"Look, I don't want any trouble, okay? Just leave me be and I'll be out of your sight before long. I promise." That's what he had been telling those weirdly dressed and rugged men who had chased him all the way from the last stop to the docks at Reykjavik. He even promised them he would be out of their sight if they would give him the chance to do so but all he received were laughter that felt antagonizing. He remembered running. All he did was run and run until his legs finally couldn't take it anymore and give out halfway before reaching his destination. He remembered how hard the pavement was and how his knee was scrapped because of his fall. He remembered the shoutings and hoots from the group of men who would not stop chasing him even when he's done nothing to warrant the chase.

 He didn't steal neither did he lie. Han was just trying to walk around and mind his day per usual. He didn't ask for any of that. And most importantly, he remembered how he kept asking the sky every single night, "What did I do wrong?" He didn't know why people kept chasing him and nobody gave him an answer. The memories felt so fresh in his head, like it wasn't that long ago since it happened when it has been over 87 years since it occurred. When he woke from his nightmare, he was already sweating and Hanseol wasn't even surprised. The Celestial haven't had a hard time sleeping due to Jae but ever since Sunmin appeared in his life, he couldn't get rid of this nagging feeling that was slowly eating his heart away. What if Sunmin was facing the same trouble he once faced? What if he was in trouble somewhere and he wasn't there to help?

 From the looks of things the last time, he was confident that the other male was able to take care of himself but he still couldn't stop wondering how he was living his day. Did he sleep comfortably? Is it cold where he's at? Is he dressed warmly? Is he eating well? So many questions kept bombarding his head and it hasn't allowed Han to have any peaceful nights at all. In result of that, the brunette had been searching for Sunmin every chance he could. He even went back to that church he found him, but there were no signs of him. It was like he never went there, at all. Han went to every single place he thought Sunmin would be at but to no avail, his search was futile. 

Today was one of those days again, where he would search for the other Celestial endlessly without realizing how much it was slowly taking a toll on his health and well-being. He was supposed to check out from his work 2 hours ago, he was supposed to go home to the embrace of his loving boyfriend, he was supposed to stop wasting his time on this search. There were plenty of things Hanseol was supposed to be doing yet here he was, still waiting in front of the church he first met Sunmin, coughing from the cold weather while only dressed in his work clothes that was nowhere near warm enough for the Celestial to be battling the cold. He even left his coat at his office. The clock struck 11 30 pm and he was still sitting on the bench that was slightly covered by snow, hoping that he would be able to catch a glimpse of Sunmin again. "Where are you, Sunmin…"

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A part of him actually let out a sigh of relief the moment he heard the sarcasm from him, it was the sign that all is all and Sunmin was actually fine, "I'm glad to see that you haven't lost your sense of humor, at least. I imagine that would've been quite the devastation" He knew he couldn't picture the younger male without his trademark, the everyone had their signature, something that makes them stand out and memorable to some people. To Han, Sunmin had that sarcastic front that was hard for others to penetrate. Sarcasm was his middle name, he was positive on that. Was he feeling tired? Extremely. All he wanted to do was to wash up and fall face first to his bed, and maybe cuddle against his boyfriend in their bed because god knows it's been almost forever since the Celestial has actually slept together with Jae. The thought of it alone was enough to make him grimace, it was a reminder of another episode of his neglect towards his partner. 

Surprisingly, the blood on his shirt was the least of what worried him, the number one on his list was the person sitting right in front of him. The source of all his worries today. He let out a muffled whine when Sunmin said he wasn't one for the rules, "I'm not asking you to suddenly shift into a rule abiding citizen, just that you would be extra careful when moving around so that you would not open those stitches that I had a hard time stitching" his voice was soft and tender, almost matching the exhaustion marring his features. When he moved against his words, Han rolled gdi eyed and made sure he was where he wanted him to be at. The look he returned at him clearly said he didn't mind manhandling him if he needed to. The last thing he wanted to worry about tonight is his feelings towards him. Get him to feel better first, then he'll work on their relationship.

 He didn't know what it was but Byul who was generally the one who had a hard time opening up to people, was smitten by Sunmin. And she had only met him once. Maybe he sensed their siblinghood? She does have a certain kind of love towards him, after all. Han crossed his arms and smiled softly when he noticed how the husky climbed up on the bed and laid her head on the other male's lap, "Must be something about you that attracts her. She doesn't open up very easily… and she's only met you once." Honestly, he was just glad to see that Sunmin was fine with her, at least. That meant he would have company, aside from him. 

"No kidding… I have plenty of questions to ask but that could be reserved for another day. Yes, I plan to keep you here… until you're better and even after that, if you'd like… I- I don't want to lose you again" he sounded so defeated, like he wouldn't be able to handle it if he was to leave again. "But I'm just gonna ask you one, because you need your rest and I need mine… couldn't keep you up all night too. How the hell did you get yourself in so much trouble you got stabbed? That was quite the deep cut... " 

Sunmin scoffed when Hanseol said he was relieved he hadn’t lost his sense of humor and shrugged his shoulders slightly “They’d have to do more than just stab me to take that” the person he was was made up of all the experiences he had been through in his life and there was going to be little anyone could do to change that now, they could try if they wanted but Sunmin knew himself by now. The young Celestial wasn’t the kind to let anyone influence him, he watched the world from a distance, he made decisions as he saw fit and he never let anyone tell him what he could and couldn’t do. It was evident from Hanseol’s reactions that he wasn’t used to being around someone like him.

He could look of exhaustion marring Hanseol’s expression which did give him pause for thought though, it must have been distressing for him to deal with Sunmin’s injuries while keeping his promise not to take him to the hospital. He could respect the other male for that because most would have ignored what he asked and marched him straight there anyway but Hanseol kept his word and that did mean something. So he did give in and lean against him as he asked “I’m never going to be a rule-abiding citizen” he admitted in a slightly teasing voice because if the other male hoped for that he might as well give up on him now.

Seeing the husky who made herself comfortable in his lap, he smiled, he could tell from the way she gently laid herself against him that she knew he was hurt and she was trying to comfort him. He ran his fingertips gently through her fur, it was having the desired effect, he did feel calmer and in a strange way...safe. “Animals have always seemed to like me” he admitted in a soft voice as he looked at her, he never really knew why but he would be the one the strays ran up to for attention, it was a wonder one didn’t decide he was going to be their new owner at some point “They’re better than people so…I’m okay with it” in a way he wondered if she was leaning against him like this in an effort to keep him here. Not that he was trying to run anyway.

Sunmin went quiet as he let Han speak, he knew he owed him that, especially after the guy had pretty much just saved him from bleeding out on the pavement. There was still that question lingering in the air though, were they really brothers? As he looked back at the other male he saw bright eyes, despite the dark circles which surrounded them and an expression he could only describe as full of emotion. Sunmin sighed softly when the other male admitted he didn’t want to lose him again “You know it's a stupid idea to care about me right?” he didn’t have the energy to fight him on it right now but he did want to remind him that he wasn’t this upstanding great guy, he would fuck up and probably let him down again because that was what he did every time he let anyone get anywhere near close to him.

Sunmin pressed his lips together when Hanseol asked him how did he get into that trouble “That’s a long story” he responded looking up at him questioning whether he was going to make him explain it and when he didn’t relent Sunmin signed “There’s a gang who frequent that area of the city, I only ever noticed them because they started claiming the place where I slept as their territory. I was going to just move on...didn’t need the drama but…” he pressed his lips together “Then I realized what they were doing to girls on the streets...at the club…” he didn’t need to explain it, he was sure the Celestial got the message “So I tried to do something about it...several somethings actually but...now I’m pretty much their public enemy number 1” he had screwed up a lot of their operations, he was sure they were planning on taking him out sooner or later.

When he heard Sunmin retort that they would have to do a lot more than just stab him to rob his sense of humor away, the Celestial grimaced slightly and narrowed his dark hues on the younger male, “Don’t remind me” he murmured, honestly, despite the situation in front of him, Han didn’t want to remember that he had just gotten out of a desperate situation where he had to struggle to save his brother who was stabbed. It shouldn’t be a normal occurrence, that’s for sure. Which makes him wonder just what else does Sunmin go through all those years fending for his own, he looked like he’s gotten some experience down his belt. What did he have to face? There were so many questions he wanted to ask and he was partially proud of himself for holding off on that. He needed to rest first and he had plenty of time to spend on interrogating the younger male later. Once he’s better.

 It was clear that the two of them came from different worlds and perhaps, even realities. Hanseol and Sunmin are two very different individuals, even if they happen to be twins. Maybe they’re weighed on the scales when they were created as Gemini twins. Yeah, maybe that was it, he thought. “Exactly, you’re never going to be a rule-abiding citizen, I feel like that’ll kill you to be one” he scoffed, but there was a playful rendition to his tone, which indicated that Han was joking. “But unfortunately, I’m not about to give up on you either so don’t be so hopeful that you’ll escape my clutches” Oh, he’s not going to let him go now, not after he’s finally found him. If Sunmin was stubborn, then Hanseol was just as stubborn. His eyes softened when he saw how Byul literally couldn’t take her eyes off him, it was making the Celestial grin gently because the husky was getting bigger these days, and the way she was ready to flop on the other male when she was hard to be won over, it was interesting. 

“You must have the charm then, if you could win Byul here over, then Yeontan would be right up your alley, especially when the two of you seemed to share the same… rebellious and troublemaker vibe, no offense.” Speaking of Yeontan, he wondered if Jae’s gotten him to go back to bed because he didn’t see the Pomeranian ever since he got back home. The husky was pretty much placing her head on top of Sunmin’s lap, with one paw out as if to make sure the Celestial stays on the bed. “He’s not going anywhere, Byul, no need to whine” he cooed teasingly and ruffled her fur, “He’s not going anywhere, right?” This time, he averted his gaze to the male in question instead. He wanted to have his answers so bad, but he didn’t want to pressure Sunmin either so he was picking his words carefully. He refused to believe the connection he felt towards Sunmin was nothing more than his mind playing games on him. There was something, he was so sure of it. What else could it be if it wasn’t them holding the bond of siblings?

 “I do a lot of stupid and mindless stuff, you can ask anyone” he scoffed softly and took a seat on the bed, to which Byul whined softly before pressing the other paw towards him. Han only cooed and rubbed her, “But I take my risks, Sunmin. I didn’t grow up in a life that was offered to me either, I know hardships when I see one because I can relate. You know one when you see one, that’s what they said. You and I, we’re… not that much different, even though we could contrast one another. We’re cut from the same cloth, anyway” He wasn’t expecting him to tell him the story when he said it was a long one, but when he did, Han was there to hear. Upon finding out that he was fighting for justice, despite being reckless going at it alone, Han only felt a warmth inside him, he shuddered at the thought of people taking advantage of those poor girls, “Which means after the stunt they pulled today, you should be more careful… you need somewhere secure too… won’t you stay here? For a while? I’m not forcing you to stay forever, I just want you to be safe.”

They were so different, you could tell that within seconds of seeing the two of them and yet somehow there was something connecting them. He wasn’t even sure how all that stuff worked but what he did know was that Hanseol should have given up on him already and yet he hadn’t. That did mean something to him. “Probably” he responded with a wry smile, he wasn’t going to get into his beliefs about the system only ever screwing him over in the past right now because frankly, he didn’t need the lecture. He arched a curious brow at Hanseol’s next words though “You should like some super villain” he commented and chuckled under his breath, his brother had a strange way of phrasing things but Sunmin could sense he was a good person and a stubborn one, very stubborn.

He raised his brows as Hanseol spoke about his other dog and how he was a troublemaker and then suggested they were similar in personality, he was about to protest that statement but then he shrugged his shoulders slightly “Fair comparison” he grumbled between petting the husky gently as she practically pinned his legs down so he couldn’t go anywhere, Hanseol seemed to notice because he made a comment about how he wasn’t going anywhere, seeing his look towards him though, he naturally averted his gaze for a moment feeling guilty for what he did the first time but also unsure what he was going to do. He could see how hopeful the other male was to have some sort of family but Sunmin honestly never expected to find himself in this situation and it made him nervous “That’s a complicated question” he responded pressed his lips together in thought.

He had to admit that Hanseol was tenacious though, no matter how hard he tried to field him off he always managed to hold his own, it was a little infuriating to experience “That sounds tempting, I’m sure your boyfriend could spill some huh?” Han hadn’t actually told Sunmin that was their relationship but Sunmin had seen enough between them to know something was there, just a few looks shared between them. The way Hanseol compared them made him go quiet as he thought about it for a moment, really they had no idea what the other had been through, they could take guesses but they were just that in the end, guesses. “Which means those bastards get away with hurting someone else” he grumbled in response to Han lecturing to him needing to be more careful. He wasn’t wrong but it was frustrating to hear. In the end, he sighed in defeat when Han asked him to stay yet again “Okay” he agreed and pressed his lips together “Just until I manage to get back on my feet again” he added as a second thought because he didn’t want to be making promises he wouldn’t keep.

The first time, Han thought they were brothers. But he’d never thought of the idea of twins, which was slowly making sense after thinking about it, Gemini was represented by twins, right? And Sunmin had the same mark etched on his chest, in the same place Han had his too. Everything was identical, and while their personalities may differ, he wondered if that was only the evidence he needed to further prove them to be twins indeed, from the differences. Twins were supposed to be identical yet different, right? He stared at the younger male with a skeptic look briefly, they had the same eyes, albeit Sunmin’s were a little bit playful on the other side. A chuckle escaped him when the other male pointed out that he sounds like a villain, “Well, that wasn’t the cover I was going for but it works” At least the two of them were being open with one another, that’s a good step. 

He just wanted to reassure himself that Sunmin wasn’t about to leave him again. He couldn’t bear the thought of that, not after what happened today. It was clear that it’s a dangerous world and he’ll feel slightly better to know that he could do something for the other male, even if he continued to reject his advances. Neither of them seemed like they were the type to give up easily. Byul sensed the similarity between them and seemed to like Sunmin just as she would love Han. “It is a complicated question, I don’t expect you to answer it now though so don’t fret too much on it. You should focus on getting better, that’s the priority right there” he exclaimed, while his tone was firm, his eyes and facial expressions clearly showed tenderness. Perhaps, that was also Han’s way to avoid feeling hurt tonight, he had enough to process for this one night, his hair was a mess and so was himself, honestly.

Han’s never looked this messy and unkempt, even when he was running for his life back then, he still managed to keep himself neat, save for a few bruises here and there. His breath hitched slightly when Sunmin mentioned Jae, “You know he’s my boyfriend?” He wasn’t sure why he was even surprised, maybe he was just taken aback is all. The doe-eyed Celestial was so ready to come back with another pressing argument but he was only greeted with an okay, which had him backtracking a bit and stare at the other male in confusion, “Oh…” That was easier than he expected. “Alright, until you’re back on your feet…” he nodded and got up from the bed, he was about to leave the room when he saw Byul wouldn’t budge, “We can talk tomorrow or later. Byul? Come on, we don’t want to bother Sunmin, come here girl” he ushered but the husky only whined slightly and gave him those eyes that he couldn’t resist, maybe she wanted to comfort Sunmin. “Are you fine with her here?”

He felt like they had come to a certain understanding tonight, honestly Sunmin didn’t have an intention to find Han again, perhaps if he saw him again by happenstance he might have but the younger male just didn’t do well with people, the moment that people showed feeling for him was the moment he started running in the other direction. All those people from before weren’t his brother though, possibly even his twin so this was new territory for both of them. But it meant something to Sunmin that Hanseol had kept his word despite his better judgment he was sure and he could see from the tiredness in his eyes that tonight took a toll on him. He chuckled under his breath and nodded “I say run with it” he commented in a low croaky tone, he definitely felt exhausted himself.

It was comforting to have the dog resting against him, her breathing was soft and she was watching him carefully as though she could sense that he felt like he didn’t belong here, it was always interesting to him how animals always had their way of communicating even when they couldn’t speak. He looked up at Hanseol for a moment when he agreed that the question was complicated, before everything had felt so sure to him, that he would do all of this alone but then the world came along and delivered him a brother. One who had just saved his life and all he asked in return was to know him. “Of course I do” he responded with a wry smile when Hanseol asked about his comment about the other male “No one else would be crazy enough to let you bring a complete stranger home, not unless they loved you” he laughed a dry laugh, they seemed pretty committed to one another “Seems like he’s a keeper” he added to the end.

In the end, he agreed he would stay, for a short time at least, because for one, he wasn’t going to get anywhere fast, for two, he wasn’t sure he could stand to see that sad despairing look on Hanseol’s face again and for three, this bed was really comfy and he was tired. The other male seemed surprised by his decision but didn’t say anything, he was watching as he left when he realized the husky was still cuddled up against him. No matter how much he called her she stayed “Sure..wouldn’t be the first time I’ve shared a room and she has much better manners” he joked and nodded, he watched as Hanseol went to leave and then called out...perhaps even instinctively “Hey Hanseol…” he waited until the other male stopped before he spoke again “Be patient with me” he spoke softly, he wanted to try but he needed time to figure all this out.

Maybe he was ready to leave him be now. But secretly inside, Han knew the only reason he was fine with leaving the younger male be and exiting the place was because he knew Sunmin wouldn't leave again. He couldn't read people all that well, it's not a talent he had in him but from the way the other male looked at him, it was enough for Han to believe that Sunmin wouldn't do anything that would make him sad. He had to believe that he cared about him too. Even if it's just the tiniest smudge. That's fine. It wasn't as if he expected him to be easy anyway, hence why he was probably taken aback when the other Celestial didn't do anything to talk back or insist on being stubborn. Maybe his stubbornness won tonight. "Nobody wants to be a villain" he scoffed and shook his head, that smile on his lips felt like it could stretch out further. The two of them were exhausted, he could see it from the way Sunmin was behaving, but then again he was stabbed. And it hadn't been an easy process to stop the bleeding earlier. 

Perhaps he had been so out of it not to have realized that even a stranger could look at him and Jae, and know they loved each other. "I guess that is a bit comforting to know that we look like two people in love" After all, he wasn't shy to flaunt Jae. The dhampir is his boyfriend and everyone should see that. "He is" he mumbled, a small smile creeping up to his lips once he said that, "He's a real keeper indeed." Jae had caught his heart and hasn't been able to return it back to him even after all this time. A part of him should feel offended that Byul refused to follow him and insisted on staying with his brother but he wasn't. Instead, he was comforted by the fact that she sees the similarity in them which meant he wasn't living on a lie thinking he could be related to him.

 Before he could leave, Sunmin had called out his name, causing the Celestial to turn his head around to face the male sitting comfortable on the bed with his husky, "The one with a temper you should be wary of is my boyfriend" he chuckled before bidding him a good night and closed the door before him. He thought everything was fine, he could finally go back to his room and wash up, maybe even cuddle Jae to sleep but that simply wasn't the reality for him. As soon as his grip leaves the doorknob, Han felt like he was going to be sick. The doe-eyed male walked over to his room located at the second floor. The sight of Jae had him wanting to say something, only to go out the window as he covered his mouth and rushed over to the bathroom as soon as he entered his room. The next thing he knew, he was already emptying his insides out while holding against the toilet bowl. Oh, he really does feel sick. 

It had been a somewhat confusing night for them, going through all of that, he felt a little like he had been hit with whiplash because so much had happened at once. First them talking through everything that happened with Sunmin, then heading out to find him, actually managing to and now here he was at their house. Jae felt exhausted by it all and he didn’t have the same emotional attachment that Han did so he could tell the celestial would be feeling pretty worse for wear right now.

He headed into the bedroom and cleaned up a few things which had been strewn around while one of them was no doubt rushing to get out the door this morning and then he headed into the bathroom, jumping into the shower and washing himself down. He was glad to be out of his clothes which were bloodstained from holding Sunmin in the back of the car. When he got out he threw them into the trash, seemed easier than trying to clean them and he had plenty more anyway. He changed into underwear and then dried off his hair a little with a towel. Eventually, he decided to run a bath, not for himself but he was sure Han wouldn’t be too far behind and would want to clean up too.

He had been sitting in bed with a book resting between his thumb and forefinger as he read it when he heard the door open, he looked up and immediately noticed how pale Han looked which had him immediately worried. He was about to tell him about the bath when Han dashed off towards the bathroom and Jae immediately got to his feet setting down his book before following him “Han” he called out with a concerned tone before following him towards the toilet, swallowing hard when he realized he was throwing up and then placing a gentle hand against his back, he could feel him shaking against his touch “Han are you okay?” he asked softly as he crouched down next to him, his hand still rubbing very gently against his back.

Is this how it feels like to be sick? In all his life, he's never felt like this before. Well, technically, Han had a few colds here and there, one time even a mild malnutrition while he was busy running away from the hunters to even care about his food consumption, but never like this. Maybe it'd weird to him because he was hard to even contract a fever, much less be throwing up like this if he wasn't drunk. When he staggered on his steps and had to hold onto the railing of the stairs to get to his room, he didn't realize that he's been feeling shitty. He thought that was just his feelings exaggerating to a point. That maybe his insides were just overtaken by the nerves, that happens, right? Oh. Oh. It finally dawned on him when he realized this was all from the nerves. 

He didn't even get the chance to wave or even utter Jae's name before he forced himself to go the bathroom and make his acquaintance with the toilet bowl, the retching sounds were almost making him feel disgusted. And that was his own. All he wanted was to wash up and sleep with his boyfriend in his embrace, but no, he's currently throwing up in the toilet bowl. When Jae came and placed a hand on his back, he gave in a few more tries as he forced himself to empty everything in his system before flushing it. The Celestial rolled over and leaned against the bathtub that was next to the toilet, he could smell the cherry blossoms and vanilla essence in the room. It wasn't until he noticed that the bathtub was filled with warm water that he gave a pitiful look towards Jae, "I feel terrible… like I'm ready to throw up again... " It wasn't a good feeling. Han wasn't used to being sick.

 "What's wrong with me, Jae? Why am I throwing up?" he mewled softly and was careful not to touch the dhampir because his shirt was covered with blood and he definitely didn't look like he was ready to hug Jae when he's dirty like this. Not when Jae has cleaned himself up. "There was so much blood... " Han didn't even realize he had started to tear up, the tears welling up at the corner of his eyes. "He's fine now, right? I did good, right?" Like anything similar, the Celestial was slowly coming down with another panic attack, judging from the way his breathing got heavier. 

They had been together for the majority of a year now and Jae knew how to read Han like the back of his hand, he knew when he was feeling down because he would never be able to look Jae in the eye without tearing up, he knew when he was annoyed or angry because he would push his tongue against his cheek. But he had never seen him look quite so scared as he did in that moment. He was patient, just resting his hand against the star’s back to remind him he was there without getting in the way. He felt a little sick to his stomach too hearing the sounds but he calmed himself with deep breaths “Well at least you managed to make it to the bathroom, I was afraid we’d be repeating that day when Yeontan ate that bad chicken” he wrinkled his nose slightly and smiled, he was trying to cheer Han up.

“You’ve been through a lot” he spoke softly in response to his question nodding his head slightly in thought “No one, not even my superman himself can go through all of that and come out completely unscathed” Han had been struggling, Jae had sensed that, it was exactly why he stayed with him. It also couldn’t help that Han had been taking sleeping pills recently and could cause him to have bad reactions. “I know baby, I know” he recognized the breathing patterns Han usually showed when he started to panic and moved to give him space, sitting opposite him on the bathroom floor “You did better than good, you did great, you saved him Han” Jae nodded his head slightly, he wanted to reach for him but he held himself back knowing he didn’t want to make Han’s panic any worse.

“It’s okay Han, he’s safe, no doubt since Byul isn’t here with you, she’s standing guard for him” he nodded slightly as he looked him in the eyes, he could see the pressure which Han had put aside before and it was clear it was coming down in waves now. He pursed his lips slightly “What do you need?” he spoke softly before following it up with suggestions “I ran you a bath, we can get you cleaned up? If you want to talk, I’m here to listen” he nodded a few times, he wasn’t perfect at knowing what he should do but he was pretty sure it was support the star and ensure he was going to be okay.

He was no longer throwing up, that was the good part. The bad part is that it was far from being over as he could feel the bile threatening to get up and his chest constricting the air from flowing in and out properly without any intrusion. He feels awful, he just wanted to dive and plunge his head in the water to get rid of how hot his body is getting. Before long, Han was sweating profusely, the shirt was sticking against his body as he coughed a few times. He could sense Jae nearby but he could bring himself to look at the dhampir for a brief while, the Celestial was trying his best to collect himself and realized that if he comes down with another panic attack, it won't be pretty for him. Especially with the pills that was for sure about to make the reactions twice as bad. Since he's been taking them regularly before, his body knew what he wanted but he stopped when Jae told him to, that was a small window for a change, and he took it. 

He didn't use the painkillers until he was feeling the pain from his muscles. Han was doing just fine mentally, it was just the rigorous and strenuous activities he kept doing that caused him to have soreness all over his body. When Jae tried to cheer him up, he actually chuckled, "Oh god please don't remind me of that incident, I'm still scarred by it. Yeontan made me bleh, that Pomeranian… I will never forget he did that. Why was there even a bad chicken... " he grumbled, but Jae's efforts to cheer him up did not go unnoticed by him. It made Han smile comfortingly while squeezing his hand in assurance. Jae always knew how to help, especially when he's coming down with his panic attacks. He lifted his head up so he could meet Jae's eyes, the dhampir was sitting across him and Han could only muster a small smile, "I saved him" he told himself. "Yeah, Byul wouldn't leave even though I called her so many times… I think she's thinking about leaving me, Jae, what if Sunmin steals her" Judging from the familiar humorous tone that accentuated his words, perhaps the panic attack halted and packed its bags for today. 

Because he had Jae. And no way was it coming near him with the dhampir to assure him. "Yeah… I wanna clean myself up… I feel so dirty… and it smells so good in here, did you run me a bath?" He tried to get up slowly and actually faltered a bit but turned around to stare at the warm bath, "Thank you Jae, I'd… tell you to stay here with me but I feel like I'd rather have you wait for me in bed instead." He tried to lift his arms that felt so sore now, "Do you mind helping me take off my clothes?" Maybe he had strained his position when he was trying to help Sunmin, since he was wearing a dress shirt, it had buttons, Han felt like he had no energy to even unbutton them. "We can talk after I wash up."

Jae laughed, scrunching up his nose a little as he remembered the aftermath of that particular meal, neither of them were a stranger to mess after that, especially not Han given that he worked with sick animals all the time “He’s such a troublemaker, I swear we have a new story to tell about him every week” he shook his head in an amused manner “We love him regardless though” the same way that he was sure despite all the trouble Sunmin had caused for Han, he loved his brother, Jae understood that and it seemed like the two of them had made some sort of peace. At least he hadn’t heard them arguing while he had been up here getting cleaned up. He glanced down at the hand which Han took in his, smiling because he knew he was assuring him he was okay “You did” he spoke softly, he was so proud of Han for holding it together and he was sure the star could sense it in his voice.

“You know I think she’s smarter than all of us, so if she says he’s a good person, I’ll believe her” but he did chuckle when Han whined about her potentially leaving him for his brother “Somehow I don’t believe that would ever happen” he commented softly shaking his head with a smile “She knows he needs her right now” he spoke softly “But you have me to take care of you” and he was very glad to see that had stopped shaking and he seemed to be able to talk easily again, his breathing had even resumed it’s normal pace which allowed Jae to breathe a sigh of relief. He always worried about Han because sometimes the pressure was too much for him and before he used to bottle it up until it exploded but now, now he seemed okay with sharing the load a little.

Jae nodded when he asked if he ran him a bath “Yeah...I wasn’t really sure what you’d want so I grabbed one of those fancy bath bombs from the shelf and threw it in, sorry if it smells like you walked into a florist” he chuckled under his breath. He started getting up when Han did and glanced over the water to see the cherry blossom petals floating on the surface. Not the perfect moment for a romantic bath bomb but it did make him chuckle a little as he reached to steady the star “That’s okay...whatever you need” he spoke softly and nodded when he asked him to help him with his clothes, he reached forward to undo each of his buttons careful, his fingers nimbly working on each one “I’m really proud of you, not everyone could have done what you did tonight and while I think you’re crazy for not taking him to the hospital, I think you can be proud” he nodded as he undid the last button.


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