Instar Diviner
✓ Sebastian Roman Daystar

Latest Activity

Instar Diviner
✓ Sebastian Roman Daystar replied to ✓ Malva Ailward's discussion Найди тебя снова (Finding You Again) [Malva & Sebastian]
"He watched her with curious eyes, always impressed by the way she could walk into a room she’d never seen before and treat it like it was her own “It’s a start” he commented and shrugged “If it becomes more permanent…"
Feb 1

Instar Diviner
✓ Sebastian Roman Daystar replied to ✓ Malva Ailward's discussion Найди тебя снова (Finding You Again) [Malva & Sebastian]
"The moment he opened the door, he widened his eyes for a second as he noticed her hand balled mid fist like she was ready to break the damn door down if she had to wait for even another second. He let out a low chuckle when she responded by calling…"
Jan 16

Instar Diviner
✓ Sebastian Roman Daystar replied to ✓ Malva Ailward's discussion Найди тебя снова (Finding You Again) [Malva & Sebastian]
"To say the past few days had been somewhat of a whirlwind would be understatement, but then he supposed that was what you got when you associated yourself with the so called ‘world protectors’ where they went, chaos tended to follow and…"
Jan 6

Ailward Aspect
✓ Malva Ailward left a comment for ✓ Sebastian Roman Daystar
"*slides in* I won't say anything. Just show up. I swear I'm being forced by my inner mind, I don't really need you- (pls pls pls I need you) Click click click - The Prettiest Girl You Will Ever Meet -"
Aug 18, 2024

Instar Diviner
✓ Sebastian Roman Daystar replied to ✓ Malva Ailward's discussion ★ Peirasmós (Malva, Octavia, Sebastian)
"He was glad she had come far enough to be able to accept and admit when she needed help as it had always been a flaw of hers, she tried to do everything alone, no matter how much longer or harder that made things. But maybe she had finally accepted…"
May 26, 2024

Instar Diviner
✓ Sebastian Roman Daystar replied to ✓ Malva Ailward's discussion ★ Peirasmós (Malva, Octavia, Sebastian)
"He’d known Mal for long enough to know she hated asking for help, the type to walk the distance alone before she’d ask someone to drive her to the store. He’d always done his best to stay out of the way of the path she was blazing…"
May 12, 2024

Instar Diviner
✓ Sebastian Roman Daystar replied to ✓ Malva Ailward's discussion ★ Peirasmós (Malva, Octavia, Sebastian)
"He gave her a curious quirk of his brow in response to her saying she needed to discuss another thing with him “I’d tell you that you’ve certainly reached your quota of favors for the day, but you know…maybe I’ll hear…"
May 2, 2024

Instar Diviner
✓ Sebastian Roman Daystar replied to ✓ Malva Ailward's discussion ★ Peirasmós (Malva, Octavia, Sebastian)
"The diviner gave an easygoing shrug in response to her calling him unpredictable “I’d say I’m actually pretty consistent most of the time, I protect myself and my interests” which meant if he felt it better that he was alone,…"
Apr 30, 2024

Instar Diviner
✓ Sebastian Roman Daystar replied to ✓ Malva Ailward's discussion ★ Peirasmós (Malva, Octavia, Sebastian)
"He heard the way she muttered and shook his head slightly, no point caring about her feelings if she wasn’t even strong enough to get out of bed tomorrow or worse, he would put her safety first before anything else. “I’m reading…"
Apr 22, 2024

Instar Diviner
✓ Sebastian Roman Daystar replied to ✓ Malva Ailward's discussion ★ Peirasmós (Malva, Octavia, Sebastian)
"He could sympathize some with her situation, he’d been in the position where his magic had been impacted in the past too and it was difficult to lift yourself from that kind of spiral because usually, you were your own problem. Self doubt,…"
Apr 14, 2024

Instar Diviner
✓ Sebastian Roman Daystar replied to ✓ Malva Ailward's discussion ★ Peirasmós (Malva, Octavia, Sebastian)
"His chest felt heavy in that moment, he never thought in a million years he would hear her speak those words, it almost felt foreign because if went so far outside of the realms of what he thought he was allowed to hope for. And yet, the aspect of…"
Mar 29, 2024

Instar Diviner
✓ Sebastian Roman Daystar replied to ✓ Malva Ailward's discussion ★ Peirasmós (Malva, Octavia, Sebastian)
"He could see a hint of sadness in her eyes when she spoke like that and it made his heart clench in his chest, back then he could have fooled himself into believing he was simply someone she tolerated, he never even considered for a moment what harm…"
Mar 2, 2023

Instar Diviner
✓ Sebastian Roman Daystar replied to ✓ Malva Ailward's discussion ★ Peirasmós (Malva, Octavia, Sebastian)
"He looked down to the floor for a moment “I was foolish to not realize the very dangers I was putting myself in…but I was fixated on the power…” he was younger and much more naive back then, he saw power and it managed to…"
Feb 15, 2023

Instar Diviner
✓ Sebastian Roman Daystar replied to ✓ Malva Ailward's discussion ★ Peirasmós (Malva, Octavia, Sebastian)
"His presence made her wonder if they didn't fight, if that incident didn't occur centuries ago, would they have been in a better place now? They were a nice match, of course when they minus the whole arguing, but Malva argues with…"
Feb 7, 2023

Instar Diviner
✓ Sebastian Roman Daystar replied to ✓ Malva Ailward's discussion ★ Peirasmós (Malva, Octavia, Sebastian)
"It was strange, being back by her side again, it felt as though no time had passed at all but also like an eternity had dragged on too, everything was different now and he could feel the space between them but the same as he always did, he also felt…"
Jun 4, 2022

Instar Diviner
✓ Sebastian Roman Daystar replied to ✓ Malva Ailward's discussion ★ Peirasmós (Malva, Octavia, Sebastian)
"He nodded slightly, they’d always worked best together when it came to that kind of thing, they could bounce ideas off one another and take it in turns to practice out the spells, tweaking the incantations and the power sources bit by bit…"
Dec 29, 2021

✓ Sebastian Roman Daystar's Friends

  • ✓ Penelope Winston
  • ✓ Jasmine Lennox
  • ✓ Peyton Holiday
  • ✓ Felix Morris
  • ✓ Eliot Lennox
  • ✓ Ember Rinaldi
  • ✓ Miles Evans
  • ✓ Autumn Murphy
  • ✓ Seojun Ahn
  • ✓ Ray Herald
  • ✓ Ronan Winters
  • ✓ Artemitra Astrid Bluemoon
  • ✓ Daehyun Stormwind
  • ✓ Cecilia Laterza ~Admin~
  • ✓ Sariah Amelie Holloway ~Admin~

✓ Sebastian Roman Daystar's Groups

✓ Sebastian Roman Daystar's Discussions

The Day We Met (Open to Bash and Cornelia)

Started this discussion. Last reply by ✓ Sebastian Roman Daystar Feb 10, 2021. 6 Replies

To say he was proud of what he had achieved here in Greece was an understatement, he had done what he honestly thought was impossible when he first came here. He felt responsible for this place, tied…Continue

Hour of Honesty (Open to Kaldre and Wes) COMPLETED

Started this discussion. Last reply by ✓ Sebastian Roman Daystar Jul 25, 2020. 38 Replies

Kal had a complicated life. Since he was born the…Continue


This means nothing. This is not enough.


  • Sebastian Roman Daystar

  • Seb, Bash, Bastian

  • Looks 28 | Real 843

  • Instar Diviner (Dark)

  • Bisexual

  • Evermore, CO

  • Christian Navarro

  • Single

  • Replying
  • Replied
  • Overdue

It began when he awoke in a field of flowers. A baby, left behind with nothing but a blanket and a note which said take good care of my son. It was the local villagers that heard his cries and brought him in, it was the middle of winter and they were sure he should have frozen to death but when they took him into their arms, he was warm. There were no clues as to how he got there, who had left him or how he didn’t die but regardless, the village took him in.

The woman who offered to shelter him was kind, Natalia saw something magical in the young male’s eyes, because the first time they locked eyes, she had seen them glow golden. Natalia had never seen magic herself before but she was a believer in it. She had respected the wishes of the person who left her and called him Sebastian but as for a surname, she named him Daystar, after the herb he had been found lying in, the herb she believed had saved him from an icy death that night.

It became evident quickly though that Sebastian was special though, as he got older he showed signs of being a curious and brave child. But also one who was unexplainably calm. Everything he did was calculated and precise, he often said how he had no interest in wasting his time on the other children around them. He was secluded but he worked best that way. He often questioned who it was that left him but Natalia couldn’t tell him anything about his heritage. It frustrated young Sebastian who always valued knowledge, knowing the one more important thing about him was beyond his reach.

It wasn’t long into his childhood years before his gifts began to show themselves. The world reacted to the young boy in ways which were hard to explain, when he was upset, it was like the world tried to protect him. When he was happy everything seemed to shine a bit brighter. Natalia was out of her depth but she did her best to be there for her son through it all. But his magic proved to be a challenge to keep hidden, especially when their home was set alight one night while the both of them slept in their beds.

Thankfully they managed to get out before anyone was hurt but it became clear that Sebastian’s powers weren’t something to be ignored. Natalia started to reach out and find out everything she could about the weirder world around them but for the most part, it was all hearsay or trickery. Sebastian didn’t have patience for hearing all these theories and guesses, he wasn’t much for rumors, he believed in true facts. He began to study himself and his own feelings, writing down everything he experienced piece by piece to understand how this worked.

With time he started to figure out how to control his powers piece by piece, at first it was lighting candles or moving something by guiding it with his hand but it quickly built up, magic made sense in his mind, he could tell how it flowed, how to shape it to manifest in ways he imagined in his mind. He became even more secluded as he studied every way he could use it but he kept hitting a wall, some things couldn’t be physically expressed, you couldn’t manifest something out of nowhere, you couldn’t move something that wasn’t there. It was a frustrating puzzle that Sebastian didn’t seem to be able to solve, one which limited his power, he knew there was a way to solve it but he didn’t have the pieces.

Thanks to being raised by someone kind and understanding, as he moved into his late teenage years, Sebastian was a well-mannered and smart person. He found it hard to relate to others because of his powers, especially because Natalia insisted he kept what he learned secret. As far as they knew he was the only one of his kind. She didn’t want her son to become a test subject or people to hurt him out of fear. But he wanted to be able to share his gifts with others, he could do wondrous things and as more time passed he only got stronger. He wanted more though, he knew there was a piece of the puzzle out there he was missing, he wondered if it was linked to his parents, who he never even got to meet or know the names of.

He would have felt abandoned if it wasn’t for the one person who had taken him in and nurtured him. He knew love because of her. He didn’t have many friends, just a few he kept around so it didn’t seem like he was completely alone. He had so many questions for the world but every time he asked for a little room Natalia would shut him down. It was rumored that people were being tested for if they had magical abilities. People convinced that the recent drought and famine in the villages must be the result of a curse placed by a witch.

It was the middle of the night when he work to the sound of his mother screaming as they dragged her from the house. He quickly rushed through the house to find two men holding up his journal, questioning who wrote them. He was about to confess it was him but they were already dragging her out of the house and into the village square. Sebastian ran after them yelling but he was halted by some of the guards as he watched her get dragged onto a platform. He was screaming and crying in pain as he watched them tie her to a stake and then light her on fire. In his distraught state he was tempted to wipe every one of them out for what they did but he knew that made her sacrifice in vein. She had done this to protect him.

The witch is dead, they chanted while he seethed from his room, looking for something which could make them all pay for what they did. For taking the one person he loved from him and leaving him with nothing. Before first light he went down to the spot where they burned her and sobbed over her body before picking himself up. If they wanted a curse they could have one, he decided as he went down to the water’s edge, closing his eyes as he imagined the entire lake draining itself dry. The steam began to rise as he controlled the flow of magic to take back every last drop and then he went back, gathered his things and left. They made their bed, now they must sleep on it.

And so he became a runaway, with nothing but his few possessions and the money Natalia had left he made his way to the nearest city. It was different, being in such a big place where there were so many people. People didn’t notice him so much and he was able to slip through unnoticed most places. He would perform magic on the streets in exchange for money, which in turn he spent on accommodation and looking for more about magic. If there were rumors of curses and witches then there had to be more out there right? The now young man was determined to find it, to find the secret about how he manifested magic to his own whims, instead of just influencing the world around him.

He never managed to find much about his own heritage, there wasn’t any clues in the letter left with him. But he was sure that his parents had left him with these gifts for a reason and he was trying to figure out what they were. He only became more powerful. The loss he suffered made him determined to figure out how to become stronger. He started training himself to use his magic as a weapon if he needed to, inflicting pain on people around him as tests. Perhaps a part of him knew it was wrong but he couldn’t see past how people seemed so scared by things they didn’t understand they would lash out.

He was cold, he didn’t care about the morals of scamming people out of their money. He took pleasures in the small things because he lost sight of the bigger picture. He turned to drinking and sex to fill the void he was feeling. He lose his purpose and all motivation, he couldn’t find the pieces he needed to get stronger and he started wondering what the point was. What was he going to achieve if he was the only one? It became a cycle, he became more reckless, people began to take interest in his shows because they seemed impossible, whispers started to spread about whether his magic was real which gained him the wrong attention.

The night after that was the first run in he had with the Ailward Guards. He didn’t remember much because they came in the night, binding his hands with magic dampening shackles and a bag over his head so he couldn’t see where they went. When they finally took it off he was confused and found himself in the hall of a castle. Before him were 8 people he didn’t know, one of them stepped out to speak, telling him his name, Venetus and explaining how they had brought him in because of his reckless usage of magic. Sebastian was brought into their custody, placed into their holding area which was more like a dormitory in the castle. A few times he tried to escape only to discover he was in an island in the middle of nowhere and even swimming wouldn’t let him escape.

So eventually he accepted his fate, that he was stuck here in this place, though it was less like a prison and more like a really strange living arrangement, he and the other rogues, as the Ailward called them, were able to roam the castle, though they had to wear power dampening bracelets which he couldn’t remove. They came to work with them every day, explaining to them their principles and roles. Sebastian refused to say a word to them, instead gathering all the intelligence he could on how they worked and who the key players were. It didn’t take long for him to focus in on Malva, the aspect of magic he learned, the one who was like him, she could control magic too.

And it was when he overheard her talking in the hallway one time that he learned the key he had been missing all this time, the way that magic became more than physical. Words. The tongue she was speaking seemed almost familiar to him, like a sentence he hadn’t heard in a long time but he fully understood. He approached her and edged his way into the room “You’re saying it wrong” he spoke without even thinking. She seemed confused by his sudden intrusion or how he knew that, he wasn’t sure he could explain it but sure enough, when she said it the right way a beam of light suddenly appeared in the room, showing a watery looking shape of another place. The first portal spell.

He quickly learned that Malva was able to invent spells, new magic to a world where the same ones were used time and time again. Sebastian found the spark in him reignited as he learned about how words could bring so much power to the magic inside him and after several months of helping Malva to cultivate new spells. It was fascinating, seeing how they came to her in dreams, they never had any idea what they were inventing but every one seemed more exciting than the next. And with time he earned enough of her trust to have his bracelet removed and to perform the spells himself. They learned much from each other and made one another stronger by challenging them to push harder.

He knew he could have left and gone back to his life but he wanted to stay. It wasn’t like he had a life anymore outside of Skye, the only family he had was gone, magic was the one part of his real parents he knew about and he wanted to cultivate it, he wanted to be strong. Staying achieved that, though whenever the Ailward Guard tried to convince him to sign on with them he refused, his loyalty was to magic and to furthering study into the practice, he would therefore never pass their purity of intentions test and so it seemed a waste of time making empty promises he wouldn’t keep.

Sebastian learned more than he could have ever hoped to. Straight from the original spellbook. Years passed and he only became more in tune with his magic, he was a skilled fighter, imaginative and always using his powers in ways other didn’t expect. It made the other guards frustrated whenever they would lose to him. He was sure it made Malva proud though, knowing her spells were more than just thoughts on a page now. Things just came together easily for him, he couldn’t explain why but the flow of magic just clicked when he heard the words, he wondered if that was what his parents passed to him, the ability to understand magic as though it was his native tongue.

But there was one spell which came along which he couldn’t decipher right away. The words on the page made sense and yet every time they spoke them there didn’t seem to be enough power to deliver them. For many months this same spell haunted them, trying to figure out its purpose. Sebastian left the castle for the first time in years to accompany Malva on a journey to discover more about it. It led them to a citadel. It wasn’t easy to find, in fact, they weren’t even sure it existed because every time they seemed to get close to finding it they would end up lost, as though it didn’t want to be found. The locals all talked about it, how only those who proved themselves worthy made it inside.

When they did finally track it down, they would discover each of them had to pass a trial in order to make it inside. For Sebastian, that test was one of wits, challenging him to prove his excellence in magic to solve their puzzles. It took him hours to break through the barrier and finally find himself face to face with the grand doors. Of course, Mal was already there waiting for him with a smug grin on his lips and before long they entered. What they found was the single strongest magical fortress that existed. He could feel the magic inside of him jumping for joy, as though it had been connected to a place he belonged. It was exhilarating.

They spoke with the high priestess who read the spell which Malva had written and immediately shut them down, telling them they wouldn’t allow for such a spell to be performed. The aspect of magic seemed to accept this decision but Sebastian couldn’t. They had come this far and it wasn’t to come out empty handed. So he waited until they were all asleep before he went down to the altar and started the spell. The first thing he felt was the drain it had on him, the moment he started chanting the words it was like he was in a trance, he couldn’t stop even if he wanted to. Which was a problem because it suddenly hit him what the purpose of the spell halfway through.

Of course he had awoken Mal with his reaction so she had to stand witness to his pain as he chanted out the words, his eyes rolling back into his skull as he fell to his knees “Get them out of here before anyone gets hurt” he begged the aspect of magic between breaths and somehow she understood because she took off running. It was just in time that the citadel was cleared out before a massive burst of energy rushed into him, he heard the shattering windows and the sound of an explosion and then he passed out.

When he awoke, he already knew what he had done. But going outside of the citadel and seeing the shattered debris and the scorched grass around them was still a shock to the system. He had drained the power and life from the space around them in exchange for immortality. Something he had never even asked for and yet now he had it. On the ground where he performed the spell was a stone, it was glowing brightly but he could sense how dangerous it was. Despite how angry she must be with him, Mal stayed though and the two of them argued over his choices, she called him out for being impulsive and she was right, he had ruined this land in the name of curiosity without a thought for the consequences.

But when she told him she was going to have to take him back into custody at the Ailward Guard he refused. He wouldn’t go back to being no one, in the middle of an island, around the same people who wanted to crush his thirst for knowledge. So that night before everyone woke, he wrote her a letter, telling her how he needed to figure out things for himself, to understand this connection to darkness that made him do things he knew were wrong. He wrote that he was sorry for letting her down and for saying goodbye behind her back.

The stone created in that spell would become known as the stone of El’Ar and from then, the citadel would remain a run down version of what it once was, drained of magic but powered as long as the stone remained in the right hands. Sebastian went on the run, he knew the Ailward would look for him but he knew their patterns and their plans by then, it was possible to stay under their radar when he knew how they thought. Not to mention his magic was powerful now, from all the spells he learned. He did miss the people, but becoming trapped wasn’t an option, it wasn’t a life and it wouldn’t let him fix the damage he had done.

He spent the next century doding being caught, he got smarter and more cunning. He found more diviners like him and trained them in the ways of magic, building up a loyal following who called him their teacher. He found purpose in sharing the good parts of magic with them, he never repeated that dark spell again but he did check in from time to time to ensure the stone of El’Ar was safe. He became skilled in tricking others and leading them astray while he chased for knowledge. It was two-fold, the first was to find how to restore the power he took from the citadel, the second was to track down the truth about his heritage.

It wasn’t made easy by him constantly being chased down by the guards. They still took issue with how public Sebastian could be when it came to using magic, he believed there was good you could do with magic, like helping people in danger or saving them when they were sick, a policy which the Ailward disagreed with strongly. It was only a matter of time before they managed to take him in again, cornering him at a tavern in the middle of the night and despite him putting a strong fight back, they managed to force shackles onto his wrists. Of all the things he dreaded the most, it was seeing Malva again after everything, after she had stuck by him despite his mistake and then he had left.

He covered up those emotions with his usual complacent attitude though. Just because they thought they had caught him off guard didn’t mean they could keep him here, he was much stronger than he was ever sure they knew and it was only a matter of time before he found his exit. Being here again definitely brought back a lot though, he had been a part of this place once, he liked to think people actually liked him and his mistake had cost him that. Now he was back to being their prisoner once more. Though their first mistake was thinking a power dampening bracelet could hold back an immortal diviner.

He pretended it worked of course, he wasn’t going to expose himself on day one but one key thing he noticed was that the aspects didn’t want to see him. Or perhaps a certain aspect didn’t want to see him rather. He couldn’t blame here, there was a part of him that felt broken, that always reached for the darkness despite the risks he knew was involved. He couldn’t quiet that part of him, no matter how much he studied, practiced, disciplined himself, he always searched for something more. It was why he always questioned who he was, where he came from and what it could mean. Had he been born to always make the wrong decisions? Because it wasn’t what his mother had taught him.

He could have left but he stayed. Because he knew the only person who could help him answer the questions about who he was, was here. He could search for answers in every corner of the earth and yet it would lead him back here. It always led back here didn’t it. It took a long time but she couldn’t avoid him forever and in time she came to forgive him for leaving, he explained his reasons, showed her how he had been here by his own choice all along. He spent time earning back her trust bit by bit and helping her figure out her spells. There was one challenging one she hadn’t been able to crack for many months which he stayed up all night to help her with.

It took many more years to rebuild what he lost and he stayed with the Ailward throughout that time. He wanted to make up for leaving and he did so by staying. In time, a book was recovered on a mission. It was a spellbook which was filled with spells that Malva hadn’t written. It immediately had them confused, especially the note on the front of it which said ‘Deliver this to my son’. Sebastian had no idea at first that he was the one the note was intended for, but the moment he touched the book he felt it. A sense of coldness which felt familiar, a memory of a man holding a baby in his arms. Casting a heat spell to keep him from catching hypothermia and then laying him down in the field of daystar.

The book was intended for him but it was safe to say they didn’t want him to keep possession of it. He didn’t know what the spells inside did but he did know they were affiliated to dark magic. The kind he had been tempted by his whole life. He often gave in to the temptation of the easier ways but he did know the difference between right and wrong. But he definitely had opposition to them holding on to something which was intended for him. He argued with Malva about it because she agreed it was best taken out of his hands but he pleaded with her to let him at least read it under supervision.

Perhaps it was her soft spot for him which made her give in. They headed out to the gardens to read it, turning each page as they tried to make sense of what they were reading. The language was familiar but also foreign, like it was written in a way designed to be difficult to read and understand. It made him wonder the intended purposes of the spells, he was curious to know what they meant, why his father wanted him to know them. His need to know started eating away at him piece by piece.

In the end they agreed that Malva would try one of the spells. A single spell to determine the intentions behind the book. He watched with wide eyes as she recited the incantation on the page. And just like that very powerful spell in the citadel, she couldn’t stop. He could see the panic in her eyes as she words kept rolling off her tongue and he ran over to try and pry the book away from her hands, so that she could break the trance like stare she had on it. But the moment he touched her he felt a massive surge of cold energy hit him, his body tense, started to convulse and then went limp as he fell to the floor.

He should have died. He could feel the strength of the spell pulse through him with it’s sole intention, to stop his heart. As he laid there gasping for his last breath he heard her telling him that he couldn’t die, that she would never forgive him if he died. He tried to fight but he couldn’t.

When he awoke he knew he was lucky to be alive. They had delivered CPR just in time to get his blood pumping again and the Initia healers in the guard had managed to heal him just enough to keep him alive.

But the book was gone. They told him they destroyed it the moment that they had discovered it’s power but he wasn’t sure they did. It hurt, because he wanted to find the man who had sent him this book and track him down. Not because of some twisted family loyalty but because he wanted to understand the darkness inside him. He wanted to look his father in the eye and tell him how it felt to be abandoned to him. He wanted answers about who his mother was and what his story was supposed to be. But now he was left with nothing. Every clue he had was gone and he couldn’t see past that. He couldn’t understand how the Ailward could justify their ways of deciding everyone else’s fate.

After all of that, he left and didn’t look back. He couldn’t believe she could take a part of his history, the only thing he had connecting him to his father and take it from him. He was angry and hurt, not because he had died when she cast the spell but because she had refused him the one thing she knew he had been searching for his whole life. Answers on who his father was. He was smart enough to know those spells were dark and that they would never cast them again, he didn’t go with the intention of wanting to hurt anyone. But he didn’t care if the man was dangerous, he wanted to know who he was, he wanted to find him and ask why.

It took him several years to slowly come to terms with her decision to shut him down like that. In the end he came to realize that she was trying to protect him, from someone who likely didn’t care about him. His father never came to look for him all of his life and if the book was anything to go by, he didn’t care who he hurt in his thirst for power. Sebastian worried he could have gone down the same path if it wasn’t for Natalia raising him to be a good man and Malva for teaching him the limits when it came to magic. He forgave her for taking the choice away because he realized given the potential of losing her too, he would have made the same choice.

This time however, whenever he allowed himself to get caught by the guards, she never came, no matter how many times he said he wanted to talk to her, the answer was always the same. She didn’t want to see him. It made him more upset knowing he had damaged their friendship to the point where it was now broken, all because he couldn’t accept that his father never wanted to be a part of his life and still didn’t. He decided to cut his losses and run, looping his way back to Greece where he was once again faced with the citadel he once destroyed. He had failed to achieve one of his goals but he’d be damned if he didn’t make good on the other. Firstly, he needed to find and restore the stone of El’Ar to its rightful protective vault. Then, he needed to lock it away with a spell powerful enough to stop anyone getting their hands on it again. And finally, he needed to restore the place he broke back to its former glory.

That, as the aspect of magic said, was his duty, to balance out the damage he had caused and he wouldn’t rest until he figured out how to do it.

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At 13:10 on August 18, 2024,
Ailward Aspect
✓ Malva Ailward

*slides in*

I won't say anything. Just show up. I swear I'm being forced by my inner mind, I don't really need you- (pls pls pls I need you)

Click click click

- The Prettiest Girl You Will Ever Meet -

At 1:03 on December 25, 2019,
✓ Anivia Frostbourne ~Admin~

Merry Christmas long lost brother,

Pretty gems for you to cut, smooth, and study.

Snowflake kitten collar for your fluffy one.

and Quilo ring if you wish to have it.

I hope you enjoy them,


At 16:43 on December 22, 2019,
Fluid Role

Merry Christmas, Mr Pawn (Yes I am totally calling you that) Here's a little something from your blonde harpy~ One of these days, I should come over to that shop and get a few of those magical items that may work in my favor :3 

At 16:10 on November 16, 2019,
Ailward Guard
✓ Seojun Ahn
At 14:37 on January 31, 2019,
✓ Anivia Frostbourne ~Admin~

Here is to what I am sure will not be a smooth re-connection.

Click Here

At 15:20 on January 5, 2019,
✓ Daehyun Stormwind

As promised, ze starter~

Click click

Look forward to the reply :P

- Daehyun -


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