There was plenty of reasons why Hanseol has not yet set a foot outside his residency. One of which he knew to be his greatest misfortune of coming across the Aspect of Magic the last time he went out. Whilst he was immensely grateful that he managed to meet his old time friend, another fellow Celestial like him, that entire evening was more to him remembering the past. More to his long nights in the steel caged contraption back in the Isle of Skye. He knew he shouldn't be keeping to himself so long, especially when everyone was seemingly making themselves at home ever since they came to the eternal city. 

Forcing his body to wake up, he ended up staring at his reflection in the mirror in his room as he made his way to the vanity table and opened the drawer underneath it. Some people who saw it would probably miss the compartment unless they took up the time to take a look once again to actually inspect it. Being a natural attentive person, Hanseol was more than used to analyzing the people around him. In there, laid his sketchbook. Before he got imprisoned decades ago, he was quite the talented drawer. Though he never really looked painting as his interest, drawings and sketches however, made it. Unbinding the book, he skimmed through the pages for a short while just for the sake of his attention. There were plenty of animal drawings there, ranging from dogs, cats, sugar gliders, rabbits, and whatnot. He noticed it to be the ones from his clinic. 


That's it. 

The young male grunted in response when his head finally got used to the ejecting process of his thoughts. How could he forgot he operated an animal clinic when he first settled in here. He was a veterinarian and he forgot all about it when he locked himself in his house. Speaking of, he moved out of the Celestial mansion a few weeks back, as he wanted to have more time to himself in a much more secluded area, away from the prying eyes of others. Especially ones from the particular faction that resided in the south side of the city. He didn't wish for any trouble to occur between their two factions and despite being quite a temperament someone, he learned to tone down his want for vengeance. He finally had the chance to build his life again. After so long. Honestly, he was robbed of it 80 years ago so there wasn't really much of it. 

He took a mild shower and got himself dressed after drying his hair. He donned on a black leather jacket with a cap covering his hair for his final touch as he grabbed a small duffle bag and shoved the sketchbook in it before locking the doors. It was about time he got out and he should remind himself to stop by the clinic slash pet shop sometime to tell his few workers why he was in a short hiatus before. Luckily he didn't have much of them since it wasn't that big of a place for operational purposes. Seeing as he wasn't bombarded by any requests for his attendance, he took it they were doing fine without him.

Hanseol pushed the doors open and entered the cafe so he could get himself a quick dash of a coffee before heading to the park, where he could get some solace and serenity to draw. An artist needs inspiration and those don't come off easy. After occupying himself with a cup of black coffee, he walked towards the park right by the town square, where he sat down against a tree at the corner and took out his sketchbook. The Celestial placed his coffee next to him as he grabbed a pencil and began sketching what seemed to be a dog. It was a small Pomeranian.

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Jae nodded a little, Evermore was an exception to the rule, most humans had no idea of what was out there, it was pretty well maintained considering the amount of supernatural there were in the world but that meant when they did find out that they were often afraid or confused by the reality they now faced, he had no doubts that if the supernatural secret somehow leaked it would lead to some kind of war. He shuddered a little just thinking about it “I’m not sure the human population could ever truly accept that there are beings out there that need their blood to survive” he pulled a face, he was lucky enough to only be half vampire and therefore have a choice but many others different.

Jae smiled as he heard the words Hanseol spoke about writing, for the most part writing had been his solace, a place where he could let his vivid imagination run wild and see what it managed to create, he liked writing all different kinds of pieces but his favorite was writing novels, even when the characters felt like they had thoughts and actions of their own and he had to piece together their every action “Writing songs is a lot like writing poems” he mused with a smile “But I don’t have any music talent to put them into a tune” he chuckled a little, that was okay, he didn’t think he’d make a good pop star after all. Taking the offered out sketchbook he turned his gaze down to the pages, flipping through the different sketches “Wow” he spoke as he noted the detail on one of them “How long do these take?” he asked as he lifted his gaze curiously to the other male for a moment.

Jae reached a hand up to scratch at the back of his neck a little nervously “I think you’re the first person not related to me to ask to read my writing” he blushed a little and gave an appreciative half bow of his head in thanks “I’ll let you know if I ever get something down in one place” he chuckled, most of his poems and short stories were scattered through old journals or on random slips of paper, even on the whiteboard he kept in his dorm room.

Jae pulled an empathetic expression as he heard the other male admit that the world hadn’t been kind to him but he smiled as Hanseol lightened the statement with his own infectious laughter “I think it’s a good thing to be comfortable alone” he admitted with a half nod, not needing to rely on others to get you through was a good trait, something not a lot of people could do. He gave an understanding nod at the other male’s words “That’s okay, it might be more fun to guess” he smirked a little as he studied the other male for tells, but other than a weird slight glow to his skin, he didn’t notice much different about him. Jaesung pulled a face at the mention of cardio “That sounds busy” he admitted with widened eyes and he thought his own schedule was crazy with his classes. He was still flipping through the pages of the sketchbook as they talked and he stopped on a sketch of a bunny and smiled “I like this one” he stated pointing it out with his index finger.

While hearing what the dhampir had to say, Hanseol felt slightly relieved that he could talk more. The dark haired Celestial was not exactly the best when it comes to social. In fact, he was possibly the worst. As he saw the dhampir stopped at a certain picture of bunny. It was that one white fluffy bunny he came across a few months ago while he was venturing the ends of the woods. He brought it with him back to the clinic so he could mend the injured leg the poor thing suffered. Possibly because the small thing had came into an unfortunate way of entrapment. "Ah yes, that one. I named the bunny, Yoongs. The poor thing hurt his leg and I had to care for it for a while now. It's resting somewhere in between the shelves back in my clinic. You should come by when you're free, there are many animals there. But I suppose there's no place for any big cats like lions and tigers though." A light humor came gracing the older male, and it was almost the dhampir before him had exuded so much calmness.

Following the questions he had in store to ask the Celestial, Hanseol hummed in response before shortly replying. "I didn't count. Sometimes it could take hours, days, weeks, up to even months. It all depends on the inspiration, really. When you have no muse, it's hard to get anything done. Same goes for motivation, although I'm pretty sure the two differs." He chuckled softly, his eyes skimming through the pages that was decorated simply. Each page had their own significance to his life, as it wasn't just sketches that was plain to him. It meant something. And for Hanseol, everything seemed to be in a very short supply lately. He had to make the most of his life, he knew that. 

"Sometimes it is comfortable to be alone, Jae. But after a while, it gets very tedious and you grew tired of it. But, yes.. either way it's best if you try to live the most and best of it while you still can. You never know what day could be your last, after all." Noticing how he's dozing off to the other path of his words, he made sure to end the sentence with a jovial laugh. "It was nice to meet someone, Jae. I'm glad I had the opportunity to make your acquaintance." The smile that was etched on his lightened face imbued his positive energy that gives a reassuring pat to the Celestial himself. "Juggling with the packed schedule is very tiring, but it's worth it in the end. Busying myself with the exhausting daily lifestyle is just a simple nod to my 'boring' one. I'd settle for that any day." When Jae talked about the majority of the supernaturals occupying the world, he remembered how he heard they used to be the minority due to the oppression and fear shrouding them. 

"Being a supernatural is one thing. Being a good person, is another. The world is such a complicated puzzle."

Jae wasn’t usually the kind of person who could just pick up and run a conversation with a stranger, for the most part he preferred to keep to himself and only speak to those who he had to, but he found it easier than he expected to talk to the other male, perhaps because they shared something on common or maybe because their personalities just complimented one another. He had to admit the drawings were realistic, every single one was easy for him to recognize what they were supposed to be. Hearing the story behind the animal made the picture all the more meaningful for him, he had always loved animals and hearing about the way the other male had looked after them and saved them made him happy “Perhaps you should have named the bunny Hanseol Jr” he commented thinking about how the he gave an aura that he could attribute to being bunny like.

“I’d love to visit” he commented with a sharp nod, it wasn’t every day that you were offered the chance to see lots of different animals and he was sure he would enjoy it “Maybe one day after lectures” he pondered thinking about the lack of free time he had at the moment, he chuckled softly realizing he was talking to himself. He understood the other male’s thoughts on muse, some days he felt like he could write and write for hours and others he struggled to make a single sentence join together the way he imagined “That much I can understand, it’s very similar to writing” he commented with a soft nod “Motivation is only good if you know what to write and knowing what to write doesn’t mean you have the energy to put it down on paper” he guessed all artists were caught between the two, waiting for the day when both decided to show and real progress could be made.

Hanseol made a good point, spending every evening alone quickly became tiresome. Despite living with two other students he mostly kept to his room at the university, they were good friends but he didn’t feel like he fit in with them and their desire to go out partying every night. In response to Hanseol’s words Jae bowed his head gratefully  “It’s nice to finally meet someone I can see myself being friends with” he chuckled realizing that sounded a little cheesy but it was true, he was starting to wonder if he would spend the majority of his time in Evermore alone but now he felt some optimism. “Someone who values hard work” he added noting the way the other male spoke about keeping busy, he liked always having something to do, it stopped his mind from wandering too far. He laughed leaning down to put his head against his arm resting on the table.

“What’s your favorite thing to do with your free time?” he asked curiously, so far they had only really spoken about work, he wondered what someone like Hanseol did for fun.

Hanseol found the dhampir to be boyishly charming in his own way. He enjoyed their conversation, the one that led off from one casual topic to yet another one, occupying their time. Truthfully, the doe eyed Celestial wasn't sure if he was ever going to be casually interactive in the city, or anywhere, really. He was a natural born introvert, so it was not exactly a foreign concept to him neither was it any weird to see him putting his somber preferences up to date. Instead of socializing with the people around, he would most likely find himself wandering off in the shadows, sneaking a peek occasionally before returning to whatever it was that he had been doing in the first place. Hence, why he preferred keeping to himself while tending to the animals cooped up in his clinic. It was the only thing that gave him a meaning, per say. It was also a healthy practice to slowly diminish his pent up vengeance towards the particular faction residing in the south side of the city. A part he refused to come venturing to.

Upon hearing his question, Hanseol hummed briefly before pondering at the name suggestion he was given earlier. "Hanseol Jr? Doesn't that sound narcissistic enough?" He chortled, his eyes forming into crescent lines, showing off his eye smile. "I've been dubbed and called a bunny most of the time. They said it's the eyes." Playfully joking and jesting around was not his forte, it was far from it. But he found himself accommodating to its very adjustment very well. Maybe it was one of the new things he'll learn as he delve into the world deeper. Rarely enough, the star didn't exactly have the best experience of life in his biography since he only actually lived 3 years or so. However, when he heard that Jaesung had his own opinions on motivation and inspiration alike, that was just as similar to his, it made the male smile. 

"If I had all the time in the world, my inspiration would hit me every moment. Then, I would actually fill my time drawing and painting instead of paying attention to the actual world. But I can't say the other alternate dimension is not tempting enough." He remarked softly, liking the fact that he had the freedom to venture to other spaces now. But the paranoia that sets in him, giving him the all too familiar feeling in the pit of his stomach was still bothering him. He knew, it was only a matter of time, before they would have to fight for their freedom. Again. It was a constant job for every single one of their kind. To fight for their own freedom or rather have it robbed away just like that. At the flick of a someone's finger. He knew by then, that he should always look out for any threats looming over. He'll have to keep a close eye on the Ailward faction, fearing that they might lock them up again and maybe just as it was the first time, they wouldn't be able to fight back. And to also be attentive. They haven't signed any peace treaty, and having only the vampires being their allies, is just the same as not having one. He wasn't sure who to trust.

"Believe me, thank you for meeting me. I'm glad we met. I would've never made a friend if no one had approached me first. Maybe I'm shy. Or maybe I'm just afraid." There were a lot of things to be afraid of, in this world, after all. "Just come by any time you want, because I'm always at the clinic. Staying there is definitely better than staying at home. Sometimes you just have nothing to do. I miss the days when I actually traveled the world." If it was up to him, he would love to go back to venturing the world like the past nomad he was. But it wasn't that easy, sticking together with his kind was the best way to go. There was no saying what's out there. He had to admit, when Jae asked him what was his favorite thing to do in his past time, he had to stop and think for a while. "Other than drawing and painting? Learning, actually. I'm an avid fan of medicinal theories. History too. They're interesting. I didn't have time to actually think about what I like to do. But one thing's for sure, I like learning new things. It's a whiff of fresh air. Maybe even dancing, the feeling of expressing yourself to the rhythm of music; the languidness the melody carried. I sing, occasionally. For fun." 

Jae hadn’t come to America with the intention of making friends, he’d had a lot of friends back in Korea and he had really felt the drift when they all moved onto their own lives, it hurt, to go from believing you were needed to being cast aside and he hadn’t really intended on playing the same game here. As he looked back at the other male he saw someone who struggled to fit in like he did however, someone a little awkward who might seem strange to others but to him made sense. He guessed maybe he did need someone, after all it didn’t seem like he was going to be in constant avoidance mode when it came to his roommates and his parents kept asking him about any friends he had made.

Jae laughed at the word narcissistic “I think it sounds pretty cute” he responded with a half pout before breaking into a small. When Hanseol spoke about the way he was compared to a bunny Jae chuckled leaning closer to study his face, he laughed and then raised his hands to make little bunny ears “Now that you mention it” he teased with a smile, Jae had always been pretty good at making jokes, it was how he made friends when he was younger, known mostly as the class clown because he was always doing something to make people laugh, intentional or not. Somehow joking with his new friend felt easy though, he didn’t feel like he had to put on some strange persona to fit in, just his usual goofy self.

Jae nodded, he loved to get lost in his own world, when he was writing it was like the whole world faded away for a little while and all he could see was words and characters and stories, he dabbled in both fiction and non-fiction and found both equally interesting “Sometimes when I’m writing I can lose hours” he admitted with a shy chuckle pressing his hand against own cheek to lean on it “My parents always told me that my head was stuck in the clouds, told me to come back down to reality” he grimaced a little “The clouds are much nicer than the real world” he blew out a long breath, sure it had it’s moments, but for the most part all he had seen was people leave others behind and forget, people were cruel to one another, there were very few he really felt like he could trust.

Jae smiled brightly, it seemed like they just existed on the same wavelength, a little lost in the world but trying their best to make something of it “I have been called shy many times but I prefer to call it observant” he chuckled softly, he preferred to watch and learn than be the one doing all the talking, though he and Hanseol seemed to have plenty to talk about. Jae watched Hanseol consider his question, the dhampir’s head tilting to the side as he swore he could almost picture the cogs turning in the other male’s head, had no one asked him that before. He listened to his answer with an approving nod “I like dancing too, though sometimes I trip over my own foot” he chuckled shaking his head “Sometimes the music just leads the way” he was about to speak again when he heard his phone buzz.

Groaning the dhampir pulled his phone from his pocket checking over the text message, his face showing a little shock as he took in the words “아, 씨발” he cursed a little before tucking his phone away again “I have to go” he stated a little panicked, turns out his roommates had decided to throw a party in his absence and they’d just got busted. Sighing softly he quickly reached into his backpack and pulled out a notepad and pencil, in his scruffy writer’s handwriting he wrote down his number on a sheet of the paper and slid it across the table to the other male. He gave an apologetic smile before he turned for the door dashing out, backpack in hand.

Upon hearing his remark on letting his head swift the air with a much more clearer and familiar feeling, Hanseol shrugged as he let the tip of his finger circle the cup of coffee that was now no more as he had finished it earlier. His stare on the ceramic cup made him reminisce all those past memories he had within himself. How different he was from the person that he was once. Is he actually different now, though? Perhaps.

But just because he didn't pursue to kindle the fires in him that scorched and burned bright at the slight mention of his captors that has managed to lock him away for over 84 years, it did not mean that he's completely forgotten about it. It wasn't an issue nor something that he was able to forgive and forget something easily. Not even within the span of 2 years or so. The Celestial still found it hard to trudge through what was dealt before him. It was definitely easier said than done.

"There's nothing wrong with letting your head in clouds. Sometimes, you'd be surprised with the amount of knowledge you befit from it. A whole new other world would be waiting for you there on the other side." he mused lightly, his doe eyes twinkling under the shine of the moonlight. But it was more likely that it twinkled because he was really passionate when talking about one's desires and dreams. Hanseol was a dreamer. He's always wished for a better world; a world in which their kind and further generation would be have to fear it. A world where all of them can finally coexist peacefully without letting the price of greed shroud over them with the stench of blood and dirt. He's tired of running away. During his 3 years of venturing around the world shortly before he was captured in Westminster, he had a few cases to which he also had to run and flee. Hence, his nomadic traits.

It wasn't that he didn't want to stay. He just couldn't. Because of what he is, he's deemed a threat everywhere. Or really, just a small consolation prize for something that will bring a much bigger effect that he knows. So to hear someone else talk of such thoughts about being in another world, sparked the sense of familiarity in him. They were alike more than they thought they were. There was a clear contrast but they were similar in some ways. "Reality is like slap in the face. It can be good. Or it could be bad. It could be exactly what you needed. Or it could be a thorn on your side." However, the star lets out a laugh when he heard that Jae sometimes tripped on his own foot causing him to lose his footing and balance. That often occurred to him too, occasionally. "Nothing wrong with tripping. Trial and error, right? Or was it try and error?" Some terms are still so foreign to him.

When he saw how in the pinch of time the dhampir was being, he couldn't help but to snicker at the male, who was being very hurried. "Au revoir~" He bid and took the small paper in his hands, staring at the phone numbers etched on it. "Guess going out isn't really that bad, Han." He told himself. Maybe, just for once in his lifetime, he could someone to relate to. Someone to share his burdens with. A friend that will help him through his problems.


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