go unnoticed though and the dhampir coughed a little from the awkwardness “Your duality scares me sometimes Han” he admitted as he looked at the male who was very close to his face, he lifted his hand to rest gently against the fallen star’s cheek.

Jae really enjoyed the ride, he was childish that way, always enjoyed doing things that gave him a rush of adrenaline, he was probably the kind of person who would go cliff jumping or even sky diving because it sounded like fun, he was a little fearless when it came to thrill-seeking. He could tell that Hanseol wasn’t enjoying himself as much but Jae kept a tight grip of his hand throughout to make sure he knew he was safe with the dhampir. When the ride came to a stop his hair was all messed up thanks to the wind but he beamed thanks to the other male for humoring what he wanted. When Han said he wanted to go to a ride Jae simply nodded, this whole night had mostly been him picking things to do so he had no problem letting Hanseol choose their next move.

The dhampir let Hanseol lead the way almost jogging to keep up with his quick and determined pace, it was cute, the way he showed excitement though the dhampir had no idea where they were going. When they stopped in front of the Ferris wheel Jae chuckled softly “I told you that you watched too many cheesy movies” he commented remembering their bickering over Netflix the other night but he was hardly going to refuse the request and so he nodded and headed up to the entrance of the ride. When the next car came around he leaned back into it, sitting down and pulling Hanseol down with him. The attendant pulled the lap back down and then it started to move. This time it was the dhampir’s turn to watch the other male as they moved through the air, his eyes watching Hanseol with a sense of wonder.

Displaying affection or really any form of encouragement doesn't come as easy to Hanseol. Which is exactly why he always took in every single time he showered Jae with them, because every moment means everything to him, and it was somewhat settling to see the dhampir influence him bit by bit without him even noticing. It's only a matter of time until he sheds the shy and timid front away, one day but strangely enough, despite wanting a whole amount of confidence to douse himself with, Han didn't want to sacrifice his shyness away. He wouldn't give that up any day now, since it held such relevancy to him. It felt him, the real him, who's always been so timid like a mouse, shying away from every form of interaction, exactly like those plants called mimosa pudica.

Never once in his life had someone called him older, so once that particular word came out from Jae, he turned to face the male wide-eyed. “Did you just call me hyung? Or did I misheard you” he gaped, his voice sounding just below his tone, so it sounded a lot like a whisper. “Daebak.. You really did call me hyung.” If there was a mirror right now, the celestial would probably laugh at just how perplexed he looked. “I mean it's not my fault you didn't see where you were going that night, this hyung was just minding his own business” he grumbled grumpily, scrunching up his nose in response to the previous statement. It didn't take him long to process the entire word again and again though. “Can you call me hyung again? I mean, it's not like it's not attractive to hear my name from your lips, because believe me, it does,’ here he goes again, rambling. A very prominent habitual trait of his that the celestial could never shake off. “but come on, hyung has this certain degree of significance to it. You get what I mean?” What a dork.

“But at least I can say my boyfriend fell for me, anyways. That's going to stay in here,” he tapped his index finger against his head, with a stupid grin masking his features. “forever.” Things started off slow, but boy was he happy when he heard Jae admitted into knowing that he is the cause of his happiness. “It's literally indescribable for me to tell you just how delighted I am to hear you finally admitting that” he mused, staring at the dhampir like he was hi whole world, because let's be real, if someone asked the celestial if that's legit, he'd agree on the spot. “Anything really. You can talk about the color red and I'll still hear them intently like I'm having a listening test.” And he actually would, do not underestimate Hanseol's level of determination. Once he's said it, it's his word and boy always made sure to keep them.

Earlier he had just threw out a random color, to which he found out to be Jae's favorite color. “Oh wow.. That's unexpected but not surprising. It's a brave and daring color, very eye-catching too. I know for a fact that the color ranges from the brilliant yellow-tinged scarlet and vermillion to bluish-red crimson, and vary in shade from the pale red pink to the dark red burgundy.” His nerdy artistic side just playfully jumped out and spilled a few things, his eyes twinkling in delight like there was a whole galaxy behind those dark doe-like hues. “Mine is blue,” he exclaimed, he loved the color blue. “well, not sure how to describe it, but it's very similar to alexandrites’ greenish blue. The common changes in their hues fascinated me, I can never tear my eyes away once you get them in my sight” he beamed sheepishly, scratching his head awkwardly as he rubbed his hands against his coat.

“Roses are beautiful. Deadly but beautiful. Their aggressive nature only made them more delicate. It's like trying to get through someone who's detached and distant, you would need to be very careful while poking into them if you don't wish to result in any negative reaction, but once the obstacle is gone, you can see the beauty that lies beneath them, just behind those walls. It becomes worth it, in the end.” As a painter, Hanseol spent most of his time studying pigments and hues in general. Mixing is a very useful skill, afterall. “Do you have a favorite flower?” Getting to know Jaesung was only the beginning of everything, and if this journey was going to be worthwhile, those were what made it so enthralling. “I'm a show kind of guy, Jae. If I'm adamant in wanting something, I make sure to show it. Not so visible at times, because I can't communicate to save a life, but since it's with you, it's different,” he murmured, while playing with his hand. “I want you to know what I feel, because you deserve every single detail on this progress.” As he said that, he brought Jae's hand up to his chest and placed it right on top of where his heart lies.

“An average grown human’s heartbeat between 60 and 100 beats per minute. I may not be a human but I'm pretty sure our anatomy is the same, so I can tell you this is more than that every minute I spend with you.” He's never really measured a human heartbeat, only animals, but it's really not much of a difference to begin with since they overlap each other. “Do you see what you're doing to me? You're turning a homebody who only ever went out only to his workplace and go on grocery shopping once a month, to this guy who now wants to take you to great places.” This is all so new but so enjoyable, Hanseol never saw himself to be a romantic or cheesy guy, but he wanted to give so many to Jae without a single thought. “Oh please, my dogs will never leave me for you..” The wavering tone, however, speak a lot about the false pretense of confidence he was trying to show.

He didn't expect Jae to bring the topic about their first kiss, that was still burned inside his head ever since. Tilting his head slightly to the side, he smiled as his heart slowly continued to swell. He said nothing and just chuckled at what Jae said about duality and rested his hand on the hand the dhampir had on his cheek. The fallen star pulled him in as he removed his hand away from his cheek, with his free hand still around his waist. Again, no words escaped him even after he dipped down slightly to meet the dhampir's lips. It lasted for a few seconds, until he pulled away and resumed their hand holding. “I told you I'd redo anything you want.” Speaking about duality, he resumed their previous actions like nothing changed but the stupid grin on his face stated otherwise.

Unfortunately, Han couldn't enjoy the pirate ship because he was actually jittery for the first few minutes, and spent the rest of the duration by staring at the mint-haired dhampir instead. No regrets, worth a lot more than a simple ride. “Hey, I missed out a lot okay, give me a break. And don't you want a sappy romantic boyfriend? I feel like you want one” he wiggled his eyebrows playfully and nudged him before waiting for their turn. One minute turns to two and their turn came. When the wheel started to move upwards, he still had that stupid grin present, but this time his eyes spoke volumes on just how excited he is about this one.

“Take a picture, it lasts longer, Jae” he teased, poking the other male softly. Once the ride stopped exactly where he wanted them to stop, he shifted his body slightly to the side to face him. It was supposed to stay there for a bit longer, and he intends to make the most of it. Coincidentally, they were in the middle which arched up to the sky. “You can have any star up there but you got me instead. You chose me, and I can't be anymore touched” he pointed at the sky above them, sighing in delight. “I just need to do one thing when we're up here. It's literally on my bucket list.” Without wasting any time, Hanseol pulled Jae closer to him and connected their lips together. “Happy Valentine's Day, dhampy.”

Jae hadn’t really thought about the significance of what he had said, really it was completely habitual for him to refer to his elders as hyung and back home he had done so for the best part of his life, it wasn’t something that mixed with the English language quite as well but from the look in Hanseol’s eyes he could tell it held the same significance to him, Jae laughed at his soft tone and the way he suddenly used the word in his own speech “Not all of us have vision perfect to be drawing in the dark” Jae teased softly though when Han asked him to call him it again he nodded his head softly “Whatever you like the most hyung” Jae agreed with a twitch of a smile at his lips, he’d refer to Hanseol however he wanted him to just to see that smile on his lips.

Jae chuckled softly, he liked the fact that the way they first met had a funny story behind it, it was a fond memory for him, despite the fact that he had gone home that night with several bruises on his arms on his legs, all he had been able to think about was the celestial and whether he would hear from him again “Me too” he mused as he mimicked Han’s motion to tap against his own head. It made Jae happy to see the way Hanseol reaction to his slight give but he was busy getting caught up in the way Han was looking at him “I have a lot of stories” he admitted, having had a pretty happy childhood he had a lot of tales about himself and his siblings. The reason he didn’t tell them was because he wasn’t sure Hanseol would want to hear things like that considering he probably didn’t have as many of his own to share “Believe it or not I’ve done quite a lot with my 21 years, you’d be surprised” the dhampir chuckled, he did believe in living your life while you could after all.

Jae chuckled softly as Han reacted to the color he told him about, he really liked the way than Hanseol saw depth in the smallest of things, his artistic brain was truly fascinating to Jae, the way Hanseol described red made it sound even more beautiful and he could quite literally picture the shades as the celestial spoke about them. He was about to ask Han what his favorite color was just so he could hear more of those words but the other male beat him to it “I don’t think I have ever felt so excited about the idea of colors before” Jae admitted with a chuckle, there was a way that Han described things that just made them sound bigger and brighter than they probably were, his writer side was definitely taking notes. Naturally, his hand went up to twirl a strand of his hair around his finger, the bright blue hue had faded to a greeny-blond color which he actually quite liked but he knew a change was due.

“Roses remind me of a lot of good times in my life” he admitted with a smile, though he liked the ideas that Hanseol suggested about them, it was a really in-depth way of thinking about something that was simple on the surface. When Hanseol asked Jae his favorite flower he pondered it for a moment, most guys he knew would probably scoff at the question and refuse to answer but his pausing was just to think about what his answer was “I always liked lilies” he commented with a shrug “Not the white ones that tend to be reserved for funerals but the ones that are..” he made an explosion gesture with hands and laughed “Bright” he nodded a little, he liked bright colors a lot, that was why he dyed his hair such crazy shades, though one time he had even had grey hair so he wasn’t sure he was limited to just colors now “What about you?” he asked curiously.

Jae had realized very quickly that Hanseol was definitely the more romantic of the two of them, he was the one who wanted to plan out these intricate dates and tended to be more vocal with the way he felt about everything, near everything he said could be taken as a confession and Jae was still getting used to that, especially because that came with waves of compliments towards the dhampir which sometimes he didn’t know how to handle. The dhampir would be lying if he said it wasn’t one of the reasons he was drawn to the celestial though “I think you communicate better than you think you do” he admitted with a soft smile, Jae was a words person but he was also one for saying a lot with a little, which is why he always tried to choose what he said very carefully.

He didn’t ruin the star’s moment and happily let him take his hand and place it over his chest, Jae’s fingers curled a little against his chest but his palm was flat and he could feel the soft thrumming of Hanseol’s heart in his chest. The words Hanseol spoke made the dhampir smile brightly, his eyes were filled with the adoration he felt for the celestial “You’re my favorite adventure” he spoke softly his thumb brushing against the material that his hand rest against “Seeing you quite literally light up from the moment we met, how you went places I knew you normally wouldn’t just to see me” Jae shook his head a little and smiled “It’s everything to me” to know just how significant you were to someone, that meant the entire world and more.

When Jae felt Hanseol’s hand against the one he placed against the star’s cheek he beamed brightly however he was caught off guard by the way he pulled him in just as he dropped the touch and without notice their lips found one another, the surprised noise that Jae made at the sudden movement faded into one of contempt as he savored the soft kiss they shared and his eyes fluttered shut. When he opened them again he shook his head a little at Hanseol’s words “Unfair with the sneak attack” he commented but it didn’t show any ill will at all, his grin echoing the one the celestial had on his face.

When Hanseol asked him if he wanted a sappy romantic boyfriend the dhampir chuckled a little and shrugged “I want you, in whatever form you want to be” he admitted with a nod of his head, he didn’t want either of them to be someone they weren’t in this relationship, he didn’t want Hanseol to feel the need to always be happy or sappy if that wasn’t authentic. As the ride went up Jae was just watching Han, seeing the way he was actually excited about this particular ride unlike the others, his teasing caused Jae to laugh and recoil as the male poked against a ticklish spot on his chest “Why would I need a picture when I have the real thing?” he questioned innocently but went quiet when the male turned towards him.

Hanseol’s words had him grinning like a crazy person though, it was about as cheesy as cheesy got he thought as his eyes tipped up towards the sky too, one thing Hanseol hadn’t noticed and Jae hadn’t dared to mention was quite how dark and cloudy it was beginning to get up above them, Jae didn’t mention it though because despite how much it felt like a cliche, there was a certain charm about getting to kiss your boyfriend atop the Ferris Wheel, letting the dark-haired male pull him in his eyes dropped down to his lips and then the two of them met once again, this one lingering gently for a few seconds before it broke, he let out a long jagged breath thanks to the breathlessness that kissing Hanseol always gave him and then he smiled “Happy Valentine’s day” he responded just as the first few drops of rain started to fall.

At first the rain was tolerable, just spitting lightly and most people, the dhampir and celestial included, hid under the cover of the many different umbrellas which surrounded the many different food stalls but as the rainfall began to get heavier and everyone began to get colder it became evident that the rain was here to stay for the evening. Jae wrapped his arm around Hanseol’s shoulder protectively as though he could shield away the disappointment he might feel about his plans being rained on yet again but even the dhampir couldn’t do anything to stop the downpour. Jae, however, kept eyeing the sky suspiciously always paranoid by when a thunderstorm might come around “Did we do something to annoy Poseidon?” the dhampir questioned lightheartedly though even the umbrella was taking a battering from the rain now and he knew they couldn’t stay here much longer.

Even though he didn't spend most part of his life in Korea, he's a literal Korean at heart. He fell in Busan and was brought up the idealistic ways by his parents, it was enough to take over everything else. Hearing Korean is one thing, being regarded that way however, was another. It was because he never looked older than he was, no one ever thought of calling him hyung, and it wasn't as if he had any Korean friends other than Jae. Or friends, in general. “Oh how right you are, my vision is 10/10. Perfect vision, that's why I could see the beauty that's in front of me without doubt” he winked frivolously and snickered. It sounded so much like him to relate every single thing to the milky land. When he heard him call him hyung again, it really did feel like he had propelled himself in the never-ending universe. “You know it's like how boys want the girls to call them oppa? This feels weirdly similar to it,” he gushed enthusiastically and literally expressed his emotions using his body language. “Ah.. 좋다..(Great).”

It was like the day was going very well for the both of them, the two of them getting to know one another at a steady pace, and everything felt a lot more enjoyable than usual. His grin travelled all the way up to his eyes as it formed a crescent-like shape. “I like hearing you call me hyung.. It feels so special. I know you'll probably call other Korean males hyung too, but knowing you call me by the same just give me chills and goosebumps, the good kind.” It was astonishing how one mere syllable and word was enough to kick him off. “21 years is a long time, Jae. I'm glad you had so many stories to accompany that. Otherwise it would've been so lonely.” Admittedly, Hanseol didn't know much about how a human goes through phases of life, but considering how he's always willing to learn more, it won't be surprising to see getting a hang of it by the end of the week.

He listened intently to what the dhampir had to say about roses, the tone accentuating his words only made it seem a lot more significant than it probably was supposed to be. “Lilies? That's not unusual, don't worry. And bright? Is that why you're attracted to me?” The way he wiggled his eyebrows teasingly indicated that he was enjoying all of this. “Mine is hydrangeas; mophead hydrangeas, especially the blue ones,” he answered, exactly the kind of flower you can find in Eastern Asia like China, Japan and of course, Korea. “you can find it in North America or back home in Korea, I guess it's ironic that way. Gives a sense of homey feeling.” Speaking of which, he probably needed to get some of those flowers soon, to brighten up his place who only had a few plants to begin with. His schedule never allowed him to have the time intended for interior decorating.

Once again hearing a compliment escape the dhampir's lips, he grinned childishly, bringing back that boyish charm. “Perhaps so. I never paid attention anyways. So you might need to remind me occasionally” he snickered softly, trying to find more ways to delve deeper into that sweet side. It was then that he realized he might've been the clingy type a lot more than he would trialed himself to be. He wondered if that would affect the dhampir, since he had no idea if the latter preferred that or the opposite. “You'll need to be sure to finish his adventure then..though that might take a long time because I'm not going anywhere.” He really did mean that, no matter what happens, he's going to stay there, exactly where he belongs at, right by Jae's side. “I intend to give you more reasons to be happy, like your personal cheerleader, with less pompoms and shrieking because I don't do that” he cleared his throat and adjusted his posture.

He was, however, clutching himself from falling because he couldn't take the dhampir seriously after that comment. “That's the whole point though, don't you remember? That night at the dojo, you kissed me without any notice the first time, which was supposedly our first kiss. So this is me redoing our first kiss, in quite a literal sense,” he chided, furrowing his eyebrows in confusion and clicked his tongue while chastising the other male. “doing it and taking you by surprise.” He even went as far as to cross his arms in retaliation, huffing like a 10 year old throwing a temper tantrum because he didn't get the toy he wanted so bad. Well, there's not really much of a difference there too, only he's actually tall in height comparison, and dressed maturely. But with that set aside and everything else is accounted for? Definitely.

It didn't escape his notice when he saw the face Jae made while the celestial was poking him earlier. Did he hit a soft spot? He definitely did. He was confident he did. That's a tale for another day that he'll pry into. Following the comment the dhampir spewed, he clutched his heart dramatically and fluttered his eyes shut as he slightly moved around, flailing in the air. “That struck me.. You're not allowed to be this sweet, I'll get diabetes!” But let's be real, he's not even going to deny that if this is what daily sugary feels like. Diabetes may as well prepare themselves for another patient that's here to stay for a very long time. “I intend to be your everything, but all the Netflix is going to make me very sappy, so beware.” Does that really bother Jae? He didn't think so. But just when he was about to say another word after the kiss, he felt a droplet on his cheek, which caused the celestial to back away also immediately due to the shock. Staring back up at the sky where the moon was shining on them alongside the stars, he squirmed his eyes scrutinizingly and grumbled. Hanseol didn't say anything though, he literally just grumbled and groaned in annoyance as the ride went down quickly afterwards.

Once they got shelter underneath one of the umbrellas, he huffed and continued to glare at the sky that was slowly getting a lot rainier. “Poseidon hates me. I know it, let's hope Zeus doesn't too.” Because thunderstorms are the last thing he wanted the dhampir to endure right now. What was once a beautiful evening turned somber quickly like the weather had no consideration over the others. “And on Valentine's Day, really..” he sighed heavily and leaned against the pole. He pushed away the wet strands of Jae's hair that was covering a small bit of his vision, even in that state, he still looked beautiful. Then, he shook his head rapidly and allowed the water to rinse itself before swiping his hair back. “Think we can rush back home in the rain? Because I really don't want to stay under here until he rain subsides.. Which would not be until after a while. Somehow Netflix and chill sounds a lot better now..” He was very careful on masking his disappointment but he also wanted to get home so they'd be comfortable instead of shivering in the cold.

It was weird how a word could mean everything, a word was just a word, letters arranged to make a sound but the way that you could use them could hold all the significance in the world, that was what got Jae into writing, he liked to think about all of the inner meanings and thoughts behind a word, he liked the ability to the say the same thing 100 different ways. It was interesting how the word hyung was so significant to Hanseol, back home it was just a given to use it, it was polite when addressing someone older but here, of course, he had to learn to shake that habit, at least with people who weren’t Korean. But he had to remember that Han was Korean and it was pretty likely that no one had called him that before “It’s strange how a word can be so simple and mean so much” which worked for many that were on the dhampir’s mind this particular evening.

When Hanseol put his thoughts into words Jae smiled softly, he liked the fact that something as simple as how he referred to him could bring the celestial happiness and it felt natural to say it anyway, Jae was the one who had let it slip first after all. “21 years is just getting started in a city like this” the dhampir teased mock offense that the other male might suggest he was old, Jae definitely still had a lot of growing into himself to do, he still wasn’t sure who Jaesung Moon was when it wasn’t suffixed with son of Dongsuk Moon. Jae was very lucky to have the life he had til now, with siblings that kept him company and parents who shared a happy marriage but he was starting to realize that he wasn’t what they wanted him to be and didn’t think he would ever be.

It was weird how talking about flowers felt so natural, with any other male the topic of flowers would have been hit back with some comment about how flowers were for girls, which would cause Jae to roll his eyes at the backward society he lived. Hearing Hanseol talk so openly about his like for them made the dhampir smile brightly “Well I did really like the bright red hair you had” he commented with a chuckle, for once not teasing the other male and calling it pink “I’ve always liked bright things, I used to have a string of lights up above my bed in my room back in Korea” but they’d eventually broken so sadly he couldn’t bring them to Evermore with him. “Hydrangeas huh?” Jae asked picturing the towering looking flower in his mind, he always remembered them smelling really fresh “Those are the kind of flower you have to take good care of though” he remembered his mother had one for a short time before she forgot to water it and it had wilted.

Jaesung chuckled softly as Hanseol spoke about not paying attention, that seemed to be a common trait with Han, he always seemed to miss the bigger point and instead noticed the little things, like how a group of girls could be completely fawning over him and he’d think about giving them hair dying tips. It didn’t escape the dhampir’s notice either that Hanseol always seemed to try and get him to trip over himself and say something cheesy too and for the most part it was working, it was hard not to reciprocate the sweet things than Hanseol said but this whole night he had been choosing his words very carefully, stopping and thinking about how he said each one which only caused the apprehension he’d been feeling before he came here today to grow. “That’s the fun thing about an adventure though” the dhampir smiled softly “It lasts for as long as you’re willing to keep going” which means they may never finish the adventure but that was okay because it meant there was always more to see. When Hanseol spoke about being a cheerleader he had to admit the members of the cheer squad did come to mind for a few brief seconds and he laughed imagining the fallen star with pom poms “Yeah I don’t think the uniform would suit you either” he teased with a gentle laugh.

As Jae looked back at Hanseol as he explained his intentions with the kiss there was a dopey, hopeless look in Jae’s eyes, his head tilted to the side as he watched him talk “So was I supposed to just freeze?” Jae asked though his tone was soft and adoring “Because I don’t think I can actually resist kissing you back” he admitted with a sheepish smile on his face, he could try but whenever Hanseol leaned in close Jae found himself going into autopilot, naturally wanting to pull him in and claim his lips, though beautiful, pouty lips that he loved. Which made a full appearance as Hanseol huffed and crossed his arms and had Jae staring shamelessly at them for a few seconds, God he was so gorgeous it hurt, even when he was sulking.

Jae laughed when Hanseol reached to clutch his chest and fell back in response to Jae’s words, Jae wasn’t the type to constantly be saying sweet things, he preferred to write those down instead but Hanseol had said something earlier that stuck with him, about him deserving to hear the way he felt, it had definitely resonated with the dhampir who had been trying to put it into words and then chickening out and rewording it in his mind all evening. Jae hummed softly when Hanseol spoke about Netflix and being sappy “My sappy romantic boyfriend” he commented softly with a smile as the two of them had leaned into the sweet kiss. When they parted Jae was about to speak again, feeling a surge of confidence go through him from the adrenaline. And then the rain had started and the moment passed. The two of them got off the ride and headed for shelter under the umbrellas.

Despite the fact that Jae wasn’t all that fond of the cold and wet, he was still doing his best to stay in good spirits, they had managed to actually make it to the date this time and had gotten to experience many new things for both of them, things that wouldn’t quickly leave his mind. He was just kicking himself a little for not making the most of the confidence that had been filling him tonight. He worried a little at his bottom lip over it but his focus was mostly on keeping Han in good spirits, he had seen once before how he felt about his plans being ruined.

The dhampir’s eyes did waver a little when Hanseol mentioned Zeus and his eyes shot to the sky suspiciously but he shrugged it off, there was nothing he could do to control the weather so there was no point asking for it. When Jae felt Hanseol brushing the strands of his hair aside he turned to look back at the celestial for a moment and just smiled, it could be the storming and he would still be happy to be with Hanseol, albeit probably hiding into his shoulder for shelter but he would still be happy. The way that Hanseol said home and Jae’s mind instantly went to the celestial’s apartment was strange but not unwelcome, the dhampir had come to associate the celestial with the idea of home, the place he wanted to return to.

“Yes, let’s go home” Jae said softly as he threaded his hands through Hanseol’s and then braced himself for the rain “On three” Jae spoke brightly before counting down to three and then making a mad dash out into the space pulling Hanseol with him as he did so, he retraced the route they had come back to the entrance of the amusement park. Jae was panting a little and completely soaked through when he pulled the other male under the cover of one of the ticketing booths which was now closed. His eyes dropped to Hanseol’s face and Jae sighed softly, despite Han’s best efforts to hide his disappointment, Jae could sense it was there, looming over them a little like the clouds above.

“No” he spoke softly as he pressed a finger under Hanseol’s chin to make him stop staring at the floor and look up into his eyes. Suddenly Jae felt a pang of nervousness, his throat going a little dry as he stared into Hanseol’s eyes, he thought about backing out again but this time he shook his head at himself and continued “You are not going to remember tonight at the night your date got rained on twice okay?” Jae without thinking had lifted their joined hands so they were resting between the two of their chests, feeling the soaked coat that Hanseol was wearing Jae laughed “Okay the rain may be a small part of the memory but…” he trailed off and then took a long and shaky breath, it was obvious from the way his hands trembled and the way his heartbeat sped up that this was important to him “You are going to remember this night as the night that your boyfriend told you he loved you” his eyes were serious as he held the celestial’s gaze “사랑한다, 박한설 (I love you, Hanseol Park)” Jae parted his lips and stared a little shocked that he’d managed to say it as he waited for the male’s reaction.

He never thought he'd get so worked duo over such a word that really gets passed around easily the older community because it was a term of formality, but to some it might also increase the level of significance they had on that said person's life and when this confirmed it, Hanseol was deliberately over the roof and was ready to fly around happily, given that he was able to. But since he couldn't, he was ready to dance around though. He really liked Jae calling him in general, but hyung, it had a nice ring to it, a form of endearment too. Let the celestial be all sappy over a word, because that radiates big energy of Hanseol Park. “I know right.. I swear if you called me hyung more times than usual, I might actually buckle my knees everytime,” Such a dangerous word, but one he really relished in, so it was worth it. “though it wouldn't help me stop fawning over it.” Yeah, tough luck there.

When Jae said his age was still young, and how it's literally young in general, the celestial scoffed and looked away for a few seconds before returning his gaze on the dhampir, with a pure offended look present across his face. “Excuse you, are you saying that I'm old? I can't believe you're making me feel like an ahjussi. You're something, Jaesung Moon. Only you can make your boyfriend feel old while complimenting with sugary sweetness” he chided, shaking his head in retaliation to the dhampir's remark playfully. The fallen star likes the smallest things in life that could hold so much significance to a person, so he's an avid fan of flowers, especially when he tends to use most of their essence to give a floral scent to all his canvases. It held a distinct smell that he was proud that he even thought of that in the first place. The smell is important. It goes straight to an individual's heart. “Yeah, you have to constantly take care of it, which is the point of it. A test of competency too. If I can't take care of my flowers, how am I supposed to take care another person or another living being? My day job is saving animals like a hero, remember?” he chuckled softly, drumming his fingers against the dhampir's palm.

His eyes did lit up when he recalled the other male hinted on his colored hair. “Yes, it's bright red, bright magenta red, not pink. Finally, you acknowledge it” he poked and nudged the mint-haired male teasingly, lining his lips in a triumphant grin that made him more brighter in comparison because he's happier. “Well you don't have lights now, but I can be yours. I'll shine your path everywhere without you even needing to ask me.” Hanseol would volunteer anyday to do that though. At this point, he was so sure there wasn't a thing he wouldn't want to do for Jae. Spending this day with Jae had went on smoothly, and he really liked seeing that one of his plans turned out well. “You're in it for a ride then, Jaesung Moon. Because I'm immortal and I will take on any obstacle when it's about you, so I'm confident I'll last for a while in the long run, just don't go get bored on me,” he winked, intertwining their fingers together and hummed a tune. “Oh please, you know I'll still rock those uniform and pom poms in hand.” Okay, all those sudden surge of confidence has got to go somewhere, no?

He couldn't stop his grin from widening like a cheshire-like one when he heard that. To the point where he needed to hold his cheeks because it felt hot and burning, from what he thought was desire. Jae was so cute it was unreal, he didn't even need to try. If they didn't need air, he probably would have never pulled away from the kiss. He wanted more, obviously. “You weren't supposed to freeze, but I appreciate the sentiment though. I mean let's be real,” turning to face the dhampir, he rolled his shoulders smugly. “who could resist to kiss this guy.” All of that will get you flying around, Hanseol. But the celestial didn't mind, all he wanted to do is make up to Jae because then the pesky weather decided to rain on their parade quite literally for the second time, much to his chagrin. “Your sappy romantic boyfriend is about to be real sappy about the weather though. It literally couldn't have picked a better timing.” Seeing the wet hair and how some of Jae's clothes clinging to every curve of his body despite the rain on his body being minimal, the rain somehow seemed to give him a solution at the end of the road.

If he could fight the air, he would. But he's guessing he would be able to thank the rain again like the first time because it makes room for improvisation. But for now, he feels like a wet dog, and a dog that really wants to spend the next few hours snuggled up in warmth with hot chocolate with the other male by his side. Spending the rest of the late evening at his home seemed very viable as of now and he wouldn't complain, though it was pretty obvious how he's a little put down by the sudden change in the weather. Why did he think it was going to be different from the first time today? He nodded in agreement when the dhampir suggested to sprint at the count of three, pen which he abided as his legs took him to the entrance; the ticket booth. A place that was once filled with people, but now deserted no doubt due to the rain.

His house is not that far away, but it would take a 15-20 minutes walk, so his head was actually calculating how long the estimated time of arrival would be for the two of them if they went through the rain to get there. The pout is inherent though, so it was pretty much displayed on his face, protesting against the weather internally even now. He's never going to live this one down. Though he'll admit he was a bit surprised when Jae lifted his chin from the ground and told him there was nothing to be upset about. Hanseol was about to retaliate and say the weather is such a problem either way but clamped his mouth shut when he heard what came from the dhampir afterwards. “W-what,” As if all air left his body, the celestial was left to be shook to the core, staring straight into the dhampir's hues. That confession was so unexpected but also expected at the same time, what really did took him was the fact that he had no words to describe what he's feeling. Ironically, they had just spoken how words became so significant and this is one other case into it.

Those words kept ringing in his ears, reminding the star every second of what it meant. Coming from Jae, whom he knew had a difficulty adjusting to this, it means a lot, not scratch that, it means everything. “You're full of surprises, Jaesung Moon. First, you displayed public affection with me. Two, you kissed me out of the blue in front of everyone,  gave me a letter, now this? Are you sure I'm the one that brings a mystery box of surprise over with me everytime?” he snickered momentarily before allowing the smile to travel up to his eyes as he beamed in delight. What came after next surprised even himself, much less the dhampir. The rain that grew louder at the background had somehow served more purposes as of then.

Allowing his hands to fall down to the sides of the male, he rubbed them over his arms at a steady pace, before taking a hold of both his hands in his hold, bringing them up to his lips and kissed the knuckles respectively. “I had to do that first.. Then I can do this,” he murmured silently and released his hold, only to replace it with pushing Jae against the wall of the booth, and sucked in a deep breath before leaning closer so he could meet his lips once again. His hands still held on both the dhampir's arms delicately. “난 그 말을 듣기를 기다리고 있다. 하지만 난 그것이 너에게 얼마나 감미롭게 들리는지 결코 짐작할 수 없다. (I've been waiting for you to say that. But I can't fathom how melodic it sounded from you.)” he mumbled against the kiss. “You have to know my response to this.. 나도 사랑한다, 문재성. (I love you too, Jaesung Moon.)” He could taste the cotton candy from earlier, which only caused the celestial to groan into the kiss.

Jae kinda liked the way that Han got caught up in words, he liked to think that the things he said would have an impact on the celestial because that just showed his importance to him “Well, you already know I like to use words that make you breathless” Jae was referring to the way that Hanseol had reacted to him calling him baby earlier, of course, it seemed that nicknames and titles were one of Han’s weaknesses. Handy, because Jae didn’t seem to be able to stop himself from giving them. When Hanseol pointed out that Jae had suggested he was old the dhampir gave a slightly guilty “I mean technically you only got to live 6 years of your life so I think we can call you young at heart” Hanseol was more naive that Jae sometimes, he was smiling like an idiot through the scolding that Han gave him.

Jae had never really seen caring for flowers as a test really, but he had done a pretty good job of keeping his mother’s flowerbeds watered in the summer to make sure that they didn’t wilt, he really liked going out and looking at the brightly colored blooms from time to time. What really made Jae smile was hearing Hanseol call himself a hero, or hint at it anyway, because seeing confidence in his own ability was all Jae wanted for Han “A superhero at times” the dhampir commented with a smile, he loved the way that Hanseol was around animals, always so gentle and thoughtful with them, as though he could hear what they were thinking, it was definitely a trait he admired a lot.

The dhampir saw the look of triumph in Hanseol’s eyes before he even went to speak about his hair color, Jae remembered the bright shade of red fondly in his mind, not that he didn’t like Hanseol’s natural hair color, he wasn’t sure anything would actually look bad on the fallen star, but he had a soft spot for the red “Hey I wasn’t the one who came up with the pink statement” he defended with a chuckle. Jae actually really missed having those stupid twinkling lights in his room and he made a mental note to look on Amazon for some more, if anything because it would remind him of Hanseol when they were apart. “If only you could be around every time I needed light” Jae mused with a chuckle, that would be pretty impractical though considering he had classes and the likes to worry about. The dhampir smiled softly at the idea of there being a long adventure ahead of him, that made him excited to see where it might lead them “How could I ever?” Jae stated almost matter of factly, the celestial was fascinating to him, he didn't’ foresee that going away anytime soon.

The younger male looked up to Hanseol and laughed when he saw the wide anime-like grin on his lips and then he put his hands on his own cheeks, he liked the way that Hanseol blushed but then seemed to carry on with whatever embarrassed him anyway, always coming back for more almost like he enjoyed the feeling. The smug statement from Han caused Jae to narrow his eyes “Well hopefully everyone but me because I’m afraid I don’t share very well” the dhampir had to admit he didn’t want to be thinking about anyone else touching those perfect full lips that he was slowly becoming familiar with. Jae wasn’t possessive in the sense that he wanted to control anyone but he did believe in the idea of commitment and monogamy. As the rain came pouring from the sky the dhampir was reminded of the first time the two of them had been caught in a rainstorm and had been forced to change out of wet clothes, they definitely didn’t seem to have a good track record so far.

Jae didn’t really hate the rain but he did hate that way rain could often become storms and storms quickly became his worst nightmare. He was doing his best not to think about that too much as the two of them dashed between the heavy downpour not really avoiding getting themselves soaked in the process until they tucked themselves away under the partial shelter from the ticket booth. Jae reached up to push his unruly wet hair out of his eyes before his eyes turned on Hanseol. It made him a little sad to see Hanseol when he was disheartened like that,.especially when he was all soggy and looked a little like the weather had given him an actual kick to the gut.

Jae didn’t really know where the confidence came from, he had been trying to say these very words all evening, he even brought the letter along in a way to force himself to say it out loud because it wouldn’t make a lot of sense if Jae didn’t finish this part off. Every time he had felt like it was the right time he had talked himself out of it and every time he said something else he just found himself getting more and more nervous about saying the real thing. So Hanseol’s reaction had him holding his breath a little. The dhampir had been pretty confident from the way Han talked and acted that he felt the same way but it still didn’t stop the apprehension from taking him over as he waited for Hanseol to say something, anything.

Hanseol kinda looked like he had been startled out of his wits by what Jae said, had it really been that surprising, he had found many moments this evening where it had been on the tip of his tongue and honestly he was wondering if Hanseol was about to beat him to it back there on the Ferris Wheel. Hanseol’s words caused him to let go of the breath he had been holding, it wasn’t exactly what he had been hoping to hear but it was something “Well the letter was more motivation for me than anything” he commented softly and bit on his lip “I still think you’ll like what it says though” Jae nodded a little noting the way Hanseol smiled which eased his worries a little, he hadn’t run off already so Jae felt relieved about that.

He was still watching Hanseol wondering if he was going to say it back though, Jae really wanted to hear those words returned to him, so much so that he felt his heart clench in his chest at the possibility it was one-sided. Jae’s eyes traveled down to their joined hands, watching was Han moved slowly over his knuckles with his lips, the dhampir ran his tongue over his bottom lip enjoying the sweet gesture the celestial offered but he was still holding his breath and his heart still felt like it was leaping and somersaulting in his chest. He was a little caught off guard when he felt the fallen star push him up against the wall of the booth and all the space between them instantly disappeared, he didn’t even care about the wet clothes that dug into his side as he felt Hanseol’s lips meet his.

The kiss was sweet but also passionate as they moved against one another and Jae listened to the words that Hanseol murmured between kisses and against his lips as the two of them got lost in one another, the dhampir’s hand went up into the celestial’s hair, not giving a damn that it was soaked through, he just wanted to hold onto him at that moment. And then Hanseol said those words that Jae had been begging him to say in his mind and the dhampir felt himself melt on the spot, easing onto the kiss they were sharing and holding the celestial as close as was humanly possible “You do?” he couldn’t help himself from saying as the kiss broke for a few seconds before they returned to one another, the celestial tasted sweet and his kiss was soft and yet deep at the same time and the groan did something to the dhampir that no one managed to achieve before, made him want more. Jae wanted it to last forever. “Oh God you do” he repeated almost in disbelief as he broke the kiss again to peck all over the celestial’s face, he didn’t even care if anyone happened to pass at that moment, he was too busy reveling in the euphoria he felt in that moment.

The celestial couldn't stop himself from losing to the world of giggles, because for the next few minutes, it was the only thing he's been doing. Things seemed to be looking up pretty good, and much to his delight, there wasn't anything that would ruin this whole situation and make them turn a whole 180. Probably a little too soon for him to be saying that because every time he thought everything is fine, the world shocks him with news of their own, throwing the celestial off the ridge without any notifications. Cruel, huh. “You being you in general already made me breathless for every second that I spend with you. Should I get a prescription for inhalers from now on, then? You know, so I wouldn't find myself admitted into a hospital one of these days because I kept getting my breath hitched every time you do,” pausing momentarily, Hanseol tried to rack his head to find the suitable word in this situation. “well.. You.” It doesn't help but at least he's talking and not sputtering in jittery, he actually could speak now.

True, Hanseol didn't actually spend most part of his life living, 85 of them alone were him in a cell, given enough food and water to last for a day and the next, and the next. Ironically, there was never a dull moment in his life because of it, up until he eventually grew tedious of the same cycle overlapping again and again. “I proudly say I'm a certified baby boy. Because, 6 years old.” It also didn't help with his growing up process when he fell and came out in an 18 year old vessel, who then also acted like he's never lived a day in his life, because he didn't. Everything was surreal, even until today. The fallen star could never admitted being different though, despite all fiber in his body telling him he didn't care what people thought of it. Perhaps he did care, just a tiny little bit. He beamed enthusiastically when he heard Jae call him a superhero. “I’ll be your superhero anyday, Jaesung Moon.” Admittedly he was the one who started it, but the significance didn't die down when he heard the person he wanted to hear, utter them.

There were times when he could easily pass off as a cold and stoic person, but that was only because he is quiet and introverted, which also didn't help his timidness and shyness when dealing with customers and clients in general. That's why he always made sure they book him for an appointment individually, in his office. Even though he's been working at the clinic for over two years, he never went out for any outing with his coworkers. The only thing he knew about them goes as far as to their names and age, nothing more and nothing less. Even after the working hours, he reprimanded himself to keep a working professional front because he didn't dare bring them into his personal life that's not exactly ideal. But if they were willing to look past that and get to know him, perhaps they'll see that he's a literal ball of light. He's that kind of guy you want to hide away from the toxicity plaguing the world, all because he's just too pure to be tainted. Make no mistake however, for he is a lot more than what he displayed himself to be.

Scrunching his nose up in annoyance, the celestial huffed grumpily. “The dyed out magenta red makes it look pinkish, and I couldn't be bothered to actually redye it last time, that's probably why people actually called it pink” he murmured, it's not as if he disliked the particular color, it's just that Hanseol was a rather meticulous guy who's always so peculiar about everything. Everything had to be perfect, it was one of the main factors to why he's always so disheartened by the weather pushing his dates off the cliff like it was nothing when he's been planning them for an entire night. It's safe to say that the star takes everything he does seriously, even if it doesn't show. “True. Our schedules are pretty hectic respectively, but I'm glad we're still able to spend a sufficient amount of time together though. It couldn't have been easy trying to spare your time with all those studies.” They were both working their paths and often interlinked them together occasionally. It shows just how committed they were to their newly blooming relationship.

A delectable smirk came across his features, as he hummed in delight at the statement from the dhampir earlier. “I never pegged you for a possessive type, Jae. Damn,” he mused, would he deny that it does flutter his heart by a mile? Hell no. It gave him a weirdly new sensation that made him want the dhampir even more, if that was even possible to begin with. “that's hot though. Not gonna lie about that.” Every single movement he made was all so suggestive it was still a surprise how Hanseol hasn't even initiated anything other than a few kisses here and there. Him hating the rain shouldn't be a new thing, which was really ironic, considering the celestial actually liked watching the downpour. But when it comes to putting a stent in his plan, he really doesn't. Half of home as ready to curse at the poor weather who was just doing its job.

Although he can say, for yet another time, he was contemplating into thanking the insane weather because of how perfect their lips molded against one another. The rain was a small factor, okay, major factor to this whole thing. But what drove it as a starter was that confession from his dhampir. There was conviction in his look, to say Hanseol was impressed would be the understatement of the century because at that exact moment, the celestial wanted to shower him with the love he could. He admitted that he saw the change in the male's look when he didn't immediately say the same to reciprocate the confession. He wasn't going to do just that, it felt too normal and simple. So he took that situation as a chance to show just how deeply he was in love with the mint-haired guy that took a chance on him when no one else would. The kiss was passionate, drove by the need inside him to really showcase what he feels towards the dhampir in a single kiss alone. It felt like a challenge, if he was being honest.

“I'll like whatever you say, Jae.” he mumbled softly,  audible enough for his ears to hear. At first it shocked Hanseol to see the sudden domineering energy that surrounded his persona the moment he pushed Jae against the booth and claimed his lips as his own, but it was the good kind of shock. He never thought it existed inside him, the need, the selfish want. If this is what being selfish and greedy feels like, he's game. The way the dhampir's hands were tangled with his own dark locks had him over the frenzy, overwhelmed by the sudden imminent desire to love him. His hold on both Jae's arms shifted, one hand snaked around his waist while pulling him closer, maintaining a very close proximity against each other, and the other travelled up to his left cheek – brushing the water droplets on them tenderly. Hanseol was treating Jae like he was a porcelain doll, and it really doesn't matter when the dhampir could easily pass off as one.

When the kiss was broken and Jae continued to pepper his face with kitten kisses, he chuckled. “If I'm being selfish because I’m greedy into wanting you, then condemn me to hell and I would gladly take it” he muttered, his breath jagged up but still smiling like a lovestruck idiot. Oh, he's whipped. Devastatingly. “Of course I love you, pabo.. You're mine, remember?” he giggled, pecking his forehead and stole a sneaky kiss on the lips. “Can we finally go home, though? Because to be fair, the day isn't over yet, and I intend to make the most of this rain because it owes me.” With that, the celestial took both hands into his grasp and pulled Jae with him as they walk through the rain and head back home. They'll probably have a flu, but at that moment? He couldn't find the strength to care. Taking off his overcoat, he placed it over the dhampir and pulled him close as they scurry off. If that wasn't enough, halfway on the route back home, Han suddenly pulled the dhampir close and tilted his chin to meet his eyes. “I can never say this enough but I love you.”

There is something so heavenly about a kiss in the rain, a tender moment that just won't wait. To Hanseol, it is that burst of love that is expressed, not caring if the water soaks through to chill the skin. It is a connection that shows the strength of the feeling, the mutual need. It is a rebellion against the elements. Nature can bring the rain but their inner sunshine comes through just the same. In the rain Jae's hair becomes one with his face, wetly draped over the bone structure that drives the celestial crazy. He didn't want to let go of the dhampir, his hands holding the male as if he was his lifeline. It's as if he's been transported somewhere heavenly and perhaps if it weren't for the cold rain, Han might believe he had.


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