"Look, I don't want any trouble, okay? Just leave me be and I'll be out of your sight before long. I promise." That's what he had been telling those weirdly dressed and rugged men who had chased him all the way from the last stop to the docks at Reykjavik. He even promised them he would be out of their sight if they would give him the chance to do so but all he received were laughter that felt antagonizing. He remembered running. All he did was run and run until his legs finally couldn't take it anymore and give out halfway before reaching his destination. He remembered how hard the pavement was and how his knee was scrapped because of his fall. He remembered the shoutings and hoots from the group of men who would not stop chasing him even when he's done nothing to warrant the chase.

 He didn't steal neither did he lie. Han was just trying to walk around and mind his day per usual. He didn't ask for any of that. And most importantly, he remembered how he kept asking the sky every single night, "What did I do wrong?" He didn't know why people kept chasing him and nobody gave him an answer. The memories felt so fresh in his head, like it wasn't that long ago since it happened when it has been over 87 years since it occurred. When he woke from his nightmare, he was already sweating and Hanseol wasn't even surprised. The Celestial haven't had a hard time sleeping due to Jae but ever since Sunmin appeared in his life, he couldn't get rid of this nagging feeling that was slowly eating his heart away. What if Sunmin was facing the same trouble he once faced? What if he was in trouble somewhere and he wasn't there to help?

 From the looks of things the last time, he was confident that the other male was able to take care of himself but he still couldn't stop wondering how he was living his day. Did he sleep comfortably? Is it cold where he's at? Is he dressed warmly? Is he eating well? So many questions kept bombarding his head and it hasn't allowed Han to have any peaceful nights at all. In result of that, the brunette had been searching for Sunmin every chance he could. He even went back to that church he found him, but there were no signs of him. It was like he never went there, at all. Han went to every single place he thought Sunmin would be at but to no avail, his search was futile. 

Today was one of those days again, where he would search for the other Celestial endlessly without realizing how much it was slowly taking a toll on his health and well-being. He was supposed to check out from his work 2 hours ago, he was supposed to go home to the embrace of his loving boyfriend, he was supposed to stop wasting his time on this search. There were plenty of things Hanseol was supposed to be doing yet here he was, still waiting in front of the church he first met Sunmin, coughing from the cold weather while only dressed in his work clothes that was nowhere near warm enough for the Celestial to be battling the cold. He even left his coat at his office. The clock struck 11 30 pm and he was still sitting on the bench that was slightly covered by snow, hoping that he would be able to catch a glimpse of Sunmin again. "Where are you, Sunmin…"

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Jae was extremely proud of how far the two of them had come, after that first time they were attacked in the clinic the two of them knew they needed to take measures to better protect themselves, Jae had gone to Donovan who had taught him to embrace his Dhampir side, to be resourceful and brave, to fight with the same conviction he always had, but fight it smart to ensure that he came out of the other side again. As they were running, Jae made the effort to grab anything and everything he could see, from trash cans to bits of abandoned wood so he could throw them into the middle of the path to help keep those following from getting much closer to the other male. Jae had this feeling, this instinct that they needed to protect this guy and he was going with it, while holding as tightly to Han’s hand as he could.

By the time they finally managed to break away from the pack he heard someone yell if he ever came back in the distance but it was clear the chase was over. The figure had a hoodie on so it was hard to see his face but his frame seemed like a young male, just like Han’s. With that, Jae slowly dropped the hand which was holding Han’s so that the other male would be visible again to the figure. Han was the medic of them and now that he was closer, he could see the prominent features of the young male which matched the painting, this was Sunmin and Han had been right all along.

He took a deep breath because the wound looked bad but he stepped back for a moment because Sunmin was talking to Han, or rather, he was talking to what he thought was an illusion of Han. He pressed his lips together, it didn’t look good, that was for sure. Jae pressed a firm hold on Han’s shoulder just as he took off his invisibility rune “He’s going to need you to help him okay, I’m going to run back and get the car so we can get out of here” He gave Han an encouraging smile because if anyone could help Sunmin right now, it was him and with that the Dhampir took off running back the way they came, avoiding the general path of the where the thugs were but making a beeline for the car as quickly as they could because he knew they were going to need it, they needed to get Sunmin out of there as quick as possible, there wasn’t even time for introductions.

Their growth was something Han was immensely proud of, they weren't perfect but they make it work and somehow made the perfect standards look shy. While he knew Jae had been training with Donovan at the dojo even more frequently, Han trained with Phe, controlling his energy was the most vital part of learning better and he was able to achieve that. He was still lacking in offensive stages and relied better on defensive movements which clearly said that Hanseol wasn't going Tobe asked helpful in the front lines. His parried movements didn't deliver as much momentum but his shields were so much better compared to it. The more he thought about Jae, the brighter it glowed and the stronger it was to penetrate it. He's tested it out with Phe who never stopped helping him. 

Throughout the entire time they were tailing the other figure, Han only had one thing to focus on; the figure. His eyes followed how he dashed away and turned, prompting for his own feet to pick up the pace, with his hand still holding onto Jae's, due to the invisibility rune. Fortunately, it didn't seem like the gangs were all too diligent or determined to chase that guy down because there was no more seeking. Which leaves the two of them to tail this mysterious lone figure and see if that's who he thinks it is. The sight of a bleeding man should make him scrunch his nose up because Han generally doesn't like violence at all. He was thankful he didn't see how the other male got the wound. But it was clear that once he caught a glimpse of who the curled figure was, Han parted his lips in surprise.

 It is Sunmin.

 He finally found him. 

His instincts proved him right to follow him. For a moment there, he forgot all about the invisibility rune on them, until Sunmin started murmuring deliriously. When Jae released his hold on him, he actually grabbed a hold of his wrist, his eyes clearly showed the distressed and panicked look, begging for the dhampir but to go and leave him alone but alas, someone had to stay and look after Sunmin and he was the closest to a medic. With a heavy sigh, he crouched down, near to his level and tried to pry the other male's hand away so he could inspect the wound properly. "Did you mean everything you said... " he mumbled gently and helped the younger male to sit properly against the wall instead of curling on the cold ground. He was also able to see the wound better with the help of the light illuminated from the lamp post.

 A part of him was glad that Sunmin was going to search for him, after all. "There's no need to search for me anymore… I found you." Han was panicking because Sunmin was losing blood and he had no first aid kit there, nothing to stop the bleeding. His hands wandered all over his own body until he found a handkerchief he always carried around, it was a gift from Jae, actually. He was so afraid of getting it dirty, Han never actually used it because of it. But it's that or nothing. The Celestial pressed the towel-like handkerchief against his wound and tried to sling his hand around his neck so he could guide him to the front where Jae could get them. "Come on, Sunmin, work with me. You can't go now… I only just found you again... " But he too, fell on the ground because of the uneven balance due to the other male's sluggish form. "You can't leave me now... Make it up to me, Sunmin... Now." 

His eyes widened the moment that he saw the figure appear from thin air and for a moment he flinched because his first assumption was the male coming towards him was one of the thugs from earlier ready to come and finish him off. His breathing steadied slowly as Hanseol’s face came into view, he represented many of the regrets Sunmin had in his life. He had always thought he was supposed to go through his life alone, he fell alone, no one had been there for him the moment he fell and so from that day he decided he didn’t need anyone else, he would look after himself first. Hanseol was the first person he had met that never asked him for anything, just wanted to know him for him. And Sunmin had done what he always did and doubted him “I abandoned you, I abandoned the one-shot I had” he murmured under his breath in response to him asking if he meant it.

When he prompted for him to move some, he obliged between deep panting breaths because he wasn’t handling the shock of the pain very well, Sunmin had been stabbed before but never in such a way which caused him to bleed quite so controllably “You shouldn’t have, why would you waste your energy on someone who let you down the moment you walked into their life” it was clear that Sunmin truly believed he was hallucinating, that this entire conversation was what was playing in his head to taunt him about the things he never did. But the moment the other male took out a handkerchief and then pressed it against his side he winced, blinking his eyes a few times in shock as he gazed back at the doe-eyed male.

“Are you….really here?” he didn’t have a choice but to lean up against the other male because he didn’t have the strength to stand alone, he felt his body trembling in shock from what he was currently going through and then he felt Han give way he slumped against his side, his head resting against the other male’s shoulder “I’m sorry” he spoke it softly, closing his eyes as he took in the moment of warmth that leaning up against the other male gave him, his voice was croaky because he felt so week “You could have had anyone be your brother and you got the guy who doesn’t know how to care about anyone, you should tell the universe you want a take-back” he gave a dry throaty laugh which ended up coming out as a weak cough. Make it up to me, those words kept echoing in his head as he shivered slightly “It hurts” he complained softly as he gripped tightly against his arm.

He couldn't believe the sight before him, literally. There was a body slumped against the ground and he didn't even need to come closer to know who that was. His hunch was correct, it was Sunmin. So he was the one who the others chased earlier. But for what reason? He had so many questions to ask, so many things indeed but when his dark hues fell onto his crumpled form that was writhing in pain, he couldn't think about it. He had to help him. He had to save him. He just had to. This was his brother they're talking about and he didn't care that Sunmin may not even require his assistance. "Maybe. But how sure are you it's only one shot given to you? Everyone deserves a second chance, so why are you so sure you don't? You're not getting away from me that easily, Sunmin" he shook his head and grumbled while trying to inspect his wound further. He wasn't a people doctor but he knew basic medical first aid. 

Though judging from the wound Sunmin sustained, he was gonna need hospital. Fast. "You didn't let me down... " he mumbled and glanced over him with a frown creasing his features under the moonlit alley, "You were just scared… that's understandable. You've lived your entire life alone, you never knew who you were, whether you had family or not… and I wasn't there for you to get to know, it's perfectly… understandable." Was he hurt when Sunmin left him abruptly that day? Very much so. But he was still his brother. What else could Han do except for expressing his upsetness? But that wasn't the time for it. Right now, the other male needed the hospital desperately. 

He was wide-eyed in worry when he winced, Han thought he had pressed against his wound too hard, "Of course, I'm here. I'll always be there for you. I'm not letting you go" he said in a hushed whisper, not that loud but audible enough for the Celestial to hear within earshot. He tried to pull him back up for a second try, holding onto the other male firmly as he tried to take a few steps to the front, "I always wanted a brother. A family. Anyone. That's what I wished for when I was in my cell… from what I've seen, the universe granted my wish." Admittedly, he wasn't there for Sunmin to guide him or help him but he's here now. It wasn't as if he had much of a choice to do that back then. The circumstances were different. 

"I don't think the universe works that way" he chuckled dryly, "From what I've seen, I have him right here. You can be the most insufferable brat that's ever existed and I still wouldn't trade you" he shook his head and chewed his bottom lip, "You're my brother." When Sunmin complained that it hurts, Han had an alarmed expression and stopped moving, "You're bleeding out, I can't stop it… I... " It was then that he was reminded he was able to curb some of the pain when he emitted his glow, so he tried to search for any possible hint that the other male had done that before, "You still haven't glowed?" 

He let out a gentle sigh between deep breaths “I’ve not known the world to be all that forgiving, a second chance is much like a unicorn, rare and all rainbowy and shit” he chuckled softly because he knew he probably sounded insane, he was blaming his body for feeling all weird and floaty, almost like he was watching himself experiencing this rather than actually feeling it all “Well you know, I think I’m too tired to actually go anywhere right now” he commented softly, he felt himself tense when Hanseol leaned in to inspect the wound but instead of fighting him like he might usually do he closed his eyes so he wouldn’t see the wound himself.

“Your silence is worrying” he commented softly knowing that Hanseol was probably in shock about what he saw there, he had felt the knife go in earlier and it had been deep, a sharp and agonizing pain which lasted only a few seconds but immediately told him he was in trouble. He fluttered his eyes open when Hanseol said he didn’t let him down, the look in his eyes said differently “Then why are you looking at me like I hurt you?” it looked like Hanseol was scared which should have made him equally scared for himself but he couldn’t bring the energy up to panic, he felt too weak to be able to do that “You’re a good person” he spoke softly, noting the way Han explained the way he saw what Sunmin went through “But you know you have the right to be mad at me right?” honestly things would feel easier if he could just be snarky with or mad at Hanseol but how could he be when he was looking at him with such worry ad concern.

Sunmin closed his eyes, nodded his head slightly when he said he would always be there for him. He didn’t know what he did to deserve someone who actually cared about him like this but right now he couldn’t bring himself to fight it. He groaned loudly as he felt Han pull him up, for someone who was only a star, Han was really strong and Sunmin did his best to try and fight the way his body wanted to collapse, it only seemed fair considering how hard Han was trying right? “Your wish” he spoke softly thinking about whether it was linked? Was wishing on a star really as literal as people made it out to be? “I spent my whole time here looking for where I was supposed to be” he spoke it softly “Maybe it was here” he added and nodded his head slowly.

He gave a dry laugh when he said he wouldn’t trade him because of the way he prefixed with him being an insufferable brat “You’re an idiot” he commented under his breath, though there was a level of admiration laced inside the dryness of his voice. He heard how Hanseol was panicking at the rate of bleeding and covered his hand with his own and smiled “It’s okay, you don’t have to stop it, it’s my fault” he bit on his lip, he was scared, before tonight he really hadn’t had anything to lose and now suddenly there was something, something right in front of him. “No” he responded and shook his head slowly when he asked if he had glowed “You can’t take me to a hospital, I don’t” he groaned slightly feeling himself go weak and his body shaking “I don’t have an identity” he looked out over the road and saw the almost blinding white headlights coming towards them.

Han couldn't say it outloud, how Sunmin has indeed hurt him, but it wasn't beyond repair and he was confident that with the other Celestial, once he has recovered from this wound, it'll be better. Han will finally have the chance to get to know his baby brother that he's been wanting to get to know for so long. But for that to happen, Sunmin had to survive and whilst he was sure the wound wouldn't be the one to send him to his death bed, the bleeding, however, could prove to be quite severe than expected. It was why the doe-eyed Celestial was panicking internally when his gaze fell on the soaked cloth pressed against the younger male's torso. "Hey, you're a fallen star. How do you know unicorns don't exist? With that being said, I know you said you messed up shit but you can fix that. You have to, you said you'd make up for it. So one way for that to happen to shut up and stop lamenting on your doom" he joked.

"Death is not about to come knocking on your doorstep, not yet. Not while I'm still around." Because hell's got nothing on Hanseol if his loved ones were to be hurt. A small smile came across his lips when he heard the Celestial said how he's too tired to go anywhere else, "I know one place you can go to. You've been there once. You can be there for more days to come, anytime you want... " He wasn't going to force him, but the tone in his voice was clearly stating that Han really wished Sunmin would take up that offer. "My silence is the only thing keeping me together right now… I'm not used to seeing so much blood from… a non-animal being" Thankfully, Han wasn't that light-headed around blood, in general, subject was able to drag Sunmin with him without fainting. "You're right, you did hurt me, deeply so. I searched everywhere for you, I even neglected my boyfriend because I was so wrapped up on you, but that only taught me one thing, it's that I can't afford to lose you." He doesn't want to lose him.

 "Oh don't worry, I am mad at you. But you'll have plenty of that to come home to, later." The dark-haired male made sure to highlight those words, come home to. Maybe it was here, oh how those words managed to hit him right where he felt it most, the flicker of hope was there, in his expressive eyes. "Maybe you can find out" he murmured softly, the way Sunmin panicked and asked him not to bring him to the hospital was alarming but perhaps he could… heal him. He wanted to drive him there so badly but he also wanted to respect his wishes. "I'm an animal doctor not a people doctor but I guess this isn't that different" Especially when the Celestial had been studying the human anatomies during his studies recently just to keep his mind occupied. With the help of Jae, maybe he can make do.

 "You have an identity now and forever, Sunmin. You're Sunmin Park, my brother. You can create your own later, but you'll always be that to me" It didn't take him long to realize the lights shining on them, that the car was nearby and Han picked up his pace. He saw a familiar face next to the passenger seat on the driver's seat and waved his hand, yeah they can do this. He believes in it. 

He watched the other male as he spoke, he could see the concern in his expression and it occurred to Sunmin that no one had ever really cared about his wellbeing the way Hanseol seemed to. And maybe that was because he had never been this badly hurt before, but Sunmin got the sense from the other male that it was more than that “Well if you asked me 3 months ago if fallen stars were a real thing I would have laughed in your face” he responded in a croaky voice as he pursed his lips “So maybe unicorns are real” he commented it with a low chuckle because he truly wasn’t sure what to believe anymore. Though hearing Hanseol essentially tell him to shut up and stop whining was surprising, a good kind of surprising, perhaps the other star had more spine than he originally thought.

“I mean last I checked there’s a massive wound in my side and who knows what they managed to hit” he responded in his usual sarcastic tone, just because he was potentially facing death didn’t mean he had lost his sense of self, people didn’t change that quickly or easily after all. Sunmin blinked a few times when Han talked about a place to go and it took him a while to realize he was talking about his own home. The young Celestials tilted his head “You’d really open your home to someone you barely even know?” he commented it in a soft, quiet voice because honestly, he didn’t have the energy for much else right now. He chuckled when he mentioned the amount of blood “Yeah not much I can do about that one I’m afraid” he gave a half effort of a smile but winced a little from the pain.

There was some peace in hearing him admit that he was hurt by his actions though, it didn’t make Sunmin feel good about what he did of course, but it did convince him that this person seemed to be genuine, that Han’s motivations seemed to be completely what he said they were “You shouldn’t waste so much of your time caring about someone like me” he commented in a soft tone “But thank you” he spoke honestly as he met his gaze “No one even bothered to be mad at me when I left before” which is exactly why it was so easy to do so, it became evident he didn’t mean enough to them to chase after. And at that moment he saw the hope in Han’s eyes and he felt almost like a disappointment to him because he had the opportunity to go back and have this moment for months now and yet he chose this moment, when he was bleeding out while leaned up against him, to admit it. “Home” he spoke it softly with a slight frown on his face “I’m not sure I know what that is” he admitted softly but it was his way of saying he wasn’t going to fight him on it.

He had more to say, this conversation was far from over but his body was starting to shut down in response to the pain, his eyes felt heavy and every time he blinked he found himself feeling heavier and heavier, he was holding onto the other star with all the strength he had “You seem like you could do anything if you put your mind to it” stubborn no doubt, they shared that trait unsurprisingly. “I’m…” he spoke it softly, this time when he closed his eyes he didn’t open them again “Sunmin Park” and that was the last thing he was able to say before he lost most of his strength to talk or even to move, his focus moved to his breathing, in and out, counting it and trying not to think about the pain.

Of course Jae was worried about Han but he knew from the look of the wound that they didn’t have a lot of time and so the moment he said he was going, Jae took off without looking back, he ran as fast as he could, trying his best not to heave for breath as he made his way back towards the car in a way which wouldn’t lead him straight into the tracks of the thugs from earlier, the last thing they needed was someone to chase them down and try and finish the job. Thankfully the Dhampir had always been good under stress and managed to turn down the right alleys to dodge his way around the streets, he kept his hood up the whole way to ensure no one could see his face.

When he reached the car he didn’t hesitate as he climbed inside, taking only a few seconds to catch his breath before he started the engine and started pulling out, he looked around suspiciously as though he expected one of the people earlier to jump back out somewhere. He didn’t stick around for long though and drove back the way he came as quickly as he could, swerving a little around the corners before he eventually saw the two figures in the distance. He could see how Han had Sunmin leaning against him and the younger star didn’t look like he was in a good place, he wondered for a moment if he should brace himself for the worst but then he did his best to shake it off, he needed to be strong for Han right now.

He pushed open the passenger door the moment that he pulled to a stop and gestured for them both to get inside. He furrowed his brow seeing the way Sunmin was gripping against his side and the blood which stained his hands. He sucked in a long breath and sighed slightly, his eyes immediately turned to Han for direction “What do you want me to do? I can take us to the hospital and we can get him treated there or...we can go back home? I was thinking maybe we could give him my blood, see if we can kickstart some accelerated healing?” anything was worth a try, right?

The entire time had his mind reeling, here he was semi-hoisting another grown male by his side who was bleeding heavily, trying to get him to safety. Thankfully, neither one of those thugs that seemingly chased down Sunmin earlier popped up anywhere. Han had enough to worry, he didn't need any disruptions such as that or he may actually snap in aggravation. From the corner of his eyes, he could very well see how the clothes he had placed against Sunmin's torso was soaking even more in his blood, which was enough to elevate his worries to reach the sky. He couldn't afford any negative thoughts plaguing his head right now but with the condition Sunmin was in, it was hard not to be negative at all. Although it's been only a while since Jae left the two of them to go get their car, it felt ages for him.

 How long ago was that? Where is Jae? Where is his Jae? Did something happen to him? The dhampir was more than capable of taking care of himself even if he was suddenly apprehended by the thugs but that wasn't enough to stop the Celestial from worrying sick. So many what ifs in his head. It didn't help that the other Celestial resting against his side was slowly breathing and actually closed his eyes, "Hey, please stay awake for me" he mumbled softly and tried to shake him awake a bit, "Please" It came out as a small squeak but it was of no use. He was so close to breaking down on the spot, right there and then, until the blinding lights from the car came in his view. Han's eyes lit up almost immediately. Jae

Once they reached each other, the Celestial was so tempted to just launch himself onto the dhampir, he came at the right time and Han desperately missed him. He came when he needed him the most. There were tears brimming and it didn't take long for it to fall on his cheeks, his lips were trembling and so was his hands, "I-..." Even when Jae asked him what he should do, Han couldn't bring himself to say the words, it was as if everything was constricted in his throat, nothing was coming out. His throat felt dry and it made Hanseol coughed a few times before regaining his senses, "Help me get him to the back" he murmured, it was barely audible but between the two of them, it was heard clearly.

 At the sudden mention of hospital, he quickly shook his head, his hand gripping the door handle firmer, "No hospitals. It's not going to be easy to get everything sorted for him… he doesn't have an actual identity keyed in anywhere. Let's just take him home and yeah, we'll… we'll find a way to heal him. Your blood may even do the trick" Once he placed Sunmin properly at the backseat, the male rushed to the driver's seat but his hands were trembling when he set them on the wheels, "I'll… drive." Though it doesn't seem like Han was going to be able to keep himself together without breaking down, much less drive on a rational mind.

Just looking back at Han, Jae could sense that he was panicking and he couldn’t really blame him when he saw how bloodied the cloth against Sunmin’s side was, he didn’t have time to hesitate or worry himself through because if they both went into turmoil then they truly would face the worst. Thankfully, Jae was good at acting under pressure. Seeing the way Han was crying and trembling naturally made the Dhampir take off his seatbelt and head around the car, he was there pretty much the star asked for his help and he climbed inside of the backseat so that he could pull Sunmin in and lay him down while Han pushed “He’s lost a lot of blood, someone is going to need to stay back here with him and hold pressure on the wound” the young star was breathing shallowly, he could hear it well enough to know he was still holding on for now.

“Okay no hospital” he responded it softly as he thought about it for a moment, Han had the mobile clinic stuff back at the house so that seemed like the smartest place to go because he often brought back animals from the clinic so he could keep an eye on them overnight “But Han you know we don’t have a lot of time right?” his eyes followed the star as he headed around the car and climbed into the driver’s seat, he very rarely saw Han willingly want to drive so he had to admit he was pretty surprised by his choice but the Dhampir nodded slightly, reaching a gentle hand forward to rest on Han’s shoulder while his other hand pressed firmly down against Sunmin’s side.

“Hey Han” he spoke it softly because he could tell everything was overwhelming him right now “Sunmin needs you right now, no one else can help him but you” he reminded him not because he wanted to add pressure but because he needed Han to get his head in the game “You’re not alone but you need to push through this okay, I can’t do it for you” his voice was steady throughout, though he did wince a little when he heard the sound of Sunmin groaning, well this was a very strange way to meet your boyfriend’s brother but he would process all of that later “Come on Han, I know you can do this, you did it for me, remember?” Jae hadn’t wasted any time though, he grabbed his dagger out of his pocket and slashed his palm before pressing it against Sunmin’s lips, allowing him to drink some down.

The entire situation was making him panic internally, the blood, the weak state his brother is in and the fact that he was still alone going through all of this without Jae by his side made the Celestial yearn for the dhampir more than anything, at the moment. He swore a whimper escaped him when he called out for his boyfriend, oh how he needed him so badly. It didn't help when Sunmin actually passed out, considering from the lack of response he's receiving no matter how many times he shook him awake. Goddammit. So when the car finally came around, he was already sprinting, Jae. His eyes fell on him and Han wanted to do nothing more than to hug him and cry into his shoulders, saying he couldn't do it. Once they loaded Sunmin to the back seat, he realized that his hands were pretty much soaked in blood; Sunmin's blood

Blinking a few times, he knew he needed to calm down before he eventually goes into a panic attack. It's the same ordeal. Whilst Jae is there to calm him down if it comes down to it, doesn't mean Han is fine. Calm down, Han, he reminded himself. The doe-eyed Celestial tried to brush his hands on his shirt, staining the shirt that was once in stark white color into a muddied version of play doctor episode. "Can you please?" he murmured softly as his response when Jae said someone needed to stay with Sunmin. He wasn't sure if he could drive properly under a non-rational head right now but it was far better than keeping him near a bloodied Sunmin. That's simply going to fasten his panic attack process even further. "I know…" They didn't have time to dwell on this, so Han tried to get his head in the gear once again. Focus, Hanseol. 

Sunmin needs you, the words rang in his head and Han stared at Jae with an unquestionable look that he couldn't decipher on his own. "That's you… that was different... " But was it any different from that night? It wasn't exactly under the same circumstances but Han did nurse Jae back to health after that attack, what he managed to down was stitch the wound cleanly. He can do that. You can do this, Han. When he saw Jae forcing Sunmin too drink some of his blood, he nodded and breathed out gently before changing the gear and began driving away. He didn't know the area as well as the other parts but it didn't take the Celestial long to recognize the signs placed on every corner. "I finally found him again, he can't leave me like that... " he sighed heavily and pressed on the gas because there was no time to waste. 

Throughout the driving period, all he could think was calculating the chances of the younger male's survival. After a while, Han spotted the driveway of their place and quickly parked it in before rushing to open the door for Jae. "Help me get him inside? Can you unlock the door for me? I'll carry him. You know where I do my work when I bring strays back, right? Do you mind switching on the lights and get me a bowl of clean water?"

There was a part of Jae that was worried about Han and that he wouldn’t be able to handle the situation but then the Dhampir was reminded of the time before when he had been injured and Han had taken care of him. Han was definitely stronger than the Celestial probably even believed he was. He did his best to try and keep the star calm as he settled himself in the seat next to Sunmin keeping hard pressure against the wound so stop as much bleeding as possible and then feeding him his blood. He wasn’t sure how much it would help in an emergency situation such as this one but if it helped to speed up the healing process then it might mean Sunmin could hold on long enough to get the treatment he needs.

Jae shook his head slightly when Han said it was him and therefore different “No, you care about him and he needs your help right now to get better” he spoke is words softly because he wasn’t trying to alarm Han, he was trying to assure him that he knew he could do this because he had seen it before. Now that Sunmin had taken down some of his blood he moved his hand to press lightly against his neck to measure his pulse as they drove. Thankfully Han seemed to kick into action enough to actually drive, which was impressive given how nervous he usually was of driving in general “No you’re right, he can’t, so we’re going to do everything we can to make sure he doesn’t okay?” Jae wasn’t sure how much truth could even be in his words right now but he needed Han to think positively and out of them, he was the calmer of the two of them right now.

As soon as they arrived he shifted slightly and laid Sunmin’s head gently against the seat while still applying pressure to his side, he waited for Han to open the door and guided the star’s hands to hold where he was holding before he quickly got out, unlocking the front door and leaving it open before he nodded when Han instructed him for help with treating him. He rushed as quickly as he could through the house to where the operating table was and then flipped on the lights, grabbing the kit Han used from the shelf and putting it up on the table for use and then heading out to head into the kitchen. He watched as Han carried Sunmin through to the room while he grabbed a bowl and poured out enough clean water. When he glanced down at his hands they were shaking a little and he took a deep breath.

He nodded, reminding himself that this wasn’t the time to be getting freaked out and headed back towards the room, heading inside and setting the bowl down next to the kit he had gotten out and then he stepped back, perching himself on the stool in the room so that he could help Han if he asked for it but also so he was out of the way. He watched Sunmin, seeing the way he looked pale and weak but he was glad they had managed to get him out of there so fast “Let me know if you need anything, you’ve got this” he nodded slightly as he fiddled with his sleep a little nervously.


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